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The Oshawa Times, 1 Oct 1959, p. 34

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A 50--Articles For Sale WHITE Lloyd baby carriage, $25, 90 Si Street, 52--Legal Notices TENDER OPENING NO, 122 48--Autombiles Wanted 50--Articles For Sale un \ RIFLE, 3030 Winchester and case, CASH for the best ear, Inside Cth. [like new, reasonable, RA 5-050. 2296 make or year, No dealers. Phone RA pygNACE, space heater, kitchen cab- 3.7726. _|inets, sinks and taps. sump pumps,|months old. Phone OLiver 5-444, 220 MACKIE MOTORS ressuse systems, stainless steel sinks,| BROWNING automatic shot ya, = water tanks and laundry tubs $15.(cellent condition, best offer. RA 229 Will buy good clean cars. Three piece bath $75, Piping and fit-| after p.m. tings. 228 Hillside. RA 3.7088. ready for Pay off liens. Sell on consign- 220f ment, Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION training. Call RA 3-7054, 21 by 25 by 10. Nails pulled. Phone RA 57782. 220( WEBER upright plano and bench, KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In $125. Phone RA 3.9264, Te RA 5-5743 FUR coat, Coney, size 18, Phone Bow- 229¢ HIGHEST PRICES manville MA 3-7129. SMASHED prices during our "Street S hi Sale", Di i PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up nut 'coffee tables, regular $19, clearcut bedroo or down. Liens paid off. $19; 3-plece m suites, chest, DODD MOTOR SALES dresser and bed, regular $159, smash. ed to $88; smooth top, spring filled 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] HILLTOP MOTORS URGENTLY REQUIRES 150 GOOD CLEAN CARS FROM 1955 MODELS UP lars. Wilson's sale price, 25¢ per foot. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. For out-of-town dealers. Top cash prices for your car, See 228¢! Don Armstrong today at-- WAREHOUSE clearance of odds and ends, some slightly marked. Con- tinental beds, high quality, mis-match- HILLTOP MOTORS between Oshawa and Whitby on No. 2 Highway ed covers, all sizes $42. Unpainted 49--Automobile Repairs tables with matching coffee table, two| pe, ¥ : 's arbor- lovely table "lamps with matching = jjje a $19; ond hy po to 815, BRAMLEY MOTORS" SALES LTD. lite, etc., etc, You save $228 on this|clearout $3.88; 2-plece daveno suites, 1271 SIMCOE NORTH 47--Autombiles For Sale 0 AUTIN, good condition, $60, Ap- ply 167 Nassau Street or RA 8-1881. 2291 A-1 229 ONE Universal PTO welder, six Polish Art G May Be Return By GEORGE FRAJKOR his government still opposed Canadian Press Staff Writer |retuiw. any MONTREAL (CP)--A spokes-| 'Poland is enslaved," he said. man for Canada's Polish commu.|'Th(: men who ask us to returs nity thinks the time has come to|lhe itreasures have no authority send Poland's national art treas-|to speak. If they want all Polish ures, stored in Canada for 20|treasures returned, why do they years, back to their homeland. |not ask Soviet Russia to returm Dr. Tadeusz Brzezenski, presi- some Chat it still holds?" dent of the council of the Polish| He gaid he had sent a telegram . Canadian Congress, said in an in-|to the Quebec government abo terview: the tireasures and intends to dis We do not think we can de-cuss the situation with the gove prive the new Polish generations|ernmiit again, : of their historical heritage. It is| The treasures, valued at $50,» not for the regime that we pro-|000,000, consist of gold and silver pose this. It is for the whole of objects, elaborately wrought the Polish people." tapestries, coronation robes and The previously opposed jewels of ancient Polish kings, proposals to return the treasures. paintings and sculptures, rg PROPOSES TOUR They; were shipped to Canada : when the Second World War He said he will propose to his|broke out. The Quebec govern lcouncil that the treasures be ex-|ment took custody of the largest hibited in Montreal, Toronto, Ot-|part of the shipment in 1947. The tawa, Chicago, New York City,|federal government's part was and other large North American, shipped back to Poland earlier cities and then shipped back to|this yvar, but the late Premier Poland in 1960, when the country|Duplessis consistently refused to begins the 1,000th anniversary ofreturn the Quebec part unless, ie = liskunent as a national as he said, a competent court ore state. dered it. Octawian Jastrzembski, minis-| His successor, Premier Paul ter plenipotentiary of the Polish Sauve, indicated Wednesday he government - in - exile and its|is willing to reopen talks about representative. in Canada, said'a possible return. Party Dinner Given By PM By GEOGE FRAJKOR arty di hp Canadian Press Staff Writer IP Y ginger 4 has