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The Oshawa Times, 18 Sep 1959, p. 23

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TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS [2USNESs SPOTucHT St TORONTO he Sl i tua wo wk mae iw Si Sh Bond Issue Ss oko fr the lr he By. The Canadian Press Webb Kop 73 350 350 30 Bar Min Uh 1% --u 8 3 Bo 2 the arrest of Soloman Wednesday -- eb) 3 2 ~ Toronto Stock Exchange--Sept. 18 NC a hon hn 1A DY. 5 --% S108 10 10% 250 250 250 Reserved night on a drunk charge. 5 (Quotations in cents unless marked §. 30 Hoyle $130 130 The telephoned informationté Odd d -- Exdividend, Exe Ci n : Dow Bl M5 45 | rights, J 22 er Ex soi i ie fot Noha » +3 Dupuis Fr A 100 $7 7 quoted Soloman as saying he x a Net 130 3% 3% Wa 200 145 Gen Dynam 225 " two men fis ET +t Tl 5 : HE TY nCulverts is faci ists © 5 4 i 7 my " C Paper =~ 29 7 H Imp Oil VANCOUVER (CP) -- Despite|government by interfering with Ne SE Tey INDUSTRIALS D oj Con 70 ny ind A : tions for the mentally ill, in 1057; Int Util 50 $30% 30% 30% ied nd Find a controversy over the way it has|its well-established sale of bonds| TORONTO (CP) -- Mr. Justice|police here said. pen Abani XB Sm lon Ln Lob Ine 15 $131% 131% 131% Jd La oot i See Be Int Pete : been handled, a bond issue by|by payroll deduction. He an-/g Ww, Treleaven of the Supreme : id Alta Dist wt 900 125 135 135 OILS 3 : int Ul 28 8 1 the government - owned Pacific uouncd he would stop payroll A Court of Ontario Thursday re-| poum DEATH SENTENCES Alta Gas 33 $23 0 Macedo 3. pn $s 4 Great JSesters Railway is injoy- Muetigs do EE served sent in five national A a) ha Soma 3 20% 31 Alm 100 Mass Fi 50 $12% 1 ing a huge success. {from the wal p i wil " , Ira -- Atumint Anchor. 500 Jaci 9 - Mass F 5% 3 { Tne $10,000,000 issue, announced servants, substituting a payroll So pan ics, Charge ith seta Iraq People's Court Wednesday . Argus 5 $32 32 32 Asamera 41800 ara Mitch Rob A z30 § i deducti E bond ach Atlas Steel 1 3 -% : Maritime : 1 early in August, was oversub- deduction plan for PGE bonds. |..f husiness night sentenced four army of fies," Bank Mont $51 Cal Ea 300 $213 Mayhn 3 A Mul trast © 2 @ @ [scribed less than two weeks after| Liberal Leader Lester Pearson,| ne companies--Armco Drain.|CerS to death on charges of par-. the bonds went on sale Sept. 1.lon a tour of the Western provin-|,jo "oni Metal Products of Can-|-ciPating in an abortive uprising This week Premier Bennett, wholces, said in" Victoria -he under-|>& To 98.0 BR ICS 00 tat Mosul last March, They were .. is president of the line, announcedstands federal financial author-ie noo vilied "the Pedlar convicted of plotting to overthrow s- that PGE directors have author-lities sre concerned over thelr wh 7h boq "Rice Metal and the government of Premier Abdel + ized an extension--the amount of move, He added that he deplores|: c°P'€ , Rosco Metal and|yapriyy Kassem. " 3 which will depend on public de-lany action that infringes on fed- Roofiug Products Limited and Burlington Sioa lo 18% Dy 7 " Ve Roo ava biped |eral lt Westeel Products Limitedw-- Ca! Pow 4 : Deval : * Royal | out a shot § m pleaded guilty last June to con-| MOON ROCKET STAMP Can Cem 0 $28 Home Off A Man Shawn A 2 oahiigh o Shot ib pean Ray Perrault, B.C. Liberalloniving with one another and| MOSCOW (AP)--Mail passi C1 Fndry 7 Eongpoint 500 Sipiasi - Bw 2 . I Flee arr utiond (header, said eatliet federal au-with others to prevent competi-|through Moscow's central post of-"", Can Mait 4 Se : ing {thorities were investigating the is-|¢ioy in the sale of metal culyerts|'ice today was cancelled with &'.c A 2 3 Medal \ . 