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The Oshawa Times, 1 Oct 1959, p. 10

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Jo Aldwinckle, Women's 10 emer, Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 1, 1959 | Sharrone Dawne Smith Wed To Kenneth Chafen At Ajax Holy, Given Trinity, Ajax, the marriage was father, the bride wore a full- solemnized on Saturday after-|skirted gown of nylon over net noon of Sharrone Dawne Smith|and taffeta, ending in a small train. A Queen Anne cap, beaded bride is the daughter of Mr, and with seed pearls, held her finger- tip veil and she carried a white Bible, crested with red roses. Miss Donna Newson was maid of 'honor and the other attend- In the Church of the and Kenneth John Chafen. The Mrs. Kenneth T. Smith, Ajax, and the bridegroom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs, J. W. | Grade Mothers Appointed Association was held recently. [ Mrs. 'A. W. Wilson, president, presided. Mrs. A. B. Woods read|t the 'tea for the mothers of the| Grade 1 pupils, to be held on| Wednesday, September 30. grounds was won again this year| by Mr. Hanford Wags. The room counts were won by Mrs. Marion Teskey and Mrs. Thelma McEachern, 5 STAFF INTRODUCED Mr. Donald Sutton, principal, | hl I add ' WEDDING PRINCIPALS Pictured after their wedding | bride is the daughter of Mr, recently at St. Gregory's | Peter J. Bolahood of Oshawa, Roman Catholic Church are | and the late Mrs. Bolahood, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Michael Bouckley. Formerly Miss Mil- dred Elizabeth Bolahood, the [of Mr. and: Mrs. Edward [Miss Grace Webber and Mrs. | Bouckley of Oshawa. and 3, Mrs_ Beth Weldon; Grade Favorable Results Of Probation [3 Gaterise Maer or . [ham; Grade 4, dh og Hae i Explained ToB&PWClub [Sirus ss hes Siar |Wright; Grade 6, Mr. Larry|g subjects taught |and 3 aud explained the unit sys- The silver cup donated by the|lém. The importance of the Oshawa Horticultural Society to|/Three R's in these grades was the school for the best kept emphasized. and that more stress was placed on |sutton and the panel. | 'By Sunset Heights H & S Assn. Chafen, Claremont. The Reverend Handley Perkins officiated. Mr. Roger Self, MA of Toronto played the wedding music and the soloist was Mrs E. Draper.of Green River who sang '"The Wedding Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love'. The September meeting of the ers of the staff and was moder- Sunset Heights Home and School|ated by the principal. Miss Grace Trull in her re- marks on kindergarten stressed hat it was more than a play the minutes and Mrs, R, M. Wil-|year. Children learned to enjoy son gave the treasurer's report. school, to work in groups and in- Mrs. R. H, Forster will convene|dependently, Mrs. Marion Teskey listed the in Grades 2 Commenting on Grades 4, 5 6, Mrs. Mary Wright said iterature comprehension than on oral reading, A 90 to 100 percent standing in arithmetic is expected n these grades. Mr. Cecil Brownson stated that introduced the staff as follows: (iD Grades 7 and 8 the student Kindergarten, Miss Grace Trull/Should be preparing for high and the bridegroom is the son |and Miss Anna Stadnyk; Grade 1,|School. He outlined the differ-| ences between the public school ings are always very acceptable Edna Coulter; Grades 1 and 2,/and high school and said that|and for which there is no charge. | --Photo by Hornsby |Mrs. Marion Teskey; Grade 2,|8o0d work habits were a basis for please write or telephone RA -- --------|Mrs. Glenna Bailey; Grades 2/success in schooi work. Mrs. Earl Huntley thanked Mr, Grade mothers appointed for| |the coming year are: Kindergar-| ten, Miss Grace Trull's room, Mr: s. R. W. Forster; Miss Anna tadnyk's room, Mrs, Maciej Ach- lin honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- PERSONALS A family dinner party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ogden, Harmony