aended MONTEAL (CP) Prime A BIG (CHANGE $ Minister Diefenbaker followed up| Mr. Sevigny remarked: "It has his recent meet-the-people tour been handly three years since it of Quebec province with a meel(-|Was difficult to find an audience te party dinner Wednesday/of 25 al a Conservative meet- night. |ing." 34 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 1, 1959 1952 FORD four - door sedan, low mile- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING |soesommmns (Continued from Page 29) 22% 53 MAYFLOWER Triumph, in good condition, four new tires. RA 5-8434, 2296 45---Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale 100 ACRES Sonya, real good wheat/ PRIVATE, owner leaving town. Solid land, steel hip roof barn, cement floors, brick, six-room, two-storey home, gar- implement shed, garage, spring creek, age, oil heated, $9900 or nearest offer. $10,500. Tindall Real Estate. 43 Bond|RA 8-5594. 229¢ Street West, Oshawa. RA 50429, 227f 3 THREE-bedroom new home with gar. Would age attached, North Oshawa. or take in exchange smaller home. RA 3-9603. 228¢ LOTS, 105° x 160°, at Courtice. Paved streets. Approved for mortgages, close to schools. RA 8.5579. 14 ACRES land for sale, good location, South Oshawa, close to GMC. Phone RA 35-1577, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. LARGE REVENUE BEARING HOME $15.900 -- Located on Brock St. South, Whitby, close to shop- ping centre, Seven-room brick; occupied by owner and bal- once rented. 2-cor garage, new oil furnace. Corner lot, a first-class speculation. $3 500 down payment. The revenue will make your poyments. Taxes $223.00 per year. LOTS FOR SALE 3 building lots at Port Whitby. Jos. E. Shields REAL ESTATE BROKER, WHITBY MO 8-2874 EVENINGS 8-2473 0 ONE TRIPLEX [ES Eirias loaded Pg pe and ONE YEAR OLD FULLY RENTED FULL PRICE $26,000 $12,000 DOWN ONE DUPLEX '5 OLDSMOBILE automatic, radio, |power brakes, nearly new, whitewalls, washers, or terms arranged. Pri- vate deal at wholesale price, $995, RA 5-7885. 229¢ ONTARIO RE-ROOFING AND MAINTENANCE WORK ROWE HOUSE AND COACH HOUSE ONTARIO TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS, COBOURG, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEN- DERS will be received in the office of the Tenders Secre- tary, Room 6630, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Torone to 2, Ontario, until 4 p.m. E.D. Time on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 1959 for the Removal of the old roof and eavestroughing etc., and the Supply and Applica- tion of a new roof and eaves- troughing etc. at Rowe House ond Coach House, Ontario Training School for Boys, Cobourg, Ontario, A Bid Bond made payable to the Honourable the Provin- cial Treasurer of Ontario in the amount of $500.00 must accompany the tender, 20" AVEDIS Zildjian (the best) sizzle cymbal $35, as good as new. Apply 45 Louisa Street. 229¢ WEDDING dress, white, % length, size 12, Phone 58031. 331 La Salle UP to $125 for your trade-in on all clearout models of chesterfields and bedrcom suites. No down payment re- quired! Hurry down for a' real money saving deal -- While the supply lasts! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. $99 DOWN will completely furnish your home with new furniture and ap- pliances, This includes 2-piece chester- field (airfoam cushions) or 2-piece Sofabed chesterfield (sleeps two), elec- tric refrigerator (with 5-year guaran- tee), beautiful bedroom suite with bookcase bed, large double dresser and chest, spring filled mattress, and; ribbon slat spring, 4 burner electric range, modern 5-piece chrome suite, electric washing machine, two step 1955 FORD customline, radio and extras, excellent condition. Phone RA 3-2381 after 5 p.m, 228f 1958 custom Royal, four door, radio, clock, washers, power steering, power brakes, excellent condition. Phone or in. Robinson Motors (Oshawa) Ltd., 574 Ritson Road South, Phone RA 5-518. 2281, . '58 PONTIAC Station wagon, in .|garage, two bedrooms, Masson Street. $9500 total price, reasonable terms. Phone RA 5-5740. 229¢ $800 DOWN, early for a centrally located 2% storey brick home, consisting of six rooms, in ex- cellent condition; oil heating, garage. Full price $11,800, Ernie Holmes Real- tor, 204 King Street East. RA ma top) condition, two-door, two-tone blue. Will consider trade, 3.7941, be financed. RA 227% 1957 BUICK Special four door hard top, plenty of equipment, one owner, new nylon whitewall tires, exceptional con- dition. Don't miss one. Robinson | Motors (Oshawa) Ltd., 574 Ritson Road South. Phone RA 5-6518. 