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The Oshawa Times, 12 Sep 1959, p. 18

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pn PE aie ie. 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 12, 1959 Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity wereeThis Weekes 1050 Stock Sales High Low Close Change High Low Hasaga 10500 20 19 19 +1 H of Lakes. 32600 20 MH 20 +5 9300 34 30 31 1 6000 6 [] 6 50500 3% 2% 3 100 160 160 160 +10 3160 $30% 30 0% -- % 1500 475 470 475 8 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) New Holiday Spot In Sete By ROGER STONEBANKS wie Sompanies have offices ad Cana Press riter cellar: Sete and from = dining dian Stat Vries et cab be seer the huge bar suite, bedroom suite, large refrigera-i SETE, France (CP) -- Every rels, 10 feet in diameter, where fof. range. kilchen table, year hundreds of thousands of|- ob oo "Ut Go : 1950 Rh BO og 8 5% 5% -- % Th 5% ®» 0% -% 50 26% 35% 6 21% 155 12 By The Canadian Press D d by 576 to 137 on the Jaroato Stock Exchange this week. Issues unchanged 50--Articles For Sale PIANO -- concert pitch; also Reed organ, good working order. RA ya Stock Sales Intpro Sti a $6 Inv Syn $49% Inv Syn A 5750 $37% Int B 59 wis 660 Iroq Gas pr 700 Jefftrson 790 Jock C 11853 Jock C wits 2100 Wed the weeks was 10,000,000, down from the previous week's 11,045,000. Total sales for the year to date are 554,218,901. (Quotations in cents unless marked §) WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS 'This Week 1959 Sales High Low Close Change High Low INDUSTRIALS $13% 121% 12% -- % 25% 23% 20% --1% as 25007 $26 © 23% 23% --2% A Oil 17781 $36% 35% 35% -- % Alumini 14256 $31% 30% OILS HOUSEHOLD furniture room GE Bu as £3 Eyatas 7 190 an 7% 425 3% Stock sgBgBoceny Kelvinator 170 gelust 14% -- % 13 3% -- % Mass-F 45160 Tr Can PL 29933 Alta Gi B. 16% 10% 30% 23% § s¥zelyyly i i a 2275 400 6165 540 23e8 = ¥F 0 Labatt "uy Lafarge A T% Lakeland = ¥ iB fo seEseiinas.gzale Efgare sual aBfuEgapfunlinay zERBzae sEdrass Bus [-] Spee sEBnyse Buel ea # # 2 a egneiuails - - Eafe » 3 1-3 gsgudre 975850 N Mylama 271492 162 Pros Air 251800 108 Buffad 157000 17 Exp All 150000 14 gle 5000 5% 5% 5751 $21% 20 Kilembt 5400 300 275 280 --30 Kilem C wis 2000 105 100 100 ~328 Kirk Min 15400 45 39 45 10 0 +% Lt N Bist BBygels BEngafstel Bobo " sS5lgguasngeagngyl ET M West wis 1400 Milt Brick Molson A Molson : 3135 $26% 25% 28% --1% Mon Knit 8 8 EL 105 80 in ht Mont Loco 780 $18% 18% 5500 9 8 8%h---% Moore new 10365 $41% 40 ? Sapphire = 1 n nn L Osu % 2% --1% Nat Drug 1000 $16% Sapph debs oo --8 Sarcee Nat Drug pr 330 $16 Nat Groc pr 25 $n Secur Free s B 550 South U Spooner Stanwell Submarine Bgtluse Industrials A ad B Abitibi 2405 $37% 35% 35% --1% Abit pr 390 $2314 231% 22% Agnew-8§ 490 a 17 17% +1 Alta Dist 10985 290 290 Alta Dis W 1950 135 Alta Dist vt 4730 25 5 Alta Gas 25007 23 23% Alg Cen 295 100 id u3 Alg Cen p 390 $65 6 v r 785 $16% 16% Alg Cen w 1500 25 704 N. ry 200 $52 52 Algoma $3714 35% North Star 2917 S18% 17% Alumini $31% 30% Nor Star A 1820 $15 14% Alum 1 pr $20% 20% N St wis 57 1410 405 375 3 Alum 2 pr 5 $43 421% NO NGas 3691 $15% 14% Analog 800 $6% 6% Nor Phone 875 335 330 Analog wis 200 310 310 Oak Wood 130 $14% 14% Anglo Am 100 700 700 70 - Ang Pulp pr 29 $52 52 g hdd An'hes 0% 40 Ocean Cem 300 $13 13 3B ---% A- P *o $9614 96% 100 Office Spec 290 $I19% 18% 18% + % Argus 3220 $35% 33 3 70 Argus 2.40pr 795 $78 73 20% Argus 2.50 pr 25 $461 46% Atlan Ace 1650 $74 73% Atlas Steel Auto Elec Bank Mont Bank NS Barcelona A 33 425 15 Lamaque 270. --10 Leitch 126 --4 13 --4 16% --% 52 18% -- 3% 1415 -- Tex Cal Lyndhst Lynx Macassa Macdon Macfie MacLeod Madsen Magnet Man Bar Maralgo Marcon Maritime table, and many ether articles. Apply holiday aks ers make their way EE am at id OE A yond" condition, $30.