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The Oshawa Times, 29 Oct 1959, p. 27

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akin Tesals tihoom. toil Rio 1B Fe S--~Reol Estate For Sols 45--Real Estote For Sale 45---Reol Estote For Sale wall price, ss15 Down t, ot, $1500, or Phone oe ba for two. will exchange bic i ER ra PE Rl ter' , Near ACHYE sammy s farm, i rd oe Ammaculste hs ma , 282¢ nee on Tad hens, fs Neg, gk ine View Dive. saat THREE . room, self - gontained , heated, garage, wr Bg Seg. N 2508 fh age Teiviteges. "Apply $6 Wi ga EL EmrE EE IER . OOM, erator and ro cated near Whitby Wi Rie hon A Prae BA S10TL, "| Garage if elcome. | desired. Very contra). eta 3 Forel rein. hae pt Jo. nished. RA ig ond a. Laren piel 3rd APARTMENT -- two PRIVATE SALE 3 bedroom, brick bungalow, completely decorated, many extras, immediate possession. Lecving must sacrifice for lick sale. Full price $11,- RA 5.9455 after 4 pm, 250 , Kitchen, ogpboards. refrigerator, uafor! TWO furnished rooms for rent for Christian couple or twe ladles. FOUR-ROOM apartment unfurnished. Available Nov. 1. Child welcome, 595 Ritson Road South, Phone RA ys |B FIVE "room house, RA 53018, NOUSE --~ Six resins, iminediate Dob session, gentral, RA 58304. furnished for rent, $6 Tes a ask, SrORast i desired, RA 8.0848. 2504 | RA RAGE space, 30 x #0, sitale for 870! Mond x 8, ea RA $1801. cluding PO" sie py ln Gor Beko BAC! 1] man, Era Sf ena 1308, wo ig rooms, use of wash- 'ouple preferred. Apply . Phone RA 35-4152. 125lc SMALL } Vous H $45 per "month, ay avail able Dee. 1. Apply 217 Grandview Street South, Oshawa. 251c TWO hou, ol | Ln machine. 48 Dew Street rogers $0 men. NE South, side door, With | PORTY Dollars, pc Simeon, Kg. | com vate, near coe, 8. Ey Sersons only. "SHO 'e000 HA 5 ---- RE: N partment. | ROO! THREE room ground floor » i LARGE roam. PD bedroom, nice location, Suitable 1 for lady or ~ wale To one or bon Ws act eo Con Far »A 54440, SPECIAL pew self - cobiained apart HT- 2 near Raglan, close EIG Tom ov No nas | Im % Pp good X Joos: ate Oh, of parking, Hamediate |eluded, ple ph 2A Df dil oly UH | iving, f|Box 820 Oshawa Times. and board for gentlemen, home TE RA 5-704 Us . room selfs tania d, Saosin. apartment, vale enirance, heavy Renita.) One child welcome. Apply 306 Ping Avenue, 2501 MIFOUR - room house for rent, avail able Nov. 1. Phone Bowmanville, MA 3-3202. 230¢ TWO rooms and Kitchenette, unfurnish: ed, middle aged couple, abstainers. All conveniences. No heavy wiring. Write mediate possession. arly he mediate otev: ott | FOTRToOm pc ofl Sonven: ROOM in rive heme, very central, suit nees, A lat , 188 Verdun Telephone and Apply 114 Bigin Street sizes-- | m Sillaret Stheot gach . Lh 1h gin Sivest Est. SINGLE and double rooms for gentle with gooking privileges. Apply 135 Celina Street. THREE - "room apartment with private sink and eup- boards in kitchen. No children. RA SINGLE room for Sentiomas, central, 58 Nassau Street. bed VACANT, double window slore, and Hermes. "aed for hil ry busines, 165 West, RA| 50 Lins Comat, 1K id aan 2 TWO furnished room apartment, eup- boards in Kitchen, 'frig, laundry facil. ean bath snd "ih . Phone after 6 pm, Cadillae Strep South | ive vate home, Phone RA ONE lovely room for gentleman in pri- 37070, ATTRACTIVE, fire « Toon apartment Bi gl VS Seg HAR, path and entrance, hy , central, no J ry Apply 253 Athol St. E. 250f kitchen, for ene er twe, guiet home, LJ Avenue off Gibbon. YEN ROOM house, oil heated, tiled floors, located on King Street, Bowrianvile Available Nov. 1 or soon- er. Phone MA 3-935. 248¢ 2471 ONE furnished room, for lady jon tleman, board if desired. $6 weekly, |B Phone RA 8-5477. 777 Rowena Street, NOW LEASING {LARGE > | borne a TWO stove and frigidaire, (heated. 