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The Oshawa Times, 23 Oct 1959, p. 15

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\ 6 y ® 0 h E - Thi d Vi THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 23, 1959 1 1 Adams Is 'Jolly Jack' Again |%shawa Entry | HocRivs pic? Fue Mictory : i . " - to within a point of the Thunder-|in a trade. -- Still U b 4 By THE CANADIAN PRESS F I Soo 33 ds birds. The Lions remain in last| Sam Bettio, Sudbury ea | n fa en Berni : 0 IT position with Kingston Fronten-|scored his eighth goal of the ° ° @® rnie (Boom Boom) Geoffrion acs son. Gene Ubriaco and Joe T Hi h of Mooteedl Canadiens scored By THE CANADIAN PRESS Matt Raviich and Fred Hilts Carthy got the others. ue eS) 1S © 1 In Rugger Play bei a bevy Argh Soo Thunderbirds are really|scored two goals each for the| Soo goalie Dennis De Ji iy " = | ite National Hockey League's in- flying Jo Za a yilow fart in Thunderbirds while singles were played brilliantly, stopping § By JACK SULLIVAN The Wings have been doing just|in June, 1955, after a five-year|Stanley Cup championship by By defeating the Wanderers Il|dividual scoring leadership, { stern Pro- notched bv Jim Farelli, Guyjshots compared to 27 for the ; fessional Hockev League. § Bois Press Staff Writer |that. They were the only un-|stint with the Wings. Montreal Canadiens in the semi-team last Saturday, the Oshawa| The leaders: Thursday might they gained gl a Zh yeatod: centre Wy iv Rivieres, Bil Old horse trader Jack Adams beaten club after five games last| Last season Sawchuk had his|final and the experts had their|Rugger Club has maintained its G A Pts. their third victory in as many was playing his first game for|got two goals to pace the ? i |Saumes P move within two pointsithe Soo team, He started this|Ottawa victorv, Jean - Claw 8 of Te e3gue » Jeading Sudbury year with Hull - Ottawa after/Tremblay and Gilles Tremblay" : Vole: a yd oe spending two years with Mont-(and Bob Ellet scored the re- 4 8 [point out of first place. ' veal Royels ano went {0 the Soo 4 8 | 3 4 4 5 Basn't had much to say this Na-|week-end, and they allowed only worst year in the big league. He laugh. . : winning streak, and leads the Geoffrion, Montreal League season. That isn't|four goals in that stretch, which|allowed 209 goals for a 3.12 aver- The critics were still laughing Ontaric 'Intermediate Lo b Bathgate, New York natural for him, but he's prob-|is remarkable. age and appeared to be on the/When the 1958-59 season opened a ague bY |gorvath, Bostor ably killing himself laughing. Adams is out of character in|gkids, . and they were openly critical of|a small margin, Peterborough be-|prentice, New York Adams has good reason for|another respect. Probably the When Adams traded left-winger|Sawchuk and Adams throughout|ing the only other club undefeat-|Howe, Detroit irth. heaviest trader of players the| Johnny Bucyk and cash to Boston most of the 70 - game schedule.| 4 ,¢ yet. Oshawa's results to|Toppazzini, Boston The Thunderbirds opened the . 2790 m , Before the pened Oct.NHL has known, he is relving|for Sawckuk in 1957 he said jt|Wings were fighting most of the 5 z Popein, New York 7, the experts said his Detroit|mostly on minor leaguers and a|was "a natural deal." season for fourth, and last, play-|date are vs. Ajax won 13.0; Vs.|p 0" Chicago 7 jJeason hi 3 te and then lost| ' ® WY 3 1 7 |two straight. Since then they've +01 Red Wings would be among the|goalkeeper who was supposed to| oft spot and missed qualifying by|Toronto Canucks won 14-0; vs.