Hospital Auxiliary | GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES 'Holds Busy Meet FIRST BAPTIST WA Christmas cards, toys and wrap- | | After Summer | The monthly meeting of the WA pings. September 24, with a pot-luck . {of First Baptist Church was held| Birthday greetings were sung|supper. The September meeting of the recently, The president, Mrs. Wal-ito Mrs. Sidney Canfield who| In the absence of Mrs. Ewart Women's Auxiliary of the Osh-iter Nickerson, opened the meet-/made a donation to the box. Mrs.|Clemence, the meeting was open- awa General Hospital, presided ing with prayer and a hymn. The Canfield also offered her home|ed by Mrs. Harry Blakely. Mrs. over by the president, Mrs. C. D. devotional period was in charge|for next month's meeting. Harvey Chase was in charge of Russell, opened with the Lord's ot Mrs. Arthur Howard. Mrs.| Refreshments were served by|the devotional period. Prayer, followed by two minutes' George Hall assisted at the piano.|Mrs. Walter Nickerson, Mrs, Sid-| Mrs. Joshua Kinsey took as her islience in memory of two Auxil-| The business period followed; ny Canfield, Mrs. Robert Hop-|theme "The Virtuous Woman" {lary members who have passed respurer and kg convener | son and Mrs. Richard Britton. |reading Proverb 31, 10-31 and away, Mrs. W., Carnwith and both gave reports. | Luke 10, 38-42. Mrs. Harry Blake- vg J. 0. Ruddy. Sincere sym-| The executive was asked to| CALVARY BAPTIST WMS iy gave a reading "Stew dship pathy letters will go forward to meet at the home of Mrs. Ralph| The WMS of Calvary Baptist of Women and Jesus' Decision". | [the bereaved families. Hopson, September 29, at 7.30 to/Church met on Tiueday after Mrs. Roy Bond gave a reading! | After the minutes read by the make plans for the congregation. noon, September 24. 5 "Camei and Stewardship" and { |secretary Mrs. Neil Felt, and the al supper to be held October 21 in| Mrs Harry McGhee led in the|w, "y.ccgon from the Camel". : [treasurer's report read by Mrs, the banquet hall of the church. singing of several hymns. € Mrs. Kinsey read a poem, "The {| % CARPETS | From The Four Corners of THE WORLD All shapes and sizes NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES | 174 Mery St. RA 5-0433 its mecting on Thursday evening, - / Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 26, 1959 9 presented Miss Wray with a woollen blanket. Gertrude Wray | | The ladies decided to have a president, Mrs. Grace Moncur, Nooo paiiing Bank' Feted Bride-Elect Hugh Hall in the absence of Mrs. | ee E | i . " travelling' apron of which Mrs, (opened the meeting with praver.| "myo o were 128 sick calls. | Miss Gertrud 1 ¥. J. Rundle, reports of they thar Howard offered to as Mrs. William Spencer and Mrs.| go eiroce p Tomi followed | whose marriage . Slag Wiay, | D.EA, M.D.A. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton, Acrobatic. Pre-School, Friday--Satur- day. at the MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA i i aa - - ND MRS. JACK C. MacDONALD Friends Gather To Honor Pair Celebrating 25th Anniversary Mrs . |standing committees were given, : | A i | THE |" The annual convention of the] Waige: Keenan' and- Mra Ine. Sharrard leq in prayer forijeq hy Mrs. Harry Blakely. Gorgon Taber was solemnized at| | [Ontario Hospital Auxiliaries AS-|p.oq"crome of the Dorcas group| Mrs. A. R. Alloway gave a CHEERFUL GIVERS ha pee, Cure Jue ane " ¢ ; of Bible reading on the 18th chapter. The September meeting of the oral Een Jonorel. ay sev-| 'pp ow) J |York October 26, 27, 28 and Mrs. of Exodus. Jethro, a Midianite, Cheerful Givers Group of the to. Pre-nuptial events. { x i |R. W. Bassett and the presi jem, Mrs. Gerald Suppelsa was host- he | Mrs. C. D. Russell will be officia Q | came to see Moses, bringing with| church was held on Wednesday ©€5% at a cup and saucer shower be off e s, s a) | |delegates. The matter of a photo- PERSONALS him Zepporah. Moses' wife and|gsternoon, September 23 hat her home on Cedar street. | , |graphic 1 two sons, Gershorn and Elizier.