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The Oshawa Times, 12 Sep 1959, p. 11

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A a A WER SBS Sg PL pp WY ad Tie gb TR ' ' v vn BE a i WER RN MR eT § EE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 12, 1959 11 TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 1l---Hamilton CBLT-TV Chanuel 6--Toronto WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5---Rochester i TRAPSHOOT AND SKEET ||. Novice Now Expert MAJOR LEAGUE BALL Baltimore 'Here They Are | i In Just Seven Years WGR-TV Channel 2--Bnffale WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale Wallops Sox Men! Come and % hs ES SATURDAY EVE. 2:00 P.M. 5-2--Tic Tac Dough " Es » lig : ay] 5:00 P.M. 1---Rev. Roberts «ews; Weather By BOB TRIMBEE a By ED WIL] ace's string also was two 7---8ix Gun Theatre 6--Good Life Theatre y : = ae 4 im Bowl 4--Baseball 11-N ; . Canadian Press Staff Writer Associated Press Staff Writer |of the record for consecutive vic Tih Bowie tis 3 Bashall obs I Nes Sis : jo VANCOUVER (CP) -- Seven Chicago's pennant - pressing tories from the start of a season,| ; Twilight Theatre 2:30 P.M, 5,31t amithe Ng ™ ; years ago Frank Opsal was a White Sox, toughest club to shut|set at 19 by another Giant, Rube 5:30 P.M. Lo_Country Calendar | é--Search for lomorros 5 young city slicker who had never out in the American League, sud-| Marquard, in 1912. 5--Three Stooges : Pasenall oe 2.45 P.M, i 4--Film fo : Answer | 11--Movie Matinee 2 fired a gun. 5 denly have been shackled with a OON'S BAT HOT Din in Th 3:00 P.M. «Guiding - Light a Today the 30 - year - old Van- string of 28 scoreless innings, (MO! iy 6:00 P.M. 11--Vincent Massey 1.00 P.M. - couver equipment salesman is their magic singles disenchanted) Jon, hose Jou home Bu | 11--Century Stories Hotiany Banos T-Music Biase 5 acknowledged one of the con- by a couple of kid righthanders. e oF hd 4] io the eighth Early Show ay feature Movie : tinent's shotgun experts. Cana- Baltimore's Jack Fisher and id Bop 1 grind: hoe SDick Clark S5--This is the Life 3-Mid-Day Matinee a AY - dian B = Jerry Walker. both just 20, spun ' 4 Wrestling 4:00 P.M. 130 P.M. all 8 2nd | ish Soluizibla, over a 2%-inning shutout over the Sox|SWeep with a three-run homer, his| 37 ndezv0us W-Mr. Adam and 'Eve | 7--For The Ladies 4 king. 3 : 15th, in the nightcap fifth. It gave i 620th Century 4--The World Turns has sparked a rise in skeet and 3 for a twi - wig: dogbicheader the victory to Larry Sherry (5-2). 11 vesvs it To' Be T-Bowung 2.00 P.M. trapshooting in B.C. £ sweep Friday. Walker put em - ' + |11--Leave "0 Beaver | 5_The Christophers 11--Babytime 5 Opsal's ED a to skeet away on six hits in a 16-inning|Churck Surg 2 of 9 oy She Sir. FIER Veh spy 8 PM. 7-Day In Court shooting was an afternoon of 1-0 decision after Fisher claimed Ppener iy reli y Kou- Aig Tg ane Theat A-For B Better or Horse practice with an uncle. "I really his first 'major league victory iaX, Who gave up homers 9 S-4--News; Sports 5:00 P.M. een tnd enjoyed itand a week later with a three-hit 3-0 success. | Bue Dick Stuart and Ray Me- stg on. U--Why 1s It So 1--Movie Time sho he Shut, Sought ny feet BP Na Tr Be The Phils handed the Giants| S-1yamhoe mB Gale Storm. ods tgun and was spendi L ? ALS | 4.U of B Round Table sdom ok " ia Dy as io three months and handed a|their second loss in a row with| s--Atrican Patro 4-The Last Word House yg -- During Our --- ing." said Opsal double shutout for the first time|their first run in three games. 