228¢ '56 FORD custom, MO 38-2113 after 5.30 p.m. 228f 1950 MORRIS Minor, best offer. Apply 831 Mary Street Oshawa, 226f 1952 AUSTIN, good motor, body, up. holstery, $295. RA 8-0527, Ne '51 METEOR, radio, white walls, abov, average condition, Private, Phone Whit- by, MO 8-2631, 2271 '51 CHEV, sedan, good condition. Phone RA 3-9178 after 6 p.m. 227% VAUXHALL Victor sedan, super model with radio and other accessories, Phone RA 5-6394. 225¢ '52 ST AKER C V-8, automatic, radio, perfect condition, only $295, Van Heusen Motors, opposite the brewery. 224¢ '59 CHEV. Impala two door hardtop, fully equipped. Phone RA 5.9579 be- tween 4.30 and 6.30. 224f CUSTOM built car radios, complete with aerial and installation, transistor models from $49.95. Terms $5 down. D i Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. '86 DODGE, six cylinder, and 55 Ford vs, "51 M h, '55 International cab and chassis, '50 Ford 2-ton, 51 Ford half-ton, '54 Ford one-ton, it 25 truck tires, also Allis Chalmer garden tractor Bowmanville MA 3-5756. CASH for your car -- immediate cash, liens paid off, Seaway Motors, Whitby. '55 BUICK, automatic transmission, radio, power steering, only $1085 no down payment. Van Heusen Motors, op- posite the brewery on King Street. 224f Can Lg-% BF | deal Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 half price, $99; GE floor polishers, Simcoe Street South. $36.95, Wilson Furniture, 20 Church OIL furnace with Street, 228¢ RA 5-4802. 229¢ MOUTON fur coat, cloth coat, dres- NEARLY new, rangette, heavy duty|ses, blue suit, all size 16. Reasonable. elements; Sunshine 'mint green baby|RA 5-8340. 226( carriage, reasonable. RA 3-7128. 228¢\JARGE selection of re-conditioned STOKER, Iron Fireman, with all auto-{&'V's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim. matic controls, real goed RA|coe Street North. 5-2588. 228 prices paid for used furni- NSON outboard motor, 30 hp elec-|ture, also sell and exchange, Contact tric starter and tank, $390; boat, 14% Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince ft. Muskoka Seaflyer, 58-inch beam, Street. Phone RA 8-1131, including windshield, steering wheel,| EYEOTRIC refrigerators, ail makes, tarpaulin, $285; heavy duty tee-nee|completely reconditioned, 90-day free trailer, including 3rd wheel, $150; oul-\warranty, from $69.50. Irvine Appl. board controls, complete, $25; extraiances, 50 Bond East. 01 al, tank and hose, $20; |r -- John A for tow rope, $17.50; 17-v 5 HP Johnson Javelin, new condition, tery, almost new, $12. Or will s {will finance, insure, and store until opin: outfit, $800. Terms may be SPring. Apply 745 Mary Street. 228¢ arranged. Phone RA 5-2609. 225 WINCHESTER pump shot gun, one AIR compressors "Brunner," § HP, year old. Phone RA 5-3414 after 6 p.m. Mod. H3l, also 1 HP, Mod. H3, sacri _ 2%e fice for half price. Threading machine, GIRLS winter outfit, size 7, complete electric, range from % to 2dinch, for|proywnie outfit, size 8, '52 Prefect, Pre. all threads, with Dmpise st of 8 fect motor. RA 5-8521. 227¢ ng tank, ) -- crack Sil tn BY 'is jis. greasing COAL furnace and pipes, in good condi- | tic heaters, $125. Portable air C ion piston type. two cylin. tion. Phone Brooklin OLiver 5-4898, 227¢ ds atom nl ers, & engine 8 HP, like new, | yum ie or oor $2.05 gallon $60. Jointer 8-inch, 2 HP, ew, Arply all colors. Guaranteed, flat gloss. Osh- 597 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church 5-9216. Ltreet, RA 3.7624. HOUSEHOLD furniture -- dining room| gg GoODRICH Stores -- tires, bat- suite, bedroom suite, large refigers teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. tor, range, kitchen table, dressing| ;.. 0" Thrifty Budget plan. RA 5-4543, d many other articles. Apply Siam : WEDDING dress, size 12, regular $150, ¢ nS A Performance Bond made out by an approved Guaranty Company on the Department of Public Works form in the amount of 100% of the ten- der will be required from the successful tenderer, A. J. Bolahood Ltd. Rlitrs. LOT for sale, 75 foot by 200 foot. Between Whitby and h. Apply 255 Athol Street East. $12,250 ~~ Full price for this out. standingly well planned bungalow, featuring large family kitchen with exhaust fan, 4-piece bathroom, 3 good size bedrooms with huge walkin clos- ets, new Rotor TV aerial. Low down payment will handle. Low monthly carrying charges of $78.00. include taxes, OL 5-3745. W. P, Mittler, Broker, EIGHT room bungalow, private beac! Specifications with tender form attached and tender en- velope may be obtained on application to the Department of Public Works, Ontario, Room 6436, East Block, Par- liament Buildings, Toronto 2, He met nearly 5,000 Progres- Mr. Diefenbaker said he and 415 Masson Street, ALMOST COMPLETED -- NORTH END FULL PRICE $20,000 $5,000 DOWN W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD, schools, Courtice, RA 8-5579. cal Street, Oshawa. RA 3-2512: Whitby MO $8500 full price, four kit. chen, large 23 by 11° 6" livingroom with natural fireplace, two dining rooms, three-piece bathroom, large screened verandah, all furnished, dou. