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The Oshawa Times, 1 Oct 1959, p. 3

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CITY AND DISTRICT MULTIPLE CLOVER Two seven-leafed clovers 'and a six-leafed clover were found recently, by Judy Campbell, 12, 'daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Campbell, 114 Garrard R. Judy's brother, Donald, 10, pitched in to help. Between them they found a profusion of five and six leaved clovers in the lawn. 2 AMBULANCE CALLS Oshawa Fire Department re- ported only two routine ambul- ance calls since yesterday. reported this morning. Collec-| tions last month totalled $2,646,- 234.76 compared with $2,381,448.- 61 in September, 1958. The breakdown of last months col lections was: import duties, $1, 117,195.40: sales tax, $1,357,- 592.97; other excise taxes, $169,- 897.54; excise, duty, $891; sundry collections, $657.85. SIGNS CONTRACT Shirley Harmer has signed a contract to appear on the first of six CBC television shows star- {ring Johnny Wayne and Frank worth and Mrs. M. R. Clarke, 56% points; Mrs. R. Morris and| Mrs. William Doe, 48 points; Mr. | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 1, 1959 3 and Mrs, W. Salter, 42% points. Mrs. O. Hobbs won the lucky draw, CLUB CHARTER NIGHT The Oshawa Power Squadron will hold its charter night Fri- day, Oct. 2, at 8 p.m. at the Osh- dwa Yacht Club. This group took instruction from members of the Frenchman's Bay CPS last year, and of 16 entrants, 15 passed their examinations. FAULTY SPRINKLER Oshawa Fire Department an- swered an alarm from Fittings Ltd., 9.30 a.m. today. There was no fire. The alarm was turned WOODEN BOWLS ONCE WERE MONEY Wooden bowls were once used for money in Old New Amsterdam, better known: to- day as New York City. Bet you're bowled over with the fast response to a Oshawa Times Classified ad. If you want to rent, hire, buy or sell, do it through a fast - action, low - cost Classi- fied ad. Fast service wl.en you dial RA 3-3492 right now. HARE OPTICAL JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist 8 BOND ST EAST -- HOURS -- 9 AM. -- 6 P.M, WED. UNTIL 12:30 P.M. SAT. UNTIL 2:30 P.M. PHONE RA 3-4811 For en eppointment {There were no fire alarms. | STREETS CLOSED Shuster, Miss Harmer gave up The following streets will be|d Canadian radio and television | closed today for construction: |career here about two years ago Church street, from King to fry her luck in Hollywood. The| Bond; Simcoe street south, from | first show she will appear on is Bloor street to Conant street at| Scheduled for Oct. 15. various times for bridge re- FIRM INCORPORATED The current issu€ of The On- in by a faulty sprinkler system. pairs; Olive avenue, from Wil- son Road south to Central Pavkita;iy Gazette carries the infor- boulevard south; Sherwood av-imation that letters patent of in- enue, from Somerville to Chev-|.omoration have been granted to rolet; Grandview street south, pormula Properies Limited. The from King sireet east to Bloor|firm has its head office in Ajax. street east; Somerville, from DUPLICATE BRIDGE Sherwood avenue to Beatrice : street. Whenever possibel these| The high scores for games streets will be partially opened PlaYed BY members of fhe Osh to permit movement of locallaWa Dupucale Bridge Llib, a traffic. Extreme weather con. Adelaide House, Tuesdav night, ditions, such as heavy rainfall, Were: North-South Mrs. E. OSHAWA DISTRICT INSURANCE AGENTS INSTALL EXECUTIVE may, result fn th closing of ot S185 5 1 a om i points; Mrs. L. Ratz and Mrs. i E. Chant, 55% points; Mrs. F. The new officers of the Osh- are: | Disney, director; R. McCallum, | when picture was taken were CUSTOMS INCREASED Turney and Mrs. R. Scofield, 55 awa and District Insurance director; Don Ellison, director; | H. Roughley, vice-president, peau cyions of customs for the/points; Mrs.. N. H. Daniel and Agents' Association were in- | 8 > : : , as : ort. of Oshawa, during Septem- Miss G. Burns, 53 points. East- stalled