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The Oshawa Times, 1 Oct 1959, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Octobef 1, 1959 | WEATHER FORECAST | World Series "Under Clouds TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts localities bordering Lake Ontario issued by the weather office at|this morning. But by midday and] 5 am.: in most localities earlier, it will | Synopsis: It is world series have ended except in extreme |time and today's opener at Chi- eastern fringes of the province, cago will likely get under way|Elsewhere inthe province rather with cloudy skies and a near 60-|cloudy cool weather prevails and degree temperature with tropi-|this appears likely to continue. cal storm Gracie continuing to| Regional forecasts valid until {weaken and showing every sign| midnight Friday. of curving more to the east. One Lake Erie, Lake Huron, west- : {might well relax and concentratefern Lake Ontario regions, Lon- on the ball game, since it now|don, Windsor, Niagara, Toronto, | appears fairly certain that South- Hamilton: Mostly cloudy today { ern Ontario will not experience | and Friday. A few light showers {anything approaching the dis- | this morning. Cooler, Winds |astrous consequences which ac- northeast 15 to 20. |companied hurrieane Hazel a few Eastern Lake Ontario region: | years ago. It is still raining in| Rain this morning. Mostly cloudy men ~~ ~----|and eooler tonight and Friday. | Now the machine--first of its kind for continuous measure- research beard in Ottawa, | ment of sweating--is being watches as volunteer Romeo | used for other research, One Parent uses a pedal machine | possible outcome could be an in a sweat-measuring experi- | autecmatic device to warn au- TORONTO-BORN Dr. Arthur Custance, 48, of the defence {Winds northeast 15 to' 20. { able cloudiness with a few snow-| Oscar Thorsing of Ottawa, Swe- . Ash TORONTO (CP) -- A 16-year-| ments, built originally by Dr. ) : e gz --(CP from National Defence) "mr Thorsing, on a tour of dismissed the charge, and told| REPLICA OF FREEDOM BELL Roland Michener, left, speak- | er of the lower house of the - Canadian Parliament, receives from Mayor Willy Brandt of West Berlin a replica of the Berliner freedom bell which Insurance Firms Agree On Merger LONDON (Reuters)--Two big and three other Canadian offi lin city hall. Michener, Ju tice | cials are on a European tour. tolls daily from the West Ber- Edmund D, Fulton Minister Golden Hawks aerobatic ~AP Wirephoto. | | ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT MANUFACTURER'S DIAMOND PA Ep RH o2 pedi. SEES RCAF Aerobatic Team May Become Permanent OTTAWA (CP) -- The RCAF |cross-overs and "bombshell" pat- team [terns in all provinces and at seve likely will become a permament|er-' American centres in 1959, feature of Canadian flying, it is| There was one "fatal accident learned here. but it was not connected with the Formal announcement that the performance. Fit. Lt. Jebb Kerr Hawks, formed specially thislof Welland was killed when his Sabre jet collided with a small hen landing at expected in a few weeks, The air force estimates some 2,500,000 Canadians saw the Hawks in their 65 performances at 42 locations during 3% months 4 this summer. V It also estimates that through FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL RA. 8.6201 publicity, more than its whole recruiting budget. Requests are pouring in from Europe as well as from Canadian and A can centres for the Golden .Hawks to appear at air shows next year. The Hawks disbanded for the season at Trenton last Saturday. The Hawks put on their display of close formation flying, rolls, DUE TO HIGH HEBREW HOLIDAYS We will be closed Fri. night, Oct. 2nd and all day SATURDAY, OCT. 3rd ED WILSON SEZ: "Smash Prices" during our Street © Smashing Sale. Flake joa pillows, quilted covers, WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. Canada May Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Sud-| flurries or showers today and| dish ambassador to Canada, said nt old hot - rod driver who was| Custance for military research. |Western Canada, also said there Brian Ross he "got just what you British insurance companies, Al- CLEARANCE AT ALL THREE BASSETT'S STORES MODEL SHOE STORE 32 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Natjons--are asking a rental of] $45,000 over a 4% period start ing Aug. 14, 1958. The seaway authority describes this as un- reasonable and has offered an annual rental of about $3.000. The Indians have given the au- thority until Oct. 14 to make the $45,000 rental payment. If this is {not done they threaten to block- ade the road or levy a toll charge on automobiles. doctor applying an anaesthetic sweat). The sweat in the box acts over the north and south chan-|Passage was for "personal gain." when the patient was "wer OF on a special designed and very nels of the St. Lawrence River.| However, the Indians regularly recovering consciousness. In fact, cya electric element, causing a |complained that they were forced the device itself could control the {iny current which can be meus. RiP in aia branch oft pay a toll unjustifiably. One amount of anaesthetic required ,.cq ine citizenship cep complaint several vears ago was vw tient lieves that an agreement can be, Indian trying to take a far" Thewh A small jet of dry alr imping- reached with a little give and Bt 81 (hefan Wyag jo tase 2 'pm. somewhat the same WaV, ing on the element is regulated tape by both sides {bag of potatoes across the bridge ugh use of small models of to maintain it at a certain po-| >r¢ > P° . {for sale at Cornwall had to pay 5 ital s « . " | EOMMA instrument hospital staffs' tontia) 50 that.a continuous meas-|13% MILES IN RESERVE |a toll of $1.25. 2 130m L1 keep charts on how' DPa- yrement of the sweating rate is| The road runs for 1% miles| The Indians hoped their com-| or made. Wha is measured is the through the reserve from the|Plaints would cease when the a Vista, fstance in his laboratory amount of air required to keep north channel span of the Roose. Seaway authorities took over the Six prises, Ped a reporter a refide-\ype current flow in the element velt International Bridge at Corn. bridge from a privaet company. | ~------=-- his Invention in which at , fixed level and thus reflects wall to the Canadian customs and|However, they continued until a bury, Kirkland Lake regions, North Bay: Mostly cloudy today | Bo T d and Friday. Cooler tonight. | 1 a ; q | om Id e Timmins - Kapuskasing: Vari-| # ; C3 p E ; . : ge eration Friday. Little change in tem- : . 3 perature, Winds light. i CALGARY (CP) -- The way the "'outer seven" trade group, | in an interview here, Loses Suit ment. Assistant Jeannette | tomobile drivers--through lack Mg Fogdog Riki | when they doze at the wheel. al slapped with a towel by the grandmother of a boy he injured | PATENT TAKEN ouT {was an increasing market for|with his car charged her with as- Canadian goods in Sweden. oop But Magistrate James Butler] oup: Sweat Meter "As far as we are concerned asked for." |liance Assurance Co. Ltd., and |Catiada joluig de outer Seven The magistrate said Ross and Sun Insurance Office Ltd. an- Great Oe is concerned she is| Dis three friends were "just a/nounced Wednesday they had that | lot of our youths today." | merger, [ETangelents are Inage so thsi Ross told the court he and his| The announcement sald the | By DAVE McINTOSH A soldier completely encased cially Ca Ann Jenki h h but will result i Base | OW : : 'v id Sweden could absorb|Ann Jenkins, 52, to see whether|each but will result in an organ Sohadian press Saif Welter [fu clothing wich would Kes out], re "Canadian goods such as|the injured boy was all right. Sie zation of greatly increased size measuring instrument invented for only a comparatively short | ! by Dr. Arthur Custance of the time because