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The Oshawa Times, 25 Aug 1959, p. 8

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| Vancouver Dancer! | ; -- : THREE WAYS TO In National Ballet ] ® ENSURE BETTER | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Anither| [mes > 18 HEALTH FOR THE 4 br {Vancouver dancer will join the| H§ em 1] ENTIRE FAMILY {growing group of performers IA \ i : |from the West Coast in the Na I 4 r ; tional Ballet Company of Toronto. | ¥ a f = PARAMETTES | Maryann de 'Lichtenberg, 17, i JUNIOR i was chosen after an audition in 4 , ¢ on : rat a > A ; 2 |Vietoria by Betty Oliphant, ballet! : Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 A mistress of the Toronto company. | 4 PARAMETTES - -- : ; At rehearsals starting in Septem- ; 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Augsut 25, 1959 : 2 3 3 ber in Toronto Maryann will join| canning, pack raw food into PARAMETIE such performers as Lois Smith i + I Adams Containers tightly. Food that is and Lawrence and David of Vancouver, and Jacqueline heated, however, should be pack- 113 : | re § Ivings of Victoria ed loosely and near boiling tem.! Auxiliary 27, UAW Nominates : 4 Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. perature when packed. { 21 VITAMINS, § Peter de: Lichtenberg, Maryann|__ = 2s AE # crad | 0 | enior + high l Delegates To Conference | Re raat Er i MINERALS, Lyi Ll 7 hy A i nto a touring dance company| AND The August meeting of the La-|bile Workers. This is a very im- : 5. sponsored by 'a Canadian auto-| ARP | S dies Auxiliary No. 27 of the|portant -sjep towards Canadian : hi mobile manufacturer. She also TRACE UAWA Local 222 was held re- autonomy and there was a re- fp 3 was a soloist with Henry Kersh! cently with President Alice Rear-|commendation from the executi 4 he, Fi 5 of Los Angeles in dance sequen- From The ELEMENTS don in the chair. The roll call{that we send 10 delegates : i 3 : : ; ces of the opera Orpheus and Four Corners of |off officers and committees was| Ten delegaies were at- 3 i 5% it 4 Rd : Eurydice staged at 'the Van. | called and the minutes of the lasi ed and accepted and a . | & z 2 couver International Festival, THE WORLD meeting were eld, The Gstancial, being sent with the appli€ation to 5 Born in Budapest, Maryann bingo, kitchen and sick and so- ire = ransporta : é . ) vingo, kitchen an sick a i So. enquire about transportation : A went with her parents when they All shapes and sizes otal repo 5 were given, S pi A full report on this conference S&F i fied Hungary in 1947. She was a Alice saardon reported on they » gives a e seting 2 Si 7 ; ig A 4 o a ® Rean a i = a resi. will be given at a future meeting 3 : © scholarship pupil for five years at NU WAY RUG I DRUGS 5 LHD JOP Shou vi : There was a discussion on the tL i ; J School in London. The family - Regular City-Wide Deliveries dents of Fairview Lodge, 0 Orono e,); y,,4ar and there was a mo y Ff i moved fo Edmonton in 1954, and AND CARPET SAL 28 King St. E. RA 3-4621 Park and they were accompanied ade th here be be ' # 8 i . rire p ES g of. E. by Sisters ice: Reardon and. Flo tion ma € at there be no ba . a ; she was again a scholarship pupil 174 Mary St RA 5.0433 a zaar this year x Ha #1 . : at ¢ > alle ho >. . i Lawton. They stopped for re- 3 3 4 at an Edmonton ballet school be fore coming here two years ago. freshments on the way back and Sister Ethel Thomson reported ; I on the bowling and stated that the . 7 Maryann hopes to obtain "her R. AND MRS. DONALD WOODS BO ys 8 very Jwi dav, i bowling would start on September | : ' ; Canadian citizenship papers this ; ; i 'a f themselves 15 this year. Any members want or- 1 S. SYRUF In: a preity wedding in St. | John Didych of Oshawa, ing to bowl or wishi the E elist Church, | merly of Whithy, and the bride- The correspondence was read 1S '0 lease tele nde pis nm Whitby, Rose Mary Didych be- | groom is the son of Mr. and |and there was a letter from the /0rma pee oe ro BONNY ONE YEAR OLD me the bride of Donald Elwin | Mrs. Samuel. Woods of Osh- [Canadian Labor Congress at Ot-|!