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The Oshawa Times, 29 Oct 1959, p. 8

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READY FOR HALLOWE'EN Hundreds of school childredl have volunteered to collect for - UNICEF on Saturday night which is Hallowe'en." There will be the same dressing up and the same rapping on doors and the treats will go around the world in the form of milk and medicine to little children who need it desperately. Three sis- ters who have helped label and tag tins are nine-year-old twins Lorraine and Marjorie and 12- year-old Ann Stiles, centre. Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Doris A. Begner, Jens Simonsen Christ Church was the scene of a wed- ding on Saturday afternoon, Oc- tober 24, when Doris Ada Begner was united in marriage with Jens K. Simonsen. The bride is the daughter of Memorial Anglican velour, and a corsage of bronze chrysanthemums. For the honeymoon (trip, the bride wore a sheath dress of avo- cado green, with a brown musk- rat jacket, a beige and rust hat, and a corsage of bronze chrys- Mr, and Mrs. William A. Beg anth On their return the Their mother, Mrs. D. K. Stiles, Grierson street, is acting | as the local co-ordinator for UNICEF. Oshawa Times Photo. F riendly Couples : Hold Masquerade Ghosts, pirates, witches, grandpa of yesteryear |others were seen dancing at the rab- |bits, Farmer Brown, Aunt Je-|gaster and Christmas and edu- {mima, flapper girl, grandma and cational themes to have the mem- an Jo Aldwinckle, Lome Women's Editor Dial RA 3-8474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 29, 1959 Mrs. George Paul, head of the department for program plan. ning for the. Dominion Co WA in ' Toronto, was the guest speaker for the semi - annual meeting of the Oshawa Presby- tery WA held recently in St. Paul's United Church in Bow. manville. Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, Orono, fl introduced Mrs. Paul telling of r work with the WA, which in- |cluded being the chairman of the literature department of the Do- minion Council WA at one time, Mrs. Paul stressed the necesSity for more systematic planning of the programs for the regular meetings of the, locals. Without a well - planned program the at- tendance falls off, and members - Ibecome less interested and less enthusiastic about the work and aims of the WA. The Dominion Council has pre- pared a packet containing sug- gestions sor programs eac month, having special ideas for bers become -more familiar with the meaning of stewardship, citi- 'accompanied at Oshawa Presbytery WA Holds Semi-Annual In Bowmanville planning packets. Mrs, Wilson Pring, Bowmanville; sang a solo the organ by Mrs. Reta Dudley. The Rev. H Turner conducted the service of Holy Communion at the close of the morning ses- |sion. During the lunch hour there were seated at the head tabl with the president Mrs. L. F, Richardson of Whithy, the two Honorary presidents, Mrs. Clay- ton Lee and Mrs. A. A, Crowle, Oshawa, and the Jan president, Mrs. E, D, Cornish. : Some of the others at the head table were the Rev. H., Turner and Mrs.: Turner, Mrs. George Paul and representatives from the Oshawa Presbytery and the WMS Presybterial, { The luncheon was served by! the members of the St, Paul's Afternoon WA under the leader-| ship of the president, Mrs. Rob- ert Stephens and the St. Paul's evening WA under Mrs. George Graham, In the atternoor the Scugog WA| conducted a devotional service,| and Mrs, H. Blakely, Oghawa, of-| of eiwill do anything for a good | MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL After Dear Mary Haworth:|Our son,| Jim, 16, has a problemi, serious to him, which he ha# confided in me; and 1 am concerned. I want year a from United States where we lived two years (my husband was where he had known many boys well as friends, before, he ran into this "neglect" situation. Jim is intelligent, a good ath- lete, eager to make friends, He is interesting, witty, courteous, and well liked by our friends, He friend. And he wishes to get in with the crowd again. STILL GETS SNUBBED He has made a real effort; tele. phoned friends, invited them to 'Boy Slighted By School Mates