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The Oshawa Times, 25 Sep 1959, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West fel. MO. 8-3703 Manager: Lloyd Robertson Driver Acquitted [failed Week FIVE STRAIGHT TITLES TORONTO (CP) -- Ada Mac- kenzie of Toronto Ladies' Club Thursday won her fifth consecu- di , THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 25, 1959 § lawarded during . . |On Driving Coun In Fatal Mishap, yo A careless driving charge laid|two cars and a pick-up truck by police after a fatal accident|when the accident occurred. on Highway 12-7 against an Osh-| "I saw a tractor with a load of awa truck driver was dismissed |straw going north on the high- in Provincial Police Traffic|way when suddenly there was a Court in Whitby Tuesday by crash. 7 ran out of the car to see Magistrate A. 8 Mitchell. © {what had hzppened and found Sydney Pettitt. of Oshawa bou-/the now deceased man lying levard, was involved in an acci-\underneath his tractor. He was dent with a farm tractor on the|alive at the time, as I took his highway Aug. 20. Provincial Con-|pulse and prt a blanket around stable C. Hilliar¢ told the court/his body. From there I went to that he investigated the accident, |the injured person's home and A Whitby resident, who plead-| tive Canadian senior ed guilty fo driving while intoxi-|golf championship. cated, Thomas Gillespie, 30, of She started the final 18-hole 114 St. Peter St., was jailed foriround with a five-stroke lead seven days and ordered to pay|over Mrs G. B. Gordon of Mont- court costs by Magistrate Frank real Mount Bruno. She finished Ebbs on Tuesday or serve an ad-|the 36-hole event with an 11- ditional seven days. His car was stroke margin impounded for three months and, Miss = Mackenzie shares the his licence to drive suspended ponor of winning five straight|v for six months. | {championships with Mrs. T Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall, Agar of Toronto York Downs. QC, told the court that on Sept.| On Sat rda After holding the B and R| The prize for the most strokes u Club this week lost it to four|10. Junior Plowing contest to be held annual tri-service club golfing|to Rotarian Lloyd Gibson with a Contestants ranging in age ing, prior to the afternoon com- The coaching judge for, the con-| Plowmen [Ki in | Jr. Plowmen Kinsmen Win In To Compete | Service T | Golfing Trophy for the past year,jon any hole went te Kiwanian| {the Whitby Kiwanis Club this|John Hod with a m oth) The final arrangements are members of the Whitby Kinsmen| There was even a prize for the| near completion for the annual Club, bv only one stroke, at the most honest golfer and this went on Saturday at the farm of Frank tourney held at Rouge Hill Golf|score of 123. Batty and Son. from 14 to 21 will go through a coaching session, in the morn petitions. At the end of the con- test prizes will be awarded. | test will be W. L, Clark of Union- ille, while the chairman of : McCoy of Brooklin. Police Department, had rae bowie 2 sn (Guides, Brownies Club. Also entered in the tourney were members of the Whitby Rotary Club whe won the trophy in 1%cv. were Claire Rich, John Heard, Bill Mowat and Bud Cooke with la combined score of 304. Rich, incidentally. received the trophy which he and his partner, Harold ¥ " 'Bonnetta, donated g J.!#mior committee will be Lorne ent ec 10. the tourna ept.