103 Graydon Road, Whitby. »| GOOD workers for your business may be checking "Help Wanted" in Clas- sified today. Dial RA 3.3402 to put fin your ad to attract them. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail: ghia in private home, 03 Park Bn Road 2 aE pb oh sub for busi- ness man in Sie | home, Apply 38 Col- suites, "hy. month 13a Mat Stove, y, and w " 4 » tetophone.. outlets, > drapes, -- dryer; fully denorated, 54544, John A. ™O room A Sarina 5 ood | NEW ox - cupboards, ng. East, 247 alow, ne th room ow. Rar South 3 and 4 ROOM APARTMENTS IN NEW BUILDING ot 525 MARY ST. EAST, WHITBY Parquet floor, mahogany trim throughout, . colored bath, fixture with ceramic tile and tub enclosures, mahogany cupboards with stove ond frig. Rent $100. Adults preferred. MO 8-3591 SCHOFIELD Insurance Assoc. Ltd, RENTAL SERVICE Why worry, we will rent your i voom, bright, clean, partment, near NGM, heavy dut oh heated, Jmmediste posses- un WO furnished roo i to down town, $10 weekly. Phone RA 5-9870. TWO property, to We have a waiting list, Coll today-- DAYTIME~--~RA 3-2265 light rooms, suit two young men or working couple, RA 3-4817. 2501) THREE - room Seed apartment, $45 monthly. Phone RA 5.8242, 250¢ LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S FIRST RENTAL AGENCY Lloyd Realty Oshayal Ltd. 10] Simeoe St. North RA 8.5123 WHITEY CLASSIFIED 348 tional, clean home, mew subdivision, M 8-4928. 252c|to share, parking. 229 Nassau Brent FOR RENT -- Room, and board op THREE unfurnished rooms, sink, cup- boards, heat, hydro, hot water, $60. » Cedar Street, RA 8.0228 after $30 SEATTIUL large NHA bungalow, complete with three bedrooms, sar port, near all schools and transport tion, $95. RA 5-8762. 2500 FIVE - room self - contained apartment on ground floor. Children welcome, two miles east of Oshawa on Highway 2. MArket 3-5151, 2501 THREE or four rooms, trance, kitchen with cupboards and sink, near SGM. Phone RA 5-1864. 250f TWO . room apartment, suit couple or gentlemen, very central. 56727. private en- CLEAN, furnished housekeeping room, suitable for one or two friends. willing Efficient South. MO 3-4981 er MO 8.5740. 251c FOR RENT -- Three - bedroom $85. 33 Rosedale Drive, while Sleeping rooms, also rooms with all con Trent Street West. FOR SALE -- Fur jacket, small size, $50, Phone MO 3-404, 248¢ ALEX Db HENRY, General Contractor, Alterations, Cement, Carper: try. RA 5-4348. FOR ERENT --- Furnished bed siting room, cooking facilities, modern bun. galow, central location. Call MO 83452 SEPTIC tanks cleaned de Jautary way, new tanks instal al a 204 Chestout West. Mo $1583 {of Health, Jack Wilson, Butcher, Whit. $3600; evenings ty reasonable rent. Apply 200 Pine Street, Hi 2500 modern ation, fully inspected by Department |by. Phone MO 8-3715. i Jo FOR RENT -- Four unfurnished rooms, |FmEE room, self - contained apart- ment, private bath, sink and built-in cupboards in kitchen, immediate pos- session. Apply 513 Richmond Streeo East. 2501 SLEEPING rooms, $5 and 87. 104 Division Rtreet. RA §-0818. 2506 Whitby. |45--Reol Estate For Sale FOR SALE -- One |! in excellent repair, Si $69.00. Mid- town Furniture, 113 B; South. MO 4981 or MO 85740, Fred te we iricyele oh -- Wa machine, 16" » Play-pen, are in excellent con- dition. MO 8-3230. Bic FOR SALE -- One double bed, com- plete; 1 . used bed, complete, with che MO 8.5155, 25 WANTED -- Room and board for one single man. Seven days week, work- ing three shifts. MO after 12 noon. 251¢ WANTETD = with two children desires housekeeping rooms and some- one to mind children while mother works, 354) Pickering, Ble FOR SALE -- Player pi See and make offer. Phone Mo S216. 251b PAPER hanging and painting spare time, Fully ced. Reasonable. Oshawa and 16. 