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The Oshawa Times, 6 Oct 1959, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 6, 1959 Dawson's First By BILL RATHBUN Canadian Press Staff Writer DAWSON CITY, Y.T. (CP)-- Slim and -attrocilve, Tommie Gray is the most northerly woman alderman ir Canada. The fair - haired, 36-year-old Mrs. Gray is neariag the end of her first year on the three-mem- ber council, the first woman to hold an alderman's chair in this city of gcld-rush history. She was elected by acclamation last Jan- vary fo complefc the term of George Shaw, who resigned to devote his time to the Yukon ter- ritorial council. Born at Leamingion, Ont., Mrs. © |Gray jumped at thc opportunity | {to come north 12 years ago when i (she wag working in the Ottawa © offices - income tax depart. © 'ment, LOVES NORTH "It had always been a race be- {tween Dad and myself to see who would ge! here first," she re | [called in an interview. "I won, I { 'don't know how to describe what lit is about the north, but I really like it. One reason is that I'm so ' [busy I don't have time to think about it." | This summer was one of her i |busiest, She spends one night cach. week al council meetings Four nights are taken up selling Hokets and candies at the movie theatve operated by her husband, Chuck. 8be algo aelpe him to run the sixaunit motel they bullt this year Apart fram tis, she holds a fulltime at the fob a= a stenographer Yukon Concolidated Gold Corporation offices at nearby Hear Creek Mrs, Gray {the nor! womens feels that Hving in may be difficult for capecially those over 40, ad for teen-agers CHILD'S HAT AND BAG come and the pouch-bag can be | cents washed in lukewarm water, If you would like to obtain the easy crochet instructions, sim- ply send a stamped, self-ad- dressed envelope, plus ten "There's nol enough for either group to do" in a eity of only 800 permanent reaiGents, she sald, ittle girl's accessories | are ly crocheted with | heavy cotton thread. Two col- ors are mixed for a contrasting | effect. The hat will keep its shape for years and years to | MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Psychiatric Help Is Indicated To Unravel Man's Problem Dear Mary Haworth: My for handling, to the Needlecraft Department of this paper, requesting CHILD'S | | HAT and BAG, Leaflet No. [ough oR CHILDREN > 4 LCPC. 763. | ruler kids sod nd: ping {herself has no chiidren, "Those Try to keep perspective with these reflections: for your shortcomings, 1. Children of divorce, sheltered gqu1¢ plane. by their mother, who's been obliged to work outside the home NEEDS GUIDANCE to earn their living, are subject] Now, about Sara: There's a to great emotional insecurity;|chance that she is being know- hence have a disturbed precari-|ingly hostile, interfering and dis- {ous distrust of their worth or sig-|ruptive, in trying to keep between nificance, in any eircumstance, |you and her mother. If so, her and explain to her, ap-| 2, Having gone through one|Campaign is infantile; and her ie died seven years ag; a prope y, the Sew Silation; great change, which banished one oe? i he Shutied ely wonderful person. e ha and perhaps incidentally empha-|parent--their father -- naturally you, x - years of the happiest marriage. size the benefits gained. The girlland instinctively your stepchii.-|ent program of fond considera- A few months ago I married resents me and shows it in many|dren dread further revisions of tion and: just restraint, that will BE ave re a Sotho family routine thet moght woo SE He oe nior, who bas two children: a provider and nothing else. B-them of mother; that is, of her adr C . \ 5 . daughter, 12, and a son, 9. Owing|fortunately, the mother capitu- company, time, interest, ete, |Put her in "right" relationship to bb ms sicsiy coming, sover Tistes Sion" easly t bor 01"3. Hany where you enter hel "iene Seopurent family fortably; whereas for years be-| Where does a wife's duty lie? If picture, or rather say, the prob-| At present you tend to resent fore, she had a constant struggle/love of husband doesn't dictate|lem, as a well - intended foster|Sara as a rival, at her level of fo make ends meet, {what is right and normal, surely|father. If you aren't prepared to|blind selfish jealousy. Which rt a wis Bt ma te ej uufeonk Shese dificutivs inner | SCL LS to Cont Bn eins th ee bedrooms; a or the|says a wifes fir: uty is e| PP) _|ds * A first time in their life, each child husband she vowed to love, honor 1d am you i bask |the constructive solution of the has a separate room, comfortably and cherish. Perhaps this is a|Stound, with openhearted Wis- conflict, you'll have to enlist furnished. My wife and I share a/case for the Court of Marital | dom, sympathy and sound leader-| psychiatric or psychological guid- double room with twin beds.. |Relations? E. W. ship that might teach the chil-|ance to start. So, get steering ad- . |vice from a staff consultant, at The daughter, I'll call