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The Oshawa Times, 12 Sep 1959, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY WERTHER REPORT The main thing wrong with the Sunday sunny with little younger generation is that change in temperatures. Con they're too much like what the tinuation of fine weather. older generation were at their age. VOL. 88--No. 212 oe et Or OSHAWA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1959 : ie ihre TWENTY PAGES Miss Canada SOVIET COSMIC ROCKET Flops Lines ATLANTIC CITY, NJ. (CP)-- whose act was the first, had fo Miss Canada made the most of : me) puss go onstage without them. a difficult situation in the Miss . She began delivering her mono- America pageant Friday night | logue on freedom and world] ; when she found herself on stage ; peace, but, obviously upset by without Mounties or lines. ' the mixup, forgot her lines. The Mounties, who accompa- T 48 "a dg The audience thought she had. nied 19 - year - old Rosemary ; fe "finished, but she ped their| | | BE -- Catherine Keenan of Fair Vale, _§ y BM applause with a wave of her! N.B., from Canada to this resort, : v " hand. . were supposed to be on the stage : "Im socry," the honey blonde Polio In with her when she delivered an # : said with great command, "but original dramatic monologue in & : this is the first time I've ever the pageant's preliminary talent been on a stagé, and I'm a bit Sunday Night bi H. Turcotte, 42, and Bs. he finished her mono- Canada un ay 19 Constable Merle 0. Adamson, 27, 3 logue and drew thunderous ap- MOSCOW (AP)--Soviet scien- : g * co 2 a It is a rocket propelled in a went to the wrong door of Con- i a plate. Hminark ; a Declines ; ; : p 3 ; tists fired a rocket at the alse dio of stages. vention Hall, 4 ll preliminaries are hl an 3 ; : Sa _ tcday and announce that a ball] "The last stage of the rocket An auxiliary policeman stopped tonight thousands of people will " 4 "lat the tip of a cosmic device will|having exceeded the second' cos- - the pair and told them they had J flock into convention hall to Wit-| Grpawa (CP) -- A decline in | "a eo reach its destination early on|mic speed of 11,200 metres (about to use another door to get back- El ness the conclusion ot the ete. the over-all incidence of paralyt ; ; a : Sept. 14--the day before Premier|seven miles) a second, is flying" stage. Thousands more will see it bni,.ji; in Canada last week was} > i Be ; Khrushchev arrives ir. the United|towards the moon," the announce- Turcotte and Adamson started television. : as reported Friday by the health de- i i States. ment said. : 5 making their way across the Bay Hight, eS och 8an | partment The announcement electrified] "At 3 p.m. Moscow time of' crowded hall, filled with people ? fe po Wya dott piri final There were 87 reported cases in Ag be : _§|the nation which was pr oo {Sept. 12 (8 a.m. EDT), the So- hurrying to their seats. Gentle- on of Wyandotte, won «1 athe week ended Sept. 5, down ya Wim Pie DrepaTing Vict Tok will . men to the end, they didn't push preliminary talent award with a, =. "12'a week earlier. The 1959 pa oe siastie send-off Wit eh Au po will be Oe is their mistake : ? Sea of Her prowess In arch-l ow stands at 601 cases and) a Se | Thre os no living creature|°Ver the point situated to |the a 3 4 ~~ a 5 2 agains 2808 # : > 3 J | The Mounties, who always get® p The swim suit competition was iA deaths, a ogi J is 2 2 / : y : in the rocket, according to first Borth of New Guinea Island. \ their man, didn't get to their 5 -- taken by Miss Wisconsin, Mary| = | joie Ps - : 4 2 i | reports, The last stage of the woman on time. Rosemary, MISS CANADA Alice Fox of Sheboygan, | Of the total so far, Quebec has a y | But Hs various parts were ino 2 1511 Ko Sided roo i 3 | {had 468 cases and 38 deaths. The! & : 8 gC a lcrammed with scientific instru-(FEETNE grams EE 7 r % . fi " * | » lincidence in that province, how- : : : ments designed, among other fod, the announcement contine 1 1S) See ost 1Ce fever, declined last week to doa 4 3 4 7 a | things, to make studies of the . (0) 1C paralytic cases from 76 the pre i Fu¥ J 4 2 ii maglictje fields of both the earth/gas CONTAINER " d | "It carries a container with | {vious week. ; al e moon. | 3 "hec S Stamps | Newfoundland cases declined to § The announcement intimated scientific and r ad i o-technical After Dru al B { [seven from 13, New Brunswick py ' . po i|this was the second Soviet effort| equipment The container is in | OTTAWA (CP) -- The post of-ito two from eight, Saskatchewan Si ' po 5 « » = /|to shoot an object to the moon.