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The Oshawa Times, 18 Sep 1959, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 18, 1959 3° Buffer Rezoning Under Discussion Promise Further Study Subdivider's Request | Oshawa City Council and plan. |ning board met Thursday night to deal with the request of Har- mony Heights Lid., to rezone part of the buffer ares on Harmony road north. After 140 minutes of discussion, Mayor Lyman Gifford est- inal and creative and she came <d Jo -- tha! the gam up with the winning shot. |ment company should submit to The new car will tow the trail-|.ouneil next Monday night corre- er which is equipped with a camp spondence relating to their plans Ee Tone To oe ve or he derog Vill th ule » : zone c ey want r stove compartment. Also a dress- Then, explained the mayor, ing room and double bed. council could pass this along to Mrs. McArthur has won prizes|y planaing beard, which is] before with her camera skills.| ~ 5° . i 4 t! {She won $50 earlier this year fore Iijoving Sigh] a color shot of tulips. And last this rout could eport its deers {August she won $1000 worth of sion aud any recon iations to merchandise in a magazine CON uel. ot: connells' next test for a picture she took on her| cotin on Oct. 5 holidays at Berford Lake on the | 8 "i Bruce Peninsula. The lucky shot AGREE TO PROCEDURE caught a sea gull in a landing] Ryscell D. Humphreys, QC, re- attempt, presenting Sam Jackson, of Har- Wins Prize For Photo Mrs. Roy McArthur, Arlington avenue, was notified a short time| ago that'she had won a station wagon, camping trailer and com- plete camping kitchen. Mrs. McArthur submitted a pic- ture to General Mills advertising a company product. The make- up of the picture had to be orig- Mr. Wandless, was all in the hands of dividers and specula- tors. Alderman. Christine Thomas Mr. Humphreys charged that|cpined that, "as far as I'm con- the effect of the planning board's cerned the city engineer's report decision not to cui into the buffer|is correct. 1 think Dempsey's 2one was in effect, to reserve|view is influenced by the sub- land for speculators division. Mr Crome's report Mr. McGibbon then said that to|echoes the long-range view which invade the buffer area and not|the city endorses." : develop intervening areas would Ald. S T. Hopkins thought that be to some day overload the sew-{8n outside engineer might be age plant's capacity which was|2ble to determine standards to designed and built with a figure of|US€ in judging the sewer reports. 90,000 and certain city limits One aundred and ten houses are firmly fn mind, not going to make the difference Mr. Humphreys replied that the in the Se age iv stem.) th Mr. Dempsey repo.' showed that We eg x a the the existing trunk sewers were|. g sufficient, that the increased load Soporis 15 a8 of Hort 10 isolate the provided by the proposed exten- = i sion of the sub-division was, in|SEWER CAPACITY fact, "not a drop in the sewer". Mr. Dempsey said that Ald. A. V. Walker asked why his study revealed that the the Board of Education located a|capacity of the trunk sewer, on school in a part of the buffer zone|a conservative basis, was 4,800, near the proposed development.|000 gallons per day. The pos- sible future load on the Harmony NO CONTROL road trunk sewer, he continued, Mr. McGibbon stated that the|would be about 3,800,000 gallons planning board has no control|per day. over where schools are built. F. E, Crome city engineer, Then Ald. Walker asked how said there was some difference many sub-divisions faced a situa- "Three Reports?" asked Ald. Branch. unbelievingly. FINALISTS IN CNE DAIRY QUEEN CONTEST ss : n i | y. Logan, of Oxford and | Brigitte, an Ayrshire which Brigitte, a calf with a bit of | were in the final round of the | Spaull of Sudbury. Left to | Barbara | Br -- it, horns in on this pic- CNE Dairy Queen Contest. | right Frances Cunningham, | Ruby Scheel, of Renfrew. All Miss Spaull selected over three i + | : re | others. ture of four young ladies who | Right is the winner, Amne | representing Dufferin County; | the foreground, of course, is | Photo by Michael Burns. for be had p.m. Handicraft will be one of the many features for student parti-| cipation. Ed Wright, chairman of the meeting, expressed high { "Oshawa Personal | Income High man Gifford, is now in the pro-|not to breach? cess of planning for the fall and] On the strength of a report winter season. |made by the planning director, ¥ | property line governing hous- suggested meet with to come DON'T MISS YW.C.A. OPEN Dart League To Organize Last winter one of the more successful organizations associ- ated with the Community Recre- ation Association of Oshawa was the Neighborhood Association Dart League. HARMAN PARK number of Inter-Circle activities|Still 1900 acres of land in Osh: with Squires from Peterborough. | #Wa available for building, much Lindsay, and Toronto. 