Ty ya ey oy 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 13, 1959 OFFICE HOURS 8 A.M.to5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 om wt Call the Direct . Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 8-- Building Trades 8-- Building Trades 13--Gardening & Supplies |17--Money to Loan 20--Cartage 26--Farmer's Column FI] nd ortgage sale -- TRADESMAN painter and paper hang-|BULLDOZING and excavating.' Dial|SOD, 20c square yarc. delivered, finest Fst. a ---- Worigage fie |MOVING -- evenings and weekends. DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. charged for a single insertion of LOUIS TAILORING LADY wanted to take full charge of widower's home. RA 5-0820 after 5 p.m. 238¢ SELL OVER TELEPHONE EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY We will teach you how in 20 minutes, Desk and phone provided at our offices, If SPECIALIZED radio and television service. All makes. Fred Thompson, 157 ~ Elliott Street. Call RA 3-9792. at the new William E. Sherrin Funeral and Co., Accountants and auditors, Li- Chapel, No. 2 Highway, Pickering censed Trustee in Bankruptcy. 54 King VAN BELLE Nao. 1 cultivated, field and nursery grown sod re nls F- Fredisaer, 8. Comm, a, 4 ASPHALT SURFACES GARDENS Fertilized, weed treated. PHONE MA 3-5757 12 years RE Ends: un B08, CuaNoTs ontare Aecnming| | AND PAVEMENTS ; . B. Benne aving 3 miles east of Oshawa or. Highway No. 2 Services rid TR hi BRINNING, WINNIFRED -- After a S¢rvices for small business. 184 Bond Ltd. BEVERWYCK GARDENS Street West, Room 1. Office RA 5-0397; prolonged fllness, at the Oshawa Gen-| | Resid, m H | Hospital, on Tuesday October 13, Résidence, RA 3-7605. eos $035. 'Wianifréd. Ellen Varcoe; beloved wre P.O. BOX 305 ON HIGHWAY 12 OSHAWA les North of Whit 3. Mies No iy \CME HAULAGE MoNTEITH, MONTEITH, RIERL and RA 8-8132 IMPORTERS, LTD. Fi in a, Nn NEW OIL '|2--Barristers FURNAC ES WAH GRAVEL--STONE TOP SOIL--SOD E. Dalby (Joan) of Whitby, Mrs. R. Hon, J. W. Monteith Marshall (Shirley) of Brooklin. in her GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- or yheigssle end have 1 tors, etc, 7% Si St South. » "GERROW FUNERAL Dial RA 32278, i pits terms." Fuel oil, oil burners, JOHN COX, Prop. RA 3.3528 600 MAPLE STREET, WHITBY - 14--Household Repairs 17INCH portable TV's for rent (new), $5 per week. Call Stan's Shar ening and Rental vice, corner King and Please Note er, requires your work, interior or ex- Mo ssa [ree estimates Tavior quality. Roto-tilling. MO 8.3015 Whitby. |aEreements pus ek. Ba risers, 31 King Bare small truck. Phone Whitby MO Phone e Collect, Hampton, COMax 3.2721, The TIMES terior, Free estimates. 8-0086. rothers, c: rive, y. - . A 4 i WANT s0d? You'll be missing a good |Street East, RA 3.7232 Deadlines now in effect for ALL TYPES of building repairs, 100l-| PLASTERING and concrete repairs. |bet if you don't call us before you buy. |GLIENT'S money fo loan oa first mort. ROY LOVELESS apartment moving (93 Evol" Wood TELEPHONE this column: 3 CONSECUTIVE ing, chimneys, masonry repairs, side-|phone Whithy, MO 8-5498. We deliver or sell in field. RA 3-0948. and nt of sa rates, fully insured. RA INSERTIONS walks and stoops. RA 80394, Gordon 2 aa NHA arranged, | 8515. FOR SALE -- number one, hardwood NUMBERS Births, Memoriams, Cards of || 4 consecuTIvE May. CHIMNEYS built and repaired, also/HEN manure, $6 per load; horse man- Creighion Fraser, Drynan and Mur. . in stove wood lengths. RA 5-8552. "Thanks -- INSERTIONS 375 412 ooo NG and same, cavestroughing. ling, siding and block founda- ure. $8 per load, two-yard loads. RA . 21--Personal Service 20 9 AM, SAME DAY not paid within 7 days the Chimney ATE Pah. vey A RA XM Frist ae monies available for first) yp wiNG machine repair and service Hard + bg a poly wood. "Dial BA DEATHS Charge 1gie. will Spel: = ; 7im.| 1 1--Business Opportunities GARDENS ploughed, pod cutting, and second mortgages. Mortgates and iiy all makes. Elna, RA 5.2591. 