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The Oshawa Times, 15 Sep 1959, p. 6

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The engagement is announ- ced today of Miss Dianne Kair- een Greenlaw and Dr, Robert Michael Starr and the wedding is to take place in All Saints 4 Anglican Church, Whitby, on Saturday October 10. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Greenlaw of Whitby and her fiance, who Jo Women Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, September 15, 1959 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES PTA ASSOCIATION cards to the sick and shut-ins| A well attended meeting, held|during the summer months. |recently, in St. Gregory's audi Several business items were torijum tharked the opening of brought up and discussed. Mrs. {the 1959-60 season of St. Greg- Perry reminded the members of | lory's Paren Dean viser and St. Joseph's Catholic|the supper, "The Feast of the] ! t - Teachers Association.|Seven Tables," which is to be Paul Dwyer, spiritual ad-|%0 September 29 in the Centennial for the Unit, opened the Hall of the church, meeting with prayer. Mrs. Wil.| The Ardent Workers group liam ed all Dates for the following events " 2 were is a graduate of the University |pershi of Toronto in the Faculty of Dentistry, is the son of the Honorable Michael Starr, and Mrs, Starr, Oshawa. | {puat NS | Form Pretty Morning Ceremony The marriage of Barbara The matron-of-honor carried a/ The Clarke, president, welcom- served refreshments. those present. ST. GEORGE'S EVE, WA . The evening branch of the WA ed: CPTA em- Spioe TR September|Of St. George's Memorial Church 21, in both schools; CPTA an. held its opening meeting recent- bazaar--Wednesday, Nov-1¥ at the home of the president, : ember 25; CPTA valentine bridge| Mi: F. 8. Wotton, E --Wednesday, February 4, 1960,), After a potluck supper, the new members of the Pusiness meeting was opened by teaching staff were introduced|the president with prayers. The | Mapplebeck-Ogden Nuptials [by the principals of the two Minutes were read by the secre- | |schools. Parent attendance prizes | were | Grego seph's and Grade 34 (boys), for tary, Mrs. David Hutcheon, and won by Grade 56 (girls) | MTS: W. H. Jackson, treasurer, st. ave her report. '| Mrs. Robert Clayton, Dorcas secretary, brought up the sub- % [ject of the Christmas bale for ry's and Grade 2-3, Si, Jo- Doreen Ogden and James Wilson teardrop cascade of white shasta| ST. ANDREW'S WMS Church House. and plans were Mapplebeck, both of Oshawa was solemnized on morning, September 12, Mary of the People Roman Cath- similar cascades with gold spray- olic Church, The bride is the daughter of| Mr. Otto Ferencz was bes r. and Mrs. S. H. Ogden, Bow- man. Ushering were manville, and the bridegroom is|Harold Yarmola and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Fialka. Mapplebeck, Oshawa. St./mums and the altendants carried Church held its first meeting of | cussed in connection with the| United in marriage in a the. fall season recently. Mrs, -iitle Helpers' party in October,| double-ring ceremony recently ,|chrysanthemums with sprayed The Ishrimp - pinocciio chrysanthe- WMS i inocchio chrysanthemums. | ed pinocchio chrysar : Lloyd . (With a | Mrs, A reception was held The Reverend N. J. Gignan of- recreation hall at the Oshawa report ficiated. The wedding music was| Airport. To receive, the bride's The played by Miss Jean Kolodziej mother wore a street-length|be hel and Mrs. W. E. Kinsman sang. Given in marriage by her|pale rose hs and gloves and |Scripture lesson, Mrs. Samuel business meet dress of printed blue crepe with Mrs. secretary's report, and Mrs. Mor- in the ley Wyman gave the treasurer's of St. Andrew's United Sy Rene under the convenership of the| at Albert Street United Church Po sails opened! cooretary for Little Helpers, Mrs.