14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 12, 1959 spends two weeks in France or|iypes who buy are usually much| "They are the jealous types." |are going to France or Italy. Je way things are going. "Wel Italy he can protect her to the|glder then their girls, he says. In nearly every case the girls| Harrison is quite happy withihaven't paid out a shilling yet." | | I X | British Lovers Insure ars | a | SPECIAL . . ie Tie | vill ayview SUNDAY DINNER Girls Against Theft a Viren ct Hien} | OSHAWA BEAUTY SUPPLY | 9 MERA SE Ele, a) Porents of High {| ABENING | WHOLESALE wr shcsmeionad coon ere's more. is mporarily stolen and re- f H LONDON ax he "To crown it, says one Brit rood "ln" other words, 3 boy The Oshawa Business | DANCE KING ST. E. GENOSHA HOTEL We invite you to come up and see our complete line of ' their girl friends against theft. (ga-ga over Frenchmen and Ital-|£0¢s ga-ga. College has a quantity Funny, isn't it? jans.' To collect there must be proof|| of used typewriters for S t S i. 12 But don't laugh yet. This is Arthur Harrison, a Birming-|of marriage, and that marriage} Sale. Inquiries invited. a ny ep joke to the British lover. Ay has "lam insurance broker, was well{must come within so many prob aware of this when he estab-/months of the vacation. Policies po Dancing 9 to 12 consi Sit of bi Foy te Jisbod his policy for lovers earl vary in Sie Yespest: ga. Harel Dial RA ® 3375 i $3.00 per couple ji . 1 § year. Since e scheme began, harri-| I v -------- 4 only 30 miss poton: England isl "it a British boy's girl friendison has sold 180 policies. The THE KID WHO SHOWED THE ON YE i as Yao a THE BIG TIME HOW! parts by the thousands. Usually : her oer is Tepe yar ation : : AIRLINES : : - Very HIGH SCHOOL 3 NO PLACE 10 6 The boy friends either stay at A ; . mM " 'as DE ei 86A NEED i | RiG SHOT Mind THEATRE GUIDE | A wee cus | __Dl | | Brock (Whitby) -- "The Bad vg he a Seven | SCHOOL OF DANCING | RITA landers" starts at 7 and 10 p.m. ' ™ period for positions with come N "Juke Box Rhythm" 8.35 mercial airlines. Station Agents, i i Sl SIN Ah 29! Evening shows at 7 and 8.20| n Hostesses, Reservationists, Tele- D.E.A,, M.D.A. 3 Ri p.m. Last complete show at hive Yiginme Dh veswey type and Radiophone operators. {| ' 820 pm. | ante Aung ectron ! Training is formulated under P il + Schools, Ltd. Sealing Doin Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton, Marks -- "King Creole" 1230.) - 2°F 40, «/o Oshawa. Times. Boord composed of Executives || Acrobatic. Pre-School, Friday--Satur- 420, 8.15 p.m. "Loving You" ! from 25 major airlines. Pre- | do 2.25, 6.15, 10.10 p.m. Last com- pu + « liminary training by Atlantic y. lete show at 8. am. [ hier Airline & Electronic Schools, §| piste show 3 25 vm : ' Ltd, Canada Bldg., Windsor, at the Plaza -- "39 Steps" in color: « need not interfere with present 1.58, 3.50, 5.40. 7.30, 9.25 p.m. | occupation. Mail coupon, ' Last complete show at 9 p.m. | MASONIC TEMPLE Regent -- Walt Disney's 'Darby : ow . O'Gill and the Little People" i 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA "COLOR BY DE LUXE shown daily at 1.30, 3.35, 5.40, ; | tires CINEMAS cOPE 7.50, 9.55 p.m Last complete how at 9.20 p.m. . BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 7:30 -- SHOW STARTS 8:15 ELVIS PRESLEY in show p Information: RA 3-7253 "Loving You" FUL 3 pad, | 2. a 3 a | | ing Gre LC) « IN THE WHOLE WIDE DANCE PARTY 3 e WONDERFUL WORLD! BOP ROTI ew is J I Sia Ragin Pic Jee, J | Jas RTT WRN No ns J LERANA CAPRA Se A A Hore mee Heap ASTER. ETT ---- DANCE TONITE | RR = om "a COLOR by butome wns ONTED ELARTSTS oLD Time i MODERN I LAST TIMES TODAY STARTS MONDAY TORNADOES 11] 9 NORTH BAY "TELEVISION | THE 39 STEPS BLAIR with IN TECHNICOLOR CALLER--BOB FOWLER AIR-CONDITIONED ADMISSION $1.00 . - a ----e EEA ---------- -- I ar FOR THE GOLD RIPS THE FRONTIER B tuné of £500 for £7. If she is is 1 ttractive. Harri Leena NOTICE ATTENTION BEAUTY SALONS be made if th i " By STEWART MacLEOD All this is serious emouh, but|¢laims can be made e girl School Students is now located in new quarters at the jealous types, are insuring policy-holder, "English girls go!¢an still be broke while his girl BEAUTY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT REGISTER NOW FOR FALL ie H ren 18 Harvey RANDOLPH BIR (HE | Seorr | VIRGINIA MAYO COME and DANCE | | ORGNSTERE Mitchell Zalesk?s || MICWELDANTE Orchestra ! at the POLISH NATIONAL | 168 Banting Ave. FUN FOR ALL! EVERY SATURDAY | A EE ah UNION HALL |. ro AT "DARBY O'GILL IN 8:30 - 12. AND THE LITTLE PEOPLE" rECHNICOLOR ; . A i ' 2 Fo : ? Gurney gives the economical warmth you want" says PETER WHITTALL, TV's popular Mr. Fix-it YOUR AUTHORIZED GURNEY DEALERS Like Peter Whittall, thousands of Canadian families EXPERTS ON HOWE. WEATING already know from pleas. 1t experience that Gurney is completely dependable, yet surprisingly economical--because Gurney gives continuous, worry-free warmth year after year. W. THOMPSON PLUMBING and HEATING Let your Gurney dealer show you how to end 394 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA home-heating headaches once and for all, with a LORNE GOODMAN modern, dependable Gurney furnace. 758 MARY STREET, OSHAWA LILLEY'S HEATING & SHEET METAL first and finest the Wri cor R.R. NO. 4, OSHAWA "BILTMORE[ ATT yr ---- [ plumbing fixtures, Gurney furnaces, boilers, radiators, ventilating and air-conditioning products, and heat exchangers