ding 2 Yrs. In US.A, and understand what on at the student level, But be on your guard, and keenly aware, make sure that this head man, or another, isn't hand-in-glove wil the dirty work, if gny. parents or teachers were to help him, he might be further persecuted in subtle ways, as a sissy too babyish to fend for him-{ self, So be careful on that score. school, by Fascally faculty foe, transfer him at once to another school, with a healthier, social climate. Pa Now for a final suggestion: Jim's depression may be an as- pect of emotional illness, of the our country cott to games and hockey matches. He even gave a big party which was a great success; still he is not hrenic type, to which youth seems particularly suscep- tible, If so, a stitch in time--in the way of earlv diagnosis and |! diat -- saves one of the gang, Pi tly, he is verv depressed and has given up hope. He stays home most of the time, seeing no young people, We live rather far out, buf that shouldn't stop him from commun- icating with friends--if he had friends. 1 am greatly affected by his discouragement. Both my hus- band and I note that he is no longer the gay, happy boy he was a year ago. J We love him dearly and wish to Il in our power to help him much suffering. Thus your hunch to get psychiatric or medical help is sound. Pursue both lines of inquiry more or less simultan- eously--as to Jim's state of health and the school situation, I mean. Ch M.H. Mary Haworth counsels Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ed. ward Lynn were married re- cently at Northminster United urch. The bride, the former Miss Elaine Katheryn Edgar, is the only daughter of Mr. and MARRIED AT NORTHMINSTER Mrs. Charles Walter Edgar, Oshawa, and the bridegroom is .the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lynn, Claremont. The couple will live in Oshawa, Photo by Ireland. through her column, not by mail or personal interview. Write her in care of this newspaper. Dr. Hans Barthepstein, who was in charge of choosing models for a fashion show in London during "Swiss Fortnight," Oct. 5-17. outfit. And it does a woman's morale a great deal of know thaf she is up to date." good to She designs much of her own Hallowe'en party of the Albert Street United Church Friendly Couples' club Saturday evening. Candles ' in pumpkins set the scene for a mystic atmosphere. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mock, hip, Christian education, lit- erature and many other phases of the WA work. During the lunch hour Mrs. Frank Black and Mrs. A, Brad- lor gave report=~"on the Bay of @ 'held in Peterborough recently. Canadian Model Prefers Manners Of Europeans {do al im. fered. the prayer edication|;"ynow he still loves us, and is ae the offering C._ M.loonsiderate of us, Should I con- Penfound and Mrs. Charles Nay-| ci advisors, such as his doctor lor a psychiatrist? I will greatly uinte Conference WA meeting appreciate your suggestions, S.R. Dr. Barthensteln picked 36 girls, including Miss Kleszewski, : fashion - conscious jury nar- rowed the total down fo 15, in- cluding Miss Kleszewski. wardrobe and feels that a, hat should be worn on most occa: very ol \ ~ In Vancouver, ' she worked mostly as a secretary, doing of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Simonsen of Jutland, Denmark. The Venerable H. D. Cleverdon performed the double ring cere-| mony and the wedding music was played by Mr. W. G. Rapley. | Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore an original couple will live in Oshawa. Out of town guests were pres- ent from Pembroke, Bowman- ville, Wolfe Island, Ajax, Clare- mont and Buffalo, N.Y. Miss Jo Helfferma n | |guests to the club, judged the costumes for the best and most |complete one. The prize went to {Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mountjoy in their old fashioned outfits. | Music for the square dancing] was supplied by Mr. Merland| McLean and Mr. Allan Scott. | Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray, the vice - presidents, introduced ford, Oshawa, had ,a display of available iterature and soon be- came sold out of the program Fun For The Blind At Social, Dance gown of