| were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clarence Sadler read the Gerald Blears. In response to an| Allan Wilson. The bride, the appeal received, it was decided! former Miss Marilyn Louise iia 4 see i ; ] | atlernoon. 'group. of the for is preparation. he i WEDDING PRINCIPALS The next meeting will be held 'Diabefic Assn. [Um Ie tite" Mim When she arrived home her Mothers' Branch |dsugnter Joy Ann remarked: gt? i Tor- Resumes Meetings ct, hol Shen?" , of thel HOUSEHOLD HINT atin and District Branch of| Copper can be cleaned easily he Canadian Diabetic Associa- and ally if it is rubbed ion held their first meeting of | With half a lemon dipped in salt, 'he 'Fall season recently at theithen rinsed in hot water and pol- some of Mrs. George Glassford,|ished with a soft cloth. on behalf of the parent organi- y -ation Mrs, Glassford presented TV'S GROWTH the group with a check for fif-| The total of combined radio 'een dollars. and television receiving licences Dr. H. Roy Rowsell was thelin Britain overtook radio licences quest for the evening. Dr. Rows- alone in 1957, oll is the Teds} movie he local branch the Diabetic As- ; sociation. He was present in or- 4897 SIZES der to answer any of the prob- lems that had arisen during the summer, During the discussion the mo- ther's were advised that a well- controlled diabetic child prob- ably should have a blood sugar test every six months at the doctor's discretion. Those chil dren who were not so well-con- trolled should hdve one more often "at the discretion of their own doctor, Diet was discussed and it was felt that those chil- {dren who adhered to a strict diet were less likely to have kidney or liver complications in years to come. Recently some of the members had had insulin that was more streaky than usual and the doc- tor thought it might have been + (frozen at some time, and this g might tend to break down the molecules and lessen the action !of the insulin. The insulin should} {have been returned to the drug- gist, in Port Hope. A dietitian from| Armstrong, is the daughter of [Oshawa General Hospital will}! Mr, and Mrs. John Armstrong speak on picnics and restaurant! and the bridegroom is the son [meals for diabetic children. It of Mr. and Mrs. George E. |will be held on October 14, and Wilson, all of Oshawa. each mother was asked to bring '--Photo by Ireland |a diabetic desert or diabetic {to purchase linens for the Church Home for the Aged. | iy R i The evening was brought to a " dy f i y 3 % : s read or ship- Saukotiering meeting will close with a discussion of plans of clothing was ready p ent sha aL 5 for the annual Christmas party| Tent: s S. N. Whitelaw read the|;, nyocemper The next regular|. The sick convenor, Mrs. George ing will be held in|Blatter, reported flowers and, on welfare stated that two boxes | father, the bride wore a floor- navy blue accessories. The bride-| Snowden gave a report of thelq parish hall on October 1 {cards had been sent to the sick length princess gown of white groom's moth assisting was in school i . brocaded satin featuring a wide V-neckline and long pointed hat and gloves. Both wore cor- Mrs. he {zleeves. A tiara of rhinestones/ sages of chrysar and seed pearls held her finger tip veil and she carried a cas cade of Queen Elizabeth rose and white pincechio pom poms Mrs. Robert Coleshaw (Joye {of-honor in shrimp colored peau- | Willard Joyce (Peggy) and Mrs. 7453 {Owen MacDonald (Gail) were |gowned alike in gold peau-de-soie USE SCRAPS |with white sill. organza over- Iskirts. They all wore white silkient from Tor o, Rouge Hills, remind By ALICE BROOKS | Whip up a bright, new apron for your copy of the book. -- both of thrifty scraps. One red rore -- charming ac- cent for a nostess apron. Make other all plaid or plain and print- ed scraps. Pattern 7453: pattern pieces; rose transfer. (Mrs. Gavin Wilson, Wilson