2481 FOR C.I.L. PAINT call DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South , MO 8-523) If You Can't Buy, .. RENT canoes, shot guns, rifles, decoys, sleep- ing bags, garden tillers, lawn seeders, rollers and mowers, skill sows, drills. For sale, usd boats, motors and trail "WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST, S. WHITBY MO 8-3226 Lariop Doatt FOR RENT -- Apartment, four large rooms, heated, fridge, and stove sup- plied, private entrance. Apply 231 Palace Street. U7 ROTO-TILLING, gardens, lawns. A. Dennis, phone be Ogawa, RA 81386 PLASTERER -- | Pa a specially, no job too small. Ca: Ti , HOUSE and Fry wn povments W130 Me Riier outer LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less thon ao ve- cancy. Only screened and re- liable tenants. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St, North RA 8.5123 GRAVEL & FILL Driveway Gravel, $7 per load Cement Hak $1.60 yd, Por Delivery Phone-- ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 FIVE - room furnished, lined, partially winterized cottage, full price $1500. Phone MArket 3-7167. 15 FARMS from 10 acreb to 200 acres $0 choose from. Ed Disney. RA 3-2333. Ed Irish RA 3-3301, 252 S. D. HYMAN REALTOR RA 8-6286 $800 DOWN $800 S-room insul brick home sit- uated on 2 lots in the North area of the city. Carefully landscaped with shrubs, lawn and a variety of fruit trees, Call Bob Stevenson ot RA 8-6286, $1,000 DOWN $1,000 4-room frame bungalow in tip-top condition. Complete with storms, screens, T.V. an- tenna and venetian blinds. Call Harold Segal at RA 8-6286. $1,000 DOWN $1,000 Brand-new brick bungalow. 3 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, large kitchen and only 1 block to @ bus and 2 blocks to school. Call Henry Yurko ot RA B-6286, CLOSE TO SCHOOL New brick bungalow built to N.H.A. standards. 3 bed- rooms, large 4-piece tiled bath ond good-sized living room. Finished in "atural stain. Choose your own tiles. Call Glen MacKinnon at RA 8-6286. 2520 $7,900 FULL PRICE $1,000 DOWN Ars cou . ond excras vou went in @ home Large 8-roam, every modern Resides wigl district in Port Perey 'io! THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR TRADE 4 BEDROOMS tired of your motch box Hie nom nore into 2 brick home wh ond often wish you wo he oom i home A i fro broadioom brick droge. Situ wo hpi clone pking the lal 7 of $1 3,500 NEW BUNGALOW IN EAST END Here is o large brick bungalow which will really fiv oppee) fo the ah woracl we a heart set on @ reel big kitchen in her new home, It will appeal to the man who likes a Speco Pe yaent to build that recreation room or in. It is so eo Hat the kids can t heme + fioan a Jif pasate or Hig tter then nerane 3S good size bedoroms and living room w which will plenty of space fo entertain in ny other extras, 2-stor conveni sed lot groriosking ot i ive us @ _eull. the price is lower than you expect. We hove other listings available for your Inspection end we would be pleased to be of service to you. NICK LAKAS, RA 3.9635 JOSEPH BOSCO, RA 5-9870 JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR RA 5.9870 2520 Seven-room family home, All large rooms. Hardwood floors down. Nearly new furnace. Immediate possession. Owner will corre one mortgage. Near North G.M. Give us o call to inspect, LUCAS PEACOCK | REALTOR RA 5-4330 Roy Flintoff ... RA 5-4330 Mrs, Winter ... RA 5-1256 252b JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS ~~ INSURANCE 169 SIMCOE S RA 5-6544 BUILDERS OPPORTUNITY 6 HOUSE LOTS Already N.H.A. approved. Excellent location, opposite Oshawa Shopping Centre. Vendor is willing to take less if all 6 lots are purchased. Don't poss up an opportunity like this, there will not be many more. Call right now