| {Hugh Sims, John Hodgson, Bud 12, PC John Mason, of the Whitby| Miller and Vic Evans. ian Roy Howe, with 90. Low net| was Kiwanian Hugh Sims with| 74. UPHOLSTERING A. ZAYETTE Recovering and repciring for old quality value with modern restyling. Phone MO 8-2344 Special low prices on any odd pieces (in ends) Members of the winning team Runners" up were Kiwanians Low gross was won by Rotar- | To Write Of Visit | |Green St. A blood test, he said, | {showed 2.0 parts per thousand alcohol. | | [The local association of Whitby, In August, 1st Company Guides ! Girl Guides held its first meet-|Joan Calder and Patricia Yeates ing of the season at the United passed the Pioneer Badge at] Sugar Beet Crop Church Hall with Mrs. G. Gregg,|Doe Lake Provincial Girl Guide| LACROSSE | CLUB INCORPORATES |Gazette announces the incorpor: A recent issue of the Ontario ation of the Kinsmen Club of {Whitby. Named as members of Later all golfers and other club|the corporation are Lawrence members met iu the dining hall|Spellen, Peter John Bird, both at the club for dinner, presided of Whitby, and Albert Schatz, of over by Kiwonian president|Oshawa. Mr. Spellen is a past Harry Simpson. were president of the club and Mr. the dinner. Schatz is current president. Notice Applications will be received for the fol- lowing... 1ST MANAGER 2ND ICEMAKER & JANITOR for the Whitby Curling Club Apply by letter stating experience and sal- ary expected, not later than Sept. 28th to P.O. Box 543 Whitby. Intermediate Group Finals BRANTFORD INDIANS BROOKLIN SAT., SEPT. 26th, 8:45 P.M. BROOKLIN ARENA ADULTS 50¢ CHILDREN 25¢ 5 Harry Donald Ltd. 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY Where Your Used Car Dollar Goes Farther '54 CVIZK -- Dynaflo, Was $1295. NOW '57 PONTIACS--2 to choose from, 1 sedan, 1 coach. Were $1895. NOW 'S55 PLYMOUTH -- A real He got homesick for those wondeful bargains at , . Sponsored by WHITBY POLICE ASSOC. 'S5 OLDS. HARDTOP -- Was $1495. Ly 295 NOW '57 OLDS. Sedan -- 4-door buy. Was $1095. automatic, $ NOW 11995 two-tone For a GOOD USED CAR DEAL contact orie of our friendly Salesmen -- GUS BROWN, TOM BARLOW, DOC KORY or FRANK LOWRY. PHONE MO 8-3304 Club Bayview FRI, OCT. 2nd -- 9-1 P.M. Club Privileges--=8:30 - 11:30 p.m, | : Dancing to -- ERNIE WHITE'S ORCHESTRA | . Door Prizes -- Spot Dances -- Dress Optional LIMITED QUANTITY OF TICKETS AVAILABLE -- $2.00 PER COUPLE | | are commenci ings today at 2 hall with Mrs E. L. Pritchard|nors, 649 (220); Jim Sutherland, as leader. New members between|gss (279): Jim Kirk, 633 (272); the ages of 6 and 12 would bes NcHaffie, 616 (230); Bill most welcome. |Heron, 614 (222); A. Knibb, 608 i | (216); Don Grant, 603 (237). ble birthday party was|® ; , : le for Neil 0 a Bowlers over 200: Vic Iggles- 7 sons of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. den, 208; Marion Knibb, 242; Saunders, of RR 1, Whitby, The Chuck Gill, 249; G. Wagar, 217; guests were: Glen Brvson, Leslie|E. Wagar, 220; Harvey Roberts Bowen. Martha Doner and Bar-|243; 'Merv Bemis, 214; John bara. Tasty refreshments were Belida, 246; Ron Pascoe, 213 served including the traditional Olive Collins, 209; Katie i birthday cake. Bruechle, 216; John Bruechle, Mis. H. Bartley of Oshawa. | 22h Jeanne Sabins, 204; Joyce | formes ST i of Whitby enter- Johansen, 201; N. Mecarrdll, idl tained her euchre club last Wed- J, McCarr or, ZL; Lebel } other i nesday. Guests were from Whit- gi. Bs: penis, 0s Hoon v by, Brooklin and Oshawa. The Da. OE rate, ZI) lucky winners were Mrs. Winnie Childs, ids' 210: Ev 2s el oid Godding, Mrs. Edna Sawer and Ron Childs, ; Evelyn Sweedy, Mrs. Grace Hicks. A lovely lunch "™% was served by the hostess. BOB HASSARD at Independent Sales. Meeting WHITBY MERCANTILE HOCKEY LEAGUE Sunday, Sept. 27 2.00 P.M. At Whitby Arena {|| Any Whitby. resident interested | in hockey welcome. and found