3.2261, CLASSIFIED Above rates apply only to original || CARPENTER work, trim- uzz and chain saw, sale 8 : hen cabinets, custom work M. E. Swartz, Barrister and Notary opyyp care, $2 per «day, personal pick ADVERTISI 1 AM. SAME DAY grgens for IS ony rs i arranged. .All ER IAL rg tive. a EDEN TD i ed, Jaws Fy Public, 26% King East, Oshawa. RA CRD on ky away Fi 28--Summer Resorts D ; SING DIAL RA 3-3492 later dote constitutes @ new original ||work guaranteed. RA 3-3579. room apartment, all new. Ideal location | ¢'°p 0 E15 AAFC Orie 3-4607. main streets, constant supervision. RA pyar ro ing at beautiful Cole's R A 3-3 492 rdst, FLUMBING nd heauns DE Sti ie on hin Ra vy ge bo ERAL = brick and FIRST AND SECOND fon 1 |Point Resort, Mere fhe Crowe Lo ' list | hs and used, changing from| Oshawa as pay' S| - R. contractors, --- {Trent rivers meet. lousekee; . 7. 50 per month Ee pilin Arg tn sewer a specialty. In-|gage, reasonable. Write Box 639 Osh-|cement work and repairs. RA 5-528 LONDON mio suits made lo] ops. Weohend rates, Phone: oom phot ® line $1.00 per |istallations at reasonable rates. Infor-lawa Times. 238¢ MORTGAGES and * |breasted to single - breasted. RA 8-5331, ford 646W5, eh. mation and estimates free Ja any ype STORE for rent, suitable for any type . : KAWARTHA LAKES properties, Con. ALL OTHER CALLS BIRTHS Each initial fetter, abbreviation, ||of Dial RA 5-4241. J. Foley, central, parking facilities. COURTICE AGREEMENTS OF SALE sult Bowes and Cocks Ltd., Realtors, $ and c sign, figure, count as @ Apply Coffee Shop, 3 John Street off LANDSCAPING LADIES PRT Free Listy BIO RA 3-3474 word. Box charge 15¢ additional. YN Simcoe South. 5-954. 235¢ Weeds treated, field $1,800.00 to $100,000.00. - BEAUDRIE -- Ray and Carol ( All Classified Advertisements F RENT -- m. rvice station on eeds treate ield nursery pi | Ci bie OW is the time to have a i Conboy) are happy to announce the ar.|| MUST be in by 9 am. the day of BUILDING CONTRACTOR [FoR EE! ghee ge sod, top soil, gravel, Com- Home owners, residential NY Fodluaiul oF 28a Yeullon i EE rt A sn i J. Lh raller tne, 7 1a. sD ie rt A Soy oun y Floor experts. Old floors ae Ep AF, Pa plete service. Contract rates, property, summer cottages made into a shortie or stole, |ries, 24-hour service: Coleman Inter- 11, 1959, at the Oshawa General Hos | 0 eGULATIONS-- made like new. Hardwood - -- Free Estimates suburban homes, factories, Experienced ~~ workmanship, [national, etc.; L. P. tanks and lamps: 36--Female Help Wanted pie The Oshawa Times shall not be || Or tiling. Carpenter work al- 173 Gardening & Supplies ED. KNOWLTON ond ocreage. Quotations by Prices reasonable; Mrs. A, [Alumasen top dressing, oll dius Ad) EREEPER to fake full charge, GOULD -- Mr. and Mrs. C. Gould|| responsible for errors in advertise- terations. Kitchen cabinets LEN Bes Titre aia So RA 5-6047 phone or mail, Prompt ser- MacDougall, 301 Gibb 3 HP, live in. RA 50163, iat (nee Bennett), are happy to announce || ments submitted otherwise than in our specialty. ing YE Td ant seeded, sodded, fer- vice, Oshawa Acceptance Street, URGENTLY needed the birth of 'a daughter, on Monday, |] writing, nor for 'more than ens CALL RA 3-7196 tilized, gardens and lawns ploughed, Corp. Ltd, 112 Simcoe St. SEE THE Deeded, woman who would October 12, 1959, at the Oshawa{| incorrect insertion of a adver- AL - » Bi b To sab. . Days: RA NADIAN EXPLORER like good home in return for service, General Hospital, A sister for Siig tisement. nor beyond the price mosis. dewalt Habs, Pie abs. GRAVEL Ne save, oye: ih en A ais Jone i ncration, No sbivcion : | - . Nights: mp and Beat Trailers 0 one child.' a S --- ' the advertisement in which error -- Chol dar trees for y ¥ -- A $23 WEEKLY plus private bedroom, DS OF i, and Dorothy ues eccurs. And also reserves the right WELLS DUG PO Gy Soler col grow. $35 per or RA 3-9484, from J50 3375 p Kitchenette, for experienced loupe sors: of their son, Gary Stewart, at the Osh-|| fo classify advertising according to hundred off the truck. 