|the form of a ball: It is hermete fice department Friday began|to none from five, British Colum- : : : : L Soviet scientists appeared con- ically sealed and filled with gas, TORONTO (CP) -- RCMP and drug trafficking: Marjory West, searching its own postage stocks bia to one from five, and Prince y i: NG # . fident that the rocket will com-|it has a system for automatic city police are still seeking eight 24; Thomas Etherington, 38; Eva for misprinted seaway stamps. |Edward Island to none from one. | XX. : % '| plete its journey. regulation of fuel consumption. persons today following raids in Meyer, 32; Shirley Heisler, 30;| The move follows scattered re-| Meanwhile, the Ontario inci- * £ i {| INTERRUPT P "After going into orbit, the con which 17 men and women were Helen Hopkins, 41; Eileen Bea-iports of an inverted design on|dence rose to nine cases last 4 {id cal Th ROGRAMS tainer with scientific equipment arrested Friday and chargediton. 39; Andrew Sorensen. 33;|some of the special five - cent{week from two a week earlier, | oR Ve "i 4 ; a pe Ennvuncement, for which\ oo 0 separated from the last stage with narcotics offences. Joan Barney, 27; Nick Yankula, stamps, the first such error since/and Manitoba had four cases/¥ 5 8 ; 3 aH Moscow Soviet radio PTOETAMS|of the rocket." 4 Another eight men and women, |22; Stanley Hoffman, 30. and Canada began issuing stamps against none in the week ended! A % A ere interrupted, said: | The reference to a part of the already in custody on other Joyce Rorison, all of Toronto more than 100 years ago. Aug. 29 hy : A 3 : he a accordance with the pro- charges were also charged on' Charged with possession of nar-| Officials who were skeptical of] Nova Scotia remained the only _- : ; J gram for space exploration and| drug trafficking counts. cotics are Raymond Charles Sut-|the initial reports Thursday had|polio-free province. 43 ia ot pion Ever since the Russians orbited The raids climaxed a six-month ton, 25, and his wife Sally. 24, all their doubts removed Friday § i successfully launched the second| the first Sputniks, world scien investigation in which police pho-|hoth of Niagara Falls, Ont. when a man who declined to 3 ks : ; : tographed narcotic sales on Tor-| Arrested Friday and charged identify himself walked into the Di 3 : a » & g |space rocket. . fists have hag it 3 win that & onto streets with telephotolywith trafficking: Beverley West; philatelic section here and pro- Tee 1€ ] Ce » Th > y "a 1 The rocket has been fired 10} ihe FIO. might be aimed camera lenses. Barbara Appleton, 29; Thomas duced six misprinted stamps ; u Lo . : a study the cosmic space en route A 16-man squad staged the/wood, 25; Lorraine McGann, 32; bought in Ottawa. The same er- w i \ ito the moon, , |SECOND TRY roundup. An RCMP spokesman Elizabeth Pugh, 23; Joan Red- ror has been spotted at Winnipeg In Nursin 3 W| The rocket, launched success-| The announcement indicated said the others on a 31-persofimond;, 29; Pear] Manarey, 42;/and Picton, Ont. : : ; ; 3 % fully, is due at the moon five|that this is the second attempt wanted list will probably be ar-|Betty Richards, 25: Mary John- Fifty more were discovered ie ter midnight Monday, |to launch a moon rockét by So- Arrival Time sil RR ee ery rested today. son, 36; Robert Thibeault, 25; Friday by workers checking sup- - Moscow time (4:06 p.m. EDT|viet Inspector W. G. Fraser, in| Audrey Skarrat; and Florence plies in the Winnipeg post office' ome ire Sunday), The statement said: / | charge of 'he ROMP. bers, tat in Niles, 2, ll of Torouta, [for such freaks. . A A ya : pv | WINDSOR, N.S. (CP) -- Three RUSSIA MEDIATES Met of 21 women and 10 men checking off the names a¥ arvest- persons died in a fire that raced lays wan {1etnamese Te ra i a I : > China. India PREDICTS PANIC ! Dead are Mrs. James Monteith, | He said the action would halt {89, of Windsor, The other two trafficking of drugs in the city) [were identified as Mrs. George po : : for several days. "There will be| TOO ar Currie and May Stillman: y a panic when the word gets out." | Two other persons were in-' J § § ? nn When photographers were al |jured. They are Judy Parker, 18, Bn p i | OO OW lowed