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The Oshawa Times, 18 Sep 1959, p. 2

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-, CAPSULE NEWS Premier To Visit Camp Borden TORONTO (CP) Premier evening in town. A few minutes Frost flys today to Camp Borden later, the parents, Mr. and Mrs, | for his first visit to the camp in|Clarence Lisle, left to attend | 42 years. His last visit was as a/church services here and came young officer when he trained upon the wreckage of a car, | there before going overseas dur-| skewered on a bridge railing. In| ing the First World War. {side was the body of their, son. 1,000 BANDSMEN TO PLAY SON DROWNS IN TUB OAKVILLE (CP) -- More than, LOCKPORT, N.Y. (AP)--Mrs. 1,000 militia bandsmen, revre-|Patrick Cuillo deft her nine- senting units of the Canadian months-old son and his three Army militia in Central Com-!year-old brother alone for '"'about mand from Oshawa to Welland,|20 minutes" Thursday while she are. expected to participate Sun- hung up a washing in the base-| day in the annual massed band ment. When Mrs. Cuillo returned | concert at the Canadian National upstairs she found the baby, Ron-| Exhibition grandstand. 24 drowned in the bathtub. The| ; . |brother, John, told police he was § TOO MANY IMPEDIMENTS giving the baby a Bath. ol CLARKSON, Ont. (CP) -- Ed-| vard de Quay, prime minister of! NOVEL INITIATI the Netherlands, said Thursday] MORAGA, Calif. (AP¥#Some- that Dutch emigrants are go-/thing original in collegég initia- ing to Australia' and other Com-|tions is under way today on St. monwealth countries because of Mary's College campus. Sopho- Canadian immigration formali- mores have 250 freshmen at work ties. Mr. de Quay said Dutch planting 1,000 pine tree seedlings. people cannot get definite de- ; parture dates from Canadian im-| TATOO POISON migration officials in Holland be. MINEOLA, N.Y. (AP)--Health cause of fluctuations in Canadian authorities say there is "strong immigration policy. |evidence" that three youths con- {tracted serum hepatitis from HELPS MINISTERS' FUND |being tattooed at New York REGINA (CP) A retired City's Coney Island. One is in farmer has made a $16.000 dona- serious condition. Serum hepa- tion to the United Church of Can- titis, an infection transmitted ada pension fund. M. D. Me- through the bloodstream, usually Cuaig, 90, said he made the gift kills one in 10 victims. The New to the ministry because, '"'those/ York City health department fellows do a good job and I said inspectors will try to locate wanted to help." |the tattoo parlor. STRAIGHT REPORTS | CLARINETIST DEAD VANCOUVER (CP) -- The Sun| NEW YORK (AP) Omer says Radio Moscow, in programs| Simeon, 57, the New Orleans Jazz beamed to the Pacific coast, is clarinetist, died of cancer Thurs- scrupulously honest in its reports day. Regarded as one of the] of Soviet Premier Khrushchev's purest exponents of the classic visit to the United States. It said New' Orleans style, Simeons early it monitored all the Russian|work has been brought to the| Here was the parade pattern broadcasts Wednesday and all|younger generation via record-| 8s a big black Cadillac bear- were limited to factual accounts|ings -- including Sidewalk Blues| ing Soviet Premier Nikita of the premier's activities. There and Dead Man Blues. In recent Khrushchev wheeled onto Park was no attempt to comment. |years the Negro musician had CITY AND THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 18, 1959 | | COMMUNIST ROLLS ONTO CAPITALIST PARK AVENUE TORONTO -- More than 1000 militia bandsmen will participate in a Massed Bands Concert at the CNE grandstand on Sunday even- ing, Sept. 20. Representing units of the Cana- dian Army Militia in Central Com- mand from Toronto, 'Hamilton, Oshawa, Welland, Oakville, Brampton and other points, twen- ty bands will provide more than two hours of music, ranging from the familiar military marches to light classical and popular selec. tions, The bandsmen will be wear- ing their colorful full dress uni- forms, ihe effect of which will be heightened by the staging and lighting of the CNE grandstand's "New Look". The concert 1s the climax of months of planning and rehear- sal. 