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The Oshawa Times, 6 Oct 1959, p. 8

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KINETTE CLUB INSTALLS OFFICERS, PRESENTS TROPHY omen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 6, 1959 United Church WA Groups . Hold Semi-Annual Conference Primarily a workshop confer- ence for executive bers Presbyteries and Local WA groups, the semi-annual confer- ence of the Woman's Associa- tions of the Bay of Quinte Con- ference of the United Church of Canada met at Trinity United Church, Peterborough. v MORNING SESSION The morning session was devot- ed to buzz sessions conducted by the twelve committee chairmen, and at the conclusion findings were brought in to the main meeting for discussion and re- PERSONALS comnfendations. Among aspects > of WA discussed were Christian |education, fellowship, citizenship, Mrs, Arthur Slade 'of Moose stewardship, leadership, litera- |Jaw, Saskatchewan, is visiting|ture, parsonage, devotionals, or- her sister-in-law, Mrs. Edward ganization and press. A Com- |Bathe, Ritson road south. She!/munion Service conducted by the {will attend the wedding of her|Reverend Gordon Maxwell of (nephew, Mr. Cecil Walter Bathe, |Trinity Church, followed. to Miss Anne Louise Allen in St. Guest SPEAKER Tomy' 9 1 iel esa Sit Roman Catholic The guest speaker of the after- a {noon was Mrs, G. A. McMullen, 2 sts at' the ho: vice-president of the Dominion Ei Mrs. Bad me | Council WA. Speaking to the 181 top street, were Miss Carol Emes |d¢legates, she used Visions' as snd Mr. Gary Wainwright from her theme, stating that "Chris- Toronto and Mr, and Mrs, Frank tian charity and vision must be at Hall from Orillia. {the heart of women's organiza-| | tions; women within the United ereat amount of we Guests at the Taber - Wray Church are responsible for the Bag carried on" i In wedding at Kedron recently in. total mission of the church." (closing she asked tl embers cluded Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sup-| Mrs. McMullen stated that the ¢ am b f re 0 My tt ii pelsa, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley|church was founded on a vision|'® ore Ha gs ye iy Brown, Mrs. Robert Brough, Mr. (and that although nothing was re-|SPORIIPUILY of becoming the land Mrs, John Woodward Jr., [corded of the work of women in| 'ond of women SO aus us Mr. and Mrs. William Woodward, pioneer days they were always 10 be' x DY keeping Lehr eyes on Bob and Gloria, Mr. and Mr nd the men who laid the foun-|* 8 Vision re ply, Lorne Tregunna, Mr. and Mrs. dations. She spoke of how women| The So once ya resuiedl 'Mis {Alfred Wray, Mr. and Mrs. Nor-|then did not have Women's As-|oVer by Mrs. G. EB. ons, 8 \widcon {man Woodward, Nancy and|sociations helped by opening their| Belleville, the newly elected W¢ ddie, Mrs. Charles Blight, all{homes for Sunday school services = You Need An AUTOMATIC Clothes Dryer See Our Selection WESTINGHOUSE MOFFAT . . . EASY PHILCO Compare them Side by Side + o « Feature for Feature > per parsonages and to makes an i t on the ity, Each association must have a vision of | what the women's as:oclations can do; they should see that all take part in the total pjrogram of the church, and become "whole Christians', She urged parenes to let their children *'gee| 8 visions" of them as happy con-| secrated servants of God. "Many are here today because || of the Christian example of their| | own parents", she. pointed out,|§ stating that there Is a great need home, and for proper training of children. We should not let ehil dren drop. the family worship, family prayer or Bible reading when grown. | She stressed the responsibility t of the Church women to keep up the good name Christianity, Love she said, as the basis of Chri tianity, won pagans in Bible ac counts, {GROWTH OF WA | The speaker pointed growth of WA to a tc members, with contributions ceecyear of $5,327,857, dona to missions increasing to $100,- red after their wedding y at Simcoe Street Pen- shawa, are w. 