there would be no/Products. Hm with a_lowel. Defence Research Board may easy means of cooling his body ° *® i truck drivers, soldiers and others. from heat stroke. la The 48 - year - old Torontonian| The Defence Research 'Board Indians Comp 1 | p | been known for many years that| could live in various types of this mental activity and emotion clothing before collapsing. At a of the thumb or fingers. without some artificial means of The important thing is that cooling, This-length of time is only there is little or no sweating about 20 minutes cody JOHN KE. BIED | ends when a person is asleep Thumb-sweating has only an in- . : This phenomenon can be taken direct connection with body ihe Regit Yeserve shatse that ? ways. midity. Thermal sweating -- and ' at to reach agreement with them a : sweating caused by sex reactions rn through vented for continuous measure- distinct kinds of sweating--ther- fA ment of this sweating until Dr.'mal mental. emotional. seRially,) NY. 53Y that Jegtiailons 0) . problem about two years ago. Al swallowing certain foods. ig |OLD PACT EXPIRED P.M Beside P th's D. ! $ ted may be expro- AJAX. FRI, TOAM. TOS P.M. SAT 10 AM. TO 5 -- oe Pennyworth's De- patent has been taken out for his, pr Custance's invention ap- hy 3 oe y 4 An agreement under which the EVERY YEEK END IN . yw, invention, ears so simple it is hard to: be-| seaway official said lastjauthority paid the Indians 2| uous measurement of -thumb- The measuring is done, in effect, riate the expired Aug. 14, 1958. During the| . ' gweating thus can indicate When py o small siream of dry air. | boca. While the, authority had this period of this agreement Indians outlet for the whole chain of Pennyworth's Stores. The clearance house will carry only discontinued lines, bro- & person is dozing, 1s asleep, Wak: A small rubber box is attached' y i t ch a/were given the right of frec| . s . p tt ha amy fig, R sil loped Be ken ranges and counter soiled merchandise. Due to the ridiculous low, low prices, all merchandise will be sold Consequently, it could tell a ta} sweat) or back (for thermal Cornwall Island, links bridges|ternational Bridge, except when something practically for nothing, be sure to pay us a visit. 49 Northeasterly winds 15 to 20. appears clear for Canada to join . ' Hot-Rod Driver | Whalen controls the instru- | of sweat on their fingers-- ISwitzerland. Austria and Portu- sault. On Canada's entry in the we don't see any objection to LJ Aids Doctors as anxious as we are to see that bunch of punks so typical of a|agreed on the terms for a ly Canada, does mot suffer." |friends went to the home of Mrs. merger preserves the identity of OTTAWA (CP) -- A sweat- gas could remain in this clothing oo rerrous metals and chemical drove them away and slapped /and strength. | soon come to the help of doctors, and he would eventually collapse said in an interview that it has/wanted to know how long soldiers cauze sweating through the end temperature of 95 degrees and On Road Rental through the thumb and finger- TYPES OF SWEATING OTTAWA (CP) -- Indians of advantage of in a number of sweat caused by heat or hu- thority is making no real effort No device had ever been in-hodv Altogether there are fiv No device had ev Dee body. Altogether, there are five sena international bridge. ree hot tan youn ono Us and gustatory, the last caused by |ihreat that the land on which the| ip turn sig-l : 4. . . : itby. it will : al An instrument for the contin-|lieve nobody thought of it before. wei "ie ne iar oste huve|rental of less than $1,000 a year part?) Pei in Ajax. Just 7 minutes from Oshawa 5 minutes from Whitby. This unit will act as a dispos ing up or awake to the subject's thumb (for men-| rental agreement. The road, on|Passage across the Roosevelt In- AS IS ON A NO EXCHANGE, OR REFUND BASIS. So if you really want merchandise away below cost -- or WHITE OVER- LADIES' SHOES Reg. to 4.95 MEN'S ASSORTED