60 cents per tree Also New and Used Trailers for |er, good with children. Phone RA 3.7964, awa General Hospital on Friday, Oc-|| ifs own classification. By Auger, 30" tile | planted. MA 3-3935, ' 4 ALBERT ST every pri 238a tober 9, 1959. A brother for Beverley | In the case of display advertise- | . X MARI ili PO esochati for "mira Spuce" than W. WARD HARDSAND STONE FOR THE Suits made to mecsure. | No. 2 Highway, Alo, On, [Mi uire al. RR JORDAN -- Bill and Betty are havopy || that in which the actual error NTARIO LANDSCAPING Alterations -- Any style Open Evenings--Ajox 1266 |Stroud's Food Market, 54 Simcoe North. fo-announce the birth of their son, John || occupies. The publishers endeavour WHITBY, 0 Power Rollin All Sizes DEAL 8 238a Ronald®on Friday, October 9th, 1939, at|] to reproduce all advertising matter ribo 9 RA 8-0971 2 b--Hunting the Oshawa General Hospital. A brother correctly but assumes no liability PHONE MO 8-2563 Fertilizing | peli of "advertisement are 'contained om 200 Ratotilleg LOAM 21--Personal Service THUNDERBIRD LODGE therein, ! op Soil - - > ' | o STORM windows cleaned and installed, Hunter", i hi: ONTARIO Flagstone - Patio Slabs BE SATISFIED ? STONY Jindowe vieated And hstalled, uy r's puradise on this 1 FLOOR SANDERS RA 5-172] TO $5,000 Foke, for. om a13 0 on of DRESSMAKING, lcdies' and children's ake, for only a day. ANDERSON, Ri hard John (Rick | 1--Accountants 1194 KING ST. EAST COMPLETE Dial RA 5-5279 7 Joan, wedding gowns a specialty, RA! Hunt ducks before breakfast char ohn eky - oe 00 Laid and evening, pheasants be- ~--Suddenly, at x, Ont, on Satur-ls T HOPKINS and Company, Tile and Hardwood : er 1g ay ar Fed Pon ted grompany Pri Floors Sanded and. Refinished GARDEN SUPPLIES IT WILL PAY YOU TO 22--Radio & TV Repairs fore and after dinner, cccom- ge a ics age 5 years, darling son of Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA GET ALL THE FACTS - modate 20 men. Picton GR you ove a pi asqnt voi nd Mrs. Alan A. An erson, Pop. 5.3500, Call RA 3-7251 HOLLAND BULBS OSHAWA 6-4027 ofter 6 p.m. you can i a goed income Ave. Pickering Beach, Ont, defr| " tt ein : on a liberal commission basis. 4 sting ' t (from our own grower) AND THEN SEE 0 brother of Randy and Robbie, Resting | YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER| Don't hang up, let it ring GRASS SELD EVERGREENS L199 Summer Properties Age no borer 7 over 37 LAWN TREES :: ROSES, Ete, SOD SUPPLY DAY OR NIGHT -- Prompt TV serv. For Sale or r Wanted years. Convenient hours can LANDSCAPE DESIGN ice. Prone RA 8-5286, Oshawa Elec- cone RES = = = eo be arranged. Phone Mr. E. eg. 0 § ake as, i miles north 8 Madoe on Righway Stelz, The Times, RA 3-3474. No 62 for sandy lakeshs e lots and cot. tages, prefab prices Terms. Ken Mat th A 57740 0 after 35 p.m. Where You Receive LOW COST RATES Burk. RA 3-3224, . | TV TOWERS cumpletely installed, 1|5 ER store or snack bar with gas experience. Clearly Stated year gucraniee, $6450:' no bolts, no PUMPS. all year living quarters. on new rivets, all welded. All channel aerials|Paved through road, at view Lake on FLEXIBLE TERMS from $29.95: easy terms. Kelly TV, RA [Lake Scugog. Priced to sell af $6200 Up to 60 Months 5.5121. Small down psyment Look this over ik Pow; Waterford, Ontario. Phone PERSONAL SERVICE For quality factory ap- proved applicnces, television and aerial service, call any firm listed bel TV"s--HI- Fl AERIALS Associated Services A 3-3427 Dean Kelly Enterprises RA 5.5121 RA 5-1685 HOUSEKEEPER COMPANION To live in ror widow, good wages. Write box 718, Osh 30--Lost and Found awa' Times. LOST -- A Blue Budgie bird, answers 231 to name "Chippy", lost in Ritson Road- - RAS Bvenve area. Finder please Fos 37--Male Help Wanted © LOST -- : COLONIAL Aluminum Industries Ltd. Al Blue budgie in vicinity o fequire two men for direct factory thol Street Ean and La Salle, $5 re-| ward. RA 53 23gh Sales, full training supplied, experience not necessary. Phone Whitby, Moai LOST -- Black and tan, "white beagle, 83-4891. female with collar and name plate. RA 3-3043 |Answers to Queenie. Vicinity of Cour- MANAGER -- 2129, to take complete RA 3-9512 tice. Finder phone RA 5-6980 or RA control of world's leading Health RA 5-1179 8-5389, 2331 Studio, Will train outstanding person. tervi . LOST -- Beige wallet, with valusble Universal Health Studia. Gshaws Shans papers, snaps and considerable sum o ping Centre, 2368 money ineclvd'ng silver dollar, Rew~ d.|--4-- r-------- -------- Call RA 5-4644. 