|pyiford, Toronto 7 Ln winning by big scores and py - Te S t - D r 1 v e " also-rans. The Wings finished a|have been washed up three years BELONGS IN DETROIT seven points. ~~ |Nomads II won 106: vs. Wan-|Beliveau, Montreal 7 Thursday night trounced Sudbury 3 So tony 5 vies Was" trey Saw ot mi henna Tt wt htm hk wo rs 1 ps Mes ~ re es last year and the ex-| The goaltender is Terry Saw- ol e game, e said a e|up to the for: al m total 5 int e Sault Ste. Marie fans, " . : y time. "This is his home, this is Vezina trophy three times, 1951- agains of 50 points for and 9 BREEZE FOR GERMANY | 00 ot or club's climb va RENAULT 09 00 gn bb BGO UT i perts} call appeared to be reason-|chuk, 29-year-old native of Win- against. able. nipeg who left Boston Bruins in{where he got his start, this is|52, 1952-53 and 1954-55. Wings won COLOGNE, Germany (AP) --'from the cellar, turned ii They could still be right, be- i Bs three years ago. Saw-| where he belongs and we're very the Stanley Cup in 1952, lost out Jo, fe Some sgeinsl Wander West Germany trounced The force--nearly 4,000 of SY om a cause there's a long haul ahead,|chuk was suffering from mono-|happv to have him back." |to Boston the following year in Hi s oy Y, om dh Netherlands 7-0 Wednesday in a| In other action Thursday night, : but who can find fault with alnucleosis, a blood di d| The Wings finished third, their|the Cup semi-final and took the arson Te wice an ob Gar-| cor match watched by 65,000 Hull - Ottawa Canadiens beat i west place in the standings in|cup in 1954 and 1955, beating out TOW scored ome try. Terry Kelly |i, "Cologne's Muengersdorf Sta-|Trois-Rivieres Lions 5-3 to move converted two of the touchdowns. | 4: The team was particularly fast dha, lout of # three-way Jast-place tie an club that acts like a strong Stan-|nervous tension. He had been lo | ! ley Cup contender? Ipeddled off to Bruins by Adams|1l years, were knocked out of thelCanadiens both times. TODAY! in the forward line and it would i be" unfair to mention any one| -- A at -- ¥ | HOCKEY SCORES |viaver. Hard tackling, fast think- Minor Hockey Here | HOCKEY SCORES fori 250 £5 This Saturday, Oshawa meets : 0 the 0'd Boys' Rugger Club from | There's only Has Good Prospects Thc) ore : : s The odds are in favor of the| : really know a Detroit = Lome team, providing they can| drive itl Last year at this time, the nosed out by a strong, aggressive| All players take note of the age} onirea A eu Jer roguler Smad. P| i car--drive above headlines 'were in print Stratford Bantam team. From ring A Babies gaye; 58 oe Boron iv o bo 7 bi , 1s Jew W ot i, y Phone us and th ear of hockey for|this, w oing to use these Who has not reached his Zui) | On Sunday, Oshawa eam én Pe 4 By * "0 9 204 Awtier ea a. Wie th iss Jo re Boing Vardstick birthday before August 1, 1959; New York dar 30 2 plays Canedian Bank of Com- fs 1 3 : we'll bring a Renault Dauphine i , | i [A Midget player is one who has| Thursday's Results merce at High Park, Toronto at ; : : to your door for Oshawa Children's Arena at/from now cn. Without a doubt, : 'birthday Chicago 1 Montreal 4 515 i hibit] | hand, we have the co-operation there is a host of young hockey 10 reached his 16th ir 29) Nag. Dott: [8.15 in an exhi ition game. | : de you to test-drive. and assistance of the parent "On-|players in 'his city that with|before August 1, 1959; and the, 1 1 3 3 i i jon" | i i venile, his 18th birthday before] (Only games scheduled) tario Minor Hockey Association proper coaching and handling JU e, his y | Saturday's Games [ and our local sponsors, donors can compete in hockey with other August 1, 1959. Ap toh a osireal igne ca and well-wishers to keep abreast|centres and take away their| The Oshawa "City Led gue" oston at Montrea - gle » | hopes t erate Bantam, Midget New York at Toronto of our slogan "Hockey for All." [share of the laurels. |hopes to operate Ba » get) Last June, at the annual hock-| _ land Juvenile leagues that will vie| (Only games scheduled) J . ey "Get-Together " the old slate Yearly, the Oshawa "City|for the annual hockey champion-| Sunday's Games ian S gain of officers plus saveral new key League," 2 non-profit making ships of three leagues, and in!Montreal at Detroit men, young and "interested were| Organization which does mot re-| March, 1950, will contest the On- Chicago at New York SAN FRANCISCO (CP)--Man- given the conf*dence of he aroun ceive any money or assistance tario Minor Hockey Association| (Only games scheduled) ager Bill Rigney, whose San i lfrom the Oshawa Community hockey championships as well. Francisco Giants collapse to harness the forces that will| | : 0) d in the master mind the league's activ-|Chest Campaign, has beeh most) In order to promote better hock-| Eastern Professional League fing] week of the Nation all ities for the vear 1050-1950, These| fortunate in receiving financial ey this season, new rules and re-| WL T F APis.