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The Oshawa Times, 25 Sep 1959, p. 1

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Ce Sy gry og ap FE i 0 5 i BE WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY $ h ill liste : Cloudy with occasional rain to- The 27 ni Hr he pe night and Saturday. Not much when he's frightened. change in temperatures. Winds light. » VOL. 88--No, 224 rice Not Over OSHAWA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1959 Aboot Office Department, Oftaws TWENTY PAGES Svion > y C wi iW remier Blasts Oy ASSES Tight Money COLOMBO, Ceylon (AP)--|whipped @ .45-calibre revolver, § : 7 : : Prime Minister Solomon Bandar-|from undiar his robes and fired § : " 1 | & Sd anaike was shot and critically|six shots. 1 : i 3 SEAGULL LANGUAGE | Hydro Will ee wounded today by a gunman at-| Two bullets hit the prime min-| a ; 3 | tired in the yellow robes of a|ister on tihe left side. | ; ; Buddhist monk. | Rushed to the hospital, Band-| ; 3 : CAN BE MOST EFFECTIVE 00 000 0 0 0 $2,300,000, A state of emergency was pro-|aranaike- made a plea to the] | ; % a hs 4 : A k ! BAYONNE, N.J. (AP)--The | showed up Thursday with their claimed. {country to be calm, and said he| Doctors removed three bullets|forgave his assailant, i resourceful United States Navy | tape recorder. They hooked it up to a pub- | PORT ARTHUR (CP) -- Pre-| icipalities and indeed indus from the 60-year-old prime min-| i wat : ister's body. A medical source| is ridding itself of seagulls by Ye address system and an ear- !mier Frost said today provincial|try and business can turn, is | ] % : ; 3 : 7 tell S "oat fg sring "A AWK? ft! + N : 3 oi) Be ol ig yo Steel Strike : sing Hen to "get the hell | chattering "AAWK" resounded and municipal borrowing is being|being upset and prejudiced by EE, ol . i out of here" in their own lan- | around the base. ; upset by certain Bank of Canada|certain Bank of Canada policies, bi were given him. Ceylon ra 3 7 3 | While al , toi nash i ; i guage ile all this was going on policies, or lack of understanding/or by the lack of understanding i an admiral stood atop an eight- lof what such policies are." dio broadcast appeals for addi- ] ac) tional donors. Bfhects GM 3 That is the exact translation siorey building, and r ted Jaf these. poisles. had he 2ssassin. shot i i ! 3 i offered by navy spokesma: Fiorey g a eporte aid it is Hi Federal financing had come to By a ia ae i : ? i ; ; 1 after Wy Youd y gn | "all he saw was birds every- Pid te Bo contain such features as convert- cape, also was in hospital. There | : : i tape - recorded gull call, de- | Where." according to a public | op TH ine icipali-|ibility and Canada Savings Bonds was no hint as to his motive. ; : i 1 signed to drive the birds away | [iormation officer. ties business, and industry. Such cashable on demand with limits Bandaranaike forgave him and w : CE ; from the supply depot here. Maw place Tas Without gulls | tacts eh be YE a ranging up to $20,000, which were appealed "to all to show compas-| ; 4 § he transiati , or two whole hours. Then, per- 4 SA i | makin, ovincial and municipal apie 30 So 8 {0 Show <0; pas Gu spokesman: today: clark] : | The tramistion Hay be more | haps a little bewildered, they boatd o edvisory Sofuuitege. bn ial ¥ : y navy than sea gull--but it ap- | flew back. The navy expected | 1: XTOSt spoke at the opening| While emphasizing he has no Bandaranaike was converted to fied 3. statement he had made] : f i \ parently works. | them |of a new $16,500,000 generating] : 5 station, built by the Ontario Hy-|duarrel with measures to prevent Buddhism from Christianity. A|Thursday concerning the possible 3 i: : T mat bird ch : I r rich man's son who rose to power effects of the U.S. steel strike on| : £ wo ateur bird chasers pparently, the noise was to : 3 Yt flati Frost said the best I n's : I ects 3 . , dro Electric Power Commission