road|and for which there is no charge. of the devotional. Mrs. 8. Snow- meeting of the Faithful group of ion of officers will take place Train, past matron of Durham Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS| (coins) for this pattern (stamps 'cannot be accepted) to The] Oshawa Times Household Arts Dept.,,, Oshawa, Ont, Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT-| TERN NUMBER. Our 1959 ALICE BROOKS Needlecraft Catalogue has many lovely designs to order: crochet-| ing, knitting, embroidery, quilts, dolls, weaving. A special gift, in the catalog to keep a child hap-| pil» occupied -- a cutout doll and| clothes to color. Send 25 cents| for your copy of the book. " 11 A 3 af organza hats with a bow to|Trenton, Parkhill and Bowman- preshyterial Rally in Columbus : on October 27. match the color of their dresses. nlemums study for leaders held at Whit- land baby gifts and congratulations pale grey shantung with a white|by Ladies' College. 18TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.'sent to Mrs. Patrick MacAvoy, | Lloyd Pegg introduced the| : o; 14 11 Mrs, P. G. Healey and Mrs. Re- book for the year, watriaaly The 19 Seous Mothers held iis ginald Reid on the arrival of their t Later the couple left for a wed-| Disturbed," and closed the meet-|courtice United Church Sunday Mew babies. Mrs. Leo Krybul will ding trip to the eastern provinces'ing with prayer. School room. Ylalso receive a gift for her new| and New England States to Cape| . Cod. For travelling the bride] N Mr. and Mrs. Mapplebeck will{ywith a reading, "An African live at 90 Thomas street, Osh-|prayer." ! awa. |. The Out 'of town guests wefe pres-|gave their reports. The president iville. | Mrs. : " | The members were welcomed|Pa%'- { ORTHMINSTER WMS, by Mrs. Charles Archer. The! The social convener, Mrs.| Carpenter, The on weddings catered for during| {treasurer's report was given by|June and July, also that the aux-| L thei nirs, Thomas Gladman. Roll calj|iliary had arranged a banquet opened the meeting was taken by Mrs. Charles Car. for 30 altar boys and a break- penter, i fast for the Grade 8 pupils of Plans were made for the tea Holy Cross. | and bake sale {o be held on Wed-| It was decided to have the fall the nesdar afternoon, September 23! bazaar on the afternoon and even- - .30 in the lower hall of the ing of November 17. Members church. were reminded that Sunday, Oc- The installation of officers will tober 4, would be Communion take place at the October meet- Sunday at the 9.00 oclock mass secretary and {treasurer ed the members of H. A Mellow spoke on cookies. Those who wish to attend| LODGES AND |sivect casi, Oshawa, or phone RA| SOCIETIES (Has Unscheduled SLIMMING SUNBEAM CHAPTER, OES | By ANNE ADAMS Toe rene mesing of suv| Plane Ride a ely held in the Masonic Temple. | OTTAWA (CP) -- Mrs. Alfred ShARCA SASER £5 RED Fort Wo Miss Flora Purdie, worthy ma-| Sadler went on her first plane, = ine is caspal, slimming tron, presided, assisted by Mr. (ride Saturday--and it was one a To ' {above 8-gore skirt. Tomorrow's William Henderson, worthy pa- She probably won't make again. p 2 . Mi ' ,/wore a periwinkle blue silk shan-| The regular meeting of North-| eo retary's report was read by James Hickey, gave her reportitron, Mrs. Sadler was looking over|® Aiern: Misses' dress. Isister of the bride, was matron-/tung dress and jacket with a/minster Women's Missionary So- Mrs. Charles dusty rose hat and gloves, navy ciety was held in the ladies' par- . S |de-soie with white silk organza plue accessories and a corsageilor, Mrs. R. B. Galbraith, [trim. The o'her attendants, Mrs./of white button chrysanthemums. president, insi vi | Printed Pattern 4897: Half matron welcomed BE i oe Be in Sizes 10%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 2%, they were prepared for all the ac-|SPection at nearby Uplands Air-| 