|League pennant race, gets one ambitious men realize the task|assistance from their sponsors, |gulations will be adopted: new Sudbury 35 30 9more chance to bring home al before them again but are de. | donors and wel' - wishers. Each|conveners for pach o the Ban-| Montreal y 11 8|pennant winner. | : :|year this aggregate money was|lam, Midget and Juvenile Leagues 'S.S. Marie 22 18 | owner Horace Stoneh i ee 0 CO oy oo] sufficlent to defray the operation- will be appointed; a coaching [Hull-Ottawa 26 25 6|pounced Rigney's a available for any boy in Oshawa al expenses of the "City League school for coaches, mansgers and| T. Rivieres 18 23 Thursday on a one-year contract Fresh full-power Canadian built Willard Batteries « + who wants to play hiner hockey |and finally to conduct a closing referees will be conducted regu-| Kingston 25 36 4|pelieved to call for about $40,000. Last week, the new Oshaw | anquet with crests and trophies|larly; al Players must sig the, Thursday's Results The greying, 41 - year = old r Ses | is jon-/new plaver's contracis and a ; is-Rivi reying, 41 - 1 - ; Minor Hockey Association execu-|(or all Bockeyists, the champion-|leW Dlavers conta s, oo tane| Bull Ottawa 5 Trois-Rivieres 3 |pormer infielder is on the spot.| factory-filled . . . both 6-volt and 12-volt types in ; tive held its second meeting to! Ship teams and individual win- parents a gi Sudbury 3 Sault Ste. Marie 7 |gic Giants led the league bv two) : reorganize for the forthcoming| ners: in our league. Again, this out the new Insurance Coverage Tonight's Game games going into the final eight] economy, heavy duty and premium service grades. VAN KEUSEN MOTO L Searcy and a number of npew|Year, our sponsors, etc, will befor his boys since it covers 0 | Montreal at Sudbury but: Tost seven of those to wind : : | faces were present to partake of contacted for financial aid and cost of medjeal sus dan up in third place | See your nearby Willard pedler. "City L » nock.|We feel that they, too, will wish dental. expenses ($50); and an Exhibition ] : bo 149 KING STREET WEST the Oshawa "City League" hock-| "0 "0 oon "and assist them in amount of $1000 as well, for the| Toronto Marlboros 3 Hamilton 2 'Rigney said the Giants need al Cg ey, which ye anticipsle » func-| decreasing juvenile delinquency unfortunate player whose injury Saskatchewan Junior big, strong relief pitcher and ad- RA 5.3557 Hon 3¢ 3 she va aug "land aford Oshawa's youth the results in death. | Moose Jaw 4 Saskatoon 6 ditional bench strength for 1960. | AN i | Also, we can announce that the Three weeks ago, the firgt{Dest 1m cleawiand 'healthful "vee St. John Ambulance will have a General Meeting was called and ; : an in attendance in the Arenal R} ' id from the discussions Bled ant Despite He Drobleme of Ye Tan Ja atipnd nights to admini- Riders Fullback during the meeting, the body organization, the executive is de-\giop pirst Aid and assistance i agreed that their greatest os.