28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 16, 1959 S50--Articles For Sale USED ber sale, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Tum plate glass 8 ft 4 in by 6 ft; Joists, doors, inci fs windows 2 'by 4 soil pipe. RA 35-4498, Galt Cartage. 2 #TUDIO terfield. chair, chestnut velour, (Continued from Page 13) 47--Automobiles for Sale [30---Articles For Sale 1964 GMO three fon truck, excellent condition, good tires. would make. good TV aerial. RA 3.9820 CONVERSION oil burner, with 200-gal. lon tank. Gurney ly stove, like new. after 5. 6c! oat, 3 pm. dump truck or truck for the farm Phone COlfax 3-2521, Bowmanville 215¢ 19654 FORD custom sedan, radio, auto- matic, ete. Absolutely a beautiful car, $875. Seaway Motors. Your Local Ford Dealer, Dundas West, Whitby; MO 8-3331. 216¢ ADMIRAL TV late model, just lik new, $139, Terms, $15 cash and §! from, (Mengher's, 5 King Street RA 3-3425 10 per|G month, One 24-inch General Electric coat, razz Mine Brass Meet 2 "matched skirt and est. and spring 8-10 36c JeArs. Teenage coat, Jacket, good SOW mine, but they don't know how By FORBES RAUDE Canadian Press Business Editor TORONTO (CP)--They proba- bly operate a heck of a good 1957 FORD V.i Fairlane 500, two tone,| FOR SALE -- Tron fi stoker, in power steering, automatie, radio, etc. good condition. Phone RA 3-3863, 216f $1995. Seaway Motors, Your Local Ford v Dealer, Dundas West, Whitby; MO GIRLS $3331. 216c dresses, etc., nearly new sizes 4° and 5. RA 3-3225 21 1956 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, spot- fess, two tone, radio, etc. $1395. Sea- way Motors, Your Local Ford Dealer, Dundas West, Whithy: MO 8.3331, 216¢c 1957 CHEV, deluxe sedan, V-8, many SALE on floor coverings, Wilson Furniture, 20 Chureh, clothing, 'coats, yards of latest patterns for every room in your home. You can save many dollars. Wilson's Sale price 25¢ per fod', 216¢ oak, lowest pri § Chureh, RA 37624. SEE the at Verdun Road. WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, solid ices. Oshawa Hardware, Bis 0 wilh two starting models fof Cotug in chonge yours now. Trade and terms. ny a aay to tell about it. This was one of the comments from a group of American busi- ness writers who met Tuesday with some of the top brass of the Canadian mining industry. The tives stated their ob- SHOP and save on day at Glecoff Supermarket, extras, a very beautiful car, $1785. Sea- way Motors, Your Local Ford Dealer, Dundas West, Whitby; MO 8-3331, 216c 18 PIECE ensemble, 'completely furn- ishes your lving Jom, lovely sweet. Road South, Free bonus 1957 POPNTIAC Laurentian sedan, radio automatic, very sharp car, $1795. Sea- way Motors, Your Local Ford Dealer, Dundas West, Whitby: MO 83-3331, 216c two table shades, hassock, magazine rack, 4 wall pictures, broadloom scatter mat, grea set, two end tables, one lamps, 2 saucers 25c each, all new; ladies' tiand shawls. RA 5- 151 FORD sedan, radio, sharp body, javitg. Sale Price $139.00. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church St. 216f PIANO -- concert pitch; also oo very good mechanically, $395. Seaway Motors, Your Local Ford Dealer, Dun- das West, Whitby; MO 83331, 216c 48--Automobiles Wanted . Highest prices paid. ends, some slightly marked, unpainted four tables $5. Dellcraft FOR wrecking, Dial RA 3-2281, $150 for a good English model car. Phone RA 3- 3739 after 5. 26a a LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest orices paid, RA 51161 or RA 5-182. HILLTOP MOTORS URGENTLY box large size, good condition, stoller. Phone RA 8:8029, fect condition, $50. P! RA ONE green mg 9 x 15, underpad, grained metal blinds; Ai 's racer, bicycle; straw porch rug; one collgsible ping- ' pong fable, folding barbecue; {excellent condition, |drapes. RA _5-2079. 216a WAREHOUSE clearance of odds and 126 walnut | bed, regular $59 closeout $19; | VACUUM cleaner repeairs, all makes -drawer chest $17, end walnut coffee tables, regular $49, clearout $19, 215 walnut desk $15. Brand new apartment size electric refrigerator, regular $169, One only $99. Double wardrobe regular $35 sale $29. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street, 2161 GOOD condition oil space heater. Ice one 216¢ a wr mee -- [gtr NINE piece dining room suite, in per. |S. ncoe North hone 35-5570. 