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The Oshawa Times, 31 Oct 1959, p. 11

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Cainiiid0 THE MEMBERS Ontario Regiment and ther wives, from many centres in Canada and the United States gathered at the OF THE Association Oshawa Armories Friday night | for a dance which marked the hiailiony opening of the Association's an- nual reunion, In the, upper pic- ture, renewing old friendships, seated from left, are Mrs. Fred | Porter, Greenwood Oshawa; Mrs. J. and Mr, Green- wood, of Port Perry. Standing, | | geant Major L. Costello and Dance Held A* Armories The 1039-'45 star, the Italy and|in both the officers' 'and ser- fHounced Visi hada U | Sewell, AA from left, are Fred Porter; Mrs. Barnes and Perc Barnes, Toronto; R. Westover, of To- ronto and Mi. and Mrs. Cliff of Oshawa. Seated in the lower picture, from left, are Mrs. R. S. Dungate, Ser- PL RUNUAL nLURIOW Mrs. Costello, Staff Sergeant T. Temvle and Mrs, Temple and Sgt. and Mrs. R. Hodges. Standing, from left, are Sgt. C. Bould, Mrs. Edna Wilson, Mrs. Bould and Sgt. R. Dun- gate. --Oshawa Times Photos 15 Veteran GM Employees Retire The retirement of 15 veteran| Oshawa employees with a total of 425 years' service was an- Milk Price 'Up A Cent All the customers of the com- recently by General mercial dairies in the Oshawa France-German Stars, the De-|geants' messes during the day. [Motors of Canada Limited. The|Z0ne received notice Friday that, fence of England, Canada Volun-| Among those swirling on the/employees now enjoying teer and Victory medals making up the neon-striped wedge worn above their hearts distinguished the all-the-way "Cats" of First Division Ontario Regiment (RCAC) who attended the On- tario Regiment Association dance at the Oshawa Armories Friday night, About 200 of the members and ia members enjoyed srant party on the drill hall floor but the main contingent of re-unioners are expected to ar- rive today from various parts of Canada to take part in the parade to the Cenotaph and the laying of 2 wreath. There also get-together part pl Jail Girl | Six Months |: 16, of 39. Simcoe) | year Ldn nda Hill, Li St. N., was sentenced to six months indefinite in the reform-| atory for failing to obey the con- ditions of her probation when she appeared for sentence on an as- sault charge in Oshawa magis-| | |up trying doors in Whitby early|learned that the actual cost was {purely nominal with trate's court Friday. She was sentenced also to two months indefinite on the assault charge to run concurrently, Marion Tomchyshim, 86 Gibb on the assault charge. The two girls were charged with beating up Victoria Mitchell, 16, of 252| Arthur 6t, HOW HILLSDALE MANOR HOME FOR THE AGED WILL tect' drawing shows Hillsdale Manor, being erected by the city on Rossland road east, will look | and their shouts of "Welcome back Slim' |length of service, is as follows: aimed at Slim Crozier, who was| 3 or|years; Joseph T. Burgess, main-| down from Elliot Lake, "There's Ding Haines from To- ronto". The veterans were happy|Dewell, to see that Johnny Kanes, one years; George R Dulmage, seriously injured|inspection, members of the regiment, made| |vears; The first two Regimental Ser. (Chasing department, of the regiment, after it mobilized in 1939, Henry Davies and Jack Barker, would have had a ditficult time if they had tried to dress up the parade aré|last night &s smartly as they did ed|20 years ago. They didn't try but! of the more it to the dance. geant Majors enjoyed the dance anyway. the Toronto chapter of the asso- ciation, weekend REMANDED FOR SENTENCE Charles Leonard Mussen, 55, of no fixed abode, was remand. ed a week for sentence |ing with the work of the Oshawa on a paper, vagrancy charge in Oshawa ma- Walter Baluk, maintenance, 15 40 body Chester 36 body 24 years; Martin parts department, 23 Frank T Gibney, pur-| 23 years; tenance, years; engineering, Egan, Milton Hayton, truck body, terial handling, 21 years; Archi- bald Horton, passenger body paint, 33 years. Herbert their effective next Monday, the price |dance floor and those who didn't|leisure, with the department in|of milk will increase one cent bother to get up could be heard|Which they worked, per quart. An Oshawa dairy official ex- Oc mi hundredweight for their