|{leruned to So Sometng igi where necessary. Gets Deferment stacles will be the operational|it, tentative plans have been lal Nothing is impossible. You get costs, re-entry fees, ice-time, for the following: ou. of an Pe what you = OTTAWA (CP)--Dave Thelen, transportation, equipment and| The executive has contacted into it. And with this in mind, Ottawa Rough Riders' bashing other minor expenses; also, First|the Children's Arena Commission the executive want it known in/football fullback, has received Aid, insurance of players,|and with the terms agreed on Oshawa that it will go all out to deferment from United States eoaches and managers, and the tentatively, can announce that our keep hockey on the move again military service until Dec. 1. appointment of coaches and man-| "City League" can play again in this year, and not let our young Coach Frank Clair reported agers for ihe teams. And, it will|the children's Arena this year. citizens down ig Canada's national | Wednesday the Big Four leading require considerable co-operation definite data to be announced sport. However, we cannot do it ground-gainer is expected back from the parents whose boys will |later. {alone and we know that there will; from his Canton, Ohio home. be playing, in their interest and| The registration of all hockey be plenty of assistance forthcom-| Thelen's draft board had set sportsmindedness. players will take place in the in. [Nov. 9 for hif "entry into the We reaiize that Oshawa Is|Children's Arena as follows:| For those who are interested in army. proud of fhe lishments of|B --. Monday, October 26, participating in this worthwhile Hs "All-Star" teams. In 1958,|from 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. Only youth project, vou will want to our Juveniles won the '"'All-On-!skates are required. Midget and become a member of the Oshawa a tario" Juvenile Hockey Cham- Juvenile -- Tuesday, October 27 Minor Hockey Association "Boost- pionship, and last year, our Ban-|from 7 to 9 p.m. Only skates are er Club". Watch for news on tams went to Yhe finals but were required. Ithis issue shortly. OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS withthe HARMAN PARK LEAGUE Eric Jacklin 236, 235. 206 (677); Perce|207; -Al Stevens 220, Sid Hobbs 211, [ guaranteed for 4 full years . , . dry charged or This our first report for the season Neal 231, Bill Hamilton 226, Ken Neal|Grant Johns 208, Bill Smith 208 and but 0 to get tin each week, $0|225 (600); Norm Marnien 218, Glen|J. Smith Jr. 203, i don't forget to watch for it. Maunder 214, 204; Perce Bent 211; Rov| Ladies high singles -- Ante Landry Corbman 207, Wilbur Down 207; Clay-|251, Harriet Joh Johnny Gow had high triple for this, Lee 206 and Bill Pike 206. 1, arrie ohns 229, Edna Elliott week 641 (307), followed by Jim Mont-| ad 4 228, 228: Ret Hughes 224, June Camp- petit 633 (227, 212). | Lemon League -- We have five this|bell 211 and Edna Bower 200. Good single games were by: Johnny Frock and they are Rita Code 84, Betty| A reminder our bowling social will Gow 307, Jim Montpetit 227, 212, Jerry | T8Y oF 3% Roy onan 78, Ethel|pe held Oct. 31. Captains be advised Godfrey 218, 210, George Judges 207) Westlake 71 and M. Clark 28. that unsold tickets be handed back. to and Ed Joseph 214. FIREMEN" IXED IBY. A. Parry, this coming Sunday. Eleanor Rukaruk was the only girl . N's M DOUBLES | Haven't a Clue, 13; Sharp Shooters over 400 with a nice 472, while Shirley Eddie Smith Is on top this week with) 15; Dead Heads, 10; Dizzy Shaoteres Barclay was the only girl to have aja fine triple of 708 (293, 235) We have | piowere, 9: Bar Tenders, 8: Wild ea 200 game (203). only two bowlers in the 600 club: Artig. poored Team, 7; Sooners, 7: ay Maybe in the weeks to follow we will [Tuson 672 (262, 256) and Jack Peeling|ang Fetchet, 5; You Name 'Em, 4 a i Be able to add more names to this list, | 626 (303, 209). | Misfits, 3, » m so come on girls. 4 Over 200. singles: Harry Keys 239, | Team Standings: Saneauine oa 203; Gord Brough 230, 226; Ernie Mac-| WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR Hats 6, Sputniks 5, alls 4, 0P-| Kenzie 225: Scott Smith 224: Casey Tigh triple 5 a ets 3, Lemons 2, Loafers 0 and Wild-| yermoen 214; Mary Mallette 211: Joan|Rowden Ty gad eats 0. ; ¢ Patten 210; Connie Little 203 and Vern 76g (317), J. Brown 764 (314) L. Sabins As this is only our second week of Johnston 201. WB Murvhe 755 Gi in Fabing bowling and most of us are still Tusty.