28%. Sie Son Tequires 3% yards tivities of the chapter, and had Port when she suddenly found * -inch fabric, enjoyed their vacations. {herself locked in with 2 group of| Printed directions on each pat- Miss Dorothy Haley, marshall, | 2c" Soarer, radio and television |tern part. Easier, accurate. presented the flag Mrs Mc cese and soviet officisls. | Send FIFTY CENTS (59¢) in took the office of secretary, Mrs She tried to get. out but the coins (stamps cannot be accept- Dunlop the treasurer, Mrs. Brock-|-2mP had been moved and the ed) for this pattern. Please print lehurst, warden. ey |jet was on its way to make a|plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, I . |regular appearance ir the Inter- STYLE NUMBER. Mrs. Girrard introduced the fol-| national Air Show at the CNE in| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, lowing past matrons and past pa-| Toronto. |care of The Oshawa Times, Pat~ The worthy all members and officers, hope younger groups and the need of jo on Thursday, October 8 at 8|and the chairmar of the commit- P E R S 0 N A 1 S leaders, Mrs. C. Theberge, stew-ipm, |tees were asked to prepare their |trons of Sunbeam: Mrs, M. Dun-| "I feel like a heel, being here tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. |ardship secretary, spoke of the Mr. Robert Wilson and Mr, and north, have returned from a vaca- tion spent in Scotland where they visited relatives. A corn and wiener roast at Barnhart's Pavilion opened the fall meetings of St. George's All Doubles Club, with Mr. and Mrs, William Joyce and Mr. and Mrs, William Dixon as conveners. The business was conducted by the president, Mr. William Murray. Mrs. Ivan Sutton was convener for a surpri-e picnic held at the Lake on Sunday afterncon in honor of Mrs. Philip Frayne, Bloor street east, who was cele- brating her birthday. Mrs. Sut- ton was assisted by Mrs. John Robertson, Mrs. William Xent and Mrs. Robert Kent. Guests ings are always very acceptable| Mrs, work of that department. FAITHFUL GROUP ling on October 6 as that will Orville Lint was i charge| Mys, James Frost opened the'pe the meeting at which the elec- Please write or telephone ~ RA |den assisted by Mrs. S. Carkeek,|the WA of King Street United for 1959 = 60. 3-3474, local 18. Mrs. R. Nicholls, Mrs. Beasley Church with prayer. lintroduced the mew study book, | Refreshments were served by The minutes were read by the he social convenor, Mrs. James About 30 members of Queen "Africa Disturbed." secretary, Mrs. George Twiddr. |fjiex |Mary Lodge, No. 97, gathered at| "Mrs, Galbraith thanked all tak-|Mrs, William Mitchell, treasurer, | Ce" the home of Mrs. Ernest Cowle, ling part and closed with prayer. [called the roll. EVELYN GOODWIN GROUP Park road south, to bid farewell |to Mrs. John Logan who is leav- ling Oshawa to live in Hamilton.| The The evening was spent in play- season : Mrs. William Short reported GOLDEN LINKS on the sick; a card of thanks was first meeting for the fall \eceived from Mrs. Harry on the Golden Links Broudpeeyer, thanking the group for| The Evelyn Goodwin group of Centre Street United Church held its first meeting of the fall sea- i r adelin h-|0 rt Str Ini ; 1 n hurch. ing games. Mrs. Madeline Ash-|of Albert Street United Church|fiowers received while she was, Son at the cl ! ; mare, worthy mistress from Vimy |WA was held in the lower hall of iy, the hospital. Mrs. Arthur! Mrs. Percy Cherry was Jn Ridge Lodge, Whitby, and Mrs, the church, with the president, |T,egge and Mrs. Mervin Bury are charge of the gevot onal 25. Amon Toms, past mistress, Queen Mrs. William Stallibrass, presid-|yreported ill in the hospital. There Heme being "Gifts That Cost So i Mary Lodge, presented lovely ing. gifts to Mrs, Logan, who is aj The were 65 calls on the sick, or . devotional was under the The foliowing donated money| The president presided