'ormerly Miss Glenys the bride is the f Mr. and Mrs, ies of Oshawa and | tie b room is the son of | | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cooper of | Maple Lake. The couple will Sunset Heights H-S| live in Oshawa. --Photo by Ireland Wa rd 's Pa) for the finest in draper- i curtains, window Pictu rec | | | | Ernest Hugk ie ies, shades, venetian blinds. | Final Si Entertains Mothers | {BAMA LE LL Clearance 1 Of Grade I Pupils | Bian" HER HY! . elrupls | | Ta Discontinued DRAPERY MATERIALS SPECIAL THIS WEEK 45" to 48" wide PER YARD $1.39 Fully qualified interior decoiator to help. you at any time WARD'S 31-33 SIMCOE ST. §, DIAL RA 5-1151 "Decorating Oshawa Windows Since 1919" the 109 t to as tions "In many local as are w she saic 1 Home and | entertained | Sunset School the Heights Association mothers of the Grade 1 pupils a tea in the school! m, recently. | A. W. Wilson, president, | ' : m ident; Mrs. D. M. Skitch, sec- | Mrs. Stephen Dyl, | retary. Back row, from left to | In the lower picture Mrs. Rob- right are Mrs. Anthy ony Goe P- | ert Taylor presents the Mar- {rich Bullets editor; Mis Gor garet Reed trophy for the out- SO direstors "Mrs. standing Kinette of the year to Nor aike, dire ; Mrs. rr A ich John Henderson, director; Mrs. Irs. John Menzies. At the right K. H. Vice, directo N Harvey Armitage, dir r; Mrs. R. C. Taylor, director; | Seen in the above picture are + the officers elected at a recent #_ meeting of the Oshawa Kinette | Front row from left to | Mrs. Donald Lowe, sec- sident; Mrs. A. C. vice - president; rl Southern, president; | . John MacLean, past-pres- ! Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Lawn Wedding is s. John MacLean, past- president. --Oshawa Times Photo Mrs. William Murray, conducted a short business meeting. Various announcements from local Dou- bles Clubs were read. Mrs. Nor- man Roe gavé a report on the parish leaders conference which she attended at the Parish Hall on October 3. Mr. Murray thanked the com- mittee in charge and furned the entertainment portion of the even- ing over to them. After the task of judging cos- tumes was completed Mr. Mur- ray was the best dressed man and Mrs. Lloyd Harlow the best dress- {ed lady. Mrs. William Murray, Mrs. Norman Roe and Mrs. Har- old Davis were also prize win- ners. Games and dancing brought the evening to a close. Next meeting on November 7 is to be "Bottle Drive" convened by Mr. an dMrs. Desmond Lowry. ARERPTORTR, Y.W.CA. Is still taking registration for fall classes in |president; Mrs. B. H. Soper of |E¥ of Oshawa; Mr. Gordon Taber, and church activities. Some ¢| Smith Falls, i a Wi Yer Bg vied | Mrs. Frank Taber, Mr. and Mrs.|the most meaningful services| conference ranca, TUB oon Teskey and Miss Grace Webber | : {Charles Belyea, Mr. Charles Rob-|were held in such places when dial greetings from her memners. | Mrs. Coulte oh 1 A : registrar. lorts Miss Helen Roberts, Mr. |strangers were taken into homes| Ay Tr l i > hind nD Sind Bh ill Bruce O'Brien, Miss Betty Saun-|by concerned women. ' all, the many advantages of the | |ders, Mr, and Mrs. James WOMEN'S VISION All Doubles Club {unit system and said reading was Brough, Mr. and Mrs. William MEN' i | [the most important subject in Brough, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd] She said the cornerstone for| IT a ' Stade. a ect Prouse, Mr. and Mrs, \er- he WA was laid by