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The Oshawa Times, 25 Aug 1959, p. 6

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BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Because of the heat, Lions aban- doned the traditional after dinner speaker Monday. Instead, they listened to one of Oshawa's rep- resentatives to the Society \ for the Preservation and Encourage- ment of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, "Raytones." The group, composed of Ray Hatter, bess, Barry Fox, bari tone, Murray Osborne, lead, and Ray Osborne sang several num- bers. Lion president Glen Lander an- nounced the Bowmanville club will probably be challenged by the Newcastle club to a softball game at the official opening of Newcastle club's new swimming pool park in the near future. Lions Plan For 25th Birthday The members voted to leave a decision regarding an offer to sponsor Sunday afternoon bowl- ing in the new bowling alley to the September 14 meeting for consideration. Lion Bob Mutton announced the Bowmanville and District branch of the Canadian Red Cross So- |ciety is planning a mobile blood clinic here November 4. He said the society is making a general drive now for 500 volunteer blood donors. As the club celebrates its 25th anniversary in May, it was de- cided to form a committee of past presidents to arrange for the anniversary celebration. Immedi- ate past president Ralph Me- Intyre will head the committee. New Swi AJAX (Staff) -- A new activity for mentally retarded children, a six weeks' swimming program closed on Monday. The program was conducted for Ajax-Whithy and Pickering district, The pro- gram was similar to that provided for handicapped children. Mrs. Tom Wheeler, who inau- gyrated the project was told that little could be done with such a program for this type of child. The program was begun as an m Class For Retarded life guards. A section of the pool was roped off leaving a maxi- mum depth of two and a half to three feet. One of the life guards assisted with the teaching in the water, Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs: Harry| Cook are both qualified Red Cross swimming instructors. They were assisted by other vol- unteers who took charge of the children on land and in the pool. experiment, which Mrs. Wheeler| and her associates, together with| { {many parents now endorse i % A % wholeheartedly. ah 2 HR : Enrolled in the class were 11 20 children whose ages range from| STORM MAKES SWIM POOL 5to 18 years. Of this group, three| This Windsor, Ont. street | rains hit southwestern Ontario. | in the four-hour downpour. The |are swimming and two are diving. intersection was turned into a Basements were flooded, trees | water was four feet deep on |All have overcome any fear ofj swimming pool for this happy were felled, awnings were {the water and apparently enjoy youngster Aug. 23 when violent shunderstorms and torrential ripped from homes and sewers burst as streets were inundated some Windsor streets. (CP Photo) their hours at the pool. Before the program began each child was required to have a me-| |dical examination to determine) | physical fitness. | | The owners of the Pickering| Transportation for the . class was provided from funds of the| district' retarded children's, asso-| ciation. The Women's Institute supplied home made cookies for a snack when the swim period was over. BOWMANVILLE PERSONALS By MRS. A. L. HOOEY have returned from a trip to the| United States. Cathryn Hooey has returned from a holiday at Gravenhurst| with Ronda Green. | Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stephenson | and Craig, Jane street, spent the| weekend in Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. I. Lucas, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. Venning, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dudley are visiting in Oxford, North Caro- lina. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Shane and family have returned from a (holiday at Midland. D. Kerr, J. Carter, B, Ogden, Al Hester, H. Bosgraaf and N. Hoo- ey have returned from a seven] week course at Camp Ipperwash. Mr. and Mrs. L, Tennant, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D.