ry Hy Tp Wr pty TA A I FG Py IRE BR Children's, Adults, Shoes Clothing 'Required By Welfare League The October meeting was the|Quilting Club has also resigned second in the fall season of the because of poor health, Women's Welfare League. Mrs.| Speech Correction Classes un- R. E. Richardsvia presided and der the direction of Mrs. J. F. Miss Grace Burns read the min- Luke re-opened in September utes, with 17 children registered. The people of Oshawa have] Nurses from the Ontario Hos- replied most generously to ap- pital, Whitby, are again ohserv- peals for clothing and this great ing the Nursery School on Wed- community effort is very much nesday mornings. appreciated. Miss Vera Moyse| Piano lessons started during convener of the Family Welfare the month. Children who do not Committee expressed a need for have a piano in their homes also {Children's and Adults' shoes and use the Simcoe Hall pianos for Thanks were Y Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 | 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 13, 1959 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES f lclothing and gave the following practice periods. BING STREET WA uy HUMORESQUE CLUB report: {expressed by Mrs. Godfrey, Ju- The Ociober meeting of King| The first business meeting of |dith_ Cutler, Frances Starkes and| jSezeet United Church WA was the season was held recently WELPARE th of Septem 'Ruth Britton for volunteering to| recently. with Mrs. Reginald Pike pre- e mont eptember teach this coming season. | The president, Mrs. J a ck|siding. 1754 2 ih used Pane The first meeting of the Gol-| Perry, offered prayer. Mrs. Law-| S |were issued. Meals a oceries den Age Club was held Sentem- Ai Allen 2. the ry by esp nlence, > reed were supplied. Transportation Rr 10, with an average attend- report and the treasurer's report| Armstead. ; © 7" "'|paid for elderly pensioner to see ance for the month of 75. The an! was given by Mrs. Herbert Por- sick relative (to be repaid). Pur-'nyal meeting of the Club was he'd! 'ter. | The annual dance pos!-ponedichased jeans for young boy and|on October 1, Mr. J. Scott was Mrs. Roy Terwilligor sonal the Spring is to take place|supplied hot piatc for a family. elected president, cards and letters of thanks from| uf Fiday Syenigs, Octver 23school books for 15 students and "The Public and Separate a aants moms the C.RA. building, Cuesisiiyy layetiey issued. School's Safety Patrol Dances 5 d hadiare expected from the Kawartha Saterday ovenmus from % sent out a number of cards during white Cane Club of Lindsay and PROPERTY AND fre on. Galunta) 8 | the month of September. «i | NAN {to"10 o'clock. These dances are| | M: Nor: Wirschi the Excelsior Club of Toronto, [MAINTE ANCE 'under the direction of Constable es Norman, Wirsching sn an invitation was _ received, The Fert of the Property and S05 mci Oahama Police De: in St. Paul's Church, Bowman. irom the Kawartha White Cane| | "4 the convo er Re Harry partment, assisted by members ville, on October 22. Club to attend a Social evening on Mien ' |of the Pilot Club and Simcoe Mrs, Douglas Redpath took Tuesday October 20, Mrs. Gordon Miles reported for Hall Staff. for tHe Rell Feather| charge of the devotional period] Mrs. M. L. Wakely, club dele-/the Ways and Means Committee. | e lina s lor ine readi inety-fi {Public Speaking Contest for Pub- eading Psalm ninety-five and algate to the C.C.B. Conference, 1% . "hon AM 5 whch [Thanksgiving story. [Ontario division in North Bay in| CLUBS AND PROGRAM lic and Senarate Schools, will be; 3 ------------ | Ret : tee ie ta Henital i ~~ | Mrs. Graham Cou'ter, convener he'd in the McLaughlin Public efreshments were served by May is in Hospital with a broken| % ALLA, Auditorium, on W-nes the Ardent Workers gr i o o of the Clubs and Program Com. Library Audit group. (hip, her report was read by her)ptee, reported that activities day and Thursday, October 21 and {escort Mrs. E, H. Peaver. Iwere well attended during the 22. Finals for the-Karn's Junior | Dr. C. H. Vipond Addresses H&S w . " 'Thankoffering SRace JUSHERAN Suid | White Cane week is from Febru.month of September. As in for-| Tronhy, for grades up to and in- : On The Health Of Children | Loh ren held its first 2V 7 to 14, and the slogan former years the after school pro- cluding Grade 6, will be cn Wed: | The Thank-Offering meeting of -utheran Church held 1s HISL a0 50 «Blindness is Our Busi- gram was for specific age grouns: nesday, October 21 at 7 p.m.