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The Oshawa Times, 25 Sep 1959, p. 15

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--77| Goshen Wants + Hambletonian we | Returne d H ome GOSIIEN, N. Y. (AP) -- The Goshen Chamber of Commerce |said Wednesday it would make |an effort to return the Hamble- |tonian trotting classic to this | {town where it was raced for a |quarter of a century until 1957. | The Hambletonian, for three- |year-old trotters, has been held {at Du Quoin, IIL, since that time and the present contract runs : [through 1962. . The Hambeltonian Society re- { imoved the race from Goshen lafter issuing a statement con- i |demning what it termed "the un- © |satisfactory conditions under © which harness racing is being ad- {ministered in New York State." At the time, the U.S. Trotting Association and other harness |racing interests opposed the ad- ministration of George P. Mona-| -- THE OSHAWA TIMES, EARLY, EARLY? Friday, September 25, 1959 15 Irish Harp On Blazer Crest Boost To Team Expect Early Wynn Start World Series CHICAGO (AP) -- Manager Al} His pitching rotation for the Lopez of Chicago White Sox is|three-game, season-ending series mum on his world series pitch-|at Detroit is all set. Billy Pierce ing plans but there probably isn't{will pitch the first game, Dick a betting man who would wager|Donovan the second and Wynn against the choice of Early Wynn/and Bob Shaw will split Sunday's as ther starter in the opener. assignment, Star relievers Gerry Lopez, who spent his first day|Staley and Turk Lown and young after winning the Amerie ao Bany Latman are expected to League pennant scouting San See activity to keep in shape. Francisco against Chicago Cubs,| One thing Lopez isn't worried said he feels his club "has a|about is his team's physical con- great chance in the world dition, series." | Centre fielder Jim Landis, who {had a leg injury, returned to ac- tion against Cleveland Tuesday. | Elmer Vasco "We'll be in top shape for the series," said Lopez, "and we're going to play the kind of ball that helped us win the pennant. We'll be running if we get the oppor- worn proudly on her blazer. had no land if she wore it. LONDON (AP) -- Philomena Garvey, ine patriotic Irish woman, will play golf for the British Isles team again next month with the harp of Ireland The 33 - year - old Dublin girl, an international golfer since 1948, refused to play in last year's Curtis Cup matches against the United States be- cause the British team badge symbol representing Ireland. It was a Union Jack. Philomena said she would be disloyal to the Republic of Ire- The Ladies' Golf Union an- Was One Of Best, K.T. Lee Is Dead HILLSBURGH, Ont. (CP) -- K, T. Lee, one of the greatest road- ster-trotters in harness racing, has died here at the age of 18. Owned since he was a yearling by Mr. and Mrs. Mel Barden of Hillsburgh, 40 miles northwest of Toronto, K. T. Lee was seldom beaten in Ontario half-mile road- ster dashes, despite his age. - In 1956 Mr. Barden drove K. T. Lee and Jacob Express to a world unicorn (tandem) record of two minutes, 39 seconds at Arthur, NEW TORO ghan New York harness racing | commissioner. Monaghan was re-| iplaced by a three-member com-| |mission on Sept. 1 this year. | |" | tunity." Lopez will not be with the team at Detroit. He'll be scout- ing either 'Los Angeles at Chi- . - On List Of cago or Milwaukee Braves who Casualties | bis ood ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- El-|phia, mer Vasko, 215-pound Chicago| Tony Cuccinello will manage | | - - - Giants Retain Grip Black Hawk defenceman, is the|ihe t d On Lee Grosscup latest victim in the growing am oy 8 ok orders > viay (AP) -- Al casualty list at the club's NHL | troit is involved in a three-way [though New York Giants placed training camp here. {fight for third place with New Utah's Lee Grosscup on waivers| Vasko was cut on the right foot York and Baltimore. |he will remain with the National|during an exhibition game, [Football League club all season.|against Springfield Indians Wed-| The young quarterback won't/nesday night and will be side- nounced Wednesday that a new badge will be worn by the Brit- ish team to play Europe for the Valgano Cup at Wentworth, England, Oct. 8-9. It will consist of a small Union Jack surrounded by the shields of the four home coun- tries--including the Irish shield which bears the traditional emblem, the harp. been selecied as a member of the team. MOWER BAGS YOUR VN ANAHEIM, Calif. PHOTOGRAPHERS TOOK 40 YEARS TO FOCUS THIS SHOT since the days of the notorious | pitcher, "Black Sox". There's no won- | that was turned into a double- | der the players swarmed on to | play, to end the game. Al | the field in a wild demonstra- | Lopez (42), Sherm Lollar (10), | tion, to mob pitcher Gerry Dick Donovan (22) and Don | Staley (21), who as a relief | Gutteridge (39) are the first to 4-2 in Cleveland the other night, it marked the first time in 40 years that the White