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The Oshawa Times, 29 Oct 1959, p. 14

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A by, Toronto, accompanied Mrs. Horse Bla ] et former fire hall at nearby Poplar/On the face 1s shown a logging Dobbs, | blanket" dollar bill, The bank|the: Parliamnt Buildiigs In Of p football | 3 * Boy Mg Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snowdeh popraGE 1a PRAIRIE, Man [note seven inclies Jong and half|tawa. : suddenly cut down on your exer-|Grove Home and School Associa- Jackson, Lindsay (formerly of ~~ Aa cise, fat will infiltrate all those tion met at the West Maple Maple Grove). By LELORD KORDEL Installment Fifteen Sam Morris came to me exercised and stopped." de Mrs. William O'Neill eomplain-| Mr. and Mrs. Doug Brown, OTTAWA (CP)--A new agree- Back at the turn of the cen-| =" "bt Classrooms. |Arlene, Rebert' and Cary, Osh- ment dealing with tax collections a determined man. 4 His home and his future happi- has grown with our prosperity: use. (last weekend with her brother, two countries on avoidance of| ness were at stake. The number of persons joining] A skit was presented by four| Eugene Dobbs. double taxation, " ase, Mrs, B. MacDonald, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Beech holding tax levied on dividends "Well, yes. he admitted, But diseases of the obese as sorved by the moth. attended a grocery store opera-|transferred from a subsidiary 1 wasn't exactly skinny whe 4 OSH. ursdoy, October 29, 1959 . outlet for the frustrations of com-! > | 14 THE AWA TIMES, Th y ' petition and creates a feeling of / ~ n Eugene Dobbs to Burk's Falls| Point, scene between portraits of the. 4 : yell yeing, When Jou; od Yee u ee 1 g for 2 Yio & we. es. rol rag i Sp ig dnd the|Earl and Countess of Aberdeen. : . vise des ene /m. Mrs. m - . outs] ick wal buildin, STAY ALIVE LONGER Jou bg an outlet that reduces , 1 Pherson returned home with' Mrs, | Dollar Bill {he found an old Canadian yh ing On the reverse side is a view of ens . Use Y our Head ad more exe y. A 1 Maple Gro V =] and family, Bowmanville, and | (as wide, is one of the March 31,| A and in ise to keep your body fit thdn | | (cP): | 4 OE Dookocom anes. You have| By MRS, M. E. LAVERTY | Mr. and Mrs. David Bothwell(7r. and Mrs. Joba Alc hiren! CP)--Walter Hannah received 2/1398, Dominion of Canada series. yur" ud survey deter or An d L 0 S e WwW el h t built up big muscles, and if you| MAPLE GROVE -- Mapiejcalled on Mr. and Mrs. Arnold |, "see "hia Snowden Sunday, "all bonus for tearing down the! The bill is in good condition. [between $15 and $25. g masses of muscle. One British Grove school with president, Mrs.| Mr, and Mrs, A, E, David and psychologist tells us, "While it is Bothwell, in the chair, family have returned from 2 Tax Treaty Deal better to have loved and lost, it] Details of the bazaar to be held visit to Mr. and Mrs, G, A. H certainly isn't better to bhave'October 31 were completed, | David, Cowansville, 'With Netherlands cause he was fat and miserable. fe and the redken ; Fear of Jost Be longer tury, people walked or bieyeled Grade 1 and 2 teachers, Mrs, |awa, called on Mr, and Mrs, Clif- was signed Wednesday by Can-| ade him wherever they went, unless they|, =F = ALE # oF .{ford Swallow, {ada and The Netherlands, amend- | attractive in her eyes m could afford a carriage. Today al- and Mr l, | Viola Dobbs, Welland, spent! 5 most everyone rides. Overweight] ed the course of studies mow in| Viola DoDD, Weland, . Spen |ing a 1957 agreement between the | "I've done everything I can to pars 'reased members of the executive, Mrs.| Mrs. E. C. Ashton visited Mr.