product. This, it was explained, works out to about half a cent per quart. Most centres during the past month. R./in the Oshawa area since Oc- " i tober, 1957, Layne, passenger buy paint, 33 Milk consumers, who have 2leat in the coffee shop at the Uni- i 19 vears: C. Martin, [Supply of tokens on hand, will versity and then left for home. oars; Ray 5 aarn, be able to use them without pay- They arrived back in Oshawa at George Townsend, president of Sutherland, south plant body, 44/ing any increase in price. years; (George J Lindsay, ship- years; Charles, Tucker, inspec- stated that before theltion salvage repair, 41 years and ended he felt that there would be more people back this than there has been since harles S. Wetherup, passenger body finish, 35 years. | ARTICLE WRONG A community chest story, deal- Cerebral Palsy Parent Council, which appeared in last Tuesday's| was in error in stating that the chairs and tables used gistrate"s court, He was picked in the school had cost $50. It is| +Friday morning. FALSE ALARM Th since Friday. on its completion next year. It is learned from city officials that sutficient applications have already been received A ] e Oshawa Fire' Depantment| Ove: St., was fined $50 or one month answered a false alarm at the Alger building, Charles and Athol streets at 12:30 a.m. today. There| The tallest of the five peaks of high school and were two routine ambulance calls Mount Snowdon in Wales reaches school the work| being done by one intensely in- terested in the work as a work | WELSH PEAK 3,570 feet, appeal |Dermaid's Hold Safety Patrol Dance Tonight's Safety Patrol dance| at Simcoe Hall has a three-fold kas, John Mc-|Feather. We are all proud that to Constable Safety Patrol and their friends. t is especially planned as a Hallowe'en Party, the Rockets, a local band, which has given up an engagement in Peterborough to play for it, and all proceeds from the dance will be turned over to further work being done for Cerebral Palsy at Simcoe Hall. These dances are a weekly ev: ent designed to interest the junior final years who are excluded from other dances. | The Arena 1200 Pupils Skate At The Osha Sines More than 1200 Oshawa public schoo! children took advantage of the first free skating periods Wednesday and Thursdav after- noons at the Oshawa Children's Arena. The skating opportunity is being provided by The Oshawa Board of Fducation. All public school students may take advantage of the free ice time. The schools are being divided into groups of five with each group having a particular day. Manager - Secretary Bill Smith stated that he was sur- prised at the large numbers of children turning out to skate. Last weekend despite the noor weather, more than 1500 skaters turned up. 400 REGISTERED With the hockey leagues get- ting underway this weekend the ice will be in use every possitle minute with the exception of the school hours when flooding and repairs are carried out. The Osh- awa Skating Club, which has pro- fessional figure skating instrue- tion, has in the vicinity of 400 members registered this year. An estimated 15 games a week are on schedule for the winter months involving four leagnos. The Pee Wee League sponsored) by the Nzichhorhood Age~~'»tig=~ has 16 teams of youngsters 12 years of ave and unde". | The Bantam (13 and 14 year, olds), Mideet (15 and 18) Juvenile (17 and 18) are all run by the Oshawa Minor Ho~'" | League. They will have about 400 boys in regular 'egne pee | As well there will be the CYO and Protestant Church Leagues operating. The tentative schedule, of ac- tivities is as follows: Monday, Tuesday and Wedresday--m'- hockey; Thursday -- special events; Fridav and Saturde- skating; Sunday -- Oshawa Skat- ing Club. OCVI Pupils Are Pleased By Singers By SANDRA PITMAN Thursday afternoon's assembly at OCVI was very interesting. We were entertained by the Davies family, a group of pro- fessional singers. The group consisted of Mrs. Davie, her two sons and one piano and the trio sang, They were very good. We heard the solos. The songs ranged from opera to spirituals to folk songs. very much, we soon. house competitions. en from the higher grades. Miss Van Luven's Art classes went to Toronto Thursday after- in the province noon. The buses met them at the a/put the increase into effect on|school at 12:45 and Shey Jere ot | . { .