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, 5-2802, Save up to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call RA PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford Service and parts Wheel alignment, ble garage. Ideal for ng a small or big crafts. After 6 RA 56873. 55 Muskoka Avenue. room bungalow on large paved streets, close to Pollard Subdivision, NEW, six - corner lot, buses. ll W. McAuley Realtor, 26 Prince EIGHT - reom, rug brick, $2500 down. |payments, Call RA Garage, it: chen; central, RA 5-9228. If no answer © rec. room, large modern Kit- RA 5-8831 229¢ 'LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST WELL - bathrooms, location, $3000 down, Hurry for this one. Wo Deauley R . Whitby FOUR - large lot 45' by kolo. Ask at Sunoco Station, Brooklin. two tion. Bargain for cash. Phone 5-7653, '55 METEOR panel truck, good oondic 228¢ wheel balance with latest type equ'pment, Newest type electronic tune-up equipment. 5 CHEVROLET Bel Air, four door, hardtop, accessories. RA 8-5580. 228¢ LAWN Cruiser power lawn mowers 25; 18 in. deluxe mowers, just arrived for our huge sale, regular price $90.75, our low low sale price only $59.95, This is a genuine discount of 36 per cent. Don't be disappointed. Hurry out to the Hil top Snack Bar on Highway 2 between Oshawa and Whitby. RA 8-6891. 50--Articles For Sale '53 Monarch sedan. lown payment necessary, '56 METEOR, custom, four-door ranch HOUSES and farms wanted for clients. | wagon, also All cash or your equity. For quick sale(5.8161 days only, RA 227% {ter outfit, '58 PLYMOUTH only 7000 miles, no take over 5.5225 after 6 p.m. 227 GIRLS three-piece little nugget win. dusty rose, size 3X with mink collar like new. Phone RA 3.2831, 229a REMINGTON typewriter, very good $35; adding machine, sub. '56 PLYMOUTH sedan, drive, V-8, two-tone, whitewall tires Perfect shape. RA 3-4887. push button 2274 tracts, multiplies, has credit balance, -{snap. RA 3-434. house, sparkling clean, central a going concern, only 26 Prince Street. 3-2512 MO 83nL ealtor, YOUTH's bed in good clean condition, '51 DODGE sedan, also sedan. Phone Hampton CO 3-2302. '50 Pontiac 2274 spring filled mattress, $15. RA 5-1724. 22 '50 CHEVROLET, excellent condition. Simcoe North. Apply Don Down, Texaco Station, 117 227f| frieze chesterfield suite; drapes ;double :|9 x 12 GREY rug; pair walnut step tables, matching coffee table; 3-piece room bungalow on Burk Street, 207%'. Apply Mr. Bo- '49 FORD sedan, $125 or best offer. 227¢ REAL ESTATE FIRM FOUR - land, three-piece bath, hot water tank. $1000 down, RA 3-9192 after §. room bungalow, twe acres 227 Good tires. Phone RA 5-5479. 227¢ maple bed, complete; davenport; good condition. RA 5-8979. 228) I GUNS, USED television sets, 17" and 21", com- pletely reconditioned. Free 90-day war. ranty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap pliances, 50 Bond East. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes. parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice. RA 8-1081 anytime, AWNINGS, plain, colors, gay stripes, prompt service. Free esti. mates. Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 North. Simcoe or will sell for % price or best offer. Phone RA 58105 after 5 p.m. ORDERS taken for storm sashes, mea- surements and estimates free. Please order early, RA 3.4989. ALUMINUM windows, doors, railings. Average window $19.95 complete. Call RA 5-7405. USED tires, most all sizes, B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5.4543, 8 FT TRAILER, liveable, 3 month old, for information RA 5-5951. 227¢ 14 Foot Ross showboat, Tee-Nee trailer, 35 hp Johnson Motor, 1958 model, complete controls, running lights and tarpaulin, $895. RA 3-3952. 2274 $3 up. MOBILE home hunter? Trailers move, but the place to find them is always "Mobile Homes" in Classified. Look now. 9¢| {PC CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $26.66 This includes full size erib, spring, mattress and bumper pads. Unbe lievable value! Barons' Home Furn- ishings, 424 Simeoe St. 8 ar and hunting sup- good condition. Apply 109 Bruce Street. RA 8-0179. 225 '58 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, radio, very COMBINATION coal and electric stove, | $40; also boy scout uniform, size 12| years. RA 3.9710. 