216a "with rubber venetian one large seven |assorted sizes of awnings om frames, three pairs of organ, good working order, RA gy parts, attachments, brushes, teed uilt ma . Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice. RA 8-1081 anytime, ANYONE wishing good, dry wood, for fireplace, stove or furnace, please con- tact W. H. Gibson, Newcastle. 215¢ AWNINGS, plain, gay stripes, prompt esti. mates. Order now for early delivery, Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox. 412 suaran- colors, or Free 5 HP Buccaneer motor, has been used, sacrifice. RA §-6891. LUMBER, hard wallboard, doors, win- dows, enough to build five room house. Everything complete. Apply 501 Fairleigh. RA 5.9781. 215¢ WE pa; pay highest prices in the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furni ture Store. RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. never fine foods every Ritson gifts, open daily to 10 p.m, We cash pay and pen- te pir men set $30; cups and wrist watches $5 'each; baby blankets! jections to American restrictions and quotas on Canadian raw materials, and some of the American writers asked sharp questions. Canadian observers--not con- 4c nected with the mining industry much headway with the other. U.S. VIEWPOINT One of the American visitors said later that he had come to Canada with the idea that there| might be 'sand in the grease" of Canadian-American relations and that perhaps Americans were somewhat responsible. "However," he added, "I wss not prepared for the view of the United States apparently held by the mming industry. If it is typi- cal of what all Canadians feel "| felt that neither had made|getting : Business Writers, Couch, wine velour, also ches |sentation of the mining industry's were saying Cangda wants special treatment. We asked why and they said, 'Because we are close to you.' Again we asked why and they said 'Canada is a buffer between the U.S, and the U.S.S.R' And they added: 'You are spending money in countries like Spain -- you might spend some closer to home.' " This was a rough paraphrase of some of the answers given by the executives to. the writers' Gguestions, Some might consider it az unfair paraphrase, and at least some of the visitors theught the mining men did a fair job of their points across. QUICK ANSWERS TOUGH Canadian observers felt that the d to writers and ome of them asked case. So far as I could see they|repeatedly: give sions?" URANIUM PROBLEM suggested that it wasn't in the interests of the United States to let Canadian uranium mines 'go down the drain' present support, a writer com- mented we will be prepared to pay for putting the mines back into shape.' industry who met the visitors in- cluded J. R, Bradfield, president of the C NEW BOOKS ON THE MARKET "Why should the United States Canada special conces- At another point, when it was by refusing "When we do want the uranium Representatives of the mining dian Metal Mining As- Canadian audiences which under- points of view--weren't prepared to give quick answers to differ- ing viewpoints. If "»2 answers of the mining men raised some American|of the newspaper men were capable of arousing Canadian resentment. The Canadian case very briefly was that Canada and the U.S. have special common interests, then our relations are bad in- eed "I was appalled by that, but I was also appalled by the pre-| including defence. This didn't seem to make much| imp sociation and president of stand or ere sympathetic to their Noranda Mines Ltd.; J. D. Bar- rington, president, McIntyre Por- cupine Mines Ltd.; Dr. E. B. Gillanders, executive vice-presi- dent, Rio Tinto Mining Company hackles, the questions of some of|vice - Nickel Company of Canada Lid.; and Horace J. Frases Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd. Boston, papers, ression on some of thel publications and magazines. Canada Ltd.; R. D. Parker, president, International president, The 14 visiting writers, mostly| represent daily wire services nlain Rritain, THE BOOK CORNER By THE CANADIAN PRESS A' plea for harmony among the United Sates" and Canada as the essential e in the West's political defence|economic unbalance or depres- structure against. Communism is the main theme of The