inflation, Mr. Frost said the bes in the i956 elections after cam-|car production here. | " | by the names of H. Palmer be repeated every few hours to h wa i i ion i ' ¢ 5 4 g: 1 3 " y rab nig (Way to fight inflation is to ex. palgning on a nationalist Plat-| Production here could not con] 1 Starner and Stannard Stocking | keep the gulls away. ' at Sitver Falls on fhe Kamipis | "8%, tion Jom, he ip been rulitg with tinue indefinitely if GM plants in| 1 of here : "An expanding Ontario will re- a shaky one-vote majority inthe U.S, had to 'shut down| : : ; 4 ] | BYE quire $12,000,000,000 for new pub- Parliament since May, when his|peciguse of lack of steel, he point-| iE : i : 3 3 ati Hydro yi both 220 pe assets in the next 15 to 20 leftist coalition broke up. led out. More than half the steel pr wo a § EW renc ir 1ner the next 10 re gine Fross|vears," Mr, Frost said. "On the CONDITION SATISFACTORY |used by GM of Canada is pro-| : ' y said. Until 1956, bonds for Hydro Success of these operations much 3 financing had carried coupon|of Canada's prosperity is going to In a broadcast, Governor-Gen- Suced x Canada, but kil : ; . I Sir Oliver Coonetillke re-|Par¥s and supplies nave to be y ( : Wh e nd, ir that vet Be Peer imporied from the U.S. If the gs 4 i rashes Kills 53 Tates io Saceeting 4 per cent. |depe! think it is time that the had been on the operating table|U-S» supply was cut off, the ef-| § os - oy ' 3 Sut In the last three years, inter) nk of Canada, in the form of five hours, that his condition was| fect: would be felt here. id : : . . oe aos : |est had increased to a high of alan advisor conmtinittee or board termed by surgeons "satisfac.| Malcolm Smith, president of og ] La A BORDEAUX, France (AP)--A| The pilot appeared to have dif- PS" Setit last Jue, : or i of the sort, should tory," but that he could not be|Loctal AW, said today that og 4 ; ' ; a ; French airliner bound for Africa ficulty gaining altitude. It is serious enough that n- | . sng Tv, Saol considered out 0. danger. The as-|80 jer cent of the production| / - 0 crashed and exploded within min-| Lo oC terest rates could constitute a|have del 8 Son O13 Wi Titi ie sassin gave his name as Talduwe Plant workers are working short| = : - --_-- utes of takeoff Thursday night,| ~J€ could bear the enginesiheavy burden," Mr. Frost said, \Provicces, tne mumelpaities, Somarama Thero, 43, and said he|time. MISS MAPLE LEAF [killing 53 of the 65 persons|fOUENINE. | said a_ spectator at|"One of the great worries is get. ¥ith business and industry and was a specialist at the govern-| "The men are not getting a full : |aboard be fi Li e pilot seemed t0iting the money at all." | with the persons actually engaged ment hospital in Colombo for|wol'k week," he said. "Last week| Irenc Dobler 21 - vear - old | of Canada, in Montreal. Miss | in London in November, was | It was the worst tragedy ever Je oan a id control. He made| provinces and municipalities do il business in these respective Easteru-style medicine. onthe truck line, the men were, Hungarian-born Toronto artist, | Dobler, who will represent Can- | crowned by Judy Welsh of To- to strike a French airline. plane's pes apts, hd 2 © not have the services of a central fields. . In the wild confusion that fol-llet go at neon on three different| was crowned Miss Maple Leaf | ada ia the Miss World contest | ronto, Miss Maple Leaf 1958. Three children were among the wobbled It I A= biane fost bank, the premier said, and power] It is the Bank of Canada's duty appa --_---- - gp Che tops of a nerally turn to private invest. to see that provinces and munic. ors and lending institutions: |ipalities can borrow, Mr. Frost lowed the shooting outside the|dajs; they had only ome eight-|-------- - [12 survivors thrown clear before ol | the four-engined DC-7 burst into| rc fod then plowed into the, premier's residence, the assail-/hotsr day. One thousand men| y . ant was stabbed and severely as-| ware laid off last July and have| WITH DEEPEST CONCERN flames in a pine woods. Most j aid, saulted by a crowd of people. He ns:ver been recalled." | were badly burned. 