7:30 P.M. Tee 2--Blondie About eight months from his in six years, now lead second-'Shut out on two hits by Mike|ll--Javer of London | 0 oo i ine PRR LI ol casual start he was classified as place Cleveland by four games. |McCormick (11-14), they finally| Swing Easy 7-Lone Ranger 52-Dr, Malone a double A shooter, the top Washington cuffed the Indians|broke through in the seventh on| 5-2--Benanza $= Fromtiels of Faith ~The Big Payot grade, : for their second straight loss,|a single by Joe Koppe, a| ¢--Recioning | 20 be, Nation 13 P.M, EXPENSIVE HOBBY -4, sacrifice and a single by Harry |;;.e_minionaire 116--Bob Cummings 7--Who Do You Trost "But skeet shooting is an ex- New York took a 1%-game hold | Anderson. T~Jublice "U.S.A Men he Poston : | 6-Movie Matinee pensive hobby," said Opsal. In on third place over Detroit by; Joe Adcock drove in three runs; ;. enc. Wei 4--Behind The News Sun Thee ro f Res Oe oe erry tor uhell, belting the Tigers 9-3. And Kan-|for the Braves with a pair of| s--Naked City 3~Tugboat Annie Yours M d & Tues a and clay targets might cost $100, sas City junked its losing streak doubles as they built a 7-1 lead| 52--Challenge 1 ra en. Best "0 PM, on ay hd Ps Totnes ond eriging. lat 18 by beating Boston 8-6. in two innings against the Reds. t=WantedeDead ar 7---Playhouse UeBugs Bunty iene "There is little variety in it," | {Lee Maye wrapped it up with a 9:00 P.M 5--Maverick Po sang Opsal said. "I got tired of Just ld - MEN a the first 19 three-Tun homer, his second, in(11.6-Grest Movies ap 'Contury { 82--THN or Consequen winning trophies." He has won Lo Sidi * the eighth as Joey Jay (5 - 10),| y--Aawrence We 7:00 P.M. 4--Serials ' ' {men and faced only 28 men, one : hi 4--Brenner a 430 PM 8 in Seven yeas. a lover the minimum, while striking | 2¢8¢ the Reds with 2 four-hiiter/ sa The DPuly Yo Aad or It 11--Popeye Men S Dress Trousers He explained the difference be- in his first complete game and 5-2--Cimarron City 6--December Bride $2-County Pair i Jwaen Skeet and trapshooking. fifth start. He hasn't allowed an| P= . | «Have Gun, will Tray. | 2-- Riverboat 4 Hdge of Night Flannels and worsteds. Sizes 30 to 44. "In skeet shooting there are but | aa oD ar | o Lassie MONDAY EVENING two tra nd |earned run in his last 22 innings. 1C erin rm ee PA 5.00 P.M. Reg. 109.95. NOW ..... .......... » a ar | Baltimore backed Fisher with 7--Guy Lombardo 11:6_Rhapsody Fah an Io and 7000. Only the shocter] FRANK OPSAL, 30-year-old | salesman, Opsal started shoot- |10 hits, including homers by Bob) Miss America Pag. | --Maverick A AAA v hb position shouting when| holder of the Canadian and | ing only seven years ago. He Nieman and Willie Tasby, against an i Fy us ears he is ready ? British Columbia over-all trap- | won the Canadian singles title isouthpaw Billy Pierce (13-14), | or tars 11-6--Johnny Staccato 00 P.2 3 Thite Sioeis Men's Suede Windbreaker's "In trapshooting there is onme| shooting titles, has sparked a | in 1956 and the Canadian high | The Orioles, 11-10 over the | I-Walter Winchell 11-Loretta Young Lira TM large trap and the clay is thrown| rise in the sport in British Col- | over-all crown at Edmonton {White Sox going into today's IoFight 6.4- Ed Sullivan 53 P.M. [ out from various positions in the| umbia. A Vancouver equipment | last fall. (CP Photo) findle