| Valley to the French Riviera, At|has a large oil refivery. Tuna, 212¢| A: mackerel and sardines are caught Phone RA 3-9087. Avignon they branch eastward to Cannes, Nice, Monte Carlo and|in the Mediterranean, and in the COLONIAL HOME Bones, y-increasing num- fare became Take, Spee main- IMPROVEMENTS [ber are turning _ westward. to Jan, are 4iuge oyster and mussel 134 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH [Wards Spain to visit less crow and cheaper French places like VENICE OF FRANCE PRE FALL SPECIAL: |sete, ig Perpignan, 20d) mye refinery, a few miles out- - Ni e. Perhaps the most pop- with HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM Sates, Pn or em. [side the town, is fed with of DOCRS ONLY $39.50 |bankments end canals, which has most a mile out to sea. This Te- INCLUDING FREE GRILLE [built two tourist offices and alg,ces the risk of fire by keeplg (installation $5 extra) number of hotels to cope with the| 0 "oii tankers away from the 7 Windows and 1 Door [increase in tourists. hegt og the town. ok ho ae FORMER Ista Sots land salt-water i Hig the - Three years ago Mediterranean. Branc spread CALL A os did not exist. It was simply anlinto the town forming three miles EE a he ' glers and fishermen. When tons nestle among the houses YOU'VE TRIED THE REST bors like Aiguesmortes and Nar-|cafes alongside the canals, It is TRY THE BEST [Couns besame silted Up, i vd wot Surprising thal Scie nm make as " Open Evenings the island. The first boom from| The former island of Sete now FROM 12' CARTOPS the mainland was laid in 1868lis Mont St. Clair. Most of the % and Sete came into being. town's 33,000 inhabitants live on 21" CRUISERS me Sort 'Las "pear. Sabo. 3bioo cross and he. view wine port. Last year 2,600, is a cross tons of wine were imported from extends many miles inland and 5 Srey Td SERVICE Algeria. All the famous French'out to sea. 14% % : EASY TERMS Pl k NO. 2 HIGHWAY, AJAX ONT. U K. I Oo Y CALL 1266 AJAX GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS Orange Cr Page Hers Parker Pbina PC Jewel Powell R Pow Corp Get Praise, Yawn Windfall Yan Can 4166 $34% Dihousie 485 $61% Bath Pow A Bath Pow B 335 $30% Beatty 635 $8% BY Beav Lumb 200 $25 24% Bell Phone 11072 $413 41% Blue Rib pr 25 $58 56 2800 S7% 7% 90 $4714 46% 125 $47% 47 7493 490 465 195 $20 20 45 P 3 4 BCE 54 pr 305 $48% 7% BC Fortst 5790 $13% 12% BC Pow 5007 $35% 35% BC Phone 870 § 40% Brown 540 $1216 12 Bruck B 100 395 395 5 Build Pord 39 $36 35% 35% -% Burlington 300 $18% 18% 18% 889 $12% 12% 12% -- % 105 86% 6% 6% C and D Pow 1215 $91 20 Can Bread Can Cem an Cem pr 5 635 $304 27% 177 $62% 61% Can Malt pr 177 $2415 24% 24% -- 3% 61% --1% 3755 375 1650 440 P Pipe Mig Premium Pres Elect 500 140 Q N Gas 6888 $16% Quinte A 125 $13 Rapid-Grip 200 $13% Reichold 915 $31% Robertson 250 $17 200 6469 110 4085 +2150 200 3715 St Maurice 21300 Salada-§ 8808 Salada wits 1080 Shawin 3557 Shawin A 25 Shawin 4 pr 235 Shawin pr 50 Silverwd By 1275 Simpsons 6890 SKD 'Mig 2380 Slater 275 Slater pr 50 Somville pr 25 $50% 50% Southam 525 $73% Tih Spartan 405 405 405 Spartan wits 1500 106 St Pav 2180 $19 18 Siedman $39% 37% Steel Can $81% 77 $40% 40% Abacus 79; Acad Uran 29100 Advocate 3450 Agnico 1718 Akaitcho 6700 Alba Expl 6000 Algom 2345 Am Larder 17800 Amal Rare 3700 Am Nephe 3900 Anacon 24660 Se sin Anglo Hur Rouyn sets 1800 14000 99100 13500 41400 1100 Atlan Cop Atlin Ruf Aubelle Aumacho Aumaque Aunor Avilla 25500 Bankeno 2000 Bankfield 4000 Barnat 16600 > 2a 2ganedan seg wan838e FF PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms. Open evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT., PHONE 87 51--Swap and Barter BOAT, motor, and trailer, pressure systems, sump - pump, three - piece bath sets (colored), water softener and filter, piping and plumbing supplies (all kinds). Three piece chesterfield suite H. Chinn, Hillside and Park Road South. 52--Legal Notices LONDON (Reuters)--The Con- servative party's campaign pledges for the Oct. 8 parlia- mentary election have received applause, criticism and a few yawns from British newspapers. The Times, independent, com- menting on the day-old Conserv- ative manifesto that launched the election campaign of Prime Min- ister Macmillan's Tories, calls the document "forward - looking, business-like and constructive." But The Times editorial adds that Conservative intentions "are in some cases very vague." Macmillan said the 5,500-word document was based on a simple policy of prosperity and peace. Dig of the manifesto in- Tuded ter to co- on og scientific research and a flexible trouble - shooting sys- em to deal with local areas of ing that its authors evidently judge this "to be in keeping with the mood of the British people." Two Conservative London newspapers, The Daily Telegraph and The Daily Mail, applauded the manifesto. The Mail calls it "a fair and expert joh" while The Telegraph says it looks to the future "rather than resting on the past." PREFERS TO LOOK BACK The Labor party's London Daily Herald tells its readers it would "rather judge the governs ment on its over eight wasted years." The Herald did not doubt the government's supreme object of world peace, but doubted "the ability and the will of a tar- nished Mr. Macmillan to match the aim with action." Lord Beaverbrook's independ- EPR=DI PR 0 TT PRP 33 asa FF t unemployment, UNEXCITING JOB TENDERS WANTED McLAUGHLIN Bary Expl 4100 Base Mets 13100 - Baska C Pack A 189 $50% 50% 50% --2% c Pack B 292 $49% 49 9 ---1n Steinbg pr Steinbg A ent, right - wing Daily Express says that while the manifesto 1650 ' Perm 390 59 --4 4 pr 110 $43 CBAL A wts . BAL B wits 1230 630 66 Cdn Can A 840 $14 3% Cdn Celan 3545 $21 20% C Cel $1 pr 100 $17% 17% CCl 17 pr 165 $29 29 C Chem Co 1560 §7% C Collieries 3600 $7 C Colli pr 2800 £0 C Curt W 7940 205 270 1039 $i8% 18 700 375 35 Th 7 C Hydro Car 2740 $10% 9% 10 CIL 2262 $16% 16% 16% + % f Ya 16% $28%2 28 120 $28% 28% 170 $14% 14% 207 $43% 42 145 $26% 26 26 200 $6215 62% 4 ---1% 100 350 350 350 1552 $15 1674 450 380 S121 12% 750 $12% 12% 10 $142 142 605 38% 3835 $42 38% = $102% 10244 102 --- 470 818%4 184 18% -- Y% 350 812% 12% 385 $20% 20% 1400 170 170 4735 $32 31% Nh ---% 1720 $22 21 21 o% oi Cc Vickers Cdn Wall A 18% 18% + 3% 61% 63% -- % 16%a 16% 3 10% 10% "s E to K $164 16% 16% $61 60 61 60 1 105% 100% 21% 14 17% 18% 11% 15% 8 Propane 8 Prop wis 780 Suptest ord 2000 Suptest pr 238 $99 Switson 225 5 390 Tt 2 Tamblyn 470 25 'Taylor PC 125 $21 21 Taylor PC pr 100 $9% 9% Therncliffe 2060 $11 il TT Can A 100 $7 7 Tor-Dom Bk 3872 $57% 56% T Elev new 1015 $13% 13% Tor Iron 35 S24a 24% Tor Star pr 210 $59%. 