| Kate McLaurin Circle was held 3utumn meeting folowing a Bobi, con [the evenings for special interest Finals for the Henderson Senior A AE luck supper at the church. They ronh il 1 Thursda last week in First Baptist Church, i . | : Ber oi clubs Trophy will be held on Thursday, |had as their guests the pastor, Refreshments were served bv". 0 boys' Kiwanis Bantam October 22nd, 7 n.m. The public Jack Bird and |corpay te! Mary's Hospital, San Francis- co. Mr. Issa, who is studying | the bride is a graduate of class | at the University of California, '55 of the Oshawa General Hos- | is the son of Mr. and Mrs, pital and is at present a mem- | Ebrahim Issa of Marseilles, ber of the nursing staff of St. | France, ber 7. Daughter of Mr. and The engagement is announc- Mrs. Michael Maly of Oshawa, ed today of Miss Anne Maly and Mr. Joseph Edward Issa who plan to be married in Holy | Cross Roman Catholic Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, Novem- Kate McLaurin Aux. Pictured as they cut the | Ann Kozak, the bride is the c2ke at the reception following | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo their marriage at St. George's | Kozak and the bridegroom Is Memorial Anglican Church are | the son of Mr, and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Dennis George | Parfitt, all of O hawa, Parfitt. Formerly Miss Sonia --Photo by Gilbert Taylor The subject chosen by Dr. cause rather than candy for them- Clande H. Vipond was "The selves. Health of Children", in an ad-| Mrs. R. M. Edmunds presided dress to the parents and teach-|for the business meeting, Mrs. ers of Gertrude Colpus Home and|Robert Beharrell read the min- School Association at their firstjutes of the last meeting. Mrs. meeting for the new term. |R. V. Sheffield read the treasur- Four phases of the child's de-/er's report and also explained a velopment Mental, Emotional, |detailed report of the new bud- Social and Physical were discuss-| get which has been passed by the ed by Dr. Vipond. He said that|Association. "A great criterion of success in| 7 I raising children was to caution STAFF INTRODUCED them about the real things to fear in life and not to encourage Hortop street. This was an open Fr = meeting and several groups at- Sunday School teachers and Or-|Lioneites Mrs. J: team is row tied for is invited to attend. a ded. | ing meeting: opened with hts Louis Hammill. [fst vlace in the City of Oshawa Acknowledomont was mee to Mrs. W. R. Collins, president of yw and the pastor conducted) A GROUP COMMITTEE [ch=mpionsho finals. the many pe Ji? ang organi, the Circle, presided. An inspiring ine devotional period. The presi- 11th G ) "E | The Girls' Teen-Age Club start- tions who have Honzted the | t Roh n The October meeting of the 11th ed their fall season bv attending lowing items for our work: worship service was led by Mrs.|;., of rel ) y 4 George Winters' group and Mrs, dont, Mrs. RODeH: Behm, welch: | qroup Committee of the GivJ|Onen House at the YWCA. Mrs.| Money, clothing, bedding, d shes, A. L. Hatfield read the Scripture s new m.|Guide Asociation was held at|Faries has agreed to instruct the household utensils, toys, games, lesson. Mrs. H. J. Audley sang aber was or Guild,| Guide House with Mrs. Charles|girls in aluminum etching. {books, magazines, old country solo, accompanied by Mrs. Mabel Miss Gladys Colbreay read the| Stainton presiding. | Members of the St. John Ambu-|newspaers, collectors stampos, Joyce at the piano, The offering minutes of the previous meeting] The minutes of the previous|lance Girls' Nursing Cadets will furniture, sports quipment, play- Mr. G. W. Reddick extended a was received by Mrs. Walter Sew- and Mrs. W. F. Marshall gave meeting were read by the secre Ibe presented with certificates and ing cards, vsed Christmas cards, warm welcome to the many par- ell and Mrs. H. S. Winsley. [the treasurer's report. [tary Mrs. Alfred Brischois and|pins, on Monday evening, Octo-|jig-saw pu "A we also