road south, on Sunday, September 27 man Holmes, Nassau street, who were celebrating their 55th wed- ding anniversary. Later in the afternoon, sisters and brothers of the bride and their families. join- ed the party to offer their con- gratulations and spent the eve- ning together reminiscing Guests were present from Mid-| land, Lueknow, Windsor, Sea- grave, Chesley, Blackstock and] Bowmanville, | | | You are invited by the Social| {Department to send in any little items of interest. News of teas, |surprise parties, showers, anni- versaries and comings and go- 3-3474, local 18. | An unusual fashion show was) held in Toronto Saturday after-| noon, September 26, when ail the| clothes modelled were hand woven. The show was put on by| the Spinners and Weavers of To-| ronto and held in the Lyceum| 8! B ants were Mrs. Robert Hercia, Miss Beverley Smith, twin sisters of the bride, Smith, another sister, as junior bridesmaid, The maid of honor and the junior bridesmaid were in tan- gerine taffeta shot with gold. The twin sisters were in sable brown, hot with copper. Their bouffant owns pure silk iridescent taffeta with pleated midriff, sabrina neckline and puffed draping on the skirts gave a sur- plice effect falling into a parasol hemline, They wore picture hats to match their dresses and car- ried white prayer books with Talisman and yellow roses, Mr. David Rahmer performed the duties of best man and usher- ing were Mr. Barry Noland, Mr. Sidney Robinson and Mr. Fred Black, A reception was held in the Piccadilly Room of the Hotel Genosha where the bride's mother received wearing a sheath of beige lace with match- ing jacket and moss green ac- cessories. Assisting, the bride- groom's mother wore medium blue lace with ies in a in marriage by her Barry Henderson Elizabeth Bell Wed In Toronto A marriage of interest to Osh-| awa was solemnized in Kim-' bourne Park United Church, Toronto, recently, when Barry, I'dwards Henderson took as hic bride Elizabeth Joyce Bell. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Bell of Scarborough and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Henderson of Osh 4 deeper shade. Each had a cor- sage of roses. For their wedding trip, the couple are motoring in California and Mexico. As they left, the bride was wearing a black walk- ing suit with turquoise blue ac- cessories and a red rose corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Chafen will re: turn to make their home at RR 2, Claremont. Guests were present from De- troit, London, Wingham, Guelph and North Bay. and Carol Ann were fashioned of sleeves. Swirled The Reverend C. E. ArmStrong officiated 'with wedding music played by Miss Garlitt and Mrs. R. Green as soloist. The bride was given im mar- riage by her father. She wore a floor-length gown of silk organza with French appliques of pearls and sequins on the bodice, skirt and mittens, A crown of lace and pearls held her fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of white cymbidium orchids, roses and fugi and snowdrift chrysan- themums. The maid of honor was Mis§ Joan Bell and the other attend- ants were: Mrs. M. Smith and Miss Lynda Skinner. The senior attendants wore red and white ny- lon sheer dresses with red taffeta cummerbund and waterfall back. They carried crescent cascades of red carnations and variegat- ed foliage. The flower girl was in white nylon with a red cum- merbund. She held a lollipop posv of red carnations. - Mr. Ronald Pierce was best man and the ushers were William Bell and Lyn Henderson. A reception was held at Miller Hall. Receiving, the bride's mo- ther wore Dior blue brocade, matching accessories and pink roses. The bridegroom's mother was in light beige lace with brown accessories. Her corsage was yellow roses.: The couple left for a honey- moon in Florida. The bride donn- ed a cornflower blue sheath with matching 'hat, black accessories and a white orchid corsage. Mr, and Mrs. Henderson will make their home in Scarborough. TR ; Bob. mo : "Individualized treatment, with of District 5 of Ontario on May 7,|Puirko; 'Grade 7, Mrs. Georgina an eye to withdrawing the offend-| er from a criminal life and fit- ting him for future living as a law abiding citizen is the aim of the courts of justice in Ontario at the present time, rather than the old punitive idea," said Terence Kelly in his talk to the Business and Professional 1960. Miss Marie Shantz was ap-|Brooks; Grade 8, Mr. Cecil pointed as conference chairman.