'Ten military and brass-reed bands are merged on stage, the various sections seated together, and are direcced by the regimen- Regiment Band To Play In Toronto Lorne Scots and 133 Company RCASC. They will march into the floodlight glare 118 strong, "one hundred pipers and", Res- plendent in their highland regal- ia, the six drum-majors lead a solid mass of pipers and drum- mers through a series of intricate marching manoeuvres. The finale is always a favorite with the crowds as the 20 massed bands assemhie in front of the grandstand. The strains of 'God Save The Queen' will close the concert Popular with the militia and {the public over the years, the |massed bands concert has be- come a tradition. Always a "sell {out affair, the grandstand is fill- led to its 20,000 seat capacity. Over 12,000 tickets are distributed to ex-servicemen's organizations, hospitals, militia. Regular Army, Red Cross, etc. 8,000 tickets are tal directors of music who each take their turn in, leading the massed bands PRECISION MARCHING As a contrast, other bands per- form on the track in front of the stage. Providing a never to be forgotien spectacle in their con- trasting red and green uniforms, the massed bugle bands of The 3rd Battalion Queen's Own Rifles lof Canada and The Royal Hamil- ton Light Infantry execute pre- cise marching drills at the fast rifle regiment pace. The trumpet band of the 2nd Signals Regiment will appear as a sole feature, displaying the range and versatility of their sin- gle vaive trumpets as well as their musical and marching abil- ity. A thrilling sight is the appear- ance of the six massed pipe bands: The 48th Highlanders, The Toronto Scottish, The Irish Regiment of Canada, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, The distributed to the general public. |Next year the fans will prob- {ably see a completely different {format, as planning has already begun, taking advantage of the uewly erected stands and mov- |able stage. This will make avail- able an additional 10,000 seats for the general public to see the con- cert. | The military and brass bands on | stage include the following: The, {Governor General's Horse Guards Toronts; The Ontario Regimeni, Oshawa; The Toronto Garrison Artillery Militarv Band; The 11th Field Regiment, Guelph; | The 57th Light Anti-Aircraft Regi- | ment RCA, Welland; The 3rd Bat- |talion Queen's Own Rifles of Can- ada, Toronto; The Royal Regi- ment ol Canada, Toronto; The Lorne Scots, from Brampton, Or- angeville Georgetown and Oak- ville; The 48th Highlanders of Canada, Toronto; No. § Column Royal Canadian Army Service Corps, Toronto. Bowlers Set 1960 Dates Dates for the open tournaments during the 1950 season were dis- cussed by representatives of the clubs at the annual meeting of District 14 of the Provincial Lawn Bowling Association Wed- nesday in Peterborough. Thir'v-one delegates from the [clubs in Whitby, Oshawa, Bow- |manvile, Port Perry, Cobourg, CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who ace celebrating birth. days today: Mrs. E. Henry, 163 Simcoe street south; Archie Ander- son, 143 Colborne street east; Roland Grant, 213% Hillside avenue; Mrs. F. Barassin, 166 Hibbert street; John Gor- egled, 242 Elizabeth street; Troops of the 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade Group in Ger- many are ou an all-unit con- centration in the north German training area at Soltau. An im- provised "outdoor cooler" was made undergrcund to keep the OUTDOOR REFRIGERATOR rations fresh and away from animals. Cook. Private Edgar Parizeau, left of Deschenes, Que., passes fresh milk from the cooler to Capt. Ted Brown of Oshawa, --Nationa: Defence Photo WEATHER FORECAST casts issued at 5 am.: Synopsis: The extensive high- pressure area which has domi- nated the weather picture over states continues to drift slowly southeastward and is