Dress SHOES Reg. to 5.95 Reg. 1.95 pair 2 FOR 1.00 LADIES' Winter J | Ladies' Kidskin GLOVES. | | Broken sizes. Painters ALLS. alarm or flashes a ght to indicate a sub- ST. MF asleep. One possi: Puld be for truck drivers ng night hauls wakefulness , Sim y, the SAindicate when a ¥ craft was pass of oxygen and 2 ply the needed USED IN OPERATION A provisiopal check of the in strument RU A) - measuring instrument (corne. itomatically sup oxygen demonstrated ' that it could used to monitor administration of an anaesthetic Dr. CQustance's original objec tive had nothing to do with doc crews, applications were all by-products. | The original objective was to} find a means of determining the clothing imposed by soldiers and; othe heat load systems on servicemen against gas, and the like, --- Clergyman Favors Easy Liquor BURLINGTON (CP) -- An An radioactive fallou to ensure the experiments and assistance|st. V instrument could in<trument person in an air- g out from lack grec Roy. | INTERPRETING THE NEWS undertaken during an « operation at Civic Hospital here be} | " tors, truck drivers or airplane firs ou ts however. These possible needing protection China, often depicted as the over- ship and attacking colonial pow-|members of Local 800, United the actual amount of sweat pres- immigration office on the island. | few months ago. ent in the box The bridge is owned by the Mrs. Jeannette Whalen of Ot- Cornwall International Bridge, tawa has been associated with'Company, a subsidiary of Can-| Dr. Custance from the start of ada"s seawav authority and the| Lawrence Seaway Develop-| was given in construction of the ment Corporation of the United | by the National Re-|States. | search Council, in particular by The Indians--a Mohawk band ; | WINDSOR (CP)--Talks aimed of the Iroquois tribe of the Six at settling a seven - week - old strike of 175 United Auto Work-| ers employees of American Stan. dard Products (Canada) Limited] continued Wednesday and it is! understood both the company and UAW Local' 195 advanced new proposals. | Two other strikes in the area] remain unsettled. They are the] two-month-old walkout of areal electricians, members of Loca!| 237 International Brotherhood of | Electrical Workers, and a strike| 0 i 1 |Tibetan debate would give Rus- S aerie employes: ol the |sia and the, satellite delegations an crack at rehashing| he : The catering New Proposals | In UAW Strike | FROM 2.99 LADIES' BETTER . Tibet Debate (Soiled 5 . Reg. 3.95 A » 8s * R \ hh 7 ers of all kinds. | Brewery, Flour and Cereal Work- ry | These arguments have consid- ers Union, | . -- Manslaughter Brings 7 Years SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont.| (CP) -- Alberthus J. Hoogeweg, | 22, was sentenced Wednesday to| seven years in penitentiary' for| {manslaughter in the beating death of 32 - year - old John| Hawkes. Hoogeweg, originally charged By JOSEPH MacSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer Puzzles abound in the United another manoeuvring over Red|China's claims for UN member- employees are r Nations t' grown bully-boy of Asia, Perhaps the biggest riddle of all is the conduct of the Commun- erable appeal for those who hope list Chinese themselves.' They | for a permanent easing of ten- {killed any chances they might sions as a result of the warm] {have had of getting into the UN|spell in the cold war following |this year by their suppression of Soviet Premier Khrushchev's| Tibet, and they're also suspect in visit with President Eisenhower, {the current Laos troubles. | Against all this is the powerful Last year they stirred up a argument that the UN cannot ig- crisis in the Formosan Strait in/nore Tibetan pleas, including one {time to give ammunition to their from the exiled Buddhist god- | numerous enemies in the UN king, the Dalai Lama, General Assembly when China's| Formal UN action would call UN membership had some hope attention in a particularly