of the ig Bg which I F th 11 oe P.M la li Pu 16_Mickey Mouse Reg. to 17.95. Brown and coffee f UH] ¢ 7 f also £ -1nI =2 Ue] 7--Playhouse { 13--Nake: ity 3 . nt BT ee Last May, Opsal won $2,300 inlered amateurs, and compete inmade it four. straight over Chi-| n 00 ad Jo Rescue : lawman LL RL PM and grey. NOW 60 ailes an ys The shooter|the five-day tournament. |international sports meets suchjcago by beating reliever Gerry Sp News; eather 8 Marsh fz Siow : 2 stands back 16 ards "I have always done well in'as the Olympics and Pan-Ameri-|Staley (8-4) in the nightcap.| wINNIPEG (CP) -- Toronto 1:5 PM 116--World's Stage | 3--Casey Jones ' "Be Na hoots," said Opsal. "In the first/can Games |After Walker (11-8), who walked|aroonauts, in third place in the|11--The Late Show 7--Colt 45 bas 2, Beeause he has no idea where shoots," said Opsal. sti ames. Cia Wain i Strick' ont four, gots gonauts, ; 6--Colonel March 5,2--Chevy Show 6--Danger tn my Busi ' the clay will fly or at what angle, [two shoots I entered I won more| Opsal and Earl Caldwell rep-ithree and struck out four, gotigijgs J ur, apparently are free t0| = jue Musi 4~G.E. Theatre ness Men S Boxer orts it is a Seater test of skill. In|than $1,000. I now make about resented Canada in the ge Horougs the 1 me Otivles De | dicker with three players ex- 1:30 P.M ne pt EM i roa addjti i ; Olympics, but he says they had|it away on Al Pilarcik's single| ..teq to be put on waivers| 5--Movie -6-- Playhouse U ro r ain, he SUBD has 3 0 is 0 : 3 a living|a i time. "I'm Just waiting to|and a two-out single by Brooks pesied the Cred States Na- # Playhouse l Tle iolicon eT di Regular 79%. 2 for 1 00 " i ircuit. | try in § Ss Robinson. |tiona!" Football League. . | 10:00 P.M 5--Huntley-Brinkley 5 RRA "huni u and cover his expenses. by touring the trapshoot eircuit./try again in 1960. ; ; | i |tional Foo 11.45 P.M | B i ter is handi-| He won the Canadian singles] The Senators joined the Orioles) : 1 1a. | 6--Wrestling | 7--Playhouse eport : Some dubs put wp varyingiBui a goed ie RS, jm. (championship in 1056, the first|as spoilers on Julio Becquer's| Canadian rpoinsl! oF Win. 12:00 Midnight | S-2--Loretta Young D622-Weather: News n amounts to attract shooters. The|capped so greatly it's aln ign a 9 he|pinch single in the eighth, break-|sioner G. Sydney Halter of Win-| ¢ playhouse | 4--Private Detective | 7.00 P.M largest is $17,500 at the annual/possible to break even." ea oo vat hed, PT h Sage 3 the igus races nipeg said Friday that "any SuNpax . LE) PM i &-- aioe : : . hoot of the Golden West club at| Because the money won is ac-|Canadian nl over - ; | . A : € {names submitted by the Argo- . Z-} or Hire old Journey b Reno Nev. Some contestants win|tually a bet placed by contes-|at Edmonton last fall, potting 771 Jack Harshman's first pitch, | ont club Thursday went on their Cartoons Se Whats My Line | $obeath Valter Daye p Men Ss Briefs or Tops as much as $8,000 in this event.