| Tennant, Kirkfield. l R. Kerr and Donald, and Gary, Burgess are on a camping trip| to Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey, Neil| and Cathryn are on two weeks| vacation at Kirkfield. | Peach Growers Get Subsidies ST. CATHARINES (CP)--More| than $356,000 in federal govern-| ment cheques has been mailed out to Ontario peach growers in line with the subsidy rate agreed | upon last year. The cheques, which were ex- pected to be issued three weeks ago by the Agricultural Stabiliza- tion Board, represent the $13 sub-' BOWMANVILLE -- Mr. and(a) of 27,444 tons of 1958 peaches Mrs. R. Kerr, Robert and David, | W.. Martin, ! Cadets T. Mason, A. Plummer, proximately 55 4-H swine club fon a conducted tour of the plant. sidy per ton which arose from the $70 paid by processors amd the $83 set as a minimum, The payment is being made out of provificial treasury funds pending an imvestigation of pro- |cessing companies' books. A to- was bought for processing. W. C. Nickerson, president of the Ontaric Fruit for Processing Co-operative, s2id Monday that as far as the growers are con- cerned there will never be am; {more subsidies, Mr. Nickerson said. The plan had not worked as the processors intimated it would. VANCOUVER (CP) -- Exec- utives, salesmen, servicemen and merchants are taking to the air in British Columbia to reap sev- eral million dollars worth of busi- ness every year. Five years ago, the privately- owned planes used for business in the province could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Now thev ber more than 100, and many Swine Clubs 'Tour Plant BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Ap- members from three counties, Mcenday afternoon visited Canada Packers plant, Peterborough. While at the plant they received instruction on carcas judging from Canada department of agri- culture swine grader, John Clarke. Mr, Clarke conducted a three class Judging eompetition among the juniors. He made the official placing of the three classes and gave reasons. The swine club members, after judging decisions, voiced their reasens to agricultural represen- tatives A. Oliver Dalrymple, E. B. (Ted) Burnside and Durham fed. eration of agriculture president Bruce Taylor. They were taken WRONG CUSTOMER SLOUGH, England (CP)---Non- smoker Feliks Biernat was fined £8 3s at magistrate's court in this Buckinghamshire town for trying to bribe his driving ex- more are leased by the hour, day or week. Officials of fishing, construction and logging companies, hotel men, merchants, salesmen and dealers are finding it good busi- BOYS CHOIR WRECKS HOUSE SYDNEY, Australia (Reut- ers)--The Vienna Boys Choir struck a high note in the civic theatre in Bathurst, New South Wales, Monday night -- and literally brought the house down. They were half way through a song when part of the roof came tumbling down and mortar and bricks crashed on the stage. The rest of the program was abandoned. The 22 boys finished the song and then were quickly ushered into the wings of their conductor - manager, Xavier Meyer. He came back to tell the audience of 600:: "The con- cert must finish now. There are stones falling. I cannot risk this. "I brought 22 boys to Aus- tralia and I must take 22 aminer, also a noi smoker, with a box of 50 cigarets. home to their parents." Privately-Owned Planes Used More and MoreInB.C. ness to use the airlanes as their highways. Bill Christopher, chairman of the Flying Businessmen's Asso- ciation, said: "All say it's as cheap to operate a small plane as it is to run a car. It's faster too. And time means money in business." Vancouver motorcycle dealer Trevor Deeley is a good example. He received an emergency call from a customer in Nanaimo one evening. FAST SERVICE "I was able to fly to Nanaimo, satisfy the customer and get back within an hour and a half," he said. "If I hadn't owned a plane, the customer would have had to wait until