228b plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down. Dominion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. THREE quarter continental bed, 9 x 12 rug and pad; platform rocker, 2 matching fyilight lamps, telephone table and chair, walnut; large chrome table and four chairs; Norge auto- matic dryer, 3-piece sectional chest. erfield, paint sprayer complete, electric sander--All A-1 condition, 1090 Ritson Road South, 227¢ 57 Crusader V8 fordor tu OPEN EVENINGS QUALITY HIGH PRICE REASONABLE See this N.H.A. new home in Arbour Court, just off Nipi- 5 room brick bungalow, neat clean, compact, Easy to heat. Double garage, north end, low down payment to responsible tone blue, deep tred tires, immaculate condition throughout. Only $1585 Var Heusen Motors, open till ten. '55 700 Mercury Sump, excellent eon- dition. Phone Ajax 431, THREE-piece bedroom suite, good con- dition, cheap, RA 3-2042 after 6 p.m. 228b WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Eardware, 8 Church, RA 3-7624. SPACE heater, ideal for cottage or small house. Complete with drum and pipes, $30. Phone RA 8-5487, 227% WE pay highest prices In the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Fi ture Store. RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. VIKING automatic vacuum cleaner, one year old; also, Viking floor polish. er, three years old. Good condition, RA 5-8606. 227, wrni- | 30-30 MARLIN rifle with case, one year old. Dial RA 8-5789. 224f '55 CHEV. Bel Air sedan, very low mile age, repossessed, take over payments, balance $1087, Van Heusen Motors, = LUMBER, hard wallboard, doors, wiin. dows, enough to build five-room house, everything complete. Apply 501 alr SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con- tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. FURNACE stoker for sale, good con- dition, RA 3-3342, 227% GAINADAY ironer, like new. $40 cash. Pickering 496. 225 Ontario, and may be viewed at Room 6436, A Deposit of $15.00 will be required per set of Tender Documents taken out. This amount will be refunded when documents are returned in good condition but will be forfeited if they are not re- turned within thirty days after closing date. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, J. D. MILLAR, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, September 29th, 1959, MOTOR CITY MAYOR RAPPED TORONTO (CP)--The Metro- politan Toronto licencing com- sive Conservative party support-| ers. Some speakers labelled it the largest political dinner Canada has ever had, and most were certain it was the largest group of Progressive Conservatives ever assembled in one spot in Quebec, which until 1958 was a traditionally Liberal stronghold. The dinner was tendered in honor of Hon. Pierre Sevigny, recently-appointed associate de- his wife had been immensely gratified Dy the warm re- un' they got drom Quebecers during their recent six-day tour across the province, "Seldom have we met such enthusiasny as was extended to this EngWsh-speaking C- one who is, as you know, not proficient in the French tongr-." This showed, he said, that Canadians everywhere were be- fence minister, by the Federation of Progressive-Conservative sociations of the Montreal dis- trict, Mr. Diefenbaker termed it the most unusual and the largest coming nationally conscious and wished to ke united. The Progres- <- sive Conservative party, follow |ing the principles of its founder {and the fovinder of Confederation. {Sir John A. Macdonald, was pro- lviding a un#fying force. By JOSEPH MacSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP) --Canada's proposal for a world- wide study on radiation was re- ported gaining momentum in the Canada UN Plan Gains Momentum ""We hope for support from all' sides," said a spokesman. : With this in mind, Canada may. invite other countries to co-spone (sor the resclution -- countries; with such varying mission Wednesday gave used car dealer Ernie Barnhardt two weeks to change his style of newspaper advertising, Mr. Barnhardt advertises himse as Mayor of Motor City. Mayor Nathan Phillips told the commission that the public associated him with the used car business as a result of the advertising. He also said he was embar- rassed when Mr. Barnhardt understood to represent the city in what the mayor termed was an "undignified bathtub race," held at Bath last Saturday be: tween a number of Canadian mayors. Mayor Phillips also charged he was brought into public ridicule as a result of adver- tisements claiming the mayor redeems "lucky green stamps, gold stamps and pinkies." Mr, Barnhardt's solicitor, Berko Devore, said the. "mayor