| It brings the arrangement nto| please my wife," said Sam, He ans OO one or William © Neill. Mrs. Lloyd|and Mrs. 1, Travell, Oshawa, at line with other international tax inded i Jose. wiegsl," 1. ov mortality ates increased for the Snowden, Mrs, Bert Budai andthe weekend. {agreement in regard to the with m m. V Fat is a killer. Remember to| Lunch wz atiel groce 1 started going with her." treat it as such! b ers of Mrs, Brown's room, joes convention in Toronto Wed (coupany in Canada to a parent ¢ Do you want to subtract 500 -- - ome | NESARY, y e Netherlands. I asked him fo get on the Wn or more from your daily|, a | Ray Sellers has returned home |also provides that alimony is tax- Joules, and he almost broke and Mary Jean were guests of| from" Bowmanville Hospital, fol- able only in the country where ? For the high protein diet 5" ida agile. Bits. aly jake! For PRS nt with . a rs. J. Leaman of Leaside Sun |the recipient lives, special eating chart of high cal- "Mr. and. Mrs orle and unnecessary foods that| = 00" gives "iamnringham, | I told him he must eliminata returned home Sunday from a aay. | send a stamped self-addressed, oon on 0p through the Unit-| MTS. Wes Down has been teach. envelope for your free copy of my |. ci 306 3 1 are settled in their 08 Grades 1 and 2 in place of . |thoroughly, This allows time for [Deter Dulin ig i Oar ass: new home on the Burnett Ya. MIS. Moffatt who has been in- "I'm going to put you on a|blood-sugar changes, which ap- Lelord Kordel, care of this news- con" farm disposed. = | high-protein diet," I told Sam, pease your appetite before sec-|PAPET. Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ashton and | "for several reasons: (1) Foods ond helpings are offered. | worth of Toronto Sandra, Toronto, visited Mr. and | » 3 Clifford Swallow Sunday, th a high protein content have, Blunting the sharp edge of ap- » . le with Mr, and w ny Bctive ervice : Mrs. Doug Carpenter and Bob- proportionately the lowest calorie petite bv changes in eating times Manderson. Club Meeting count of all foods, (2) A high. (witch fe Jo false the Bloot: rotein diet supplies you with|sugar level is known as mea . " i CROSSWORD PUZZLE By MRS. LORNE JONES BALSAM AND MT. ZION the strength and energy you|timing, When you are on a re- The Active Service Class lowing surgery. Donald Ja | Mae Dalby; Oshawa, visited onald Jamies ini. and Mrs. Ron Howell Tues- em. "You," 1 told him, "are the result of a lifetime of overeat ing." py fi guess that's right" Sam agreed. "I was brought up on a dairy farm and we all loved fo at." " LELORD KORDEL NEW DIETARY SUPPLEMENT WAMPOLE SAVE $50! Two Unit Phonograph LETHINAL Roy Hollings pent the we Mrs. need. (3) Such a diet allows you ducing diet, if you can succeed to cut down on calories." {in dulling the nagging pains of Protein furnishes specific hunger, the battle is nearly won. 4. Mr, Su ivan 22, Crown "0, Gere mans ACROSS met| 1, Approach dynamic action for your body, in| addition to giving you 'all the FLUIDS -- A MUST! Wednesday at the home of Mrs. | necessary material for replacing| ' "Do you drink whole milk, |Byrnett Jamieson with vice presi- 0, Stolen property 9. Grew white fum (sym,) SOYA LECITHIN 'ROTOR' STEREO HI-FI your fat with muscle tissue, Spe-(Sam?" I asked, remembering his| dent, Mrs. Glen Manderson in the cific dynamic action gives you (dairy farm childhood, | chair. pep and endurance by. forcing "Sure," he said, "Always have.| Those taking part were Mrs your body to use its energy ma.|I drink at least three glasses a walter Carson who gave a read- terials, It takes a steak and not day. That's the right amount for|ing; Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, who re- a cream puff to make a winning|an adult, isn't it?" |eited, followed by a poem by fighter, The specific dynamic ac ho certalily wit Jn Mrs, Jack Empringham. Mrs Tor tion of the proteins'in the steak Sam, . | Cecil Disney read a paper. 