|nmre A. W. Brown presiding, Mrs. Murray Brant, Miss Joan # (babies in the hospital, was dis-| The Oshawa University Wom- 'Moses tells Jethro the story of "he roll call and tary |Suppelsa and Miss Helen Roberts [cussed and held over until after en's Club is joining with the Dor-|how God had delivered them' out oe rol ca ky a Sette ays re assisted in serving. | [the convention, at which time the gas Grow of the First Baptist of bondage in Egvpt Sd of His|Botl were, Toad ors Britney | Miss Wray's co-workers at . | subicet i 3 . "hurch t ing Mr, ate- | isi h the " i . |subject is on the agenda 0 brin Robert Bate- provision for them through [reported on the group's finances, General Motors of the wiring the November "Festival of Gifts" |week. Nir, Bateman and an Eng-| Jethro gives Moses good advice | a : NB gave an outline of thellish friend have recently trav- about judging his people. To|Thankoffering service is to | Selanesus shower in the shop. % | different items which will be fea-|elled around the world in a land choose able men to be rulers over held in King Street Church on miscellaneous shower was % [tured Dolls will be dressed by rover and many of their inter-|differenl grours and thus reliev-|Sunday, October 18, with Mrs. R. held at Kedron Community Hall, | { | members and tickets sold 8 for esting experiences will be re. ing Moses of so much work. So|Collins who is on furlough from arvanged by Mrs. Arthur Cotton, i {jm Angola as guest speaker, A Mrs. John Woodward Jr., Mrs. | Sheaking for the convener of Iustrated by slides and will be! Mrs. W. N. Aitkin closed the missionary meeting will be held Bill Woodward and Mrs. Norman {the nurses' training school, Mrs. held in the Firs! Baptist Church. meeting with prayer. fat Northminster United Chu-rh Novduard. At the begutning ox | sand 5 : o| e lon October 9 at 8 p.m. Miss vening a mock wedding D. A. Jamieson Reinga the| Mr, and Mrs. Claude Carroll of HAPPY DOUBLES for spin Wallbridge oa Ar was performed by the Misses {renovations, redecorating and Te |Dotrofi, Michigan, have been re-| The Happy Doubles of King will be the speaker. The annual Gloria, Norma and Nancy Wood- |wiring as well as partial refur-|cent guests at the home of Mrs, Street United Church held : . © | sociation will be held in the Royal put on a splendid display priest, also Moses' father-in-law, wMS of King Street United 1] BE an SCHOOL OF DANCING Mrs. A. P. Fulton, convener of {man of Hamilton to Oshawa next |wilderaess. | | I was anmomiced that tie harness department held a mis- 4 2 (950 counted. The travelogue will be we can help, each in his place. its | rechyterial rally is to be held, Ward, Patsy and Kathy Brown, | [nishing of the nurses' residence peter Bradley, Athol street east.|first regular meeting in the Cen-| Oe Karen Brock and Linda Brem. lon Alexandra street. Al Meth On Wednesday they were enter- tennial hall with the presidents, jt Oblmibws a eh ner. Ie or oT vited t isit the|taj a i 1 Ir. ar s. Irvi rell, - g . bers were invited to vis tained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs, | Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Harrell, pre [the speaker. | Mr. Fred Taber's friends and | iresidence, New student purses William Chester, Oshawa boule- | siding. : ] ; {number 27. vard north. . Thanks were expressed to the| Mrs. Norman Wirsching ex- neighbors from the Brooklin dis- ~ . aa < » chil-| tended a welcome to all to attend trict pr ted the bridal ir | The student nurses are sponsor . anne . groups who had planned the chil-| ih 1 presente: e bridal pair ing a tea and bazaar on Monday, aol. Ke nneth Soh and Mrs. | dren's picnic at Kiwanis camp, the re gular WMS meeting on Oc- with a coffee table, floor lamp | eptember 28, from 2 to 4.30 p.m. | GOCE I preside hh the wiener roast at Mr, and tober La Te, Cheerful Givers and a table lamp. [ chase : \ ood- Se Me < | e in charge. the funds to go to the purchase i a tome and School Aseqoia.| MTS, Fercy Fletcher's cottage Ero g Co-workers at General Motors | nd if pos- . : at the lake and other summer : a Admission tion vext Nveanesday at Wood-|aetivities,. Bowling was anagl sq : i : ; invited to ore pr, hag hd Bogor 5 the Sot nounced to start October 24. by Mrs. Clarence Scott, Miss 1 pupils Farien aud Lrate Mr. Jack Wray presented vig Li Barker conducted the wor- las, the Misses Mildred and Kath. bridesthaid of 2 years ago. and| The Gift Shop convener, Mrs y DE ane: SC Sayles: ryn MacDonald and their son, Mrs. William (Annie) Wilson,|y @G. Carter, advised that sales A corn and wiener roast was will ba d 150 ] | Mrs. L. M. Akin from Oshawa, Jack Jr. mother of the bride. |were keeping up well and thank. held at Camp Pretoria by the il ane ise So binging formerly of Jamaica, gave a talk Mrs MacDonald wore a blue! The honored pair