wish in them the fear of imaginary ents in attendance and introduced The guest speaker, the Rever-| Jt was decided that instead of Mrs. Luther Locks gave the trea-|ber 19, at 7 o'clock. Mrs, L. Mas-/to thank those who have given, beings." > pe aed Staff a Ili) kin- $d Alec Z¢idmay ol tie Scott the usual fall bazaar a donation/surer's report. ters, superintendent o the par-|of the'r time in assisting with our : dergarten--Mrs. T. Van Camp, Mission in the city of Toronto, iven, len ney| ent division will make the pre- program. "It is up to us as parents to/Mrs, T. Black; Grade 1 -- Miss v~s introduced by Mrs. F. M. be in A EE on a TUM Centations. Parents and ioe) Statictics for Seztember, 1959: help produce a well-behaved B, Rutherford, Miss M. Kylie, McLellon, The subject of the constitution| jae sale to be held on Novem-| women's Welfare League|Attend>nce 2709, Visits to homes child who will grow up into an|Miss S. Shelenkoff; Grade 2 -- Mr. Zuidman gave a history of of the Guild was brought up and "°F, : were invited to attend. 98, Office interviews with chil adult who will have a mature Miss D. McGillis; Grades 2 and the Scott Mission, emphasizing it was decided to revise and bring| The next meeting will be held" wrembers of the Y's Men's Club dren 42, Office interviews with outlook on life," he said. 3 -- Miss R. Stephens. that it is a work of faith and is it to date. Three members volun-|on November 3. and the Junior Chamber of Com-| adults 39. A child should be disciplined] Grade 3 -- Mrs. I. James; self - supporting, depending on teered to form a committee to do| Refreshments were served by merce have again volunteered to| The Women's Welfare League but at the same time should be Grade 4 -- Miss A. Adamack, good-will offerings for its contin-|this when it will be further dis-/Mrs. Charles Stainton and Mrs.|coach the boys' Saturday morn-|expresses ~npre~ia®ion of the Yo : shown that he is loved and want-/ Miss G. Fielding; Grade 5 -- Miss yance. |cussed at the November meecting.' Gordon Petre. ing basketball leagues. generous offer of The Oshawa Political Science and Economics ed. Parents and teachers plav a P. Cliff; Grade 6 Mrs. J. There is a flourishing Sunday - > . em Mrs. S. Turpin, convenor of the Times in turning over the pro-| 2nd year Brenda Lane, 4th year Charles Robert great part in training children Smith; Grades 6 and 7 -- Mr. J. School; and approximately three| Golden Age Sewing Club has ceeds of their circulation drive to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Powers, son of Mr. and Mrs. how to get along with others. Hutchinson; Grade 7 -- Mrs. E.' hundred meals are served daily | : " . Lane, Wcs'dale Court i igned because of poor health. help with the many welfare prob ter . J. W. Powers, King street e. Mrs. M. Anderson thanked Dr: Boyd; Grade 8 -- Mr. J. Francom ts the unfortunate and the home- resigne: p g ast. { Foster, Thornton's road north. of UNICEF (United Nations In- OPENING OF NEW WING their difficulties are overcome. Ist year -- Rita Cardinal, To Meet In Whitb 0 y {Degree Course, Home Economics] | HOSPITAL 4 {Church of Canada, will descend morning. Following this, a Com- 4th year Barbara Hilts, Anderson, Ritson road south, Church assemblv hall Friday, People's Union, Bay of Quinte Mr, and Mrs. D. H, MacMillan, |} regular meeting in the Coronation| with the candlelight service Sun- awa area will be billefed in Albert street United Church.|set pleated panels of met high- Orange Temples with Worthy Arts f [Mrs. J. Denis, convener of the lems. | Degree Course In Nursing Vipond. Mt. R. Gutsole. less, he said. Where families are f-- : ST. MICHAEL'S HOSPITAL, ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Next weekend, young people| Prof. Boyle will "deliver his 2nd year -- Carol E. Fitches, School of Nursing on Whitby to hold their annual/munion Service will be held. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin| | ae Oct. 16, from 6:30 to 8:00, the Conference, will be installed. Oshawa boulevard north. A |g 2 ' day evening. homes in Whitby, Almonds, and was the scene of a candlelight lighted the hooped skirt. A crown Mistress Sister Evelyn Bilton, 8rd year -- Lyn Lowry, son of Additional List Of Students Who Are Furthering Studies This is a further list of Osh- of Mr. and Mrs: O. A. Taylor, awa young people who are attend-| Gibbons street, ing University and the higher schools of learning. Much time OSGOODE HALL LAW SCHOOL has been spent gathering this in-| 1st year -- Grant Armstrong, formation and the Social Depart-{son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Arm ment would be pleased to hear strong, Brock street east. of any name not listed, WATERLOO COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO KITCHENER : es 2 ternational Children's Emergency The official opening of the new The speaker was thanked by Fund) by Mr. G. W. Reddick, wing of Gertrude Colpus School the Reverend N. Frank Swack- the school principal. will be held in the afternoon of hammer. Cie Dr. Vipend explained the great October 22. Mrs. Gertrude Colpus| Mrs. G. W. Bessis' group serv- work of UNICEF throughout the and members of the Board of/ed refreshments. world and how some of the school Education are expected to be in LODGES AND children in Oshawa collect money attendance. Refreshments will be| on Hallowe'en for this worthy served by the Association. | QUEEN MARY LODGE Marion Darling, Kenneth Lyon Wed In Candlelight Ceremony [sori meme eee eo LOCK SMART ® FEEL SMART eo BE SMART No Contracts Results in One Month Our modern methods bath iy 3rd year Nancy Foster, | Miss M. Kylies' room won the jn" "cad provisio Sent. ard | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold TORONTO UNICEF FILM arents' re prize. a a. CLs are sen} an J A film was shown on the work patents' sneniance prize the Mission keeps in touch until 300 oung eon a School of Nursing - i COLLEGE, GUELPH \ ; (MACDONALD INSTITUTE) (Cardinal, Carnegie avenue. TORONTO WESTERN from all parts of the Bay of!final theme address at te Tog SES ot in a Mrs. Wil- oni | i ay|liam Fitches, Rossland r t. Quinte Conference, United|lar church service on Sunday SS! oad west 3 year + Janice. Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross convention. Beginning with a get- Finally, at the evening service, Hilts, McLaughlin Boulevard. An- acquainted supper in the United|the new officers of the Young na Jean McMillan, daughter of . J i convention will run through Sat-| young people attending the fos urday and Sunday, before closing! convention from outside the Osh- McMASTER UNIVERSITY, | i HAMILTON i 4 3 | On Friday, business will fol- Oshawa. About 300 delegates are { low the dinner, and a play party expected to attend. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lowry, Con- wedding on Friday evening, Oc- of seed pearls and crystal held presiding, assisted by Sister Kay § tober 9, when Marion Irene Dar-|her finger tip veil and she car-| Hopkins. | ling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. [ried a double cascade of white] Devotional exercises were per- P. G. Darling, was united inlpom pom ehrysanthemums and formed by the chaplain with) marriage with Kenneth W. Lyon, deep pink pinocchio roses. Betty Atkins, R. W. Sister Mar- son of. Mr. and Mrs. Norman| Mrs. Raymond Darling was tha White was reported not so Lyon, all of Oshawa. {matron of honor for her sister- Well and Brother John Logan is The Reverend S. C. H. Atkin-in-law, and Miss Beverley Jen- still in the hospital in Hamilton. | 4 |will conclude the evening. Prof. Rev. George Boyle, BA, BD, of Victoria College will challenge the young people with his first theme address on Saturday morn- © ing. Following both the theme |addresses on Saturday, the con- |vention will disperse into small I naught street. "SOCIAL NOTICES RYERSON INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY | ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maly Mechanical Engineering 3rd year -- Roland Gilbank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gil- can do for you . . . what we've done for others. SLENDERIZING STUDIO 204 KING E., OSHAWA of Oshawa announce the -engage- Ph: RA 8-051 ment of their daughter, Anne, to Mr, Joseph Edward Issa. son of {Mr, and Mrs. Ebrahim Issa of [Marseilles, France. The wedding| will take nlace on Saturday, No- vember 7, at 11 a.m. in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church, |= bank, King