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The Oshawa Times, 6 Oct 1959, p. 9

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| a i | : {Herbert Maynard; GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES NAVY LEAGUE AUXILIARY |Mrs. Telford, gave his illustrat- The first meeting of the season ed lecture on Mary, Queen of of the Navy League Auxiliary Scots. Mr. Frank Singer thanked was held recently. !Dr. Telford. The following officers were; elected: President, Mrs. George group were in the charge of the Luhtala; vice - president, Mrs. evening. Paul Michael; secretary, Mrs. SUNSHINE GROUP social con-| vener, Mrs. Joseph Cassidy; pub-| The Sunshine Group of Simcoe licity, Mrs. Fred Kunkel. |Street United Church held its Plans were made for the in- first autumn meeting in the form stallation of officers at the mext'of a pot luck supper at the] October church. { meeting on | Annual reports were given by| Following dinner the members| the secretary and treasurer. retired to the church parlors for! 13TH GROUP COMMITTEE |'¢ business session. The 13th Group Committee of the Girl Guide Association met at the home of Mrs. David Hut- cheon, Taunton road east, for the first meeting of the fall season with the president, Mrs. Eric Brock, presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secre- tary, Mrs. Harry Pearce and guest speaker, Mrs. V. Noltie, was introduced by Mrs. Harry Me- Leod. Mrs. Noltie spoke on beauty hints and gave a demon- stration on the art of applying makeup. On behalf of the group Mrs. Herman Pincombe thanked Mrs. Noltie. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Perry's| After a welcome by the presi-| dent Mrs. S. G. Sargeant, the] Change With Time THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 6, 1959 ! The book often, serves a circle] of neighbors and friends, It is particularly important in areas Hadiated Sum doers snd hosple Although 88.4 per cent of Can- ada's babies were born in hospi- tals by 1956, compared with 17.8 per cent in 1926 and 34.5 per cent in 1936, modern editions still in- Suds a chapter wn home eonfing, CARPETS From The Four Corners of "THE WORLD All shapes and sizes NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 Mery St. RA 50433 has with mid- i NINA RICCI ARIS ' | Ki iud Mrs. David Huicheon gave the treasurer's report. A very successful "Come and Go Tea" was held in June at the {home of Mrs. Hutcheon. | It was decided to hold the ba- | { |United Church hall. Plans were Mrs. Philip Perry read the minutes of the previous meeting and Mrs. Roy Bunker read the treasurer's report. Reports were heard from the catering committee and the re- |zaar in February in. St. ane' mere CPC book committee, The devotional period was con- THE AGE OF INNOCENCE in wonder is Sandra | granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lost Ruth, one-year-old daughter of | Russell Reeve, Oshawa, 2nd Mr. and Mrs. Grant Reeve, | Wellington avenue, Sandra | MI and Mrs. Robert Stocker, celebrated her first birthday | Bowmanville. on September 13. She is the --Photo by Robert Aldsworth Columbus Kedron Couples Club 2 Holds Successful Harvest Dance |B: | Hugh Sta- Harmony Church Hall was de-|ville; Mr. and Mrs. Melville eorated in autumn splendor when|pleton, Mr. and Mrs. Columbus - Kedron Doubles Samis, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Por-| Club played hosts to Oshawa and ter, all of Newtonville. Districts Doubles Clubs. Mr. Jim| Those from Kedron were Mr. Fisher, Toronto, and his orches-| william Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- tra played for round and square|liam Rosnak, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin dancing. {Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Tre- Spot dances were won by Mr. cuppa Mr, and Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. A, James Allen and!Tove, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. John Lemon all of Hitchens, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Oshawa . |Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Everett The highlight of the evening Mountjoy, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald was the Courtice Church Circuit|Stinson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Couples Club winning