|tants, trapshooters are consid-jof 800 trgets. iy loser Mike Garela (3-6)|700 ll Mics te Dou 11:00 P.M, i TPM. id or had put the winning rin on base y :30 A. 7-11-6-4-2--News; T--News: Weath To Ci for 4 er o Clear with a walk. | Halter said he could not release , "to 0 Weather; Sports 7.30 P.M, In ar ohansson |! Pete Ramos (1317), who/any names as the negotiation 10:00 AM. S--News Hilites | 7--Polka-Go-Round For 39%¢c or ... as a : | gem hipped i vith his first home/lists of the Big Four and West-| 7--The Christophers 1:15 P.M. | 6~Scan | i I ~Late ow 4--Name it ew or an ers ns RR he Ba I Interprovincial Football| S--Christian Science Li-Late Sh That Tune 4 : | Si F T run of the year and second in the ern onfidential » but "if| $--Lamp Unto My Feet 7--Playhouse 5-2--Buckskin v igns or our majors, beat the Indians with a|Union are "confidential," bu 3-Bible Puppets 6--Background 8.00 P. M. . | nine-hitter. He struck out eight/a club wants to release the 10:30 A. reais ove 1-6_Danny Thomas ' D ill P Shift Personnel | oss eimn ot vison" "ime ows Silos pr ir | CAEP SEES | Men's Drill Pants 3 - { 8 .,| Uncle Jerry eatre 830 P.M. tract with New York promoter By ED WILKS A spokesman for the Argos said| 3--Morning Go: f 11:45 P.M. 11-6--Riverboat & Andy NoHlerrovter Friday under| Associated Press Staff Writer BL, the club had asked the 10:45 AM, 6--Camera Three 7-High Road Sizes 30 to 44. Navy, brown, grey. Sanforized NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)-- four defence units in the scrim-|gyich the heavywelght king will] The question no longer is/commissioner to put two players| 3--Look at, Congress MONDAY o-Father Knows Bes shrunk. Reg. 4.50. 2 99 Sump Puig ook ho ici Te sia heid the Ranger job|lo" Mexico, Cuba, Central and whether Los Angeles Dodgers, from Green Bay Packers and an- 11:00 AM. 8, 2--Today TC900 PI. NOW...) ...... bE RE oy South America. {dynamiting Elroy Face's mag-|other from Los Angeles Rams on| 5--Farmer Alfalfa ¢ vss 7--P last | while Paille played 8.15 A.M. 11--Cartoons reguiar Johansson will get an esti-|nificent winning streak, or Mil-|its negotiating list. 4-UN In Action i 5:3--Peter Gunn goaltending job this season with/with Providence Reds. American|mated $100,000 and expenses for/waukee's barrelling Braves can| The ih said that Argo| 2-Industiy on Parade MBL Ral Rani a 4 by New York Rangers of the Na-|Hockey League champions. {the month's tour starting about|overhaul San Francisco's Na-|coach Hamp Pool had learned| 2--Sacred Heart 7--Devotions 11, 6--Cannonball Men's Drill Work Shirts tional Hockey League. Scoring honors went to winger Dec. 1, Johansson's longtime ad-|tional League lead. by telephone that end Steve gy TR A, 7 Eo, an --US. Marshan In the first full-scale scrim-|{Dean Prentice who beat Paille|visor, Edwin Ahlquist, disclosed.| Now it looks to be more a ques-| Meilinger and tackle Al Bucking- PIES Sama 5--Burns and Allan 52 Theatre Sanforized shrunk. Sizes 14V2 to 17. N mage of the Ranger twice and Worsley once. Dean| Johansson wili be accompanied tion of who will do it first. ham of Green Bay and halfback-| 2--Western Roundup | ¢ Poveye's Play. 10.00 P.M, + if ? of camp here Worsley allowed only{Played on a line with Jerry|by his younger brother Rolf, his| While last - place Philadelphia|linebacker Jimmy' Jones of Los 12:00 Noom Jouse 11-6--Joan Fairfax khaki, grey. Reg. 3.95. 