Atlantic Triangle and the Cold War (Uni- versity of Toronto Press). The author is Edgar McInnis, former history professor at University of Toronto who has been president of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs since 1952. The book is sponsored by the institute. Of the "triangle" of English- speaking North Atlantic nations, Mr. McInnis says: "Within the Free World there is no grouping that is comparable in its basic identity of purpose, in its measure of understanding hased on common traditions and background, and in the resources that it can summon to the sup-|. . . port of a common cause. MATOR INFLUENCE "Unon their differences theltive was replaced by democratic ahility to utilize! these advantases for the benefit| from New York, Pittsburgh and|0f the Free World as a whole| news- \mav devend, in' the ultimate re- business "ort. the hones of thet world for freedom and for peace.' Mr. McInnis surveys the inter- national scene and seeks to ex-| be-| ism. "Capitalism . . . found only War as an answer to its periodic sion. War itself could settle no basic problems because the causes of war grew out of capital-|i main active until the profit mo- planning and production for use, Granting these premises, the con- clusion followed that the only sane policy of any social demo- crat was to fight against his eign war , AN OPEN QUESTION To this reasoned position he added a strong emotional feeling. "In this second area he came very close to dogmatism and this was the real centre of his per- sonal tragedy in September, 1939 It will probably remain an open question whether his stand was influenced more by his ra- tional conviction or by his emo- integrity." lof a Methodist minister, through, Atlantic Triangle Theme Of Writer McNaught. Rather, it was pro-|Valley, he has packed a lifetime duced by his estimate of capital-jof experi nadian Gardens (Ryerson). ence into Roses for Ca- His 50 chapters and 30 paged are a handbook of the to plant, grow and care for this flower whose history .goes bark millions of years and whose lim- its run to the Arctic Circle. istic profit-seeking 'and would re- "HISTORY -- CONSCIOUS Obviously Mr. Fillmore -loves roses and has studied their his- tory as well as their habits and eeds. The rose enthusiast who ni reads his book yl be conscious, country's involvement in any for- ig that has = 'In x fossil remains 32,000,000 years old, that the likeness of culti- vated roses was coins 6,000 years ago. ls dentng with stamped om But Mr. Fillmore's book is em» inently practical. His talk runs easily from the fact that roses were grown in hothouses in an- cient Rowe 1 to the problem of in the Canadian "Were 1 gardening in our climate: tional attachment to the pacifism' prairie provinces I would cer- which had been such an import-itainly make a collection of the ant aspect of his reputation for prairie bred roses, sorting Hem out and bedding according The hook traces the develop-| |e. rather than baby along & ment of Woodsworth's thought| moderns with the prospect of from his boyhood days as the son having to replace a considerable tage each apne rent REQUIRES 150 .GOOD CLEAN CARS FROM 1955 MODELS UP For out-of-town dealers. Top cash prices for your car. See Don Armstrong today at-- HILLTOP MOTORS between Oshawa and Whitby | HIGHEST pr prices ces pad fo for used furni- DUTCH on No. 2 Highway MACKIE MOTOR jfure, alse scl aNd hana Comat 1131. MERCHANT RA 8-6051 Will buy good clean cars. |[Street. Phon¢ RA 8-1 171 BOND ST. EAST HOUSEHOLD furniture -- dining room bedroom suite, large refrigera- this own years as studen! and minister, his work with immi- grants and laborers at Winni-lthis hook is illustrated will act peg's All People's Masson, | andi as an encouragement to the am- s departure from ministry ateur gardener who in 1918 because he felt the church advice. follows 1a was being made an instrument of war and because his beliefs were vorley Callaghan has 57 of his own short A publication under the title Morley not these commonly held and Callaghan's Stories ( describing the selection 1 as "the of winter killine." The color plates with which YOUNG men's sport coats and Hckels sulte , Phone RA 54787 wd Frey range, kitchen table, dressing WALNUT chest of drawers, a