the square parks, 'Mr, and Mrs. Russell dance competition over seven Down, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dale, other entries. Judges were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William Woodward, and Mrs. Hugh Gannon and Mr. Mr, and Mrs. William Snowden, and Mrs, Moe Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ogle, Mr. Refreshments were served dur-land Mrs. Roy Pereman and Mr. ine intermission. {and Mrs. August Geisberger Jr. Those attending from Oshawa. From Brooklin: Mr. and Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gannon, Vern Wilson, Mr, and Mrs) Alex Mr. and Mrs, M. Adams, Mr, and Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mil. Mrs. Byron Worden, Mr, and ner, Mr. and Mrs. John Medland, Mrs. Arthur Howard, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson, | tain Joyce | fue Jo a a ook |ducted by Mrs. Donald Houlden lace © October 3,|Who took as her theme *'Co-oper- place on Saturday, | " i {i ; d present |ation". The scripture was read with a surprise party and pi by Mrs. J. D. Ross. her with an electric tea kettle | bos {from the committee. -- | The next meeting will be held lat the home of Mrs. Benjamin {Hitchens on October 21. | Refreshments were served by | the hostess assisted by Mrs. Gar- {net Johnston and Mrs. Egerton CALVARY BAPTIST WMS | The Senior WMS of Calvary aptist Church met recently. Mrs. Henry McGhee led in the | |song service and read a poem | entitled "The Right Choice." | Prayer was offered for Mis- sionaries and the sick by Mrs. R. 8. Keen and Mrs. H. Red- dick. The speaker was Mrs. Niven| Aitken, who chose her message from St. John, chapter 15,," Joys of Jesus Christ," and the wonder- ful handworks of the Lord." It is a Christian's duty to be] joyful in the Lord, she said. We! can only be a blessing to others as we ave in His Will. Our offer- lings to Him should be ioyful, not grudging. The Lord will restore| to us the joy of our Salvation if] |we come to Him, she continued. | | Mrs, John Dugan closed with] {praver. | 1 | SIMCOE STREET WMS The Thankoffering meeting of | ¢ the WMS of Simeone Street Church was well attended. Miss Millicent| # Montreal will be the home of | Mrs. Joseph Francis of Osh- | Nir. and Mrs. Peter William awa, and the late Mr. Francis, | Summers whose marriage was | and fae bridegroom is the son solemnized recently in Christ | of Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Sum- | Memorial Church. The bride, | mers, Bellbroughton, Worces- the former Miss Alice Laura tershire, England. Francis, is the daughter of --Photo by Mary's Studio when decorating a nursery for her most important account, her baby. She used red, blue and white beautifully but discreetly B b ' N anc did 'a most attractive room. | She chose a special flat-finish | a y ' ursery {paint for the white walls. If babies could have their say Incidentally, for toddlers, there |when it comes to decorating theiri;. ojo paint on the market] Burgeries, they woud undoubtedly vivich can be scribbled on with| vole do , vi Tag coors. chaik and then erased. For fur- {onstrated. without doubt, that Ritare Tete are ood euainels/ ibabics ean Sistnguish, Solos guy finish and also survive plenty of | |and blues. for example. sgh Sen bright-colored set: | | : - [MIGHT NOT AGREE that pale ting ani furniture, brightly |blue or light yellow or pink is pained tovs Ste Sdn d) Jer mere Suiiavle 20 Weasing bal erald green elephant will inevit- | |agree. Children right up to the 2hly Lg Ph appealing than | | kindergarten age like the brilliant" Siiay i | {hues best and this fact is proven! When doing toys over for a wee {by the gay-colored pictures they one, use the same quality enamel| |paint and crayon when they first © : 2 to school y y the nursery furniture. Your! G Red, as a matter of fact, is the dealer will recommend the right | Suggested Ways |'To Decorate 0, did {mother on her n the toys that you are using on French, the book is also available {was published in 1940. It gave father few paragraphs and left| pedestal. In recent years, after annual revisions and in 1957 a completely rewritten text, mother is placed solidly on earth, father is realis- tically fitted into the picture and edition reflect the modern the- ory of shared parenthood. Current