for the past mistress of Queen Mary leadership of Mrs. Walter Tip-|in the birthday box: Mrs. Wii- business meeting. Lodge. Refreshments were served | pett by Mrs. Cowle and Mrs. Jack| The Goodman. Members who wish to| Miss C go to Tyrone on Wednesday, Sep-{by Mr tember 16, were acked to be at greetin {were present from Toronto, Flint, |the Orange Hall at 7 p.m. Walter Michigan, Peterborough, Newcas- tle and many from Oshawa. Prior to her marriage to Mr. Ronald Bouckley, Miss Mildred Bolahood was entertained at a linen shower held at the home of WITE PRESERVER [M=. Cherie raistan, Hopp Polish up your rhinestones with a 15-minute soaking in gasoline. Then rub with flannel. TV NETWORKS The CBC French language television network serves a po- tential audience about one-third fred Morad, Miss Nora Morad and Mrs. Nelson George of De- troit, Michigan, and Mrs. Paul {Bolahood, Oshawa, You are invited by the Social | SOCIAL NOTICES |, |ing an were I liam Short, Mrs. Louis Disney,| The reports were read and the scripture was read by Mrs. Roy Hood, Mrs. Edward president thanked the members sora Harvey and the poem|Michael, Mrs, James Frost and for their help during the summer | s. Leon Parks. Birthday Mrs. William Mitchell. months by catering at a banquet Mrs. Cherry and Mrs. Archie gs were sung to Mrs.| The 'group is catering for a and weddings. | Tippett, Mrs. Margaret dinner on September 21 for 75 Plans were made for the bazaar Hornby, Miss Cora Harvey, and 'people and are also helping with to be held November 27 at the Mrs. Gordon Shemilt. the supper, the Feast of Seven |church, | minutes of the last meet-|Tables, to be held on September; The group was glad to have | d the treasurer's report 29. Mrs. C. H. Cathmoir back after| ead. A committee was ap-| It was decided to have a rum- her heart operation. | ENGAGEMENT pointed to price quilting of quilts. mage sale on October 2 at 1.30] Sympathy was expressed to Mr. and Mrs. John Greenlaw of The catering report for the sum-|p.m. Whitby wish to announce the en-|Mer was heard and plans were| gagement of their daughter, |Made Dianne Kaireen, to Dr. Robert|fall season. Holy Cross Women's Auxiliary | ED WILSON SEZ: {Michael Starr, son of the Hon. Ref orable Michael Starr, and Mrs, |Mrs. James Scoit's group. The of the fall season. The president, | Starr, Oshawa. The marriage is|/Pe*t to take place in All Saints' Angli- : can Church, Whitby, on Satur- Burder Department to send in any little qa October 10, at 2.30 o'clock. itemss of interest. News of teas, surprise parties, showers, anni- King after by Group 8, Mrs. Donald| Mrs. Patrick MacAvoy read the WILSON FURNITURE | { i for further catering in the| HOLY CROSS W.A, eshments were served by|met recently for the first meeting! Don't miss our Continental Bed als with box pines and head. meetings will be looked | Mrs. Joseph Callahan, presided. | boords from n's group. |secretary's report. Mrs. Stephen 20 CHURCH ST. | Bondfordi gave the treasurer's re-| KING STREET WA |port. Mrs. J. H. Lyons reporting Street United Church with the president, Mrs. as large as the English network.|versaries and comings and go- 1 H Woman's Association met re- Iversaries "an + ad go Miss America RICHARD, AGED ONE TODAY One year old today, Richard Peter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mast, Connaught street. His grandparents ave | A | Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bolhuis, | { Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs, | Peter Mast Rotterdam, Holland. --Photo by 'Ireland cently Jack Perry, presiding. | Seeks Education | ve TE Swath. took or First creme rinse with | {charge of the devotional period. TE amazing setting action. | ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP)--|Mrs. Lawrence Allen gave the} 5 The new Miss America says she|secretary's report, and the treas- Sag Your