Wednesday at a meet- Bruce Bradley, director: and | and Wm, Emmerson, director, {ber showed an increase over the|West -- R. Harrison and R. Nig- ing in Adelaide House. Shown Neil Porter, director. Absent | Oshawa Times Photo. [same month of last year it waslis, 62 points; Mrs. E. Wads- from left, front row Frank Turney, past president; W. C. Famme, president and L. M. McMurtry, secretary- treasurer. Back from left,: Ed. For Real Relief From Morning Backache* it meee ---------------- TE TS ST exp! | help the GREAT meant to build a small number ties. GM is the greatest corpora- | Ald. Brady then called upon Ex- * |alderman Walter Lane, who was Park Land Gifts [sie cu statuary for the Pool of Dreams. | The city of Oshawa played host/began his reminiscences by say- Mr. Lane said that such "outdoor | to General Motors at a lunch-'ing that he believed he had re- artistry" was needed in our cities Room of the Hotel Genosha. most of you here have lived." ada. He drew a comparison be-| The city fathers, and Ald.| He came to Oshawa from En- tween European cities and the Christine Thomas, showed their niskillen when he was five and "somewhat meagre showing in people, to the company for aj "I have great sentiment," he "It does things to people to gift of park land and monev for continued. "I'm half Irish and see beauty outside, helps to beau-| improvements to the land, given half Scots and the Irish are the tify our outlook on life," he said. | These lands are now known as/world. I love this city." ture in Oshawa indicates 'a heal- Lakeview Park and Sunnyside, Then the memories of growing thy society here. Park. up here poured fron Oshawa's| CO-OPERATI" N Col. R. S. McLaughlin, who|counted his attempts to ride his Mayor Gifford thanked GM for| was president of General Motors/olc high - wheeled bicycle on. the the parks and the co-operation | at that time, was responsible for narrow, old board sidewalks. which, he said, has always been the land with the idea of building/lamps which had to be lighted |GM has deeded to the city for | a summer home near the lake at night and extinguished every the widening of roads in the vi-| but decided, on behalf of General morning. The lack of telephones, |cinity of the GM plant. ol ity i Ss g | i xM for their con- vid od braking re | for " GE pilots . 9 adopted city and its people, as/ memories of running out to watch Laughlin and GM u ride, improved braking, more or 1960. Less chrome trim is Y y or land. fires came rushing back as the|tributions to the industry of Osh- restrained tail fins and a | used this vear and front and he Coupe ge Ville, one of 13 Col. McLaughlin sat at the|colonel told the stories with the awa. wider, lower front end appear- ' rear bumpers and grille work models vifered this ear. | A. Gifford, Ald. John G. Brady,| His story about the burning of nitv for all concerned," he said. . new, marr wer and lower trans-| who acted as master of cere-ithe old town hall on Church "Your co-operation is appreciated H py tiai oill monies; Ald. A. V. Walker, the street drew laughter as he re-jand it is a great example of how an some 1nes | A new pocket or recess at the / " base of the dccelerator pedal Parks Board, E. H. Walker, pres- ment, used by the firemen, was man. . ident of General Motors of Can- stored in the hall. Naturally it Fawn. more Semfortable ada and Ald. Ernest Marks. was burned. RIES a 1 ac ea ure Em ing | all : OBITUA vancement for 1960 involves the Charles Stafford, designer of the| The dean of Canada's automo- brakes statue in the pool in Lakeview pile indusfy recalled selling his ALBERT EDWARD CORMACK| "Handsome lines and simplicity top of the front fender has a Provided by new finned and ex- oy 2 ;|the U.S. in. 1918. passed away in theifor 1960, introduced today by|small amber light on the rear (tended rear drums, makes pos- i Sh Teapot "I knew this would be a good(Ajax and Pickering General|General Motors of Canada, Limit-'face which serves as « turn sig-|sible the use