58 in A 2446 $37% 37 $36% 36% $38% 38 T Fin B 125 T Fin 5 125 T Fin wits56 100 425 425 T Fin wis57 200 $7 6% Tr Can PL 29933 $25% 23% Trans-Mt 9670 $11% 11% Trans PPL 100 $18 8 Union Ace 1633 $9% 9% 6241 817% 16% 775 852 51 200 $25% 173 $50% Vanadium 00 Ven Pow Un 1670 Viceroy A 630 Viceroy B 400 Vie G Tr 25 Wainwr 14 Walk GW 11589 Wat Equip 100 450 Webb Knp $925 395 330 West C Brew 40 $32% 32% W Copper 125 45C 440 W Cop wis 735 145 West Groc pr 125 W Plywood B 140 Westen A 1914 Weston B 1334 West 4% pr 190 West 6 pr 95 West A wis 1360 $15 White Pass 145 Wood JA 475 Woodwd A 625 Wdwd A wis 520 Zenith 6800 Curb Ang Cdn 100 Anglo-Nfld 4500 Anglo-Nfld 4500 Asbestos 1045 B Am Bnk 100 CD Ss: 1115 C Ving 95 C Cottons 175 CG Inv 205 C Marconi 950 C Paper 2076 D Glass 110 Ji 28% 20% 18% 18% B-Duq Beav Lod Belcher Bethlm Bevcon Bibis Bicroft Bidcop Black Bay Bonville Bordulae Bouzan Boy=mar Bralorne Broul Reef Brnhrst Brunsmn Brunswick Buffad Byff Ank Buff RL Colomae C Met Conlagas Conlarum C Discovery 5600 C Fen 049 CG Arrow C Haliwll 13200 112040 Norlartic Normetal Norpax Norsyne N Coldst Peerless Perron Pickle Crow Pitch-Ore Placer Purdex Que Ascot Que Chib Que Lith Que Man Q Metal Qunston Quomont Itadiore Rainville Rayrook Realm Renable Rexapar Rio Rup 26675 N Cold ris 181960 uuiBEaaninnts ge sige g sisenestfag. nasa B 7 15125 59907 565 - & PUBLIC LIBRARY For fuel oil during the coming year, Approximately 20,000 galls, Lowest or ony. tendes ter newspaper with a national circulation, says the manifesto made "unexciting reading," add- The Guardian, liberal Manches- was acceptable on the domestic front, the Conservatives had failed "'wretchedly" on the "vital issues of trade and empires" not necessarily Oshowa Public Library Board < Mother Beats Child's Teacher BUFFALO (AP) -- A pretty fourth-grade teacher had a black eye and bruises on both arms to- day as a result of a beating by the mother of one of her pupils. Miss Alice Rembes, of Public School 48, said Mrs. Carmela Hargro pummelled her Friday after she admitted slapping the woman's eight-year-old daughter. The incident took place in Miss Remhes' classroom after the children had gone home. Miss Rembes said an unidenti- fied man who accompanied her assailant finally pulled Mrs. Har- gro away. Both left when the principal arrived with several carpenteis who had been work- ing in the building. Miss Rembes said she had slapped little Rachel Hargro in the face "after repeatedly trying to get her to behave in class." Police zaid they advised Miss Rembes to swear out a warrant against the mother, charging as- sault and battery. HARVEST AID The first self - binding reaper used in the Canadian West was All-Time By ROY LABERGE Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's united fund - raising campaigns are seeking an all-time high of $30,200,000 to help pay for mext year's operations by some 1, voluntary health - and - welfare agencies. The current goal of 99 local campaigns is 6.5 per cent above the $28,442,589 target for 1959 agency budgets and 10.5 per cent above the $27,352,375 raised. The figures were announced Friday by the appeals' national organization, the Commu- nity Funds and Councils of Can- Welfare Council here. CFCC offi- cials said 6.5 per cent is the av- erage annual goal increase over the last two decades. Most campaigns begin late this month or in October, but 12 com- munities will hold their drives in winter or spring. USE TWO NAMES ada, a