€l Ethe homeon a ; » - Woods both of Oshawa. The | awa. tawa requesting delegates for the Sister Hazel Farrow al Sy : i ; bride is the daughter of Mr Astor Studio Ladies' Auxiliaries' Conference ©r Sister Rose Ellis at RA 3- A blonde beauty is Colleen | of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Col - o be held at Port Elgin on Sep-| The bowling league of 'Auxil- Susan danghter- of Mr. and leen, Oshawa, and Mr and Mrs tember 12 and 13. This is to be a iary No. 27 especially wish to ex-| Mrs. Herman Buch ald, Olive Gustay Buchwald, Killaloe, On Elsie Ball Is Guest Of Honor ng din a an ey Colleen fe granddaughter tario Photo by , Ireland At Pre-Nuptial Reception-Tea PERSONALS Indian Maid a in lees vase . added. - Eisie Ball, Oshawa, whose; The tnble was laid with a cut y rwhik From Aklavik : This is the first trip Beverly ; Beauty wise t to Ronald J. Werry work cloth centred with pink{ The many friends of Mr. Frank National Fr aibition last evening, a ye Ta A = : \ t announced, wa ¢ gladiolus florets. | poheon. Chesterton avenue, will| The display is being sponsored I k '0 id ' pri sols hi y - women can be Gig ' 1 yunndis rancor Socie areas of Canada honor, on Friday last. Mrs. Meredith Moffatt, Oshawa. pa com to learn, th he is a|by the Canadian Cancer Society O0KS utsi e She . had 2 ie Doe Bory 5 1 Id We and M Doris Batty, Brooklin, and - and the opening ceremonies were She had made a number of} | budget wise. too. Buy the hen Mrs. Harold entertained! Mrs. John Glover were hostesses Patient at Oshawa General Hos lo oS "Ny ™ rrderick G.| EDMONTON (CP) -- The first short flights around Aklavik, 1,200 : . te Jeanine en nec rs. John Glo V Stesses| i. i z ick 1 1 C N : : . r= sts at their home, at. Serving the guests in the after- pital and will wish him a quick Gardiner QC, ch man of Me- look at the "outside" may be a|/miles north of here. At home, she wv ! famous Du Barry Beauty Prepara- fternoon and evening re- noon were Mrs. Maurice Jebson, H Beaverton, Mrs. Leland Love, My. and Mrs. Thomas Major ve welcomed at the Toronto, Miss Carolyn Batty.|. 4 daughter. Barbara. West A . : tt 1 ahi als HAY Central Park boulevard south, at : ' » Misses Marilyn Love, Brooklin, Miss Be tty Hoskin, Osh-| ont street. have just returned Se ars ule ard so th, a be sk¥serapers said: Beverly and Donna Hoskin, and awa, and Miss Eleanor Mount-je., = o onth"s motor triply. tara . bP oom Mitchell, 15-year-old Indian from| "I haven't made up my mind] aron Lov nd Jo-Anneljov. In the evening, Mrs. Ewart " . 5 t late Mr. William Potter of "™ ar-labout the f re vet." she said. | d 8 a aron Ove a ae oilichol. Mis. Néileon Greentree through the United States, visit-|wa worth, on Thursday Aklavik, N.W.T., when she ar-|about the future yet," she said.| Special Cleansing who were in charge of|Nicho rs Tiffin 4 f Ocha . |ing their daughter, Evelyn, Mrs x rived here on her way to the In-|"l would like to travel around C 73, 2 $2.50 uest book : Miss Are iain a 4 T porhsini Vincent Del Ducea at Santa Mon- , Isaac Lewis and her ternaticnal Red Cross study cen-lmore here, but I'll always go 3 | RE y ream, (74 OZ, --%<.0 th the hostess a Irs uce Searle, Mrs. J. Starr , Pou Ap " i i th on r a d Sg De 0 Ee Love a ted ica. Although the temperature daughter, Miss May Lewis, Crom-{tre at Toronto. back north 8 Face Powder, 4%; oz $2.00 t ther an rs uglas Love assisted ! e 5 $3. Ye i B a a a in eached 118 degrees while they well avenue, have returned from - h 1 . ' all, li rving ¢ b . Guests