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The Oshawa Times, 5 Oct 1959, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, October 5, 1959 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Call the Di Classified Nunber RA 3-3492 OFFICE HOURS 8AM. to5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: Births, Memoriams, Cards of Thanks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less' Cash Charge 225 248 375 412 i not paid within 7 days the rge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent Insertions ordered at a later date constitutes @ new original order. 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS and Business listings BIRTHS 7.50 per month igi 3 lines daily. ach additional line $1.00 per month, Each Initial letter, $ ond ¢ figure, count as @ abbreviation ASHLEY -- To Jim and Jean (nee Hamilton) a daughter, Margot Ann, born Wi y, September 30, 1959, at the Oshawa General Hospital, A sister for Stephen and Mary Jane, SIMMONS -- Tom and Eileen (nee Healey) are happy to announce the ar- = word. Box rge |15¢ additional, All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of iblication. Office hours: Daily 8-5, turday 8-12. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times shall not be for errors in advertise- rival of their ments submitted otherwise than in chimney repairs, new RA 5-682. 8--Building Trades 8--Building Trades 13--Gardening & Supplies 15--Instruction PLASTERING and concrete repairs. Phone Whitby, MO 8-5498. ALL TYPES of building 'repairs, roof- ing, chimneys, masonry repairs, side- alks and stoops. RA 80394, Gordon walks BASEMENTS dug, and dack-filled, ex- cavating, etc. RA 23-3898 or RA 8-0623. TRADESMAN painter and paper hang. er, requires your work, interior or ex- terior, Free estimates. 8-0086, BELLpoNG and excavating, Dial 8-5612, Free estimates. Taylor a 26 Hillcroft Drive, Whitby. CARPENTER work, framing, trim- LEN Bowlers' lanaseapmg and garden ing service lawns seeded sodded, fer tilized, gardens and lawns ploughed, roto-tilled. Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs. Everything for your garden. RA 8-5753 ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work and repairs. Mortgages arranged. All work guaranteed. RA 3-3579. GENERAL contractors, brick and cement work and repairs. RA 5-5028 OFING and sl , eavestroughing, poh es and old work. HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor experts.™ Old floors made like new. Hardwood or tiling. Carpenter work al- terations. Kitchen cabinets our specialty. CALL RA 3-7196 ONTARIO WELLS DUG By Auger, 30" tile W. WARD WHITBY, ONTARIO PHONE MO 8-2563 PRE-CAST CONCRETE quality. Roto-tilling. MO 8.3015 Whitby. WANT sod? You'll be missing a good bet if you don't call us before you buy. 80D, 20c square yare, delivered, finest PIANO teacher, King a. Phone RA 5-2063 PPR RA 83-8695 evenings and weekends. PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 15 years' experience. Appointment only. Call RA LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Educa- tor, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre- school acrobatic, character. Friday, Saturday. Masonic Temple. RA 3-7253, We deliver or sell in field. RA 8-0948. HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tilling Top Soii - Sod - Manure Flagstone - Patio Slabs RA 5-1721 COURTICE LANDSCAPING Weeds treated, field nursery sod, top soil, gravel. Com- plete service. Contract rates, LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School Day and evening lessons Automatic and Standard DUAL CONTROLLED CARS Test arranged RA 8-0091 East. 20--Cartage |27--Fuel Wood yor sale -- Wood and coal, soft slabs, RA B1807, truck for rent with i hard rd slabs and bod dg. Dial RA MOVING -- Have small, truck. Phone * Whithy MO Som Resorts GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli ance moving. Reasonable rates, insured. Call day or night. RA 5-4498./ iENIOY fall fishing at Deavitiul 2 Coles fully | Trent rivers meet. Resort, where the Housekee] th rates. Phone cop pbell- ROY LOVELESS apartment moving, insured. es. fora 646WS, » reasonable rates, fully 8.8515. KAWARTHA LAKES properties, Con. sult Bowes and Cocks Peterborough, Free Ltd., Realtors, Brochure. LOCKWOOD Moving and Storage, rea- sonable rates, fully insured, RA 5-283. 