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The Oshawa Times, 1 Oct 1959, p. 28

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28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 1, 1959 TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS di A er 11:30 Net Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. oa TORONT 0 Min: Boles 17 Mass Fer 637 Mass F 5% p 10 105 % { By The Canadian Press Net Lynx 1 13 +H aria, Bok Exchange--Oct, 1 Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Cb MacLeod no of hh jo Wn 1 1 (Quotations in cents unless marked 8 Gas 215 +1 Molson A 135 § 25 +044 lot, xd -- Ex-dividend E Madsen SOA at I ry end, W--Fx: : 00 Magnet uu +1 . Mt Trust 25 dies . 1 Malartie Nat Stl Car y 500 3 Man Bar %L 7 Noranda | i 200 . ' Maritime acific Pete Th I All Y N d D INDUSTRIALS Marin 5 evel is Is ou Need Do . . . 1 L Maybrun ower Cov $60 60 60 | Mcintyre 82 rice Br 9 360 CE Be sure to pick up an official savings folder at your IGA Food Market. Then each Merrill oe Av Can Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ones Husky wis x % Multi-M oyu! Bank Abitibi 100 $36% 36 36% EC Ag Nama Cr % oo 8t L Corp X time you shop at your IGA store slip the register tape in it for safe keeping. Jus! Shawn ay keep saving those IGA tapes until you have enough to equal the value indicated Abit At x0 om an C Mic Mac 400 New Bid Shawin Steel Can Acad-Atl 129 Alta Dist 100 280 280 Cree wis 5 Too N Dicken Steel Can J Alta Dis wis 100 130 130 New Hosco einbg Ala Gas 308 825% - 29% Duvex 500 N Mylama Texaco Can 60 for any item in the new IGA Catalogue. All premiums con be claimed in this Alumni . zs 32% Dynamic New oRuyn 2 Triad Oil 30 3% ith NOTHING EXTRA TO PAY. : an] on 54% Noranda RA y 175 74% - Norlartie 2 on C ANADIAN manner wit . 41 1 10 1 Norsyne Ya A N Goldert 29 3% MN N ank o wo Anglo Nfid 100 $6% 6% Bs 38 Norvalie Cram 400 S$18% 18%-18% " (0) S 00 "" A S lot SI Sr BC pile sus tu IGA "BONUS BOOSTER" TAPES . .. er Ormsby NQ Pow 1 pr 25 $46 46 f : 25 $301 3844 3844 Each week a number of food features are selected as "BONUS BOOSTERS". When you C Bank Com 145 Petrol 3 Parbec eitmans Cdn Brew 140 $3 8 Place an 2 0 Peerless 8000 Soca 100 240 240 240 onto 293 si Bon bk purchase these products you are given "BOOSTER TAPES" which have a catalogue value Cockshutt 12% Suonte, pro 500 6 Pronto Que Ls MINES ; of $2.00 each. Just save these in your folder with the regular IGA register tapes. See this Ameranium 100 week's "BON Us BOOSTERS" below. Comb Ent 210 50 $4: Tex Cal Que Lab Augustus 1045 B Fey 100 Jal Con 00 Que Lith m Stores 335 ¢ Q Metal Triad Oil ore 2) Baker Tale = 2000 U : MC CNC er» 4 'W Cdn OG 1000 0 130 - Rexs Bateman 500 ALL FOOD FEATURES EFFECTIVE OCT. 1, 2, 3. GN Gas wis 200 280 275 275 W Cdn 0G wt 100 B ockwin Blchasse 5% GN Gas B wt 800 ¥ Deeaita 100 Sherritt 00 oe 20 20 y 0 350 35 35 - al Ei Gr Wpg vt 210 aase Stanigh wis Canorama : HEREFORD SAVE 4c Yan Can 500 Starratt 200 4 i Pir Canuba t Kraft Cracker Gr Wpg 56 wt 40 an & Great West 100 7 7 CT -- pe' wo Steep R Iu 12 Cartier @ 2100 21 2 21 ees Sunburst 15 L 3 4 Hi-Tower $9 9 9 Teck-H 3 Cent Del Jo. 700 H Smith pr 25 . Tiara we 3 3 5 - Qeveland - 00. 1 MINES fo : } ~ Courmor 12500 10 10. 