included future neigh-|Were motoring in the dessert, |va aon " B Welcome . Point, Eg % 7 Cleansing Cream p ajor se Oshawa's | near North Bay : us = Yrs. Major S975 Oshawa 's Rumi : 8 AS for Dry Skin, 17 oz. --$4.25 recovery tropolitan Toronto Council little disappointing for some na |attends an Anglican residential > 1 a M : i north school for Indians and Eskimos, A 1 r : tions in the money saving large sizes. and plans to go on to grade 10 next year tives of the far Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blencoc 'I thought there were going to during the after- bors of the honored guest. and Fletcher Werry, friends from Oshawa, Eldad, En-/heat is far more trying Mr. Fred Duffield, Celina £ ' \ ' -- . Love, Miss Wilma niskillen, Blackstock Brooklin Mr. Jack Little, Pine. street and |stre and Mr. Lesley James.| § : i | 1 Tissue Softening Verrv, and Mrs. Howard Hoskin and Uxbridge. From further dis- Mr. Jack Sneddon. Warren av- Cromwell avenue have just re 3 4 4 Cream, 1% oz.--$3.15 Oshawa. In the evening, Mrs. tance were Mrs. R. H. Wylie, x Se . + turned bv plane from Vancouver, & N Luke and Mrs. T. C. Smillie, Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, Mrs. Rob. ¢2Ue have returned from a moto + hove: tev vidite . : Special Ski os + Tansack: Tor ' ling and sight-seeing trip to Lake- B.C., where they isited Mr.| & : ] 2 ; pecial Skin of Toronto, presided at the ert Hancock, Toronto, and Mrs. Foie | vp James" sister. Mrs. Clayton Ger-| & J " i é ) : Milford Sheppherd of Preston wood. California, covering over i Et Ciera ! E " Cream, 4 0z.--$%3.00 2 - [6,000 miles in three weeks myn and Mr. Germvn EB 4 : a Mrs. Fred Lloyd and Mrs. You are invited by the Social) § 4 4 A | i Foundation Lation, Day-Old Bread for Sandwi ches Frank Mason Stteniey the of Depastment 10 nd ans ltte | a : ; pr Bl bq " 10 0z.--$2.75 gp - icial opening of the 'Private "* A S 48, ne a 89 ; . Collectors' Choice in Canadian surprise parties, Showers 23m i 4 i. Skin Freshener, 10 oz. --$2.50 Is Easier to Spread and Fill Art" at the Art Gallery, Canadian ig oma Be I ay i : Special Astringent, : for which there is no charge.| § 1 fo in CHEF S FAVORITE 10 oz. --$2.75 Sandwich month seems likely aluminum foil and refrigerate i Please write, or telephone RA ba ? E : : run on. through year 'round Place open sandwiches in a pan, A i 3-3474, local 18 a 4 By ANNE ADAMS Du : Beauty Preparations by Richard Hudnut at erest, so popular has this type cover with waxed paper and a F Miss Irene Sabvan, Mrs. J. A edi Plenty of protective cover for Barry y pa yecome in recent vears. damp towel! Aldwinckle, Mrs. Therese Sisel kitchen chores makes this a ether with soup or salad, hot Finely cut filling ingredients 4 and Mr. Eric Sisel were guests favorite apron. For bathing baby, cold, conventional two-slice, are pleasanter to eat. Fillings : gy of the Austrian Trade Delegate, sew apron in splash-proof terry ecker or open face, sand- should be' seasoned with care condi, . Mr. - Frederick Stockinger. at a cloth, A sew-easy Pattern. To- ire served everywhere enough to be perky but not over i# reception and preview in the morrow's pattern: Half-sizer. at any time They're eaten powering Austrian Pavilion of the Canadian 3 Primed Pattern : Misses' the porch, in the backvard, in| Lunch-box sandwiches shoul . National Exhibition last evening i Sizes Small (10, 12); Medium mt of the TV, in kitchens, din- be individually wrapped to pre 7 (14-16): Large . Medium rooms and living rooms. vent mingling of flavors. Use a » Mrs. Fred Lloyd King street size takes 2 dwiches are packed and car- variety of breads and rolls for cast, returned recently from Printed directions on each pat- ed to work, to school and on sandwiches to avoid monotony Montreal wherc Tih wad been tern part. ier, accurate. cnies. They range from dainty. Be sure to spread fillings clear id visiting Mr, : "ee Ship-| © it x . ang FORTY CENTS (40) ip orks of art to hearty filled buns out to all four corners of bread ey, formerly of Toronto. pA Stamps Sano be Hg DRUG 1 . " do # . 