weakening. | Milder air has moved into North-| ern Ontario and is now spread. | ing over Souther Ontario. Con-| siderable cloudiness helped keep! the temperature up during the| night. All danger of frost has passed for the time being and the outlook now is for seasonable temperatures and generally fair weather, Much Milder. Fair Weekend TORONTO (CP--Offivial fore-| Hamilton Muskoka .. Killaloe Central Canada and the northern |N: ORGANIST Nightly at HOTEL Ladies and Escorts Room |Cannington, Lindsay, Port Hope Brian Moore, 3, land Peterborough attended. RR manville. Regional forecasts valid until 5 | | ABC Oshawa club winning the Dis- |vessel and a Japanese fishing MeY 0 E. Mothersill. Past fellow- some confusion, but not danger.|9:30--a music and variety spe- That generally was the conclu- cial with Gene Nelson, Art Lop Anderson, bg ap Ty he ision reached Thursday by the letter, Julie London and others; | 0ga Nitonel of Peterborough, exploration of Woman! -- CBS' Cavalcade of sports, NBC, 10-- | presided for the business meet- pecial -- of that heavyweights Alonzo Johnson ing following the dinner in the 10 rounds evening. Thoroughbred rac-| district | Duriag the afternoon two 12- end doubles games were played with Byron Edmondson, presi- dent of the Oshawa Lawn Bowl- ing Club and Jack Piatti, of the {trict Chairman's Trophy and bas- kets of apples. Accompanying them {o the meeting were Jack The first five persons to. in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will rece've double tickets to The Regent Theatre good for a four-week attraction is "The Diary of Anne Frank'. Reports on hirthdays will be received only between the Mr. Mitchell will continue as chairman for another year as will K. Knox, the dis- trict secretary-treasurer. OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF JOHN WESLEY EDWARDS The memorial service for John Wesley (Jack) Edwards, who died at his summer cottage, Rosedale, Jast Monday, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 17. Rev. R. A. Sharp, rector of St. Matthew's Anglican Church, con- ducted the services. Interment ' {being sponsored by St. Paul's {United Church, and meetings are held in the Friday evenings. The Cub Pack held weekend camp in August, under |the leadership of Cubmaster D. | | | | AJAX PERSONALS | | Avenue off 34th street in New York City Thursday. Not | --with security agents standing the motorcycle policemen sur- | in the car back of his, {been part of Wilbur de Paris' SNOW HEAPED UP |seven-piece 5 £ -piece group at the 52nd - CHICOUTIMI, Que. (CP)--The Street jazz club, Jimmy Ryan's. RADIO TV COLUMN Sotwenay district's second snow-| - 4 ; all of the year heaped up 10! NUCLEAR HEAT of snow Thursday around] WELLINGTON, N.Z. (Reuters) DISTRICT the villages of St. Gabriel de American navy men in the Ant. | ema e oO Q Ferland and Ste. Bernadette de|arctic eventually will have nu- AWARDS GIVEN | Boileau, The villages are 125 clear reactors to generate heat! Fellowship awards for 1959] miles north of Quebec City. {and Jover, Admiral D. M. Tyree, were given at the meeting of the| { an Be ( han ed {commander of the United Stat raw men C 4 el SLEEPING SICKNESS RAGES support force in Antarctica pu Oshawa Thursd Club al Hotel g SEOUL (AP)--A sleeping sick-|Thursday. Plans for the use of wg 18 ASA pgitt, The) i ness known as Japanese B-typela reactor at McMurdo Sound gy le ennis singles trophy was By CYNTHIA LOWRY jand pampering their husbands. encephalitis and transmitted by were well advanced, but the navy| inte ed to William Armstrong,| NEW YORK (AP) -- Male and Another wished they'd stop wear-| mosquitos in continuing its ramp-|had run into financial difficulties file lewis dont] trophy to/female roles, like everythinging slacks. age in Korea today despite maxi-|and he did not think it would be Wiliam Armshions 2 Vo else. are in the Process of GRY mum efforts by medical authori-/in operation in 1961, as he had Bobig; crib ge smeles trophy to/ change. The fact that. women WEEKEND HIGHLIGHTS ties to stop its