28a--Trailers 21--Personal Service CHILD care, $2 per day, personal pick up and delivery, large yard away from main streets, constant supervision. RA 5-4 3 MILLER trailer heating and ries, 24-hour service; national, etc.; L. P. tanks and lamps; Alumaseal top dressing, oil drums and stand; H.P. water hose, etc. Ajax 657, accesso- Coleman Inter- LONDON TAILORS -- suits made to alterations from double DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! DO IT NOW! Learn to play the guitar Special 10-week course, $1 breasted to single - breasted. RA 8-5531. JACK'S Beauty and Barber Shop, 969 North Simcoe at Sunset, North Osh. awa, Cold wave $6.95. RA 8-5661. DRESSMAKING, 'ladies' and children's wear, wedding gowns a specialty, RA The TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS J CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RA 3-3492 ® ALL OTHER CALLS SEE THE CANADIAN EXPLORER Comp and Boat Trailers from $150-$395 New and Used Trailers for every purpose. AJAX MARINE RA 3-3474 36--Female Help Wanted WANTED at once, cashier clerk Sroceteria in Oshawa, for part p.m. evenings, good remuners tion. Write Box 722 Oshawa Times. 333s ry, sister for Patrick and Joanne, at the Oshawa General Hospital on October 3, 1959, Deo Gratias. DEATHS BATH, Allan George -- Entered into rest at Toronto East General Hospital = Sanday, Oct. 4, 1959, i George ath of ust Hill, Ont., beloved son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Samuel iii ASPHALT SURFACES and dear brother of Cora (Mrs. ), Mab sa. Melirogos), of Bn 1) Wait f, ony inaccuracies in 'any form AND PAVEMENTS ering, Lorne of Locust Hill, Fern (Ms. [| frerei c "ement ere contained || - W. B. Bennett Paving Bryant) of Pickering. Mr, Bath is rest Ltd. ering. Funeral service. in. Pickering P.O. BOX 305 RA 8- \ 8-8132 United Church on Wednesday, Oct. 7, at tery, "Bragiiin, (Casket wil 'he open in NEW OIL FURNACES church from 1 p.m, until time of ser nn Buy it whoiesale and have it vice). CALVERT -- At the Oshawa G installed by experts. Easy terms. Fuel oil, oil burners, Hospital on Sunday, October 4, 1959, furnaces. Marjorie Parks, in her 4lst year, be- loved wife of Bertrand Calvert and lov- ing mother of Eleanor, Lynda and | FURNACE CLEANOUT SERVICE HARRY O. PERRY HEATING per lesson, Classes of two or four--Bring your friends. Professional tuition. Any style. For appointment call ALTO MUSIC RA 5-1501 16--Insurance SEWING machine repair and to all mak Sina. RA 52591. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up, -- to 20 per cent, six months to pay, For LADI ES | personal service at your home, Call RA 57413, { NOW is the time to have | your fur coat repaired or CLIENT'S money to loan on first mort. made into a shortie or stole. |gage. Mortgage and agreement of sc Experienced workmanship. purchased. NHA mortgages arran Prices reasonuble. Mrs, A. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and WM N.acDougall, 301 Gibbons doch, ! Street CLIENTS' monies available for first! ~~ and secqnd mortgages. Mortgates and agreements of sale purchased. Apply| M. E. Swartz, Barrister and Notary | Public, 26% King East, Oshawa. RA| 13-4697. | FIRS ST and "second mortgage sale {agreements purchased and Id. Hen nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East. RA 3.7232 writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver tisement, nor beyond the price FLOOR SANDERS 1194 KING ST. EAST Tile and Hardwood Laid Floors Sanded and Refinished Call RA 3-7251 Don't hang up, let it Jing. Free Estimates ED. KNOWLTON RA 5- 6047 HOLLAND BULBS TULIPS HYACINTH DAFFODILS NARCISSUS CROCUS DUTCH IRIS SCILLA SNOWDROPS \RDEN SUPPLIES at COOPER SMITH Co. 8-5505. RELIABLE experienced women avail able for baby sitting and home making. Keasonable rates. Office hours: 9 a.m, m, Closed Thursday R. 8. Disney. | No. 2 Highway, Ajax, Ont. Open Evenings -- Ajax 1266 LADIES and girls for parttime tele phone sales work from office. Call Mr. Allen at RA 8421, EAPERIENCED o DAirdresss wanted appearance, In Perea ot toa Mer nearanes. Salon, Ajax. WAITRESS, full ao part-time, alse