table, and many other articles. Apply lined, new condition. RA 5-0471: 215 415 Masson Street, up. TSED Hes, Eo8 all sizes, $3 IMISCELLANEOUS items sell quleldy | Goodrich Stores, RA 54543. when you place a Classified complete outs "Articles for sale" It's where Rr . Dial RA 3-3492 now to start {tween the "friangl~"" countries in {terms of their historical back- grovmd and diversity of interests, 'Mad' Bish ad' Bishops Sgn - Criticized He cites trade differences as a |enn=ce of unrest and urdes the BRENTWOOD, England (Reut-TTnited States to adont a more ers)--Canon John Ccllins, pre-1"heral attitude to world freds WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi-| Such an event coincided with/centor of St. Paul's Cathedral, »vohlems. In the economic field dent Eisenhower and Premier|Khrushchev's arrival here. It|has criticized "mad" bishops and he nronnses exnansion of aseiet. Khrushchev have set modest grew out of the continuing com- archbishops over their attitude tolancé and investment in under-de- goals for their talks here by pro-munist effort to take over power nuclear weapons. veloned countries along the line] claiming an jostecment "to 34ek/ in the little Southeasi Asian coun-| The canon, chairman of Bri-|*f the Colombo plan, ways to achieve a tier under- try of Laos. tain's campaign for nuclear dis- Te, standing." | Last week the U.S. voted with|armament spoke here Tuesday| WPODSWORTH BIOGRAPHY But the question whieh hung . oiority of the United Nations|night for the organization's Na-| Twenty years ago J.S. Woods- over their two-hour conference gc... itv Council members to/tional Nuclear Disarmament worth 'stood in Parliament and Tuesday, as it will dominate| coq 2° gact-finding mission into) Week. |voiced a protegt against Cana- their talks in the days ahead, is Laos. The Soviet Umon opposed| He said: "Are we going fo be dian participation in the Second whether a better understanding i Security Council action. On/mad like, I regret to say, a World War. can be translated sooner or later|,, . about the time Khrush-| number of fellow churchmen of It was a moment of courage into practica. agr ts for chev was leaving for Washington|mine, ii irer hich and even and also one of personal tragedy. endi the conflicts that make arch for it marked the divergence of up the cold war. Mascon proposed in tect hat bishops, who say 'Better Woodsworth's thought from that malter | On this basic question there is Gepd than life wider Communist | of the party he had helved toladds a large "if." deep skepticism among high of-|lands of the UN and turned : found -- the Co-onerative Com-| If you provide fertility, if you _215E | gioials in the United States gov-|OVer to a special conference ofl «Are we going to join in the/monwealth Federation. |spray and water them when re- | ernment. interested Western and Far East-|,\ 00 ranks or are we going to| A study of Woodsworth's rea-|quired, if you make sure of good The hard fact, as these offi-|®T0 POWers. believe that, because it is totally|*0"> for his stand is the climatic|draindge and protect from low clals see the situation, is that the y " JRNS BID 7 Jchapter in Kenneth McNaught's|temperatures. . . quarrels and conflicts which di- us: SERN x Kirtahchev'sl "5 to think that you can winfnew biography, A Prophet in Pol-| Mr. Fillmore has gardened ment issued in his name said he vide the world today are not pro- freedom and all the things we airport. welcome Tuesday the itics. (University of Toronto fm New Brunswick 30 Central . In Shigatte; In Souihasy THe " is i tand ' i Press). iberia. Retir ead gi er of Te 8, Gute' by VENA state department issued a state- stand for by blowing x her § Plel Woodsworth's pacifism was not|the Dominion Atlantie Railway|been arrested for a new BASIC PURPOSES DIFFER ment denouncing She Soviet pro. > pieces, we wou't have any of «ay inherent repugnance to the|and the Grand Pre Memorial Tibetan revolt against They spring from basic clashes posal unnecessary it?" of national purpose expressed in Modest Goals By Ike, Khrushchev By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER po mo complete outfit in- I cluding skis, trailer, tarpaulin ete., 30|100k bp Johnson, suxilliary tank, many ex- |your 'sd.' | $1000 or closest offer. May be | tras. geen 451 Miller Avenue or phone RA Don't Fight About The Fights . . . Have A Second Set events. 