strik- - of being debated. |ing way to the Tibetan plight, t. The current move by Malaya LADIES' BETTER SKIRTS REG, 3.95. glican clergyman has come ou |say the supporters of the Irish- In favor of relaxeq liquor laws|and Ireland for a full-scale as- Malayan resolution. This would in Ontario despite the fact that sembly debate on the crushing of be more effective than the em- some' of his parisMegers dis-|Tibetan religious and cultural {phasis now being placed on the with murder in the Jan. 12 death, was convicted by an Ontario Su- ipreme Court jury last week on approve of his stand. liberties is, of course, receivingisubject, as speaker after speaker Rev, Clarence Wright, recwy of approval on moral grounds. But refers to the Tibetan affair in their policy statements in gen- {the reduced charge. Also charged with murder is John Reville, 27, whose trial be-| gins next Monday. | F. RICHARD BLACK DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY is pleased to announce the opening of his office for the practice of OPTOMETRY at 13¢ SIMCOE ST. N. (at Colborne) EXAMINING se EYES CHILDREN'S ViSey TRAINING St. Matthew's Anglican Churen|it also raises puzzling questions. " offen) says the "silly clergy Boot TE BIG QUESTION lays into the hands 2% . th dvocating prohibi-| effect can it be? Is e ugers by o question wost often heard as "E ,, | delegates t 1 i Mr. Wright says he doesn'tyN corridors mq lounges. Even think a plebiSélie to be held hereis the agsemibly Cwademned Red Oct. 21 on dining jRunges and China 'unanimously ~. which it cocktail bars should be con-| wont', in view of Spview opposi-| sidered a religious question, |tion--the UN would be on Aiffi- He adds: "woleult ground in extending in « "Some of my parishioners dis'ghmgible help to the Tibetans. approve of my position but then| cerfhinly no one is talking I don'tsapprove. of everything shout drivieg Red China, a coun. | they do either." try of 600,000,000, people out of} Rev. William Black #F Knox Tihet. Communist "hina and Na- Presbyterian Chuicch here, chair- tionalist China both claim Chin-] man of the local "vote dry" com: ese sovereignty over Tibet. and mittee, says additional outlets|this principle also is recognized. the door to' more by many countries, will . "open Some d lomats say the eral debate, FOR APPOINTMENT RA 3-419" FITTING OF GLASSES - WMND CONTACT LENSES = a PLEASE PHONE EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Fo. Reg. 2.49 «100 Girls' Orlon Short Sleeve PULLOVERS. Sizes 8 to 12, Reg. 2.49. 1.29 Clearance Boys', Men's and Girls' JACKETS. Sizes Reg. 495 ...... 1.99 mr Reg. 1.29 17° Porcelain DIAPER PAILS. With lid. on 1.59 Reg. 3.98 Porcelain COFFEE POTS. Reg. 1.49. Porcelain TEA POTS Misses' BLAZERS. With crest. Reg. 10.95 CLEARANCE LADIES' SUITS Reg. 24.95 4.95 MEN'S DRESS | OR WORK Trousers Sizes 36 to 44 Reg. 5.95 "Reg. 4.98 Men's CAR COATS. Fully lined Reg. 6.98 Reg. 39.95 From Ladies' and Girls' Beauti- ful LOUNGING PY- JAMAS. Reg. 5.95 ...... 1.99 POCKET j NOVELS. Each - 75 GIRLS'--LADIES' MEN'S DRESS SPORT SHIRTS Reg. 4.95 KIDDIES' WINTER CAR COATS Sizes 4 to 18 Reg. to 18.75 From 2.99 GREETING CARDS .. Colgate TOOTH PASTE . 10 12° Stopette Spray 49 DEODORANT ¢ Reg. 6%9¢ 39 Record Greeting 10 CARDS Reg. 98¢ 5 COMBS........... 2 3 FOR 5¢ 9 MEN'S 2-Pant Suits Single breasted, sizes 34 to \{ 44, Reg. tc 44.95, FROM Plastic HAIR BRUSHES Reg. 8%9¢ Unbreakable . Plastic GLASSES Ll 4 FOR 16¢ Reg. 19¢c .. Kiddies' CAPS. COATS AND 1.99 Pittsburgh Rubberized Sa- tin Finish PAINT, Assorted colors. Reg. 79¢ Half pint tin ..... 29 better SHOES. .. 049 LADIES' ASSORTED bicsses Reg. 4.95 Boys' Broken sizes. Reg. 4.79 ... Ladies' Better SLIPPERS Reg. 2.98 ...... Reg 98c reine 2% Boys' Sport & Dress SHIRTS. Sizes 8- 1 00 LJ 14, Reg. 2.98 .. Boys' Leather BELTS MEeN'S PAP!"AS The .AO LINED Jackels ASH TRAYS Reg. 98¢ 50 Pair tengtation."

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