division of the Canadian ized High In Fund Raising. (national agencies have joined im, they're United Appeals. Highest single goal is Toronto's $9,187,500 against $8,750,000 sought and $8,233,732 raised last year. Rough estimates place the 600 number of expected contributors at 2,225,000. Officials estimate the cam- paign-financed agencies will give some kind of direct service to two of every five families in the campaign eommunities which have a total population of 9,000, 000. CRITICISM ANSWERED The drives have been criticized in some quarters as over-organ- and removing the element from charitable giving. But officials point to these ad- vantages: They eliminate a multiplicity of nuisance collections. They are highly efficient, with operating costs only three or four per cent of funds raised. bring to- gether hard-headed businessmen and altruistic welfare workers te review budgets of member agen- In most centres the drive-spon- soring agencies are called Com-| produced in 1884 munity Chest; in others, where cles and ensure the money is needed and efficiently spent. 30 --% RB ---n 1800 1000 1229 Rix Athab Roche Rockwin Rowan Cons 4300 Ryanor 2000 Con Howey C Marben C Marcus Con M 8 7501 € Mogul 7635 Dupont 1825 Hayts 200 60. --4 Int Pap 20% --1% Int Util Lob Inc 190 A LOOK AT THE SCHOOLS 16% -- % 2 Fed Grain pr 130 Fleet Mig 10820 Ford US 7 Ford A Fndtn Fraser Fruthauf Gatineau G Wpg Gas 1966 Gwg Gasvt 1255 G Wpg S8wts 610 Greening Greyhnd Guar Tr Hardee Hardee pr To 0 $103% Hard Carpet 128 $14%4 90 $7h% 650 430 $8% 5 $44 H Smith pr $42 Hur Erie 30 854% imp Bank 1009 $72 imp Invest A 870 89% $74% $37% Imp Tob $13% Lmp Tob pr 4775 ind Accep 4877 [nland Gas Inid Gas wis 3090 nid Gas pr 420 int Bronze 150 Intprov 600 Inter PL wn 10% +1% 51% -- MO Paper 820 Ogilvie ju Price Br Third CG In Po Aeme Gas Ajax AP Con All Rox 5375 Alminex 6050 Am Leduc 27100 Anchor 14500 Asamera 4100 Bailey 8 A 6735 Bail 8 5% pr 235 Banff 440 Basco nes Bralsa Britalta 6000 3300 1670 1000 Calalta 9400 Cal Ed 2370 Calvan Con 300 Calvert 12400 C Oil Lds 3100 C Oil L wts 3800 CS Oil wts 4900 CS Pete 2013 C Chieftn 13040 Cdn Dev 11090 C Ex Gas 10865 C High Cr 4500 C Homestd 10150 C Husky 8142 Cdn W O 9683 Cent Del 18469 Charter Off 1350 C Allenbee 2450 > Dragon 425649 C East Cr £00 C Mic Mac 3370 Con Peak 13600 C West Pete 3820 Cree wits 58 11745 Dev-Pal 21675 Dome Pete 1655 Duvex 11100 Dynamic 72875 Eastwood Eastwd A 1716 5023 Home Oil Jump Pad Jupiter Kroy C Morrison 38700 C Mosher 4830 Con Negus Con Nichol 833 > Northld 110050 Crowpat Cusco Daering 0 21 18% 1 10 46 4% $17% 16% 10 9 17% 17 E to K 13000 3% Th 4300 135 131 2975 170 160 118550 137 115 Eldrich 5500 2% El Sol 21000 9 Eureka Bo on 21 Expl All 14 12 fr] $27% 25% 5100 75 69 Delnite Dome Donalds Duvan E Amphi East Mal East Sull Elder Falcon Faraday Fara wits Fwest Tng Fatima Francoeur 3100 Frobisher 21415 Frob debs 500 Geco Mines 1500 Genex 5500 Geo Scien Gnt Masct Glant YK Glacier 13700 Goldale 2700 Gold Eagle 24500 GF Uran 7500 Grandroy 4750 Grandue 4200 Greyhk 1500 Gulch 14000 Gulf Lead 3500 Gunnar 24490 Gunnar wis 11841 Hard Rock 15100 Har Min "000 6400 5000 13900 5200 4000 4195 Ban Ant Sand Riv Batellite Sil Stand Siscoe Slocan VR Stdcona Stanleigh Stanlgh wis Stanrck Starratt Steeloy Steep R Sturgeon Sud Cont Sullivan Sunburst Surf Inlet Sylvanite Taurcanis Taurcan vit Teck-H Temag Territory Thom L Tiara Tombill Towag Trans Res Trin Chib Ult-Shaw U Mining U Asbestos Un Keno Upp Can Vandoo