5 S Can Pow $60 i 3 i € Buk Com 10 typ SN Wht 3 Mideon 50 50 50 : Why Steel Can 210 $75% § 1959 series of Canada Savings\e.. of the bonds themselves. He drainage products in Can-|special postmark commemorat- vz Triad Oil 100 3% 30 30 +10 terest yield of 4.98 per cent over|; oo oie any time at face value ada. ing the landing of the Soviet C Dredge 95 $171 1TH 17% -- W Xe or 25 20 v g 5 Steinbg A 150 25% 25% 25% -- - |Bonds will bear an average ib-| ii {ne fact that they are re- Hs ded 0 N Superior h B® Vorths 7 walk G W 160 $351 33% Mr. Justice Treleaven held a|rocket on the moon. Tass news Calvan Con 350 Morrill 9% 98 - Morgan 2 CS Pete Midrim 5 5 4 Noranda 50 C Homestd 85 i 5 N § Light 210 § C Husky % I » Page Hers 50 Cent Del 5 3 Wri 500 Powell R 200 C Dragon {-) 1 Price Br 400 C Mic Mac N 3 Que Nat Gas 550 Cree wis 58 \ Roe Av Can 492 =f + FF FF ¥ b+ BFF 8 Vor . nine years. 3 a ci . Northeal 4 Opemiska 50 78 Zellers 5 34 MN y makes it tantamount to issuing|, toc Te Th Uo ose of fix-|agency said a new one-ruble postd mw ; x y cket' Copp Clark 100 $7) % + ¥ : Parbee ; : redeemable at par any time by The case was tried under the|two colors, depicting the 3 8 Craig Bit ~13 1 Peerless 3 3 3 + Beld Cort 5 $11 1 x . ti f the Combi Act launching against the bac ground Dist Seag 30% 20% 30% rol 1 ; Pick Crow 3 0 80 Cons Paper $38 37 : the railway and are fully backed| President Of new section of the Combines Aci ; : De rar 335 Prove " oie Lith 1 0 2 Nid Light 0) Rp nounccment interest in the PGE| Die the old section fe ,.---_--e le Dom Text 25 % 3 1 vis Q Metal ( 7 Shop-Save 225 22 issue--which the premier says ompany S M Trea 0B : ' MO a-- ) gue = 0» : ¥ rans Co K : ue 0 2 5 On Sas Bl J [term treasury notes no held by Bannerman of Toronto, president | Indian Claims ; Nurmi : i 3 Ml : i 2 0 ftie bankis--was Rig land general manager of Page | Inland Gas 445 0 4 wi : 3 % Curb Catlorams S100 3 |to individuals. It was amazing to|just morth of here. Inind G wis 5 0 150 ks 1150 11% 1% 11 % Bulalo 20 395 39% Gaspe Ol 2000 lthe banks and investment deal-|" He was also a director of] Inv Syn ph. > WZ - ori i expected " x : M 1 57. - he EE. & % 3 Zi I 2% 3 MONTREAL Me TR h x ronds, giving the indication that!Company and a member of the| "pli. cai Port Huron police a Kelly wis ' : Bras) 3 ; . By The Canadian Press Mo 500 they want to hold onto them." |executive committee, Trinity Col- Nia h J el ak i ----E ht 0 3 quoted Willian Roderick Solo- eel Lob G1 pr 3 i Mu = 20 30.1 s--0dd lot, xd dividend, xr--FEx. 7000 : {purchased in lots of about $100) He leaves his wife, two sons,| 1 at 1 "a 00 $10 rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) . ixp 6100 - yy individuals -- many ¢ land a brother Jouce 2 x In. 4 K y . & 1 dividual any of them|and a broth : $ p other." . 500 5% Stock Sales High low a.m. Ci'ge rehan B00 3% 8 53 of the railway from North Van-| t Em lo ment 0 ortunities 1000 3 y y a x | y | 1 1 200 y couver to For: St. John. The| M A d | op K 2 INDUSTRIALS x : 5 2 3 honds are offered in denomina- an rreste: n 1% 11 25 § 34% 34% R Br 100 290 290 - The PGE bonds yield five per k 15% Orehan ; : | money. i : was issued im { ig ig ; 4 38% 3% ac 75 TI5 Ormsby xn BY CANADIAN cent over three years. They are| ing sentence. age stamp also was ws D Coal pr Hh 6 Cs 300 Pronto 15. 