'There was a tremendous roar | UPSET BY POLICIES "Hydro works and capital | The plane made a scheduled | When the plane blew up. We could| "This area, which is the only works cannot be twrmed on and was arrested and whisked off to| Nelson Wilson, chairman of the " police headquarters, GM bargaining eommittee, said Police said that between 9:30 that Thursday's statement was after a flight from Paris on a| am, and 9:45 am. two men in/"all wet". | a | } a a eda S regular trip to the French Sudan the robes of Buddhist monks! Nelson commented: "What am and the Ivory Coast. Officials of the privately owned called at the prime minister's(} going to tell these workers that house and asked to see him. _ [frome in here every day asking TAI (Transport Aerien Interconti- nental) airline, operators of the Bandaranaike greeted the m.| when they're going back to work? hd After they had t~'ked, the prime| And the ones on short time? That aircraff, said several prominent ster took of one bythe steel strike has no effect on African politicians were aboard. bowing. Al be ah haut so bid production here? 1 don't believe ; d MOST V. FRENCH UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP) world abolish armaments holus- which[link disarmament, comtrol! Amdgg t was Sekou a --Canada has stepped out in the/bolus by the end of four years. and inspection. Sissoko, health minister of the} United Nations to demand that! Norway, cuba and Ghana, Questioned at a press confer-|French Cameroons. Most of thé reen de- passengers were French. Airline . 9 LJ the middle and smaller powers joined Canada in saying that the ence after his speech, G Miners Dig have a say in disarmament, the port countries ye be con- clared: officials said a few Britons were crucial issue in the 14th General giited and informed of big-power ~The essence of control Is aboard but there was no imme- or Whether nations want control. diate indication of whether any Assembly. ecisions through the UN 4 ons Tous "If they don't, they can find other nationalities were on the \4 Exiernal Affairs Minister Bow: other channels. dodge ot. flight ar reen made this clear in nis "we : many ways to dodge it. ight, oC e) 1 major policy speech Thursday Clea Hy the Hadle and Green's disarmament remarks The plane plunged into the for- | |when he stressed that Canada, as ert es! heave an seemed to attract as much aiten- est two miles from Bordeaux- VANDENBERG BASE, Caldl.|three shifts of af least 21 men|2 member of a new 10 - power Jobo HW 1 DERE 68 0 St/tion among other UN ambassa- Merignac airport just before mid- (AP)--You'd think they were dig- each, miners dug the first com- disarmament committee. wi Jisamamen; Js of be Yeepest dors as other features of his/night after a shaky takeoff. ging a hole to hell--but it's really|plex of four holes and connecting use its influence to keep the com-|~ re : speech, in which he called on the| i aimed at the heavens. {tunnels with hand tools, In: mittee "in touch with the UN at es i assembly to. establish a world-| There will be times when the creased use of machinery on the all times." Mr. Green also called for alwide system of collecting infor- t ab hole is a veritable inferno. {second complex cut the mumber| Disarmament was swept into Worldwide study of radiation. He mation on.radiation from fallout un ! said Canada would submit a pro- from nuclear tests. two-hour stopover in Bordeaux|S¢€ tWo immense balls of fire." lone to which the provinces, the off like a tap. Smoke and flames and emir-{0f meno on each shift to 14, but|the diplomatic stratosphere by S&C LENA ; A ; Soviet Premier Khrushchey's posal it was hoped would encour-| In another small - power de- splitting thunder will roll