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The Oshawa Times, 5 Oct 1959, p. 2

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§ THE OSHAWA YIMES, Mondey, October 5, 1959 pape Fifteen ships of the RCN's Pacific Command at Esqui- malt, B.C., have completed the largest peacetime exercises PACIFIC EXERCISES BY CANADIAN NAVY seen ~ a ever staged by the navy on the west coast. In the foreground, HMCS Ottawa, one of six anti- submarine destroyer - escorts that participated, steams through sun dazzled Pacific Coast waters with other ships of the fleet. In overall com- mand was Rear-Admiral H. 8. Rayner, Flag Officer Pacific Coast, who sailed with the fleet during initial phases of the fleet evercises. Naval auxili- ary vessels, RCN aircraft and of the RCAF also took part. (National Defence Photo) JUVENILE DELINQUENCY This is the first in a series articles dealing with positive that might jt calls the school a powerful and pervasive force in fighting delinquency, the report emphasizes that the school can't do the job alone. A successful wiogram calls for close co-oper- ation with the family, commun- ity agencies, law - enforcement agencies and the courts. Dr, William C. Kvaraceus of Boston University, director of the NEA project, says the schools have these strategic advantages: START EARLY They get the youngsters early) and maintain close contact with Soviets Believe In Men Of Mars NEW YORK (AP)--A Russian magazine suggests a nuclear ex- plosion of extraterrestial origin may have taken place over Si- beria June 30, 1908. " The magazine Sovietskaya siya, in an article reported in the New York Times Sunday, also theorized that: 1. Two small moons of the planet Mars may be artificial Ros- tance of 20 to 25 miles in all di-| crowd of more than 1,600 persons Canadian Satirist ware ss: Entertains site was from 50 to 100 per cent higher than on the edge of the DETROIT AP) -- Satirist Max area of destruction, at a dis- Ferguson entertained a sellout rections. There was a sharp drop Saturday night with his talk on in radioactivity some six miles "I was a schizophrenic for the from the centre point. CBC." "Some of the rock and earth) better known as Fer satellites placed in orbit by a high radioactivity." elvilization which once thrived on| The story was that at the time that planet before it lost most of local inhabitants saw a huge fire #ts atmosphere. ball 2. A heretofore unperceived explosion that followed levelled force exists in the cosmos which 700 to 800 square miles of forest" controls time and spinning and d winds that 'swept bodies, such as planets earth, water from the lakes and hurled Saturn and Jupiter to be heart- men long hg 3 The Times sald men visiting The Siberian explosion concept the site later were puzzled that was rechecked last year by sev-|there was no great hole in the eral scientists and senior students ground or fragments typical of on an expedition from the Soviet meteorites. Their observators led| Academy of Sciences. RADIOACTIVITY guson, samples also showed Sbunrmally [Rawhide to his CBC fans, was fall from the sky and "the| pleased with the reception of his (first speaking engagement in the United States and remarked: | "It certainly won't be my last |visit. That was the most respon- |sive audience I've ever talked to." Ferguson was brought to De- troit by the Listener's them for years. They have pro-| MILAN, Italy (Reuters)-- Women screamed and fainted when a five - tone female ele- phant broke into a church dur- ing mass here Sunday. Mary, a 58 - year - old circus elephant, was being led through the streets to an animal-bless- ing . ceremony marking the Feast of St. Francis, patron saint of animals, when the noise of car brakes frightened her. She snapped her shackles, bolted into the courtyard of a nearby church, then crashed her head and shoulders through the central door behind the con- gregation kneeling in prayer. As panic gripped the 200 wor- shippers -- including a grou which described itself as "a group dedicated to supporting| worth-while radio and TV pro-| grams." Mrs. Dvora Marcia of Detroit, founder and chairman of the| Pp | from a neighboring old ladies' TESTS The Times said: "They found some of them to the conclusion | that the explosion took place! above the ground. group, said Ferguson "is the best goodwill ambassador Canada Chrysler UAW Ohio Strike AKRON, Ohio (AP)--Members bE Sunday to accept a company of- fer a five-day strike of 3 ol t ~ poration Twin Chrysler cor The strike had been a trouble some one for the company, cut- ting into its production of 1960 models. Already, 17,500 workers in other states had been made idle by the strike and Chrysler prepared to lay off 45,000 work- ers in seven states if the strike