|Brownson. Club members agreed to assist in the preparations for the an-| PANEL DISCUSSION nual campaign of the Ontario| The program consisted of a County TB Association. |panel discussion by four teach- GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES matowicz; Grade 1, Mrs. Edna Coulter's room, Mrs. L. W, Bar- ber; Miss Webber's room, Mrs. Ralph Kimmerley; Grades 1 and 2, Mrs, Joseph Schwarz and Mrs. |W. E. Clapp; Grade 2, Mrs. Steve Melnichuk; Grade 2 and 3, Mrs. W. Jackson; Grade 3, Mrs. 8. A. Cross; Grades 3 and 4, Mrs. J. W. Button; Grades 4, Mary Lloyd, Margie Morse, and Mrs. L. members of the Oshawa MacLean, Mrs. E. J. Mrs. S. J. Hillier, Miss Mrs. H. Westwood, all Weav- Club. Controller Jean Newman opened the show, Many beautiful articles were displayed. Miss f Crummey, Mrs. W. D. Arnold, | Miss Jean Arnold, Mrs. Fred| B. Bayly] | | | Women's Club of Oshawa recent- ly. | Greater use of probation in/MITCHELL'S CORNERS H and S|visit to Fairlbanks Auxiliary, England had resulted in only 35.- Mitchell's Corners Home and| Toronto, must be paid by next 000 prisoners for a population of School Association held its first) Tuesday to the convenor, Mrs. | pearly 42 millions (1950 figures meeting of the new season recent-| Robert Williams, This takes] were used as latest available),/ly with Mrs. William Nemis pre- place on October 15. The bus| 6, Mrs. W. D. Mcllveen; Grade 5, Mrs. L. Goldblatt; Grades 5 and Mrs. J. J. Norwick; Grade 7, Mrs. Earl Mrs. J. L. Phillips. , Mrs. D. S. Lowe; Grade 6, Huntley; Grade 8, ers Guild, attended. | The Dr. C. F. Cannon Home| and School Association sponsored a tea for the mothers of Grade 1 pupils in the school auditorium on Tuesday, September 29. The| whereas in Canada at the same siding. will leave from the Terminal at| time there were 99,000 prisoners, Mrs, Arthur Peeling read the/7 p.m. and there is roop for six | out of a population of 14 million, minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. more passengers. Members were | he said. Harry Oyler gave the treasur- asked to telephone or contact] SOCIAL NOTICES . i . er's report. Mrs. Williams, RA 3-4962. anncreased ee or "ta act 'help| Mrs. George Kingsland intro-| The invitation to visit Bobeay- and encouragement from the pro- Suced Constable Harold Cornell|geon Auxiliary was received and : i re-/ who is a member bation Jifice: witie be mignt de- Provincial Police, Bowmanville. visit to the Uxbridge Auxiliary pendents, and become and re- Constable Cornell spoke on traf-| October 26. Names and fares for main a law abiding citizen. fic rules and safety and answer-|these may be given in next week. At the present time probation|ed many questions. | Mrs, Herbert Wolfram was re- is limited in this country to first| Mrs. Mary Romanchuk's classi ported to be ill in hospital and offenders. "Perhaps," said the|Won the banner for the largest | Mrs, M. Lang at home, aker, "this is too arbitrary, attendance. | Refreshments were served by ei may be others who show| Refreshments were served by (Mrs. Melton Oster and her com- | v 4 ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced and Mrs, Roy Morgan,| son of Mrs.