12-07. Barrel--Save 8¢ Imp Bank Imp Oil 4 % Trin Chib i : a ha - Gunnar 100 Imp Tob U Asbestos hd : 1 Haitian 000 "¢ 4" 4 TIN A Top C ind ecep 3 Acad Utan 2000 19% 13 Upp Can 3% Lingside 600 3V Inglis 0 5 73 Advocate 100 275 275 5 Violam 200 Mentgary 1700 * 5 5 Inland C pr 20% Alba Expl 1000 7 Waite Am 205 638 38 35 N Formaq 4000 13 $ Inland Gas Ansil 1300 4 Willroy 100 1 2 N W Amulet 3000 3 S34 5 Arcadia 3000 25 3 Wiltsey 500 N A Rare M 250 9 O *m Exp 5000 7 1 100 9 bd gez2f..Bs FF Dom Tar 125 Gatineau 100 Wayne Rayrock Wesburne Rexspar £§ Jord Inter PL 3 3 3 353 Inv Syn A Atlin uf 200 1 : 4 Wr Harg 30 125 125 5 Labatt Atl C Cop 900 5 N % © emiska Abst % Barnat 2000 12 Yale Lead 2000 © chan 1000 Labatt rts ' . Base Metal ae : Young HG 2300 102 90 2 Hk pt . - 3 3 oun non Belcher oe A Pend Ore 100 2% 3% 2% Q 5000 n 30% 30 0 Yukon Con 2000 70 70 Beveon 1000 Sales to 11 mom. 439,000 Rohe Ru SAVE 6¢ 55 $10 10 10 1 3 S13 13 IW + Ww Bibls 1000 Til b 1 200 ! ' +40 SIONS 10444 104% -- Bonville ed 1 1 3 wan 26 g 30 SM MN NN " Bordulas ve $ 3 ONTREAL w nent To00 i gM yi A a " © Malart 300 3 as a M les Jo 11:90 a.m.: Industrials 13,000 2.LB. 1 A = 58.000 Wh 14% Can Erin WN 1 ¢ . C-Met wis 100 . . MONTREAL 11:30 AM, STOCKS Nor Star A \ 1 HY Ha + of re i y The Canadian Press Ne Sta a a" + Wn Captain 00 n: NO NGas | 1 HNN Cassiar 110 $104 10M Montreal Stock Exchange--Oet, 1 NQ Pow BY B/N Cheskirk 500 dk Al (Quotations in cents unless marked 8. 1 Chester 00 38 MM 2 e--Odd lot, xd -- Exdividend, xr--Ex- £ ugee 0 Nor Ph wis 120 5 Oshawa A 4 y a Ma Chib-Kay 1000 . 16 $ rights, xwEx-warranis.) Parker 00 300 Chime B/N 60 Powell Cody-eco 300 8 8 Pr» Nifty C Denison [ 3L} $13% 34 12 . Premium 5 C Den wis 1500 N32 110 INDUSTRIALS 6 e urne N G € Disevry Ho olcnold € Fen 11:30 Net bl Be 914 29 hig Con M and § Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge oe AY © on 3 120 . C Morrison 1 30 2 Abitibi 00 36% 36% . x . C Nrthind Algoma $36 36% 0 rman SAVE 9¢ 120 1» 32 C A Alumin Brau ; XN ' 331 TORONTO (CP)--Immigration REGULAR or CHUBBY 3th -- A authorities plan to grant the re- quest of a Hungarian refugee to be sent back to Europe, after they found he had given them a false story on his arrival in Can 1 ada, 7 6 Frobisher " Grandue > 27 Sandor Szilagyi, who came Greyhk 3 4 iv SrevEk od 3 ! here five months ago as a sto- Gong " * Bk C L away on a Greek ship, was wind- Gu 'nar wis 190 +5 > B ing up his affairs Wednesday in Gv. lim % 5% A . the custody of an immigration EB vay BB 2 Er diosar PS ll officer, He was to be taken to He 25 42 C Int Power 6 % 16% --~1% Montreal to wait an early sail- ALL POPULAR BRANDS I t Nickel 3 88 88 CF a 25% ing nt Nickei i 3 zi i Cel 435 +10 Szilagyi, 32, told the immigra- SA y E 30¢ Int an Irish Cop Cockshutt 15% tion department when he arrived Iron Bay : Com Ent » 11% here five months ago that he had Jaye Expl 0 30 D Stores 60% just been released after 14 years urke D Tar 290 of imprisonment in Sbieria. The | Jowsey 43 +2 Enam Pro B 33.43 department investigated and . Kerr Add Y% Y Gen Dynam , Kirk Min 38 38 Hud Bay J found he had been in prison in Labrador % y Jnp Of } Franc oes, for CARTON OF 200 Lencourt Lbt rts 1485 Marks -- "The Tattered Dress", ) § - THEATRE GUIDE 1240, 35, 700, 1015 pm. Tablerite -- Canada's Finest "Congo Crossing", 2.15, 5.30, f |.8.45 pn Last complete show Blmors -- "Tsang I the Sky a1 35 pm. 1 = er. || | RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF 3.10, 7.57 "Battle Cry".