35-2609. TENTS, « camp cols, camp stoves, "leer gs, tarpaulins, dunnage bags, rentals Oshawa Hardware, 8 Chureh |Street, RA 3-7624. CHESTERFIELD, snow fencing 50 ft. crib, highchair, veranda furniture, two- USED 17" AND Ee wg 21" T.V. SETS THE preached. Woods- ones that touch times Like John Stuart Mill, worth saw the Christian revela- and people I like to remember A allan, an establish tion as '"'intended to inform the hearts and minds of mankind with a spirit which should enable|pqw thent io Bsa fo Wemssives What s right, a incline them to do been it when found, rather than to tell, Adin novelist, lias them, except in a very general way, what it is." ity. the Governor - General's literary FOR ROSE LOVERS Any good soil will grow roses awgrd for fietian with The Loved says Roscoe A. Fillmore, and! Lost. Pay off liens. Sell on consign- |SELLING furniture? We'll buy i. Re ment, Trade up or down. frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, OCATION et Ts pri Fo um hone RA B11. NEW LOCATION | Fries Se KING STREET EAST | JOMNSON outboard 98, tested recent- Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In |ly; tent with canopy and floor; Rem- Fy pump gun. 755 Albert Street. [RA 3.7285. 215¢ RA 5-5743 I» SABYAN MOTOR Fg a a gallon, SALES LTD. [im iret ress |ONE Beaver rangette and one baby STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN HP, PANCHEN LAMA IN TIBET TOKYO (AP) -- Red China to- day stripped away the secrecy that has surrounded the Panchesi Lama for two months. A state COLONIAL HOME | IMPROVEMENTS 134 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PRE FALL SPECIAL: HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM DOORS ONLY $39.50 Fre in excellent condition. Prose WALNUT "dining Toom waite, nine ace occy- use of physical force," says Prof. Park in Nova Scotia's Annapolis 'pying Red Chinese. ruptive." AIR compressors "Brummer," § Mod. H31, also 1 HP, Mod HS, sacri 2. SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD: SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, TEL: RAndolph 3-347 fice for half price. Threading machine, | electric, range from 3 fe 2inch, for all $175. Degreasing tank, lar - tomatic heaters, $135. Portable air compressors, piston type, two Khrushchev's frequent pre- dictions of a Communist triumph throughout the world and in the declared determination of Eisen- hower and other Western leaders INCLUDING FREE GRILLE (installation $5 extra) 7 Windows and 1 Door $1.95 per week CASH FFOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST, W. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FREE wallpaper at Edgar's wallpaper sale 34 King Street west Buy one a Good receive one roll free. Clearance clean cars. Trade up patterns. Regular and pre-pasted pat or down. Liens paid off. terns available. DODD MOTOR SALES |r : 314 PARK RD. S. TV's at Parkway Tei 918 Sim- RA 3-9421 coe Street North. ALUMINUM windows, "railings. 49--Automobile Repairs |r window $1938 compilers. Cal BRAMLEY MOTORS RA 57405. SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH [BAR-\INS of a fife time! | Serta spring-filled mattresses, regular $49.95 PHONE RA 3-4675 |sins ons. 38 1, Apurimens ss Arborite table and chairs, rSyua = Specialists in Ford Service only' $29.95 bed baby and parts. Wheel alignment P 4 size, lete GE floor wheel balance with latest single si his 4 type equipment, Newest type ($36.95. F the electronic tune-up equipment, | liquidation sale Church Street. 50--Articles For Sale USED German combination | baby car- riage and stroller. Phone RA 5-0236, 2 Fi Sev Sq Sains sche, new, LES EVENISS 3 en bang a mac! very 3-43 SALES LTD. Ee ALUMINUM AWNINGS ORDERS taken for hea. tree DOORS, 'NINDOWS, SCREENS Please order er early. RA 3-4989. USED tires, most all sizes, CUSTOM FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 54543 15 PRINCE STREET RA 54632 LAWN Cruiser power lawn mowers 23; 1960 T.V.'s |lievable value: Barons' Home Furn |ishings, 424 Simeoe [] carriages, $28.50 Continental beds teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele vision, on. Thrifty B Budget plan. R RA § 38-4543. 