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The Oshawa Times, 1 Oct 1959, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Mostly cloudy tonight and Frie day, cooler, winds northeast: Cool weather likely to continue. THOUGHT FOR TODAY The world has - grown much smaller in recent years, but it's still too big to be ignored. The Oshawa Time Authorized As Second Class Moil Post Office Department, Ottawa ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE PROPOSED Western Canada Suggested Site OTTAWA (CP) -- The federal cause the province has few re- government plans to establish a|search centres and none of a Suspected - { Polio Case second atomic research centre in|large size. Cost of the new centre Western Canada, it was learned will run into millions of dollars. | | [ BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --liquor for consumption wit! An Oshawa boy has a suspect oq, . The Chalk River project was ese {For the second time Within a meals in licensed premises, with ed case of paralytic polio. It is understood here that the tablished during the Second World year, town voters Wednesday 1287 votes opposed. The dining Joseph Willoughby, nine, of new atomic centre will be set up| War as a result of the wartime and dining lounges In Bowman{357 per cent, and. the. cocktail Valencia road, was removed to/in Manitoba. Detail are expected igterest in the application of mu: es ¢ -|58. : . : , a} : 0 announced la | . ville, The dining lounge question|lounge polled 50 per cent of the Sick Childrens' Hospital in To-in.. 30 Minister Churchill. [the end of the war, however, re- {was only 46 votes short of the vote a ronto Tuesday night after a pre-| The centre would. canduet re-|search has been exclusively in {necessary 60 per cen! of the Of an eligible 4142 voters, 3124 \iminary diagnosis was made at search into peacetime uses of the application of peaceful uses vote, and the cocktail lounge lost|turned up at the polls. Phere | the Oshawa General Hospital. |atomic energy, but it would Rot/of Suniic energy. . {out by 156 votes. {were 3 spoiled Dallots recorded. 70" Sol reports today|duplicate work at Canada's first| ut 2,600 persons are em- Mrs. Patton was a pascenger | A {otal of 3124 votes were cast! As early returns began pourin ; . > |atomic energy establishment at/ployed at Chalk River, of whom in a car driven by William |on the cocktail lounge question,|into Returning Officer R. B.|that the lad is doing well. He isiohalk River, Ont. some 470 are scientists. The plant Mifflin, of Whitby. 1718 of which favors the sale of Reynolds at the town hall the reported fo have slight paralysis! is located about 135 miles north --Oshawa Times Photo .\jiquor for consumption on li-/trend was towards the "wets", of the neck muscles. "It's either SITE NOT CHOSEN YET east of Ottawa on 10,000 acres of EE ---- ~ |censed premises, with 1406 votes but 2s more of the 15 polling sub- or a type of bacterial men- A site for the plant has not yet/land. | opposed. stations were heard from, the Polio |been chosen. Surveys will be un-| National On the dining lounge question, "drys" began to gain ground. ingitis," said Dr. Brown. |dertaken this fall to find a suit-| a total of 3123 votes were cast, The voting by wards was as Mrs. Willoughby had a direct/able location. of which 1836 favored the sale of follows: report from Toronto on *Job-| Atomic Energy of Canada Lim: OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's eco- bie's" condition, He is said tojited, which operates the huge COCKTAIL LOUNGE DINING LOUNGE | ho much better, very bright and|Chalk River Nat. al- co-operating with the nurses. |ready has decided on the general He has had no Salk vaccine, Fai of the research > Je Son. i s |ducted at the new project. How- 15" and Marte, 1. 'He. also has|ever. the exact type of work, re- two brothers, Harold, 11, and search buildings and other facili- George, 13. He is in grade four tes still are in the development ge. nimic - upswing continued in the secand quarter of this year with the gross national product rune ning at an annual rate of $34. 700,000,000, up two per cent from: the level in the first quarter. The gain, pushing the GNP to a level some VOL. 88--- NO. 229 JN ow OSHAWA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1959 THIRTY-SIX PAGES AT BOWMANVILLE "Wets" Lose By Per Cent Vote Oshawa Boy DEATH CAR involved in two- | by, (left inset), who was killed | tim in the crash, Mrs, Mary | car crash at Whitby outskirts | immediately. Entire side of the | Pattoin, also of Whitby, who was driven by Mrs. Anna Jas- | Fayer car was bashed in. Right | died in the Oshawa General pers Fayer, 28, of Port Whit- | inset is picture of second vie- | Hospital after the accident. 