1 ' three goals while Paille let six|Foley and had Brian Cullen and|usual sparring partner ~duringltumbled San Francisco 1-0 Fri-|Angeles soon will be placed on|ll--Bravo Theatre Oo aa sour Miss Brovks SNOW a ea . by him. Coach Phil Watson Larry Popein alternating at|exhibition tours. The champion|day night on Robin Roberts' three waivers by their NFL clubs. I=Heral ris T-Romper Roce 2 artiur Maresy - operated four forward lines and|Pivet. also will have an American spar-|hitter, the Dodgers closed within | 4--News: Weather §-Favorite Story 10.30 P.M. : CULLEN EFFECTIVE ring Jttver Fd vel decided on|a half-game and four Pe 3% A ova La. Tate of Riley Jessy Footbal an e on loc amps in the|points of the Giants wit 54. hs | 52--Dough po : Brian Cullen and Foley also different stopovers. oan Wi ne MAJOR LEAGUE F-tattle Raseas 4-0On The oe Bs SIA at Annie Blue Denim Overalls 30 Hunters triggered home a goal apiece as over Pittsburgh. And the Braves] LEADERS 12:45 P.M. aa a. +-Mike Hammer : this unit was the most effective edged within a game of the top| 4--Film Featurette | 5, 2--Treasure Hunt NEE IN, Sizes 38 to 44. Reg. 6.95. on the ice. Other goals went to BOWLING NEWS with their sixth straight success, | 1:00 P.M, | ¢--sam Levenson Weather, Sports NOW N Camille Henry, Andy Bathgate, a 10-2 romp over Cincinnati { American League ESoiede News 1.00 AM. nis PM ofl Tor oor pil ieo lat bss Sable Get Ch ance Les Colwill and Art Stratton. RADIATOR DEPT, AD Rape Tum Smem |% Tie ls Num 1-Plavhouse o : Eight-deep in centremen, Wat-\ ony one thing can be said aster the| FACE BEATEN Kuenn, Detroit 508 92 178 .350 : Tso Am. Sports. Ree son had to allernate his pivot first night's bowling of the new season. | The Dodgers, w hipped along by Kaline, Detroit 467 78 151 .323 Playhouse $-3--Concentration 11.30 P.M M ' H d p k ) performers on the four lines. There is plenty of room for improve. Wally Moon's three home runs, Runnels, Boston 514 86 163 .317|11_ nis 1s PH, a S=Top Dollar 'S li--Late Show ens y ro arxkas ) Stratton and Earl Ingarfield . on Very Rood games wereiran their streak to four games,|Fox, Chicago [ er 2:00 2 6----Dial 999 bowled though, especially by Walt Fry At Buffalo 582 79 178 .306| 7-1 Wonder Why 4--Mystery Theatre shared this duty with the Bath-land Bob Carswell. But the season is|ending Face's two-year winning woodling, Bal 412 60 126 306) S--Matinee 7--Across The Board | 5-2--Jack Parr Quilted lined heavy drill with detachable } gate and Henry duo while Billl3urd; and when the wrinkles are iron-|siring at 22 games with a two-| Runs Yost. Detroit 108. { -- ¢ hood. Reg. 16.95. OTTAWA (CP)--Thirty hardy|Sweeney and 'Ted Hampson took|very sod averages sores io run, ninth inning in the opener. Runs batted in -- Colavito, |Kitchener; John Johnston, Van- NOW... oo aaa 2 and well-heeled hunters are pre- fuss with the Ed Shack, Andy| Mig i Sidings Hot Srolt bo tudy T A S 0S eat fa tn | Cleveland 103. Golfers |couver; Doug Silverberg, Cal- 4 " paring for Canada's first sports- Hebenton combination. |Muskateers 1, Blazers 1, Wiffers 1.|i. - 3 th puch nil' Teague Hits--Fox and Kuenn 178. | |gary; Bert Ticehurst, Vancouver; sf A men's buffalo hunt since 1893. To Ed Hoekstra fell the chore|Lucky Strikes 0 % {In the other National League Doubles--Kuenn 37. : | [Nick Weslock, Burlington; and They will seek their targets|of rotating with captain Red Sul-| Walt Fry are She Jonors with a very | gale | Triples--Allison, Washington 9. {Ron Willey, Vancouver. Bruce Men' s Sport Shi rts from among a herd of 2,000 whichilivan on a line with Jimmy Bart- has overflowed from Wood Buf- bowling. Followed by Bob Carswtll 619 Face, who set a record for re-| Home runs--Colavito and Kille- lett and Les Colwill, Hoekstra ap-|(268, 201 )and Joe Kastner 614 (232,|11€f pitchers while winning 17 iniprew, Washington 40. Represent |Castator of Toronto has been {pamed as an alternate member A falo Park, a 17,000-square-mile(peared to fit in well with this|®9. la row this season, finally as! Stolen bases -- Aparicio, Chi- lof the team: Short sleeve. Wash and wear. Sanforized shrunk. reserve straddling the Alberta-|unit and came up with a couple|stevens 257, Frank Locke 241, Don Me-| CALE When he gave up a singlel cag 51. | { Colin Rankin of Montreal past] Sizes S, M, L. Reg. 2.95. Northwest Territories bord er.