3 18 in. deluxe mowers, just arrived for our huge sale, regular price $90.75, our low low sale price only $59.95, This is a genuine discount of 36 per cent. Don't be disappointed Hurry out to the Hil top Snack Bar on Highway 2 between Oshawa and Whitby. RA 86891 USED refrigerators, "washing "ma H chines, electric ranges, LY radios, all reconditioned -- best offer. | guaranteed repairs to all makes of television, radio, and all electrical ap- pliances. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 3-2263. TWO - piece chesterfield suite, chrome kitchen suite, baby's pink nylon snow- suit size 18 months. RA 5-558. 214 MODERN, five-piece walnut dinette suite, almost new. Apply 752 Whitman Crescent. 2148 OTL stoves, Underwood typewriter, small combination radio and, record FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT Pe ena pand roers. linolougns.| $15.40 a week per fomily of RASOTS. eT four, includes approximately 90 per. cent groceries and freezer, No down payment. For appointment (no oblige- tion)--phone RA 5-3709 SEE THEM SOON AT PARKWAY TELEVISION NO PAYMENTS ON ALUMINUM DOORS & WINDOWS UNTIL FEB. Ist, 50. $49.95 slashed to Wilson Furniture, 20 B. ¥. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat. ARE NOW IN STOCK 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH CALL RA 8-8571 NO OBLIGATION YOU'VE TRIED THE REST | now TRY THE BEST Open Evenings FROM 12' CARTOPS to 21' CRUISERS SCOTT OUTBOAD SALES AND SERVICE not to let that happen. In sum, while Eisenhower and Khrushchev seek better under- standing, their two governments] are unable to develop the agree- ment necessary to restore peace] The tough realities of their dif- ferences are thrust forward by TV-RADIO COLUMN By CYNTHIA LOWRY EASY TERMS AJAX MARINE (INO. 2 HIGHWAY, AJAX ONT. CALL 1266 AJAX 51--Swap and Barter BOAT, motor, and trailer, pressure systems, sump - pump, three - piece bath sets (colored), water softener and filter, piping and plumbing supplies (all kinds). Three piece chesterfield suite H. Chinn, Hillside and Park Road South. NEW YORK (AP)--O0ld friends of Fibber McGee and Molly must have been relieved Tuesday night to find that the Wistful | Vista couple have been moved in- tact and without violence from |radio to the television screen. | Such a delicate transplant would have failed in any but ex- pert and loving hands. Bob Sweeney fits neatly into this viewer's mental picture of Fibber and Cathy Lewis is per- 52 Legal Notices WILL NOT be responsible for any any Bhs contracted in my name by my wife, Edna Strutt, of Raglan, on or after this date Septeniber 16, 1959. Gordon Strutt, 216¢ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE-ESTATE OF GERTRUDE MARY McTAGGART All persons having claims against the Estate of GER- TRUDE MARY McTAGGART, fate of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of Aug- ust, A.D. 1959, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 25th doy of September, A.D. 1959, full particulars of their cloims, after which dote the Estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 31st doy of August, A.D, 1959 HUMPHREYS & BOYCHYN, 6 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor, Charles Wesley Colwill fect as Molly. It was an ex- tremely pleasant half - hour om NBC, Earlier Laramie, an hour-long western, also made its debut on NBC. This is a good professional show but like most TV horse operas seems to have an un- necessary amount of shooting and slugging. Tonight's top ratings will al- most certainly go to The Arthur Godfrey Show, (CBS, 10-11 p.m. EDT) a special marking the per- former's return to broadcasting after convalescence from lung cancer surgery. Godfrey has been working on the show for weeks, taping some portions on Hawaii, others at his Virginia Fibber McGee, Molly On TV farm and still others in New York, If hig first special comes off, says Godfrey, there will be three or four others. Dinah Shore, who has spent part of her European vacation collecting a high-style TV ward- robe, will start showing it on her| first fall show Oct. 4 (NBC). First designer featured will be Paris' Pierre Balmain. On later shows Dinan will wear clothes by Givenchy and Goma of the French couture; Galitzone and Capucci of Italy; Rodriguez of Spain: and