Soutien until the middle of the wee The company sald it would be two days before assembly and manufacturing operations could be resumed. stamping) i home--the animal's trainer jab- bed a spike into Mary's hind foot and made her back out. Then Mary took refuge in the corner of the churchyard and refused to budge all afternoon, "STON, FEMALE ELEPHANT BREAKS UP PRAYER MEET ignoring offers of bananas, car- rots and apples from her trainer, While hundreds of people gathered outside and police di- verted traffic from the area, a veterinary surgeon was called and diagnosed an "acute state of nerves." "It's useless trying to force ber," the trainer, Luigi Zoppe, told police. "You must wait un- til she calms down." At 7 p.m. Mary suddenly de- cided she was bored, left her corner and crashed back into the church through the main door which had been tempor- arily patched up. She walked down the centre aisle, paused for a moment be- fore the alter, then wandered into the sacristy and out into the cloister of an adjoining con- vent, Circus finally nered her in a side street as she left the convent garden after nightfall, hands cor- could have sent, and he is a sym-| bol of free expression of opinion and ideas." = = Ex-Minister Dies I Wi » WINNIPEG (CP)--Hon. W. C. (Wally) Miller, former Manitoba minister of education, died here Saturday. He was 63. Mr, Miller, Liberal-Progressive member of the legislature for Rhineland, had been suffering from a liver infection. A native of Waterloo County in Ontario, he made his home in Freighter Survives Fire, Storm A , Bermuda (AP) The stout little freighter Mormac- steamed into harbor Sunday, proud conqueror of the two great perils of the sea--fire and hurri- cane. The skipper, Capt. John M. Hultman, told how the crew fought and conquered raging fires that broke out in two holds| Saturday, and of being chased and caught by hurricane Hannah. The freighter was pounded by| mountainous waves and lashed winnipeg where he worked as a by 90-mile-an-hour winds. There was no panic a the ig estate agent and notary pub- 12 passengers despite the grave He wag first elected to the leg- Anniversary Of Confederation WINDSOR (CP) -- Prime Min- ister Diefenbaker Sunday night expressed the hope that a na. tional committee can be made up from provincial representatives to plan for celebrations of the 100th anniversary of Confedera- tion, due in 1967. He sald the province will be asked shortly for their views and ideas on Confederation annivers- ary celebrations. Mr. Diefenbaker addressed the Se to the 6,184-ton American ig eighter, bound from New York tion, after an unsuccessful bid to to Latin America. win election to the House of Com- The skipper, a veteran of 45 mons the year before. He was years at sea, sald he was below re-elected to the provincial house decks Saturday when there was|in 1941, but resigned and made a an explosion. {second unsuccessful try in the "My God, the whole ship was |1945 federal election. in flames--and in a hurricane!"| The same year, he returned to That, said the skipper, was his [the provincial field and was elec- {first reaction. [ted to the legislature in a general "The No. 3 hatch had blown election. He held the seat through up, he said. "We rang general \foneral wibctions in 1949, 1958, quarters and everyone took his an y ol 8 year. station. We had boat drill the] He was appointed provincial Premier lature in the 1936 general elec-| day before so passengers and crew knew exactly what to do. "We had each of the 12 pas- sengers put on lifejackets and fall convocation of Assumption University which awarded him an|out the cold while the crew fought honorary doctor of laws degree. gave them a little spirits to keep the fire." BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Eggs And Pork May Be Cheaper Butter consumption during the first eight months of this year eclined 000 pound. secretary in 1948, resigning the post in 1949. He was sworn in as Speaker in February, 1950, but resigned In August of the same year to accept the portfolio of education minister, which he held until the Liberals were defeated in the 1958 general election by the Progressive Conservatives. TROOPS POSTED KATMANDU, Nepal (Reuters) The Nepalese government. plans to post troops along her north- LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Soviet Khrushchev urday. told him Russia has intercepted secret messages from President Eisenhower. Carter is president of Republic | Studios. He was born at Rostov] in Russia and came to the United | States in 1920. i Of the American Central Intel-| ligence Agency, Khrushchev was| quoted by Carter as saying: "You're wasting your money. | You might as well send it direct] us of the aq | because we get most of it