of motor city" would publish an apology stating that Mayor Phillips is not connected with the used car business. gon and Rossland Rd. Extra large kitchen with divider, 3 bedrooms with walk-in closets, Glidorama windows. Call Bill Millar for more informa- tion, RA 8-5123, $70.00 MONTHLY For this 6-room brick bunga- low with attached garage, fireplace, natural trim. Situ ated on a large lot. Can be _ purchased for only $12,000 ond low down payment, Don't wait! See this one now! Coll and osk for Dick Young, RA 8-5123, 8-ROOM HOME 2V4-storey on Division Street in excellent condition, oil heating with private drive and garage. Reasonable down payment with easy payments for the balance, For 'an appointment to seg this home, call RA 8.5123 ¢ ond ask for Lloyd Corson, Lloyd Realty Ltd, Realtors 101 Simcoe St. N, RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 229% posite the brewery, f (leigh. RA 5-9781. '53 CHEV, Bel Air sedan, radio, auto-|"HARMONY" matic, ver ysharp car, no down pay-/new. Reg. $40 will ment. Hurry for this one. Van Heusen| Perfect condition, Motors, opposite the brewery. 224119 to 7 '53 PONTIAC deluxe, with radio, re-|MASON and Rich piano, walnut case, possessed, take over payments, $31 per nearly new; maple dining room suite, month, price $497. Van Heusen Motors, nearly new, Both in beautiful condi- * | opposite the brewery. 224f tion. M. A. Pickering, Highway 2, New- 1960 RAMBLER [5 kasirs USED refrigerators and ranges, $29.95 The sales success sensa- up. Repairs guaranteed to all house- old appliances. All parts available. tion. Most imitated cor in America. he Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe South, phone RA 3-2263. USED washers, reconditioned, $29.95 up, guaranteed service to all makes Now On Display SHARPER LINES and models, all parts available. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe MORE POWER LARGER BRAKES $345 DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY FOUR-burner gas stove, excellent con- 225¢ "Ride In Style dition, MOhawk 8-5113. NEW fireplace screen, kitchen chrome For Less Per Mile" Better Used Cors set, bedroom suite, Beatty machine, office desk, new ping-pong Clearing All Used Cars at Substantial Savings table, sundry items. MO 84175. 224f Low Down Payment Easy Terms USED television and radios, recondi- Ee Ey ar 3 at WELLMANS HILLMAN & RAMBLER NONQUON RD. available. Barens' Radio and Electric, RA 5-7981 428 Simcoe South, Phone RA 3-2263. Open Till 9 P.M. SEE the spectacular new Buccaneers! 3 to 35 hp with two starting models. Come in and choose yours now. Trade SEE - US - TODAY For--The finest automobiles, For--Fair and square dealing. and terms. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon at Verdun Road. For--Low down payments and easy terms, 1960 T.V.'s ARE NOW IN STOCK Thousands agree and so do we, it's none other thon ART'S CAR MARKET TELEVISION 194 AND 196 CHURCH ST., 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH BOWMANVILLE, ONT, PHONE MA 3-5064 GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS 48--Automobiles Wanted WANTED '53 to '56 Chev, or Pontiac PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS reasonable price, no dealers, RA 3. 3000. 226 LAKESHORE want Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms, Open evenings and cars for wrecking, Highest orices paid, RA 5-1161 or RA 5-1182. weekends, * ~--DELUXE KEY LOCK OUTFIT MARINE STORAGE --DISTINC FIVE FANCY GRILLE CASH FOR YOUR CAR & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, PH: OL 5-3641 FREE -- FREE $12.55 VALUE VAN HEUSEN MOTORS NO DEPOSIT AND JUST 149 KING ST, W, political slants United Nations today. as Mexico, Yuglsavia, Japan and The proposal, placed before the India. General Assembly a week ago to- day by External Affairs Minister| LAOS COMPLAINS Howard Green, has attracted at-| General deliate -- policy state. tention from many delegations Ments by several smaller states who now are asking for a more-| --Was due to resume today in the detailed outlined. assembly, which Wednesday The minister, who returned heard Foreign Minister Khamp- Wednesday from a weekend in| han Panya of Laos describe in Ottawa, and other members of|SOme detail his country's charges the Canadian delegation have|of aggression against Commu been hammering out the draft of Mist North Viet Nam. a formal resolution for presenta-| "We know that North Viet Nan tion to the assembly. Some as-|assisted and participated in raid pects, particularly involving ex-|against posts of the Laotiax penditures, are expected to need army . . . in hroad daylight," he cabinet approval; so it may be said. It was the first documenta two weeks or so before the reso- tion of Laotian charges put pube lution is made public. [dy hetore the op The Security ouncil has sem beommi IDEA CATCHES ON afi og A to investigate. - "The idea seems to be catch-| ing on well because radiation, with its implications for the health of this and future genera- tions, is a source of much worry transmitter installed at an alti everywhere," said one foreign|ide of 7,400 feet in the Guadar- Although the problem of radia.