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The Oshawa Times, 15 Sep 1959, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 15, 1959 11] TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS 'oe TORONTO | me sues mh Lowi am he Sock sue Wigley am Ov Sek Sues Mio low more Praar 1 Baseball Tourneys Base Metal 1500 13 13 13 1 San Ant % Simpsons 50 $3 2 3% 0 Baska 3500-13 12 12 +H Sand Riv 5500 10 - T0xoNTO & A.M. STOCKS Southam 75 $11% 71% 719% Belcher 2200 82 81 81 Satellite 1000 36 4 y The Canadian Press St Pav y Bibis 500 121% 12% 12% -- % Siscoe 1300 Toronto Stock Exchange--Sept. 15 + Quotations in cents unless marked 3, Sted 5 " ne 4 . Bowie 200 34 i oy iii gs 20 3 ; 8 eS Job Bh om Sxdividend, XPeExe Sieinbg A ; 26 Buffad 16 Starrat 50-4 4&4 TOV Fo y S Propane b 15 Buff RL 7 --W Steep R 365 8 --- . INDUSTRIALS Suptest ord 300 $141 y gh rg 000 -1 Sulivan 2% 12 182 dd h Cdn Astoria 3 7 Surf Tho $ 1 --- Taurcanis 2000 65 +2 Tor. 5 § 55h 1 Cs ; 3 (10 Jersitoly: 300 By GERRY McNEIL all challenges between the timejers" in an Edmonton tourna-halfback became known as the Adlock. | Sales High Low 1 a.m. ons A FY 3 "en : Tribag 500 3 Canadian Press Staff Writer [the grain began to sprout and ment in 1922. Scout Eddie Herr|Bargain Basement Beauty of the 4% 34 3s ~-- 5 > 3 o r Prin Ch 5 AWBL |. 30 Sis EL [ ) ; 23 Ir n Ch ib 1000 1 EDMONTON (CP)--The mad- parves; oe, nig Uuiled OF Denroit Tigers | signed Tunmr: Vetter Interprovincial Football Alta Dis wis 425 135 ~10 ; 5 S18 3 1h 29% 29 ; Un Keno 100 475 473 ; cap twists and twirls of Prairie ge y i Alta Gas $0% 24 2h -- 4 ga 80 8) A sb Ja y Upp Can 400 108 basehall thurnawnenis make 6x sional touch when they entered Texas League for polish. Tournaments are still played Algoma 20 830 ; Fuel 30 855. Bf 2 ; 000 Ventures % 3 a tournament. "Turner had a 238 record|yith the old fi in Alberta : $ - n Tel 1 g 00 Violam g 188 citing memories for Western th in 1923 and headed e ervor in Ars ws 4% Walk G a 1m Cotas 45 ; aie Am 3 OE il eogiasls, A typical slugfest was the In- ore a I ey onde of and Western Manitoba, though gus 24 5 bb Knp 300 350 35 C Beliekeno cedon ] - : i dian Head, Sask., Invitational of| the great Saskatchewan tourna- Argus 250 pr : 1 W Cop wis 250 i C Denison 4 wi roy 3 They were terrific spec- ellow fever before the next sea- % fs opmmimc ou wend mms imer Spe gs oa a b faen So Jom Dey, fo I Ine lems wer 0, "The Brandon Cloverleats, Cen- Bank NS 72 West 4 ; 13% 199 3 7 Young HG 1500 eneral Ed ; i Bell Phone 1833 § we | 3 West A wis 220 $1354 Con Gillies 7 ung : I Weta Canada --and dust flew from three dia- pycpy TALENT tral Manitoba champions since BA Oil 1887 $347 3414 -- 3 Wiwrd A wis 170 -925 925 928 C Halliwell 6275 58 56 56 Sales to 11 a.m.: 755,000. Baseball League ons at once during the elimin-| "7." brionter tale, Rollie Miles|1994, have become so powerful . ations, : ¢ that several towns have barred ranks as the best tournament ball Con M and § 375 Nenad 2000 \ MONTREAL Ducey began his baseball car-| ype than 12,000 jammed In-|player to make the jump to pro-|them from their local tourna- C « 3 eer as a batboy in the tourna-|.. x Regeourt 5 dian Head, whese population nor-|fessional football, ments, Another homebrew Man- fae. s woxtREAL tis AM. stocks [ments of the eany WH HE mally was 14, to see Delislel wiles was a 2lvearold Amerk|licba jeer, the Riverside mine, <p Mat 5 § o Jupot $26 26. 