fomih, Work still goes on around 'the I RRL Hh 5 then struggling up through them clock. | proposal last week that the whole age the worldwide collection of velopment, Ireland sounded out a 1 ' i eet r-- -- more accurate data on radiation./UN members Thursday seeking will rise the deadly snout of a| ~~ " rh ) ; On another subject, Green said support for a demand that the 20th- y d h its way . # " : : epee "©" GRAIN TERMINAL COLLAPSES jciihr iim coe 6h Hotty ul vcs 17 Children | i y a " we] pe : 1 : seek only to scour the skief in| } . a Sm ie Py 8 aiiial ; Faced with opposition not only, MONTREAL (CP)--Aunt Gaby| quest of new knowledge for man. § 2 umb of id orgy refugees from the Soviet bloc but some Thursday won a fight to keep her| 5 4 mu : i and their families from European peutralist and colonial members. | 17.1, il The dragon really exists. It is| | hi : camps ond. 17-foster children, | called Titan, because of its size. | Z ar =, about thi ater: he Ireland was reported anxious to Plump, cheerful Mrs. Arthur| i tas : 4 i | Queried about this later he make sure her proposed resolu- ot. appeared i icipal| And hardrock miners, tdiling said . 2 F Brunet appeared in municipa around the clock at this 'west| # i : ewe " wiv take 100 fam tion would get the two « thir sicourt representing her hus d! coast missile base, are diggiag al | ? 4 He LL Ly Bi oF aml yote needed for adoption by the who was charged with operating lair for the ocean-spanning mis-| © haps 4 ues an J ! {82-country assembly. an unauthorized children's home. | pe --| But Judge Ernest Simard dis-| } sile. ; SANITORIUM TREATMENT y SE : 4 a a Forty feet across and 160 feet| I 7 : | In his speech Green said missed the case with the com-| . ' ! 2 deep, the hole will be ready for| {i '3 ; | "This group will be brought to U.S. Steel Boss ment "my judgment may be too Wom i "Nik. | by De, AR oie buck | Enived at lis downtown Pits occupancy by the end of January. : a -% 24 : : Canada and treated in sanatoria much from the heart but even "&° ; T Nik- | by police as the Soviet leader | burgh Hotel. The hole, called a silo ber:ause i a i at Canadian expense. Further-| Suffers Stroke judges have to be human at | | times." it is used for storage of the 90- | pr . y more, a family unable to support | eon 2 : | foot missile is the key part of] B24 J 2 itself while a member is under| HYANNIS, Mass. (AP)--Walter| 'If more Montreal families fol-| A an $8,000,000 project. 'Three sg le a treatment will receive mainten-|E. Munford, 59, president of U.S. |lowed the example of Mrs.| : : i a Brunet and her husband there smaller holes have been " dug ance payments. It is my hope|Steel Corporation, suffered | Ke 2a $ Sy Thursday|would be less juvenile delin-| nearby for storage of the fuel, r ] : : 4 11 {that the first refugees selected cerebral thrombosis | liquid oxygen and control -dmstru-| © ' id J will reach Canada by the end of after surgery for an accidental quency." ad : ments. | I i 3 i this year." knife wound in Lis abdomen. The| The city brought the complaint When finished, this will be the] | > a ; Green, in discussing disarma-|stroke left him partly paralyzed. against Mr. Brunet but the judge or jg United States' first underyground| & 4 : Tre 9 wi © ment, recognized that it was felt| Dr. Robert L. 0'Connor, medi-|Was told that the city welfare de-| y Than Jaanghing site. m Tis 1 4 AR ~ ilthe l10-power negatiating com-|cal director for U.S. Steel, dis-|partment = sontribiting Sim) 2 sile, which has a recor our| § ; oe : mittee--which has parity between|closed today that Munford had|day for five of Mrs. Brune | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi-|given by Eric Ridder, publi i successes in five firings from ™ ; 4 5 "| [Bast and West--has less connec-|Suffered the stroke late Thursday|"adopted" children, |dent Eisenhower and Premier x the Te York oe to Jones Juve 'hemical test) surface