the farm tractor on|got a white cloth to put on the east shoulder of the highway his head. The ambulance arrived with bales of hay on the shoulder shortly afterwards," Mr. Duncan the tractor. |sald and on He added that the transport ACCIDENT WITNESS |driver prior to the accident had Photographs were used in court been driving in a normal man- as exnibits for the crown. One of ner. several witnesses, Norman A garageman James Young, James Duncan, told court that Ie was called to the stand to give L st Ever had been in the second vehicle evidence on his examination o arge | 3h : . a ties ) i ailer rap callay.: ** examin. Commissioner, in the chair. Vari-| Training Camp, the testers being| behind _ the iranspor 1 Valle: the iactos Failer. 12 nt] | as reports were given. {Mrs. M. Griffin, their Camp] which was carrying a lo of ing the transport, oun F: CHATHAM (CP)--The largest . A . «Commandant, and Miss Mar-| the air valves on the trailer were gq oar beet crop in Ontario's his- During the business meeting it| Vo" A ici Crna {closed which would not allow the tory was forecast here Thursday | Was agreed that letters of thanks gare otter, Provincia amy WHITBY {brakes on the trailer to funetion.|yv crinials of Canada and Domi- would be sent to Mrs. M. Griffin, viser. The tractor brakes were found to nion Sugar Company of Rouge Hill, for taking the] Margaret Weaver passed the L be in satisfactory condition," Mr. |" 1 Pf ry. girls of the 1st and 3rd company Hiker, being tested by Mrs. M. PERSONA S | Young told the court. Yields are expected to be to Doe Lake Camp and to Mrs. |Griffin. | Magistrate Miichell agreed with ghout Ne dons oe aere in the gp 'T. Cook, of Dunbarton, for| Eileen Lawrence and Margaret Mrs. Stanley Osborne will be|defence counsel! K. E. Howie of arvest that | egins . oy _|assisting while the district was Weaver are to be presented with "Home" on Tuesday, Sept. 29, in Toronto that on the basis of the Last a ST without a commissioner. the Religion and Life Emblem, | honor of Mrs. R. D. H. Heard,|witnesses, he could find no fault/record ao = on ° SUgar| a discussion was held on the having been instructed and test- the newly appointed Dean of the with the driver of the tractor beets, SVerasine yi? ons per SRO Oo Sewers forjed by Rev.. S. J. Armstrong, Ontario Ladies College. Assist-|trailer and felt that Pettitt had acre. Total acteage this year '$ po ynjes and Guides. Mrs. F.|rector of All Saints' Church, ing the hostess to receive the been driving in a normal way, in34,073 as _compared to 31,583 Weaver announced that prizes| Whitby. guests from 2.30 to 5.30 and = dismissing the case. acres in 1958. are being given by the Boy On July 3, 3rd Company Guide to 9 o'clock wil' be Mrs, J. Mc Scouts Association for the be st Evelyn Hickey passed the Rab-| Dowell, President of the Alumnae . o essay on "My Visit to HMS bitkeeper, being tested by Dr.| | Counedl, Toronto sud Mrs, Reso Announce Si nin Whitby." = Guides and Brownies|D. C. Mackay. hh Creighion, of Winn awe Bedford, y are 'invited to compete. By re-| In August, 3rd Company Guide fea Wh! oo Jackson, quest the winning entry will be Evelyn Hickey passed the Swim- Mrs. Sintzel, Miss G. Jackson, |sent the HMS Whitby cap-| mer, the tester being Miss Peggy Mrs. I Irvine, Mrs. C. R. Cars 1 tain bo me vy P Crozier, a member of the Water-| Salles, Mrs. B. Hoagson, Wool WO ayers | Guiders Mrs. H. Harvey,. Mrs.! front staff at Doe Lake. [ Nn be Mos. G. Grobb] T. Tompkins and Mrs. Don| haa EST ER dain s Calder accompanied Mrs. F.