2 Whitby Women Killed In : Crash Ee iy ob ; : A aspe " St. W. s. Patton was Sold the Quebec government wh Mpaithy Woues: died 2 Bs W.. Port With, wr gsc ge $100,833 worth of merchandise be- Fesult oa twoeat Casa. hear ® travelling alone at the time of, He is suffering lacerations to tween 1953 and 1956. town limits on Highway 401 short-ly 0" josident. the face and one knee and un-| The premier made the state- ly before midnight Wednesday| Mrs, Mary Patton, 64, of 120 determined internal injuries. {ment at a press conference Wed- and a Whitby businessman is injpundas St. W., died in the Osh- |nesday in reply to a demand by Oshawa General Hospital in seri- awa General Hospital about three AT OVERPASS {Liberal Opposition Leader Jean ous condition from the same hours after the accident. She was| The accident occurred about Lesage for Mr. Tellier's resigna- erash, |a passenger in a car driven by One half mile west of the Henry tion, Killed instantly was Mrs. Anna'William E. Mifflin, also of 120 St.. overpass on the eastbound In a speech Sunday Mr. Lesage Du Pont Interest bound lane of the highway was any member of the body to do Premier Sauve Defends MPP QUEBEC (CP)--Premier Sauve says there is no law preventing Speaker Maurice Tellier of the Advance Poll West Ward 1 ... West Ward II A B C Ward 1A B at College Hill school. 5 Brantford Wins Over Brooklin BRANTFORD (CP) -- Chuck omas scored his second goal of the game with 35 seconds re- maining to give Brantford War- riors a 12-11 win over Brooklin in a bitterly fought intermedia A lacrosse gi h ec North The new plant is being built be- cause the government and Atomic) Energy of Canada feel that the| Chalk River establishment is} operating at maximum efficiency. It is felt that this efficiency would be reduced if the plant's size is increased. Canada is going to require addi- tional research facilities in the atomic era, especially in the de- velopment of atomic plants pro- ducing electricity, a government Ward II Ward IIIA North North South South B Ward IA B Ward IIA B closed Tuesday while paving was| business directly or indirectly in progress and the section where with the government. the accident happened was being used east and west traf- 1,718 1,408 | Passamaquoddy Decision Ahead OTTAWA (CP) -- Nearly 40 1,836 te Si ty. To" GODERICH, Ont. (CP)--Steven, Both the youngsters' parents-- Truscott, 14-year-old sos of an WO and Mrs. Daniel Truscott and {air force warrant officer, Wed-| FO and Mrs, Leslie Harper--live nesday night was convicted of with their families at the nearby murder in thé rape-slaying of a Clinton RCAF - station. Goderich is 50 miles northwest of London. The {rial was conducted under a strict news blackout in adult court. The juvenile age in On- tario is 16 years. At the direction of Mr. Justice Ferguson publication of Testi- mony at the trial was forbidden. At the preliminary hearing in the eross- St. They presume] was driving west to the Pick- -Whitby town line to get off highway into Whitby. hod of The judge received propos. The decision by judge Walterials of compliance from both Pu J. Labuy will chart foture{Pont and the government inlgpprurNING HOME of Du Pont interest in General hearings last winter and spring. Mrs. Faver's husband told 12-year-old playmate. He was Motors Corporation, a holding off The ruling he will pA py p police that his wife was return. Sentenced to be hanged Dec. 8. 63,000,000 shares of stock worth|priday is based the presenta- The jury, which pondered for $3.000,000,000. t By on Pp a-ling home from Toronto where | - she is employed. {nearly three hours, aiiached » Whatever the decision, the los-| The government proposal ealls| Following the t, Mrs, recommendation of mercy to. its ing side is' expected to sppeal t0]for compliance with the Supreme |Fayer's car rolled over in the|decision. In most cases, such the U.S. Supreme Court, further|Court by sale of Du Pont stock|centre boulevard and she was/@ recommendation, particularly prolonging anti - tryst litigation interest in GM. The Du Pont|thrown clear. The car came to/ When it involves one so young, that already is 10 years old. [proposal favors continued owner-|rest on its wheels, nearly on the usually results in commutation of FIRM FEARS EFFECT iship of the shares but a forfeit. | westbound lane, the entire right|the sentence to life imprisonment If the federal government wins, [side torn out of the vehicle. | years of study and conjecture