305 315 +10 Goodyear $185 185 185 by the provincial government. | and the maximum fine is not of an observatory. D Fndry : ie Of 00 211 21 21 Que Chib 0 . Kelly Doug A 200 §7% 74 - Even before the federal an-| limited to $10,000 as it was under A 4 3 % ' e Qunston 5 L T Fin A $36% 36% i deem short- Gaines : 3 uth U 4000 Quemont 0 oak > 5h will he used to redeem short-| oo on ow Ewart] Gr Wpg 6 1 5 Hii ; ; | . and ) 3 reyhon 20 § 11% iio k Se 3% ab 14 MINES GOOD SALES Hersey Tubes Limited, died W ed-| L k t R om : Gurney 2 3 b WE 2 % Alscope Lo Wu i "Just about everyone seers to vesiay night ir hospital here. He| 00 ou ap id Imp Bank i 3 s DY : LR 3 1 Aur ? i 22 1 3 31 be buying them," Dan Eckman, was 3. = Imp Inv A 25 had oh acy x : } ol 130 7. a7. a : A is HA 9 1% Th + the premier's secretary, said] Mr. Bannerman, named pres. NEW. YORR (AP) auilorities : Ime 12% + % file 000 € ' Ult-Shaw $25 11 1 1 Bateman. Ji 4 I Thursday. |eent of Page-Hersey last year, ooo e tor ont yi Canadian i Imp Tob pr 100 § 5% 5 . 3 23 3 Yk Bear 10 11 %6 Bellchs 2000 "There has been a tremendous|joined the firm in 1918. He was Wy ir custody in Port Haron REE I Ac wis 2 13 1 Ar BI young HG Cal Ed 400 sale of the bonds in small amount/horn on a farm near Bondhead,|y \ q : Inglis 450 A 2 3 Yukeno 0 : { {Mich., that he was a lookout for 0 wo assassins in the slaying of " + 521,00 : ot ntl . bi | ngpi A OMITTANCE Inter PL Bo n 2 nr =5 Baits No.1) ju. , 21.000 Gold Age 1500 s : {ers. Far more pecple than at first|Unfted Steel Corporation Limited, ey to death here Oct. 25 Grong Jip 8 i " L 1 Pe 200 1 have registered their|the Canada Southern Railway gsp" Sis "rr oe Labat 4 3 a : A . Montreal Stock Exch --Sept. 18 Montgary 6500 5 >. 2a} iss ras le o Laura Sec 1 2 " hd (Quotations ry e i ee marked $s. N Formag #500 He said most of the issue was lege School Association. oy TH 1} 11:30 Ne 250 5 from settlements along the route 5 1000 ie. CB 2 ) € 0 . . Mont Loco 1 1 Denison 1210 " SL Dv 3 ns My tions of $100, $500 and $1,000. | Cheque Passing (Civil Service of Canada) Moore 275 $38 > Den wis 600 107 102 102 m- - Steep R 525 % 11 On the surface, the only appar-| Nal Gave wr 10 alliowell 1160 : ; : : wu 2 4 oy Lo Me ent /antage Canada Savings| BROCKVILLE (CP) -- Police] DIRECTOR -- SHIPBUILDING (to be responsible for executior NO NGas 65 M4 2 nd 8 137 1 oy: roy 8 7 3 -- : : Bonds have over the PGE bonds | wednesday night arrested a man| of shipbuilding program ond annual overhead and repait De 7 mI 0 Bank NS 40 $70 70 Sales fo 11:30 A.M.: industrials 18,900; is that thav pay interest monthly|iy, connection with the passing of program), Marine Se vices, 'Transport, Ottowa. $11,500. ly 35 % 30% \rthin 1. 4 Banque PC 110 $37% 37% 37 ' mines and oils 100,300 while the PGE bonds pay quart-|ggo0 worth of suspected bad $12,500 For details, write to Civil Service Commissian, ram 500 1 1 i Boni be = 7 1 Roki go a ! i ol PGE bond th £ | cheques at Brockville banks Ottawa, and ask for circular 59-385. N Gas 5 4 A . onwest 3 1 A : ig | "The PGE bonds on the surface | Roe AV C M2 8 7% 7 pra 300 1M 1 Brazil hy 1%! He was arrested at nearby] 5 . : Bow AVS so soi smd a0 roin 0 BAOL ama Supermarket For look more attractive, ssSUningls sucasier after 8 bogus cheque COSY ESTIMATOR (eorsivuction ond ey SF 3a9950 oyal Bank 2) Meh BN 00 1 ~ v 50 $8 4 ! 