to view fhem, suspects! VIENTIANE, Laos (AP)--Laos|their posts given in Vietnamese. an employee at the home, and » 7 NEW DELHI (AP' -- Prime|standing committee, called inte covered their faces and shouted officials should find it fairly easy|It still could be argued that reb-'wmfrs Fred Mosher, 73. ra insults. {to convince - United Nations ob-|els, trained in North Viet Nam,| Miss Parker suffered a broken| Lad Minister Nehru was heckled by|a special session Friday to hear "What do you think this is, a/gervers that Commumist North|might uee Vietnamese com-|ieg when she apparently jumped! i om E No? | y i mbe! -|a report on y meet- Soukey Su one wolna | Viet Nam is arpiig 2nd ruining mans. o i on a third-storey window. Mes. INITIATION DRY AT HIGH SCHOOLS wn: re 3 Pn ing again pte = screa . ; E | proof does i. I ay : . : 9 Ad p J : Most of the women wore Jackel 5 3t Lao rebels Hise ute Je the Ol ostier suffered Severe Arm. an Barry Rogers, 12 G, senior, | Rogers will mete out penalties | ents were welcomed to high |ing Red China in the border dis-| Peking and New Delhi have or jeans with sweat ers or| proving that 'the North| Vietnamese have not been fight-| Three other persons escaped| is giving orders to two fresh- | which will have to be served | The Slrange costumes | They called on the government Seth, Welcomed the Moscow Jui blouses F id. there Vietnamese are actually fighting |ing in Laos. {uninjured. They are Mr. and men on just how he wants his | at the coming dance. Initiation | Bt ster Ye itesiies from Ito use bombe--if ® overumen' fiem to resolve ay pea. feud Fug i Mogg 8 "addicts in[on Laotian soil--either in helt), Offi nec JmSEvers| Mas. Bryce Mouges, owners of shoes polished. The boys, Bob | ries and ordeals were suffer- | sirict seniors who were rulers |dislodze Chinese Communist! peacefully. Toronto being served by .|own units or as leaders of Yebel}leTe a's Sn fc hi at tlie home, and Ra Ps au | Crothers and Bill Burns, both | ed by students from OCVI and | for a day, for "to hear was to |troops from Indian territory. id the f ts|groups--is a difficult matter, [least some Nor letnamese| who was awakened by firemen 54 hotter do a good job or | OCCI yesterday as mew stud- | obey." Nehru angrily accused the op-| MEPIATION ROLE? dlers. He said the force arrests wn {have been directly involved in the and removed through an upstairs| * "2% Detter do a good Job Or Jesierca) Stuck ASHER el grily accused the OP A pro-Communist Indian weekly addicts whenever they are found| The Laotians have an Armory | oon ting British observers think|window ------ position of unrealistic brave, this Te -- suggested that and Hoes not wait to make Ra probate. Only the French con-| Police said the three - storey gestures" and rejected the SUZ| Khrushchev may offer himself as arrests. c afle A . ity : | stion to use force. i i : y Baum . rio tend that the North Vietnamese frame building burned in about 3 t Fathe T ges . |an intermediary after his 12-day Officers arrested 15 per Sons On' cant be traced to North Viet! ave stayed out of Laos--and that|15 minutes, aided by high winds ores I I- 1h am The flareup came even as Ni-iyrs, tour beginning Tuesday, the streets and in homes which|/Nam. is not a unanimous opinion. land a failing water supply. kita S. Khrushchev appeared to/with the professed purpose of investigation showed were used) mv. geapons include Chinese|------ -- ? hadi - {be making headway in getting| easing international tensions. as places for trafficking. An-|_ + Cc. ochoslovak arms used by| | | : {Peking and the Nehru govern-| The Soviet premier has an- other eight persons were already pq China and North Viet Nam. Xper S i S 855 ment to cool off their hot border nounced he wil! visit Peking for in custody on other charges buf They Shp and American - nado] 10 CENTS AN HOUR | u u 11 ent ie which has been casting| conferences with Chinese Com- had Sraficking warrants issued| noc and carbines the North i OTTAWA (CP) -- An unusual with a deputy minister's, and 2, Shadow over his imp | ist leaders Sept. 20 on his aint en the wanted| Vietnamese captured from the | End Meet |father-and-son team is going out|this was the gist of his reply: |™ission fo the United States. return home. : i, 1D. pero sok when police| French in the Indochinese war. B 00 men | fo the vicesegal business ext Yt Wak nice that They. Wee yale: days 0 