received nu-|eq all who had helped during the Christ Memorial Church Merry duestions a: 3 S:lon Jamaica telling of its early} nylon crepe dress with a corsage merous gifts and greeting cards. |g mmer Mates and Men's Fellowship, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Howell and history, describing the different] of roses. There were 125 guests. Congraiulatory telegrams were . xiliary member Group. The campfire lighting, Mr Jack Wray presented t he classes, religion and racial origin! Buffel refreshments were serv- received from Hamilton, Sud-| One ON AL 3 BY | two asso. Games, skits and stories were un- worship service with the theme, |of the people. She spoke of the ed in the afternoon in the gar-'burv, Duich Brook, Nova Scotia, Mrs. W. C. Ristow, a WO ass%% der the direction of Mr. Charles Child Guidance. natural beauty of fhe island wl Information: RA 3-72 Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. MacDon- MacDonald's mother wil- atio 3 53 ald celebrated their 25th wedding liam Wilson anniversary at a reception and Pouring tea in the afternoon tea held on Saturday afternoon were Mrs. Davie Colquhaume of S evenin ember 19 at Scarborough, the bridegroom's|-- ha B = home g Siem street, sister, and Mrs. Harold Rowley of a sewing machine a Arrangements for the occa- of Whitby, sister of the bride. Insible a clothes dryer. slon were made by the couple's the evening tea was poured by|is and all are three daughters. Mrs. Nick Nicho- Mrs. Roy Groat of Oshawa, a attend. Miss Diane Mollon sang two an-|solos accompanied at the plano 2c TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA WEDNESDAY RETAILERS TO THR!FTY CANADIANS TILL 6 P.M. MEN'S FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS den. A three-tier anniversary Sidney, Cobalt, Halifax, Galt and |clate members, Jue, A, F Sow Dewhurst and Mr, William Lock.! The ladies' quartette, Mr 8. its mountains and coastal areas.! cake graced the table which was|Guelph and guest from out of netta and Miss Kay Hind € Mr. Lloyd Sturch led the group Robert Elston, Mrs. Harry Souch,| Mrs. William Pierson and her! set with two lace table cloths town were from Bowmanville, |the membership to 1%, Mrs, 0 @ sing - song. Refreshments Mrs. Stanley Gomme and MTs. | onoup served refreshments, | which had been crocheted by Beaverton, Toronto, Peterbor-| For the evening group, SIs were served by Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hawker with Miss Hazel ! eee --|ough, Scarborough, Whitby and Gordon Curley spoke of their gy Davies, Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Rundle. accompanist, sang two | Willowdale. Dessert Bridge to be held Wed-'Sturch, Mr. and Mrs James numbers. The couple arc both long time nesday, September 30, 7.30 p.m. Howard and Mr. and Mrs, Stan. A social time was enjoyed with residerts of Oshawa. Mrs. Mae. A few tickets were still available. joy Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Tisdale and Donald, the former Mildred Wil-| Concluding the, meeting, the Mr Posts their group in charge. | > shaw i - president read a short treatise on s. Douglas Brown entertain- rg hy hava er fA Garden', after which tea was ed yesterday afternoon and even ALBERT STREET WA | and Mr. MacDonald has been a served, with Mrs. E. W. Dixon ing at her home on Burk street| A meeting of the Albert Street| WINS TWO CARS MONTREAL (CP) -- If good things happen in threes, Mrs, Jacoueline Tailleur can't wait until a downtown department store has another car contest. Mrs. Tailleur won a new resident since 1925. They were presiding n honor of her grandmother,| United Church WA was held re- married in the manse of Knox |------------ em Mrs. A. B. Creighton, who was cently In the board room with [Presbyterian Ciiurch. Oshawa, p i v M th | celetrating her 80th birtvday. te president, Mrs. Samuel] oar Tuesday in a sales slip |by the late Reverend Parry Jone: ouring tea were Mrs. W. R. bs, presiding contest, just six months after Flak Lai Did s FUpls others [Brown and Mrs, Frank Swallow. Mi Golden Lis Srovp led in she hn car In a similar Mrs. MacDorald is president T ie cevoliona. period. ! 0 contest at the same store of the 5th a | Mr, and Mrs. Jack C. Mac. /Harvey read the * scripture. A the # | «sn wow commen of he GUESES At Te | Donald, Nassau street, had as|reading was given by Mrs Ed.