2380 ACCOUNTANT =~ Excellent opportu. -- = nity r experienced accountant in {rosy -- Boage Sor, Con Cos bookkeeping and income tax records, |area. RA 8.8019. yf Reply stating age, experience, educa- 2 tion, tc to Box 836, | Oshawa Times. hin LOST ~~ Ladies watch (Gruen) with |= two diamonds. Finder please contact 37--Male Help Wanted Mrs. A. G. Stanley, 171 Kaiser Cre<c. ---- RA 5-9510. Reward to be given. 236f EXPERIENCED tinsmith, must be -- first elass layout man, all round sheet 31--Articles For Rent metal norker. Steady employment. ELNA rentals. Ra 5-2591, Stralght|yneray ER ox sperienced for alum. stitch and zig-zag, Inum storms. Salary with truck and CEMENT mixers, tools, Sp pumps, [ren om provided. Only smart intelligent Special contract rates Free estimates. RA 8-8639 Always Prompt Special Plans for Homeowners Seaboard Finance Co. OF CANADA LTD. RA 8-6283 29Y4 Simcoe St. S. (Over Ward's) Fowler T.V. Parkwav T.V. Pollard Radio Premier T.V, R 33 Loans May Be Life Insured T.V. Enterprises RA 5-2 APPLIANCE SERVICE Oshawa. Solicitors, 130 King Street East, RA! RA 8-6226 86246. Mortgage loans aval ilable. 390 KING STREET WEST THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soll-| RA 3.3443, Nights RA 3-7944 citor and Notary Public, 26% King| Street East. Phone RA 81763. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and Rich Loam Arrangements See MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- il, LEWINGTON' S FLOWERS |5 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3446; T. K. Top Soi Gravel tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., Creighton, N.C. Fi , QC; G. K. , ne: Drynan, a. 1. Murdoch, Nia mori.) Brick Sand, Cheap Fill For Funeral Flower ren eonsidered. Call RA 8-8571. 236f Cordova area. | RA 5-7844 or RA 8.630] [2nd Wheelbarrows. KA 311s parE ANTENNA'S USED clerk, neat appearance, good at . Apply Genosha Hotel. 2°8e and Saturday. Write Box 537, INSTALLED SEWING MACHINES covered like new. Get the best for less| North. at Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe [Surg IGATOR, divorce, matrimonial, REPAIRED Portable -- Consoles Street North. Call RA 86451 for a free| qo actic RA 8.0891, Confidential in. MOVED Guaranteed by -- v estimate, YOUR local chimney cleaner. i | CONFIDENTIAL investigators -- All SINGER SEWING CENTER RA 5-5443--16 Ontario Sts, St. neys built and repaired, gas linings in. ves of investigations. Free consulta: 089. 1 32-- Articles Wanted - EXPERENCED service station attend. APPLE Lickers wanted. Omar Fat Ashburn. LCENSED mechanic to do minor re. pairs and tunc-urc, good pay for right man. Apply 227 Simcoe Street South. OVER 100 VARIETIES ALL TOP SIZES 50th year. Resting at the W.C. Town Riehl, CA, RIA; G. E. Trethewey, CA; Funeral Chapel Whitby for service inp "g Tightfoot, CA; RA 5-3527, 135 the 'chapel on Thursday October 15th at|gimeoe Street North, Oshawa. 3 M. Greer, BA, Sc., RA 5-3368; Ter- CHAPEL - ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, RA 8-583 huppeces, CLEANDUT SERVICE Kindliness beyond price, |gaipn jones, Ba. ana Thomas! URNA lo] | : [ HARRY O. PERRY MO 8-4184 1 -- 18a--Mortgages Chiistie Applionee Seyvies CALL Joe, RA a 18 for carpentry, WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on A 5-1179 IMPORTED painting and handyman, first and second mortgages and pur-| Ladwick Electric Kozen T BULB CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered! x R DU CH uU S Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh. Sta- Repair Centre RA 5-7743 £24 King St. Eost, Oshawa [DONALD H. TROLLOPE, C Balik Levelling or buck filling lots PEAT MOSS, ed or Mirestes rebuilt, Osawa oisi| 19--Personal Warps Williams Service . ' d Su , 216 Alice Street. R. . hela SR 2 doors from: Kom's Drug . [Li Surveyor ce. Sire RA 5-2156 FERTILIZER RA 50311, HYGIENIC sunpiics (rubber goods), none of Service. Ciera w-- mal <8 n d . : Py ? Store). DONALD BLAKE DODDS, 1 Open 7 days a week CALL Joe, RA 58018 for carpentry, | on, JC Ri Rid fi Plain scaled enver tos Assceigtion in eo-gpers- tion with the Oshawa ams= re RA 33501; Resi- B. A. UPTON . GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled. piade Dept. A-11, Nov Rubber Co. B : AL GIFTS dence, RA $5373 FALL BULBS ready for spring planting and seeding. | Hamilton, € ont. 2 s 4 pi FLOR NG To SWARTZ, Barrister, Interior and Exterior Call RA 5.8985, $10 MONTHLY for r Your New Neighborhood Florist Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry Painting and Decorating TULIPS. DAFFODILS tered. See Our moterials OF toe ver IEA S20 = every OCCaSion. Residence, dial RA 3-402. ' *.,}88, Bruce R. Dalle, 75 Charles Street, [SPENCER FOUNDATION "i garments, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, HYACINTH, CROCUS, - * Phone MO 8-5672 Solicitor. Money. to loan. Office 14% Phone RA 3-2977 El BROCK ST. S., WHITBY preg E3405. EE - GREE Murphy an acDonal ar- 1 risters, Solicitors ar s Public Rich Loam J. Murphy and Janes A, MacDon Top Soil, Cravel Z. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solicl- Brick Sand, Cheap Fill 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery yet within reach of all. |H. Greer, Associate Barristers and| chase of agreements of sale, Louis S A 5-6369 like mew. Why pay more? Our rates|awa. RA 3-4943. "RA 8- ain -- RA 8-6212 gages arranged. NURSERY STOCK, are reasonable. Satisfaction al RA 5-3531 t and , 26% King Street East.| and yman. [cents 24 les $i:00, Mail Oxder 3L,| be: of Commerce. FURNITURE repaired and re-uphol-|to Simcoe Hall Nurse: ate, w=Featuring distinctive gifts for Block, 2614 King Street East. RA 3-4697, Wood Finishing--Roxatoning CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- Fy Irene Hendershot, 208 Park Road King Street East, Oshawa. RA 88232; ETC. "IN MEMORIAM 5 King Street East, RA Nr Russell d tor, ete., 13% Simcoe Street North. | Let our 20 years' experience "STEPHENSON -- In loving memory |oeice RA 5.3741; residence RA 5-542 of a wonderful father, Joo Ste . who, passed away October 12, 1949, BOWMAN, David | LE--TOWERS--SALE stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free es- jiype RA 8- 3A 9 : A ; ime | HYPNOSIS ~-- Don't let tension short- il huctue sinstolled Pi El CRETE » row r r 3 Levelling or buck filling lots. help you to make the best mastery. Lose weight and hold your| . heod, Reg. $150. Sale price |PIANOS -- 10, any make or size. Will |ant. must be neat and courteous, §-oup ., Barrister, Solel ble. Satisfacti | ing, id ye s A . God took him home, it was his will [tor, 3% Simcoe South. RA 5.0592. Resi. RA 5-21 56 choice. et A a | 108% slop free SHE, S31 write or] $115. pay gach. State Make am price. Write in urance and benefits. Apply 227 Stowe But in our lasirts, he liveth still. |dence, RA 8-0264. LEN & LOU'S TV EETR aie a | Solicitors. Clients' funds available for . awa. RA 8-0171 daily, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.; + Ve i oD kes, Fred Thompson, * SALES CARD OF THANKS {first mortgages. » Simete Sizeet Nosh, | CLI FF BROWN FURNACE SALES Saturdays, 10 a.m, to 1 p.m. SALES AND SERVICE 5 ESTIMATOR RA 5-3566. Charles C. Me on, Hi St---- 140 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Edgar F_Bastedo, QC RAVEL & SAND | GARDEN CENTRE SHAW ; & VELA 1015 KING ST. E AND SERVICE ELECTROLYSIS Experienced man to supervise . E. . M. Mackie Co. 5 PHONE RA 5-1764 fe tike new Why pay more? Our rates |" your life, Learn the secret of sel Upholstery Co., 10 Bond Street West. phone Edwin Heath, Institute of Ethi- shud ai ©. |coe Street South. ~yEver rememoered by his family.| 3 GIREON and Bastedo, B Barristers, | ' A WwW RUNDLE Dial RA 5-0311. cal Hypnosis, 11 Ontario Street, Osh- HUMPHE and_ Boychyn, Barris- 23--Women's Column AUTO WRECKING co. estimating and handle sales Prompt Delivery RA 5-5954 v 1d like t ess our heart |ters, Sol rs; R. D. Humphreys, QC; : : fe 2 ne and asi to our|G Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, Removal of superfluous hair. LY Heat permanents, $6.50] Wants cars for wrecking, also correspondence required by many. relatives mod friends Jor mar Ei. Wy "E117; Res. RA 5.4600 of Marie Murduff will be in [cold wave, 6.00. mage Hairdressing,| scrap iron and metals, etc. Ajox manufacturer of Metal 4 ce 7 3 4 y a i ars Shown BBW MO 82761. Money to loan, RA 8-8951 Cleanout Service-- Oshawa Oct. 20 - 21. Phone De Avenue, BA T3363. bought. Oper. Saturday all Building prcducts, Must read $7 labor plus Parts Genosha Hotel on these dates 24--Market | t Basket day. Phone, architectural drawings. Be HOLLAND BULBS fam TULIPS 5 Old or new. French, polished CONTRACTORS HYACINTH . and antique, our specialty. For free estimates call DAFFODILS Free estimates, moderate - mother, Mrs. Harriet Cliff, a grand-| JOON A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrister . . a mother and great grandmother, and|and Solicitor. 