| "Team Standings: False Alarms 13.1752 G. Olliffe 747, P. Sweet 737 (305) we think we will forget about the lemony aggers 12, Fireballs 11, Co2's 11, Slow |G, Sweet 735 (328), W. Watson 724 Jeague for this time, but watch oulipokes 11, Dummies 11, High Pressures Na. Yalzon 72 next week. 8 and Smokey Six 3. . Jordan 718, M. Reeson 710. " HUMORESQUE BLIND LEAGUE UNITED STEEL WORKERS fn one wank Jett in the first sec- The scores are a little better Jus High Trivles: R. Richard' 731, D.|pem Blows Dal y aud A, > Shata week so keep > the Ro Sielsrove 723 and ¥ Tophem hii |each, Jury and Lovell Drugs Hg ints bowlers for s wee y a igh Singles: R. Arp 253, § one- | 2 threat | i IES Lovell (136. 1323; Pat MeConn) ham 252, B. Rutherford 21, L. Heard p,q he ae, section With JY Ba (148, 134) 282; Bi unka » 91916, K. Nichol 211. J. Killen 208. D.|g, incu Florists b heyy 29: Ada McDonoush (130, 108) 238 rion 206, L. Arp 205, D. Jacenty 203 By lotints have g pe, Whitby and Mary Leach (86, 65) 151. D. O'Donnell 201. Ihave 6 is. h y Tire We have two in the lemon Ieague.| Temon League: U. Lynch 50, J. Mc. le Clara Suddard (26, 30) 36 and Sonia|c,npy 63. D. Jacenty 63. J. Lavergne AUX. 21 UAW Diachinko (11, 26) 37. ore|68: M. DeHart 68, 86. 73, 1 Richard 77. ou oo va a We would like to thank our sc M. Young 79, J. Gabona 80, S. Czaban|. G5, a was in operation for the keepers, also our coaches. 85, F. Lindley 89. M. Johnston 0, 2 be yok ig eas and it cost some Andrews 93, 1. Nichol 95. P. Kvle 97 . A STORE BOWLING YEAGTE H. Andrews 9 and D Dove 9. Double: D, Bradley, 267 and 411. ger andings: A Group -- Loafers| Single:: The triple score list is mucl 8 Team Standings nak ingle:: Ann Black, 241. this, week Eight bowlers have Scores ja, Instigator 12, Strivers 8, SPUAres| pi Jinks took 3 points, Go Getter Canada's most popular of 700 anil 'better. F. Zarowny Icnokiy, Vanguards 8. | Champs took 3 points, Lulu's 0: © ' with a terrific 885 triple, singles| "p Group --Orbiters 10, Poor Shots) oF i f cigarette tobacco Be oy 206, 261. G. Tooping follows o, Lucky Six 5, Cellar Dwellers 4 and | {90K 3 ig Jetts 0 ard Union Maids 9g with a 784 (329) ja X. Catowel "this Loosers 3. Team Standing: Hi Jinks 14, Champs with 755 (403). The Fema es 725 STORIE PARK LEAGUE 14, Lulu's 11, Pixies 10, Go Getters 8, group are as follows: © Clans ; Blewitts 7, Union Maids 7 and Jetts 3 3, 25), J. Zak 13 (289). S. T2'S| Art Tucon was high with 672 (256. ! 707 297, 3. Ristich 703 (326), and Bopp); 50a Morrison 652 (215, 228, 209); Harding 701 (256). Vince Craddock 643 (283): Eddie Gres- E_ Carswell has the high single f0r|; "e3 "(354, 202) and Rita Boneham this week with 403, which is also Be G5 (50 313), high for this year. otne? singles ver Over 600 -- Harry Oyler 264, George , Peleshok 250, J. "0 vi . Harry Williams 229, Mil- 250, are H "'R. Pearse 276 Arkwright 238. Harry Wi A i , G, Pearse 298 '|lie Cameron 228. Helen Scott 227, James 2 y ; Bordon 250, L, Jackson 268, A Scott 226, Bill Short 225. Morley Moore my % 4 275, D, French 270, B. Tyson anC1592, flo Tuson 221, Jean Gresik 213, Ze of 8. Rotish 282. e as fol. |Esme Komylo 210. 212: Joyce Porter i Team triples and singles ar 11296, Bea Hudson 205 Albert Porter 205 fj 2 3 Jows: Smith's 3440. Oshawa hy ua 20d Zigky Blenkowski 202. . wilh Oshawa Bakery 3518 (1297), DIXON'S| "poppy ianding -- Oxfords 14, Simeoes ' 3472, Algers Sn a, 1259. on| 10. Burtons 9. Cuberts 8. Mills 3, Crom- ; : Four mem! / wells 9, Hillsides 7, Tresanes 6, Col- . e / members 28 5° Ciement 95,{wels 5, Hilisides 7, 7 All this talk about outer space isn't for Mr. and Mrs. Home. you and your wife wear -- separate sections for each. It's but w ana G. Ferewon 8 |'*{o Venue a. Bonenam. 