Ventures Violam Waite Am Wtedon Werner Willroy Will wts Wiltsey Wr Harg Yale Ltad Yellorex Yk Bear Young HG Yukeno Zenmae Zv pa \Cirh Buiolo Coast Cop Gaspe Cop Pend Ore Yukon Com 3070 i 00 Lal 2000 3 17500 13305 14260 2850 2600 3240 3400 16500 ma 543 960 1400 20150 7250 2405 17000 1276 1700 100¢ 11158 500 20500 4335 000 - GB.28o8RE 10300 42550 15000 32600 1550 w s ° 182 300 1275 830 a] s¥ud By DAVID JEWELL Albert Love, business adminis trator of the Separate School Hoard, says that the unexpected- ly large number of new students at Holy uross School forced the board to turn an old building, which had been used in recent years as a lunch room, into a a temporary classroom until! a portable classroom can be ob-| tained. Oshawa's three high schools have added to their staffs this year with Donevan © Collegiate leading the rest with new teachers. They are: Jean McInnes, El- frieda Dick, Russell Cummings, Carole Brown, Jim Dempsey, Heather Currie, Wilmer Hill, Ross White, Mrs. Lorna Sedge- wick, Mrs. Dorothy O'Reilly and Charles Spellen. New teachers at Central are Mary English, Irene Heim, Pat- ricia Nugent, Maureen Mogan, Mary Wilson, Robert Farrell and Glen Hagerman. Mr, Hagerman was a member of the King St ele mentary school staff last year | At oOorv the re 5 Bristow, Mrs. E. Sargeant, mond Richardson, Broadbent and F. J, Francis. Edward Broadbent is a gradu- Des- {Board of Ed Edw ard|Saskatoon to attend the annual ate of OCCI where he played an active part in organizing the stu- dent council. He was a co-organ- izer of the constitution of the council and devised the method for the selection and nomination of candidates. Mr. Francis brings a great deal of experience to OCVI in {his capacity of music teacher. He is a graduate of the famous Kneller Hall music school in England and later directed the band of the Queen's 11th Hussars in addition to teaching at the Royal Artillery School of Music for three and a half years. Within two months of his com- ing to Canada and taking charge of the band of the Ontario Regi- ment. Mr, Francis led them to Rush Of New Pupils Strains Holy Cross conjunction with the Canadian Education Association convention Mrs. W. Shaw, Mrs. C. C. Lee and George Drynan left Oshawa Wednesday for the convention and G. A. Fletcher may leave today. This convention is the most im- portant of the year for Canadian school board trustees. Policy on matters common to boards throughout the country is dis- cussed DRIVER EDUCATION Safety league officials have ex- pressed their disappointment that the course of driver education in the high schools was dropped this spring but there is a chance that the issue may yet be revived. One ber of the board of the Canadian national champion. ship for all-brass bands at the CNE. This year they duplicated that feat and also brought home the trophy for the band with the highest aggregate points in com- petition, AT CONVENTION I'aree m mbes of the Oshawa ucation have left for| Canadian Trustees Association education told this reporter that a colleague had taken a sampling of parents' opinion regarding the course and would attempt to have it reinstated if it was found to be popular with them. The same member intimated that such a move would meet with opposition, but when the board cancelled the course there were some misgiyings on the part of some members. It was extremely popular with convention which is being held in the students.

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