of larger rear wheel Herbert Flintoff, H. E. Tripp, Cit¥|thing for Oshawa," he said. | Hospital Wednesday, Sept, 30. led i er Tei Broce eviimders oo ading better i eity Solieiton: Were present Piri panies actively engaged in Pro:|the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. are more restrained. The front covered custom top, grained ma-|front and rear wheels to' give SENTIMENT motor cars. 1knew what George Cormack. He had lived|end has a wider and. lower ap- terial which matches the body 3 Bloke stopping action with in or near Whitby all his life, pearance as the result of a new color and is outlined by a narrow less skid on slippery roads. former carriage-makeriof cars without adequate facili-| 0 Tecently on the farm onigrille, new bumper and 'new|molding painted in body color] Brakes are automatically ad- Ajax. and the rear bumper and light-| The Eldorado Biarritz and|is operated in reverse gear. This COMIN EVENTS He was a graduate of Ontario|iD€ arrangement is new. _ |Seville feature a thin chrome compensates for lining wear. The | Agricultural College, Guelph, and Mechanical developments inside molding that accentuatesibrake pedal is maintained with a member of Pickering United the 1960 models give a smoother body contours. The Seville re-/the same height and feel as when ster 10DE, Friday, October 2, 1:30| Country Fair", to be bigg d bet: Cis " Tie covers : : a Alger Building, 35 King| ter, afternoon and oe EL: aus. Bunker who survives. 4 For 1960 Cadillac is offeri 13 lar to the Sixty Special. _ .| Another Cadillac first is a va- Street East 228b | pices Women's Association of North-| Three brothers also survive, 60 Cadillac is offering 13| The air intake below the wind- m release? parking brake St a oie minster United Church. |John, Harry and Norman, all of Models 1n_thver stadard and Shield oa all models has strips of With the engine running the - . T 8 S PS. /£ ©) y » 3 y [Poy Sibody color in a finely shaped} ke automatically is released h nks Ex Tre ssed tion in the world. Give the credit for those parks to GM." | ining of the piece of outdoor| eon Wednesday in the Fleetwood sided in Oshawa 'longer than as a cultural expression of Can- appreciation, on behalf of the one-half rears old. Canada. to the city in 1920. most sentimental people in the An interest in such art and sculp- INTENDED FOR HOME greatest benefactor #s he re- APPRECIATED the gift. He had originally bought] He mentioned the coal '1! forthcoming. He mentioned lands Motors, to deed the land to his|and a waterworks system, and| The mayor thanked Col. A SMOOTHER AND quieter | ance are features of Cadillac | are changed. Shown above is head table with Mayor Lyman ease of a practised raconteur. "You've made a better commu- city's representative on the marked that the pumping equip-|you feel toward your fellow makes driving with high heel Many civic officials including GOOD FOR GSHAWA A new chrome ornament on the] Increased rear brake cooling, Park, various members of thelcompany to General Motors in| AJAX (Staff)--Albert Edward|of design characterize Cadillac , a treasurer and E. G. McNeely, (one time there were 2600 com-| Deceased was born in Whitby, | Tail fins of the 1960 Cadillac, The Sixty Special has a fabric/braking distribution between Highway 2, at Harwood Avenue, lights. There is less side chrome and edged in chrome. tjusted as needed when the car RUMMAGE Sale by Golden Jubilee| REMEMBER Nov. 4, "Northminster|Chyrch. In 1943 he married Eva gad quieter ride and better brak- tains its fabric covered top simi- the car is new. UMMAGE sale on Friday, Oct, 2, at| are basically cha Tie p a I Unchanged jnjgrille. [when the car is put in gear. Sealy Posturepedic the extra firm mattress that's comfortable OSHAWA FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION Presents EDWIN HEATH HYPNOTIST FRI. 