26 Conwest 55 Montreal Stock Exchange--Sept. 15 "They played iy 2 eTigs. ck|(Sask.) Gems win $2000 toP|can bolstering Regina Caps at won $20,000 in 13 years of tour- © Pack B x A iE aye 100 2 : 4 Coprand 50 . (Quotations in cents 'uniess marked §, ney y ra money. The Delisle nine included second base when Caps visited ing the tournament circuits. Srack> ; . \ 17 "4 Coulee ] 4--0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr----Ex- infield in 1933 at Saskatoon," re-|\ uo nol Hockey League stars 'i The biggest money tournament Cdn Baks 3 §! 31 I " yi 334 2 A Paermg Fights, xW--Ex-warrants.) calls Ducey. "In 1949, they had Max and Doug Bentley. Edmonton dr 2 ol Suma, is the playoff at Lethbridge, Cdn Brew 02 % 34% 3 ; jie citing be 5 16 teams in the Lloydminster, | i ut. x a Cdn Celan g 13 OF. - Donatda g CANADIAN gl {--all sleeping] Ducey mames a strapping(Cliff Early--mourning the bad Alta., where $4,350 was distri- Cdn Chem § 7 y I 3 r Sask., tournament---g' s'eeping; buted among eight teams this C Curt W 50 280 Duvan 3 3 in cots at the school." outh from Grande Prairie, |luck--mentioned that Miles was F h A C Dredge y 817% -- 4 st Ma} 3B ; Abitibi 115 $35 34% 34% Alta. as the best tournament a fair football player Joan. our 3 out ern Alberta ; or : : WW 34 34 + % INO RESTRICTIONS player he ever saw. The word reached the training| 7 a a with on 1505 826% + Ai $393; 3 25 h Every Prairie hamlet spon-| The youth was Tiny Turner, alcamp of Edmonton's football eam: 6 : De Favalay oe 192 ; ; $25 100 $463 4 46 h sored a tournament, with the lo-|six-foot - three righthander who | Eskimos and coach Annis Stukus og Supe City Mosarche won y : cal nine issuing and answering|was named "King of the Bush-|gave Miles a tryout. The fleet Hie » cp money this sum- Comb Ent 215 ( ) E 1 -3 > , 3 be 5 i! 1 Geo Scien Con Gas 3 3 % N ] 5 y 3 1 01 3: tal 1 ; Giant YK : 3 3 5 Som Cash Ne La 4 1 : Goldale 5 Banque CN 600 orby vt 8 "iriend 11a G Eagle Bank Mont EL hai iE SPEED Er EiESY BL REET [ony Refuses | OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS 3 5 1 ¥ )0 18 J 7 Ecva 200 v « . $ 3 4 | Pom EV wis 1 F700 wil i 315 580 560 3 linger $29% 29% 1 BC Fores, « 40) 32 } i ttawa | PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES | TEAM No. 5-- Ada Tonkin, Al Hill | D Mons 1 Y Hid ragon 1730¢ 31-3 Had Bay 7 ; i$ al Feit . a Bowling is under way again for an-|V y Vickers, y Blore, Sadie, Dom Stores 16 > Mi d ) 75 Int Nickel 38! 1 J n Cem pr $271 7 oid N.S. (CP)--Don/other season. Somé of our bowler sal and Ann ; | Dom Tar 5 $161 16% 1 ea 10 i 4% 4 I an 705 195 18 05 --3 SL, 150 $ 2 Loney said Saturday he has|tumed in some nice scores, but there| TEAM No. 6-- Rose Procter, Fair.