the next day." Most big fishing companies now use planes to service their fleets. "If a boat breaks down we can fly out spare parts in a matter of hours," said John O'Connor, secretary of Nelson Brothers Fisheries. Some businessmen also use a plane to commute. Rudy Jean, who operates the Canim Sawmill near 100 - Mile House, has his home in Vancouver and flies home every weekend. Frank Bernard, president of Georgian Towers Motor Hotel and the Spenish consul in Van- couver, estimates his flying this year will top 50,000 miles. Plane costs range from $6,500 'for a small one to $45,000 or more for a twin-engine four-seater. But businessmen can write off 40 per cent of the capital cost compared with 30 per cent for cars. Aviation fuel costs 38 cents a gallon. A light plane will use up to 12 gallons in an hour - long flight. But it will also cover about 170 miles in that hour. Leasing rates run from $350 to $500 a month. M~THE DISTRICT PAGE-W Golf Club pool, Miles Leckie land Bruce Summers, donated pool facilities and two qualified Flower Show For Brooklin BRQOKLIN (Special) -- Brook- PORT HOPE. | Tain Macdonald TU. 5-5737 Pp | * { - Dial S stem [lin Horticultural Society will Mom Promises |stage its annual flower show Men- day, "August 31, in Whitby town- Wye = LL HAMPTON -- Hampton's own building of a complex network of ship hall. Mrs. Norman Alves, iJ Ings dial telephone exchange, serving wire and cable throughout the Mrs. D. E. Hamer, Mrs. Guy 650 customers, will go into op- area to be served by the ex- Stevenson and the junior com-| BOWMANVILLE (Staff) eration Sunday. {change mittee will be in charge of the!,, i bei 1 ed The new Bell Telephone ex- show, which is divided into adult Big Surge re ing a any, t change will be placed in service and junior sections. aroun iytchaven in the nex shortly after 301 a.m. a time| There is a hig adult prize list couple of days," Mrs. Bertha chosen because few telephone con-| BROOKLIN {which features asters I dahlias, | (Mom) Whyte said Monday night. versations are under way at that| gladiolus, marigolds * petunias, | Lovee she declined any Jeon hour, and because it coincides| By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT [sweet peas, phlox, roses, zinnias et on what the "big things Th Sir lar changes taking Place] BROOKLIN -- Rev. R. C. White|21d various classes for arvange-" wu por husband Bert, and| America . [of Newiasville occupied the pul- mens. [11-year-old daughter Jane, Mom | ith th ; ; {pit for Sunday morning worship) e junior show is limited to|plans to leave Thursday night by Fog Whe winciing of he new of-| 5¢ Brooklin United Church, Guest|CCsmos, zinnias and marigolds, as| har for a three-week holiday trip ill pn hy plone NUM-| oploist was Miss M. Dobson ac-|well as collections of vegetables. to Winnipeg f begs will change, the new ones to companied by her mother, Mrs.| Entries must be placed 5 + consist of the exchange designa-(gjje Dobson. Port Perry. OF 1iuds SM HTEE placed for| Jane has just recovered from tion Colfax 3 followed by four ganict was Mrs. Mathew Agar Judging by 5 p.m. the day of the|"this hepatitis deal", and the trip other figures. Re Py EA DEE. | S00W, land holiday should do her good, Telephone users here now have] RV: G- C.'Lewis of Cornwall {Mrs. Whyte said. She will begin , MArket numbers, and are served |ill conduct the service Sunday. lian of Highland Creek called on|her studies in preparation for her on party lines connected with the|A quartet comprising' Mrs. Nor-/Mr. and Mrs. George Boake Fri-|return to school when they arrive Bowmanville exchange. {man Alves, Chrissie Simpson, Mr|day. {back at Whytehaven. | _--e wp! Selephune number, the Howard Arksey and Mrs. Gor-| Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Bradley wo letters « the exchange don Cook will provide special visited friends and relatives in| Same and He five figures, will thusic ~~ Belleville and district 5. COBOURG calling and for. cally Kecelved| PERSONALS a patent at Oonaven General ho | Prank N. Pickford fro: t y i # ly ih } ne 3 Bg