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The Oshawa Times, 6 Oct 1959, p. 15

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CANADIAN GIMMICK? Wam Riflemen, Oshawa La dy Golfers es py iu 3 Pro Football Clubs Insulators Are Wohi A felder broke two world weight.|techniques. This broke the pre- vious record of 992 pounds set by ther Season. os iiiats & Deadly Targets heavyweight. division as|raised his snatch record to 310 ® Ki LJ he gave Russia its third title in|4-5 pounds from last year's 305 RB } } Nl Thoughtless marksmen were| The Ladies' Section of the Osh- Miss Dobbie with a Past - Presi-[Doreen Dobbie, and in the the 1959 world = championships.i1-3. ' : S1 warned today that a pot-shof atlawa Gold Club held their official|dent's pin and expressed the Bronze Division, Mrs. M. 8. Cor- power line insulators could mean|closing last Tuesday. The ladies|thanks of everyone for a job wellirin. ; electrocution or jail terms for|were blessed with a near-perfect|done. To finish up the prize-giving By JACK SULLIVAN ference have been their best cus-|the exchange and it may haunt hemcelves and electrical black-lday for golf for this time of the| Captain Mrs. A. Stewart and|spree, Mrs, K. Tipney had Mrs. FACTORIES FOR RENT Canadian Press Staff Writer |lomers. Frimicks a2 long 36 he lasts w i outs for thousands of others. |year and a record tee-off attend-|her committee then presented H. Smith draw dinner tickets i i Ontario Hydro, which finds|ance was enjoyed by the captain|the prizes for the day. Low net|from a hat and a number of : If you want somethillg differ- REAL SURPRISE roped dp had ifs Segiiig last December about 1000 insulators shattered by|and her committee. winners were Mrs. K. Tipney,|prizes were presented to the la- 2,400 - 3,200 SQ. FT. ent, an oftaiimes a bit screw's Nast os The circamstances Will 3 Hamhten wing Tie bullets or stones every year, ac-| Eighteen holes of golf were Mrs, I Vessie, and Mrs. S. Bals- dies who had not otherwise won i 3 ! Sastian bro ate outfitted make a lot of people wonder. | "Pye 'had' Fe and Regina companied the warning with an|played in the afternoon, with din-|don. Lowest puts for 3) Jes 2 prin for their golfing activi-f New self-contained factories for rent; Offices with a panic button for a coaches'| George Terlep was fired as|has 'had' me," Tripucka told FI ty He yide: shooting at De Le a: or Bd Sore Mus. Efmyuns The ing was qudedll to suit; Truck level shipping; two-year lease; gr TO tho py llicad, conch of Saskatchewan Eastern sorts writers |The <ublpoles 'or transmission towers ively 'decorated. in Halloween| Winners of the club ropbiesfult Sond oy Jo (0S, neki | Ample parking. ust ai every one e Big| no . A all th lice -- for your sake|colors, wit mpkins on the|were then presented with their|the Ladies' Barbershop Quartette, Nine teams is equipped with such|had a 0-for-9 record in the WIFU.|I don't want to play another sea- eal his, Po y colors, with pumpkin i ina »* tables, indicative of October and|prizes, along with the prizes to consisting of K. Fox, R. Bone- a gadget for players. Jt has be-|That left the tam without 2 Bead 503 1 Regina. club officials| Power was cut off to more than fall weather and the end of the|the runners-up. ham, L. Rousseau, and Anna AJAX INDUSTRIAL ESTATE come one of the most useful in-jman and with seven games to 3000 homes and businesses in|golfing season for another year. The prize for the most im-|Jane Sharrard. LOUGH ESTATES CANADA LIMITED struments, particularly for teams|complete the schedule. sgreed | win fils qiasiesack. 2000 homes and Bese |" President Doreen Dobbie ex-|proved player this year was won| A reminder to all the Tadies, St ill . NAD who realize about this time each| Ottawa Rough Riders had an pe rede football with Notre|Tonto last week because someone|pressed her pleasure at seeing by Mrs. David Henry, who low-|don't forget the annual meeting, oy! Bidg., Toronte Year Sat the suiting Job they| expendable {Suaterback on their Plaves org ey ore of the best ga 3 d poredisia | sul to x 3 such a large traout and for alcred her handicap from 36 to his Sveniog, 2 He club at 7.30, e previous winter and sum-|roster, so the two clubs made a y six poles south of Richmon .