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The Oshawa Times, 18 Sep 1959, p. 5

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a a en et WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-3703 seph Hickey, Oshawa, was solem- nized on Saiuuay, Sept. 12, at 3|roges and lily of the valley. Matron of honor. Miss Ardyth Epps wore a yellow embossed p.m. Church. Beverley Ann Yeo Is Autumn Bride sabrina neckline, a rhinestone! crown held her fingertip * veil. She carried a cascade of red The marriage of Beverley Ann Yeo of Whitby and Vincent Jo- in the Whitby United "" brother of the bride, and Mr. |brocaded silk sheath dress, navy Jerry Dodds, |accessories and a corsage of pink A reception was held at Union roses. Hall, Oshawa. To receive the For their wedding trip to Unit guests, the bride's mother wore donned a blue flowered silk organza sheath dress with matching three - quarter iength coat, large pictire hat, while accessories and a corsage of pink roses. She was assisteq by the bride- groom's mother wio chose a blue flowered organdy over taffeta THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 18, 1959 dress, square neckline, gathered yoke, bouffant skirt with white accessories. Bridesmaids Misr Ann Smyth and Mrs, Marlyn Dodds wore identical gowns, onc in mauve, the other in minut green, with Imatching caps holding their veils. They carried ys. of bronze, mauve and ycllow chrysanthe- mums. i Mr. Ronald Hickey, brother of the groom, was best man. The Donald Yeo, ushers were Mr The bride is the daughter of a BE ---- RR Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Yoe, Whitby, and the bridegroom is HONOR PASTOR FOR 50 YEARS SERVICE For over 50 years, Rev. A. F, | presentation by Elmer G. | Thursday night. Shown in above Bamford has been iu the min- | Hames, clerk of the sessions of | photograph, Mr. Hames (left) istry. He was awarded with a | Almonds Church, Whitby, | presents the award to Rev. the son of Mrs. Brigette Hickey, | Oshawa. f Rev. John Smith: officiated at the double - ring ceremony. Mrs. B. Beaton was at the organ. The bride, given away by her father. wore a white Chantilly lace gown, fitted bodice, lily point sleeves, full length chiffon | skirt over taffeta and featured a | | { i | chair. i Bamford, while his daughter, Muricl, a missior:ary in India, looks on. | --Photo by Alex McCulloch | 9 WHITBY J uveniles Reach PERSONALS Ontario Finals Mrs. Peter Ottenbrite opened| her heme to a group of ladies who The Whitby Juvenile Lacrosse team returned to Huntsville tor{ "Hl {eke 21 active Dart rae team -- The Merchants -- play-/the third game, and before|g niay Tr 2% from 3 to.5 and| ing their first yeer of organized almost 400 fans came out with aly to 9 at the. Grev Nuns Convent) lacrosse -- have now reached the|13-10 victory in a game that saw| on John St. General convener is| All Ontario finals and will meet Whitby behind two goals witha Peter Ottenbrite. Incentives For Plays FromCanada VANCOUVER (CP) Dick his Anand Pouring |MacDonaid, managing director |three Ss St. John's WA | Honors Member The St. John's Anglican | Chureh, Port Whitby, WA held its first meeting of the fall season | last Wednesday evening at the] Sunday school hall, with i president, Mrs. E. Vallant, in the| Various reports were given. A presentation was made by| Miss M. Sleep and Miss Olive Goldring to Mrs. Edith Rowland, | Dorcas secretary, who is going to establish residence in Toronto. | Best wishes from all members| were offered to Mrs. Rowland. | A short business meeting fol-| lowed, after which Rev. G.| Nicholson addressed the group briefly. His topic was "Whitby in England and Whitby in Ontario". A friendly cup of tea was served by the committee at the close of the meeting. The next meeting will be held |Oct. 21 at the Sunday school hall. FALL BARGAIN DAYS ARE HERE With This . GREAT FALL CLEARANCE e First Class PAINTING and DECORATING eo At Special Prices at this Time of the Season . . . Over 36 Years' Exper- ience . . . Interior Our Specialty. We Help With Colour Schemes. To Your Own Personal Tastes. With Our Great Automatic B. H. Carousel Color Mixing Machine. C.L.L. and Scarfes, Thix Jellied PAINT Going Out At Great Reductions FOR DO-IT- YOURSELF COME AND GET FREE ADVICE WALLPAPER IN ROOM LOTS AT V2 PRICES Assortment of colors and designs WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY BROOKLIN WINS The Brooklin Meadowcrests de- feated Huntsville 12-6 Wednesday | evening to take a 3-0 grip on| their series, The game was play-| ed in Huntsville with the next and | possibly final game scheduled for| Saturday night in Brooklin. The| Also in Gift Dept. mn REAT SAVINGS CUPS & SAUCERS, SPICE SETS, ASHTRAYS Le) ORNAMENTS, LAMPS, SALT AND PEPPERS, Oi CHIN AND GLASSES, ETC. SOMETHING FREE For Every 15.00 Order and Over SO COME TO \ 4 the winner of Feigus - Mimico to play onlylte, 'will be the past presidents: qf ¢ i i series. Fergus is heavily favored|io come back and tic the game Mrs. Leo Bloye Pn pe jot ihe Dousinion Drama Festival, to win since they have not lost ajat the end of regulation time|nps 3. Augustus, Mrs, A. C.