'OCT. 2, 1959 AVALON PAVILION 1.30 in the King Streét United Church 9a Funeral services will be held ;. i ' . TR ' lin Pickering United Church on|0imensions over last year's DISTINCTIVE STYLING {Thus, it becomes impossible to Friday, Oct. 2, at 2.30 p.m. In- 1 OWER APPEARANCE Hu Fear end styling of the|drive the car with the parking ferment will "follow n- Mount "Tae wir and lower. appear Cocilac ls mot disineive, brake on. awn Cemetery, Oshawa. ance of the new front grille is|ihe trailing © Bo nses 2 ECONOMY KEYNOTE The late Mr. Cormack is rest-iachieved by the addition of alpene (hos edge of the fins. Just|E Perfor 5 i ing at the McEachnie Funeral fine horizontal grille bar between below these are new vertical, | Performance, responsiveness, Home, Pickering. rows of jewel-like ornaments and oy al, chrome : bumper housings re hness and SeonOmY. keynote y AREY {the elimination of the centre gach containing two circular|the 1960 Cadillac engine. The : REV. C. B. JEFFERY bumper bar lamps with concave lens. compression ratio remains at 8.30 P.M. TORONTO -- A retired United | At each end of the front amp Fifteen basic acrylic colors are|10.5 to 1 and the horsepower is Tickets at the door--75c Church minister living at Park-|o. ic a broad. visor 2, ont UMD {available throughout the line and|unchanged in the two power 229b|view avenue, Willowdale, Rev. |p... with Yio A fromed the Biarritz and Seville have|plants -- a 345 ho~sepower engine {Charles Blake Jeffery, 85, died SIE si Li tne ane five additional exclusive finishes, [for the Biarrily, Seville, and Tuesday. J ona oLenel own Bhp 1960 Cadillac interiors offer|Brougham and a 325 horsepower Born in Darlington Township, Hainer V and crest {new elegance, beauty, greater|engine for all other models. The {Durham County, Mr, Jeffery re-|- ~~ ° i comforts and added conveni-345 engine is optional equipment |ceived his ly education at| ences. Fine Florentine leathers/in all other models. Bowmanville ghd Davisville/dence, 95 Queen street, Bowman- and handsome, all-new harmon-| Accessory refinements for 1960 |schools. He gfaduated from Vic-|ville, Monday, in her 84th year. izing fabrics appear in 103 dis- include: the use of vacuum in- |toria Col > in 1902 and was or-|She was born in Darlington town- tinctive newly - styled combina- stead of electric power for quiet- |dained info the Methodist minis-|ship, and was a lifelong resident |tions. er safety door locks; a newly {try at Metropolitan Church, To- of the area. | The new instrument cluster is|styled, smaller automatic head- |ronto. She married Thomas recessed deeply and has a new|/lamp dimmer, and the addition ---- During his pastoral career, he Clemence, who predeceased her, curved glass facing and larger of shut off controls to the left SERVICE CLUBS served mission fields in Musko-|from the residence of her par-|and clearer numerals for maxi- and right side air conditioning | {ka and Algoma, later at Metho-jents, the late Mr. and Mrs. mum driver visibility. |outlets, enabling the driver and CHURCH |dist churches in Dalton, Chats-|James G. Rickard. She is sur-| Space between the accelerator passenger to regulate the flow of {worth and Sault Ste. Marie. He|vived by one son, Ewart of Osh- and brake pedals is wider. This|cooled air to their individual lik- served the United Church of Can-jawa. and three daughters, Mrs. results from the engineering of a ing. ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL ORGANIZATIONS |ada at Markham and Fairbank. |Archie Glennev (Lillian), of New-| kot) (Albert and Jackson Sts) Mr. Jeffery had been livinglcastle; Marjorie, at home, and| Dal =F a SPN dh EUCHRE Scout hall, Gibbon and Buena Vista. Friday, October 2, 8 p.m. Six prizes. Refreshments, 229a ee itoresone ens A -- -- RUMMAGE SALE ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH (carner of Wilson Road South ond Hoskin Avenue) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 ot 2 pm. | 229b) You'll find the Posturepedic is both extra firm and supremely comfortable. Posturepedic's scientific sup- port assures deep-spring resiliency--with no bed- board hardness! This