101 Simcoe Street North. Tn ran RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. adept with figures and inter containers. Spys $1 per bushel, Bald- ested in sales work. This DAYS MO 8-5231 prices. NARCISSUS NEWCASTLE FINISH thy also to those who sent cards of Phone RA 88511, thy an? beautiful floral offer- wins 50 cents, cyder apples 25 cents, 4 position offers good oppor Apply William Sack, Thornton Road tunities for advancement. WANTED Either internally or outside CROCUS DUTCH IRIS pisM ahd to the Oshawa General Hos- | JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici- South, First driveway south of vine SCRAP IRON, POULTRY soles. Apply Rowe Bros. & "Aouis M." Cliff, Iva Cliff and Family (5 Nursing Services 107 Byron St. S., Whitby SCILLA tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland. pital and the nu of ward 1F and|tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street Would the Bison. who sub station. 2381 AND FEATHER TICKS Co. Canada Ltd, Ajox. and Mrs. A. Roote and family ---- PRE- SNOWDROPS Register now. 424 King West, RA 5-6122 alsn to Dr, Moroosis and Dr. Halan|East. RA 3.2269. NHA and private Andres for their kind attention. A |Mmortgages arranged. 2 H sub station. - 2s ndres for the witnessed the accident THREE pair of budgies. Phone MO Phone Ajax 105 or EMpire TURNER 4-6846, ask for Mr. G. Alex- er ide 9/ANDEN NURSING HOME| (Licensed) KING ST. WEST CONCRETE GARDEN SUPPLIES PIANO teacher, King Street East at area. Phone RA 5-2063 daily; RA 8-8695 evenings : and weekends. SEPTIC TANKS garial thanks to the Rev. Clinton| Cross for his comforting words, and| |4--Dentists on Highway 401, at [sao 9 lide to. the Mcntosh Funetal Home| G. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6. ; oom Fon pr to those who were so kind to|DB- R. ce pours Whitby Cloverleaf, be- SOLTMEIA Ue ispervies, Te) mia : Quantity of windows, sash and | tween a car transport |iones" complete. RA. 5.39% or "os RA 3-3374 ander, 2371 and two automobiles on | Wayne Street. 28 RA 3-2043 Juns Seer, and coon, red STaenwONl) (collect) 41--Rcom and Board a Street, bri h h f weathy eards hi mately 11:30 am. each Sree xoridge one ROOM and board for gentlemen, In pri Afki i his and | Exclusive nursing home for lease contact, : APPLES -- 50c. a bushel. Bring own CEDARDALE 'vly 118 Summer Street. RA 8 d for the fine services of| convalescent and elderly peo- P . containers, and pick. A. W. Martin, RODM and bard for gentleman, som g Funeral Home Burt | ple. (Men and Women). ccent bereavement in the loss of | oth : APPLES -- Mcintosh, Courtland, Deli- corners single room. Apply 24 Charles Nurses ond -dieticigns in TTR TT TRE cious and Snow. Glen Osha Farms, one- IRON METAL LTD. Street. 238 COOPER SMITH LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Educa- half mile south of Taunton, on town IRON METALS tor, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre- -- fe line north, RA 56009. 233f, Pt 2g bo; angle. beds, WALK SLABS CO school acrobatic, Shiaracter, Friday, Oshawa RA 5-1123 i nee " bow aturday. asonic 'emple. hh - PATIO SLABS 16 CELINA ST PRIVATE Yescher, student counsellor, Snows, Spys, $1 per bushel and up.| OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY FoR fwo Gentlemen, willing share STEPS & PORCHES . Thickson's . Road, Y%-mile north of : . RA 8-8767 Taunton Road, West. FREE PICK-UP ? ESN RA 57415. ~~ 238c WELL TILE RA 3-2312 TURKEYS, freshly killed, deivered| RESIDENCE -- RA 5.4 RooM 4 bomrg dz sonemen po oven ready, large and small orders ac- 100 ANNIS STREET Phone Myf » ay, 2388 son and brother, attendance. Tray service, 15 years' experience. Appointment only. -- | DONT THINK ABOUT IT! CURBING DO IT NOW DODD & SOUTER + PAINT -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING FURNITURE FINISHINGS also General |OPen evenings by appointment. 