|of lusty bodychecks. Cormack 238, Ray Clancy 234, AlDY Maury Wills, who scored the| pjtching--Shaw, Chicago, 15-6, | [president and chairman of the NOW Some 16,000 buffalo, the world's] The surprise of the early Jamieson 241, Bill Moore '29. Kossitying run on Junior Gilliam's| 714, dq dalla d [association's rules committee, id tatesesnisne: NN Targest known herd, roam the|Ranger grind was the Watson ex-|Dawson 218, Bill Smith 215, Al Perry iPie, and then was tagged) for| Strikeouts -- Bunning, Detroit will accompany the team as non- game sanctuary. Federal authorities have de- of usi i ank|212, 201, Andy Van de Valk 210, Doug periment sing big Hank ZR, CM, JRC anit Reginpad 203 ang Ciesla on defence. Hank paired wes Keenan 202. a winning single by Charlie Neal. |q79, It was Face's 99th appearance| since his last defeat--delivered by| National League . cided th open the free herd on aloff with Jack (Red) Bownass and| Some old relisbies back to the Lemon S11CE fis ea Caliper YI 'BR H pot [nounced Friday the names of six matches, 'held at St. Andrew's,|| ¢ Cardigans & Pullovers ! trial basis to some 30 hunters|according to Watson, every at. [League again, namely Rels Wilson 5, Twa ee oN wor 1 a= Aston. Mi 564 107 201 gs |Eolfers who will represent Can. |Seotlind in 1954, were won by All 1. Pott 4 ol ) i f i i! ry season lime, 4 yo 0 ada at the Commonw e Australia, Canada and Great Bri- wool. Patterns an in . Some who will be allowed a quota ofjtempt will be made to see ifliemon leaguers, burly. bruising . Don way 29 saves. The streak fell| Cunningham, Stb 421 50 146 .347| a at the Commonweal team plain styles one animal each. Ciesla can convert to a blueline This will be no hunt for penny The hunters will have to fly to Fort Smith, N.W.T., 350 miles north of Edmonton. Canadian hunters who don't live in the Northwest Territories will pay a $5¢ licence fee. For- eign hunters pay $200 for the privilege of potting one of the big shaggy animals that weigh up to 2,000 pounds. LADIES MAJOR "B" LEAGUE Stiffer Penalties For Hunters Ahead hunters, more game and stifier violation penalties are in sight for New Bruaswick's 1959 season FREDERICTON (CP) -- More| Starting 195960 season Sept. 14, 6:45 sharp. Team No. 1 Lois Shaw, Anne Furey, Anne Gummow, Marg. Ford, Loretta McLean and Gwen Wright, Team No. 2-Connie Little. Rolande Tierney, Eleanor Beaton, Ruby Cope- land, Laura McKinley and Shirley Sar- gent. Team No. 3 -- June Simpson, Celia Wizg, Mary Nichols, Marg. McNiel, Jean McPherson and Beth Shortt TORONTO (CP) -- The Rov, captain. |Canadian = Golf Association an-| The first Commonwealth |matches in Johannesburg, South tain tied for second. place, fol- two short of matching Carl Hub- bell's major league record of 24 consecutive victories for the |Giants in 1936-37 Remember When ? . . . | Lawson Little of San Francisco t par in every round to win the Canadian Open golf title 23 years ago today at Toronto St. |Cepeda, SF 551 85 177 .321 Pinson, Cin 595 122 190 .319/ | Boyer, StL 523 