pads at Cape Canaveral, | . ; a tion with the UN than some coun-|afternocn and had since been| In an interview later Mrs. |Khrushchey prepared to leave|Commerce, was private, but|live with us." Fla, is expected to be opera-| tries would wish. It was the cred-|under the care of specialists, [Brunet told reporters that herithe capital today for a quiet|those present quoted Khrushchev| Khrushchev. in contrast to his tional aere in mid-1960. on of the United States, Britain,| is condition was described ashome started in 1946 after she mountain retreat for a fatefullas saving: [performances at some others of Titan sites are buried under) ; France and Russia, with the UN Dot critical. His right arem is made a vow that should her hus-|weekend debate. Each will try| "If the United States re-|his stops across the countrv, was ground to protect them from at-| disarmament. commission '"'not- Paralyzed and he has difficulty band survive an illness she would to persuade the other to change nounces disarmament, one would/said to have remained serene tack ing" its creation. speaking. devote her life to needy children. his government's policy in the in- doubt its sincerity. If would iot/and unruffled throughout the din- TT FT TT terest of peace. appear to be mature." |ner, aitended by two dozen of Working 24 hours a day inf Wy 4 | Green said Canada is follow-| Khrushchev, after a remark- [the top US. business executives. ' z bi ing a policy of assisting in any| P rl 1 . jst WANTS TO BUY . il ; | | disarmament moves, while insist-| a nn TO 12) able an ectic tour of the WANA : |At least some of the guests came © | a ing that the committee be linked United States, indicates he has| This, for Khrushchev, is one ay ay unfavorably impressed. hd 1881 - | closely with the UN. not. retreated an inch from his|test of American intentions. An-| y vorahly Impressed persistent accusation that Amer- other, he made plain, will be ONE-WAY DEAL a "The activities of the commit-| yr . 5 _ | est dal ure | : 3 tee are intended not to replace fcan policy created and pre- American willingness to sell the, "He's interested in peace at no : ' | ; but to supplement the responsi- 1S Ol l 1C S served the cold war. U.S.S.R. anything or everything, price, ¢n his texms," commented WASHINGTON (AP) -- The bilities of the UN in the field of] President Eisenhower is pic- Tegsugless = ig 4 item s possible Maj.-Gen. David Sarnoff, board United States Air Force: was re- : fh ; disarmament," he said VANCOUVER (CP) -- Traffic|ce tured as hopeful that the tour/usefulness for building a war|chairman of Radio Corporation ported today to hawe been| » 4 : ? ; engineer ven DP) Talli cenrsie stopping sud park-(; 3d some impact upon the So-|/machiue. Informants said he put'of America He said he had blocked by technical troubles in| di AT WORK ON PLAN onto said today parking is a prob-|ably clear OD ois Teasol viet leader which might inducelit this way: : noted no fundamental change in a, igus . hight] 4 5 : 1 a hiv lem loaded with conflicts of in-'cles and trucks. : RE pe i wilh on ee Real os ee titude since his 0} pmbe i : : ; J Or posals, p is- terest. A few: 7 . . S. Ve s - . A { ys ago. and put it close to tie orbit of| Lr 1 ter hoped these would be ready Parking meter 'salesmen wait eae, tout ut Sis address was re | ments. you, because we believe trade is Wii wants fo tae, jut os his | oe { 8. sai aries H ercy, Be Paddiewhed] satpllite Ex-| 72 i ; ] 4 jor Presentation 2 the rent to install more and more of their| delivery PRIVATE LOCALE {president of Bell and Howell er VI. | : ; JN session -- but in any case orn variety sol > i p shove vs Y pr cil owe 0 n 3 modern variety of the old hitch- Safety of Canada's highways The two get down to man-to- MRS. K. ALWA S (Company. "As I see it. it's i A source close to the experi- when the committee meets atijno post i i 8 I was the big convention topic man talks this