for Jock Appleby at 5-6544, NO. 2 HIGHWAY We have o reat 4-room bun- golow with o stone front and paced Neher" Just gast of 's garage, This Ho By only 4 years Asking a $10,900 a price with $1 900 down pay- ment. This home is worth 'in- specting. coll Jack - Appleby ot RA 5-6544, $895 DOWN $895 ONE--MORTGAGE--ONE 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, solid brick, new bungalows, alum- inum storms and screens, wir DE WIT How NEWCASTLE PHONE 3341 SALESMEN:-- DON MOUNTJQY ......... veo MA 3.3950 ROSS DAVIDSON, BETHANY ... DAIRY FARM, 325 acres with 15 cans quota, 200 geres work. able, 100° x 40' bankbarn, steel stanchions, weterbowls, silo; 10-roomed brick house, Asking price $35,000--easy terms, DAIRY FARM, 178 gcres with 14 cons quota, lorge L-shaped bankbarn, steel stanchions, waterbowls, milkhouse with bulk- cooler, machine shed, etc., etc.; 10-roomed home with all mod- ern conveniences, All buildings in A-1 shape, on paved high- way, ete. Price and terms arranged, DAIRY FARM, 365 acres, with 7 cans quota, L-shaped bank- barn with waterbowls, steel stanchions, cement silo, another 60° x 30' barn, bulkeooler; Main house with all modern convene iefes. 2 houses for hired men. Asking $35,000 with easy terms. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, 140 acres workoble, 4 cons quote, L-shaped bankbarn, water on tap, bulkcooler, drive shed, etc.; 10-roomed brick home with all modem conveniences. Asking price $25,000 --terms. BROILER FARM, with 20 acres in village close to Oshowa, barn all equipped' for 5,000 broilers 10-roomed home with ell modern conveniences, oil furnace, etc. Price and terms arranged. BROILER FARM on No. 2 Highway with 2 chicken barns, all equipped for 5,000 birds 8-roomed home with modern cone veniences, Asking price $19,500--easy terms. $13,500 full osking price for S-roomed; almost-new brick ven. eer bungglow in Bowmanville, new section, with all modern conveniences, picture window, "hardwood ond tile floors, Terms arranged. $10,000 full price for S.roomed home In Bowmanville with oil furnace, hardwood floors, 4-piece bath, electric water heater, etc, Terms. 30 000 gsking brice for S.roomed bungalow In Bewmanvills, th all modern conveniences, Terms. ta school, tile. gs y Ba garage, etc, $2,000 Down for 6-roomed home with 3-piece bath, running water, septic tank. Price $6,000, $1,000 Down for semi-detached brick home, Newcastle, on 66 x 132' lot. Close to school end shopping area. Price arranged. Besides above-mentioned, we have many, many more forms and homes to choose from. 2520 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thunday, Oueber 39, 1959 27 Er Estate For Sale Ef Bg A3--Reat Estate For Sele renee: Bovis. = Securiy.For Lite BUY AN APARTMENT THE BEST HEDGE AGAINST INFLATION DUPLEX .vvvsiarnininnunenines EE EE EE ER EEN 7 PLEX 'e 11-PLEX ba Lip nededinad ay, 14-PLEX EEE RR I REI I I NE I RE NE I) All riments ful stove, I fully decorated, AA po many other extras, Full details on request wi inspection, down payment and returns. Calle MR. SWARBRICK * RA 5-6544 JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS Warren J. INSURANCE REAL ESTATE 115 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY PHONE MO 8-2601 8 room solid brick duplex. Both units now renti $145.00. This is an excellent 'investment, owngr ests. $10,000 with $3.000 down. 8 room frame home in Port Whitby, Full bath upstairs and partial bath on ground flor, There is an extra lot with this property, which could make an excellent building lot, Tote! lend size 114° x 209', This is an estate sale and must be sold soon. $10,500 full price. For rent--3 bedroom bungolow--Full basement--Gas Heating Laundry Tubs, etc. Asking $100.00 per month. ' FOR FULL INFORMATION