relaxes, aligns ond tones up tired back muscles . . . just as orthopedic surgeons recommend. Posfurepedic won't sag or curve your spine--prevents and corrects morning backache, it can actually help your posture while you sleep the best sleep you've ever had. Luxurious, yes. Econome ical too! Posturepedic outlasts ordinary mattresses by many, mony years. Smooth, soft, button-free top. Own it $7950 now for less than 2¢ a night. ALWAYS Full or Twin Size Matching Foundation $79.50 Posturepedic Foam Rubber 2-Piece Set $179.50 FRE ONE-WEEK VACATION FOR 2 at the fabulous FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL MEN € = Cll Fly DELTA AIR LINES =A $400,000 IN PRIZES . DC-8 Royal Jet Service to Miami Beach Our Special Gift . . . « FREE POSTUREPEDIC® to be awarded by this Store! Nothing to buy! Easy fo win! Enjoy in your own home the same luxurious mattress selected by Miami Beach's fabulous Fontainebleau for its new 400 room addition. ROYAL HOUSE FURNITURE COMPANY RA 5.5432 ,. RMON PARK BINGO FRIDAY NIGHT ST. JOHN'S HALL (corner of Bloor and Simcoe) 20 Games -- $6 and $8 Share the Wealth Five $40 Jackpots FERNHILL PARK | CLOSING | SATURDAY, OCT. 3 7:30 P.M. Wiener Roast for members only. Helps Your Posture While You Sleep... *PREVENTS MORNING BACKACHE from a too-soft mattress NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M. Games $6, $12, $20 Excellent opportunity to raise |in retirement for the past 15|Mrs. Bruce Ross (Phyllis) of May be doubled or tripled | funds, 5,000 Scotch pine |years. He was a member of wil-| Galt. Another son, Dr. T. C. {lowdale United Church. During|Clemence of Toronto, pre-| $100 SACRE INCLUDED (his lifetime he took keen inter-|deceased her in 1957. She is also| gor Trize est in his summer cottage at|survived by two brothers, Dr.| - Bala and the Bala United Church,|Howard Rickard of Port Col-| ? His wife, the former Lillian borne and Roy Rickard of Belle- BINGO | Robson of Thornbury, died five|ville; and a sister, Mrs. H. 'G. { 2728p vears ago. He leaves a daugh- Martyn (Mabel) of Stratford. -- AT THE -- ter, Mrs. Grant Linton of Devon,| Mrs. Clemence was a member | AVALON England; and a son, Howard|of Trinity United Church, and aj | 8 PM. EASTVIEW PARK | TURKEY DINNER |Jeffery, of Bowmanville. {valued member of the church | . |- The funeral service will be WMS. | SUNBEAM CHAPTER, ORDER held at the Kane Funeral Home,| The funeral took place from | "OF THE EASTERN STAR |Toronto, at 10 a.m., Fridav, Oct.|the Mutts Funeral Chapel, Bow- | | 2. Interment will be in Bowman- manville, where services were | MASONIC TEMPLE |ville Cemetery. conducted by Rev. K. Hous-| 91 CENTRE ST, OSHAWA | FUNERAL OF NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC 20 Regular Games--3$6 & $10 é Jackpots at $40 Plus One Share the Wealth 228b Christmas trees to be markets ed. Write-- | SKY LOFT LODGE R.R. 4, UXBRIDGE ALL-EXPENSE lander. Interment took place ia SATUR Mis. To aAL OF ci Bowmanville Cemetery. AY H S. A E. LEMENCE Pallbearers were H. Martyn, URD OCT. 3 BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- The| Toronto; Jack Rickard, Port Col 4 PM funeral took place Wednesday of borne; Austin Turner, Newcastle: All Seved Mrs. Ada Elizabeth Clemence, Bert Jewell, Oshawa; Gordon| wife of the late Thomas H.|Ashton, Guelph, and Garnet| Children 75¢ | 228c Enter here now! ET EERE TP TPP TEL TT TTT POT EE EP sssesssensan Until Adults $1.50 RESERVED FOR SHEPHARD'S 15TH ANNIVERSARY NEXT WEEK Clemence, who died at her resi-| Rickard, Bowmanville. You are invited to attend an EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS by the C.R.A. Painting and Sketchng Class at the McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY Starting Tuesday, Sept. 29th, at 8:30 p.m. and running through to Saturday Experienced Dressmaker IMMEDIATELY APPLY Fashion. Village. 26 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-2722 19 CELINA ST. 27 ed

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