ep yy SP Oy Cor a A AS AGT VPN ex . . (Whitby) -- "Westbound" |Plaza -- "The Nun's Story" 1.10, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 13, 195% J Tar And Nicotine [THEATRE GUIDE | "Tom "Operation Amsterdam"| 345, 6.20, 9.0 p.m. Last comm. Low In Cigarets 35 Din Last complete show |; Wiel $0 9 in LEARN TO BE A " p.m. g Biltmore -- "Ten Seconds to] Regent -- "South Pacific" in tech NEW YORK (AP) -- Tobacco| Hell" shown at 12.50, 4.00, 7.10, Marks -- "Passport to Shame" | pjcolor, shown at 1.30 and 4.05. crs have reduced the| 1020 p.m. also "Cast A Long| 100,405, 7.10, 10.20 p.m. ""Teen-| poopingy at $15 p.m. nicotine content of both| Shadow" shown at 2.35, 5.45,( age Wolf Pack" 2.30, 5.35, 8.50 19 pam, d filter eigares Sung 8.55 p.m. Last complete show| p.m. Last complete show at st year, the magazine| starts at 8.45 p.m. 8.50 p.m. Reader's Digest repose. --- On-the-spot The publication during the last several years has made surveys . of cigaret production. claims "Older filter-tip brands are not | the same cigarets they were a settlement year ago, » the publication said | in an article in the November is- | P R E F ER R E D sue. 1960 MERCURY MONTCLAIR : ; - . S-------- . by people who enjoy a friendly Mercury for 1960 is both dis- | ed d Seonomy by using regular 4 : ke N and relaxing atmosphere : Huet xe gr fgg iy LA Le ; AUDREY 2 STARLITE ROOM | smooth ride Is the result of the] mission and driveshaft tunnel, . (2 'blending of body, frame, sus- | afford full comfort for six pas- i; re pension, engine and transmis- | sengers. Thirteen models in ef; HEPRUERN sion into a completely road- | four series, all on 126-inch- C0 oTRED ZINNEMANN'S movoner 3 ' juned Jar, Twogarel ean wheelbase, are available, Pic- i the low-friction V-8 engines. tured is the Montclair four- Wis THE RUNS Two of the engines offer add- | door cruiser (hardtop). 1 we STORY A TECHMICOLOR® L Philip Rahtz, is regarded as of : Ro Cairn Gives Sifst-rouk impustancs. PETER FINCH 0amE €DITH EVANS DAME PEGGY ASHCROFT DEAN JAGGER PROT ECT YOU R The royal grave is among 48 itn MILDRED DUNNOCK SCREENPLAY BY ROBERT ANDESSON PRODUCED BY HENRY BLANKE ci a es igs atcrin wn FRED INNEMANN. meszwito or WARNER BROS. RDR BE rom orou yer- ' 3 : Clue To from Plamborougs A "ar tao : r| FAMILY WARDRO Marked by a cairn' of chalk s]o0 Ld LJ Ld * Yes, there's a fun way, a really quick way to learn to dance, thanks to Arthur Murray's famous "Magic Sup" In your first lesson you learn the key to the Cha Cha, Samba, Foxtrot--all the latest dances. Parties are part of your lessons, so you can count on meeting hosts of new friends --have more invitations than ever before. Come in and have a half-hour $1.00 trial lesson. blocks missisg from the other IT Tw culkin learn 30d U.K. Bngles ume me en ee "With REGULAR DRY CLEANING [epson gies fms « SHOWN THREE TIMES DAILY! 5 ARTHUR MURRAY SEWERBY, England (AP)--| The 'skeleton was buried r : Archaeologists believe they have oF en a tact. Wi the MATINEES AT 1:30 ond 4:05; EVENINGS AT 8:15] Good grooming W. B. WHITE + 11% SIMCOE §. RA 8-1681 pos H OPEN 1 P.M. - 10 P.M. DAILY 4 3 : H : found the grave of a queen Who|. iain were strings of beads Ang The entertainment world's ow; ruled over the diminutive Angles.