a man who| Hallowe en Party [Frade 1, owed bY arithmetic {man and Dick, all of Brooklin; had a vision of the church women i t . Dion [Mr. and Mrs. William Wray, Mr. |as a responsible organized group gore regular meeting, Of was| Mrs. Donald Sutton poured tea, | {and Mrs. Murray Wray, Mr. and who would work to build up Pro-|held on Saturday, Oct, 3 in the| V's: R. H. Forster convened| | Mrs. Ronald Wray, Mr. and Mrs. | 1 Papi ' the members the refreshments, assisted by! Harold Wray, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Parish, Hall. 21 Ue Rr sD n| ra ror, ang TIS, nye |present enjoyed a pot luck sup-| Mrs. E. .K James, Mrs. Gordon| oy ise Mums Balluiay, sl Gertrude Wray Wed per and \ Hallowe'en party, con-| Reeson, Mrs. W. B. McCullough, | | Russell Wray, Mr. Wayne Wr. IT T d . [ued Me =n ye hg Mrs. Wayne Patterson, Mrs. S.| Willi For Louise Teflrey \i5, 5 Sr witiate tip | To Fredetick Taber Sit suite. oe aie ms, Sie 20] | , Ad ! he hall was attractively decor-/ Mrs. L. M. Huston, - M. Dona E Peters, illiam Pascoe 'Donald E. F Bn els Arne mas Smillie, Mr.| In Kedron United Church re-|ated with pumpkins, corn stalks, McMurtry and Mrs. W. R. Gilkes.| | a « +100 ougla 8 ron; ¥ 1S Sicently, Gertrude Eliza Wray of|withces and black cats. The be ' | Margaret Wray, Whitby; Mr. and Oshawa was united in marriage tables were very bright in their King Street United Church was|dresses of champagne peau de| Before a cedar arch with bas-|Mrs. Jack Blight, Sudbury; Mr.|with Frederick Gordon Taber of av Hallowe'en ED the setfing for a candlelight wed- sole, featuring turn-over collars, kets of gladioli and fall flowers onland Mrs. Irvin Mole and Jacque-|Brooklin, The Reverend Ronald|® yin a supper the president Tg 7 r " ding on Saturday evening, Octo-|long full sleeves, and the hooped the lawn at the home of Mr. and|line, Ashburn, |Love officiated and music was ducted a / ; i ; ber, 3, when Dona Elizabeth |skirts featured wide belts. /|Mrs. Grant Jeffrey, Port Perry, {provided by Mrs. Ross Lee. | To : i Lui : Peters was united in marriage carried cascades of ivy leaves!their only daughter, Doris Louise,| Out of town guests at the Pas-| The pride is the daughter of| 2 : a i i ; a t am Edgar Pascoe. | complimenting their juliet caps! was united in marriage to Donald coe-Peters wedding were Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Wray, Oshawa, and | u : ; wv § le is the daughter of|of the same fresh leaves. {Earl Free, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Robinson, D und as;|the late | ] : § : aglan, The Mr. and Mrs. Eli Pascoe, Dear-\ groom i ; '8 Ko on : : Bw i ; i ; : i Mr. Wray and the bride-| Thomas Peters) Mr, Glenn Pascoe was best Mrs. Earl Free of. Re s the son of Mr. Gordon, om is the son of man for his brother and ushering Reverend E. S. Linstead officiat- born, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. Taber of Brooklin. . Harold Pascoe, all were Mr. Larry Peters and Mr. ed at the double ring ceremony. |Robert Pascoe, Jackson, Michi-| The bride was gowned in floor- is : |Gerald Pierson. Mr. Charles Brignal supplied|8a0; Wing Commander Lawrence jongth silk organza, styled with € TNE Ceremony Was| The reception was held at Ade-'the wedding music during the Ashton RCAF and Mrs. SILOM, [1jly.point sleeves, a V-neckline the Reverend Mer-ijaige House, where the brid mony and the signing of the Centralia; Mr. Bart Thackeray|ang a cummerbund of Guipure yas wi. mother received wearing fl ster. {and , and Mes, Murray Ta "|lace. A coronet of pearls and se- he wedding Cblue Chantilly lace over taffeta is Brida... Hivat 4 i eray, Roseneath; Mr. and' MIS. quing held her fingertip veil of d Mr. Kenneth|yith 5 feathered