|Oct, 1, Others have followed suit|for the rest of the day. The main ye sn, 5, Holdbrook ma | objectives of the trip were to go This is the first in milk prices|to the Art Gallery and to see the new girls' dormitory at the University. The group stopped to 6:30 tired, happy and pleased with their trip Tests are the "thing" again now and every student is buck- ling down. At least we hope they are! Congratulations to Kathy Pus- this year's Miss Red she is from our school. We would also like to congratulate the two runners up, Donna Granik, It features/OCVI and Frances Minacs, OCCL FIRE KILLS SEVEN OTTUMWA, Iowa (AP)--Seven small children died and a baby- the sitter was critically burned when fire destroyed a home here early today. The victims were children {of Mrs. Patricia van Horne, who Orwas not at home when the fire public broke out. The sitter, Sharon Ann Dooley, 14, suffered critical |burns. from aged residents of the city | to almost fill it. The laying of | the cornerstone of the new | building will be laid next Tues- day afternoon by T. D. Thomas, member of the On- tario Legislature for Oshawa | riding. L. E. Ludlow, director | LOOK ON COMPLETION of the homes for the aged branch of the Ontario Depart- ment of Welfare, will be the special speaker. SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, PAGE ELEVEN daughter. Mrs. Davie played the: trio, several duets and a few: Since we enjoyed the program that the same thing is done again, quite The girl's of O'Neil's Grade 10 classes are asked to register for volleyball. There are to be inter- There are lained that during the summer five houses, one named for each the Ontario Department of Agri-|of the Great Lakes. Needless to culture issued an order, effective|say, the members of Superior t. 1 that the dairies should pay House are quite proud. Captains Ik producers 19 cents more a|and assistant captains were chos- INTERIOR VIEW THIS 1S A VIEW of the altar of the recently dedicated first REV. J. N. LOTHIAN POST CONFIRMED The Oshawa Boy Scout Asso- ciation received notification from the Ontario headquarters of the Boy Scout Association that the appointment of Ed- ward S. Alker as District Com- missioner for Oshawa had been confirmed. One of the senior scouters in Oshawa, Mr. Alker came up through the ranks. He previously served as district commissioner in 1949-50 and had been a member of the executive of the local associa- tion for some years. For the past two years he served as secretary of the association. Football Fever Hits Central CI By PAT HRAYNYK Do you think its strange to see girls practically crawling down a sidewalk? To see this sight one just has to stand in front of Cen- tral Collegiate Institute after a cheer-leading practice and watch all the stiff, sore-muscled speci- mens of the female sex leave the building. For the past .couple of weeks try-outs have been held in order to pick a new squad of cheer- leaders. Any girl from Grade 10 on, who passed her year is elig- ible. The try-outs will continue for a while longer and the final decisions will be made by the present squad of cheer-leaders and Miss P. Nugent, the girls' Physical Education teacher. BADMINTON CLUB The Mixed Badminton Club started this vear by holding elec- tions last week. The executive for this year is as follows: President, Jo Ann Barge; vice-president, Bob Porayko; secretary-treasur- er, Nancy Esposito; organizers, Pat Hraynyk and Paul Black; council representatives, Nancy Esposito. The club meets every Friday afternoon at 4.00 except when the members have to give up their time in order that council might decorate for a dance. Ths staff sponsors of the Badminton Club are Miss M. Pellow and Mr. W. H. Trotter. COUNCIL MEETS 7) 7 unit of St. Mark's Anglican Church located at the intersec- Bishop D tion of Stevenson road north and Beurling Ave. At left is a edicates New St. Mark's Recently, before a capacity congregation, the Right Rever- end G. B. Snell, Suffragan Bish- op of Toronto, dedicated the first unit of St. Mark's Anglican Church. The congregation included the architect, L. Simonson; the build- ing committee, R. Backus, J. Coles, F. Mason and R. Nichol son; the Church wardens, G. E. Simons and E. T. Dobney and A. Johansen, representing