blossom white peau de soie fanning out into a circular] nn. pronces Josephine Hef-|Lomme Hardy. The November train. The scalloped neckline was| 0. "whose marriage offset with appliqued motifs of s1hert David Dumais will take|the Kedrop-Columbus club. alencon lace re-embroidered infsjace in St. Gregory's Roman, Hallowe'en refreshments were pearls and fluorescent sequins,(cagnolie Church, Oshawa, on Sat-{served by the committee in which were repeated on theiyniay morning, October 31, has|charge. Feted Bride-Elect to Mr. | On Friday evening last the an- nual dance for the Humoresque Club took place at the CRA Building. There were guests from the new - members, Mr. and Mrs. meeting will include a visit from | After remarks by the presi- dent, Mrs. Richardson, the mem- bers broke up into discussion groups headed by the various committee chairmen. After re- turning" to the auditorium the) chairmen gave the findings of ithe discussion groups. | The president pronounced the WA benediction after the mem- bers from the WA gave a rt of the courtesy committee which thanked al those responsible for| the success of the meeting. Louis Braille Club of Peterbor- ough and the Excelsior Club of Toronto. bracelet - length sleeves and the heen feted at several pre-nuptial| hooped skirt, which featured a events. bustle caught with roses. Mrs. Joseph Hefferman enter-| pointed crown- of lace studded|tained for her daughter at a| |8a PERSONALS with fluorescent held her|tr tea. To receive, the/ q long illusion veil, and she -car-/hostess wore an afternoon dress Department to send in any little ried a cascade of red roses with of black crepe. The future bride, |j You are invited by the Social| tems of interest. News of teas, dies door prize, Mrs. S. Di ko; Man's door prize, Mr. Ket- The dance music was played by The Melodaires of Port Perry, en- ged by the Lions Club. The winners of the prizes: La- SOCTAT, NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John Maguire of Bowmanville wish to announce | e t of their daugh- ter, Eleanor May, to Mr, Donald Edward Simmons, son of Mr. icial gifts; and sneakily envious lof his first-hand knowlédge of VICTIM OF SLY BULLY? Dear S.R.: 'The first thing I'd want to know, in trving to help Jim, 'is just precisely what he's up against at school; or who's got it ih for him, and why. Is he the victim of a gang boy- cott slyly and cruelly organized| by some bully boy at school who scents the approach of a danger; ous rival, on the score of natural leadership? Who is jealous of Jim's mind, personality and so- things American? And meanly determined to keep him off bal- ance, and at a disadvantage, for having been to an American school--on the sniggering impli- cation (to hide his envy) that this brands Jim a half caste, or a barbarian, on the teen-age level, socially. Not a simon-pure, dyed- in-the-wool provincial, like his By JUDITH AYER Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP) -- A beautiful Vancouver model now resident in Switzerland says frankly she pre- fers the way fashion photograph ers work/in Europe. German-born Renate Kleszew- ski, who emigrated to Canada nine years ago, considers that the people who take pictures in Canada are not gentlemanly enough, "They are not like the photo- graphers in Zurich, for instance, who are most considerate" she says. "I suppose it may be be- cause there are relatively few mannequins in Europe, and those they do have must be treated with respect." : Miss Kleszewski is a tall, viva. cious girl of 21, with laughing In London, her job has been to model outfits from a collection presented .by- 40 leading Swiss fashion Ses. modelling in her spare time, Now that she had a foothold in Swits. erland, she would like to build up a little bit of a reputation in the As benefits a she pr before going back to has strong feeli about cloth V where her parents live. If she had her way, women would wear fewer sports clothes and concentrate on chic dresses and suits. She hasn't a single sweater and doesn't like skirts, But she admits that many mod- els, like many other women, pre- fer skirts and sweaters to more dressy ensembles. "I think this is a real