hat of Qusky py nor ier fen In marriage\giapiey Hoskin, Port Hope. [silk illusion and she carried sang "Tl Walkiroce and a pink aristocrat rose "1 do" taffeta gown. Nvion lave us es ... cascade of red roses and white and "The Lord's corsage, Assisting was the bride- ins and seed pearls trimmed|, FTioF to her marriage Missi pompome, oe 4 nefidive a Jags at several parties. Among th wi Her Then io 2 who entertained for her were M nvion ROL W 3s held in place by a Carol Hope with a personal show juliet cap trimmed with pearls. |E Mrs. Claire Howsam and Miss oh 5 : ITE a: [Donr rag. a iscellaneous turn over collar bride wore a dressmaker pte She ¢ a w hite Bible with gpoer Miss Carol Esple, 2 pan line and the cuffs black french we 1 /ith hat of pink roses, stephanotis and white try shower and Miss Sharon Hau- full bracelet length|black coque he hy of heather from Scotland. gen, a china shower. » billowing skirt was| velvet ribbon trimming. on their|, Miss Carol Hope was maid of best man. ps. A crown of|return the couple will live.in Ogh-|"° and Miss Donna Bray, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. MacDon-| nal escent beads held|awa. bridesmaid. - Their dresses were|ald, Oshawa boulevard south,| TO Hootie the puoge 3t the tip illusion veil and|- (White embroidered nylon withiwere in Toronto on Sunday, reception at the all the ) | YH d > vo tafe . o > : + bride's mother wore medium arried a cascade i . g |cummerbunds of deep mauve taf-| guests at a farewell dinner for j : 2% pl iy cade of White INFORMAL TOU CH feta and harem skirts. They wore| Mrs. MacDonald's brother. the Plue lace with white accessories. Donald Stuart was matron |e ibY: England (CP)--En- picture hats and carried small|Reverend William H, Bulloch, | Later the couple left for a - for her sister In ron gaged couples, istoado® listen- lace parasols with yellow roses, who is now on his way back to honeymoon in Montreal. The Ser Were Mrs, Stan ing to glassro m lectures 0n mar-|chasta chrysanthemums and |his parish of the Church of thelbride travelled in a beige em- ort: Hope and Miss He aC nest, ay De Shown feathered carnations. [Little Flower at Qualicum broidered eyelet sheath dress ve, of Oshawa. They riage Ga DY this Midiards Little Miss Norma Parkinson|Beach, B.C. Hosts for the occa-|With pink and black accessories re identical cocktail length'city. : re "|was flower girl in orange ice ny-|sion were Mr. and Mrs. D. A./@nd a corsage of pink roses. we uel lon fashioned with a harem skirt.|Marshall, Winthorpe road, and 14! Mr. and Mrs. Taber are mak- She wore white accessories and le You" r." groom's mother who chose Given in marriage by her fa- cot beige silk organza with he bride wore a full length|white -Swiss lace bodice. A wn of cloud wore a multi - colored small hat za over silkjand a corsage of talisman roses ng accented the, For the honeymoon trip is st of ho Louise Jeffrey was guest of h nor The maid of honor, Miss Laura Wray was in aquamarine silk or- anza and the flower girl, Miss Norma Woodward, was in pink. They wore matching bandeaux, white accessories and * carried cascades of yellow chrysanthe- {mums and pink roses. Mr. Robert Brough acted as { | LOW GAS RATE for WATER HEATERS became effective June 1st. Ry Weaving (Floor Loom) carried a basket of mauve, yel- low and white shasta chrysanthe-| mums. Billie Jeffrey, brother of the bride, was ring bearer. Mr. Walter Sanderson of Utica was best man. Robert Free, Jack Nottingham and were the ushers. Harold Jeffrey 1 {ed at the reception in the Scout {Hall by the bride's mother wear-| {ing a gown of beige French crepe] {trimmed with lace with which ghe {wore beige accessories and a cor-| Mrs. Ruth Shulga and Mrs. Hazel