Sox have | When Chicago White Sox won | threw just one ball | greet Staley, right after Vie been able to win the American League pennant, the first time Power had hit into the twin- fri |play a game, but he will work|lined until at least the early part killing that enabled Chicago to play E yo A {out with the Giants and pick up |of next week. clinch the 1959 title and a |experience watching. The Giants| Stan Mikita, 19-year-old rookie, berth in the World Series. [have three veteran quarterbacks|crashed into a goalpost Wednes- --AP Wirephoto |and felt they could not use the|day, suffering a badly bruised Ralph Toohy Declares Argos Have No Pride Pro footballers know the fun-/Argo players. talented Grosscup this season. |knee. FOR . .. e SPEED eo ECONOMY eo COMFORT money ranks. Argo teams of the last three years have shown in a few games that they've learned their lessons well. The other times--well, they took their pay under false pretences. Pools offensive formations | must have been pretty good. Other Pig Four clubs copied] them with some success. Maybe they were too complicated for "The modern way to travel is by air" - For information regarding any form of travel ...DIAL RA 3-944] SEGURA VS ANDERSON LONDON (AP) -- Pancho Se- gura of Ecuador and Australia's Mal Anderson advanced to the final of the London International professional tennis tournament | Thursday night. Segura scored a| 6-2, 97, 6-2 victory over Tony| Trabert of the United States] while Anderson beat fellow-Aus-| We hove @ direct Toronto telephone line for prompt Airline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 3-9441 Owned end Oversted by Thomes Modows end Co., Conede Ltd. a | Fresh full-power Canadian built Willard Batteries «so guaranteed for 4 full years . , . dry charged or factory-filled . . . both 6-volt and 12-volt types in economy, heavy duty and premium service grades. See your nearby Willard pecler. oi Te size leaf-bagging attache ment holds 5 full bushels, replaces regular-size bag, Outmows all other rotaries, Exclusive "Wind Tunnel" design gives cleanest cut. 99.95 A. W. RUNDLE | GARDEN CENTRE | 1015 KING ST. E., OSHAWA FREE OFFER . (IF you huy @ TORO Mower be- tralian Ken Rosewall 7-5, 2-6, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4 in the semi-finals. 1959, you get a 14.95 Leaf Kit utel 2 now and October 31st, Get MORE POWER with a TOWER "ANTENNA SALES # TV SERVICE BRING YOUR TV TO 1743 AND SAVE YOUR MOWEY , Canadian Press Staff Writer [the rough tough Toohy at the|them that lack of desire or just Ralph Toohy wrapped it up/time but his observations were |plain indifference on the part of neatly last year when he told an|brough: into sharp focus this|some players are the reasons. that Toronto Argonaut football! Argos became the fall guy for aldian National Exhibition stadium players should be ashamed of bunch of professional football|saw it last Sunday when Argos themselves. Al the time it was/ players whose sloppy. indifferent|waved feebly at Hamilton-Tiger- Toohy, a great needler, was alArgonaut coach. The firing field to score two touchdowns on Hamilton Tiger-Cat. pointed up the perils of his pro-|punt returns. Toohy. one of the game's color fession. It is fashionable to fire of lack of desire, piled it on by indifferent, hold on to their jobs. |}; 1 before they 3} th adding that Argc players had no] People have said that Pool was ing "ong Orc They doin ia pride in their profession. | too nice to run the club. It doesn't time when 7oronto fans were| Before he went to Toronto in T M heaping great gobs of praise on 1957 he coached Los Angeles | erry e er the Toronto Biz Four club. The Rams of the National Football! season was nearly over, Argos League for three years. Twice L d I won-lost record to go on a three- sion and once the NFL title. Not ea er n game winning spree. Some fans many coaches can match that) were even talking of Argonauts record. | All S - sentence, Argonaut club officials say| coring "They should have ben play- reason for the leam's woes -- a \ y | ing that kind of football all sea- tie for last place with Ottawa Meyer of Kitchener - Waterloo son." Toohy jeered. "The only Rough Riders at the halfway Dutchmen leads the ORFU sen- that they have no pride." Ithis year after bottom-place fin-|pass receiver and heads the rush- ing department. Meyer, a 195-pound halfback Oshawa Merchants Lose [sna odio points. Teammate Mike Norcia 3 dG T Kj has 40 points, Sarnia's Ernie rd Game lo Kingston [ms | Meyer has caught 28 passes for hardJuck 98 decision to King-|ing in Jordan, then Marty Jor- sadiar ston on Tuesday night, in Madoc, | dan tripled, to score his tree 2e former leader, has taken 39 to bow out of the OASA Senior mates and make it 66. ass 1 yas third and deciding game of the|the moumd and O'Toole took over|57 carries, and Norcia isn't far Eastern Ontario Zone finals. the pitching job for Kingston, in|behind with 349 yards on 61 car- Kingston will now face Tor-|the 7th. ries. Ontario finals, ants, faltered in the 8th. O'Toole i pened with a single and Tinkess Oshawa took the lead with two 7P€n® 3 : { runs in the third inning, when fanned but Davidson was safe Buzminski was safe on another, ° grounded, forcing O'Toole at| error, after one out and then|™ . : lon Boyce"s own error then walk followed to load the bases Goapy Tolowed with a three, pop up and Tilk to ground out, |Pagger to clean the bases and | . : : ting Kngston in front, 9-6. Kingston tied the game in the Merchants came back with two fourth inning and - Merchants|yyng in their half of the B8th.