pry hot Bowmany le a Od Mr. ana Mrs. Carl Spencer, To-|Pital. { Tel. FR 2-3676 tance charges for calling between ronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. Syd-| Florence -Jull of Toronto was Hampton and both Bowmanville ney Spencer Saturday. guest Friday of Mr. and Mrs. | Ma 3 and Oshawa. Mrs. Frank Boothe, left by Mathew Agar | For local calls within Hampton, Plane Wednesday, for a vacation| Mrs. A. Jones of Laurentian, | it will be necessary to dial only|With friends at Lake Louise and Penn. arrived Sunday on a visit the five figures of the number, |CA8ary to Mrs. W. Benson. The new numbers are all listed] Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Lock- in a supplementary directory re-|Yer were guests of Mr. and Mrs dently distributed to all homes|George Lockyer at Rosedale, and businesses in Hampton and Cameron Lake, Sunday | Bowmanville exchanges. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Elliott have returned from a trip to At- CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto telephone office individual and Jautie cy. WEBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester| tivo-party lines will be made| Lucw "hompson, Huron Coun-{gw:p. x | bit se fin Mg Wage ty, visited her cousins, Mrs. W. G. WGR TV Channel 2---Bnffalo WEEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale| the first time, There will also be P0idge and Mrs. W. Benson. a sharp reduction in the number| Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Doidge of of parties sharing each rural line. [Montreal have returned home 11--Family Theatre Opening 'the new office cli-|after spending 'a few days with| 8--World Passport maxes an extensive project which his mother, Mrs. W. G. Doidge. | 4 OEY has included construction of a] Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, Bal-| 2--Three Etooges new telephone office, installation|sam, called on his mother, Mrs.| , 630 FM. of dial switching equipment and|J. A. Jones, Sunday | 6--sky #ssociated apparatus, and the Mr. and Mrs. W. Coe and Jil- CROSSWORD PUZZLE 4--Dinner Date 2---Woody W-odpecker 6.00 P.M. ACROSS 1. Lowest point 116--News 7--Early Show 5.Cry, as a calf 2---Willie Wonderful 9, Persia 6.15 P.M 4--On The Go 6--Life With Father 5.2--Dough Re Mi 6.34 10. To split 11. Train 0 P.M. | 10:30 A.M, {11--Family Theatre | 7--Morning Show 5-4-2--News: Weather | 52--Treasure Hunt | 6.45 P.M. | f-Sam Levenson [fac ake | 52--Price Is Right 6-4-2--News 4-1 Love Lucy accoms modation 12, Arabian ruler (var.) 14. Projecting paptofa church 7.00 P.M 11:30 AM. 15. Merry | 6--Tabloid 4--Top Dollar | 5--Zorro 5,2--Concentration 16. Negative reply 4--Annie Oakle 12:00 Noon 7 West Point y 7--Across The Board £3 P. 17. The woodwaxen 7:15 5.2--Tic Tac Dough 4--News and Weather M. 19. Apple seed 20. Fortify 12:15 P. 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M. 7--Pantomime Quiz 21. American Indian 22, Sylvan deity 25. Movable barriers 15:2 Cummings 5,2--It Could Be You 4--Search for Tomorrow 26, Book of | 4--Playhouse : 10:00 P.M, the Bible ti 12:45 P.M. ; Show That Jack 27. In place of | Built 4--~Guiding Light 1:00 P 28, Hostelry | 7---Alcoa Theatre A 5-2---David Niven 29, Seupiors | 4--Andy Williams WOrk« 10:30 P.M. benches |116--Two For Physics s 7--Man Without a Gun 33. Germanium 5--Tombstone Territory (sym.) 2--Bold Venture 24. Tablet 11:00 P.M. 11,7,6,5,4,2--News; 35. A cloak Weather, Sports 86. Money of | 1:15 P.M, account | 7--Playhouse | 8-Viewpoint (Turk.) 1:30 P.M. 88, Blackened ta Show with t chimney dust 89. Story 40. Stockings 41, River (Fr.) With the opening of the new 6--Albert's Place | 5--Playhouse | 4--Cartoon Storybook | 2--Three Stooges 1 TUESDAY EVENING 5.00 4--News Roundup 8:15 AM. 4--Captain Kangaroo 9:00 A.M. 5--Burns and Allen 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--District Attorney "15 AM. 7--Devotions 9:30 AM, 7--Romper Room | 5--Favorite Story 2--Helen Neville 4--Life of Riley 10:00 A.M, 515 P.M, 6--Rope Around the Sun 5:30 P.M. 7--Mickey Mouse 6--Huckleberry Hound 4--Dinner Date 2--Bengal Lancers 6:00 P. M, 7--Early Show 11-6--News 2--Jet Jackson 6:15 P.M. 6--Lawrence Welk 6:30 P.M, 11--Family Theatre 5-4-2--News; Weather 42, Hot-weather 19. For drinks 21. A light. DOWN wood 1. Brisk tree (collog.) 