place The|McLaughlin, all of the staff of|Church {sage of pink carnations. | {bridegroom's mother assisted| |versa mémbers of the family were present. You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little items of interest. News of te surprise parties, showers, anni- ries and comings and goings are always very acceptable and {for which there 'is no chargo,|liams of Oshawa wish to an- One hundred guests were receiv- please write or telephone RA Nounce the engagement of their 13-3474, Local 18. Mrs. Mary Norton, Mrs. Doro- thy Sayers, Miss Grace .Lytle, the Oshawa General Hospital, at- the convention of the SOCIAL NOTICES ing their home in Brooklin, | ENGAGEMENT ~ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wil daughter, Diana Jane, to Mr. | Wilfred R. Nadon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Nadon, Queenston, Slipcover Making Ballroom Dancing German Conversation CALL RA 3-7625 |Ontario. The wedding is to take in St. Mark's Anglican , Oshawa, late in October. For particulars see your dealer or your Gas Company. HAVE HOT WATER WHEN YOU WANT IT! wearing pale blue lace with beige tended Nt i [accessories and a corsage of pink|Association of Certified Nursing| ' (carnations. Keeping the guest|Assistants of Ontario at the Royal book was Miss Nancy Free and Connaught Hotel, Hamilton, dur-| Miss Bonnie Harper. |ing last week. 1 RENT A Natural Gas WATER HEATER only sq75 monthly LOW COST OPERATION [isd Your Gas company does not employ door-to-door salesmen nor telephone canvassers. For information about dealers licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board to sejl and install natural gas equipment call or write the Sales Department of (Comsumers' (tas "You'll always be glad you chose Natural Gas" The bride chose a suit of beige| wool with brown and green ac- REACHES CENTURY cegsories for the wedding trip ROCK ISLAND, Que. (CP)-- ee ke Oulacie; Mrs. Sarah Stone celebrated her | carnations. Upon their return Mr,|100th birthday. Born in nearby | and Mrs. Free will reside in Port Vermont, she was an infant when Perry. {she came to Canada. Her hus- Out of town guests were pres- band died in 1925. Mrs. Stone has ; go! hom Oshavs, E er E- three children and 22 great-grand- > 4 . » 15 | r Prince Albert, Toronto, Kingston, Children. ~~~ ~~~ ~~ = i Seeley's Bay, Barrie and Peter- borough. ON. - TUES. - WED. Perms 7.50 and up Shampoo & Fingerwave 1.50 and up 7, "tM i ® SPECIAL RATES FOR STUDENTS e Styling Shampoo and Finger Wave, 2.35 Cut only, 1.00 ® Shampoo and Wave, 1.50 Marie Marlowe Beauty Bar UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Meet JUNE, BETTY, ALMA 37 PRINCE STREET (Over Rose Bowl) - Call RA 5-2141 for appointment. | . | Superfluous Hair | PERMANENTLY REMOVED By Electrolysis and the newest, fastest, Kree Century Series shortwave, revealing your true self, free of worry end embar- rassment, FREE Consultation RESULTS GUARANTEED MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the UNICEF FILM Danny Kaye's film "Assign. | '/ment Children" made for and at| i the request of the United Na-| iii | tions Children's Emergency Fund | NEWLYWEDS | was shown at Albert Street and| | Gertrude Colpus Schools last United in marriage recently | bert Hummerston of Ajax and |night and is being shown at King t St. Pe s Roman Cath | the bridegroom is the son of |Street Schocl tonight in prepara- ! Collins, both | Mr. and Mrs, UNICEF ih nigh Gonoshe 'tel October 6. and 7 bride the | of Oshawa. by the Home and School Asso- | Phone RA 3.4641 and Mrs. Al | --Photo by Mary's Studio |ciations for Hallowe'en. } for sppeintment. an _these dates : Thomas Collins 59-83 )

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