| Tama Sierra in central Spain will tion is linked with disarmament extend television to about 3,000, | party. Phone RA 5-0613, 227 ROOMING OR NURSING HOME $10,000 o year business and modern home combined: Ideal location, fully equipped with all conveniences. Ready to go. Small down payment. 'PHONE RA 5-1168 160 ACRES and buildings, 18 miles north of Madoc on Highway 62, approx- imately 35 acres cleared, good wells, springs, quantity of logs, pulp and | posts, sugar bush. Excellent for plant. |ing Xmas trees, pasturing cattle, rais- ing of ducks, geese, etc. For details, W. S. Moon, . Ontario. Phone 1189 SOLID brick ranch style home, large lot, landscaped, six rooms, bath. Locat ed on quiet residential street. 9 Freder ick. yous. Phone Bowmanville MA 3-51 47--Autombiles For Sale '49 PONTIAC, automatic, good shape, clock, radio, trp carrier. Phone Whitby MO 8-5187. 229f '52 MERCURY moving new motor. Phcne RA 3-2062. Aff p.m. phone RA 5.9197, 229 '56 DODGE sedan, repossessed, take over payments, $38 a month, immacu- late inside and out. Van Heusen Motors, opposite the brewery, 2241 1956 CHEVROLET deluxe, V-8, two- door sedan, for sale, private, Phone RA 3.3177. 228¢ '57 BUICK fordor hardtop, blue and white, interior and finish, radio, automatic trafdsmission eighteen thousand miles $1795. King West Motors, Opposite Shopping Cen- tre. spanish guitar, like sell for $25 cash. 220 for $5 cash. Porch and Stairs RAILINGS Interior It is fun to design your own, Over 100 designs made by our skilled craftsmen, Life- time quality construction solid steel corner posts, Rust resistant enamels in color, Built from select new material 20 years experience. Installed by experts. Free estimates 30 GRENFELL STREET from factory. No obligation. Two St:eet East of Metal Craft Co, RR. 3 Shopping Centre Pickering, ZEnith 4-0850, (no RA 5.2431 WHY RUN AROUND HOLODY SALES SELLS THEM ALL ALUMINUM DOOR, WIN- DOWS, AWNINGS, PORCH RAILINGS. ALUMINUM AND STONE INSULATED SIDING. Nothing Down Easy Terms Campbellford, toll chg.). FALL SALE Now try the best aluminum self-storing door, Installed only $44.95, Aluminum double hung storm window, Installed only $18.50, Call Alex Vajda. RA 3-9851 481 Drew St. YOUR LOCAL ALUMINUM FACTORY COLONIAL HOME IMPROVENTS 134 SIMCOE ST S., OSHAWA RA 8.8571 To Introduce Canada's First Self-Lubricating Self Storing STORM DOOR $54.50 BUY NOW AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE ~--SPRING LOADED MAIL SLOT SPANISH TV MADRID (Reuters) -- A new van, ter 7 because of Bucleat tests, Canada (000 more Spaniards. Most will see appears hope keeping its'the programs in bars, because proposal out of the cold war few in the farming provinces can |arena, lafford their own sets. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Hot Prairie Hassle Over Store Stamps By PHIL ADLER Canadian Press Staff Writer EDMONTON (CP) -- Merchan- dising stamps, something new on the Prairie scene, are churning up a bitter fight among super- market giants. The legality of the stamps is being challenged in the courts of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Similar action is expected in Al- berta. Cabinet ministers in two prov- inces have come out against the stamps. So has the retail Mer- chants Association. But the per- son who 'pavs the shot, the con- sumer, has remained relatively quiet. Unlike Ontario and Quebec where stamp schemes flourish, the three Prairie provinces had been without stamps until two weeks ago. That was when Loblaw Gro- ceteria Company Limited, an eastern-based company, broke its Lucky Green Stamps offer with a gigantic advertising campaign. So far it is the only supermarket in the stamp business on the Prai- ries. {UNDERCOVER WORK The secrecy of advance prep- aration obviously caught com- petitors cold in the fiercely com- petitive Western market, One| Loblaw store manager in Edmon-| ton said he knew nothing of th YOU'VE TRIED THE REST now TRY THE BEST Open Evenings FROM 12' CARTOPS to 21' CRUISERS SCOTT OUTBOARD SALES AND SERVICE EASY TERMS AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HIGHWAY, AJAX ONT. CALL 1266 AJAX LOOK! $300. Down 1ST MORTGAGE $11,000 "ND MORTGAGE $895 CARRIES $89.00 MONTHLY NEW BUNGALOWS INCLUDE - ALUMINUM ' STORMS AND SCREENS, ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES, HEAVY DUTY CABLE, PRIVATE DRIVE, SOLID BRICK MOVE RIGHT IN RA 5-883] W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne four-door sedan, power glide, new car condition. Cost $3250. Will sell for $2400, Private. RA 5-9865. 