| Mrs. L. Gray, Mrs. J Carnwith,| Tyo signings of comparative any axl Mrs. C. Campbell and Mrs. J. W./peweomers to "the roster of the oaver to Doe Lake training WHITBY H. Richardson. Ladies serving, whitby Dunlops were announced ; tat Mrs. H. Tavlo:, Mrs. S. Roblin, |this week by club general man: A ihe Sloge of the Hester DAY-BY-DAY Mrs. J. W. Richardson, Mrs. | ager Wren Blair The two newest refreshments were serve y "Bud" Wilson, Miss A. Howden sioning< are centreman Bob Mrs. S. Armstrong and her com-| BROOKLIN LACROSSE Mrs. C. Halpike, Miss M. Wyatt gassard and right winger Dunc mittee, The Brooke Meadonereds.} d Miss D. Cood. Brodie | e Brookiin Meadowcrests la- ap Bodie id tolust the Dunnies BADGE REPORT crosse team was defeated 14-12 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Woodcock ane, Jomee i 53.59 soa On July 10, 3rd Pack Brownies br Brantford in the first game ¢ Woodcock - Hurst] ida! arougl. 116 i 2 Caryl Allan and Suzanne Burkart of the final playoffs. The second | attended the son, wien he was purchased ; { wedding held at Northminster ®" © it i completed Golden Hand tests,|game of the series gets under-| United Church, Oshawa. both Brownies will "Fly-up" to|way on Saturday in Brooklin. Girl Guides as the. tests were| Mrs. James pgestun, 2 WHITBY passed before their 11th birth-| Ottawa, accompanl A days daughter, Mrs. Art. Toup, of BOWLING i | lace, Mr. and Mrs. : | Se a of Stittsville, were| their European tour in the ex-| | recent guests at the home of Mr.| WHITBY MIXED LEAGUE hibition tour against the New| and Mrs. Norman Mantle of By-| A big triple was rolled Monday ' York Rangers. In 22 games play-| ron St. S. They alco visited Mr. night by Marty Jordan, 882 (326); ed theve, he scored seven goals | and Mrs "Lloyd Hicks |Lloyd Sabins, 729 (261); Millie: : against the NHL competition. bo Oy . {Peggs, 699 (279); Gord Hawes, po We are extremely happy to There are a few va- John's| s i ve him stay with the Dun. . The ar Anas of BO ie 1 oa i2er, Tops," was Biair's ~comment.|| cancies for member- their fall meet-'Doug' Rowden, 653 (257); Bob| Brodie is a great new addition|§ ship jn the Whitby ¢ Sunday school| Thompson, 652 (246); Jim Con-| 10, our club." . ot e Dunnies' training camp for Curling Club. See... the coming oso opens tomor- row in the itby arena. Vv EVANS t . . Whitby Automatic WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR Many happy returns of the day Guess we still need some prac- wishes are. extended to Mr. |tice as our scores are far below Elmer Harris who celebrated his|average. Better luck next week|" birthday on Wednesday. fellows. Really surprised to see one of our "old" bowlers in the Weekend guesis at the home off oop League, Warren Watson Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rousseau of ih "2 'Big "01", High Single] coro Mary St. E., were: Mrs. Albert Micky McMaster 305 Dick stint in the NHL, where he play- Rousseau of Windsor, and Mr.' "> 00" ro a "led with the Toronto Maple Leafs and Mrs. T. J. Burns, of Kit: Adams S03. Big Arle, Bes hi and the Chicago Black Hawks. chener. | Dick Adams 733, Ron Swartz 730, Hagsard ugde 2% vlistanding Mrs. Kay Vandyke, of Lee Micky McMaster 729, Chuck in i Bg i" pi Bho avenue, entertained her group of Heath 727, J. Cassells 707, and he Ly Won the Allan Cu e "iid bdo : 1 p for ladies last Monday evening.|Geo. Sweet with 702. the second time | Games were enjoyed and prizes| After two weeks of bowling| f . . wal awarded, Lunch was served by|Hillcrest Dairy (Capt. L. Sabins)| Brodie also made his major| the hostess. leads with 5 points, Bassett's SouTmi vo due Dunnies aur Jewelry (Capt. M. Reeson) andi oi "soncon" he had been asso-| J. Shatz Real Estate (Capt.