| She said she sold the first Girl Guide Association and Mr. MacDonald, loperates his own business. who was an em- ployee of Patte's Paint and Wall- {paper Limited for 22 years, now| . recent guests, Mr. MacDonald's ward Wilson. Mrs. William Stali- Given By H&S pin Mrs. John Hines, and Mr. brass read the story. A poem Hines, from Guelph. "Take Time" was read by Mrs. | A successful tea was held at {Wilbur Down. Ritson School Auditorium on' The September meeting of the! The minutes of the previous Annual Fall Tea ® Draws Large Crowd |cectine to the tea room. i! car, but will keep the sec- ond Her lucky sales slip was for Jo comto-or a pair of shoe. | Wednesday, September 23. Sons of Ulster Ladies' Auxiliary ing w 2d- | The mothers of three classes was held at the home of Mrs fey Holand. as hi {of Grade 1 pupils visited teach- John Shearer, Sr. Plans were dis- port on the summer catering and| ers and class rooms, before pro-/cussed for the Hallowe'en tealfinancial report bv the treasurer, | and sale of handwork to be held | Mrs. James Scott. Woodview Park Clubhouse, Mrs. James Scott lof Home and School Association, is to edit her 104th birthday, is] SENIOR GROUP WIMBLEDON, England (CP)--(f§ Thrift-Priced. Mrs, Matilda Hoad, who recently 2.98 Comfortoble tailored coat style pyjamas, lapel collar, pozket, elastic at waist. Just the thing for cool fall nights. Sizes 36 to 48. Novelty stripe patterns. Zeller's : > DOWNTOWN The annua' fal! tea of the Uni- Cadillac avenue north. The Oc- chase hooks for the sick and shut-lipe third-oldest resident of this will i 21 SIMCOE ST. S. SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. §. ZELLER'S LIMITED expressed her pleasure in wel- Br, coming so many interested par-| |awa aud district was held at the ents and hoped they would also home of Mrs. J. E. Rundle at pe able to attend Home and Simcoe strect north, on Thurs. School meetings each month. day afternoon, September 24. The school principal, Mr. J. C.| The spacious rooms with many Fetterly, was introduced and also {interesting floral arrangements extended a warm welcome to {added to the enjoyment of the the many mothers present. His many members and guests who talk consisted of the need for attended. co-operation by teachers and par- Gues* speaker at the fall lunch- Recciving at the door were ents in the stressing of traffic and for which there is no charge. eon meeting of the Women's yr. Harry Millen, president of safety to these children now just Please write or telephone RA! The Ardent Workers group of Guild of St. George's Memorialline "ojyh, Mrs. G,' .K Drynan, starting their first year of getting|3-3474, local 18 King Street United Church held Anglican Church to be held irlg. ~yice president and Mrs. to and from school. --C---- -- ---------------------- | St. George's parish hall on Wed-\j 'gp gyndie '| The function of the unit sys- | nesday September 30, will be Mrs SG 'We ih tem up to Grade 3, which pro- ! Ms Bo a | Mrs. M. N. Vuchnich, first-vice- Mrs. FM Mss, E. vides classification for each child he Fabric Doctor Te] . > ). 3 N a yi Presient of the YWCA in Can- 3 nia N. C. Fraser Scola. into a grouping, to the speed of 'Why Bother Drycleaning 'Wash and Wear'?"'- 2, 4 i = capable of, Mrs. Vuchnich is a graduate in|1: V Kelly acted as room i hi TR Mr. social work from the Ohio State Nostesses. Fetterly " Universitv in her native city of] Mrs. W. F. Taylor, Mrs. R. V Mrs. J H. Hart, immediate Columbus. Shefficid and Miss Aileen Parker past president of Home and While .at University Mrs. Vuch- poured tea and serving tea were §ehool Association and Miss nich followed up and activeMrs R. S. Bishop, Mrs. W. Blanche Stinson, former teacher YWCA connection of high school Prower Mrs. G. A. Rundle, Mrs.(at Ritson school, were intro- days by joining the membership/W. Stirling and Mrs, H.