14. Employs mobilizes the fighter's energy so Whole milk yields 9.5 grams of "Mrs, Ralph Jones showed ple| 35 sketched, that he can stay in there punch- fat. Thats why for any wal, 1] wees ol sence in Northern Onel Rhetohels a 17, ! " | Thu ing woll the final Zound fresh or reconstituted from pl AY BAND BAZAAR | 4 Thus apd EATING FOR PLEASURE powdered variety available in alll" The Mission Band held its ba i, 204 1 2. Plant By the time you reach the age|lood markets." |zaar and afternoon tea in the 4¢ A Wore , doh of fifty you will have spent three| "0.K," sald Sam. "Skim milk| church basement Saturday Arge worm y Bettie of your years eating. To make|for me -- even though it's what| Proceeds amounted to $44, The i) your eating hours 'enjovable -- we used to feed the hogs back Band will meet Saturda" at the amily without denying yourself the home. But come to think of it, home of leader Mrs. R. Jones. pleasures of food -- you need a those hogs did real well on it!" for UB MEE new philosophy. Plenty of yark| "Another reason for a balanced C4UB ME Ts laatiakat's Blut ety, the enjoyment of food, ofl reducing diet," I told Sam, "is to o e Jersy Ho a aker's Club taste, and of new, ° natural| prevent constipation. With that in|fCt on Saturday afternoon at th flavors, are the keys to this new| mind, be sure to drink at least|"'T00 00 YAVEER HEA OY: | philosophy. six glasses of water each dav." | irsed Fon suitability of to | Learn to sppreciste in Your Water Is necessary for all the|color, line weave, odd grain 0tice Spr vegetables avor |life processes within the living weay. P sring of cotton.] 8% Mour 7 ; ] . bestowed upon them. Once You| cells of the body. The glands use weave Sid Sande ing of P io » Mor / ' MATCHING CABINETS: Phono: about 30 discover the exquisiteness of water to elaborate their various lows: President, Gladys Dis-| " 2 x 36 inches. Stereo speaker; ebout 30 x natural tastes, real enjoyment of secretions. Water is also used for ney; vice-president Janet Jone 20% inches, eating can be vours. The answer the absorption of digested foods: [secretary Mary Jean Jamieson: | to your weight problem will be & You need about two quarts of treasurer, Linda Hoskins; lea-| new marriage between art and|water every twenty-four hours|er Mrs, 'Cecil Disney: assistant science. for your body requirements. |leader, Kathleen McAvoy, 10. Silk veil . Come (eccl.) Y mand. 12, Venomous 8. Fl ers snakes ma 27. Taro 13. An 1 ' un Remnants 13, Supporting Regular 269.95 line Special, complete ........ - Don't walt to experience the wonder of stereophonic high-fidelity! Here is TRUE STEREO at a low, low price! J Yesterday's Ani 36, Roster 37. Hindu female divinity 38, Not closed 42, Exclamas tion (slang) man's hook . Sapdarag complete ® Stereo cortridge plays your present re- ® Six speakers: two woofers and four cords and the new stereo records tweeters - ® 40 wotts maximum output ® Separote bass and treble controls 10. Destruct 1 | ® Frequency response from 40 to 20,000 © Four speed Collaro 'Conquest' changer CPS © Handsome swedish walnut Regular 269.95 line. Special," complete 219.95 NO DOWN PAYMENT AND JUST $11 MONTHLY (including carrying charge) SIMPSONS HOME FURNISHINGS. UNITED OSHAWA APPLIANCE STORE, RA 3-7543 The delectable natural taste of many foods will offer you a new EXERCISE-~THE OTHER FIST PERSONALS kind of flavor -- flavor that has| Dr, Jean Mayer, of the Depart-| The Woman's Association will| been hidden from you under/ment of Harvard [hold a turkey supper and bazaar | . sauces or distorted by traditional School of Public Health, says: Friday, Nov, 6, in the church DOWN combinations, Science shows you|"Combatting overweight by diet basement. | 1.Clergy- what food can do for you. How alone is like fighting with one| Mr, and Mrs, Jack Empring man OW? well you use the knowledge isihand behind your back. Exer-lham and George attended a| 2, Leather up to you. cise is the other fist that enables house warming at the home of flask Choose pleasant surround-|us to deal the knockout blow." Mr, and Mrs, Don Mavbury, 8. Hodges ings, add good conversation, then| Moderate exercise promotes Scarboro. podge 'eat slowly, and chew your food|mental alertness, provides anl Mr, and Mrs, Burnett Jamieson 6o0z. $2.95| 140z. $5.95 AVAILABLE AT © ALL DRUG STORES Nutrition, Fda | | h ¥ mn SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT AJAX MAIN STORE OPEN THURS. & FRI. EVENINGS TILLY P.M. OSHAWA STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY LADIES FUR PILE, LINED LADIES' BOYS' 8 - 14 YRS. OSHAWA 21 BOND ST. W. BOYS' WINTER COATS Made from wool and mohair. Jaported woollens, Sizes 12 to 20. Reg. 39.95. 