spread. It has so originally hoped H. G. Roughley; cribbage dou- now are doing jobs once entirely| Tonight: Man in Space, far: Killed 422 Koreans znd. one A [blss to J. W. Nicholls and G. within man's preserve and that|8.9 p.m. EDT--first of a two-part American soldier. A total of 1-| REDS RESCUE JAPS Russell; top golfer trophy to/men are taking over chores once series by Walt Disney; American 0 Koreans and six Americans TOKY O(Reuters) -- A Soviet|J- W. Nicholls and golfing tour- purely feminine has resulted in Pauses in September, NBC 8:30- e stricken this summer : boat collided Thursday might 18/5hip chairman J. B. Henderson UAW AIDS USWA miles north of Mokkaido, Ee presented the awards. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The northernmost island. the Japan| op United Automobile Workersiese Maritime Safety Board re- S 0SP AT PARTY |second daytime s Union gave a $1,000,000 cheque ported. The Japanese boat, Identi-| pio yes ose: Manager of the hardy old question: *Is theland Tony Anthony, to the striking United Steel Work-'fied as the Showa Maru. sank | F1aza Theatre, was the host aliAmerjcan woman losing her from Baltimore. ers Union Thursday. The UAW|but the 14 crew members were 3 theatre party neld Wednesday femininity?" | Saturday: leadership announced it will rec- rescued by the unidentified So.|.oT, 3 number of the residents of The hourlong show -- whichiing, CBS, 4:30-5:30 p.m. -- the goumend that the UAW conven- viet vessel, which sailed away to Fairy lew To ¥ ety. The happens to have been written, Futurity and the UN Handicap; or next month authorize a $1.-/the northeast. {Qstans bran h of the Canadian produced, directed and photo- football, NBC, 4:45 -- Louisiana ,000 monthly contribution for {Red Cross Society provided the graphed by men--was largely State vs Rice. Whe' duration of the steel silks, NES DEMONSTRATE bus for he Ip to Oshawa and filmed in San Francisco and had] Sunday: Meet the Press, NBC | A euters) -- More also cookies for the enjoyment of some dramatic scenic back-6 p.m.--V. K. Krist Menc FOUR CHILDREN PERISH [than 2,000 dock and transport the senior citizens r laa: rsa Mena, 1. ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) -- workers demonstrated in ig : ee Re tii fa se oF Solent Four children died Thursday in a the Chinese Communist consul-| i CHILD INJURED professors and--best of 'all--an- 89--People Kil Premiere Ph fire that swept a 2%%-storey frame ate here Thursday night to pro- Five-year-old Ricki Smerage, thropologist Margaret Mead, who times el al drag vith dwelling. The victims, children of test Red China's incursion into|100 Oakes Ave, suffered a summed up the situation neatly. aldine Pa "4 and J 2 'R WH Mr: and Mrs. John Maher, were|Indian territory. The demonstrat. Pruised lip and nose and had rhe opinions hardly constituted Ji 7G 8 1 El vg Wag Shapon. 3. Donzi, 6, Dennis, 5,|ors gave police, who stopped Some teeth loosened, when he gojentific sampling but * they a ason are, eto o heatre, [} rk, 3. Three other chil-them a few yards short of the|Was struck by a car on Rich-lgig mak : ing Wyr ) jot ay, Miracl t A em g ¢ a i e for an interesting! W i rious dren escaped serious injury when building, 2 memorandum for the mond St. E., Thursday. Theshow. One man just wanted id gh Seplons Day: Mirae PD retta Young their mother and John Morgans, |consul-general. driver of the car was Orien A. x " arson. 291. WW : women to go back into the home Show, season premiere, NBC 10- : Joapder, tossed them from a |Eeason, 21 Wisom, Ba S ue and start cooking, raising kids 11--The Road, filmed in Europe second-: \ 2 un- | Pears DO icki to Dr. A. E.| -- afar in : identified passerby caught them , |King, 243 King St. E. for treat- Mrs. Maher, Morgans and his & OLICE atch | ment. : 1371 wife also escaped. 2 Canoe Divide Scout TWO ALARMS 3 1 S gone mony owen Holdup Suspect oo 7 ovine : P) Rod answelec v0 calls Thurs- . 