| > 4 3 Yay oP " 5 95 is 1 93 ] Sa F '" 5 are others we'll not menti {ley Bouckley, Odie White, Qu jel dh boy - 1 Pet 0 $10% 104 10% Iron Bay 1000 26 3 1 Bank Com 3 3 turned down a chance to become "7, 2" 8 Mo dings are as follows: | Iounds. Winnie Flegg snd po REGISTER NOW Fam Play 25 § 2014 : ve 5 Jaccbus 8 3 25 Br Alun ] general manager of Ottawals, 5 and 18 all have 4 points, 2, 8.|Philips. Fanny F ¢ ) y 12 3 52 15 50 SI ! : 18 Rough Riders to remain place-|10, 11, 13 and 15 have 3 points, 1, 7] mga TY ft 4 . 500 "4 5 1% K d 5 - : 4 ! ) © | AM No. 7-- Helen Gourlie, Ane' Giumeny H 35%. 35% a fain $ : 3 - : ment director and head football 3 FL aad 18 Nave point each, |p, ioc Rose Stovin, Elsie Riley, Ann FOR FALL ¢ GL Pape Dl 37 36 36% 4 A 3 . h t Power dC 31 16 1 cg Pr . ania 3 7 wi 4 G L Power 50 2 e Oil 2 i 131 La 73 25 210 $25 25 ' coach at St. Francis Xavier uni-|™ sre Corneal led the triples win Citra avd Tilia Hayward, pg dre i 2 e Oll 275 8 1 } he iy d ' % i 235 $25% 25% 25 versity here. 745 (245-291-209), followed by Don Cross-| yy oi" 100 stone "Palen B T | H H Greyhnd 0 81 & Jump Pud ; * 1000 - Fae 1 5 175 1 Vicker: 200 $167 1 Loney said in an interview man with ya (250-21 id Hatry oe | nette Tnitie and Elie An renie arvey mt i TT Longy 2 5 5 1 ynx 2% 12% 124 + i 420° $155 with radio station CJFX sports| $3 910 Har Re on). pill Groes|, TEAM No. 9-- Marg. Lesenko, Mar- ACCM a Carpet 100 ae 19% k d a 3 i i : 3 2 ! 54 2 1 ctor Al Graham that he had bois : lon Hutchins, Ann Chryk, Dot Fletch " . Hardee pr A fajitrar ? wr Jeg 10 1 3 xtile dire ae 675 (216-249-210), Don Brockman 672|o. Aga Garrate and Greta Yeo 424 KING ST. W. RA 5-6122 Hur Erie $ ; ous 150 2 2% 2 Modsel 2 sons 10 : taken two weeks to think over|(249.214-29), Edith Ryan 649 (216-260),| "pons No. 10-- Laura MeKinnley.'| RAD. BALLET -- C€.DTA. TA im oa or ine 34 M 2100 pt ' : 10 ; Fon : : the offer. He said he felt he had bh 1 op en 20) 0 Bra: | Nelda Thompson, Vi Moore, Nora Pat- [lo = CDYA TAP 2 2 _ 1 City y 9 22 2 ) 9 1 4 a as 'i " . ) udson mi 7 t I! Ind 3 2 $37 37 i 2 1 x 3 ng 75 $30% 30% -- % an unwritten cbligation" to the| Luton oo 632" (220.234), Bill Gutselil 'Crrons 'Mary Bell and Dorothy Huzar, 2 universitw, Antigonish and Novagsg (244), Stan Paradise 620 (281), 1 \ 3 Pete 1 & 11 r 15 3 35 G 5 : - Scotia football | Pete Wight 618 (226.229), Dot Para-| In RD Sas tg p % 1 ie Pete W 0 5 23 ¥ 3 1105 Tien 175 108 £1 The 35 - yesr - old athlete' dise 611 (226), and Bill Barta 600 ah) | a , Lys >ormo Pp 5d 106 Midrim 5 5 7 2 wi tt 3 4 : : : High singles for the week were Les| fg 375 $5 ' Jarmo pe SBE % : M Wright 2 v A captained the Rough Riders ow" oc" grce Dalton 260, Bill] vB wis 59 180 ; 3 2 14 it {when they won the Grey Cup in|paker 257, Alex Alexander 254, Helen | js {1951. He played in both the Big Morrison 245. Edna Baker 241, Lo's | IF | Morey 239, Madeline Morrison and Vi ! | our and the Western Interpro-|Morey P REFE R R E D 800 150 145 15 : k ; : : 1 , 00 $ T Hynes 238, George Taylor 237-200. (8 . 