1 rev) for $240 was cashed at the Tor-| sels) pbuilding Branch, ence Production, . Russell 500 ering 1 Cal Pow : i BS Jind Te : or $240 we y Bf 2 Hh The 8 Ef fin 8 West Germany mesinent sewer sald, The Bominion Bank | hosts Mauri 500 120 1 12( i te 5 a "an Iron 1 $27% 20% 27 5 n { t day { { : gt Marion Se i! Te ° C Malt pr x His 2 : TORONTO (CP) -- Garfield {they did two days ago.' The man, is tought Bd a ARCHITECT -- NORTHERN CONSTRUCTION (with profes. ei % § 7 x1 Al 500 13% 1 1 ERE 3H} Weston, Canadian lood tycoon | The PGE bonds, he said, would Te Er hor ? at a one E] sional qualifications, to study and analyse construction a 540 1 18; 2 3 Vill inieresis ir Six ecuriries, is {have tad a high mortality rate if| */ > a | work in the far romp), Public Wella, Daawe: $6,840- $7,860. For details, wiite to Civi rvice Commission, St Pay 1 n 445 % -- C Bronze Ottawa, and ask for circular 59-1007. : 5% 715% 5 " . introducing Canadian-style s - | " inte whom passed a similar cheque A 10 4 14 . » + p: Harpe 200 § 6% 16% markels ie West lan sive. Yper Jthe savings bonds inlerest hal for $380 at the Royal Bank of} Tor-Dom Bk 250 $34 83% 19 0 + CPR 1 George Metcalf, president of can be Sold back to the railway Canada, escaped in a car after] TTS 2 4 3TH it is Son Mand 83 1 {Loblaw Groceterias, a Weston A "|a scuifle with bank employees. || yospiTAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATOR (with relevant ex- Tr Can PL 955 3 4 ' ' Dist Seag §30% 3014. 30 {concern, said Thursday the first jee | Brockville bank managers| vince for hospital insurance program in Northwest Ter- Un Acc 1 pr 15 4 g or 0 4 -1 P Pride 1 0 1 12 of 300 planned stores in West DEDUCTIONS STOPPED were tipped off by an Iroquois | SY Notrhern Affairs and National Resources, Ottawa. : 80 180 Gunnar. wis 3 D Soul ; | Germany now are under con. Premier Bennett has already bank manager who said one $6 600-$7 680. Time limit extended to September 21. 835% 35% 35! 1 Gwillim D Steel struction. trodden on the toes of the federal visited his bank. | ' ' 1 ; 9% ds 3 j ee = { EXHIBITS OFFICERS (to supervise and co-ordinate preparation of exhibits), Canadian Government Exhibition Commission, Top Grades | mini pm ; - i : i is jis SR i % Trode ond Commerce, Ottawa, $6,480-57,200 and $6,840- | I Ai I ig RESEARCH PHYSICISTS (to study rock mechanics, the effects | . uy . ] a , STORE HOURS 1 of explosions and ground stress in relation to mining of eers ; g > : ' -. 9:30 AM. TO 6 P.M minerals), Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa. $6, 60- ; i ly iii $7,320. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. ] Ottawa, and ask for circular 59-1511. ' hy h ; i) ' 5 . i sh . 2 ee In Demand A : Ae. 4 : : 4 ' . i : ; STATISTICIANS (university graduates for census analysis), TORONTO (CP)--Demand Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa. $6,360-$7,320. R CP) and was/ active for top grades of slaughter) n i iui) mS Sa , OFFSET PRESSROOM FOREMAN, Public Printing and Station steers, heifers and yearlings at I pn : ic oN dis : Gis a ? wn ery, Hull, P.Q. $6,200-$4,920. Be Sater PEC STR i ; / ea - ii Go Cio BILINGUAL COMMITTEE CLERKS (with some knowledge © Prices were firm to 50 cents 4 i i i g Federal Statute Law and Parliamentary practice and pro higher on these grades of steers ; : ; : cedure, for clerical and secretarial