Jo- hansen aad Sons, general contrac- tors, as well as visiting clergy from Toronto and the surrounding district. The church choir from St. Col- umba's, Toronto, and many friends and visitors from other #|Oshawa churches also attended. The special speaker at the ser- vice was the Rev. W. J. Lennox, rector of The Church of St. Col- umba, Toronto. The first lesson was read by the Venerable W. J. Gilling, di- rector of Church Extension, Dio- cese of Toronto. The second les- slson was read by the Venerable H. D. Cleverdon, Archdeacon of Scarborough. Bishop Snell, after the dedica- [tion of the building and the many gifts and memorials, brought greetings to the congregation and its rector, Rev. J. N. Lothian, from the Right Reverend F. H. Wilkinson, Bishop of Toronto, and expressed the hope that the work of God would continue to grow in the parish. For his sermon Mr. Lennox took as his text part of verse 9, Chapter 2, 1st Peter: "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a pe- culiar people." "He stressed the fact that what had been done in St. Mark's so far was God's choice and that it was merely beginning. The building RALLY SPEAKER Rev. Charles Greenaway, a missionary to French West Africa, who will be one of the main speakers at the Eastern Ontario World Missions Con- vention of the Pentecostal As- semblies of Canada in King- ston next week. Rev. James Pierce, pastor of Simcoe Street Pentecostal Church, will be one of the delegates in attend- ance. of the year on Thursday evening. Again, this year Council is going to make up gift packages of food to be handed out before Christ- mas to the needy families of Osh- awa. One of the platforms, the Prefect Svstem, was discussed, and plans were made to start or- ganizing one at Central. On Wednesday afternoon the annual Football Assembly was held at Central. The program, for most of the time, was in the hands of W. D. Mecllveen. He explained some of the rules of the game, then introduced the Central Juniors. The 1 and all it contained, was nothing unless the people received the message from God and were able to act upon it. The rector, Rev. J. N. Lothian, welcomed the gathering and said what a happy occasion the dedi- cation was for him, He, too, expressed the hope that the people of St. Mark's par- ish. would continue to grow in grace, witnessing to the glory of God in this community. During the collection of the of- fertory the visiting choir from the Church of St. Columba, To- ronto, sang the anthem, *'Thine, |0 Lord, is the Greatness". The evening ended with a so- cial hour with members of the Woman's Auxiliary serving re- freshmen's to members of the congregation and friends. In the midst of a rapidly ex- panding srea, St. Mark's Angli- can Church extends a warm wel- come to one and all to come to worship at St. Mark's "The Friendly. Church", OF ST. MARKS ANGLICAN CHURCH picture of Rev. J. N. Lothian, rector of the church, --Oshawa Times Photos Hallowe'en Hop Success At Donevan By KATHRYN LEARMONTH The Hallowe'en Dance which was held Friday evening and sponsored by the Girls' Athletic Association of Donevan Colleg- fate Institute was a huge suc- cess. _ The Laurentians provided some live musical entertainment along with the ever-copular spot dances and elimination dances for which there were prizes. Cost umes were not compulsory but some came dressed as beatniks and played the part to a "I Goblins were admitted free, SKETCHING CLUB The Sketching club, which met on Thursday after school, has as its Mais Sscutives: Mike Nowac- zewskl, president; Dianne O) secretary-treasurer and Pani Goodwin, who is the representa. tive to council for the club, The volleyball tournaments are ADMITS CHARGE Robert W. Kennedy, Oshawa, was remanded for sentence in Oshawa Magistrate's court Fri- day when he pleaded guilty to not turning in receipts to his em- ployer when he made COD deliv- eries. He said he was going to pay the money back but never got any money ahead. under way and the competition is keen, STUDENT PARLIAMENT The members of the executive were inauguratea by the speaker, Glen Hickey, at the first meeting of council, The leaders of 'the opposition and the senate were Ahoy in. The officers of the Constitution EVERYONE WELCOME A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all