'lin the hands of sub-dividers. An . . +. |additional population of 33,000 With numerous other activities) sould be handled in these areas to supplement these, the Squires|® The Teg y 5 whe are looking forward to a busy| . city sewage plant was de- but successful vear |signed to handle the demands of iit dob ati bheiald |a city with 90,000 population. | DRE SSING UP |LAND ALL HELD SARNIA, Ont. (CP)--A United! Mr. Humphreys said thet Mr. Nations fancy dress party, in|Jackson had to get land at af which 600 children were invited Price which will 2)low the final Mrs. McArthur has won $10/;,,hy Heights, agreed to this pro- awards in a Toronto paper €am-|ogure and left with Jackson and era contest. |{former city engineer W. T. photography but leaves the report on the Harmony Creek AT KINSMEN CLUB award-taking to his wife, she re-im. ny sewer, for ee. and posts. MtcArtiur belongs to' the submitted same to the city coun- Mrs. 1 8 lel report. --- ------ POSIT area across from a buffer zone.| He cited the actual acreage the cussion is located on the west side| Two appear to be near this stage. trunk sewer serves and the num- Bibl Cl b of Harmony i diately | The Kassi organization was|ber of dwelling units served as * north of an existing subdivision prevented from cutting a slice : | 1 e u ' balance of the differences rested 11nes a 1 I © | company ago. in opinion, he said. : Di d Mr. Humphreys explained to the| Ald, F. M. Dafoe commented, 'The present sewer line was = a combined groups that Jackson Oshawa can be proud of its|symphonic. orchestra 150|half a dozen churches 1SCusSse areas which are prime for de-|2 density of 15 persons per acre visited. iy o : 2 | north of the present Harmony | velopment. This area, he said, had with a maximum of 175 acres munity. This praise comes from ar} Shaw? 5 Evening Bible Club was dis-|geioni development rezoned as| hool nearby, suitable home S€rviceable. These figures were tout. I p ancis direc. 10 comparisor, Oshawa mus-| attendances, compared i 4 (a, se rby, Lieut. I'rancis J. Francis, direc.| ered a choir at St. George's iy "0 CoC Ne persons at TE ling of the Byng Avenue Pente.|® Tesidential area to allow him) ] wo Th Ag Bl for Of the Oshawa Regimentalls,giioyy "Church, a symphony diol, Plone A Persons at 8 3 ; 0 J {costal Sunday School [io add 100-110 houses wo the exist (these: things are desirable, "7 Pefsons per aete. Tis design. Band. orchesira in its first year, the 7° .* ? ; a ing subdivision. think a spot like this should be 1, gid opinion, this trunk ~ 1 i ificati : TW opened up first," he said. , meeting of the Oshawa Kinsmen |; Salvation Army Band |edification. a y Bible Program would be the board had previously turned down doe Club at Hotel Genosha Thursday | Lieut. Francis recalled tha lead off for their fall schedule. Re i lit capacity night. He spoke on "Music in MUCH BETTER |Oshawa had been the home of a The dates set aside for this were[I. Jac § request, on a SpUti...q Kassinger?" asked Mayor FEAR OF PRECEDENT has nd | : [Me "to m Gifford. "We've already told him J phonic orchestra to vou," said Lieut. Francis, company in previous years at the 25. The program begins at S3y/buand that here Wiig be crouied 'no' on his application. We can't] W. A. Woodcock, planning The speaker compared musical "that musica! facilities in Car- oe. The STiYSle company nad 2 poi ng ary 3 board Neimher, Sd Sat te facilities of Carlysle in Northern/lysle were muck better than inj00t 2 p ont " said. Al. Datos precedent. "One subdivision has M | ) sts t si. The speaker mentioned the ex- not anxious to rezone land in the... .. 4 . i/to get the same treatment as an- " > he Eng- of r community for its musi Air] ¢ if the schools are there and Re sent gome die in the x ng Oo ommuns cellent quality of uss iu public ; i od buffer area whe plenty of good x Be Sudesh . raps shawa in 1958 { -- _, schools under Wallace Young. hopes of a large attendance.