shame, because smart and fashionable clothes really don't cost much RAISED PLANTERS If your new home has raised planters, you probably want to plant colorful Dutch tulips and other spring-flowe: bulbs in them this fall. With "the wide range of colors in Dutch bulbs more than the average country our bulbs. Zan tlewell, Toronto; Lucky cup, Mrs. Galka, Toronto; Lucky saucer, Mrs. Miller, Peterbor- white net florets. {who also greeted the guests, wore surprise parties, showers, anni- re; model' # Miss 'Mavis Begner was maid sapphire blue with a corsage of versaries and comings and go- ey oo yg a oe 'onl arch enemy, perhaps? cally elegant manner. I suggest you talk 'very confi-| and Mrs, Edward Simmons, Osh. awa. The marriage will take Miss Pat of honor for her sister, and the (Pink and white carnations. |ings are always very acceptable pridesmaids were Miss Joan Pet-| titt, Miss Ida Anderson and Miss Lillian Crowell. They all wore cocktail length dresses of berry|y, mee Kent, red velvet designed with scoop pecklines, cape sleeves and crin-| oline skirts. They wore whiten resided in the trousseau room. tea table at the feathered bandeaux, and wrist- length white gloves, and carried cascades of white chrysanthe- mums. Laurel Appler of Pem- broke, small niece of the bride, | was flower girl, in a short frock| of gold velvet, designed similar | to the gowns worn by the senior attendants. A matching bandeau, and short white gloves completed her ensemble, and she carried a basket of white chrysanthemums| and red roses, Mr. Kenneth Due of Oshawa was best man and the ushers were Messrs. Roy Begner, Jack B t, Robert Hamil The reception was held in the Fleetwood room of Hotel Gen- osha, where the bride's mother received in rose beige chantilly lace over silk faille, with a veiled close fitting hat of Autumn brown fed Miss Hugette Masse opened the and for which there is no charge. were Miss Gladys Hill, Mrs. Mrs. Roy Bligdon, |door to the guests. Pouring tea please write or telepho |was Miss Alice Ross and serving 3.3474, local 18. piose RA Past presidents of the 5th Mrs, Walter Justynski, and Mrs. |Group Committee, Guides and Wilfred Tessier. Mrs. Ronald Oke| Mrs, Alex. McNeill was in ding gift room. Mrs. William Armstrong and Mrs. Philip Morrow were host- esses at a china shower at the| former's home on staff. Assisting the hostess | serving was Miss Vera Slocombe. | Mrs. John Maroosis entertain- at a miscellaneous shower. Mrs. James Kent poured tea and serving were Mrs. William Hast- ings, Mrs. Geoffrev Andrews and Mrs. Jack Driscoll. The bride-elect was guest of honor at the home of Mrs. 8. A. Gates, with Miss Roberta Gates and Mrs. Alex. Knox as host- esses. There were 68 guests in attendance. On Wednesday afternoon Miss Hefferman received a presenta- tion from the staff of the Osh- awa Board of Health. Mrs. Lorne Slaught made the presentation. Miss Gertrude Tucker acted as hostess. Following the rehearsal tomor- 7 East still darken their eyelashes row evening the bridal party will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Tessier. ANCIENT CUSTOM Many women in the Middle charge of the shower and wed-|don = McKnight, Jamieson, Mrs. Donald Jackson Brownies, who will preside at the we'en tea at Guide House will be Mrs. Gor- Mrs, David and Mrs. K. S, Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Plowright, |* Grierson |Central Park boulevard north, street. The guests were members|attended the funeral in Barrie of| of the Oshawa Board of Health Mrs. Caroline Plowright, in|died in her 93rd year. who Models Retuse To Wear Bikinis TORONTO (CP) -- The Bikinis were too daring, so six Toronto models wouldn't wear them, even though the manufacturer claims "every girl everywhere will be wearing them next year." Three of the models, asked {Monday by an Israeli firm to display them for Toronto buyers, tried on the suits and rejected em. Three other models reached by telephone were told what had happened and they also turned down the assignment. Joe Baomholtz ager for fashions of Israel Incor- not immodest. MAN'S WORLD Several among various and shadow their eyes with kohl, dor powdered antimony, FOR JR. FIGURES By