her Sara, MAN'S IMPATIENCE dren their place, while also evok- + A i : H ~ ig . the Family Service Agency in is somewhat spoiled and wilful; yp op This is an awkward| 108 in them a dawning sense of your town. H. on the first the child 1 Is Proving Her 1 etal A' 'erwoman THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA that have the mcans usually try to get the kids out to boarding schools or with relatives at about age 14." : Like most peopie up here the Grays try to get out for a holiday every three year: They visit their Ontario homes--Chuck is from Toronto--ond then go off from there, The last time, two years ago, they flew to Nassau. "But six weeks was enough. We were anxious to get back." Unlike most Dawson women, Mrs. Gray is noi a curling en- thusiart, although curling is the chief winter pastime She shares her husband's in- terest Jn music and motion pic- ture photography, likes to sketch and led her garden when she has a spare minute and to visit with friends. FOOD COSTS HIGH As with housewivey anywhere else, the cost of unning the home Is one of Mrs. Gray's peeves. "1 think food costs here ave out of line, but 90 per cent of the people buy thelr food outside and have it sont in," A Wilietorse supermarket, | "with prices close to those in| Vancouver," maker two deliver-| ies by truck to Dawson each! week, It costs three cents a pound to have oiders filled and delivered 350 mile "For example, tomatoes are 70-85 conts a pound package here, but the Whitehorse pricy is around 30 cents, They ean be brought 'n for three cents more a package," Despite high food and heating costs, the modest homes -- fow new ones have been built in re cont years--sport freezers and stoves and cellars stocked with food ordered In case lots from Whitehorse or Vancouver. Until recently Dawson was the only city in the Yukon with full water, sewer, eleciricity and tele- phone services, which residents days of the early 1900s. CURLING BIG ACTIVITY Mrs, Gray also discussed the activities of women in a town where spring, summer and fall are wrapped imo four or five months, beginning in May. have enjoyed since gold rush)! FOR TOMORROW Excellent Mercury' influences especially encourage those in the writing and communications fields, but all can profit in some way. A good lunar aspect is ex- tremely generous where family relationships are concerned. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, the next- three months should bring job progress and consider- able improvement in your finan- cial status. The occupational headway may involve additional responsibilities but, rather than finding them burdensome, you should feel stimulated at the chal- lenge to step ahead. The accumu- lation of cash between now and the end of December is extremely likely, and another good period along monetary lines is indicated in mid-1960. December and January Sy " - WE :. J TOE-CUDDLERS By ALICE BROOKS Practical! Cuddle slippers with She emphasized curling was | the major activity for women. | "Curling is their life. They go! to Mayo, Keno and Whitehorse! (all in the Yukon) and Fairbanks | (Alaska) for bonspiels; as well as| their own here. "In summer they putter about the gardens. "The ladies also love their teas) and bazaars. This gives them an opportunity to put on hats and] gloves--if for nothing else than to prove they have 2 pair. We all wear slacks a lot and its good to get into good ciothes." Curling club - socials, the Re-| membrance Day bzll, the annual Klondike Night, Aug, 17, Christ- mas house parties and old time dance clubs ave other social highlights, Lena May Gray began her pol- itical carcer three years ago and now is chairman o. the council's| finance committee. Despite her enthusiasm for Dawsen City and mother, two 3 A md " | ang Supuitunes Jey to sleep situation for your wife; and if grateful respect and security in Mary Haworth counsels with her. Possibly to keep peace you become more impatient than|the new dispensation--if you can't'through her column, not by mail| . understanding, it could wreck the|do this, then at least be goodlor personal interview. Write her| d pacify Sara's whining, my x : t ane a. When 1 protest this| marriage, of course, lenough not to blame the childrenlin care of this newspaper. ! the Yukon, she feels that "we'll | eventually leave--but not for an-| other 10 or 15 years; long enough away not to think about it." practice my wife says it's tem- porary; not for long; "just until the child adjusts to the change." WIFE'S DUTY I have tried to be kind and understanding, If she wishes to comfort Sara by spending an oc- casional night with her, that's all right with me; but I say she ANNGCUNCEMENT shouldn't yield to repetitive de- mands for such indulgence. And the child's insistence is nothing less than demand, on the ground bells for trim really hug a child's foot -- never fall off! Jiffy-knit! Each slipper is just one flat piece -- ribbing added on. Pattern 7464: directions for