7 i 4 ed) for this pattern, Please print d do-it-vourself efforts and may or to edges of rolls. Sandwiches Lh, BEE Nix . . TE a QQ red in advance and froz- with salad or other moist fillings JS . Yon Mi i oF 4 rn Rei Dal ns . i plaiuly, EME, ADDRESS, ixed the st become 80g oF X ABET . Rl nd daughter Jane av a i STYLE 'R. Oo the spot I oe ' oa. i ok asani ihe NER avenue, left Monday to visit their bh e 5 Send order to ANNE ADAMS, 28 KING ST. E. RA 3-4621 Despite the fact that it seems Wien prepares mac van e I 2 4 . B clatives and friends in New Jer * lcare of The Oshawa Times, Pat- unsliced bread is stored in the tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. sf an, rere for co Rg WED AT HOLY CROSS CHURCH . much more easily HEALTH - GIVING FRUIT ch-makir t » 'are some bas ' Shirley Lambert and Albert | Lambert, Oshawa, and the if Jellower SOCTAT NOTICFS Sr bY (3! Two favorite September f 5.} Co both of Oshawa, ex bridegroom is the son of Mr in better sand.| + : 2 LIU , peaches and cantaloupe. are low! changed nuptial vows recently Fue 4 in calories, high in- Vitamin A. in Holy Cross Roman Catholic and Mrs. Michael Cox of May esa or sos everest CROCHETWORKER come tm am ie eh aug | rok Oar ! it 1s SIer 10, and Mrs. George Brav of ; ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mary's Studio 10ias i hay aglan wish io the en- A crochet bedspread that has |€VerY day you can. If you 1 i 1 Ll} announce have butter spreading gagement of their daughter. Shir-| taken over three years to make have a home freezer, put away and do not melt to ler garet, to Robert Willis| has won third prize for Mrs. some of each for summer-fresh : it 1 then soak nto Holl vy. son of Mr. and Mrs William Dodv ell, Nassau street, winter desserts later en. (Direc. 21 BOND ST WEST ead of coating the slic- Walter Holliday of Columbus,| at the Canadian National Exhi- i : . mak several dand- The wedding will take place on| bition. The spread is com- [tions given in "Freezing Foods ' ine' up slices of Saturday, Sej 9. 1959. at, posed of two hundred crochet available free from: Information squares which Mrs. Dodwell Service, Canada Department of each two slice o'clock i mbus United so that closed Church then crocheted together Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario.) Do not add lettuce to sandwich- Jo ts a wu! ESCAPADE A Wednesday Is BARGAIN 'DAY! ori Biggest help | shop Spay (logy, AFTERNOON SPECIAL ~~ ywanoie| woo) WORTH'S| © | BACKTO-SCHOOL --~ First! NOW ... an exciting, new 'adven by S = ; * ture in fragrance! e vivacious, SH 4 LOTUS -- ra is upon. Ualue VISIT OUR NEW MODERN STORE Ty tof Epon os COLOGNE . ays . oe, h k hi 8 Air-Conditioned--Self Serve--Saves Time . § Pip vou i Ive wou | of each delightful drop. The brilli- by YA R D L EY Vid i ri ant pink, plastic-dipped bottle : hi holds a lavish 3% oz. for your long- oot EZ HE LADIES' PURSES ophisticated Sree eee, " uo 4 lasting enjoyment t--s50 delights a, g i I BLACK PATENT BLACK oh , : MOROCCO TAN, RED - pales THE FAMOUS SMITH-CORONA SJ ailok LADIES' BLOUSES Self Befted, Melbourne flannel. Crease-resistant, little or no ironing ; on $793 SIZES 1 Q8 SIZES 6 T0 16 prema] wen LK REGULAR3.99 . . . Bu id oo ft icd full size office typewriter A" NEW LINE--NEW FALL Pay as little as 1.00 8 wh I HUNDREDS or oT R (ARE wawsiey «mao || SKIRT LENGTHS DRUGS BARGAINS TO On OM Equipment Ld VARIOUS PRICES : 28 KING ST, E. RA 3-4621 ire made ahead of time 9-11 KING ST. £, OSHAWA RA 3.3431 Phone RA 3.3333

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