wave lasts -- thinks it is her duty to "educate urer's herself, to make herself as|Herbert Porter. wholesome as possible so as to| Mrs. set an example for the women of | cards America," {for flo lid Mrs. report was given by Mrs yet no lacquer dulls or Roy Terwillegar read| vo g stiffens it. Creme rinse and and letters of appreciation That's what 20-year-old Lynda| wers, She had sent out 66| ali. set your hair after your next 3 ~~ shampoo! Lee Mead of Natchez, Miss., said| {Sunday She won the title Satur-| day night, along with a $10,000] scholarship and the possibility of | earning about $75,000 from per-| {sonal appearances. | Miss Mead, a student at the| University of Mississippi, intends | [to return to schoo! after her | year as Miss America, and go on| {to get a master's degree in Eng-| lish. Eventual goal? "Ultimately, | marriage and a family but it'll | be years from now, I'm sure. | I'm not ready for that yet." | I MISSISSIPPI REPEATS | Miss Mead is the second girl| |in a row from Mississippi to win | the title. Mary Ann Mobley of | Brandon, 'Miss.,, Miss America| 11959, is also 'a University of] Mississippi student, | The new beauty queen is 5 feet | 7, has brown hair and green eyes and measures 36-24-36, She did not win any preliminary awards. | Second in the contest was Miss | Wisconsin, Mary Alice Fox, 20.| of Sheboygan. She won a $3,000 ischolarship. Third was Miss| Washington, Sharon Joyce Vaughn, 21, of Seattle, who won| a $2,500 scholarship. Miss Canac 19 - year - old |Resemary Catherine Keenan of Regular City-Wide Deliveri.. he r Vale, N.B,, did not make| 28 e finals, em, THREE WAYS TO | uy ENSURE BETTER Richard Hudnut any | creme flinsen Set Reg. #1.2% Value ES only ¢ PARAMETTES y PARAMETTE, | | SYRUP 21 VITAMINS, MINERALS, =. TRACE ELEMENTS _ CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. 1530 SIMCOE ST. S. DRUGS Bl prone Ra 3.2245 OSHAWA "Bone Ras-35ac Tax : STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA King St. E. RA 3-4621 | annual reports for the next meet-|10p, Mrs. MacDonald, Mrs. N.| McLeese, Mrs. B, Wight, Mr, H.' | Shelley, Mr. F. Train, also Mrs. E amit somanie >" | AMBITIOUS MAN OR WOMAN 'Mrs. Betty McKinstry, asso-| ioiate maton, gave be yepar: onl Expanding Canadian subsidiary of company first sick. 8 ill) o be held on October 15. Other con-|| in sales in its field, will employ a limited number of py ye hel Spo tovin gl qualified sales representatives for neighborhood memory of Bluther Joho W. Wale assignments, full or part-time. Commissions backed er, or rances, pas worthy - grand patron. 1 by famous $350. guarantee for first 100 presenta- Closing, Miss Purdie, worthy matron, gave the farewell. Re-| \. freshments were served by Mrs.[] or church valuable. Highest references required. IM. Alpin and her committee. tions. Experience in teaching, club, Scout, Guide {I For personal interview write George Stephenson, Mrs. Albert Hayes and family in] District Manager, Room 809, 321 Bloor Street the loss of her husband. | Refreshments were served by| East , Toronto WOOLWORTH'S Headquarters for fall house cleaning SAVE 20¢ SPOTT SUPER CARPET CLEANER ® As featured in the Canadian National Exhibition © The perfect fluid carpet cleaner o Recommended by leading carpet manufacturers 6 oz. bottle 1.00 12 oz. bottle 1.5 0 ) «\ SPOTT SUPER LIQUID CLEANER Ne 20° VALUE This coupon will be redeemed by your WOOLWORTH'S Store on either size of SPOTT Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner. Only one coupon will be redeemed at 20¢ off the retail price of either size of Spott Cleaner. 6 0z. size $1.00--80¢ with coupon 12 oz. size $1.50--$1.30 with coupon THIS OFFER EXPIRES OCTOBER 17TH, 1959 0/0 CAROCSD CARO ALO CAMO CLAD CHD F.W.WOOLWORTH CO. LIMITED OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY

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