259 joan ihsircsears, "and {Simcoe Street South, Phone RA 5223.1 EVENINGS RA 5-7426 Phone NTO a 4371 15--Instruction HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, ROOM and board for two. Single beds, A ONE | blue- tick hound, five years old, October 6, at approxi- Uxbridge 338R. 238 | vate home, central, laundry done. Ap- 0858, Bowmanville, MA 3.2594, SCRAP tral location, two minutes. from four S radio, T.V, lounge. ; W NI TER TO i APPLES -- Delos Macimiosn,| PAPERS :: RAGS [Ronde Sniiees MARRY SINGER 3 Optometrists ---- too --C Po Bring containers, Algoma Orchards, RA 5 3432 |F. BR. BLACK, Doctor of Optometry, RA 5-7415. * eye examination, contact lenses. 136 Call RA 5-1054. "NIAGARA FALLS (CP)--An Simcoe North (at Colborne), evenings Anclican minister and a night- bY appointment. RA 3-419. = ¢lab singer who met a month [C. BH. TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please cepted. D. J. Courtice, RA 8-5392, ago are to be married Saturday. Rev. Robert Laidlaw Rolls of 8t. Martin's Anglican Church met Barbara Alcorn when she éame to a Sunday service, Miss Alcorn, of Moncton, N.B., was here for a singing engage- ment at a hotel. "Two days after their first meeting Mr. Rolls visited the hotel to hear her sing. He be- gan going every night and 10 days later proposed. Miss Aleorn studied opera at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto before going into nightclub work. She has had engagements in some of Toronto's swankiest night spots. '"'Some people might think it's a little sudden," said Mr, Rolls, "But I always knew that when the person of God's choice came along there would be no question about it." Born in India, Mr. Rolls is the son of a New Zealand Missionary, He Worked as a salesman in Toronto and a ra- dio announcer in Australia be- fore joining the ministry in 1944. Miss: Alcorn will give up her pay accounts at downtown Toronto Do- minion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Phone RA 5-4587. 7--Surveyors G. T. HORTON and Associates, Ontar- io Land Surveyors, Professional Engin- pering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit- by, MO 85091, Ajax 728. DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 5-6881. AJAX SOD SUPPLY BROOKLIN Sod delivered and laid: Top- CONCRETE |=; n PRODUCTS LTD, ICKERING id Phone OL 5-3311 venings Ajax Phone -- 8--Building Trades CALL Lauridier McKenna, RA 57864, painting and piper hanging, gyp-tex-| | ing, all work guaranteed. Winter rates. | "ree estimates | BASEMENTS dug, ana backfilled, ex. | cavating, etc. RA 3.3898 or RA 8-0623 HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Concrete, cinder, Haydite blocks, CHIMNEY BLOCKS. 1089 Nelson St. Corner Wellington RA 3-4412 RA 5-7041 Custom Built Homes Additions, Alterations Rec-rocms, Kitchen Cupboards, Tile ond Hardwood Floors STONE MASTER FEEDS STONE OSHAWA YOUR STONE ONE STOP CENTRE FOR For rugged rustic basuty use TOP QUALITY natural MARBO STONE for your home. Ohic, Tennessee, HOLLAND BULBS Indiana, Kingston, Credit Tuli ~~ inths Valley Natural stone does Yips yac : not need a 10 or 20 year Crocuses -- Narcissus Jucrantes, It it's natural it Peat Moss -- Bone Meal t: lifet'me, iyi pid : Te Lawn and Garden Fertilizers 'S STONE-- L awn Seed WE HAVE IT Garden Tools MARBO STONE 54 CHURCH ST. Learn to play w! guitar Special 10-week course, $1 per lesson. Classes 'of two or four--Bring your friends. Professional tuition. Any style. For appointment call ALTO MUSIC RA 5-1501 LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School Day and evening lessons Automatic and Standard DUAL CONTROLLED CARS Test arranged RA 8-0091 16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, six months to pay, For personal service at your home, Call RA 55-7413, 17--Money to Loan 1st and 2nd MORTGAGES MAKE IT BUCKAROO FOR YOUR NEXT SOCIAL EVENT CHRISTMAS 5 FULL os Turkey Dinner -- $2.00 Chicken Dinner -- $2.50 Smorgabords -- $2.50 Barbecue Steaks -- $3.00 music for dinner, and dan- "RESERVE NOW DIAL RA 5-2737 20---Cartage d AGREEMENTS OF SALE GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli-|sale, three due this fall and one' op ROOM and board for gentleman, good meals and singla beds, close to all South plants. Phone RA 3-3101, ROOM and board for gentlemen to share, separate beds, good meals, cen- tral. 252 Arthur Street. RA 8-0723. FOR TWO gentlemen, nice Dutch fame ily, near town line. RA 5-6054. Be ROOM and board for two gentlemen, close to town. Apply 35 Hall Street. 