| ille, on Saturday, October 24, a p.m. resident, Mrs. George Peters, | welcomed the guests and invited | fathers as well as mothers to attend the monthly meetings. The| principal, Mr. G. A, Korry, in-| troduced ' the Grade 1 teachers: | Mrs. Marian Harrison and Miss | of the Ontario| accepted for October 19; also a/,¢ Bernice Gladys, daughter of Marguerite Clark. Mrs. Kathleen | Mr. | Huntsville, Ontario, to Mr. Ron-| ald Byron Smith, Thomas Laurie of Oshawa and|l and emphasized the fact that the late Mr. J. Earle Smith. The|reading readiness a marriage will take place in Allin kindergarten. Saints Anglican Church, Hunts- were served by Mrs. Roy Haber | Randall was absent due to- ill-| ness. He spoke briefly on| the unit system taught in Grade| | ctually begins| Refreshments and Mrs. Harry Hutcheon. Mrs. | Gerald Craigie poured tea. | : Mrs. Michael Nemis and her com- mittee and card bingo was en- y that they are{™ HN crimiral way of mittee. |Joyed under the convenorship of| | { | life, but they still might be re-| 4TH GROUP COMMITTEE |Mi= Edward Bouckley. =~ | claimed through the guidance of| The 4th Group committee of , =~ SFHers were HET 3 : 5 ia) Fos a ... donations and workers are need- a probation officer or others who the Girl Guide Association held isl od for 'the November ba might help him to return to alfirst fall meeting on Monday, Sep- or ovember 'bazaar, correct way of life. tember 28 at Radio Park club S.A. HOME LEAGUE "In fact," said Mr. Kelly, "to!house with Mrs. Melville Coolidge; The regular meetig of the Sal- have probation function ade-|presiding. There were 10 mem-|vation Army Home League was quately and effectively more per- bers present. held on Tuesday afternoon, Sep- sons and more groups are need-| The minutes of the May meet- tember 29. ed that will take an interest injing and correspondence were, Mrs, William James led in the the offender, to help and encour- read by Mrs. John Black. Mrs. singing of a few choruses. age him. Perhaps one could as- Thomas Hornsby gave the trea-! Mrs. Captain Coles of Bowman- sist him in getting work, or keep surer's report. |ville was in charge of the devo- him occupied in his leisure time.| Mrs. Donald Ormiston an d|tional period, and with three This would be of great assis- Mrs. Thomas Hornsby have of-\other members from Bowman- tance to the probation officerifered to, help Mrs. John Gaskell| ville, Mrs. Mary Neil, Mrs, Lois who has a heavy case load." land Mrs, Robert Crouter with the| Pollard and Mrs. Grace Bridges, Mrs. Lucas Peacock introduced Brownie meeting presented a musical drama, "A the speaker and Mrs. A. W.| It was decided to have a bazaar |Story In Song". This included Jacklin, convener of penalion December §. telling the origin of the hymn and reform committee, expressed the The next meeting will be held something of the author, followed appreciation of the club for hislon November 9. Refreshments by the singing of the hymn address. : were served by Mrs, Collidge and Mrs, Grace Bridges of Bow At the business meeting Mrs. Leslie Magee manville sang two solos, Jesus ing, the president, Mrs he s CANADIAN LEGION AUX, |7 Pied Me" and "Phe ilson, presided and The Ladies' Auxiliary, Cana. Manger of Galilee Mrs, Cites three new members. dian Legion Branch 43 read the Beripture, and elused inl Plans for the annual bridge Tue day evening, September party at Simcoe Hall October B.!with President Mrs Herbert in aid of the club's major proj-|puthe presiding ect, the scholarships fund. were, Mr Robert Armitage, a former completed member of the Canadian Legion Miss Gladys Hill, first vice: who now resides in Toronto, don president, was appointed dele ated a car blanket. This will he gate to the 14th annual confer- one of the prizes to be drawn ence of the Business and Profes- for at the bazaar in November sional Clubs of Ontario which willl A hearty vote of thanks was be held in North Bay on October accorded Mrs, Evans who enter lary was held al Ihe 16, 17, 18. Miss Jennie Pringle tained Auxillary members at her home of Mrs, Thomas Kida