|very successful year for the La- Zs. ; y A mer wasn't very good. deal. rlep veut 10 viawg | as passers In 1s est ut ig 5 Hydro officials said the marks-|dies' Section. 1st Vice - president oo anes * the Ringer Soe J a i Spies on TT Aw him in oe Eventually a deal was male a Junocent passers. Mrs. O. E. Crawford present e e i he headed for the head|over Terlep's objections -- tha mes 0 ee oe aoath Jb in the Saskatchewan] sent Tipucka to Ottawa for fiveltn® UCL pois wooden crow SPORTS IN BRIEF Some of the bottom-placed clubscity. piayefs. arm and fallen to the ground. in the Big Four and Western Con-| There's a puzzling side issue to wy Seipucka is Jack in a town Investigations showed at least six shots were fired from a high- a player. > i ith the fans/Powered rifle in the Toronto sub- Pl I National Football Loop be better the rol. 6 4 cons Jet obody reported hearing ayer Illness ca ------ . '] 3 . I Tripucka can convince Re-[*1€™ x gina fans that he was just jesting| Without knowledge of the dam- ; | : i EETIERL IEEE Still Mystery Ra DS Standings Get Heave-Ho fim oxo te contain? beri 1 ster Tr § i It took about three hours to lo- NEW YORK (AP) The Na-|touchdown passes and romping PR ohn pga Shp cate the trouble and restore serv-| EVANSTON, Ill. (AP) -- Alljjockey Ismael Valenzuela, was : i | 1 ice completely. . |laboratory tests are completed on|timed in 1:22 35 for the seven i tional Football League standings yards on a kick el nig A is fairly certain: The| The power interruption might food eaten by 13 Oklahoma foot- furlong s in winning by 24 AEtede) looked mighty strange today|fourth en route to a 49. win. Roughrider: on't make this have been much longer and more | ball players who became sick lengths rom Vital orce, e ad | Eo pee ho after a wave of upsets hit the 12-, These clubs also evened their| Roug ide: 2 w A 1 id extensive if a tower on the high-|Sept. 24 and a health official/time was a second faster than Wi team circuit during the weekend. record at 1-1. ; {year 2 pave Sg-some Beople said voltage transmission network had|said Monday the cause of their| Irish Jay's ~k mark set Sept. il il The only unbeaten teams, both Cleveland Browns, using full-|early in the season they u been used for target practice. violent upsets remains an) 23. in the Western Conference, were back Jimmy Brown to grind out even win a game -- and there's| pour teen - agers have been enigma. Green Bay Packers and San the yardage, crushed Chicago|plenty of evidence to show what|copvicted and fined this year for Dr. Edward Press, Evanston BOMBERS DROP END Francisco 49ers, each with two|Cardinals 34-7. Brown scored|happens to losing coaches. shooting at insulators. public health director, said that| WINNIPEG (CP) -- End Dave victories. Baltimore's defending|Cleveland's first two touchdowns| They are fired. The penalties might well havei, relatively scant number of Kocourek, last year with the champions had a "one" in the and picked up 147 yards in 37| been more severe if they had not| ooh olococei coagulates wc r of University of Wisconsin, has been loss column. And the Eastern|carries. 'D k H ti 0 been Juventies, = Charges are found in turkey eaten by the Feleased by vmipeg Blue Conference was deadlocked from| His total carries fell two short] aid under on o e " : re than|Bombers, the estern Intre- : : ~ top to bottom with each of the|of the NFL record set by Harry| uck Hunting Un [50 ia Code, which states that(Plavers at thelr hotel more thaw, svincial Football Union club jRr{O INCITS § 38 ooh 'd [ole e {=F oletels six clubs showing a 1-1 record. [Newman of New York Giants in| . C I "anyone who commits mischief sick. He said this is an unusually announced Monday. Ferrell Fun- Chicago Bears outlasted the 1934, but he picked up 33 yards Atlantic oast Is in relation to public property is : indi long period for fuch reaction. |Ston was recently picked up when i rear door loading Colts 26-21 at Baltimore Satur-/more than Newman did. guilty of an indictable offence and SE rena - ay be deemed Cit by Cleveland Browns and Side andre o g day night, racking up a 23-0 half-| Washington Redskins, with liable to imprisonment for 14) "oo TU ive turkey caused Ralph Anderson was obtained in time lead. Johnny Unitas, the Sam Baker kicking three field Expected Better years. be y via © turkey Caused, trade with Chicago Bears for . : 1% s : But Ontario Hydro and the the illness, but it can't be com-| © kl ., Sos Smal a aay ol detente Pittsburgh Steel HALIFAX (CP)--Officials say|province's municipal electrical pletely ruled out. ckle Fred" Cole. Both are ends. passing for three touchdowns but [the duck hunting season in the utilities are convinced nobody WIFU CENTRE FINED his lift came too late ' VETERAN SHINES | Atlantic coast area looks prom.