(land was still available within services are available, I'm in| Alderman A. H. Mu wan! Canada and Oshawa in 1958. The speaker pointed out that |"The program " he said, "was 2 3, Aya Lm ol the Harmony Heights case in 4 i {for all children who desir to 3 ; writing, submitt council. that Carlysle had a noted cathe- . + "choirs. He had. At, the OCVIL," said Lieut. me Jackson then sent his petl-| BONE OF CONTENTION 8 dral ehoir, a Gilbert and Sullivan oumber of good COWS. H8 14¢ Francis, "where I have the priv- The Byng Avenue Pentecostalltion to city council. planning board,' said the mayor. operatic company, a full-fledged|found great enthusiasm in at least jlege of being music teacher, we Church is a branch of the Sim. said His Worship, "was the capa-| 'But eye Iedtoned the Plan, i i ey coe Street Pentecostal Church. id » n Board a nowhere and vial every year. In three to four Ny, Bmphrers noted that a Sy of Sie trade foyer. a ing sel ol Le Wl CE KINSWEY sap. wet TV wom bs ae gaa . school was located nearby, ser. rood 88% eit" priested Humphrevs., | graduate. | A NSMEN club trophy he trophy is awar annual- | vices were readily available a "Not officially," si o { ; reat cost io ly to the most outstanding | S 1res Plan lu Bian wl weal i) * volved in formin : during the past year was | member of the club. | i y rt the council. J "Red tape and dull scissors," : symphony orchestra. He pointed| awarded to Steve Dyl recently. Oshawa Times Photo Ns eT oy ined that |00W While some areas closer to pe ia to the great success of the first ------ Mr. Humphreys Sompiaised he had not yet seen Ve clected, then at sometime is the| i . ; sewage system going to be over- OTTAWA (CP)--The Northerncommunities of The Pas and As director or the Oshawa Reg- Amendments ! (@) | CC. MeGiitbon, QC, chairman) and the present planning Ontario steel centre of Sault|Flin Flon which dropped to fifth imental Band, Lieut. Francis : The Oshawa Circle of Squires, of the planning Sours ang Sh G A . t Ste. Marie in 1957 became the|place with $4,210. pointed with pride at the achieve- A . |after hosting the largest and man of last night's meeting, sa Ald. Branch moved that a copy et Assistance ; " : : i . whet so § rnp v | 'a ived & of|of the city's sewer report OTTAWA (CP) -- Egg pro- » sonal income. {Marie ranked third with an aver-/20 and 30 years. These included / O D S ssed [vention in Ontario, which was was first received iu October i BYSIES oa ., e tax|age personal income of $4,204. Dominion trophies at the Cans- nin 1 cu [highlighted by speical addresses|1958. The planning board examin. given to Jackson for perusallducers who grade their own outs ysis L COM: 4 : iba a : Intinns ; 3 . fi | x " statistics issued today by the(The figures cover cities with dian National Exhibition in | joy His Excellency Bishop Mare the buffer zone at this time. 1° '\oo. of ve roport AHOUGHIAl Tn: cogibie Tor asta |ers "You are very fortunate here,"|p =e = © H.C 4D BITING Laat ne bylaw was being ad-| he had given Dempsey's report/under the government's new egg Sault at the head of the os ER Ontario oil centre of Sar-|concluded the speaker. "In Car-|; Te 2a joi meeting, nrg ministered in an efficacious man- to council some days before. |deficiency - payments program vith average $4,460, replacing| 3 a ra aT tv 4 g/day night, discussed possible ner. the hot bd Manitoba mining/Dia retained second place with|!ysle I offered my services as ; : both reports were in agreement|announced Thursday. or 10 alle reater flexibility al the SheinEor. mba | 7 | . i {from $4,221 a year earlier. The|tcacher and was rebuffed every NS Ny Laren or fos ty his that the engineer might be sub- which is regarded as one of the|e that the buffer zone should|that He wwe, reports were com-| The Revision Y sate Yam mining centre of Sudbury-Cop-|time. The onlv concert held in gard to setback y ject to criticism. "I wouldn't like! peg: in Ontario, is looking for-|remaia inviolate au this time. [pletely a 8 Weams in : at Smal oe : percliff moved up from fourth in Carlysle during my stay there $ i i. cis decision left to 3, eity wary to a busy season, with the, In a report fendered on April; Ald. Dafoe suggested that the ducers selling ecLly reta ing additi partment, P Sani, "8 '€ first investiture to be the initia-[28 of this year, the planning " " : y ' reling addit «, 0] 1A COME to the dance at Thornton's Cor" |with $4,279. |. Mave one day' whet Jou arefg roy Brady told council i 5» | be considered that Somewhere pd iS I rng pers Community Hall, Saturday, Sep- in other parts of Canada ana you Da ol he ie favorable ruling) and 1 didn't, own Circle, to take place in the|no incursion into the buffer zonelin the middle lies the truth". 0 Teg eral gra ne limited for tember 19, 8.30 pim. Montgomery Or- gp CATHARINES 4TH mention the name of Col. R. S.|thd gs are C uttering). cor Gifford the|early part of Nov . i is ti that 1t would A N 2A7¢;° : ey dana" o writ . lup the c \g adiustme yo riffors pa November. This|at this time, that it w come " : chestra '| Fourth in 1957 with an aver. McLaughlin, vou will hear: Oh,{up the committee of adjustment, planing board Mr.