residents of Oshawa and district to attend the opening of the Eastway 10-pin bowl today and Sunday. The new bowling alley is located on Kingston road east, at the town line, just two mmittee are Joy Cooper, prime minister; Marg Dominik, leader of the opposition; Bob Touch, head of the senate and Bob Cole- man, Five officers, including the treasurer of the party in power, make up the Ways and Means Committee. Five officers, includ- doors east of The House That Jack Built, ing the organizer of the party in power, make up the entertain. ment committee, $69,428 GIVEN The office of the Greater Osh- awa C itv Chest Friday afternoon that a total of $69428.85 had been contributed to will increase rapidly as the can- vassers turn in their reports. The list of donations to date follows: O'Keefe Brewing Co, Ltd. 1130.00 United Steelworkers 100.00 Houdaille Ind, Ltd. 3,000.00 J. H. Beaton 150.00 Fittings Ltd. Fittings Ltd. (employees) Lloyd 8. Collacutt Northern Canada Supply Ltd. (Kirkland Lake) Pedlar People Ltd. Margaret E Eyre * (Real Estate Board) Brewers' Warchousing Co, Ltd. Laura Secord Candy Shops Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Alger Alger Press Ltd., T. G. Gale Dolores Oke Ralph H. Vickery Henry Melich Stephen Macko Joseph Bosco Newt. Hodgson Art Weinberger 38 88 su8 8 date. It is anticipated the total o |Dr. Robert K. Miller First Report On Community Chest Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sprague Furey Burns M. W. Perkin Frank Burrows Ontario Steel Products employees ntario Steel Préducts A. Armstrong (Funeral Home) General Motors of Canads. Mr. R. 8. McLaughlin Get-Together Club Zella J. Richer Mrs. E. Kathleen Irwin Dr. B. A. Rrown Liquor Control Board Walmsley and Magill Dr. C. C. Gardner Canadian Acceptance Corp. Ukrainian Professicnal and Business Men's Club Dr. D. Manitius Z. T. Salmers B.A, a8 Arthur Joyne Fred C. Carswell T. K. Creighton (Barrister) C. M. Smith (Howe and Millen) H. F. Millen Don H. Howe Mrs. A. J. Brown (Howe and Millen) M. F. Swartz (Barrister) Buehler Bros. Ltd. Cherney Bros. Ltd. Spun 8S. D. Hyman Patrick O'Donnell Howard N. McCabe Eugene A. Patterson The Boy Scouts Assoc. Henderson Concrete Products Sklar Furniture Ltd. Duplate Canada Ltd. Sim sh North Oshawa Plumbing and Heating Cole of California Hambly's Beverages E. Hill (Tozer Electric) L. West (Tozer Electric) Fashion Village Robson Leather Co. Ltd. (Eclipse Real Estate) Imperial Bank of Can, Ontario Malleable Iron Co. Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore Wm. McFeeters (Schofield) Bank of Montreal Uriah Jones (Realtor) Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reeve Everett Elliott Bil] Batcliffe | oe » 233383833388 822823:23 S82. 150.00 10.00| 5.00 =%| 875.00 4.00 300.00 5.00 | 15.00 2.00| was thunderous but I can imagine what it would have been like if the assembly had been held after our game with Donevan Colleg- iate Institute. The cheer-leaders demonstrated a few of their loyd ( ) Jack Appleby (J. Bolahood) Anonymous Royal Bank of Canada Canadian Bank of Commerce Vigor Oil Co. Ltd. Empire Life Insurance Co. 25.00| Imperial Bank of Canada 175.00 London Life Insurance Co. 200.00 | cheers and then led the students in a few of the more familiar Council held its second meeting ones Industrial Acceptance Corp. Hall - Brooks Ltd, Beneficial Finance Co, 00 5. 23 5 Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Bartlett 10.00 The. Evelyn Shop 200.00 Evelyn Perrault 5.00 Mrs. Czerewaty 00(F. J. Donevan and Assoc. .00| South End Restaurant Rev. F. Kwiatkowski The Bank of Nova Scotia Mary C. Southey Ruddy Electric Wholesale Ltd. Ada L. Hutchison Oshawa Wood Products Miss M. F. McMahen Exuglsany. wpzBa.nzsf gpa. sB=888 58, sz.s 88833338833333588338 38388332338 3333333333 33% 3338 Beaton's Dairy Products Ltd, J. Lewis Deaton Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Beaton Beaton's Dairy (employees) Mrs. Eva Sloan (Evelyn Shop) Anne Gregg (Evelyn Shop) Lilian Rae (S, §. Kresges) Mrs. W. Down (S. S. Kresges) Mrs. Dorothy Head ( . J. Hopkins (M. L. Atkins) (M. L. Atkins) Mary Bonnetta (M. L. Atkins) Bf mr penn SEBE mene 2 83 8 8 8 8383 - (Evelyn Shop) 230.00 Helen M. Staples ar Sl 23383338383 83 Total Te Date

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