500 N Kelore 1 1 1 1 Joy Hel $42 ry |vincial Football Union. He won| yoo." pocomp 233- 202, Flo Lovelock | Po Sec 100 $ + 1 Sapphire 2600 5B ~] Newlund 18 On ira fud Bay 25 ' g |the best player trophy in the Big!232.203, Bea Hale 232. Jim Morrison | Lob G1 pr $ 8 +1 South Uf 300 13.38 1 } N Mylans 2 56 56 § pl 15 g Four in 1950 and played his last|231, Guy Morey 22 207, Jean Taylor : 1 ob Co A 2000 X 4 Nickel MS By Nh mp Oi 540 $35 35 7h {season in 1954 with Calgary and Ev Harding 225. by people who enjoy a friendly y > 3 200 14¢ ( ! Fret gt 3 325 np Tob pr 2 5% Y ; Bowlers who bowl off will please 3 relaxt : h LobCo A wt 150 +50 . by 1500 ! Y a5 1 1 1 : nd 0 § 3 37 x | note, we are using the new count. | and relaxing atmo: ri MacMill B 2 110 400 - 00 9 st Yo - 78 5 5 Last year he piloted the univer-| 9 Sphere Mass-F BSO VE es a 10 7 r kel 2 - sity Xaviers to the Canadian in-| . MOTUR CITY INDUSTRIAL 6950 190 1 18 : . 700 1 / nt Pape 212 $117 117 hs | This league is off to a weak start 475 5 3 1000 - 12 2 1s ie Y 1 1 I 5 1 1 finals against Fort this year. The boys seemed to be only S T A R L | T E R 0 0 M Jes $14% 1 4 RSPR OC 2000 a ye 85 0 75 7 nj PL 0% 4 Ww illiam Redskins. 8 | practicing this week, just warming up | fid-West 800 170 - 17 n.0G 100 1 3 : ry i g Ii 325 1 [for the season Molson A 25 $25 25 : Joga : ; 61% 6 y r 25 $5% 25% BY {Only five bowlers fated to turn out. | Molson pr 7 8a 4 Vindeal) oy: 12%: 134 I) aZRRN oe 3m Mailman pr $ THEATRE GUIDE | They must have got their starting paoore 3. 340% 49) - 4 mousle 00 : . 350 350 3 +5 Mass Fe 855 $12% 12 12 | dates mixed up and we'll be seeing N st Car xd 143 15% 15% -- } 3000 22 ; is ; ' Mass F 3 3 101% 101Y | them next week. With two men apiece MNOr Star 14% : ! | 1 | S Fo a 1 a a ce BE p 3 J Yi 7 ' A short, Acadian Cleaners managed 3 N Star wt 57 125 380 330 4 pee xp ¥ a 4 31% -- ¥ Mitch Rob A 700 2 : Brock (Whithy) -- "Forbidden points from Genosha Hotel lads, Gil- NO NGas 5 4% 1 1 g Mitch Rob B 1670. 660 3 Island", 7.10 and 10.10 p.m.|lard Cleaners manipulated 3 po'nts ) Steel 100 Orange Cr Pick Crow ; 6 olson 8 "wo ant? ertest without h of Page-Hers Alsacus : 20 29 - Portage LE AE i at Stl Car = 300 : Compulsion", 8.20 p.m. only. from Clark Supertes ANI We BB THE KID WHO SHOWED THE BIG TIME HOW: | THE ONE YEAR OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL CROWD Pembina 40 $ i Th -- Aced-Urs 0300 u 1 : Preston 3 315 315 315 Noranda 95 $47% 4 AT% -- Y Evening shows at 7.00 and 8.20% Ty" ver Motor City Taxi and took ur FAST CARS, GIRLS .... NO PLACE TO GO! + Pow Corp 3 $314 3] Ajaitel 0 - + Pros Alr ' 7 i 150 $10ks IMA a p.m. Last complete show atithem for the full 3 points. Lockwoo! HIGH SCHOOL 3 h 23 i ; er 5000 | Sill" ip Que Lith 135 285 285 285 3 Ta i oo a ake 4 8.20 r.m. [Movers had to fight hard to take 2 AL BiG CH. T-BiRD (rr X[r . : i 1 3 Q Metal 5 1, 1 5 5% 35% - Hig i ss | po'nts from Dunn's Tailors wo 57 6 Arcadi 500C ; 1 Gunston +4 BS . : b Marks -- - High School Big Sho Old reliable V. Claus tripled with 20 0 ; 5 ; Quemont 5 +3 ! : 4 4 2.20, 435, 6.45, 9.00 p.m. "T-ime high of 765 (270.262:233). followed g35 ml B14 --1 ' 5 102 5 Radiore 509. . 