Pauline Trigere and Traina Norell of the US. A break for the women viewer-- particularly the one with a color set. CBS had a documentary show set for Nov. 1 on man's efforts to reach the mcon, but has moved it up to next Sunday's Twentieth Century show (6:30-7 p.m.) in view of last weekend's Soviet rocket landing. Recommended tonight: The Dave King Show, NBC, 9, Gloria de Haven, guest; Arthur Show, CBS, 10-11, Fights, ABC 10--heavyweights Eddie 'Machen |and Willi Besmanof. Clubs Meet At Brooklin By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- Mrs. R. Branton was hostess for the September meeting of the ABC Group of the WA. Leader Mrs. Ralph Hunter presided for the business period and Mrs. Albert Cooper presented the Meditation. A "Patched Apron" will be made as a fund - raising scheme. Brooklin United Church was con- ducted by Rev. 8. J. Hillier. The senior choir provided music, di- rected by organist Mrs. Fred Brown. Dr. Lorne Henry, Toronto, rep- resentative of the Ontario Tem- perance Federation, gave sta- tistics on fatalities on highways, and the alcoholic problem among teen-agers. Special collection was) given to work of the Federation. JUNIOR CHOIR PRACTICE Practices for the Junior Choir will commence Thursday, Sep- tember 17 at 6.45 p.m. under the |direction of Leader Mrs. Ken- WOOLWORTHS SEAL OF SATISFACTION VALUES SPECIAL SAVINGS ON INFANTS' NEEDS | | TRAVEL ALARM CLOCK RECEIVING BLANKET ld Smocked style SNUGABYE SLEEP 'N' PLAY SETS Pyjamas, matching booties BABY'S LAY AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS ORTH'S FULLY GUARANTEED! Special low price on in tan, brown, red. Luminous dial and hands. Fully guaran teed, and serviced in NO CARRYING CHARGES ¢TOY SALE! ON OUR ¥ Yway 1960 -3709. | SEE HOME APPLIANCES MANCHESTER OSHAWA LTD. MANCHESTER -- The service| 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR [sunday was conducted by Irene FF IGIDAIRE | Carter, Nettie Alldred and Linda/ COUPLES CLUB MEETS LARSON BOATS SALES AND SERVICE Fralick of Scugog, with Rev. Mr.| The United Links Couples Club| Domestic and Commercial Butler of Brooklin as guestiof Brooklin United Church held PETERBOROUGH BOATS RA 5.5332 speaker. its September meeting at "Green- - Mr. and Mrs. Art Vandervoort dale Farm," home of Mr. and EVINRUDE MOTORS FOR SALE~A quontity of [were in' Sudbury for the week- Mrs, Douglas Jackson. Ralph y-- Uo | en | USED BOATS & MOTORS lgte woud ypawriteny, 3 on Ricky Dyke and x. F. Crosier Maier Po ducted, jie Suis ears did. These have been eoopins vtcepted Finance, y! are patients in Oshawa General/lad a brief business session. Open evenings ond Mrs. Branton conducted a con-neth Holliday. Senior Choir prac- {test on quotations from Shake-|tice will be held at 8 p.m. direct- ispeare and the Bible. Refresh-ed by organist Mrs. Fred Brown. {ments were served by the host-| LEADERS TRAINING SCHOOL ess and Conuitee. The Ontario County 4-H Home- making Club, local leaders train- ing school, will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, September 22, 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Whitby Townsnip Hall, Brooklin, by Home Economist Wilda Gordon. Mrs. Irwin Shaw and Mrs, Al bert Cooper, assistant leader, will attend from Brooklin, DUMONT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 377 SIMCOE 5. RA 8.1651 _ GATOR TRAILERS reploced by new models and Hospital and W. W. Holtby is in Members gathered around camp are in first closs condition. [Port Perry Hospital fire; took part in contests and frice each, $75, on excellent Mise C. Christie is teaching games and closed the evening buy for student: Phone RA art at Port Perry High School wiih a corn roast. > [ 5.3375. These may be seen |this year. ot the Oshawa Business Coll- Cliff McGahey, Lindsay, called TEMPERANCE SPEAKER ogs, between 8 end §. on W. ¥. Crosier Sunday. | Sunday moroing FRCTIONMOTOR © WALT DISNEY CHARACTER = PUSTCTRUCK WITH w= FAY LAND TRAIN B88 TARsET SET 88 FARM ANIMALS Ano Fences 88 WOOL ORTH'S PRE-CHRISTMAS 88° Terms. a [] CTION TRICK o= BRITISH EDUCATION oad. wim Teaees 88 tate secondary schools were {established in Wales in 1889, in | oniase in 1892 and in England MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. o BROOKLIN, ONT., PHONE 87 NM