short order cook evening Apply Mir-g Campbells Genosha Wotel. sells fast when Classified SEPTIC TANKS WALK SLABS PATIO SLABS STEPS & PORCHES WELL TILE CURBING BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. Phone OL 5-3311 STONE STONE for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to ic own classification. n the case of display advertise. PL % The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability 29--Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted {COME to Steenburg Lake (Bass Lake), 26 miles north of Madoc on Highway No. 62 for sandy lakeshore lots and cot- tages, prefab prices Terms. Ken Mat. thews, RA 5-7740 ) after 7 p.m. [SUMMER store or snack bar with gas|you run it in Oshawa Times |pumps, all year living quarters, on new Ad- Let us show you how! Call RA paved through road. at view Lake on 3-392 |Lake Scugog Priced to sell at $6200 NEED extra money? $25 and more eas {Small down payment Look this over. |Leo Pew. Waterford. Ontario. Phone easily be earned by showing our lous Christmas cards, gifts, HI 3.5770 I lo fiends and Beighbors, Our color stmas catalogue m |30--Lost and Found ny te avian, <atalogue mJ LOST -- Lady's Gubelin watch, initials + Send n back, return to 705 Masson {WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Eireet or phone RA 5.5120, Rewand | {on reeting Card ini ean ------------ East East Avenue, Hamilton." J. CORNISH Lost -- small Dlack pup with nite . mar) nga, n vicini y of ng reel SELL OVER TELEPHONE g Self-Winding |i ce phone RA 59950." "o © 'Je| EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY 299 KiNG ST. WEST We will teach you how in 20 S 1 0 N E 16 CELINA ST. RU RA 3.4545 minutes, Desk and phone | REWARD for information of red and white racer bicycle, vicinity of Bilt- provided ot our offices. If you have a pleasant voice For rugged rustic beauty use - Formerly 20 Bond St. natural MARBO STONE for RA 3 2312 MORTGAGES - LOUIS | more Theatre, licence 146. RA 3-4476. 227 you can earn a good income on a liberal commission basis. your home. Ohio, Tennessee, and Indiana, Kingston, Credit AJAX SOD SUPPLY AGREEMENTS OF SALE Bough d A d Sod delivered and laid: Top- Sughs 8nd Jang TAILORING 4 ALBERT ST. Age no barrier if over 21 Valley Natural stone does Lyndewood Investments soil. Suits made to measure. years. Convenient hours can be arranged. Phone Mr. E. not need a 10 or 20 year guarantee. If it's natural it OL 5-4471 PICKERING 889 Alterations -- Any style Evenings Ajax 431 RA 8-0971 Stelz, The Times, RA 3-3474, lasts a lifetime. MASTER FEEDS 22--Radio & TV Repairs SECRETARY FOR IF IT'S STONE-- LARGE LAW OFFICE WE HAVE IT |sPECIALIZET "radio and television ASPHALT SURFACES OSHAWA AND PAVEMENTS 11--Business Opportunities YOUR Due to enlargement of staff MARBO STONE service, All makes. Fred Thompson, 157 W. B. Bennett Paving |e ---- | we need aot least one com- petent stenographer, copable CO LTD of working independently * : Elliott Street. Call RA 39792. 14 i . et mses 3 King ERnS 3189 DAY OR NIGHT -- Prompt TV serv. LUCRATIVE oll, | lined 70 years heat ecg ly ONE STOP CENTRE | MOhawk 8-4703. R. Robinson, P. Thorn. FOR TOP QUALITY when necessary. You must be fully competent in shorthand ice, Phone RA 8-5286, Oshawa Elec tronics Reg. dyke, G. Ni Street South, Whitby, Johor, 28 Poe HOLLAND BULBS Tulips -- Hyacinths ond typing. Legal experience 17-INCH portable TV's for rent (new), TRADE equipped restaurant with ex. Crocuses -- Narcissus is not essential if your other $5 per week. Call Stan's Sharpening cellent business, living quarters for Peat Moss -- Bone Meal qualificati ore tory. These are permanent and Rental Service, corner King and Burk. RA 3-3224. paid house worth $18,000 or house and cash, Write Box 512, Oshawa Times Lawn and Garden Fertilizers Lawn Seed positions with opportunities of TV TOWERS completely installed, 1 230¢ Garden Tools advancement, year guarantee, $64.50: no bolts, no FOR SALE -- a restaurant, 18 stools, 54 CHURCH ST. APPLY BOX 618 rivets, all welded. All channel aerials from $29.95¢ - terms. Kelly TV. RA THE OSHAWA TIMES Additions, Alterations, on No. 2 Highway. Immediate posses-| hy slon. Write Box 443, Oshawa Times. | Box 423, Oshawa