35 © 54 83 +3 Que Nat Gas 200 4 ; Bird Gang", 1.15, 3.25, ,{by J. White with 751 (235-345-171), F 85 $16% 16% 16% ubel 3% 3% 3 Rayrock 500 32 1 ; Que Pow 25 $39. 139 3 7.40, 9.55 pm. Last complete | Hayworth with 713 (210-178-325), and St Maurice 800 125 120 120 - p a fr Realm 1 ; Ree Av Can 1000 $6% 6% 6% show at 9.00 p.m |D. Soloman with 721 Kd um. Salada- 1565 $11% 11% p ( 3 ] R! 100 b a ] at die Other mentionable triples were __ Shavia® 135 $28% 28% arna u 2500 130 os Rockwin. 6% 26 oval Bonk s 1% 11% -- % Plaza -- "Hole in the Head" |yay (240.209.223), A. Gogun (253-221 ys - - (color), 1.00 3.08. 5.15, 7.20,!189), J. Bell (241.200.220), M. Vennor | 9.55 p.m. Last complete show | (219-214-199), B., Markus (226-165-239), { ) | b D. Hooper (177-257-174). at 9.20. 9, a The best of the, rest included singles Ron Knox W Els Out SPORTS IN BRIEF lion iste; somleiisnr tin t 3 | daily at 1.30, 4.05, 6.55, 9.45 p.m. |N. Olesuk 238. C. Winnacott 219. T. | "Master of Bailantrae", shown Monahan In En oy. DOUBLE | ESKIMO PLAYER HURT the game he booted two fiela| daily at 2.5, 55 815 pm. Sin ion 3. 0. Kowara 2 0. (BS FEATURE ! . YOON i 5 : 3 'opel Last complete show at 8.15 wiiron 207, J. Crow 220 1 O OC O to A go auts AD ONToN ff LA fr Ed gs Is axd a convert, p.m. | Last but not least without mention Il I ial I 11 mmy-Joe Coffey, 23, from Mec- pm 3 Jr ling the many bo-derline scores. we Adoo, Texas. wi i' not play for WAIVER WITHDRAWN musn't leave out the lemon Jeaguess f 'Weet.| DETROIT (AP) -- The Detroit placir Americ, in thr fF. Schneider 42. G. wood 8 TORONTO (CP)--Ronnie Knox| Pool said he didn't think Ron- things like 'Ronnie Knox you're Bdmowon Esurws of he Nea Tigers have lost an to gt i sas So Weeks 90, RB Dingman oA " 0 r raanait 'a 3 a hy a « H W EL incia Jl i go op id o 'i h ok 4, eer wp 0yS, e season's youn ied Big our Football Uni : thing er ht 1e fact ye . Fo Hey, Golden BoY, ypjon for at least a month be- claim slugger Vic Wertz from the day. It claims records for this yet thall Unior ng b: y ) > a fake, ve . SY Pp i ste IS aivers > ed rei Monday night Doucette was ted at quarter, Pool said Knox got the same ause of a fractured right fore- Bs ton Red Sox on waivers. The one event--in the featherweight,| voror crry sToRE LEAGUE Ny iy 7 i Colle i C5 art ud opie, '¢ arm, ers said Boston had removed bantamweiglit, light heavyweight| Here we are girls, the beginning of The 24-year-old import quarter-|in day ne here againstitaunts in Ottawa and Montreal the first baseman from the|and lightweight divisions a brand new season of bowling. Please back told Lew Hayman, Argos' Ot a h Riders which Ar-|"but I guess it's worse when you Coffey does not remember how o.oo jict Detroit had hoped to 4 be at the alley's, at 2 p.m. sharp! managing director, that he