236¢ ROOM with singla beds for two gentle. men, wi'th ¢r without board. Near South plant. Phone RA 5-7776. 2372 BOOM and board for two to shere, seven - day week. Phone RA 5.9533, 233¢ earned, Save up to 7c., per pound. Roy gg rg King Street Tests ask for Joe, or phone BLOND Cocker pup, female; Pug pup: | HOUSE hanting 2? Keep your eyes on the | RA 50343 or RA 55325. 251 GOOD care given to one or two chil. SELL puppies or other pets? People who want them check "Pets for Sale" 36--Female Help Wanted DOG clipping, service rr ey bath- Ads. Let us show you how! Call RA 9; ROOM and boa One single room and one to share. Phone RA 8-6382. Five NEW HONEY. Pails returned is money 35--Employment Wanted WOULD like work hauling, have own P, Anderson, 268 Ritson Road North. truck, any type work: done. Apply 318 25--Pets and Livestock Pickering 52 J 3, 238 pies; Bassett hound, male; small ter- unusual heme values and prices in to- rier and other puppies, 9 Celina Street, day's Oshawa Times Classified Ads. THREE thoroughbred Siamese kins: dren in my home. Wilson Road dis- Phone Orono 107, 235f | trict. Phone RA 3-9476. 233¢ in Classified every day Dial RA §-3492| ---- FARMING equi equipment sells | fast when lo start an #4 that sells pets {you run it in Oshawa Times Cl. ing, ofitatng. By appointment only. [3-3492 RA 3.9708 Py ADIES, girls, for part time felep tes S. plant BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for sales from our office. Phone RA 8-1421, training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. 236f Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. |ATAX TT Gr girl, ex. PUREBIED Dachshund puppies. ,OL| perienced in general office work, pay- 5-551 436b roll, figures, typing. Call Ajax 1310. BOARDING, trimming, bathing, de- 236¢ fleaing. Waubena a Kennels, RA 5- 6321. RECEPTIONIST and instructress, 18 0 BOARDING, (rimming, bathing, _de-|2% oo Sens Satin Lh a fleaing, Waubena Kennels. RA 5.6321. Universal Health Studio, Oshawa Shope ning Centre, 235¢ 26--Farmer's Column oth RRR Far en Co |WAITRESS, full or part-time, also|s FOR SALE -- Farmall cub tractor short order cook for evening work. ih rot end loader, plow, etc. Phone Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel, OL § NEED extra money? $25 and more can WANTED -- horse and cow manure. [easily be earned by showing our fabu- RA 5-1721. Jous Ohiistmas Sards, gifts, toys, ete., a to friends and neighbors. Our huge, full FOUR registered Je Jersey heifers f for color Christmhs catalogue makes it| 5 3416, {easy to get plenty of orders. No experi. | ROOM and board for gentleman, South district, home cooked meals, privileges, clean accommodation. RA 5-3710 ROOM and board for two gentlemen, share room, single beds, private home. 143 Clark Street, a ROOM and board for gentlemen, close to downtown ard GM. RA 3.9541. 160 Park Road North 43--Wanted to Rent FIVE or. six room house wanted by family of three adults, two year lease if satisfied. Write Box 530 Oshawa Times. 235¢ ONE large room on gmsound floor, for elderly couple. Use of bath on same floor. Write Box 626, Oshawa Times. don. ance moving. Reasonable Tales fully Bruce Bagg, Phone Oliver 5- HUGH CROSBY BUILDER RA 5-3937 98, |ence necessary. Send no money, Write WANT™D -- by couple with sm small C LTD yr |COMPLETE dispersal Guernsey cat- today for samples of fast selling items child, a three-, or four room apart. DIAL RA 3-2229 Lyndewood Investments ROY LOVELESS apartment moving, tle, many fall fresheners, Oct. 14, a on gpproval and free catalogue. Mon iment with private bath, ground floor reasonable rates, fully insured. RA ncon. Woodring Farms, on Hi arch Greeting Card Co., Dept. 16, 47 Jreisried but not essential, Phone RA Free Customer Parking OL 5-4471 8-8515. ld laos professional singing career and Bought and Arranged i=~wred. Call day or night Join 'the choir at her husband's church, 1437 King E.RA 5.3189 401, at Hopkins Street, Whitby. 2960 | East Avenue, Hamilton. 4