Times. DIAL RA 3-2229 FOR RENT -- Service station on Free Customer Parking 5-5121 HOUSEKEEPER Rec-rooms Kitchen Cupboards, Number 2 Highway, east of Bowman- - Tile and Hordwood Floors OFFICES for rent, central, COMPANION , parking fa- HUGH CROSBY cilities. Apply Nick Lakas, 116 Church To live In tor widow, good ville, consideration regarding rental to be made, Apply P.O. 68 Port Hope. OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE - BUILDER wages. Write box 718, Osh. 13--Gardening & Supplies LTD RA 5-3937 a , B. A. UPTON CHOICE #0d, delivered or laid. No GRAVEL--STONE TOP SOIL--SOD Interior and Exterior Painting and Decorating 84114 A COMPLETE selection of nursery Perennials, RA 3-3528 stock at reasonable prices: Also paeonies, ornamental evergreens, shrabs, hedges. Choice, collected cedars 2. All Sizes 3 35 cents and up, Orchard Nur- LOAM : series, No. 7 Highway, 2 miles west BE SATISFIED Seaboard Finance Co. Dial RA 5.5979 OF CANADA LTD, RA 8-6283 14--Household Repairs GARDENS fall plowed, wood | cutting 29V2 Simcoe St. S. by buzz saw, trees taken down, rea- NEED your chimney bullt, repaired, (Over Ward's) 2 pm, 4 to 7 p. afternoon. Phone Mrs. RA 3-4921. service FARMING i 17--Money to Loan fag 1--Accountants 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi fied Public Accountants, 172 King Sifest East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA YALE, FRIEDLANDER, H Ul N T ER and Co., Accountants and auditors, Li- censed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 54 King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; F. Friedlander, B. Comm., CPA BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting | Services offer complete bookkeeping, services for small business. 184 Bond Street West, Room 1. Office RA 5-0397; Residence, RA 3-7605. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIE Co., Chartered Accountants, day Oct. 5' 1959 Harriett Jane Meggitt, Tristees, Jinx, Oshaws, beloved wife of the late Charles W. Cliff and beloved mother of L. M. Cliff of Oshawa, Funeral arrangements F. Lightfoot, later, for further information vin Ad oo! Mcintosh Funeral Home RA 5-2943 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. 2--Barristers HANCE -- At the family residences 863 Ridgeway Avenue, on Saturday, October 8 3, 1959, Harry Francis Hance, beloved CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and husband of Mary Ward, and loving MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, father of Miss Vera Hance, Mrs. G.|tary Public, Bank of Commerce bide | 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-344¢; $ Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC McElhinney (Dorothy), Peter H. at home, Mrs. N. Wilson (Bernice), ay Maple Grove, Mrs. F. Coakwell (Lil-(Drynan, G. I. Murdoch, NHA Sh Han), Frank, Oshawa, Jack of Lomgan| gay gages arranged. a oseph of Montreal, in his oo Funeral from the DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Onta Funeral Home, on Tuesday, Land Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. & to St. Mary's of the People, Roman os, SUN . Catholic Church, for Requiem 5s |DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister at 9 am. Interment Bt. Gregory'si,ng gojicitor, 234 King Street East Cemetery, Telephone: Business, RA 5.5501; Resi- MAIDLOW, Altred -- 8: ly, at the (dence, RA 85373. © Ltd. Oshawa General Hospital on 8: MANNING F. RTZ, Barrister, p 0 BOX 305 Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Asso- RA 8-8132 Paula, dear sister of Mrs. D. Magahay Special.z (Mabel) of Reaboro, Clem of Ome- mee, Ross of Reaboro, Elmer of Osh- awa. Mrs. Calvert is resting at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street West, for service in the Chapel on Wed- nesday, October 7, 1.30 p.m, Interment Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay, 220 31--Articles For Rent HOUSES raised or moved, all equip- equip- |ment for rent. Phone RA 35-2621. oy Cartage. CEMENT mixers, tools, sump pumps, and wheelbarrows. RA 8-1168, ELNA rentals, RA §5-2501 stitch and zig-zag. USED SEWING MACHINES Portable -- Consoles Guaranteed by-- SINGER SEWING CENTER RA 5-5443 -- 16 Ontario St. West le Stratford; CLIFF--In