piging biftes} Prime Misisier } Nehru oid x ; oy uy . | uesday, when Governor - Gen- ren" if thew | : BEreSsIC ainst) ric raided a. home. The vere |NO BODIES T0 SHOW | WASKESIU. Sask. (CP)--Cana-jeral Massey rotten. joked, ut Mr: Massey hag among cach other, the Soviet Union's; statement on the dispute issued charg poss lg But, as far as is known, Laotian dian and United States forestry | At the same time, his 43-year- about the man's qualities and ad- a zn neigibors Zutly uouth the dete agency Tass oe tlorces have not brought in a sin-| e urn O O experts left this lake resort Fri-lold son, Lionel, will leave the ex-|ministrative ability he still; thei Pp 1 involv ay as a very fair statement" and LIST OF ACCUSED {gle Vietnamese dead or alive. | [cay night after three days of|acting and demanding job of sec-\would have picked him. In other|os soc duarrel involving xoughlyjalso a "very unusual statement Already in custody on other| Laotian army officers say they 3 IVER (CP)--After nine will be there by the end of next trading ideas on forest fires. |retary to the governor-general. | not the 2000 Square miles of frontier |for the Soviet government. to charges and charged Friday with!heard attack commands against] VANCOU )--After nine wil } . J | territory. sponsor." Moscow carefully re- {words. he hired the man, ; h , ' JAghtning control, forest fire-| The wounz M lans |son. aah a weeks spent on picket duty, at|week. Lig Lane e younzer Massey plans to R h home with their families or) : rie vroofing and other theory-stage|return to the business world he| a] ed China's parliamentary'frained from t g sides. hd pounding city streets, more than WANTED 20 PER CENT ideas were tossed about by morejjeft in 1952 to join his father at 27.000 woodworkers are preparing, The men struck against 127 op-/than 100 government and indus-| Government House. ue eC remniier Lo return to work on the British erators for a 20-per-cent increase (trial forestry representatives. | *"rne Massavs are a Columbia coast. in the basic rate of $1.72 an hour.| phere were skillful displays by|fomily," he sa . The strike involving members| They also sought implementation icy ee ' firefighters, Sas-|virtually hanging up job-| 3 P ans lof the International Woodworkers of a Job evaluation program inyatchewan's daring smoke Jump-| wanted sign, "They don't like not| 1 any lof America (CLC) was resolved the plywood industry and other iors and Alberta bush pilots. Ito work." | {Friday when the union and For- contract changes. "This is tne best we've had! He said he has already est Industrial Relations, which) Behind the settlement was Dr.|yet," said F. A. Harrison, dis-|ceived a couple of feelers fro bargained for management, an- John Deutsch, vice-chancellor of cussing the third annual Forest|irdustry. He plans a holiday--his| {nounced they would accept terms Queen's University of Kingston.|Fire Research Conference. |first in years--then hopes for a {of a government-sponsored report He talked with union and man-| Mr. Harrison is chairman of|challenging job that will allow] las a settlement. |agement officials before hethe Canadian Pulp and Paper As- him to draw or his past experi-| : coreish Some sawmills began calling brought down proposals. gociation which sponsors the con-/ence, new deal for the press {posing "oh us when exercising| JOC & back to their Piva John Billings, manager of For-|ference | Looking back on his 7% years, Mr. Sauve, appointed premier |Your duties because we appreci-| ork Yor 10 cents an hour more est Industrial Relations, said the! Delegates discussed a majoras the governor-general's execu-| Thursday night within hours of ate jhe Tact you have to keep the); an they: did when they went on|industry accepted "reluctantly campaign to make the public|tive right-hand man, he spiked the burial of the late Premier Public informed. strike 67 days ago. . . . because of the gamble with/more aware of forest protection.|some misconceptions about it. Maurice Duplessis and sworn in 1 am in a position to under- Many lumberjacks are expected the security of vital export mar-|Fire hazard bu lletins after) "Few people know what it's all; Friday morning, announced: stand what you mean when you, "on the job Monday. Most kets." |weather forecasts, a national|about," he said. "It's definitely : Th next legislature session speak: of co-operation since my |" ~~ - terre ~~ |television program directed at|not cocktail parties and teas and i e b ts father was 2 newspaper man all| campers and sportsmen and a|protocol and social whirl and that] opens Nov. 18 {his life." lcentral information bureau to|sort of thing.' 