7. call or visit rd. Joste 7 ar . Redknan, O. Whitmee, A. maker -- what most Canadi ili i ; : 4 4 Hallidays 0, Smiths 4; Oshawa 7.Up ane Reb a Peeler most Canadian families need is more inner space: one of many free space-making plans at the Sylvaply dealer in 4 Handa "Bolahoods 1, Post 0ftice| KINEEREEEL 0 Hier oheh. CANADIAN PITTSBURGH more space to store things, more space for clothes, more space your community -- see him for sound, economical answers to 3: OMS, 3, Coulters 1; Barbers 1. Osh to live in. That's why S i i ursel 3 ON ery 3 A a . 3 LEGION LEAGUE o live in. That's why Sylvaply Plywood is kept busy with your home storage problems. Whether you do-it-yo f or 4, Canada Bread 0; brown ; wa-Clue. te Sook A | . . bi A eer i: Verne's 3, Powells 1. var Havel aCive tase. feck four, 273 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa--RA 5-3577 home improvement ideas, like the bedroom wardrobe storage have-it-done, your Sylvaply dealer can help, even suggest { the leazue It conld have . . "1 . ! y ; ALBERT STREET CHURCH LEAGUE on top of the learue It cold hove F 0 R F AST wall here in-the-making. This handsome wall-to-wall unit uses ~~ ways to remodel now and pay later. Put Sylvaply to work for be: sf me out on top Monday tain Ha Brow s absent. Let- | : . . . . it ee Sve your tem down Harry! The Soo only a 24-inch strip of floor space. And it can store everything: you now ~ it's out-of-this-world for'the wonders it can perform! night to take the lead with 18 posts. ting your team down Harry! The Soon- The Comets aud ity dg to. |ers with Loyd Corson bowling a 201 % behind with 17, Hawkes 14, '| single took four from the Dizzy Six, GUARANTEE Satellites 10. shders, and Beavers 9, while the Sharp Shooters took Sree) . . 5 Syl VAP y: i les 8 an ets . from the You-Name-Em, who were alco ri fi 5 " A . . Ly ladies this wick without dani chort-handed. through the sickness of 4 Ben | 3 L . the engineered miracle nm wood! cap Marg Jacklin ro a nice SAIC! Emma Conlin. FETY GLASS | 5 5 . . Scott with 276. i ida ma ---- < ) , ' 3 ye o of nT and son. with handicap Patty Racket team, with the oe This tough, light weight, real wood panel ts Canada's busiest building material. For w andy, 257. 203 (658); Helen Corbmzn. |, Re a coo foe trom | \| hou: S083 : : iy : Grand. 3320 (630), Har. 203, 200 ers 2nd the Dead Head took four from | . \ thousand uses tn homes, farm and industry, there is a ype, grade, thickness and panel size i 3 Knox, " ' \ z N f . . . (613): Bea Holland, 233; Bessie KnoX. in, yemon League acain with a 97 of Sylvaply for every job. Continuing research and quality control have made Sylvaply 217 (601): Betty Taylor, 207 and Flo| py. Step and Fetchets climbed out 5 the leading brand of plywood . . . sold by dealers who know it, know who makes it, can vouch Boyle, 204. " of the cellar taking three from the 0 A Three men ithout, handicap, Fan | Blowers. | expert installation by % i! 217, 201; ra | Men's high single--Lloyd Corson 291, ualifie b \} i Y Y he . Coleman 217, 20% | Bot Skelton S14. 535, Ben Braces 75. gu eg mechanics. : : al for its quality. Look'for the brand name on the panel edge -- Sylvaply waterproof-glue plywSod Men over 200, with handicap --Al-|Elol Landry 270, Herb Bathe 265, 215, p g nte® . Jan, Venema with 281, 207 (642); Dan|2i1; Geo Haines 253, 200; J, Stank 252, all windshields against Draypak, 267; Jim Scott 258, 230 (662):1203, 203; Bert Brown 248, 201 leakage for one full year Leon Parks 257, 229 (639); Georné ith 245, Al Elliott 242, Les Smit Ford 253; Bruce Hurst 230. i Lue) 2 oY 202; Archie Brown 235, M MILL. i Reg Pike 248 (643); Cl avis 246, "red Lloyd 231, 223; Ted Bath 4 a A Ret Pike 2p (G4; CUE Daze 2s sons Bil coer ion Ted 1 the C AN & BLOEDEL SALES serving lumber gealers coast to coast VANCOUVER CALGARY EDMONTON WINNIPEG LONDON WINDSOR TORONTO OTTAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC CITY See your dealer for FREE remodelling plans!

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