ANNE ADAMS Antarctica, ever reached the South Pole, porated, insisted the suits were women have been expeditions to but no woman has general man-| ough; Lucky chair, I McConnell; Spot dances, Mr. Nes- bitt and Mrs. Simmons, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Toronto; Mr, E. Swang and Mrs. Hortt, Peterborough; Birthday, Mrs. Chas. Lovell. you messages were given by Mrs. Pike, Osh- awa: Mr. Jack Gliddon, Excelsior Club of Toronto; Mr. E. Swang, Louis Braille Club of Peterbor- ugh. Members extended thanks to the Lions Club and the Lionettes| Club for providing and serving| tasty refreshments and to thank all who helped to make a delight- ful evening. BRITISH AIRWOMEN The Women's Royal Air Force is an integral part of Britain's RAF, training and working along- side airmen in the same classes. WALMSLEY and MAGILL 9 KING ST. E., OSHAWA RA 5-3506 offers a complete selection of wedding announcements styled for the discrim- inating. 20 ATION ~ L CORRECTION Due to a typographical error in Yolles' ad in the Shopping Centre Circular the item; Specials in 5 & 7 pee. sets should have read: Here's o repeat of one of our best-selling dinettes but at a special Fall Sale price ! Easy-care Ar- borite top is in handsome woodgrains with & contrasting inlay design. Legs of tapered tubular steel with ornate brackets add te its handsome appearance. Heavy-duty vinyl covers padded chair seats and contoured backs. S-PIECE SUITE has FAMILY -SIZE TABLE, 30" x 40", extends to 48". 7-PIECE SUITE hes BANQUET-SIZE TABLE 36" x 48", extends to 60". Both sizes are price-reduced now. 7-PIECE SU With 6 chairs Reg. All the fashion world hails the| wide, wide sailor collar "capes" your shoulders above a streak of a sheath, Divine shape ~ front band- for junior figures ing accents narrow waist. Printed Pattern 4700: Jr, Miss | 17. Size 13 Sizes 9, 11, 13, 15, takes 3% yards 35-inch fabric. Printed directions on each pat- tern, part. Easier, accurate. Send FORTY CENTS (40c.) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, CARE OF The Oshawa Times, Pa tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. that| 89.95 | ITE 115.98 5-PIECE SUITE With 4 chairs Reg. 74.95 54.95 FURNITURE place at Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday, Nov-| ember 21, at 8 p.m. dentially with the appropriate head man at school, the man who lis in the best position to observe mer on & holiday visit and 'met HOLIDAY LUCK She came to Zurich this sum- Replace that costly WORN-OUT FURNAC installs complete gas forced air furnace, including labour and nearest materials fo connect with existing basement ducts, $ Reo monthly installs @ gas conversion burner--fits mest furnaces. In- + Room Heaters , . . Fireplace Units. AUTOMATIC Your Gas NOTHING EASY PAYMENTS OVER 5 YEARS ON MONTHLY GAS BilLS See these NATURAL GAS advantages "DOWN, CLEAN DEPENDABLE ECONOMICAL MODERN CONVENIENT ~~ COMPACT BEST SUITED TO AUTOMATIC CONTROLS FREE BURNER SERVICE Natural Gus Heating Equipment costs Jess to buy, less to install, for less to maintain does not Pp For i ploy door-to-door alien about dealers ti salesmen nor telephone d by the Ontario Fuel Board to sell and install netural gas equipment call or write the Sales Department of (Consumers' (tas "You'll always be glod you chose Natural Gas" | Choose a BULOVA for those you love 1 GODDESS OF TIME "T" Stylized leaf design trim to set off watch ond bracelet, In yellow or \ white. 17 Jewels. $49.50 DEBUTANTE "TT 23 Jewel 14K gold, exquisitely engraved, ovoilable in white, $79.50 AMBASSADOR "NH" 17 jewels, self-winding, ynbreokable mainspring, shock resistant, In yellow, $59.50 HIS EXCELLENCY "Cw" Amazingly thin and waterproof, too! 23 jewels, resistant, Expansion band. In yell ow. $79.50 Bulova Difference Because... Golden gs moments deserve that Bulova difference... You Can Be Proud Of That 20 SIMCOE SOUTH HORWICH | CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE RA 5-8443 PHONE RA 3.7133 1 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH BASSETT'S JEWELLERS LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE RA 5-7161 PHONE RA 3-3332

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