was 20s won 19-6, their second victory get it in your home town, too." =~ received the fracture during co wet," at first base for the BUY TWO PLAYERS | Thureday, September 17. Ay ; i trough] . z HOE W ay adm 's 27-20 victory over 2 ERF, FAMS: worried about his troublesome in 1 ve games. Pool said Argos will start Dou- E monte 2% victory OVer remainder of the season. QUEBEC (CP)--Quebec Aces ZA} ice Saramak, back and had decided to give up I know he has never indicated cette again Wednesday night in/'-2i8ary Saturday night. During of the American Hockey League|Mars. ie Vida Morey, Mary Fro- the game jealousy," Pool said. "You their game at Ottawa although|------------ m---- NEW CHINESE CRAZE {announced Monday they have bel, ody Lie and Selle Jogamas, Toi ant 2%: hours. thin nderstan his kid's he ave snathep : der . . : : eS d 4 0 -- Merle Poche, Edna Hayman spent 2% hours trying understand ' this kid's back-|they have another import quarter| . . . . 956 . .| TOKYO (AP) -- Communist purchased leftwinger Jean-Marie Brent, Jean McPhearson, Did Hobbs, | SETI IRE INT to talk Knox out of the decision ound before vou can under-/in reserve. He is rookie Johnny ¢3Mme to (anada in 1956 after a' : ar " and Myrna Baldwi 2 . I a. 8 3 : : 3 okie Johnny oor ear at the University of China has a new national craze|Cossette and defenceman Bob |Ted ¢ and Myrna Baldwin JAN STERLING lv + i 1 y thir reen. 21. w ste ani Breat career at the University of + p - 0 Jar : Knox quickly checked out of id the things Green, 21, who posted a brilliant! 2 5 3 we fling. The srowing/ Robertson from Cleveland TEAM No. 3-- Mae Jamies: Mrs plush apartment and apparent he kid's bee der pressure|record at the University of Chat. California in Los Angeles and v of ne I Williamson, Irene Campbell, Estella] ADULT ; A ; Et joined Hamilton Tiger-Cats. After PoPula of the sport has car-|Barons of the AHL Cossettel Patterson, Vivian Fudge and Isobel| omormamwont oy left town. Hayman said Knox had since he was 10 years old- almost | tanooga. Joie 2Thien 1ger Sais. Ana ried Chinese musclemen to world played for the Aces the last four|Johnston indinhtic roa Hhop py och sol Aftor 3 ihigd ame Seven games his stepfather . id de . 3 TEAM N . A indicated he was | g forced to become t fc After an exhibition game i ¥ records in four of seven divisions seasons in the defunct Quebec [rea 2 4---Mabel Moss. Ada vo : hal Sas ia ae lagn Vii 'rd {arvie Knox and Ticat 'coach y, Cy McFeeters, Mi . i ' . ball player. It's poss a s against hicag 4 P 1a ATK lcat 'coach eli lok poem ) y McFeeters, Kay Middle. home to Califor nia o bi al pi ayer 2 1% ; Xe he has 3g in ( 108 0 C ardinals ast Jim Trimble had a dispute. Ron- of the clean and jerk event, re-|Hockey League. mass, Vera Hele and Lyn Barlow | "GIGANTIS, THE FIRE MONSTER" on a holiday. 1 reached ti point where month Pool called Green the best P rt a ---- . " Coach Hamp Pool said Knox football doesn't offer him the ap- quarter he had ever seen, "out- ie finished that season with Cal-| : : for TEENAGERS FROM OUTER SPACE" had made no mention to him peal it did." side of Knox." gary Stampeders, ¥.. 