|would draw a bead on an insula- NNIPE ] ; f Unitas. who had only seven| Lamar McHan, a veteran quar-|ising, although it's too early toltor if he realized the danger and] WINNIPEG (CP) -- Import, ONTARIO COUNTY passes. intercepted all 'last sea.|terback 'picked up during the| predict definitely. the damage he could cause. centre Neil Habig of Saskatche-| FLYING CLUB n had three picked off by the Summer on a trial basis, fired| J. W. Baker, president of the| Protecting Ontario's power life- {wan Roughriders has been fined . B. a pic by loc|four touchdown passes - as the| Saint John branch of the New|lines shouldn't require prosecu- $50 as a result of a match pen-| BADMINTON alert Bears, One interception le: rejuvenated Green Bay Packers Brunswick Fish and Game Pro-|tion -- just common sense. alty in a Western Interprovincial to a touchdown, another to a field| "HIT HTETL AY 8.10 for| fective Association, said there Football - Union contest, football OPENING goal. their second straight victory |are more ducks on the Atlantic WINS FESTIVAL RACE commissioner Sydney Halter an- ADDS TO RECORD San Francisco's underdog 49ers| [Vay than ever before. ; } nounced Monday night. Habigl Tyes October 6ti 0 The new bag limit in New| ST. CATHARINES (CP)---John|was ejected after slugging Stam- . r : Unitas' tourth-quarter splurge struck for 10 points before Los| " i ' ¢ § 7:3 ran his NFL record of tossing at|Angeles could run a play Sunday| Brunswick this season, which{Church of Toronto's Gladstone|peder end Bill McKenna in a :30 P.M. least one touchdown pass a game|and rolled on to a 34-0 victory | oPeRed Oct. 1, has been cut to|Athletic Club won the 10 - mile|game won by Calgary 18-15. Round Rcbin end A |six from eight, road race held here Saturday in Instructional Clinic to 27 straight. The game gave|J. D. Smith scored two of the| 1, Nova Scotia, where the sea- t connect ion with the Niagara TAKES $70,300 RACE Prospecti Memb ited Y Both Sith a 1-1 record. San Francisco touchdowns. {son also opened Oct. 1, the bag|Grape Festival, His time was 49] NEW YORK (AP) -- Warfare in Poe I Ton Building, SEB BR e Giants took their worst de-| Not since 1949 had the Rams|jimit for any day is six. minutes, 41 seconds. Two Guelph|sped to a track mark in winning | feat in seven years at the hands|been blanked in a league game| Most hunting is for black ducks|runners, Alan Claremont and Artithe 37th running of the $70,300 At The AIRPORT . 334 Ritson Road South Tel: RA 3-3461 LKSWAC( len Mile of Philadelphia Eagles, with and that was in the championshi |as few redheads or canvas backs|Hackett, finished second and|Cowdin Stakes at Aqueduct Mon- Tommy McDonald catching three'battle against Philadelphia. are found. third respectively. day. The two-year-old, ridden byl LEO KRANTZ HOWARD VICE HAROLD ROUGHLEY ED. MOTHERSILL AL CANNING 0 0 F OF CHIROPRACTOR oF HAROLD ROUGHLEY NU-WAY PHOTO CANNING'S MEN'S HOWARD DRAPERIES INSURANCE SERVICE KINSMEN CLUB MEMBERS BOOST OSHAWA 'IMPS' Recognizing the value of organized sport for the youth of the community, these members of Oshawa Kinsmen Club have joined to give "a helping hand" to the men who organized and are operating the Oshawa Junior "Imps" Football Club Inc. The sports fans of Oshawa and district are urged to support the Oshawa "Imps" by attending the team's "home + games". NEXT HOME GAME . NORTH YORK KNIGHTS OSHAWA "TMPS"" 8 p.m. - Wednesday, Oct. 7 - 8 p.m. KINSMEN CIVIC MEMORIAL STADIUM ADULTS ... 1.00 Students .... .. 50 (Children under 12 years, admitted free, if accompanied by = adult) < Jil OSHAWA "IMPS" REMAINING HOME GAMES : JOHN MACLEAN HAROLD REDDICK Monday, Oct. 12, 2:00 (Thanksgiving Day) MONTY CRANFIELD HERB ROBINSON OF ; OF OF Scarboro at Oshawa . MONTY'S OF ESSO FURNACE OIL "RED BARN" Wednesday, Oct. 14, 8:00 p.m. Balmy Beach at Oshawa B.A. STATION HERE REINS

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