| inning, when catcher Palmerioq with a homer then Boyce Knight was spiked on the hand,|joubled. He advanced on Jor-! aftempting to tag a runner on a 4an's infield grounder and went suffered a partially severed ten-right Then Logeman connected) don and nasty cut, which Te-ifor extra bases, scoring Boyce, | quired medical attention. Coach/to make it 9-8. Second-baseman| catching duties for the balance drive, for the third out and sav-| of the game. {ed Kingston's slim lead. | Kingston two runs in the In the 9th, M. Jordan got on| and then after there were two | the next two Oshawa batters to! out, Hollingsworth doubled and end the game. f so did Dick Senior, with Hol-| KINGSTON:--Tinkess, 3b: Da-| | 50 FT. TOWER on Senior's hit, in the play that/cf; Knapp, If; Flynn, ss; Hol- saw Knight injured. Hollings-|lingsworth, 1b; D. Senior, rf; . worth and D, Senior both singled|Deasy, p; O'Toole, p in 7th, Let Us Give You A Free Estimate By JACK SULLIVAN | No one paid much attention to|films aren't necessary to show Eastern Canada radio audience week when coach Hamp Pool of| Every fan at Toronto's Cana- pretty good propaganda because play cost the 44-year-old job as Cat Ron Howeil as he sped down- guys who never could be accused|the coach while players, bad or qamentals of blocking and tack- His outhurst was made at alfigure. emerges out of a one - for - nine the Rams won the western divi- and the Grey Cup in the same LACK DRIVE SPURT CAME LATE they "can't put a finger" on the| LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Terry! thing {he matter with them is|mark of the 14 - game schedule ior individual scoring race, is top from Xavier University, has White 38 and London Lords' Don Oshawa Merchants dropped abut Tom O'Connor walked, forc-|.o, yards. London's Jim Greer, "B" championship hunt, in the] This ended Deasy's stay on! Meyer has made 376 yards on onto Ostranders in the Southern| Boy Boyce, pitching for Merch- Boyce was safe on an error, on Walker's error then R. Sen- Palmer Knight doubled. Two With two out, White was safe ending that inning. | make it a three-run rally, put- suffered a serious loss in this pinch-hitter Ken Courtney open- close play at the plate. Knightt; 3rd on Busminski's fly to] Jack Logemai took over the Davidson snared Walker's line foutrh came on a walk to Knapp via an error but O'Toole got 171 BOND ST.EAST | lingsworth sliding home to score|vidson, 2b; R. Senior, ¢; White, | in the sixth, then Deasy sacri-| OSHAWA MERCHANTS: -- J. ficed with a bunt and Tinkess Jordan, cf; Buzminski, ¥; grounded out, scoring Hollings- Knight, ¢; Walker, 1b; O'Connor, | worth, to put Kingston ahead|ss: M. Jordan, 3b; Tilk, 2b:| 32. Keenan, rf; Boyce, p; Logeman,| They added three runs in the c in 4th; Courtney, rf in 8th;| seventh when Bob Senior drew Hubble, batted in 9th. a walk, then White doubled.| Knapp's homer to centre when! the ball got away from Jimmie Jordan, put Kingston ahead 6-2 Angles, Channel, Reinforcing Rod Plates, Beams, etc. but Oshawa Merchants pounced on Deasy in their half of the seventh inning, to tie it wp IN ALL SIZES 45 GALLON STEEL DRUMS again at 6-6 { by Leo Durocher, met the New| . GREENBERG & SONS LTD. With one out, Jordan was safe] on Deasy's error, then Buzmin- York Yankees in the world series ® OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY eo and lost by four games to one, 308 BLOOR ST. EAST RA 3.7333 Displayed on our Drive-In Location Remember When ? . . . By THE CANADIAN PRESS Whitlow Wyatt's five-hit shutout over the Red Sox at Boston gave the then Brooklyn Dodgers their first National League pennant in 21 years, 'wo days before the schedule closed 18 years ago to- ski singled and Logeman walk-| day. The Dodgers, then managed W¥Vatt pitching their only victory, ed. Walker went down on strikes in the second game, ! GOODWILL Je e's : N78 BUICK HARDTOP 5197 CHEVROLET 2045 PONTIAC YELLOW AND BLACK 51349 SEDAN '35 BUICK HARDTOP S199 '85 FORD SEDAN 949 $045 4 OLDS SEDAN SUPER HARDTOP Dynaflow, radio, ing, power brakes. A REAL BEAUTY 795 power steer- '53 FORD SEDAN, CUSTOM RADIO $345 '53 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON $345 '52 CHEVROLET COUPE $375 "51 PONTIAC $35 "51 BEDFORD VAN New paint, a honey of a buy. $795 266 KING ST. W. CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED RA 3-4634 --

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