led a discussion .on the resolu-|summer cottage st Pine Point | Grassmere street, with the vice tions from Ontario clubs to belrecently, She also donated all|president, Mrs. Fugene Rymi submitted at this conference prizes for the card bingo, and zionek presiding To the Oshawa club has fallen gave gencrously toward the re The minutes were read by the the honor of acting as hostess|freshments secretary, Mra, Bedford Thom club for the regional conference! The fares of one dollar for the son and Mrs, Wilson Stauffer - - - gave the treasurer's report, In cluding the results of the. annual bazaar held In June. The pro | ceeds have been turned over to {the Southmead Building Fund | Mrs. Harvey Kirby, corre sponding secretary, gave a report on ecards sent out to the sick during the summer, It was announced that elections of the new executive will be held at the October meeting Refreshments were served hy |Mre. Thomas Kidd and Mrs {Frank Lee. The lucky draw prize Iwas won by Mrs. Donald Roter, STORIE PARK AUX, The September meeting of {Storie Park ladies' auxiliary was held in the club house | Thirteen members answered ithe roll call, Mrs. Bert Fry pre. | sided. Mrs. Peter Muzik read {the minutes and Mrs. Reginald {Ellis gave the treasurer's re- port. Mrs, Harry Cameron gave a report on the. get-well cards [sent out ! Plans were made for fleld day {which is to be held on Satur- day, October 3, starting at 1.30 p.m, Free treats are to be given the follow Eileen welcomed Savior met om gy |UEAYET Ten woe served by the Fellvw gronip week will Thanksgiving meeting with Mis David Owen Wn thar ge A HN Alloway will he guest speak or hip Newt he Mie BOUTHMEAD PARR AUR The Beplerher meeting of he Southmead Park Avinil Ladies recently . [tea will be served The next meeting is to be a pot luck supper at 6.30 p.m, Mrs. Peter Muzik won i %) ' Lo daughter of Mr. and Mrs Louis Jacob Hart, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, lucky prize and Mrs. Everett Fice, all of Refreshments were served hy Oshawa " Mrs. Lionel Trehern and Mrs Married recently in a double- ring ceremonv at Northminster United Church were Mr. .nd Mrs. Morley Franklin Fice The bride, the former Miss the 7 to children 12 years and under of VISCOUNTESS park members only, Afternoon! 79.95, ' BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD. Blacks. 72 SIMCOE ST. N. § yA i BE emphasizing J ~ look. Irresistible with deep hand holding pockets and wi to the neck. Wonderful wool and camel hair in camel or honey + A fobulous 2 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OPEN FRI, EVE TIL 9 PM. comeback, The Hollywood Wrap! The cont with an ale of glamorous intrigue aml 'a reat deal of dash the important new belied de lapels that open or closes beige. By Lassie $49.95 new species of mon-made fabirie RA 35-1912 BUEHLER'S 12 KING ST. EAST PHONE RA 3-3633 ¢ SIRLOIN e WING . . . ¢ BONELESS RUMP ROAST e BONELESS ROUND STEAK or ROAST RIB STEAKS (tender). . . . . . . Ib. 79° CLUB STEAKS--BLADE STEAKS Ib. 69° BONELESS POT ROAST J BONELESS STEW BEEF .... bh 59+ | SPECIALS ® Fresh Made Country SAUSAGE (5 Ibs.) SICNIC SHOULDERS Lb, Ib. 49¢ BOILING Shankless Smoked Lb. 39 ® Smoked CON SQUARES (5 Ibs.) ® Meaty PORK HOCKS (5 Ibs.) SMALL LINK PORK SAUSAGE » 39 Any Of The Above Items For Only , .. $1.00 Ev HAMS! Club Style Ib. 69¢ Ib. 89c BEART Ti SERVE BLiMELERS Dinner Hams lh. 85¢ 'HER BOMELESS Dinner Hams YEARLING Lamb Legs «+ 40¢ LIM AMD RIB Chops 40g SHOULDER Chops STEW 1h 39¢ 2 tw 26¢ 12 KING ST. E. Gennine LAMB wn. 59 iscerated BROILER TURKEYS n43e LEGS 2» 8 Fresh Killed Shoulder PORK CHOPS THivEN Pork Liver GENUINE SPRING Lamb-in-a-Bski. 1b. 39¢ SPICY Headcheese 3-1b. tin 89¢ LEAN, SLICED Cooked Ham Tender EAT'N TRUE -TRIM BEEF | RA 3-3633 Ih. 19¢ Ib. 79¢ Aljee Anita Joann Hart, is the ' ~Photo by Peter Elling Harry Willams.

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