may end here next week with a final decision on whether the Passamaquoddy tidal power proj-| ect would be economic. | Canadian and American engi-| {neers have spent roughly $4,000,-| NEW YORK (AB)=potk wail [fon on the latest three» yoar|Sis Stafted walling off | (Ti fe he Proposal to build|giong the Atlantic and Gulf here that the union Would bow fo {a series of dams on the Maine-|.,o te "launching a strike the|the ular will, |New Brunswick coastline to trap) ament eng aled inst | pop |the Bay of Fundy's high tides for| Soverhme appealed against) \PPEAL FAILS power production. | 2 The walkout developed despit Lig ; pile Toc rports wil be ub, 08, walkout, capt nl ti 5 Coin Sete mitted next week to a meeting men from Maite to "Texas came 1A1Y James P. Mitchell. of the International Joint' Com- unexpectedly after dockers in the! Catching the country in the | mission. port of New York had agreed to Midst of a record steel shutdown, | Sumner T. Pike, a member of pt management request for a 15. | the dockers' strike is expected to| {the Maine legislature, said Wed- day. contract extension. . {hinder the flow of steel entering nesday in Lubec, Me., that he ; {east and Gulf ports from abroad. {has not seen the engineering re.| But thousands of longshoremen| Cargo ships will stand loaded port but "I've had a pretty good refused to go along. lat docks, unable to unload, hint that the report is favorable."| - Shortly after the first walkouts workers in related fields will His brother, Moses, is a mem-|began following the contract ex-| affected. Passenger liners will ber of the fisheries study group.'piration at midnight, the presi- hampered, but not halted: ers US. Dock Out On Strike dent of the International Long- shoremén's Assotia tion, Capt. William V. Bradley, announced| | 959 in Fleming's: budg The second quarter of | brought, the first signifi crease in business capit: | penditures since the two- cline which began early in Both investment in new m: ery and equipment and non |dential construction rpse five cent from the first gp" - Exports of goods a down slightlv in the firs. rose sharply in the seco iter -- April to June -- 'counted for more than over-all | Personal and gove ped. (penditures on goods a. |continued to rise in tucan |quarter, but there was on and modest advance of one per te be in Canadian eonsumer spending. be Housing outlays continued to de-. |cline, * Tornado Swoops Down On Village CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va| A hundred yards away theeastward over Pennsylvania (AP) -- A tornado born of a dy-|roof was blown off the house of dumping up to three inches of ing hurricane dropped like a|Raymond Bruce, 38, as he and rain in some isolated spots. Base-| bomb Wednesday on the sleepylhis wife Lilly, 56, and their son ments were flooded and several little community of Ivy near sought refuge in the kitchen. A roads washed out in Erie High | here. Ten people died--nine of stone chimney toppled and Mrs. waters in Meadville caused a DISINTEGRATES : 3 : i July witnesses testified that Trus- {ing of their voting strength. |by_the federal cabinet. : : } | Mr : There was. no immediate indi-|cott and the girl were seen toge- { Under th Tnment proposal The Miffl i 3 Du Pont counsel contend the na-|p psa] lo govenl ry? i ge Bil IVIOE Jac Stopped aS! cation that the defence would ap-/ther at the air force station. tional economy will suffer from ay cone ai Motors shares in the|nor Mrs. Patton were thrown out, [Peal the conviction. Mrs. Anne Nickerson said she depressing effect on prices of Dui en market over a 10-year pe-| Mrs. Fayer is survived by her| The victim, Lynne Harper,(saw Lynne and the accused at Pont and GM shares, both ranked| [gq The remaining 43 000.000 husband and five children: Peter daughter of an RCAF flying offi-|the station public school where by investors as among the bluest shares would be distributed|7 Marcel 6, Francis 4. Kim 3 Cer, vanished June 9 from theshe was conducting a meeting of of blue chip securities, among Du Pont stockholders atiand Margaret Joyce 51% months. | Vicinity of her home. Her body,|a Brownie pack. She 3aid Lynne On the other hand, the govern-|a rate of 1.38 shares of GM for|She is also survived by a sister, nearly mide and with a blouse helped her organize a scavenger | ment contends its plan forieach share of Du Pont they own.[Mrs, Ann Vandermeer, Centre knotted around the neck, was/hunt, thep left the area walking| divorcing the ose usueiation | Du Pont lawyers contend such|street, "Whitby. |found fn a woodlot two days later.