Oshawa Hospital on Mon- Bon Thont i, Soieith, FCA. MP: pa 33443, Nigts RA 3-7944 Riehl, CA, RIA; G. E. Trethewey, CA; CA; RA 5.3527, «5 Rich Loam Top Soil, Gravel Brick Sand, Cheap Fill Levelling or back filling lots RA 5-2156 Phone -- FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES and AGREEMENTS OF SALE $1,800.00 to $100,000.00. Home owners, residential property, summer cottages suburban homes, factories, and acreage. Quotations by phone or mail, Prompt ser- vice. Oshawa Acceptance Corp. Ltd, 112 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa. Days: RA 5.3568. Nights: RA 5-1386 or RA 3.9484. FOR THE BEST DEAL "RA WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FOR RENT 282 King Street West RA 3-4873 clate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry Block, 26% King Street East. RA 3-3697, Residence, 1 RA 3-4029, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 141% King Street alt, Oshawa. RA 8-8232; 5-3405 Ample Parking 32--Articles Wanted SPECIALIZED radio and television service. All makes, Fred Thompson, Jase 3 Elliott Street. Call RA 3.9792. |RIDE NEEDED -- Cordova Rd. to | Simcoe Hall Nursery School, Will Glad- [tv pay. Please phone RA 3-2958. 232¢ | WILL care for baby in own bome, | Lakeview district. RA 8-1782, 21b RA 3-3427 Keily Enterprises | PIANOS -- 10, any make or size, Will Deon. Kelly pr | pay cash. State make and price. Write 231 RA 5-5121 Box 832, Oshawa Te. re 37 M Ie Help We { RA 5-1685 pre reasonable. Phone Oba 8-5478. 229¢| 2 perc, |- Fowler T.V. TO $5,000 | poo ry. ® Sane nim oEn Val P d Radi A 3- / pollard ede FA Sire SHAW the position of clerk. Young mas IT WILL PAY YOU TO AUTO WRECKING CO. [Tite Roni te Boi ci Wants cars for wrecking, also T.V. Enterprises RA 5-2905 GET ALL THE FACTS APPLIANCE SERVICE i De lv dre Hectic AND THEN SEE scrap fron and metals, etc, |COLONIAL Aluminum Sudastriss 128, bought. Open Saturday all Christie Appliance Service Toquires fully and SEABOARD 5.2311 RA 5-1179 experienced window Apply 515 Brock Street wk 8-4891. RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. Where You Receive Ladwick Electric V02el) 365 doo stators Apply vet SALES LOW COST RATES WANTED Clearly Stated SCRAP IRON, POULTRY Star Repair Centre RA 5-7743 SUPERVISOR For large direct Soles Organi- FLEXIBLE TERMS A TURNER Up to 60 Months Warner Williams Service zation. Must have cor end YA 3-3374 PERSONAL SERVICE Centre A 5-3531 Members of Service Opera- experience. All company benefits. No eanvassing. RA 3-2043 Always Prompt (collect) ial Plans for Hc tors Association in co-opera- tion with the Oshawa Cham- Phone Ae RONTS RONTO CEDARDALE SCRAP ber of Commerce. EM 8-344) IRON METAL LTD. RA 5-7844 or RA 8-6301 collect IRON : : METALS PAPERS :: RAGS ANTENNA'S INSTALLED OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 REPAIRED FREE PICK-UP MOVED SALE -- TOWERS -- SALE RESIDENCE -- RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel on Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 2 p.m, Interment Groveside Cemetery, _Brook- of Custom Built Homes For quality factory ap- proved appliances, television and aerial service, call any firm listed below: -- TV's--HI-FI--AERIALS Associated Services Pn No. 543 AF and AM Torunto, will hold a service in the Chapel Mon- day at 8 p.m, GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindliness beyond price, yet within reach of all. RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST GREER, i wad "MacDpnald, B Bar- Histert, Solicitors and Notaries Public, 5 King Street East, RA 5-4717, Russell J. Murphy and James A, MacDonald. Z. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solicl- tor, etc, 13% Simcoe Street North. Office RA 5-3741; residence RA 5-5542. BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici- tor, 3% Simcoe South. RA 59592. Resi-| dence, RA 8-0264. NEED more business? Then advertise your business through fast-action, low- cost Oshawa Bune Siassifieq Ads, For, results, dial RA 3 | McGIBBON and ET Barristers, | Solicitors. Clients' funds available for| first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North RA 5-3566. Charles C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar F Bastedo, , QC HUMPHREYS and | Boychyn, "Barris ters, Solicitors; R, D. Humphreys, QC; G. E. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, LLB, 8 King Street West, Phones:: Office, RA 5-1177; Res. RA 5.4604; or Whitby, MO 8-2761. Money to loan. JOHN A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrister and Solicitor. 101 Simcoe Street North Phone RA 88511 JOHN A, CAMERON, barrister, solici- tor and Notary Publics 18% King Street East. RA 32269, NHA and private mortgages arranged. GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- tors, etc., 7% Simcoe Street South, Dial RA 3-2278. Residence phones: J.M. Greer, BA, Sc., RA 53368; 7er- rence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8-5832. THOMAS M, RUNDLE, barrister, soll citor and Notary Public, 26% King Street East. Phone RA 8-1763. RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas| H. Greer, Associate Barristers and| Solicitors, 130 King Street East, RA| 8-6246. 5. Mortgage loans available. W. BRUCE AFFLECK, | BA, Batriner and Solicitor, fice--Ux- bridge 29. Res. 4--Dentists DR. BR, G. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6 | Open evenings by appointment, ag Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5.2223. ( 5--Nursing Saves STORE for et going business con- cern, one of the best locations in Osh- awa. On the main street within the district. All replies treated confidentially. No triflers please. Write For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS Phone: RA 8.6211 -- RA 8-6212 24 King St. East, Oshowe (2 doors from Karn's Drug Store). Nephew Finds Trace Of Uncle OTTAWA (CP)--More than 40 years ago, Roy Joseph Delphis, a widower with two young daugh- ters, disappeared from his Ot- tawa home. For years the fam- ily sought word of him, without success. A few days ago a nephew Joe Lafrance, who works in the Par- liament Buildings, learned his uncle's fate. His attention was drawn to an entrv In the Book of Remembrance on the altar in the memorial chamber of the Peace Tower. There it tells that Pte. Roy Wood Finishing--Roxatoning Phone RA 3-2977 HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Concrete, cinder, Haydite blocks. CHIMNEY BLOCKS. 1089 Nelson St. Corner Wellington RA 3-4412 RA 5-7041 CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 LANOS WOODWORKING COMPANY PAINTING & tilled, light blade work, average $2 to $5. Phone RA 3-9533, FOR sale -- Choice cedar trees for) hedges etc. Guaranteed to grow. $35 per hundred off the truck. 60 cents per tree planted. MA 3-3935. COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES HOLLAND BULBS (from our own grower) GRASS SEED : : EVERGREEN LAWN TREES : ROSES, Etc, LANDSCAPE DESIGN OPEN EVERY NIGHT VAN BELLE GARDENS ners 33 CANADIAN ARMY TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Recent 40' structure Installed with crown rotator and all-chan- nel head- Reg, $150. Sale price $115. LEN & LOU'S T.V. SALES AND SERVICES 140 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH | SODADIE rates. RA 59727. 232¢ [ie garden work, clean up aud house shingled? Phone RA 8-5350. CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered Phone RA 8-1524 Loans May Be Life Insured like new. Why pay more? Our rates for a young men to be troined es: GARDEN, fall ploughed, lawns Foto: are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran. teed, Mattresses rebuilt 18a--Mortgages Oshawa Up- Joseph Delphis lost his life in France on April 10, 1916. He was killed when an artillery piece blew up. Passenger ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licensed) KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple. (Men and Women). Nurses and dieticians in attendance. Tray service, radio, T.V, lounge. Plane Led Lost Pilot SCHENECTADY, N.Y. (AP)-- 6--Optometrists F. R. BLACK, Doctor of Optometry, | eye Sxamiuation, contact lenses. (at Colborne), lng by adh RA 3-4191, | C. H. TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please | pay accounts at downtown Toronto Do-| minion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Phone | A four-engined plane with 25 per-|RA sons aboard led a lost student- pilot to a safe landing Sunday 20 minutes