20. ; : about departure plans, RAZZED RY FANS In order to use Green Argos In 1957 he was drafted by Chi- fy BORER coniorror ] i Fao AZZED ANS must use up another of their €ago Bears of the National Foot- : i if PRE-SEAS N INJURY Pool said he w ed beside seven import changes allowed by ball League but was later sus- 4 : j Masterful Knox injured his 'k and left Knox when the team left t 1 i : faili : ¢ 4 the Canadian rules. They used their pended for failing to show up at roduction!" 3 n ext ¥ 8 pr ' ye sand " i x i . shoulder in a pr on exhibi- field after Sunday's game and first Sunday, benching Corky Practices. Last year he still : production starring Brod Winchell tion against Saskatec hew an heard him get a razzing from the Tharp for tackle Ron Kissell. hadn't played a game for Chi- A Roughriders. He went to host owd : y {cago when Toronto got him on hb tal Monday for x-rays but the "It took us about five niinutes|NO FULL SEASONS Hoan, Argonauts are said to have | recommend plates didn't show anything seri- to reach the dressing room. Alli Ronnie has never finished a signed him for $18,000 this sea- 3 it t the ous. this time people were yellingifull season with one club. Helson. iio p 3 ER ------ om Pietro ------------------------ aa entire 40> qr IN © country!" FRANK CAPRAS "5 i ~E&d Sullivan oh ees | (12g Hous mimi He" [72 OMPLETE CAREFREE HEATING ||| MES ® jt fae Er. Du i Sl SMOKING IN FUEL OIL The Best Quality Obfainvile ==. Full of Host =. Clown | pil AR GR loces . * Burning -- Automatic Delivery. eS "A tral A truly SERVICE ik Efficient -- Prompt ro Day or Night by Factory Tioined ] 7 : oo * Courteous Workmen. - : : pture. | 0 ) 3] AWA j : one of : EQUIPMENT N Oil Furnaces in various pri i Li : . . price ranges -- sized to your needs, ; the greatest DRIVE-IN Tailor made "in our factory" warm and cold air ducts to wa ; of all TINSMITHING ra your requirements. ; time!" 1 BOX OFFICE TONEIGH SHOW STARTS } ] : «Lovells Parsons OPEN AT 7:30 AT 8:00 LIFE INSURANCE * on time payment equipment purchases : : om : "One of the up to five years on oil burners or furnaces. Convenient PAYMENT . . . monthly payments on oil. YOU CAN BE SURE IF IT'S . . . / : § { atime | | PNET Civemascope Sonus ine = Parade Magazine re p ; RN, a iy : PLUS ADDED ENJOYMENT RA 2 1663 ON § Ras-663 ||if E MET fi Py | ® BOWMANVILLE © OSHAWA AJAX * WHITBY JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT-SHELLEY WINTERS-RICHARD BEYMER - GUSTI HUBER NO TOLL CHARGE FROM BOWMANVILLE AND AJAX -- SEE ZENITH NUMBER ut] WYNN oud inyodegn Jerome's ov 100 JACOB) LAS] DAY i Se "WESTBOUND" p A COLUMBIA PICTURE TECHNICOLOR® SERVING THE PUBLIC FOR MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS | STARTING a -- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- TOMORROW "MASTER OF | BALLANTRAS": | HILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTO

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