work), House of Com and yearlings and heifers moved ; i mons, Otrowa, $5,910-$6,360. vearings and heifers moved) | | SAVE WH 2 o Sealy Tne Lowe: Zines £ A i i A ou BUY MARINE ENGINEER (for cream turbine and power transmission to move. Cow prices were $1 i ; D equipment). H.M.C. Dorkyard, National Defence, Halifax higher and bulls sold at steady| N.S. $5,700-$6,180. prices, veal calf prices were . - - s SAVE WHEN YOU USE THIS | AsricuLTURAL PRODUCTION OFFICER (university grodug firm. Hog prices were steady and dy : E sheep and lamb prices were 50 oF ok on pesticides), Agriculture, Ottawa. $54 cents lower. ; 3 | Cattle receipts were about 2.- | 5 NORTHERN SERVICE OFFICERS (with high school graduation 600 head more than last week| and some relevant experience, to assist in administration of and 200 more than the same week : ) | ; 3 the North and to assist the native peoples in thier adjust- V ints | I alto 708 noad wiih 238 western ment to' a changing environment), Northern Affairs and National Resources, various locations in the North. $5,370- totalled 708 head with 258 western ] 1 y 4 calves received. Received from Cu I 9 | i For detail ite to Civil Servi New "Brunswick were 44 cattle 7 of $5, 70 plus allowances. or details, write to Civi ervice and 102 calves There were two ; o FT. HOME-FREEZE { Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 59-447A, 3 luads (0 eastern siaughterers and util ; y. ; : - FIRE PREVENTION SPECIALIST (with supervisory experience gg" oni to ihe Uttiied States. in on organized Fire Service), National Defence, Ottawa. 728 with sales to 28.50; good| Wri : a REGUL A $5,130-85,730. BE ER a rons a 29 00 ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS (with first or second class radie 20-23; good heifers 24-24.50 with telegraph operator's certificate, to operate and maintain 3 30 Shit RE ume noutical chart surveying instruments), Mines and Technical I 0)! ie el . ' " a 4 MODEL NO. H5917 Survey€, East and West Coast. $4,770-$5,220. cows 18-18.50; mediums 16-17; CIVIL ENGINEER, Harbours and Rivers Engineering Branch, commons 14.50-15.50; canners and = Fort William, Ont. $4,740-$5,640. For details, write to cutters 11-14; good heavy bologna i EATON Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and quote competition bulls mostly 19; common and me- ; i 1 f SPEC 59-1251. diums 15-18. : / ! : Replacement catt le: Good : j/ 5 ? ? IAL CHEMISTS (university greduates for employment in Inorganic stockers 25-27 with stock calves ' i ; ne i ; PRICE, | Organic, Assay, Food Technology, Physical and Analytical up to 31; common and mediums 3 Chemistry), various Government Departments, Ottawa, 20-24. : a EACH Vancouver, Quebec and Halifox. $4,560 to $6,780. For Calves: Good vealers 33 - 34 : po so ? i details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and with- choice to a top of 37; me- a 7 ¥ : - § 3 3 ask for circular 59-2150, eiums 27-32; cemmons 23 - 26; " 2 boners 17-22. | rT 8 1-1 Lt tn, "EY EATON'S Budget- LIBRARIANS (with Bachelor's degree in library science), } Co may be arranged if desired i Government Departments, various centres, $4,500-$4,950. Hogs: Grade A 25; heavy sows ; Charas terms 50; light sows 17.50; stags 13 . : i wit DOWN P, For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ; rer AYMENT. ask for circular 59-817. on a dressed-weight basis. Sheep and lambs: Good handy- > ¢ : weight lambs 21.50; medium and . i PAROLE SFRVICE OFFICERS, National Parole Board, Justice heavies sold downward to 18; h A freezer lets you plan | 5 Department, Ottawa, Montreal, Kingston, Toronto and Van- feeders 17-19; bucks were dis- you buy in meals ahead, heips cut down on food bills (beca couver. | $4,200-35,640. use : i quantity at k 1 conted $1 a hundredweight; sheep feeling, too ! 