1955 FORD custom sedan, four door, automatic transmission, custom radio windshield washers, white wall tires, immaculate condition. Can be financed. $1095. Can be seen at Orpwood Texaco, Park Road South, Phone RA 8.6011, stamps until 6 a.m. of the day the plan went into operation. son of Alberta said the stamp The supermarket issues one!Plan is a "poor merchandising stamp for every 10 cents worth|Practice." of merchandise bought. It has not| Attorney - General Robert A. yet released a catalogue to show | Walker of Saskatchewan said how many stamps are needed to|trading stamps are a "vicious obtain certain articles, usually|gimmick to milk the public." household items. The Alberta division of the Ree However, in Ontario where a'tail Merchants Association of similar plan exists, stamps mav|Canada said the stamps are "un- be redeemed for items worth|fair competition and a big head- roughly two per cent of the value|ache to all concerned." of Zoos purchased. WOMEN LOVE THEM The Loblaw Company says isi "Cc "n' vopoduen' president of Lucky Green Stamp plan is legal; 4 costs the consumer nothing; and the BO. 1 hn) pany will mean lower merchandise prices because of bigger turnover Breen Sapte Women Jove resulting from more stamp-at- are going to have them." tracted business. . Police in Moose Jaw and Win- Not so, say supermarket oppon-| ents in full-page newspaper ad-|nipeg have served Loblaw offi. cials with court summonses vertisements. charging violation of the Crime STAMP PARASITES . Canada Safeway Limited which|inal Code of Canada. Maximum penalty is $500. had a major share of the Western grocery market until Loblaws and] The Winnipeg order also charged the groceteria with vie Dominion Stores Limited moved in a few years ago, said stamps olating a provincial statute which 'are a parasite on distributors." makes it illegal to sell food prod- The stamps "add millions of {ucts at a price less than five per dollars to the country's annual/cent above the wholesale: cost, food bill by increasing the re-|Whether this is done through use tailers operating expenses|of premiums, premium certifi cates or other inducements. through costly advertising and dministrative costs," Safeway| The Loblaw chain is still issue. ing stamps. 1 id. NO PAYMENTS ON Labor Minister Raymond Reire ALUMINUM DOORS & WINDOWS UNTIL FEB. 1st, 1960 DUMONT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 377 SIMCOE S. RA 8.1651 POLICE STRIVE FOR CLEAN BOY GARFIELD, NJ. (AP)-- Police have struck a blow for cleanliness here. They got a call Tuesday night from a woman who said she was having trouble with her 14-year-old son--he hadn't taken a bath in six weeks and could police help. Capt. Henry Kobylarz went around to the house. He rep ported that as soon as he walked in, the boy jumped in the tub and took the bath. The name of the family was not disclosed. | VOTERS' CHOICE { PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. (CP) |Civie voters defeated a $980,000 waterworks bylaw, but approved another for $300,000 to the federal building for conver-| sion into a city"hall. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST1.--OSHAWA (Just Ecst of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5.5574 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FFIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per fomily of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer. No down payment. For appointment (no obliga- tion)----phone RA 5-3709. LES EVENISS SALES LTD. ALUMINUM AWNINGS DOORS, WINDOWS, SCREENS | CUSTOM FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES 15 PRINCE STREET RA 5-463gf-~ FT? ( $1.40 A WEEK Limited to One Per Customer RA 8-8571 RA 8-8571 FOR THE FINEST REPAIR SERVICE ON FORD - RENAULT - CHRYSLER PRODUCTS , , . TRY Van Heusen Motors 149 King West RA 5-3557 « ALL KINDS OF AUTO PART ACCESSORIES for all makes of cars. Specializing in Generator and Electric. W. C. HUTCHESON 154 WILLIAM ST. E. OSHAWA MERCEDES BENZ D.K.W. FIAT Authorized Sales & Service ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms. Open evenings and weekends MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT, PHONE 87 Auto Wreckers surehaen 229¢

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