2. Official mourning for Mr. Arthur Sauve, although a Con-| Four Arreste distribute forest fire facts were| "It's just plain hard slugging | Duplessis will continue until Sept.|servative member of the Quebec] {some of the ideas advanced. |ard long hours and a mass of | 20 ilegislature and. the House of EE aS ~--e---- | earefully-planned details within QUEBEC (CP)--Quebec's new|ing to be less forma: than his Premier Paul Sauve rushed his|predecessor's. administration off the ground| At a press conference, Mr. Friday with a batch of important|Sauve said: announcements and & promised| 'Don't ever feel you are im- 3. Maurice Beliemare, 47.|Commons, worked for a number | hd . «. [the framework of a sometimes] Union Nationale chief party whip, of daily newspapers including! Aft IT Incident Typhoon Rain Hit tignt schedule." has been brought into a pew Montreal's La Presse. e As Secretary, Lionel Massey cabinet as minister without port-| Mr Sauve's statements were | : manag the vice-regz ouse- folio. . taken to mean that access to Four suspects -- two of them teen-age girls -- were South Red China (hold; nlanned Mr. Massey's 60- 4. He has ordered a speed-upinews would be easier under his| charged with attempted breaking-and-entering early today TOKYO (AP)-- The Communist odd tours; arranged speaking| Wm a program to build {wo new regime. "Under Mr, Duplessis,| following what was described by city police as "a disturb New China News: Azency' said "ajdates: took a hand in Planning| idges at western end of Mont-some departments even refused] ance" at the Ruddy Electric Wholesale Ltd., 96 Richmond |i _0 =e 0 mo cb coast of oval visits" te Canada; and kept| real Island. to give out routine statistics] street west. 1 LUE wd n A |communications between Canada| po : #4 "ht i Kwantung province, South China 3 1 Palac ri 5. That his relations with 'theiwithout his approval. Mr. Duples- Chief Constable Herbert Flintoff said the four were ar- |Friday and Buckingham Palace lowing ] press and broadcasters are 80-1 sig made a point of announcing! rested after PC Alan McLaren, on general patrol on Rich- It said the typhoon brought| He has probably had official | all major governmen' news him-| mond street at approximately 1:55 a.m., called the station heavy rains to wide areas. The dealings with more mayors and |self at a weekly press conference.! for help and was joined by PC Eric Mayne, Det.-Sgt. John [japanese weather bureau con-!givie officials than CITY EMERGENCY | Mr. Sauve allowed radio and| Powell and Acting Detective Charles Hiltz. firmed the report adding that ty-\hecause Mr. I | {television crews to move about Full details were not available, but police said the sus- |phoon Nora struck Red China. |more than 300 cities and towns,| PHONE NUMBERS lat will Friday and bring their] pects were picked up in the area of The Flats on King Tn a broadcast monitored here, some more than once. The gov-| equipment into the cabinet meet- street west the Red agency sald the Swatow ernor-general's tour of the Arctie ing room for his first press con- Charged with attempted breaking-and-entering are Ivan area registered from 6% inches!in 1956 took six months of care- POLICE RA 5-1133 ference. He answered questions| Michael McDonald, 22; Shirley Temperton, 21; Anne Wel [to 10 inches of rain in two days./ful planning. FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 smilingly while microphones don, 17: and Fleanor Marion Karpinski, 16. Police said al! A larfe area of paddy fields! Mr, Massey once was asked DEMONSTRATORS PAR- | hi, Imdia, this week carrying | at.' Bharst is another name 6 # {were poked within inches of msl gave their addresses as 200 King street west. was inundated by torrents and why he had selected his son as) ADE before the Communist | signs, one reading 'Chinese | for India. HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 |face. They will appear in Oshawa Magistrate's Court Monday. 'sea water," the agency reported. his secretary, a job that ranks| Chinese embassy in New Del- | Imperialists! Hands Off Bhar- AP Wirepboto. Py 4

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