|58Y8 he hopes to see the festival game this year, |and go on to win in overtime in| Smith, Mrs. J. Heffering, Mrs. R.|become a competition of original Their piay-offs start Thursdsy what may well have Seed the| McCloskey, also Mrs. A. O'Con-|Canadian plays within the next JIE i Frm nt is the dust Dut Josvss son So Sumovalele or BiStenng, SUN Son free vous, Since ice is being put in the| Coach Les Moore has his boys/Oshawa, chairman of Regional] This is a big order in view of local rena the Whithy club has in top-shape' for this series, and|Countv South. Proceeds of the|the fact that omly 4% Canadian arranged to play their home it may be that next year five orjiea oi be fo supply linen for plays have been presented in} UPHOLSTERING games in the Brooklin Arena. six of the boys will be ready to| le Lirey Nuns. competition since 1933. But cash The Sse will be announced move up 10 Junior, WM es. A. vaderwyst 2% four incentives now have been added. A. ZAYETTE We Ee reek the follow- 156 "Rendell in pit De uilluecs left "on ' A Canadian original winning a : ab Ho ers of lacrosse In the area turn Jor je Koster, Gord Luke 2: 1 jzone final will earn $10 for the|] Recovering wid repciring Jop! sster, ¢ 3 for old quality value with modern restyling. Phone MO 8-2344 P.|Alvernia from Montreal to return| thor ad The ro out for these games and give the Tran, and Lorne Campbell on de-|to Holland. iS ay le Eu Special low prices on any odd pieces (in ends) star of the game was Brooklin's| Gord Cook with three goals. The winner of the series takes on either Fergus or Brantford. WHITBY PAIRT & WALLPAPER 123 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY AND SAVE locals some support. {fence and from Brocklin on de-| Mrs. Stanlev Osborne will onj; sta The Whitby club reached the fence, Bil. Biggs. Tuesday, Sept. 29, entertain in BR ourinion foal ud Song the hard way, eliminati On the forward lines for the honor of Mrs. R. D. H. Heard, the peroiming grou ' In three gdmes/team will be: Eimer Tran, B.|newly appointed Dean at the g group. Mr. MacDonald was in Van- BONUS VALUE 12 days .... 5 ports .... $365 13 days .... 5 ports .... $395 18 days .... 11 ports .... $528 18 doys .... 10 ports .... $528 there Just across the street from the Moulin Rouge stands a once-ele- gant house that used to be the top night spot in Budapest--the Ari- zona. This will be reopened at some unspecified date in the fu- ture. The former owner, a versa- tile lady popularly known as Miss fighting took place near during the 1956 uprising. The biggest spread of neon lighting will be reserved for the Red Star Emporium, at present under construction on Rakoezi Street, one of the city's main thoroughfares. MAR. 18 ... APR, 14 APR. 19 .... 15 days 13 days And Ma 12 days .. . $415 . $350 . $300 8 ports 7 ports «es 6 ports . ny Others DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY Phone MO 8-3304 or RA 5-4831 CBC Employees Get Pay Hike OTTAWA (CP) -- About 1,700 CBC employees, ranging from secretarial help to second - line management level, will get pay increases of up to seven per cent, a CBC spokesman said Thursday. The increases, varying in in- dividual cases depending on such factors as when they last re- ceived a raise, will go to em- ployees not covered by union contracts. The case of each employee will be reviewed individually during | the next few weeks, the spokes-| man said. ! No cstimate of the total in- creases was available, | Meaawhile, finance minister | Fleming has invited the joint ac- tion committee of the public service organizations to discuss a pay increase and the establish- ment of a medical plan, sched- uled for Jan. 1, for the 150,000- odd federal civil servants. The meeting has been sched- uled for Oct. 13 or 14. Hog Producers Get Communications TORONTO (CP)--Appointment| of Lucein Parizeav as director of communications for the Ontario Hog Producers' Association was announced Thursday. Mr. Parizeau has been with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiza- [tion at its international centre for |~ural adult education in Mexico, .30 |/Where he headed