children's sizes 4 to 12 included. Thrifty gifts. Send Thirty-five cents (coins for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to Household Arts Dept., The Oshawa Times, Osh- awa, Ontario. Print plainly, NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. . JUST OUT!. Our New Alice Brooks Needlecraft Book contains THREE FREE Pai- terns. Plus ideas galore for home furnishings, fashions, gifts, toys, bazaar sellers --- exciting unus- ual designs to crochet, knit, sew, embroider, huck weave, quilt. Be first with the newest -- s.nd 25 cents now! 1960 4 (also May and June) should prove broadening from a social point of view, but be alert to possible domestic friction in February. A "give and take" policy will be best in dealing with all members of your family. Look for some exceptionally interesting romantie| developments between late May and early September; also a pos- sible chance to travel. A child born on this day will NATURAL COMPLAINT HURSTMONCEAU,X Eng. (CP) Complaints poured in to the coun cil about the noise from 100 motorcycles which invaded this {Sussex village one Sunday. One {complaint was from a woman live ing in a house named "Tranquil ity." have the ability to face the up- heavals of life with great calm- ness, and will be highly capable along artistic lines. HOUSEHOLD HINT A spot of black shoe polish on a washable fabric can be removed by applying turpentine, then washing the fabric. CAN REALLY BE! All and charm of a young figure are now yours to command with new Hi-appeal bra with the "Built-In Shape". Hi-appeal was created by ome of fashion's leading designers to give you curves where they count the most. The Bra with the "Built-in-Shape" DISCOVER HOW GLAMOROUS YOU A coy touch of delicate padding and skilfully molded cups give the truly built-in shape and figure flattery that is every girl's dream. In snowy white cotton broadcloth. $ £50 the glamour Style 297: Sizes 30-364 32-388 ALSCO s E E ALSCO TO ALUMINUM SIDING 7 -NIGHT ON ALCOA PRESENTS" ALUMINUM that '"'we have always slept to- gether and why can't we keep on being together?" *A&«W DRIVE-IN ® ALUMINUM STORM- SCREEN WINDOWS STORM DOORS Full 1" thick--a model for I urge my wife to sit down with every need. All come complete- ly equipped and installed. No extras to buy. All-round Geon weather stripping. Concealed hinges. Storm Sash and. rust- proof Aluminum Screen. Alsco storm - screens protect you from winter's cold and summer insects. Easy change, self storage. Fuel savings up to 20% . Easy on the budget. WISHES TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT THEY WILL BE OPEN THROUGH TO THE LATTER PART of NOVEMBER THE BURGER FAMILY ... The Papa Burgers, Mama Burgers and Baby Burgers you receive at A & W Drive-In are of the absolute highest quality beef. Each Burger is composed of 85% pure beef. Joyous with Comfort Sparkling with Style! ALUMINUM CAR PORTS AND PATIO COVERS Here's one of the most exciting additions you can make to your home. With ALSCO Aluminum Patio Covers you can create your own outdoor living room. Ideal for creating a protective car port. In 16 colours, ALUMINUM AWNINGS Alsco Aluminum awn- ] ings can make your house up to 15% cooler in summer. Prevent fading of furniture, drapes, etc. Just put them up and leave them up. In stationary or roll-up models. 16 beautiful colours. FOR LUNCH ... Instead of going out to a restaurant for lunch, why not stop at the A & W Stand. Here we serve our delicious Burgers and any beverage you desire . . . such as Root Beer, Orange, Hot Chocolate, Milk or Coffee. Comfort that | dares to I be beautiful ALUMINUM SIDING Alsco Aluminum siding gives your house a new appearance that will last indefinitely. It won't rust, w or wear out. Never hin, 1 painting. Quickly and easily installed. Available in 5 outdoor colours in hori- zontal lap siding and verti- cal styles. ALUMINUM DOOR CANOPIES An ALSCO Door Canopy will make yours the most distinctive house on your street. Gives lifetime pro- tection from sun and wind- driven rain. Wide choice of colours! AFTER THE MOVIES... Yes after the movies stop in for a quick snack. Br a Mama Burger, a Papa Burger or a Baby Burger ing the whole family, for BECAUSE OF POPULAR REQUEST WE ARE ROOT BEER MUGS AS FOLLOWS . .. As«W DRIVE-IN SIMCOE ST. NORTH AT TAUNTON ROAD OPEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY 11 AM. TO 2 AM. SUNDAY TO THURSDAY 11 A.M. to 12 MIDNIGHT NOW SELLING OUR ALUMINUM PORCH RAILINGS Add the finishing touch of charm to your home --with ALSCO Alumi- num Porch Railings. Can't rust or wear out. Years from now they'll be as handsome and effective as the day you install them. 3 FOR APPOINTMENT cu RA 3-9843 Or Drop in To. Our Showroom At. .. LANSDOWNE SHOPPING GENTRE SIMCOE STREET NORTH BABY ...., ., 25 REGULAR . . . 50¢ JUMBO ..... 75 Make the Dr. Locke } "Comfort Test" | DANCEY'S SHOES 18 Simcoe S. RA 5-1833 TRY OUR TAKE OUT SERVICE

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