| BR ate Cy PREFERRED 12.39, 5.03, 9.30 p.m. Last com. Brock (Whitby) -- *'John Paul | plete show at 7.30 p.m. | Jones . I: 22 p.m. Evening | | | shows at and 9.05 p.m.! i i : Regent -- "Ask Any Girl" in| Saturday Matinee at 1.30 p.m. | by people who enjoy a friendly BONELESS ROUND 0 al £ Technicolor. Shown daily at m-- [ and relaxing atmosphere | : 1.30, 3.30, 5.35, 7.45, 9.50 p.m.| SPECIALS! | LJ AS TORONTO (CP)--Late profit. RUNS Jar Mux STARLITE ROOM taking handed the stock market pm. an lo No ap Ty gens} ' St ak read [B, J LIFTOM'S PKG. or elaKS oe losses: Industrials 3.31 to STOCK MARKET vd os Tela Test Yaiched by $ ve Ee oR 0.77: po + ol 01 to 86.44: base| NET EARNINGS | stadium, His as ite rc -------- 5 TEA BAGS 73 : metals .06 to 163.17; western oils . C Roasts Ih | d . 1.09 to 101.54. The final volumes was 2,200,000 By THE CANADIAN PRES shares, compared with Tuesday's| Fibre Products of Canada Ltd., y : y)) EH 1,971,000. (year ended June 30: 1959, $50,224, Refining oil, banks and pipe-|1958, $64,061. DANCE PARTY R SAVE 6c lines bore the brunt of the indus-| Hollinger Consoildated Gold D trial loss. Canada Packers B was Mines Ltd., 6 mos. ended June DON PIERRE i ? off 1 at 47% but most losses Were, 0: 1959, $1,336,204, 27 cents a . Fy less than a point. Alberta Gas|share; 1958, $1,356,630, 27 cents. (Jubilee 0, . y . ' : C | SIRLOIN, PORTERHOUSE or WING Trunk Line, Aluminium and Bank| Security Freehold Petroleums PAVILION °F x Commerce Pig #1 Yo -A JL, year ended June 30: 1959 OSHAWA anadian and Steel Com- ($450,786, 24 cents a share; 1958, Sr unuseis of Canada d 1%. {$430,289, 23 cent Pi Ns pe up i Sens. 2 STOKELY FANCY FROZEN at 41% for the best gain. | BLEU LS Consolidated Denison added 1%| 2 | [oVEIOY Cc =e J at 13% as it declared To rst il i" i i in OR : dividend. Noranda and Labrador j 4 | added 3% but other senior mines A | PLUS MORE ENJOYMENT -- TO were off. International Nickel dipped 1 D \ x 4 FRANK SINATRA -- KATHRYN GRAYSON at = alle Hudson Bay pr off | A | El AND GENE KELLY IN : ous a . ERT i 5: ime | Jl "anchors Aweigh [| JR In golds McIntyre was off % | t at 80 and Hollinger gave up 5%! ! ; y IN TECHNICOLOR! 7%. $s . | calgary and Edmonton gave up CiNemaScoPE ) x" Th | SL nardiidH NAY QE 1 at 20 in western oils. | BIG ACTION SHOW! WARNER BROS PRESENT _| J TOMORROW | \i EXTRA Lo Dig "NGI CROSSING" gs "THE TATTERED RES" i Fe 1 ape ruil LARGE C Wi DAVID | SHI ZN SIZE \ 7]! RIVER wid | For every girl who was ever LJ 5 Hes GIG YOUNG > BR EXTRA FLAVOR IN THE FLESH ori ag involved with an older man. OUUNNA IGTURSS prussty In CinemaScope and METROCOLOR ADDED THRILL HiT!|| I KIM - FREDRIC | | > Sunkist Oranges i 45. Doz 'NOVAK - MARCH For Sparkling Vitality -- Honduras -- Ran ath. ake WARNER BROS. saesesr Womans oon ls -- aid FOOD PRACER 51) =~ LEE PHILIPS - | : ; Sovengtey by PADDY CHAYEFSKY Sused upon tie stp Wy Moan - wa 1 - ws ss 4) setts GEORGE FIST tw LOC MANY : A no oon Ti WLAN 0 wenn ADULT ENTERTAINMENT rR TODAY & FRIDAY | = | | /\ :

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