CALL MR. DEAN BAKER, MO 8-260! EVENINGS -- MO 8-2478 for @ total of other inter- Mowat | : ROOMING OR NURSING HOME $10,000 o year pina 2nd a, fully ipped with all conveniences, dy to go. Small down PHONE RA 5.1168 NORTH OSHAWA Mclaughlin Blvd. $2,000 DOWN 10,200 FULL PRICE ~Storms and screens --Solid brick bungalow --~Londscaped lot --Private drive --Forced air oil heat An excellent buy with many, many including ste CO. LID. 43 PARK RD. S. DUPLEX Centrally located, 8-room brick, 2 modern kitchens, 2 rooms, hot water with oil heating, good condition Jorge, Ae garage, Asking price $13,500. Call Sid A SUBURBAN RANCH BUNGALOW North-west of City limts, 6 rooms, lorge ultra-modern kitchen, spacious livinig room and dining room each with large picture windows, 3 good bedrooms, utility room, forced air with oil heating, ottoched garage, aluminum storms and screens, T.V. Qhtgang, large landscaped and shaded lot. Call Keith Peters RA 5.8761, or RA 5-4162 evenings. $1,200 DOWN PAYMENT 7-room income home, double garage, large lot 59 x ag rym, walk-out. busements, 4-pc. tiled baths, large lots, only a few loft, Carries for $72 monthly, 6% interest, N.HA. Immediate posses- sion. To jrapae call Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544, EAST -- EAST New, New. Ultra modern bungalow with built-in stove, large dinette; attached gar- age, large lof. This house is loaded with extras too num- erous to mention now. For complete details call Bill Rat- cliffe ut RA 5-6544, $12,000 FULL PRICE NORTH-WEST AREA For this beautiful 2-storey brick home. This house is immaculate. Professionally londscaped. Private drive and garage. Don't pass up the Spportunity to Inspect this 9 - SUITES - 9 INVEST IN THE BEST Retire in luxury, by purchasing this new modern solid masonry building. 7 2-bedroom suites and 2 bachelor suites, fully equip- ped with stoves, fridges, washer dryer, T.V. outlets, fully dec- oraten ond heated with hot water oil Gross rentals over $9, 800 annually. This is @ good buy, asking $68,000 with $15,- 000 down pawment. For more details call Eugene Patterson at RA 5.6544, JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE very central, full price open to offer, payments as rent, Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. $1,200 full price. Lot 100 x 247 ft, Located on Taunton Rd. Eost. Coll Keith Peters RA 5-8761, or RA 5-4162 avenings LS. SNELCROVE blinds, we aerial, drape track, etc. Spotlessly cleon, close to all conveni ences, just 5 doors from golf course. By appointment only, RA 5-883] W, T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 520 LARGE FAMILY HOME--AT1 RESIDENTIAL This is one of Oshawa's outstanding homes of the executive type. Consists of 3 storeys, 10 rooms, 4 baths and double garege. This home is full poscaped, Sto, screens end oil heating. List price $28, 000. Terms. Co-op listing, HARMONY ROAD SOUTH Very nicely decorated 5-room bungalow with L-shaped living- dining room. Garage, treed lot, nicely landscaped. Only 3 years old. This home must be seen to be aporeciated at the price of ony $12,200. YES Would you like @ 6-room ranch: bungalow, living room, dini room combination, natural stone fireplace. Full basement with finished recreaticn room, lot 62 x 14. 