any-| way. | "You agents give us the code-| books and then we send false in-| formation back to you through] your code. Then we send cables] asking for money and you send it to us." { Khrushchev"s comments were made, Carter said, while a party of nine drove the San | Fernando Valley near Los An-| confirm or deny the story. ! When asked about it Sunday on | a television show, Lodge said he had been in the same car with | Carter when Khrushchev made his boast to the film executive. | Added Lodge: f "I am sorry to say this is one of the things on which I eannot comment. I am sure you under- stand why. I was along as the president's personal representa-| ern frontier with Tibet, where 'some unrest" has been created by Chinese troops on the oppos-| ite side of the border, Nepalese Premier Bisheswar Koirala said| | Sunday. tive. If T were once to start an-| nouncing in public what was said | in all these private conversations, | I certainly would be going! against the best interests of the country." | said while|that in Los Angeles that his country that has obtained top secret Ameri-|said Cartier can intelligence codes, a Russian-|and they apparently told him it speaking film executive said Sat-|"was all right to reveal it." U.S. Code Broken Krushchev Says An interviewer then Jee answer told suthorities "Well," answered Lodge, "1 Victor M. Carter, the city's of-|don't think it's the kind of thing ficial guide for the premier, said |! Khrushchev can talk about." fessional personnel, trained to work with children and youth, They have a natural relationship with the parents--much more so than the police, courts, and wel- fare agencies. Finally: "The modern school has accepted a responsibility . . . for the personal and social growth of children, as well as for their academic training and ac- quisition of knowledge." On the other hand: "The school's primary function is mot that of a hospital, institu- tion, or warehouse to store chil- Five In Family Killed In Crash LAPEER, Mich. (AP) -- Five members of a family of eight were killed and the other three injured in a car - train collision three miles northwest of this southern Michigan city Sunday. The Lapeer county sheriff's of- fice sald the car rammed into the New York Central's Beeliner, a diesel - powered train, after vainly trying to stop on a rain- slick blacktop road. Killed were Lynn D. Norris, 38, and his children Marsha, 9; Michael, 3; George, 2, and Joy, seven months, The mother, Betty, and a som, Earl, 16, and a daughter, Linda, | 11, were in hospital. Du Pont Announces - Expansion Scheme KINGSTON (CP)--Du Pont of Canada lid, announced Satur- Classrooms Battle Scene LITTLE HELP But, it says, of all the excep- tional help, "the delinquent or pre-delinquent is the one youngster with whom they least like to work. Behavior--Principles and Prac- tices is the second of two vol- umes resulting from the project. The first, Delinquent Behavior-- Profit Ruled OTTAWA (CP)--Gross profit of $58,100 from a Cornwall land transaction has been ruled tax- able income rather than tax-free capital gain in a judment by . |R. 8. W. Fordham of the tax ap- peal board. The appeal involved was a test case binding by agreement on four Cornwall men who partici- pated in the transaction in ip brought by George A was eo; . | Stiles, solicitor for Cornwall. Also concerned were the late Aaron Horovitz, clothing manufacturer and former city mayor, F. B. Brownridge, formerly city clerk and treasurer, and Dr. J. A. Phillips, Cornwall deeds regis- tr: 1 ar. The jndgment made public Sat- urday relates that the four, using mone provided by Mr. Horo- vitz, purchased about 12 acres of land in 1955 for $35,000, with the stated intent of building a drive- in theatre. But before planning had begun, Mr. Fordham said, the project was abandoned and the land was) sold in 1956, Mr. Stiles claimed that this was caused by expropriation of part of the land by the Ontario Hydro- Electric Commission and a swift increase in the land's value. He submitted in regard to in- come tax assessment for 1956 that profits from the sale for $93,- 100 were capital gain b the bad or is the one' The 350-page book, Delinquent Culture and the Individual, was published last spring. There is no pat solution to the problem of juvenile deling: y the first report said. It called for more and better research, an ex- pansion of community and school Cornwall Land Deal Taxable hesitation in finding that the ap- pellant and his associates were seeking to make a profit in what- ever way they could do so after purchasing the land and that the drive-in theatre pro- posal was of import. ance If some alternative means of making a profit chanced to be forthcoming," he said. cinity of ED WILSON SEZ: Eo art