the audio-vis- I io department ard was co-ordin- in|will be Mike Gray and Gordie th 3 € i Huntsville before over 400 home |Holliday, sisting Mrs. Osborne in receiving be held here May 16 to 21. fans with Whitby coming up with| The first game starts in Brook-|the guests. | a 12-10 victory to even thellin sometime next week. Details] Mr. and Mrs Reginald Foster | series. {will be announced iu this paper|have returned from a 10-day | World (Cruise Whitby, is in the Oshawa General FROM NEW YORK FEB. 5th, 1960 ALL 1959 MODEL Hospital. | . ] i Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown are] i loging fo. Gabvilc wise thy| RETURN NEW YORK MAY 10TH, 1960 G.E. WASHERS AND DRYERS will establish residence. Their : ; ; ; nll 95 Days, 14 Countries, 18 Ports, $ 1 friends wish them happiness in hE 4 ' ? 31,000 Miles. From AE y . _ signs will twinkle above thelonly dimly recalling the days streets of ancient Budapest in fu- when Budapest was one of the] ture if present plans to "western-|gayest capitals in Europe. Inge Henry St ize" the city take shape. those days, the city with its big| . In an effort to make the Hun- hotels and cosmopolitan flavor FEB. 25 .... will be spruced up with a little glamor. The plans were discussed in a The main night club of the city, the Budapest, will be refurnished Arizona, was one of the best- and will revert to its original, known characters in Budapest in sales will be erected above the quarters of the Hungarian Auto- doorway. : mobile Club. At present, the club is a gloomy' One of the more enterprising straight and then losing at home|Campbell, Tom Tushingham,|Ontario Ladies' College, from Two nights later the Whitby later on. vacation spent in Port Carling, | their mew surroundings. West Indies (Cruise garian capital brighter and more was one of the favored holiday|ideas put forward by the town) recent issue of the newspaper pre-war name of Moulin Rouge. her day. to Huntsville 11-4 in the first of a|Ronnie Moore and Mike Mori-(2.30 till 5.30 and 7.30 till 9 p.m.|couver to assist the British Col- Algonquin Park and Gananoque Bud t Night Mrs. F. Simpson, of Toronto, DEC. 22 attractive to tourists as well as spots of Britain's then Prince of | Planners is a neon sign to be Magyar Nemzet by the director The decor will be in Toulouse: The Arizona was closed down Phone MO 8-3618 Now Playing The Weather Has Cooled Off But Our Prices Are AR, Still Q (@ HOT <~2\% All Prices Slashed to Make Way ~~ for the 1960 Models '54 BUICK -- Dynaflo, radio, tinted gloss. 2 to choose from. '1095 Was $1295. NOW '57 PONTIACS-- 2 to choose from, 1 sedan, 1 coach, Now '1695 Was $1895. -- Sharp condition. '57 DODGE SEDAN ..'1495 Was $1695. '55 PLYMOUTH -- A real buy. '895 best out of thrce series. ! Mrs. J. McDowell, president of(umbia zone in planning the Dom- where they visited friends. To Get Bright visited her son and daughter-in- JAN. 19 .... its citizens, t he present scanty Wales, later King Edward VIII |erected above Corvin's, one of the| of a Budapest neon-sign factory, Lautrec style, and an eight-foot after the end of the Second EVENING SHOWS 7 & 9 P.M. The son, also up front frem Brooklin : $ un & 1 x second game was played the Aiamnae Council, will be as-|inion Drama Festival which will Mr. Calbert Barchard, of RR 1 BUDAPEST (Reuters) -- Neon|spot, its tarnished gilt and marble law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, FEB. 5 .... and somewhat dreary night life|and other notables. {largest stores in Budapest. Heavy Ferenc Zelei. neon windmill with revolving World War and now is head- Feature Starts 7:20 & 9:40 p.m. THE FOLLOWING MODELS: Washers: SWA-850 G.E. WASHER, $299--Service policy optional at $15.00 evtra. RWA-655 G.E. WASHER, $255--Service policy optional at $15.00 extra. RWA-955 G.E. WASHER, $366--Service policy optional at $15.00 extra. Dryers: SDA-820 G.E. DRYER, $229--Service policy optional at $7.50 extra. SDA-421 G.E. DRYER, $182--Service policy optional at $7.50 extra. SDA-920 G.E, DRYER, $259--Service policy optional at $7.50 extra. SALES & INDEPENDENT .-. WE MOVE, REPAIR AND INSTALL T.V. AERIALS FREE PARKING Now Was $1095. NOwW "55 OLDS. HARDTOP -- Woes $1495. Now Many others to choose from at similor reduc- tions -- No reasonable Offer Refused. For a GOOD USED CAR DEAL contact che of our friendly Salesmen --- GUS BROWN, 13M PARLOV, DOC KORY or FRANK WE WIA: JL ECE mes ME ONE CT # # HARRY DONALD 300 Dundes St East, Whitby PHONE MO 8-3304 Cinemas SCE ATURDAY MATINEE WHITBY PLAZA ator of experimental studies in communication. OPEN FRI 'TIL 9 P.M.

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