|will be followed by the initiation|some time and tnat the timing DUISIOE ENGINEER oan individual producers in both cate- |Catharines, up from sixth in in the Music City!" fon a property linc, he said. McNeely anc ry upjof two or three new Circles/was very important. brought in to|large eggs annually. The ceiling 1956 when it had a $3969 aver "I'm not criticizizig but 1 think in this district within th ct study the sewer situation and|is aimed at limiting benefits re- ie HOUSE age. ? (we should amend the bylaw to lin We mex Mr. Wandin wid that de big|give a report to council. ceived by large-scale producers.' AWE ' eventh | 95 : : : annexati ve in 1951 t two WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23 and Oshawa was seventh in 1 Newspaper [sanction cbvious cases. 1 don't The circle is also planning a Sanexstion sove is 1991 Jit two 3 Ta $4.137 [think this would weaken the by- number of Catholic Teen Dances, Oshawa which would have been p.m. to p.m. hd i law." i Display of winter activities | Of the 69 cities on the revenue in about six weeks, Other major|V<™Y D EW PARK Free Refreshments department's list, the overall FAQ JWI COUNCILS HAVE POWER activities for the season include Minister. So the City of Oshawa {average income was $3,935 and \ the touring of some local plants, {00k in these areas and zoned t Ra ta) . told the council that the Ontario attending a National Hockey|them as buifer. jincome, or nearly per cen t legislature gave municipal coun- BINGO the Canadian total. ersona 1 Y |cils the power to pass bylaws Other Ontario centres and | Council is unable to delegate that Fo . : : The official closing of Woodview Park for Friday night, St John's Hall, |with average income of $4,060; |vertising executive has urged|law. Council must draw the line. correr of Bloor and Simcoe. 115. Toronto $4,025; 16, Port Col- newspapers to tell advertisers a| "If you want a change like the 20 games $6 and $8. Share- |horne $4,021; 17. Peterborough|Jittle more about the type of per-lone you are contemplating, you, tember 19th. $3,912; (son who reads papers. {must ask the legislature to amend RACES TO START AT 2.30 P.M o MM. Treats for Children of Park Members BALL GAME AT 5.30 P.M. A meeting to plan the league's activities during the coming fall and winter season will be held at 7.30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 24, at the Woodview Park Clubhouse. All those interested in playing darts or entering a team are| urged to attend this meeting. Her husband is interested in Dempsey, who had drawn up a > in fact, some in opinion, in his . . tion like this, with a built-up Music In Oshawa oS SEES Xe et, different in fact ir. his report. The which was developed by the same out of the buffer zone some time that council is concerned with|designed for use in an area with ) wanted 25 acres immediately] ie - i om-| years d six bands Tecord 45 2 musie » loving com |vears and He also commented om large { |cussed at the recent staff meet-| sites, services, available aud all out of date mow; should be 25 ) S choir sang y its own § ' | It was decided that a speciall Lieut. Francis addressed aj... Phat A choir sang mainly for i i | : ieu ran Oshawa Regimental Band and It was noted that the planning sewer does not have any excess' '"What ettitude can we have to- Oshawa" and the Oshawa Sym-| I want to make it quite clear|Gilbert and Sullivan operatic Tuesday, Sept 22 to Friday, Sept. Vote, bécause it was felt by the give anyone preferential treat-|board member, said that the England with those of Oshawa. Oshawa. But vou can be proud some fime. Too, the planmng board was the home sites are good and the|other," he said. SUTURE city limits and inside the buffer Lieut. Francis told Kinsmen, | 0 00 churches featured a GOOD FUTURE attend." "Then we can refer it to the "The main bone of contention," [receive excellently traind mat- SERVICES AVAILABLE : now we are in front of city coun- Humphreys. He spoke of the great cost In-| go; the most valuable Kinsman {that Mr. Dempsey had submitted | F 11 P the centre of the city are ne-|52id a voice. t of the new group in the] ' ; SE e group ad rogram gineer's sewer report. E P d M R : gg Producers May will be useless. Canadian city with the highest| In the 1956 analysis Sault Ste./ments of the band during the past Im: successful Squires Con.