editions cover a baby's first 21 months and treat mater- nity--and paternity--as a natural situation. ! The department annually prints | 112,500 copies, not quite enough) to go around to the number of] first babies born each year. | In 1957, for instance, of 453,778) births 123,263 were first babies. | Department officials say they al-| ways run out of each year's edi- tion, | Copies are distributed free through provincial health depart- ments with the exception of On- tario, which has a mother's book of its own. Mothers get their] copies from public health units or| clinics and sometimes from their | doctors. Published in both English and §! from the] 28 KING ST. EAST at 25 cents a copy Queen's Printer, i A standby for the first preg-| L} DIAL RA 3-4621 top favorite color of older chil.| choice. |dren, too. Yellow - green, violet] A paint of this type presents no land the pale pastels have little|danger of lead poisoning, either; Fon Mrs, Frank Singer, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dennis, Mr, Luke presided and welcomed sev- Robert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Royland Mrs. Ray Hodson and Mr, eral visitors, Morris, Mr. and Mrs: Colinwood and Mrs. Donald Duncan. Mrg. J. K. Moffat conducted the |nancy, the book often is re-read for succeeding ones. | Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas | worship service. Reverend J. K. Ogden, Mr. Gordon Strutt, Mrs, | E. Fountain, Mr. and Mrs, Frank| Sullivan, 'Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomp- son, Mr. and Mrs. N. V, Roe, Mr. | and Mrs. Eric Booth, Mr. and Moke. "od Mies Stehenson. and Mrs. Gordon Adair, Mr. and Mrs. A. Winter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. A. James Allen, Mr. and Mrs, Don- ald MeGlashen, Mr, and Mrs, | J. Coles, Mr, and Mrs. Lemon, Mr. and Mrs. M, Me- Lean, Mr. and Mrs, H. Forsythe, Mr, Harvey Aselstine, Miss Wil- ma Kearns, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood, Mr. and Mrs, J. Bright, ! Mr, and Mrs, Percy Walter, Mr, pnd Mrs, J, F. Schulz, Mr, and] £7 Mrs. William Carey, Mr. and Mrs. William Murray, Mr. Reid Di~key, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Pen- ny, Mrs, Blanche Wray, Mr, and Mrs. David Hutcheon, Miss Shir- lev Hutcheon, Others were Mr, and Mrs. Ken-| pe h Powell, Mr, and Mrs. Ver-| TE non Powell, Mr, and Mrs. Lance] Missionary To Speak Here { # Es iis hii MISS F. M. WALBRIDGE Beath, all of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Branton, all of Whitby Mr. and 'Mrs. Murray Paterson, 4 [oe teful attitude, ~ § Walked Today Where Jesus Walk- : is to be held in Columbus Church |; : 'on October 27. | Moffat introduced the Reverend | Peter Trant of St. George's Angli- lean Church. He emphasized put- ting God in the centre of life and to continue to develop a EASY TO SEW By ANNE ADAMS The wrapped-top dress réveals fall's new slant on figure flat- tery. Simple neckline invites fill- in pearls, scarves, or a bold pin, in Off-center front gores shape a Niiss Luke conducted the busl-|ECLTETG, SATE Tomorrows pat ness session: 73 hospital ealls : . " " and 82 church calls were report. i id of em i Th Hd ed ' ' . » » i ", The autumn rally of the WMS V'piE8 8, Yrs S5inch fabrle. rn part. Easier, accurate. Send FORTY CENTS (40c) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- he | €d) for this pattern. Please print Mrs. H. E. Brownlee sang "IT ed" and was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Cecil Worden. Mrs. Leo Gray thanked all those) who had taken part in the meet- 50 regular - 50 CLUB The meeting of | 50.50 Club of Simcoe Street Unit-| Plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, held in the|STYLE NUMBER, church parlors with Mrs. Robert] Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Barrand in charge. {care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- ed Church was {or no appeal to the young child or from chewing or even swallowing infant, [the coating, under practically So if you want to carry along any conditions. But, of course, with this notion, when painting care should be taken to prevent nursery walls and furniture throw this as much as possibl convention to the winds and try!whe ever said that paint is good a strong color scheme, to eat--even if it is perfectly One decorator did just that safe? Tape measure tells a lovely slimming story A true account of reducing achievement! It's no fable -- you're truly uble to beautify your figure through our relax ng spot-reducing methods, TRIM EXTRA INCHES HERE! Homewood Slenderizing Studio 204 KING ST, E PHONE RA 2.051) The devotional period was con-(!