|duced and poured tea for the council whose function it was to|Daniel-Jenkins. occasion. interpret the YWCA to new stu-| Several guests from The Uni --Mrs. G. B. P. dents, She also belonged to the|yersity Women's Club of Toron- jences in home laundering that have turned home-makers to dry- cleaning their "wash and. wear' garments, Wash and wear" gdrments are delightful and most conven ient, especially in summer. They may hold their shape longer in a sudden shower. They may not appear soiled, but remember, summer soil, perspiration and inter-racial council. a committee to were present including the| SOCIAL NOTICES bacteria are there just the same. of YMCA and YWCA students president, Miss Hossack. Home handling will not sterilize working to eliminate discrimina- -- HONORED GRANDMA ENGAGEMENT "wash and wear" as drycleaning tion against negro students. From 1950 to 1953 Mrs. Vuch- nich was president of the Toron-| NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)-- The engagement is ahgoanced to YWCA board and in March, y " 1 og of Helena Bernice, daughter o 1954, went to Nigeria to attend| O° r Teal & grandmother, yu "Cyiprg proctor of Oshawa, the first West Africa Conference, "38 nanied "women of tae year"|anq the late Mr. Proctor, to Mr. does. The truth is, Mrs. GB.P., handling "wash and wear" at home is more of a "bother" and not as satisfactory as drycleaning. tober meeting be held on ins. ! Tuesday October 21, at the home| The hospital visits made dur. Surrey town. Two other women | PHONE RA 3-2294 of Mrs. John Shearer, Jr., South-/ing the summer were 62. |had already celebrated their lawn avenue. The fall bazaar is to be held '104th birthdays here this year. You are invited by the Social 4% Thursday, November 26, i Department to send in any little " i I ¥ y Y ts were served b items of interest. News of teas, Crores: ot surprise parties, showers, anni- Th October meeting will versaries. and comings and go- on Wednesday, October 14. ings are always very acceptable ARDENT WORKERS "ied versity Women's Club of Osh. PHONE RA 3-2209 . VUCHNICH YWCA Executive To Address Luncheon Meeting be| 5 ANNOUNCEMENT . A&W DRIVE-IN WISHES TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT THEY WILL BE OPEN THROUGH TO THE LATTER PART of NOVEMBER THE BURGER FAMILY ... The Papa Burgers, Mama Burgers and Baby Burgers you receive at A & W Drive-In are of the absolute highest quality beef. Each Burger is composed of 85% pure beef. Dera Mrs. GB.P.: Many home - makers have learned "wash and wear" gare ments have some short-comings in spite of their virtues. Anyone con do a fair job of soil-removal at home, but stain-removal does re quire professional handling. Stains not removed professionally have been found to be much more diffi- cult, if not impossible to remove later by drycleaning. The heat of oressing permanently sets the stain, She currently serves on com- by the Fort Erie Chamber of Herher! Roy Dobson, son of Mr, mittees concerned with finance,| Commerce for lier work with re./and Mrs. Howard Dobson of Man- extension, group services and|y. ; chester, Ontario The marriage is personnel. Her immediate con- ligious, educat ona, health and|{, "ta. place on Saturday, Oc-| cern is with volunteer recruit- Sérvice groups during the past 35 tober 17, at King Street United ing and training. | years. |Chureh, FOR LUNCH... Instead of going out to a restaurant for lunch, why not stop at the A & W Stand. Here we serve our delicious Burgers and any bevercge you desire . . . such as Root Beer, Orange, Hot Chocolate, Milk or Coffee. AREAL Home-makers have found, too, that wrinkles created in "wash and wear fabrics by faulty pressing were practically set and could not be removed later even by profesional handling. Wrinkling permanently affects the fiber structure of "wash and weer Some "wash and wear' fabrics and linings when laundered aot home, have been known to "bleed", and some ings and threads shrink, causnig On AFTER THE MOVIES... been other bothersome inconvens xX. Yes after the movies stop in for a quick snack. Bring the whole family, for a Mama Burger, a Papa Burger or a Baby Burger. There is a slogan, not exactly grammatical. but which sets a good standard for determining how often a garment should be drycleaned. That slogan is, " it twice. It drycleans nice". COLD WAVE SPECIAL line Every Monday and Tuesday Guaranteed of each week beginning Sept. 28th through until the end of October PHONE RA 5-432i FOR APPOINTMENT Satisfaction by the whe aN DRY CLEANERS' suite BECAUSE OF POPULAR REQUEST WE ARE NOW SELLING OUR ROOT BEER MUGS AS FOLLOWS . .. As«W DRIVE-IN SIMCOE ST. NORTH AT TAUNTON ROAD OPEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY 11 AM. TO 2 AM. SUNDAY TO THURSDAY 11 A.M. to 12 MIDNIGHT following members BABY . .... 25¢ REGULAR . . . 50¢ JUMBO . . ... 75¢ HARWOOD CLEANERS, AJAX PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS ALDSWORTH CLEANERS MODERN DRY CLEANERS GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS BEAUTY SALON AT CORNER OF KING & cet ' TRY OUR TAKE OUT SERVICE