|that Mr. Jackson's application This was carried and Jacksonput and sell direct to retailers revenue department showed the|more than 5,000 federal taxpay-|ronto during his own leadership. | cq council an Planning that the {rocco and His Worship Mafor Ly-The question was; To breach or : 5 ; ; i Council members who had read|coming into effect Oct. 1, it was lan average income of $4,418, up musician. conductor, singer and|amendments to the zoning bylaw| Ald. Christine Thomas wouried| The circle's investiture team, G. A. Wandless, the board decid- COMING EVEN | it Sr oo 1 on was one T put on. rules and rules i differences between the reports outlets will qualify under the pro- | people say, 'He got it (altion of new members into their|board stated that there should be age income of $4,236 was St./that's the man who makes cars/a matter of six inches or a foot 4, gories to 4,000 dozen grade A 3 or th ) i ide engineer with a solution. {which are expected to be formed st > next TWO CORRIDORS {grant the city engineer power to THURSDAY, SEPT. 24 with $4,154, Welland, eighth with the first of which will take place very iffieult for townships to ad- lth had $11.082.300.000 in total E. G. McNeely, city solicitor, |they ha ,082,300, in tota League game in Toronto, and al Mr. Wandless saia there are their position: 13. Niagara Falls, MONTREAL (CP) -- An ad: power. Legislature phrased the the 1959 season will be held Saturday Sep- the-wealth. 5 - $40 jackpots. | 007: 2. Brockville J. A. McDougall of the Cock-|the Planning Act. The legislature {liam Port Arthur $3,797; 37. Kit- plied accurate circulation and city council. The committee of | chener-Waterloo $3.788; 40. coverage figures but statistics adjustment is empowered to deal Kingston $3,740; 46. Brantford were "faceless." with minor matters; that is its $3,678: 46. St. Thomas $3.645; 53.| Advertisers wanted a more|reason for being." | 2175) nn Bay $3,870; 30. Chatham BINGO $3,867; 34. Belleville $3,844; 35.|field. Brown and Co. agency said | never intended a city engineer to {Cornwall $3815; 36. Fort Wil-| Thursday that newspapers sup- determine any use of land, only CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE {Galt $3,576; ber nations, 54. Guelph $3,572 156. Barrie $3,554; 57. Timmins | Porcupine - Schumacher $3,527; {58. Orillia $3.498; 61. Woodstock 218b/$3,460; 62. Stratford $3,439. SAT. SEPT. 12 8.P.M. i identifiable picture of readers. "I know newspapers are chang- ing in tune with the time," Mr. McDougall told the annual meet- ing of the Newspaper Advertising Managers Association of Eastern Canada, "but 1 want to know the nature of the reaction of the {do our clients." The newspaper should "seize {reader to these changes and so|Wand'ess told the meeting about {a planning conference he attend- |ed in Toronto last year. It was Ald. R. C. Bint didn't believe an increased load should be put on the planning board or the city | engineer, "I think we do need the| protection of the bylaw," he said. | TELLS OF CONFERENCE | Planning Board Secretary G. A.| Stock And Field Sales Set Record WIARTON (CP) A record was established here Thursday {when the Grey - Bruce counties {livestock co-operative held its eight - annual stock and field |sales reported that Oshawa had one of to dress up in costumes of mem- price of his homes to be reason- was held by the able, that the land stili available | Sarnia Lions Club, in the 1900 acres mentioned by uy, HN KASSIRGER CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Monster Bingo SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 every opportunity of telling the 'personality story' of the news- paper." This would help papers get a {larger share of the advertising The builder of the famed Personality Homes that made Grandview Gardens famous provides you with. an architectural service to design the Sale of 2,085 cattle brought $363,042, slightly higher than pre. vious years." Highest price for steer calves the highest ratios of cases before a committee of adjusiment. (156 in 1958). Was this good or bad, Mr, Wandless? asked 16 PRIZES OF $10 | EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 {dollar in today's tight economic | squeeze. he said. | He said newspapers should be represented at manufacturers' sales conventions by competent | spokesmen, AUGUST SECOND | POPULAR MONTH | 10.1 per cent of U.S. wed- | dings take place in August, a close runner-up to June's 12.8 per cent Just married couples find Oshawa Times Classified ade ideal for selling duplicated items such as TV sets. Dial | RA 3-3492 to reach interest | ed buyers with an ad {was $32.70 a hundredweight; hei- He was told it could be inter-|fers $29.10 and Holstein steers preted as very good, showing $19.20. DON'T MISS THE MANUFACTURERS DIAMOND RING CLEARANCE SALE AT ALL THREE BASSETT"S JEWELLERS STORES house of your dreams. CON RA 5-91 21 KASSINGER STRUCTION LIMITED Provides specialists to advise you and guide you in choosing the materials to fulfill this dream. I

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