4 At A Steiger, 84, the movies Al Cal yonNTREAL (CP A aE a als mArmng. ie Nl Toup 1x pone, and British actress Claire| -|At 6.25 p.m., yesterday, the de- Bloom, 28, took out a marriage year-old holdup suspect was cap-|partment went to a car fire on By GRACE MILLS licence Thursday. The romance| ured Dy police Thursday after a|Athol St. E. Later, they had a AJAX -- In May when the lst started last season on Broadway LUrious gun battle in a north-end|truck fire the parking lot of Ajax Scout Troop and Cub Packs when they. co-starred in the play, [["2nce company. Two other men|the Hotel. At 7.30 a Id or had grown beyond membership Rashomon. |e aved with $850. a.m. today they answered a call fats, it wat decided to divide | ree men with nyion stockings/to a defective oil burner at 627) gr JOHN'S Nfd. (CP)--Evi he group, and form the new 4th FIND SON DEAD {drawn over 'their heads entered|Simcoe St. S. There were twoqq, leatine tus -- Vi {Ajay r 7 Sg . see 4 : | jo / E ( WELCONA, Colo. (AP)--Eddie|the Beneficial Finauce Company ambulznce calls over night. iil ory Mh e, 21, waved goodbve to his and ordered five emplcyees to lie RE q i y 3 _ his le) | STREETS CLOSED canoe trip last July has been parents at their farm Thursday cn the floor while they looted the {found in the Labrador interior b; nd set out fi is ¢ ale drawer i | The following streets will bel|foun 1 the Labrador Inierior byl ] et out in his car for an/cash drawer. lelosed today for construction: |@ trapper | m-- | 3 day 0 onstruction; d AA | Police constables Pierre La- Pontiac from Somerville to Mo.|, A? ECMP spokesman said) . {berge and Claude Gravel, tipped hawk: Prospect street closed Thursday that bones, two diaries [by a passerby, entered the build-|from King street east to Athol|ahd other personal belongings 1 er I0S ing while the men were inside. |strest cast, Church street closed|found washed up on the shore of| yy "a. d held i : After several shots were ex- from King to Bond street; Sim-|2 tiny island will be brought here ° = a Bald ite first ve - changed one man surrendered coe street south closed from for study. A plane waiting to Tr Ses, day, but during the shooting the other|Bloor street to Conant street at bring the fina here has been, d ou 00p, under the 1 0 aCCo {two escaped. No one was hurt, [various times, for bridge re- grounded by bad weather in Willmet » an Seonimenet 3 f ihe dbion Si dha Sn pairs; Grandview street south|/Goose Bay, Labrador. |Willmot and Assistant S. M. D, 4 | [closed from King street east to One official said evidence) . [ {Bloor street east: King street | found on the island indicates the| 3 Trices 1Se | u 0 oe t I'west closed to west-bound traffic rémalns are those of John Wal. |its next meeting tonight. One of : | |from Stevenson road north to sult, hg Nanay NJ. aud he groups fs selves ve |Gi street: Somervi ! , 41, Morristown, | seas 4 e "Bu THOMAS (CP) -- Killing » Sipbon greet meri ne N.J. The two diaries were be. Blitz" Saturday, when. Cubs and which struck the Southern 1n roke Beatrice street lieved to bear their names. The| Scouts will offer for sale liz Ontario Rigi prow ing are Whenever possible these streets 125t ony was July three gays bulbs. Wednesday nig as already s partially "Heh after they sec out on their|™ Sfoughi a demand for higher to-| OTTAWA (CP)- An auto theft J a Co Md |planned canoc trip to Grand C0 prices. ring operating on a large scale|. Extreme weather conditions, Falls, Labrador, from north of Stanley Smith, chairman of the/{from headquarters at nearby Such as heavy rain, may result| Schefferville, Que. | 3 Ie 00 S Tobacco Growers Marketing Ashton, Ont., hag been smashed, in the c.osing of other streets.| A trappr identified as a Mr.