weekend in the| pletely a one-way street.' ment said the missile was carried 7 # '4 do 4 Geneva early in 1960. foinal o oils i ivvasials 1 i A high over Florida during the ; ni Green said Canada agrees in ip aieipal Coe Bs fd es St | Thursday, W. A. Bryce of the Ca-|C00! privacy of the president's) KNOWS HER MIN Khrushchev cancelled plans for ng: } t ti : rinciple. ruslichev's ex ie sweet music 'go! parking! ighway Safety Confer-|Camp David retreat in the Catoc-| isit thi i is early morning arg but ti principle with Khrushchev's ex-\mefer pennies, nickles and dimes|nadian Highway Safety Confer tin Mountai 65 mil ; a visit this morning to the Na. launching was called off after pressed ideal of total disarma-iflowing into their treasuries. |cnce said the daily average of gy Dust of Ww shi Swf PITTSBURGH (AP)-Mis, (tional mstitute of Health at hali an hour's flight. The only ment, but sees more immediate] Bmplovees want to park im. [raffic deaths in Canada is nine, 0 he st yy he Kash ogon. | Nina Khrushchev demon. [nearby Bethesda, Md. His only immediate explamation was hope 'in the proposals of Britain's mediately in front of their desks,| With 'special splurges of high-| '® Lo Wl a vided Gey | strated Thursday that she not other scheduled activity today "technical difficulties." Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lioyd.| police want parking regulations| "ay, homicide" during holiday |" O01 isarimament, ivided Fer | only knows English bit her |was a luncheon as a guest of that are easy to enforce. weekends. many Sac pr Weapons ad] own mind ; State Secretary Christian Herter. | ; : aM Ai li C h The woman shopper wants to| He and- other speakers in a|world's nerves on ing 2 vob ring Iuneiesn 3t te Ya i a | } 2 ; : S ge. rersity . , Chan- | h 1 late rsday CITY EMERGENCY | A 7,000,000-BUSHEL grain ele- | est of the 26 elevators at the | ner Lrashes park op te Sst fioor of tie de: a Ae hear oly Khrusholiey ended his coast-to-| cellor Edward H. Litchfield (from Pittsburgh still a study in partment store 3 S. coast tour with the same note of| ackoi her what had im- {human energy ready to take on vator at Port Arthur collapsed | lakehead. Company president [Wi h 6 A d "We must at the impres- persistent challeng y i PHONE NUIMBERS | UF woul warning Wednesday | estimated loss at $2,000,000. The | ith 1 boar SUBSIDIES DANGEROUS or Bi ra, Les 2 the outset: The "burden. af] Pressed her about Pittsburgh, |all Somets 21 a Teceplion he gave night dumping lons of grain | tons of concrete and fons of | ANCHORAGE. Alaska (AP)--A| Mr. Walker, comptroller of City social error and that social er-|proof of good intentions is upon| The people are so large, Lt 8 Save Embassy. y POLICE RA 5-1133 § oto he slip, Picture at top | grain dumped into _the lake |commercial airiiner with 16 per-{Parking Limited of Toronto,|rors are not to be taken seri-|the U.S. ; Bo she replied wan dee Tesident Richary Nixon, . aL ! ws he Elevator before the | created giant wave that beach- sons aboard crashed on an Aleut-/made the comments while telling|pusly." ? This was his theme at a din-| Do you mean tall?" Liteh- 326s 2 je Teception, inquired FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 ° apse. . Oe Dated ed tug sitting a quarter-mile off.'ian island Thureday nich inlouates fo the Canadian Good He said training should startinef in Washingion attended by a Held asked, rs. 'Khrushchev 2 Fine» premier 8 peli, vin a - ay | brawn Growers, Lid. it was the | search pilot reported no sign of R s Association conven tion on pre-school children--and con- group «¢ lead + businessme i + Ahrushchev rtd BBR a e HOSPITAL RA 3-221) | second largest and second new- | y CP Wirephoto |life at the wreckage. that municipalities should con-|/tinue through to high school. : (Thyreday nigel, RRO Said, 1) wean big in So Ask 1.50 vy ) { A

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