€r2 Dept, Oshawa, Ontario. ducted by Mr. Harry Gilchrist and Mrs. Philip Perry. During the brief business per-| iod final arrangements were | {made for the Turkey Supper | Now at H (4 SHOMES wo The Bra with the Built-in Shape Hi-appeal is truly the greatest advance in Bra Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Embley, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Munro, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin, Mr. and Mrs, ation Hancock, all of N le Mr, and Mrs, Horace Vetzal, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryder-/Maedonald College, Quebec. In man, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley, ! Mr. 'and Mrs. Jack Hurrie, Mr. | and Mrs. Lloyd Down, Mr. and Mrs, James MacGregor, all of| Courtice. [ Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Newton MeIntosh, all of Coldsprings, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Gilmour, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cameron Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. E, | Begley, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner, Mr. and] Mrs. Francis Thompson, Mr. and | Mrs. Leroy Short, all of Bowman. | | THREE WAYS TO ENSURE BETTER HEALTH FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY PARAMETTES Ju NIOR ranamerTEs ranantrre || 21 VITAMINS, MINERALS AND & TRACE ELEMENTS DRUGS Reguler City-Wide which the group is sponsoring on| October 17. { Church on Priday, October 9, will| The Reverend J. Moffat intro-| be Miss Frances M. Walbridge, duced the Reverend George Tel-| Miss Walbridge received her ford, who with the assistance of| Guest speaker at a meeting to be held at Northminster United weas- eWeas- pachelor of arts degree from Me- Gill University and attended post - graduate study eourse 1938-1939 she studied at the Unit-| comin; ed Church Training School. a a women in the villages, in nutri-| at|tion and related subjects. f For her last two years before] g on furlough, she has been| acting principal of Means In 1939 she was appointed as|School, Dondi, and carrying some; it missionary to Round Lake I dian School and transferred in the day school, n-| responsibility for rural work in| to/the Dondi area, She is very in-| {Angola in 1941 as an educational terested in teaching ilfiterates to | missionary, She spent most of her|read and in the development of {time of service at Camundongo| African writers. vocational Miss Walbridge has also been school for girls, and dry season active in the Organization for Ww short courses for girls or young Girls, similar to the CGIT. | Shop | WOOLWORTHS First! VISIT OUR NEW MODERN STC™E 1 Air-Conditioned--Self-Serve--Saves Time FREE 1 PLASTIC CLOTHES BASKET---Made of strong plastic. Retails at 2.35 with ao gallon of GIRLS' AND BOYS' SIZES 8-14 LADIES' SIZES 12-20 MEN'S Come And See Our LARGE SELECTION OF QUILTED STROLLER COATS SIZES 3846 .......... TONE-CRAFT PAINT, ONLY AT... 'PRESTON'S » FREE . . . 1 PLASTIC eR LART! UTILITY PAIL Un- breakable, very useful for all kinds of odd jobs, Free with a purchase of 1-gt. of TONE-CRAFT PAINT. that well needed coat Tone - Craft Paint ..... PRESTON' DECORATING SUPPLIES 28 King St. E. RA 3-462) VISIT OUR MODERN LUNCHEONETTE 19 BOND WEST With Winter coming on this is an excellent time of year to give your house of paint. Preston's offer ... PLI-TONE Plastic Flat Paint TONE GLOW The low sheen enamel PERMA-TONE The ong coat exterior house paint, RA 3-4922 Glory Ann Shoppes Ltd. '5 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH design in years. Created by one of fashion's leading stylists, the glamour-lift cups are delicately padde in shape" d to give you the "built. and glamorous curves where they flatter your figure, most. Hi-appeal can do so much for you--why not see for yourself how glamerous you can really be today. : 30-364, 32-388 by $9.50 Available In Oshawa At... 2 RA 5-1321

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