26.77 GIRLS' Girls', Boys' 2, 3, 4 Years SNOW SUITS Twin zippers to ankles, water- proof zipper hood converts to lay down collar. Rayon quilted HALLOWE'EN ALL FABRIC COSTUMES COMPLETE WITH MASK Sizes 3 to 12, wool lined. Reg. MEN'S 5 Windbreakers BOYS' CORVETTE COATS Made from 100% frieze. Wool cloth cloth zipper hood collar, 2 oleh pockets, Quilted lined. Sixes Rep. 10.9% ............. WF BOYS' Flannel Pyjamas Sizes 8-14, 1 4 88 Reg. 2.49 DUFFLE COATS Warm fleeced check cloth, split hood, fu ne worn es warm collar, es to 6x 3 wp From .. 4 6.75 GIRLS' ALL WOOL Winter Coals 1 he latest 1959 fashions. Sizes Reg. 20.95 GIRLS' 8-14 -- FULLY LINED Slim Jims Attractive, cotton sheen in populer tapered leg. Reg. 3.98, NOW GIRLS' Overshoes Brown rubber with bellows tongue. A buckle strap. Warm BOYS' Rubber Boots Noe 1-8 2.99 BOYS' IVY STRIPE LINED JEANS Sizes 3 to 5 -- Reg. 2.29 1.69 2" 3.00 BOYS' nt, quited lined sizes 4 to 14, Reg. 3.98 2.29 BOYS' CHINO LINED DRESS PANTS Sizes 8 to 16 Fleeced rayon lining. Sizes 6-12 GIRLS' RUBBERIZED Water-Repellent Finish CAR COATS Sizes 8 to 12, 4.9 GIRLS' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Sizes 8 to 14, Reg. 1.99 .. CAR COATS Weatherproof cotton lin silk, quilted wool lined, 4 AT ay 6. Sizes 7 to 14. Reg. 10.95 MEN'S 30-42 MEN'S 30-42 -- SELF-BELTED MELBORNE FLANNEL DRESS PANTS iii, 309 MEN'S FIRST QUALITY Sanforized Jeans River reinforced. Sizes 30-38. of 3399 .. . wo 0:00 MEN'S PLAID = Flannel Pyjamas In assorted patterns and colors, Sizes S-M-L. Reg, 3.95 He 2.89 - n . Dress Shirls Cello wrapped. White, Sizes 144 to 16%. Reg. 398 .... [] Sport Shiris Sizes 14% = 18. Reg. 2.69 . 2 for 3.00 MEN'S Parka Jackels iclengen aterprovs quilter lined, izes 38 to 42, Reg. 8.95 va 5.99 1.69 MEN'S 100% ALL WOOL Suburban Coats Reg. 16.95, Sizes 36-46 9.99 6.95. REG. UP TO 2.29 2.99 1.49 BOYS' 1st QUALITY 'ORLON AND LAMBS. WOOL SLEEVELESS PULLOVERS 4 shades. Sixes 8-16. REG. 3.98 99¢ 1s JALITY LAVISH LACE TRIM Slip & Pantie Seis Good looking, easy to launder, Combed interlock. Cotton Polo Pyjamas | Cosy, warm, easy-to-launder. rayon tricot, 6 colors. Reg. : 99%9¢ 1.59 2 PAIRS 3.00 you dollars. TOYLAND. PARR) Sess PENNYWORTH'S CLEARANCE HOUSE IN AJAX, ONT., OPEN THIS WEEKEND and every weekend till Saturday, Oct. 31, 1959, when it will be closed for one week and re-opened as PENNYWORTH'S TOYLAND with the' largest selection of toys in Oshawa, Ajax or Whitby at prices that will save Come to the CLEARANCE HOUSE this weekend and save on merchandise that must be cleared before the opening of PENNYWORTH'S Pennyworth's CLEARANCE HOUSE located beside Pennyworth's Department Store at Ajax, Ont. Hours--Friday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. fo 5 p.m. No exchanges or refunds at the Clearance House. : Pennyworth's Clearance House will re-open the second week in January, 1960. HOUSEHOLD INFANT'S AJAX HARWOOD NORTH LADIES' . EXTRA LARGE FULLY AUTOMATIC DEEP FRYER & COOKER Reg. 1895. Fully 9.89 guaranteed AUTOMATIC GLEAMING CHROME FINISH POP-UP TOASTERS Pullout Crumb Troy. 1-year guarantee, Reg. 17.95 LARGE SIZE CHENILLE Bedspreads he 44 LARGE SIZE Bath Towels Bx 41. Reg. 1.39. a. §9¢ DOUBLE BED SIZE CHINTZ Comforters 4.99 DURABLE HEAVY - Plastic Pails | Reg. 7.95 Reg. 98¢ ELECTRIC FRY PAN with lid. 1 1 99 Reg. 20.95 Plastic Pants Assorted colors, Sizes $-M-L. Reg. 29¢ . FLANNEL STRIPED BORDER Crib Blankets INFANTS' WHITE Soft Boots Sizes 0-5. Reg. 1.69 HOODED TERRYCLOTH Towel Sets Res 1.49 SAVE DOLLARS ON ALL FIRST QUALITY Diapers Curity Diopers-- Reg. 4.79 Hospital Diopers-- 18 x 36. Reg. 3.59 Kingeott Diapers FLANNEL Nighties LADIES' PURSES Fall shades. 1 ' 49 LADIES' ORLON CARDIGANS i Shoda Sizes 14 to 18, 2.99 Women's Skirls Gabardines, Melbourne: Flannels. be Re 595. om. 2:99 LADIES' Winter Coals In 100% All Wool Materials, Sizes 12 to 20. Reg. 29.95. From LADIES' FULL - SLIPS Loce trimmed, washable rayon tris cot. Sizes 34 to 42. Covered T171¢ bodice. Reg. 1.53 LADIES' FLANNEL PYJAMAS Sizes S-M-L. Reg. 2.88

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