before his single-engined plane would have run out of fuel. The student - pilot, Guy L. Stultz of Brockton, Mass., had be- come lost in overcast while fly- ing from Mansfield, Mass.l to Buffalo. Capt. Walter Moran, flying an American Airlines D - 6, heard Stultz and the Albany airport tower trying to make radio con- tact. Moran turned to locate the lost plane. He found Stultz hovering above the clouds 20 miles south of Albany. Stultz followed the airliner|™* down through the clouds and to a safe landing at Schenectady airport. The airliner returned to Albany to refuel. An airline spokesman said that although the passengers had been inconvenienced by the hour-long rescue, most of them were quite thrilled by it. DECORATING KEM GLO PAINTERS TORONTO -- WHITBY OSHAWA MO 8-5126 FREE ESTIMATES Rich Loam Top Soil, Gravel Brick Sand, Cheap Fill Levelling or back filling lots. RA 5-2156 7--Su rveyors DONALD H, . TROLLOPE, O Ontario fand Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA| G. T. HORTON and Associates, On- | tario Land Surveyors, Professional En- gineering. 306 ndas Siseet West, Whitby. MO 8-5091, Ajax | | 8-- Building Veale Po FREE estimates on all kinds of build:| Ing and repairs, new homes, commer- clal and industrial work, foundation and concrete work complete, framing | and trimming. Full contracts or sub-| contracts, Phone RA 5-6037, PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, | fixtures, new and used, changing from septic tank tn sewer a specialty. In- stallations at reasonable rates. Infor mation and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial | RA S-a241. J. Foley. | JACK C. MacDONALD| PAINTER & DECORATOR { Paperhanging and Painting | Gyptex Free Estimates | All Work Guaranteed 50 Nassau St, RA 3.7080! DODD & SOUTER PAINT -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For tree estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5-7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby (WOODWORKING CO. LANOS STORE FRONTS REMODELLING HOUSES BASEMENT APARTMENTS REC-ROOMS And all kinds of woodwork with a written guarantee, Lowest prices, best workman- ship. TORONTO-WHITBY-OSHAWA MO 8-5126 PHONE MA 3-5757 3 miles east of Oshawa on Highway No. 2 BEVERWYCK GARDENS ON HIGHWAY 12 3 Miles North ot Whitby IMPORTERS, GROWERS, WHOLESALERS JOHN COX, Prop. 600 MAPLE STREET, WHITBY MO 8-4184 IMPORTED DUTCH BULBS NURSERY STOCK, PEAT MOSS, FERTILIZER Open 7 days a week OSHAWA SOD SUPPLY No. 1 cultivated, field and nursery grown sod Fertilized, weed treated. 12 years experience. Special contract rates Free estimates. | RA 8-8639 FREE ESTIMATES | Street North. Call RA 8.6451 for a free lestimate, holstéry Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA 5-0311. GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled. Made ready for spring planting and seeding. Call RA 5.8085. CHESTERFIELDS "rebuilt, recovered like new Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable Satisfaction guar- anteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA 5.0311, CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- covered like new. Get the best for less| at Modern Upholstering, 92614 Simcoe, YOUR local chimney cleaner Chim-| neys built and repaired, gas linings in| stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates. RA 3. . CALL Joe, RA 58018 painting and handyman, FURNITURE repaired and re-uphol- stered. See our materials for re-cover- ing. Bruce R, Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA 37212 for carpentry, WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on first and second mortgages and pur- chase of agreements of sale. Louis S. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh- awa. RA 3.4943 19--Personal CONFIDENTIAL investigators -- All types of dpvestigations. Free cinsulta- tion. RA 8-0891 HYPNOSIS -- Don't let tension short- en your life. Learn the secret of self- mastery. Lose weight and hold your loss, stop stammering, gain confidence, jete. For free consultation wie, or |phone Edwin Heath, I of Ethi- 23--Women's Column CIAL! H $6.50; SPECIAL! Heat permanents, Page Hajriressing, cold wave, $6.00, 396 Pine Avenue, RA 5.5363 24--Market Basket APPLES -- Delicious, Macintosh, Snows, Spys, $1 per bushel and up. ring containers, Algoma Orchards, | | WE BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, ! CASH FOR SCRAP ! ! PAPER, RAGS, Ete. Open All Day Saturday M. GREENBERG & SONS LTD. Thickson's Road, %-mile north of | Taunton Road. West. 3 TURKEYS, freshly killed, delivered |- 5--Employment Wanted oven ready, large and small ays ac cepted. D. J. Courtice, RA 8-5: {cal Hypnosis, 11 Ontario Street, Osh awa, RA 8-vivl daily, 1 pm to 9 pm; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. SPENCER FOUNDATION garments, individually di 24--Market Basket NEW HONEY. Pails returned 1s money earned, Save up to 7c. per pound, Roy |x R North INVESTIGATOR, divorce, matrimonial, domestic. RA 8-0891. Confidential in. FURNITURE FINISHINGS Old or new, French, polished and antique, our specialty. Free estimates, moderate prices NEWCASTLE FINISH LTD Phone Newtastle 4371 FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd. RA 5-5954 Cleanout Service-- $7 labor plus Parts (1 5--Instruction HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH Features During September for Group Parties CQRN ROAST HAY-RIDE & DANCE "All-in-cne-Evening" Information - Reservations DIAL RA 5-2737 Mrs, Irene Hendershot, Bo Park Road P » 268 Ritson Road North. 25--Pets and Livestock BOARDING, ng, bathing, de. de- trimming, R leaing Waubena Kennels, RA 5-6321. WANTED -- homes for three nice it tens, part Persian. Apply 613 Carnegie|R Avenue, RA 3-3008. 232a |g BOARDING, trimming, bathing, de. fleaing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5,6321. EXPERIENCED woman would house cleaning by the all 433. HOUSE hunting? Keep your eyes on the unusual home values and prices in to- day's Oshawa Times Classified Ads. Ads. baby:- sitting, day or evening, RA 5-8224, WOULD like to take care of my own Nome during | WOMAN will look after children in own home, during day while parents work. {EXPERIENCED tinsmith for installing | furnaces and duct work, steady job. RA 5-3943, "like day. C RA ELIABLE refined lady would like the child in day. Phone A 8-6937. 230¢ RADIO AND TELEGRAPH OPERATORS RADIO AND TELEGRAPH MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS DRIVERS You must be 18 to 35, fie, and able to meet high apti- tude and educational stan dards. Enquire now from yeur est Ay Recraiting a Station ted at: A 5-2928. 230¢ MANCHESTER terrier puppies, beau- marked, reasonable. RA 5.9553. 230¢ LANDSCAPING, ing, hedge trimming. 5-848; garden work, paint. whitewashing, cellars cleaned, on Wilson, RA 1. NEW | prey exotic trop tropical fi fish, evnings only, all day Jack's Aquaria, ] 173 Wilson Road South, 230f 3 6--Female Help Wanted FOUR registered Jersey heifers for sale, three due this fall and one open. Bruce Bagg, Phone Oliver 35-3416, - SELL puppies or other pets? ? People who want them check "Pets for Sale" in Classified every day. Dial RA 3-3492 CLERK wanted, full time, in Bowniah ville. MA 3-5626. IN RETURN for child cate would. like ~ elderly lady te live in, ful and small remuneration, fl MOhawk 8-2428. 228¢ to start an ad that sells pets. BEAUTIFUL 'baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair. Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Oct. 6-7. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates THOROUGHBRED Samoyed Apply at Nel's 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Phone collect. Hampton, COlfax 3-2721, puppies. Service Station i Myrtle 227% tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland. Register now, 424 King West, RA 56123 for appointment. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Apply: VINCENT HAIRSTYLING EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER WANTED Male or Female 110 King St. E. Oshawa == RA 5-863) $07 College Street T un E8341 L 4 - Locol 277 ' Please provide me details en Royal Canadion Corps of Signals career 'opportunities. | would like on itnerview ot at the recruiting station . [3 Nome ..ceoeecccsncinm | Age AKINOSS .ouuoemines ss mand City/Town .....conceneml Prov, ...... Phone ......! Last school 'grade success- fully eompleted .......... oré7 i Ed ans 1d

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