22. Sheep- 2. Rub out like 3. Canals for currents of water 4. Single unit 5. Staff of life 6. Viscous 7. Hail! 8, Tinier 6:45 P.M. | S--Huntley-Brinkley Report 6-4-2--News 7:00 P 6~Tabloid 5--Leave it to Beaver 4--Mackenzie's Raiders 2--Playhouse 15 PM, 7--News: Weather 7:30 P.M, 7--Summer Night Music| 6--Disney Presents 5-2--Wagon Train 4--Playhouse 8:00 P.M. 11--Ontario This Week &--Keep Talking 8:30 P. 11-6--Live a Borrowed Life 7--Ossie and Harriet 5-2--Price Is Right 4--Trackdown - 9:00 P.M. 11--Wrestling 7--Danna Reed 6-5-2--Music Hall 4--The Millionaire 9:30 P.M. 7--San Francisco Beat | 4--I've got a secret 6-5-2---Bat Masterson 10:00 P.M, 11-8an Francisco Beat 7--Boxing 6--Studio Pacifi¢ 5-2--This Is Your Life| 4--Steel Hour 10:30 P.M. 11--Century Stories 6--Close Up 5--Special agent 2--Official Detective 10:45 P. 7--Time kor Sports 00 P.M, ESHER] LE) 2 Yesterday's Answer 3 | 7--Cheyenne | 6--~Donna Reed + 5-2--Northwest Passage | 4--Whirlybirds | 00 P.M, 11-6--One Step Beyond 5-2--Back To School 4--Joseph Cotton 8:30 P.M. {11-6 Chevy Show | 7-Wyatt Earp | &=To Tell The Truth 9:00 P.M. | 7-5--Rifleman | '4--Adventure Showcase | 2--Fanfare 9:30 P.M. 11-6--Focus on Ottawa | 7 City offense 24. Heavy weight 25. Put on (colloq.) 27. Craze +11. Mournful 29. Plainer 13. Thick cords 30. Appearing 35. Muffin asif 18. Blunder eaten 31. Prices 32. A scout 34. Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes 37. A dance step 38. The urial 7--Music Bingo 5--Feature Movie 4--Meet the Millers 2---Mid Day Matinee 1:30 P.M 7--For the Ladies 4--The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 11--Anything Goes 7-Day in Court 11--Movie Matinee 7--Gale Storm S5--Home Cooking +--4--House Party 2--Human Relations 3:00 P.M. 7--Beat The Clock 5-2--Doctor Malone 4----The Big Pavoff 3:30 P.M. | 7--Who Do 'You Trust | 52--From These Roots 4 Verdict 1s Yours 4:00 P.M. 11--Bugs Bunny 7--American Bandstand 5-2-Truth or Conse- quences 4 Serius 4:30 P.M, 11--Popeye { 52--County Fal 4+ Eo ' | : 1: | 11-7-6-5-4-2--News Weather; Sports 11:15 P.M, 7-Playhouse 6 Viewpoint 5--Weather 11:30 P.M, | 1--=The Late Show 6--Feature Film 4--Theatre 54-Jack Parr 11-La 6 r WEDNESDAY | 8:00. AM, 8,2~Today || JOHN BURTINSKY Florist FOR WEDDING BOUQUETS, CORSAGES AND BOUTONNIERES SEE US PHONE MO 8-3324 124 Dundas St. W., Whitby WHITBY CLEANERS PHONE MO 8-2345 For Free Pick-up of Your Furs and Apparel WE OPERATE OUR OWN REFRIGERATED STORAGE All Garments Fully Insured 150 Colborne St. East WALTER WARD SANITARY SEPTIC TANK CLEANING NEW TANKS AND SEWER LATERALS INSTALLED PROMPT SERVICE WE NOW HAVE COMPLETE DITCHING FACILITIES PHONE MO 8-2563 204 Chestnut W., Whitby UPHOLSTERING A. ZAYETTE Re-covering and repair- ing for old quality value with modern restyling. PHONE MO 8-2344 low prices on any odd pieces (in ends) Special R. J. HARDING CONSTRUCTION Builders and Developers of Modern Communities Specializing in RANCH STYLE BUNGALOWS PHONE MO 8-2716 429 Palace St., Whitby WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS Specializing in RE-CHROMING CAR BUMPERS & GRILLS PHONE MO 8-3232 No. 12 Highway One Mile North of Whitby FARTHER. A GUIDE TO VALUES Whitby - Ajax - Pickering - Brooklin - Port Perry A MORE PERSONALIZED SERVICE WHEN YOU SHOP LOCALLY Do you know somethirig ? You can save time, money and energy by patron- izing the business firm whose advertising appears on this page of the Oshawa Times. They have spent time and money to bring modern services and shop- ping facilities near to you. Show that you appreciate their efforts by shopping at their places of business. The business men of this district are prepared to bring you quality merchandise at the lowest possible prices. They are friends and neighbors, PATRONIZE THEM AND MAKE YOUR DOLLARS GO J. A. VONDETTE REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONES: MO 8-3322 MO 8-4841 We Specialize in Prompt Service LISTINGS SOLICITED INDUSTRIAL -- COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE HARRY JERMYN, Mgr. 104 Dundas St. W., Whitby "THE MIGHTY MIDGET" THE WANT AD Will Do the Job for You WHITE ROCK DRIVE INN ROBERT THORNDYKE, Prop. Formerly HOWARD'S DRIVE INN TASTY SNACKS -- SANDWICHES SOFT ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN NEWLY RENOVATED PHONE MO 8-5451 2 Miles North of Whitby On No. 12 Highway STAFFORD BROS. MONUMENTAL WORKS Member of the Canadian Association of Memorial Craftsmen Distributor for , . . ROCK OF AGES BARRE GRANITE and EVENTIDE GRANITES QUARRY GUARANTEED MO 8-3552 WHITBY GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE STATION GEORGE POPESCU, MGR. LUBRICATION -- WASHING MOTOR TUNE-UPS HAVE YOUR SPRING CHANGE-OVER DONE HERE LICENSED MECHANIC PHONE MO 8-4232 932 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY STAN'S RADIO & T.V. CLINIC A WORLD OF SERVICE IF YOUR T.V. IS SICK CALL US MO 8-4016 707 Athol St., Whitby OSHAWA Ornamental Railings ORNAMENTAL METAL WORK FURNITURE -- RAILINGS FIRE ESCAPES GUARANTEED WORK Phones: OSHAWA RA 3-4161 WHITBY MO 8-2681 their order. FREE 156" FREE W. A. SMITH VIGOR OIL STATION Operated by "VIC" VAN LUVEN DOMINION ROYAL TIRES The. Best Deal on NEW and USED TIRES PHONE MO 8-3644 501 Brock St. N., Whitby ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY Furniture and Furnishings OUR LOCATION AT 216 Mary St. East One Block North of Post Office, in Whitby is most convenient for buying needs. Quality Goods ot Prices That Save Geo. Hamers Lid. PLUMBING & HEATING ® AUTOMATIC HEATING UNITS ® GAS & OIL BURNERS eo EAVESTROUGHING eo GENERAL SHEET METAL WORK PHONE MO 8-3011 Mrs. R. Heron, 425 Euclid St, Whitby 212 Brock St. S., Whitby MIDTOWN FURNITURE WE BUY, SELL & TRADE APPLIANCES - PIANOS SEWING MACHINES We carry Trilon, Deltox and Tintawn rugs and carpets. PHONE MO 8-4981 113 Byron St, Whitby BUILDER'S SUPPLY See Our GARDEN SUPPLIES Picnic Tables, Fence Pickets and Posts, etc. PHONE MO 8-2379 701 Brock St. N., Whitby Look For Your Name See if your name is in one of these advertisements. This page is a weekly feature of The Oshawa Times for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week two names and addresses of people living in Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Brooklin or Port Perry. Read the advertisements carefully and if you find your name, clip out the advertisement in which you found your name and present it along with a sales slip or label to The Oshawa Times office in Whitby, showing that goods or services have been purchased from any one of the advertisers on this page and you will receive absolutely FREE a $3.00 order to spent for merchandise with one of the advertisers on this page. Winnérs must advise the Oshawa Times on which advertiser they wish to spend HI FASHION HAIR STYLISTS HAIR STYLING - CUTTING COLORING - COLD WAVES Air Conditioning Dryers At No Extra Charge PHONE MO 8-3621 109 Byron St. S., Whitby DAN"S Mexican Chili Grill Specializing in CHILI - SPAGHETTI BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN TAKE-OUT ORDERS ALWAYS TASTY FRESHLY COOKED PHONE 475 PICKERING, ONTARIO [i WHEN. THINKING OF QUALITY Drop in at McCULLOUGH'S Miss Laura Pellow, 400 King St., Whitby McCULLOUGH JEWELLERS LTD. PHONE MO 8-5051 WHITBY PLAZA Need An Electrician? CALL McTEAGUE Electric Limited Residential Commerciol Industrial Wiring 24-Hour Service Free Estimates PHONE MO 8-4278 415 Cochrane St., Whitby W. E. MILLER BUILDER OF FINE HOMES Commercial Residentjal Construction of . All Types of Buildings from Ground to Roof PHONE MO 8-2°39 1805 Dufferin St., Whitby BILL MOWAT B-A PRODUCTS LICENSED MECHANIC FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY PHONE MO 8-4701 Brock St. 5. & St. Lawrence KEMP MOTORS WHITE ROSE GAS AND OILS M Ste iy 'SPECIAL 4.25 Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE MO 8-4932 620 Dundas St. E., Whitby 4

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