| Board, said Thursday that it Ottawa police reported Thursday. Several miles of street are being | Wilson discovered the items a . would be "necessary for buying] A man is being held for. ques. Surface treated with asphalt and Week ago 88 miles from where irculat rompanics to pay Very good tioning ard wairants for the ar- Stone chips. Motorists are re- (the men started .They were 22° % e prices this year fo avoid com-|Test of several others have been! uested to obey all signs, not to miles hy Fae. plete craos in the industry." is i i i drive on ba aded streets and 'sai entification of the sarlier losses from hail, blight|lice, Ontario Wc phe Bu I opened 1o wailie 2 Sudy st headquarters dere. rary and sunburn, is expected to re- cial poli i 7 2 y= 2 ce co-operated in - SCUSS SE fuce this year's crop to 120,000, vestigation ew The Liisi Ry ed by Chief Librarian Jean Fetterly 00 pounds, compared with last! py.¢ hint of the existence of Mayor Lyman Gifford, will meet| fold 3 meeting of the Public pears record 186.000.000 pounding ring came Yast Friday when With the PUC tonight to discuss rely od Thursday might "Most of the unt.arvested to. CIty constable ' Robert "Woods ® future bus system for Oshawa. | 20t be harvested." said Charles|"arried no lettering indicating); De cot before' oite|League, composed of Serene Of 2500 volumes over the same Ny sh issue will be set before city Pp e : p Smith, secretary of the market" "CoP: council at council's next meet. Leach (capt), Ivy Callus, Dot Period of last year. ng board. He thought the pre | A Partly dismantled late-model apt. 2 Carleton and Doreen | Broken down into 8 p ing, Sept. 21 Laskey, iminary estimate of $10,000,000/Car was in the truck. The driver --~-------- oss from Wednesday's frost/Was detained, Ownership of the| 7 an wunded ronservative. {car was traced to Ashton, where WEE LANGUAGE ry NE Saturday. 1 ALSALL, | "Mrs. Mary Mosely and daugh- | 08% 97; natural sciences, 684; ae black and t ge. ley, 16, was knocked unconscious|!ef Jie, of Franklin Centre, literature 13%: history saps; fead Thursday, despite all-night] About 20 new cars, in v i R . , uebee, visi -| thi efforts by farmers with smudge stages of dismember Begins BE aetiten Soy afer Be WR En iy gavel, 1799 and biography 2. wis wd trash fres. found by police in the shop, dents in their "When | €nd. a nphlet 23 veriedical circu- " le am a bare 36 hours which was equipped with cutting she regained consc Mr, and -. Mrs. Demis Ayler, ings i 2s Rleacy Jiu pum shew: ter the Sept. 15 noon deadline torches, welding equipment and several weeks in a hospital, the Burcher road, have gs and adenasiice; up some lor frost insurance ran out. No|other tools, police said. They also girl talked only in French instead from a two weeks moto Uouraiice Sumpany will 'taka a found a six-car capacity auto of her native English. She is un- Winnipeg. They reported alter e. Itransport. |der treatment. |weather for the wiole of the trip. during the long, hot summer |ion, 437° sociology, \frer was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Ted Mc- Comb, Gren Williams, Jack Chap- man, Bruce Chapman, Robert Greenfield and Harry Blower. GORDON H. ANNIS Scout Troop. The group is a1 Wiggin, and Assistant CubThaster| {Marsh, held a camp for junior leaders this month, and will hold] {that total circu'ation during the| AJAX -- The téam represent. Summer months of June, July, | < categories | -- |were runners-up in the finals atthe figures showed: General the inter-city dart tournament at| Works, 32, philorophy, 538; relig- | 1022; philo-| returned what over a similar period last| r trip to|vear. The music library also was) cool reported more active this year! The death occurred suddenly at the Oshawa General Hospital this morning of Gordon H. Annis. The deceased, who was in his 68th year, had been in poor health for two - years. A lifelong resident of Oshawa, r. Aunis was a son of the late Elgin and Annie Annis. He was born Dec. 16, 1891, He was the church auditorium|gumer of the Annis Plumbing paid farmers at Canadian grad- its first| and Heating firm and was a | peter of Cedar Lodge, AF and |AM. | Predeceased by his first wife; the former Alice Pindar, Mr. BU-| Annis is survived by his second (wife, the former Harriet Pindar; ja daughter, Mrs. H. Phillips | (Hilda). of Frankford; a son, Lloyd Annis, of Oshawa and a stepson, Jim Pindar, of Oshawa, Also surviving is a brother, | Theo, nf Craig, Saskatchewan. | The funera: service will be held at the McIntosh Funeral Home at 2 n.m. Monday, Sept. 21, fol- 2 jowed by interment in Mount |Lawn Cemetery Rev. R. B. Mil- roy, minister of Knox Presby- terian Church, will conduct the services, Friends are asked not to call at the funeral home until Satur- day evening. SKELTON TIRE D SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) Red Skelton entered St. John's Hospital Thursday suffering from fatigue. He will be out Monday. hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. 