| with Truscott. e two industria' giants Is equil-lay unloading of a leading stock| Mrs. Fayer lived in Rotterdam. oh di able, fair and unlikely to produce would depress its price and start|Holland, before she immigrated DISPLAYS NO NOTION lite fo yy 4 any financial Upheaval, the market generally downward. to Canada with her family three | when Me yay R. I. Ferguson | & Judge Labuy's ruling will dis- In addition it would raise tax|years ago. She lived in Bowman- of the Ontario Supreme Court ix pose of a Supreme Court opinion problems and many stockholders, |ville before coming to Whitby, passed the 'death' sentence, man- ; that Du Pont's large financial|they said would choose to dump, PC Arthur Whiteside, Whitby datory upon conviction of murder. | £ interest in General Motors bears|their holdings to escape tax|Detachment of the OPP, investi- "One would think that only alt a y towar hl Du troubles, gated the accident. monster could be capable of such| : "a killing," Mr, Justice Ferguson| } said in his 4%:hour address to| the all-male jury. "Lynne Harper was killed 'in| the most shocking, revolting cir- cumstances, . , . It is so unusual to have such a young bov charged with murder that it is unheard of in this country." Production Curtailed WINDSOR (CP) Chrysler | them members of the same fam-! Bruce was killed. . > city. {power failure, darkening half the Sop. of Canda, Ltd., announced ednesday a curtailment of pro-| fy DUPLEX TORN APART The savage twister swooped Witnesses said the Morris du-| il plex simply disintegrated under two hours after, the assault of 'the twister. Res- a relatively minor tornado haiti SITS. Who Jougni their way Xl struck not far away most impassable roads said the! Twelve of the HM members of largedt piece of its furnishings the families of Ervin Morris, they found was a twisted re- about 48, #nd his son, Ervin, 21, frigerator. were at home in the duplex they Bod shared. Nine died almost in-|, .. a ae ot a tered stantly, their bodies thrown With joa ry hillside explosive; force upon a wooded A neighbor sald he saw a small side. The remainin three -- g Morris * child "just disappear right up into the air" when the {tornado hit. Word of the tragedy spread CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL EA 3-2211 ¥ slowly because telephone lines knocked out by the earlier tor. nado RAIN FROM GRACIE into these foothills of the Blue and 850 miles east of Daytona |Ridge Mountains had been Beach, Fla, is severe and is moving north-!diana west highest winds es { The original tropical storm, dy- miles ling by the hour, meanwhile swept Hy oA In addition to the lvy deaths, duction in its Windsor plants as) Gracie killed seven persons in a result of a strike at the parent South: Carolina, two in Florida/U. S. firm's Twinsburg, Ohio, and one each in Georgia and Stamping plant. However, no lay- North Carolina, offs are foreseen in the immedi- But Gracie's death rampage ate future. 4 apparently is all over, the The Chrysler statement said} weather bureau said this morn-/the Ohio plaht is the source of] ing. Its winds have continued to Supply for. some of the body decrease. stampings used in the manufac: | Moderate to heavy rains have|lure of some of the passenger continued to the north and east/cars made by Chrysler of Can- of the centre over central and ada. western Pennsylvania and have 'Production has been de spread into western New York, creased to stretch on-hand com-| Meanwhile, the weather bureau/Ponenis as far as possible and | reported that a new hurricane, avoid, if possible, a complete called Hannah, is centred abogt{Shutdown of the Windsor produe- 265 miles southwest of Bermuda tion lines," the company said. DETROIT . (AP) Chrysler | Corporation laid off 10,000 work] Forecasters said the hurricane ers at plants in Michigan and In- ; ednesday because of 'al niles an hour with shortage of body stamnings re- ; mated at 125/sulting from 'a labor dispute at an hour in a small area the company's. Twinsburg, Ohio, ) the centre. Plant, at 11 The City of Oshawa wag the host civie for General Motors .ada, | Ltd, at Hotel Genosha Wed- nesday. The eity. paid tribute' | co to thé ce: mpany for fhe gift of | tu Lakeview Park. General Mo- tors 3 pr » » OSHAWA PAYS ker, represented by top | ma RIBUTE-TO GM mpary offigié#. In the pie | Canada, Ltd., Meyer L ymen A | Cai ada Tid, and AM. John re from are E. H. Wal- | Gifford of Oshawa, Col, ©, § Bredy, chairman of the Junche ent and general = MoT coh": chairman of the "Oshawa Times ilo of General Moiors of | board of 'General Rotors a

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