|.: ri . D. Adams) have 4 points each, [ciated with the club. For the past] Lowest or any proposal not necessarily accepted. four scasons he has played with| HARRY W. JERMY {Jury and Lovell Drugs (Capt. G. {pe Varsity Blues. Pui N, Brown, Hambly Tire (Capt. 4 y Late last spring, the Boston | Jordan) and Bud Cook's Esso : rg (Capt. E. White) have 3 points. Bruins took Brodie with them on | DUNC BRODIE Town of TENDERS FOR SANITARY SEWERS SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to: The Clerk-Treasurer, Town Hall, Whitby, Ontario, ond endorsed "Proposal tor Sunitary Sewers, Contract No, SA591" will be reccived until 5:00 p.m. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1959 for the sewer construction of approximately 1300 ft. consisting of approximately 700° of 12" and 600' of 8' Sanitary Sewers. Plans and Contract Forms Toy be obtained from the Clerk-Treasurer 5 00 upon deposit of a cheque for yable to The Cor t f Town of Whitby, pe poration of ie Bisons. His| includes a| from the Buffalo hockey history also NOW ON DISPLAY The new G-E Television models are highly styled for the slim look of todays furniture -- perfect for any decor. Last Friday evening the mem- bers of the Benevolent Rebekah | Lodge entertained various lodges from Whitby and district at a social evening Miss Dorothy | Wickett was in charge assisted by Mrs. Grace Harris and other|} "a members of the Lodge. Card Whitby Hardware Ltd. (Capt. M. games were enjoyed and prizes Swartz) and Burtinsky Florist awarded. Light refreshments| (Capt. M. Jordan) each have one were served by the committee, 'point, BROCK Now Playing EVENING SHOWS 7 & 9 P.M. | Feature Starts 7:07 & 9:30 p.m. | | | "MY FAIR LADY" OF FILMDOM! «N.Y. TIMES JOHN. R. FROST, Clerk-Treasurer General Electric engineers have designe ed a new, improved audio circuit that brings you sound to match the brillian- ce of the picture; the speakérs are lo- cated at the front of the cabinets, and the easy-tuning controls are mounted on an elegant panel to the right of the picture. These new G-E sets offer you the finest reception and viewing enjoy- ment. The Whitby Concert Association announces its PROGRAM FOR 1959-1960 October 2nd, 1959--The Montreal Trio Hyman Bress, Violin; Walter Joachim, 'Cello; John Newmark, Piano. WHITBY Phone MO 8-3618 | MODEL CC15% February 2nd, 1960--THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR The Opera Festival Association of Toronto March 26th, 1960--TWO PIANO RECITAL Margaret Parsons and Clifford Poole SEASON TICKETS AVAILABLE AT 5.00 The Association, whose purpose is to foster Music Appreciation in Whitby and District, makes Season Tickets available for students at 2.50. Please note that tickets for individual concerts will not be sold. FOR INFORMATION CALL: Whitby and Oshawa--Ontario Ladies College--MOhawk 8-3358 Mr. or Mrs. W. Porter--MOhawk 8-2825 Mr. John Frost--MOhawk 8-3601 | Budget Terms and Lay-A-Way Plan Available On Any Purchase SALES & INDEPENDENT ==. WE MOVE, REPAIR AND INSTALL T.V. AERIALS Mr. or 'Mrs. R, P. Matthews--MOhawk 8-4223 | FREE PARKING K. H.J. Clarke--Pickering 270 ; E. S. Smyth--Ajox 1339 | Dial MO 8-2081 K. Holliday, OLiver 5-3473 The NEW Hollywood musical in COLOR by the "My Fair Lady" composers! THIS 1S THE © IDENTICAL PICTURE NOW IN ITS SENSATIONAL NEW YORK LONG RUN! WHITBY PLAZA OPEN FRI. TILL 9P.M. Dial MO 8-2081 Pickering and Ajax---Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. POR THIS ATTRACTION -- FREE LIST SUSPENDED PRICES FOR THIS ATTRACTION: ADULTS 75¢ STUDENTS 50c CHILDREN 2% Brooklin

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