45, ho handy to , trans. portation. Carries for $59.28 monthly, you won't be sorry. ° come 'Bil Rateliffe at RA 5-6544, YOU NAME THE PRICE For this beautiful frame bun- galow. Not far from down- town Oshawa. Owner says sell, and he will not refuse any reasonable offer. House is listed aot $6,500.00 with low down payment. Phone now for Bill Ratcliffe at 5-6544. OWNER SAYS SELL 5 rooms, all hardwéod and tile floors, lerge modern kit- chen, oversize lot, storms and screens, top location in the north-west, steps to school, shops and bus. Low down payment ana low monthly payments, Act NOW! Call Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544, MUST SELL Income home $65.00 monthly from apartment on top floor. Owner says sell, will take a low down pay- ment. Two kitchens, two baths, large lot with gara close to Sowntown, fal i Swarbrick at RA 5. NEW whi This home is located in an excellent location. Asking Fy $13,500 full price with $2,300 down payment. Bal- ance of $11,200 on N.H.A. mortgage at 6% interest. Carries for only $72.00 monthily interest and princi- pal combined. This house is a well constructed home with large rooms, gleaming hard- wood and tile floors through- out with large stone fireplace. Vanit 'n bathroom. Must be seen. For appointment call Eugene Patterson at 5-6544, ; Open Evenings Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board , 252a $895 and $995 FULL DOWN PAYMENT ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE FOR THE BALANCE NO SECOND MORTGAGE $12,000 and $12,045 FULL PRICE CHECK THE FOLLOWING FEATURES: Brick Bungalows Modern Kitchens Waikout Basements Heavy Stove Cable 3 Bedrooms Electric Light Fixtures 4 Pc. Coloured Ceramic Baths Automatic Heating Aluminum Storms and Screens Sodded Fronts Excellent Value Schools Close By YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE AT THIS LOW DOWN PAYMENT The day is fost approaching when low down payments will become a fantasy. This is your privilege to become a home-owner, and stop being a tenant. Why not call now for more details. RA 5-6544 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 251e NORTH END--TREMENDOUS VALUE Brick and stone, 3-bedroom bungalow, tile bath, pom, h ras, divided basement, sodded lawns, oil furnace tion. What else do you want for $12,950? only' on 1 by WILSON Realtor Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 After hours please call: Dave Donald, RA 5-8522 Jack Sheriff, RA 3-377% Bill Norris, RA 5-7983 2520 'LIVE LUXURIOUSLY In This New ULTRA MODERN APARTMENT BUILDING LOOK! LOOK! EXCELLENT AREA 4-PC. BATHS STOVE & 'FRIG MANY EXTRAS LOOK! 2 BEDROOMS BROADLOOM THROUGHOUT BAMBOO DRAPES AMPLE PARKING Call: MR. JACK APPLEBY RA 5-6544 RA 3-339¢ JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 252b| LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM AND SATORBAVS QUEBEC ST. HOME SELLING FOR $8,500 Shroom, 1 Hgorer oi th Garon 3 1{ In frpe room. Only gd down, one for the bolance of $70. monthly, interest and prinei- pol. Taxes only $175.00 yea more informa- tion, call and ok for Dick Young, RA 8-512 WINDSOR ST. N.HA. resole with extra large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, all aluminum storms and screens. Close to all schools and shop ping. $86.00 monthly, ine terest, principal ond taxes combine sking price S230 2300.00. $125" Bill Mil- r, RA 8-5 GOT A HOUSE TO SELL ? THEN LLOYD YOU TELL Lisyd Realty Ltd. . Realtors 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 T WITH el CALL Volk Moves Howe & Millen 67 KING ST. E. RA 5-7732 CHRISTIE ST. Neat little five-room low, clean = pin New oil fully ad. Purchase price to include stove ond washing machine. Aski price $10,500. with $1,50 down. Call Loreen Kellett RA 3-3770. NEW McCULLOUGH BUILT HOMES Six roomed brick and stone bungalows. Large living room with fireplace, dining room, Hollywood kitchen with built in stove, oven and ventilator, ceramic tile bath with vanity, three bedrooms all with large cupboards. Lovely basement for rec room with stool and basin roughed in. Attached garage with entrance directly into home. Paved drive, storms 'and twindow. For par- Yieulors call Mrs. Brown. RA 5-3867 252q (Continued on Page 28)

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