|hrooches, gilded wrist clasps, an| pays off [/« INSURANCE LTD. SAT. 10 AM. - 6 P.M. 000000000000 G0000 0000000000000 000CTS These people came here in iid {iron ring, a bronze cauldron, 110 KING STREET EAST, AD from what now is Schleswig-'pronze pendants and gilded most wonderful or Bo i RA 5-3579 ! Ilolstein to invade and A boxes. | oi sie ophY! You con't afford to look anything eastern Britain | Pendants of crystal and shale | but your best on the job! That's The find, made by archaeologist! also were found. why it poys to have your clothes a | : a cleaned - herel! We banish coms ' Po pletely spot and stain . . . give you 1] : ide he look that makes impressions, - - THEVRE AFTER YOUR --14 ARE YOU FOND DMLARY off Lp GOLD MEDAL CLEANERS | The big supermarket chains are fighting a full scale ohDULY or ROSSAND BRAZZ- HITZ GAYNOR JOHN KERR Pick Up snd Delivery) 2 P L A N N | N i: A trade war. Their weapons are premiums, price cuts, UA fancy stores. Read how this benefits you in this | ANOTHER REGENT THEATRE SERVICE ; 21 BOND E, A W 'eo week's Star Weekly. ENJOY THE BEST IN MUSIC SPECIALLY RECORDED FOR YOUR | BANQUET . LISTENING PLEASURE BY CKLB-FM -- AND PRESENTED OVER OUR || a ' | HIGH FIDELITY SOUND SYSTEM FROM 1:00 TILL 1:30 DAILY | | Price os Jor his € ngage ment WE REGRET , WEDDING RECEPTION, EVENING FREE LIST SUSPENDED F. RICHARD BLACK |, 2 | a} MEETING STUDENTS 60 STUDENTS DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY |CHILDREN 35 CHILDREN LOGES 10c EXTRA 3 { wd { 2 > is pleased to announce the opening of his office | g - s \ OFFICE PARTY? for the practice of OPTOMETRY at ¥ \ 136 SIMCOE ST. N. (at Colborne) | [5 | ' wr If it is for 10 people or 500 our EXAMINING OF Epis FOR APPOINTMENT | "- ' e facilities are unexcelled. Drop in AND CONTACT LENSES RA 34191 and talk it over. . . let us show you CHILDREN'S VISUAL TRAINING EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT | our completely re-modelled COR- DAIR and FLEETWOOD Rooms. ADDED THRILLER | Q = = re + | AAR Phone RA 3-4641 FOR EXAMPLE: You | Monthly || $50 10 $5,000 QUEM |v | me | Scoot right dows as ' A 1 Without Endorser: | EE J WR] fo Ros E. Mills! {lll GENOSHA HOTEL [J [S i It's our First Anniversary at our new lo- ERIOR INANCE | cation! Big, big bargains from Oct. 15-24! Open Fri. Until 8 p.m, Closed Saturday During July end August C A & ! yi vA S | 17 Simcoe St. North ~~ RA 5-6541 WATCH THIS PAPER Te OFFICES THROUGHOUT ONTARIO FOR MORE DETAILS! : ! : in almost every man's life LAST 2 DAYS | soma ) RB E . « « there are real emergencies where he is 72] | Boss E. Mills Co. Lid. i nn 80 SIMCOE NORTH RA 8-6218 sour when his assets dre poo eollzlergl. FASTEN YOUR FRIGHT BELTS ET This is one of the many reasons why , far-sighted men make sure they have y y BOX-OFFICE OPENS AT 7:00 y {WHEN IT © =; ; - | TONIGHT ! "siiow stars at 7.15 adequate permanent personal life insurance, For Information 1 FLIES... ! SOMEONE for the mounting values are always available for either direct or collateral starring borrowing --and at reasonable rates of WET PRICE- ges MODREHEAD BATH \& : PLUS THIS STARTLING SHOCKER ! - 1 interest, 4 CAMERON JAMES \ BAe" \ a us 3 { _- ¥ ; : Other forms of life insurance are fine in rey) J cL Vik wy Saud tis flesse= it iy J0haner posta wo ("a J | j : : : Am a policies give a man control over their use ms Ny ~ or I 7 : Noa n PRE / te POWELL any time the need arises, rs STARTS TOMORROW v3 | Sas" Tm RC Sy ve Sut be 7% EXCELSIOR LIFE Shsosancc Coogpny AANANAAAAAPIYAPPAPNAS . 70 years of service lo Canadians sav. "Ten Seconds To Hell" & "Cast A Long Shadow" CHILDREN under 12 REE: ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON | : %, A Mexosson, Branth Manior A he LL... ,~_.§m , Oshawa Shopping Centre, Oshawa, Ont. ov, : ; ON CONSTRUCTION LIMITED : The builder of the famed Personality Homes : Phone: RA 5-4758 that made Grandview Gardens famous provides you with an architectural service to design the house of your dreams. are available RA 5-9121 at 0 KASS GER | THE CANADIAN More than 800 branches across Canada io serve you Provides specialists to advise you and guide you in choosing the materials to fulfill this dream.