76 166 .317| |Africa, Nov. 3-7. | The players are Gary Cowan, Zealand. {lowed by South Africa and New Runs--Pinson 122. Runs batted in -- Banks, Chi- |cago 129. Hits--Aaron 201. Doubles--Pinson 44. Triples--Moon, Los Angeles 1. Home runs--Banks 40. Stolen hases--Mays, San Fran- SERVICE STATIONS Team No. 4 -- Hazel Weddup, Pear)| Andrews' course with a 72-hole cisco 26. slightly counter soiled. Sizes 36 to 44. Reg. 3.95. NOW Men's Flannel Pyjamas Many patterns. Sizes 36 to 44, Reg. 3.95. NOW 2.19 OPEN THIS SUNDAY ul alg Jef wuiliites Ce which opens Ocl. 1. Morale. Hubbel nd Miry, McConnell otal of ZL. He finished eight Fitehing -- Face, Pittsburgh ~ ~ ~~ . ' y am No. T Severs. Jean he second-|17-1, 044. ! . ¥ BE A a Pre Eat 1 hen, Proc Miles a5 Sein Sap PoC" Jimmy Thomson of Shaw-| Strikeouts -- Drysdale. Los| Horsehide Windbreakers ! Sve Says, on 'on in albranch, said Friday game BBWS Noi 6 = Mug Catewell Bert nee-on-Delaware. Angeles 222. 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. hunting ¢ 100 miles north of|are generally the same as 1958) Cole. Audrey Hodgson Mary MoKniot | Sizes 36 to 44. Regular to 24.50. [ np ut She Jenaities have been|Leta Nelson and Ede Wilson. | ' po I Now Re 5 99 i ou oI BR wn en vl EEE] DRUG STORES [| "woes camo 5 cl 1 for three years. So will {hello ts dur old members and welcome | yoo Tability Mk plain a ont of the scores we | K. HULL'S VIGOR - a um e, ss we haven't got our bowling arms | Ti-Cat Sale To [ume vi" en"ears ffir 320 = erm] OIL AND GAS STATION Hurry For These Big - There is also a mandatory jail "ign et ho eo, No | OPEN THIS WEEKEND | B SKITCH'S TEXACO STATION H Be Investigated sentence--seven days for the first] High single, Peggy Gilette, 210, | . 33 RITSON Ro.' ° f conviction and a month for the| is atures 2 macs 1 Hiv inds 2. | | nso nd pecial Ss. Remember { HAMILTON (CP) -- Alderman th these offences. 'Hopefuls 0 and 6 Luckies 0. ii 12:00 A M TO 6:00 P M SYBLOCK'S FINA STATION John Munro said Friday he will r ' Si : sid S77 SIMCOE SY. 5 Th ' ad } | 30k bound of control next Wed | T. GOCH'S SUPERTEST STATION ere's No Limit -- You | mses sentra] ARRANGE NOW FOR AUTOMATIC | 534 PARK RD 5. | |} of me mami Tiger car Fou | LAWLESS SHELL STATION Can Buy As Many As | 0 V. . 3 bow rt eeu we| WEATHER CONTROLLED DELIVERY OF La fm | WEE { elab, disclosed Thursday that he | A. N . | ind dwe or me ssocied ' 263 CNG W. You Wish -- Hurry! | ESSE E McLAUGHLIN'S | comonrs siren stamion : { § Cooper--were seeking to buy the 102 SIMCOE ST. N. I Ew Ee : KARN DRUGS LTD. | E. GATCHELL'S WHITE ROSE | cise entrusted by the Big Four 28 KING ST. E.-- RA 3.4621 SIMCOE ENTWORTH 3 «KR - y | BERR" EL to MONTH BUDGET PLAN NOW AVAILABLE [conto neck Cae oyer ' | limited company. For Full Information Call . . , LAW PHARMACY | MEREEN'S Sur RTE STATION } ~ reavmERwEIGHT MATCH McLAUGHLIN HEATING 1204 WECKER DRIVE - RA $.3526 | ~~ WELLMAN'S SUPERTEST STATION LONDON (AB}-Davey, Hoare C I NONQUON RD ol ingfield, jo, world feath- i ry champs, wil mgt, A Division of McLaughlin Coal and Supplies Ltd. RITSON DRUGS ONTARIO MOTOR SALES ? ; Veill, Britis ion, | 1 "Wround non - title bout inf 108 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 3-348] 264 KING 37. E. -- RA 5.5370 177 SOND ST. W. 16 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH : Wembley Stadium Oct. 20. i . R » r es A a ae W ea oy

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