street east. . Printing and Management 8rd year -- Glen Taylor, son KARN'S double ring Kins was bridesmaid, They wore| The group was sorry to hear of} 30 pesioemed the So e nang identical street length gowns of Sister Ruth Ryan's accident and tudy groups. was played by Mrs. Bruce Searle| Periwinkle blue silk organza over wished her and her children a : Ha! : . On Saturday afternoon, Oct. 17, and Mr. Ross Cotton, sang net and taffeta. Their draped Speedy. recovery. . a] a ; after the second theme address w Years" and "The bodices were sleeveless and de- irector of ceremonies, Sister land the study groups, the dele- i ph signed with deep V-necklines and Diane Cowle, brought Sister Reta gates will be taken on conduct- i a marriage by her|their bouffant skirts billowed Reynolds to the front and Sis- led tours of local spots of inter- : ) . . ter Cora Gardner presented her st. Rev. Richard Jones, Director father, the bride wore a ballerina Over Deore. They wore matebing TH olor omar dik Ol fe Canale Gow elt of Chis. length gown of blossom white|feathered headdresses and short gp, the officers and members Chantilly lace over net and silk|White gloves and carried nose-|;¢ the lodge on her recent mar- faille, The long sleeved bodice gays of yellow and white chrysan- riage. featured sequin embroidery be-|themums. Plans were made to visit Lady| low the sabrina neckline and in-| Mr. Murray Glover was best Russell Lodge, Toronto, Wednes-| |man and the ushers were Messrs. dav, October 14, also Pine Ridge! PERSONALS {Raymond Darling, Jack Lyon. |Jodge, Bowmanville, Monday, | The reception was held at the October 26 and Victory, Osh- You are invited by the Department to send in any litt {home of the bride's parents, Al- awa, Tuesday; October 27. bert street, Oshawa, where the, Draw prizes donated by Sis- sal bride's mother received in pure ters Annie Toms, Edith Severs, | |silk avacoda green with a flow- Susan Waterhouse and Elva) items of interest. News of teas) cred bandeau hat in shades of Cowle were won by Sisters Anne pi pn showers, annij| Drown. Assisting was the bride- Derry, Isabel Reid, Orpha Shef-| versaries and comings and goingf|Eroom's mother who chose riviera fer and Mary Hayes. | are always very acceptable and|Piue silk crepe with a pink feather| Members wishing to go to Lady| for which there is no charge\rimmed hat of silk velour. Both io ag yore id 2 nA Wore corsages of chrysanthe- 0 be at the Orange 1emple, | Plosse op hl telephone 'Ral 5 By Wednesday, October 14 at 6.30 j ' : For the honeymoon trip to Sharp. | Sunday guests at the home ox Peintg in Pennsylvania, the bride | the Misses Florence, Vida and ™ore/a mink tone French wool] ACCEPTS PRESIDENCY | suit, with a beige and orange ice}, OTTAWA (CP) -- Mrs. George! Sybil Langmaid, Simcoe street I south, were Mrs. J. S. Awde and feathered small hat, orange ice/P, Vanier, wife of newly-| Mr and Mrs. John Winchester accessories and a corsage of yel- appointed Governor General 3 low roses. On their return the Vanier, has accepted the office and Beth of Toronto; Miss Ada . _ Ihe Pascoe of Port Credit; Mr. and couple will reside in Oshawa. of honorary president of the Na- Mrs. William Day and Jean of Guests were present from tional Council of Women, council Goldstone, and Mr. and Mrs, |Port Perry, Woodbridge and headquarters announced Wednes- Percy Mountjoy and family of Long Branch. 'day. THE Lillian Mae Marsh | SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A., M.D.A. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton, Acrobatic. Pre-School, Friday--Satur- day. | | | 1 The monthly meeting of the La-| dies Auxiliary to the Saint Da- vids' (Welsh) Society was held at the home of Mrs. Ivor Davies, with the president, Mrs. David Munkley, presiding. Reports were presented from the various committees, Plans were finalized for a bakeless bake sale to get under way in October. Mrs. Kay Jay of Toronto, a former resident of Oshawa, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Burridge, Preston- vale, CARPETS From The ' Four Corners of THE WORLD All shapes and sizes NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 Mary St. RA 5-0433 at the MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA RA 3-7253 Information: HAPPY LITTLE CHRISTINA era is Christina Loraine, one- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thompson, Central | Posing happily for the cam- | Park Boulevard north. Chris- tina, who celebrated her first ] birthday on Sepiember 9, Is the granddaughter of Mr. and | Mrs. Robert R. Cornish, Osh- awa. --Photo by Mary's Studio DuBARRY B LARGE 10 oz. BOTTLE SPECIALLY PRICED... ONLY with Silicones 150 $2.50 VALUE to counteract detergent harshness 28 KING ST. EAST DIAL RA 3-4621 tians and Jews, will address the convention following the evening |banquet. Later that evening, a |religious drama will be present- ed bv. a prominent amateur the- atrical society. MARRIAGE AGES Average age of the 133,186 brides in Canada |24.9 years, that oi bridegrooms Oshawa. MARRIAGE mith of Whitby officiating. Mr. and Mrs, William J. Grylls, RR 2, Whitby, announce the mar-| riage of their daughter, Barbara) Joan, to Mr. Paul O. Tran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Tran of RR 1 Pickering. The marriage in 1957 was Was solemnized on Friday, OCto- {ber 2, with the Reverend John M. S 7% Advice for 21.8. | | | | Tired Mothers & ® Polyps Batty Hayd! New Fall lines in FORTISAN More than 10 color and patterns. ranges. ... plain Special 2.99 yd. « « «» and we will have your drapes made FREE Botty Haydl 15 KING ST. EAST RA 5-2686 & throwing in the sponge. ¥ | housework, i. ® Foreign Bodies In Ears ® Curbstone Fracture Q. Can a person be tired all the time without acually being sick? The children get on my * | nerves and often feel like Any . suggestions?--Mrs, W, A. Check with your dector to be sure that nothing is wrong physi= cally. The odds are that you have just run out of steam. In a study of 60 Cleveland mothers who complained of fatigue, only 12 were found to have any organic ; | disease, They oft.» had financial worries and were burdened with club work, fund ¥ | drives, children ond pets. The doctors estimate that in terms of ® work for the lady of the house, :| one puppy dcg equals about 12 Ichildren; a cut with kittens about $2 children. Tired but otherwise healthy housewives were advised to say "No" to new responsibili« ties. A new hut might help, said §| the physicigns, especially if it is really fancy. day off, works. wonders. See a show or go to a football game, or better still, ll let someone take the children klout and you get a quiet day at E| home. ' Q. | hava had hay fever for about 25 years. At first | just sneezed and had @ runny nose. Later my nose felt full and | doctors removed some polyns. § This helped but now they are | back again. Is this unusual? edical Mirror (,.. ! 2 Through C3) Knowledge, A. No, this is more or' less typi- cal. Chronic iritation such as oc- curs ir protracted cases of hay fever seems to favor formation of nasal polyps. The growths have. a tendency to recur even when removed under the best circumstances. Surgeons go to great * puins in preventing re- currence but try as they may, doubt ore out of four cases eventually turn up with more polyps. Q. What is the best way to re- move foreign bodies such as beods, beens, etc. from a child's ear A. The danger of foreign bodies in the ear is mainly in their re- moval. This is often difficult it the child is nervous and unable to hold the head perfectly still, All in all, it is best to let the physician dea! with the problem, Q. You often see people life smali children by the arm. Isn't this likely to throw the arm out of place? A. It can, and frequently does, dislecate the elbow. Of 139 chile dren brought to the accident sere vice of one hospital, 22 had "'eurbstone fracture." Although it is not too difficult for a doctor to get the beme bck in lace, it makes more sense to ift childrer. in some way other than yanking them up- by the arm, What drugs will your next pre. scription call for? Because no one can answer this question, we carry th ds of p ipti drugs in stock so that any one prescribed for you will be ine stantly available. You'll find us ever ready to serve you prompt | Jusstions directed to Science Editors, P.O, Box 97, Terminal "A", oronto, Ontario will be incorporated in these coiumns when opssible, 28 King St. E RA 3-4621 Oshawa