i: SE Reduced for quick sole 14.88. WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. FOUR SEAS TRAVEL RA. 86) Ree 1 - ped. SS -- efforts to identify the delin- quency-bound youngster before it is too late. iprofit was fortutous. Mr. Fordham differed. "On. the evidence, I have no FIRE DAMAGE HEAVY CHADDERTON, England (AP) A mysterious blaze that swept through part of a huge factory turning out atom bombers for the RAF was estimated Sunday night to have caused £1,800,000 ($5, 000,000) damage. A. V. Roe said the fire would not affect produc- Gasoline Tax Loss Predicted WINNIPEG (CP) -- An official of the Canadian trucking industry said Saturday that provincial governments will lose heavily in gasoline tax revenues unless uni- form regulations governing high- way transport are adopted. Frank N. McCallum of Oshawa, president of the Canadian Truck- ing A ation, repr ting an industry that earned $400,000,000 in 1958, said intensive competi- tion between truckers and rail- ways will ultimately lead to prov- inces implementing uniform trucking regulations. He said in an interview the gov- ernments will find their gasoline tax sources drained once the ma- jority of Canada's local and long- distance trucking firms depend more heavily on "piggy - back" service of railways hauling loaded transport trailers from city to eity. Mr. McCallum said Ontario re- ceives about three cents gasoline tax a mile #om provincial and interprovineial trucking outfits. But, he added, both Canadian railways each night haul train loads of fully - loaded transport trailers from Montreal to Tor- onto, tion of the giant Vulcan delta- wing atom bomber and the new Avro 748 twin - engined turbo- |prop airliner, GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 9262 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 8-6451 or RA 3-4131 THERE'S CHILL IN THE AIR! We're just coming into the heating season. Ash |, yourself these questions: 1. Is your furnace safe? 2. Is it costly to operate? 3. Will it let you down? Play safe. Make sure! There's still time to install safe, dependable ANTHES Automatic Heating. You'll really enjoy winter with dependable heat-- and the price is well within your budget. Call us AUTHORIZED " LOW DOWN today--No obligation. PAYMENT! EASY TERMS DIXON'S 313 ALBERT ST. -- OSHAWA -- RA 3-4663 "And this is just the start," he said. 3 day a $600,000 exp of its Aue nél nylon textile yarn p fa- cilities here Work is to begin immediately with completion scheduled for late 1960. OPEN HOUSE |, ~ During -- Fire Prevention Week AT ALL OSHAWA An invitation is week, during the will be shown H. FIRE STATIONS OCTOBER 4th TO 11th extended to all Citizens to visit us during this hours of 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Fire Prevention films at Headquarters Station during these periods. R. Hobbs, Chief, Oshawe Fire Department most likely course the gov- ernment will follow is to stop buying butter at 64 cents a pound and give producers a deficiency payment that would ensure a North West of Rossland and Ritson Roads lies an estate in a beautiful valley . . . Beau Valley, a new concept in living. We welcome inquiries about beautiful Beau Valley in our site office. priced vegetable oil products. PRICES COMPARED comparable return. The government made such a change in its egg support pro- gram as of Oct. 1. It will shortly switch from buying hogs at a floor price to paying producers any "deficiency" between the going market price and a return considéred reasonable, This return is worked out on the basis of an amount represent. Recent retail prices in Ottawa ing an average farm produce re- turn over a number of years. RA 35-9121 fllustrate this point. Butter dellv-| Other products on which the ered to the householder"s door government currently is provid- was 72-74 cents a pound and in|ing deficiency payments are non- the stores 69-70 cents a pound.|Prairle wheat, oats and barley, Margarine in stores was 19-25 wool, soyabeans, sugar beets, cents &:pound, |honey and er seeds, | Ravine lots, hill top lots and wooded lots . . . all completely serviced with electrical and tele- phone cables underground, are now available. po 1960 RCA TELEVISION the Barry 21" table model now at Meagher's... New Gold Seal '60° chassis delivers 25% more contrast. Keyed automatic Gain Control -adjusts for weak and strong signals. Security sealed circuits. Balanced Fidelity FM sound. 18 tubes (24 tube function). All wood furniture styling in Mahogany, Walnut or Limed Oak finishes. Handsome Con- ette base optional, extra. Meagher's sell it for. ....... 239.00 P.S.--WE DO OUR OWN FINANCING 24.00 DOWN -- 15,00 MONTHLY MEAGHER"S 3 KING WEST RA 3-3425

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