4 Peak season!) It gives you that * $10 according to quality. 9, 150! Now's the time 15 buy and save 'or Hes 1 oa for company' BILINGUAL ASSISTANT IN FOLKLORE (with good knowledge : ure-filled Viking, of the techniques used in classifying materials), National : brig about 595 Ibs. of frozen foods ul " : oy insulated with felted glass fibre : Museum of Canada, Ottawa. $3,750-$4,350. S TOCK MA RK ET : ndenser system to help eliminate outside 4 moisture and to dissipate heat ; TECHNICIAN -- RESTORATION OF PAINTINGS, Curatorial NET EARNINGS | about 20° below zero od Branch, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. $3,750- | | ® Approx, 63" long, 36" high, 3014 : y 3 0%" deep By THE CANADIAN PRESS | * White bakec enamel finish, turquoise ace $4,350. 3 WATER AND SEWAGE PLANT SUPERVISOR, National De- Fanny Farmer Candy Shops, Z ® 60 cycle model only se accents, yellow interior trim fence, Comp Borden, Ont. $3,750-$4,350. INC., YEAR ENDED June 27: One of our trained represent. 1 ati i ,046, $1.47. : : | Bod (Ottawa), Ont, - $3,720-$4,170. For details, write to Civil Giant Yellowknife Gold Mines Save Money , i ission, " i gi a Mg / : Le STeik Wp on Tocca Save Time ; Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 59-816. - - a} . Neyssa n food whe 35, 39 cents a share: 1958, : ony saving specials n there are PHYSIOTHERAPISTS, Government Departments, various cen- }' \ 17 ® Buy produce o tres. $3,210-$3,660. Foi details, write to Civil Service § ving Ca. 14 vze for : had ; td, | party fare for une Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 59-819. - ® 3 wire basket: s and o Frozen juice 'caddy' ® Make and fre or and eZze a whole week's supply Quick. ® Freeze complete meals expected company g t in-se future use year ended March 31: 73, i ® heeze and store 3 y : H , 400; 1958, $661,393. : ® Suy 'meats in quantity: ne bia baking day and anioy the OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS, National Health and Welfare, - . 17 meat market' in your freezer o Fromm Din ot ; various centres. $3,210-$3,660. For details, write to Civil BOMBER CRASH KILLS TWO | : i a supply on hand. = 0 You'll always Hove Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 59-818. FORT WORTH, Tex ; AP) . 7 EATON'S LOWER va) veer. ase ; LABORATCRY TECHNICIANS (chemical analysis), Research 'men d an the pilot hs PHONE RA 5.7373 3 and Production and Marketing Branches, Agriculture, was injured Wednesday night x Ottaw: $2,790-$3,150 when a $7,000,000 supersonic B-58 2 ; i : bomber hurnea while trying to ILLUSTRATOR (with ability in drafting and illustrative tech take off from Carswell Air Force : uh Base. The bombtet, hich flies at sive EE more than twice the speed of| sound and is known as the, Except where otherwise indicated, details and application forms at main Post Offices, National Employment Offices "hustler," never got airborne on what was scheduled as a routine, and Civil Service Commission Offices, mission. ason prices, left-overs a whole

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