'EggMenRap Deficiency Payments NEWMARKET (CP)--A group of district egg producers Thurs- day night criticized the new fed- eral deficiency payments system and claimed the "vicious plece of discriminatory legislation" would {ruin Eastern Canada's egg indus- try. Gladwyn Ridler, a feed mill operator, told 25 producers that the new legislation, ir effect Oct. 1, will "throw the Ontario farm back into the dark ages and| sabotage the egg industry," | Egg producers at present are subsidized through a floor price system by which the federal gov- ernment buys all surplus grade A large eggs at a set price. Under the new system the gov- {ernment will not buy eggs and a | price will not be fixed. All grades | will sell on a free market. The | producers will thea receive a |year-end payment--the difference| | between the current floor price| land the national average price midnight Friday. Lake Erie region, Windsor: Sunny and warmer today and Saturday. Winds west 15 becom- ing ligat at night. Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- tarlo, Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Kirkland Lake regions, London, Toronto, Hamilton, North Bay: Cloudy with a few scattered showers this morning clearing around mid-day. Seturday sunny and warmer. Winas west 15 be- coming light tonight and Satur day, Sudbury Sunny and warmer {oday and Saturday. Winds light. Timmins-Kapuskasing Cloudy (= this mcrning clearing this after- noon. Saturday sunny and warmer. Winds light, Forecast temperatures Low tonight High Saturday FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL r ] ~~ TST re aa J -- AIR-CONDITIONED DINING ROOM PIANO CLASSICAL ¢ THEORY 744i 2 Dal RA 54507 OSHAWA GaRBBR i Mi aI MONDAY! -- MARKS Defence Minister Will Visit Canada OTTAWA (CP)--West German Defence Minister Franz Josef Strauss will visit Canada Sept. 22 Oct, 2 at the invitation of De- fence Minister Pearkes, the de- fence department announced Thursday. He will be accompanied by Gen. Joseph Kammhuser, chief of the German Air Force, and a group of officials. p ul . Ta on ove ling stations, AIRLIFT FOR HUMMING BIRD MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--A hum- ming bird that forgot to mi- grate is getting an airliner lift from the chilly north to sunny Florida. Aadubon Society officials in Miami have prepared a warm reception for the tiny bird, due today via Northeast Air- lines Its $4 'fare' was paid by Mrs. Eugenia M. Moody, 75, vice - president of the North Woodstoci;, Vt., hu- mane society. The $4 repre- sented shipping charges on the oird and its cage. Mrs. Moody found the hum- muningbird half - frozen in Sunday's low temperature at North Woodstock. The bird will be released in Miami suburb. The Immunization of ALL ADULTS Against POLIOMYELITIS Is Urgently Recommended THE PHYSICIANS OF OSHAWA announce that they will continue to offer this service to all adults of this city WITHOUT COST. 420 ELIZABETH 65 UNDERWRITERS CHAMBERS THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF STAN BRYNING OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE RA 8-5358 FOOD CLUB RD. -- OX. 9-1188 TO OBTAIN THIS PROTECTION YOU NEED ONLY TELEPHONE THE OFFICE OF THE DOCTOR OF YOUR CHOICE FOR AN INITIAL APPOINTMENT. Combined immunization against POLIOMYELITIS AND LOCKJAW is also offered provided the person wishes it and the physician deems it advisable. Protect Yourself And Those About You Now!

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