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The Oshawa Times, 3 Nov 1959, p. 12

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i ]2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tueedny, November 3, 1959 THE OSHAWA TIMES \JANT ADS Call the Direct . Classified Number RA 3-3492 { OFFICE HOURS 8AM.to5P. MONDAY to SATURDAY § TO 12 Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: Births, Memorioms, Cards of Thanks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS = 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 CLASSIFIED AD RATES % 8 i X. 2 } For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS Phone: RA 8-6211 -- RA 8-6212 24 King St. East, Oshawe (2 doors from Karn's Drug Store). FLORAL GIFTS Your New Neighborhood Florist Featuring distinctive gifts for every occasion, Phone MO 8-5672 131 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindliness beyond price, yet within reach of all. RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST 8--Building Trodes 13--Gardening & Supplies hi end Hen KA vii Gorin CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, like new, Why pay more? Our rates are Mattresses rebuilt, Ommaws on. Disk BA ww wien RA Pn bat, Barca R he Suan, Lid; plumbing, he heating 5 ig engineering, 255 COURTICE LANDSCAPING Weeds treated, field nursery sod, top soil, gravel, Com- plete service. Contract rates, Free Estimates ED. KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 19--Personal 24--Market Basket DRIVING to Kingston every |evening. Room for charge, Write Box 638, vam To es passengers. one 2 8:5823 after 6 p. if ane pannus Ro roy kas, Chl i RIDE Ny ving 8:20 a.m, , Eulalie trict, Phone after 5:30 p.m. RA 3.7773, INVESTIGA' of domestic, RA 85-0001, pr "ana "nduita work. ounaton cl 'ana "dunce work, nd concrete al | ys. contracts, Phone RA 5-697. MASTER FEEDS OSHAWA FLOOR, wall service, plastic, wall tiles, linoleum, i tile, Gr Greg Rivers, MO ELECTRICAL contractor -- i ostl- | mates, Call RA 5-1354, CHIMNEYS built or repaired, brick! and block work. Chimneys cleaned, COI fax 3.2002 or MA 3-5244 READY, eager Times readers n' walling? sho AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and laid. Top-soil. Phone-- PICKERING 889 - Evenings Ajox 431 ASPHALT SURFACES AND PAVEMENTS W. B. Bennett Paving Ltd. P.O. BOX 305 Accountants BOB CLANCY'S J. Accounting Services offer bovkeeping [services tor aman' b business, 184 Bond Strout West, Room 1. Office RA 5-0397; | Residence, 3.7608. RA 8-8132° PRE-CAST 8. T, re and Company, Certl- fied Public Accountants, 172 B1hg Servet East, Oshawa, Ontario, YALE, HUNTER auditors, Li- , 34 King Yale, CA; Ls CPA. FRIEDLANDER, » Accountants and censed Trustee in Bankru, Street East, Oshawa; B., F. F B. Comm WERGER, FRANKEL AND 00. countants and udiiom. »% Street East, RA 3.0221 MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Co., Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trustees, Mss. Oshawa, Buartords Hon. J. W. A: B. Mon elt -) Comm. CA; G. Xn Rien 3 i Trethewey, Lightfoot, CA; RA 53527, 135 Simeoe treet North, Oshawa. 2--Barristers CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and 'H, Barristers, MURDOC! , Solicitors, No- tary Public, Bank of re: Bag, » 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3. . K Creighton, ih N.C. Praser, GC 'ac; G K. ad CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS WALK SLABS PATIO SLABS STEPS & PORCHES WELL TILE CURBING BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. Phone OL 5-3311 Drynan, G. Murdoch, IN MEMORIAM , gages JOSEPH P MANGAN, QC, barrister, Solicitor, Money to loan, Office 14% King Street East, Oshawa, RA i RA 5-3405, EDWARDS ~-- In Co! loving memory of nnely, beloved wife of Ed. ward T. Edwards (Dick) and dear mother of Valerie and dear sister of and Ruby, who passed away | mber 2, 1958, ps a wife devoted As a mother affectionate As a friend, kind and true, ls Solleitors Roth, Money to loan. Asso ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry Block, 26% King Strogt Bast, RA 3-4697, |Residence, dial RA 3-4029. LYNN CONSTRUCTION Brick, block. stone, concrete work done, additions, gar- ages, all types of repair, one yRc: guarantee on workman ship and material. For the ber cali RA 3-2862. DONALD BLAKE 26% King Street East | , RA 55501; Resi LOCKWOOD ~-- In loving of @ dear husband and father, Delbert N, Lockwood, who passed away Novem. ber 3, 1956. Looking back with GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, risters, Solicitors and Notaries ube, $ King Street East, RA 5.4717, Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald, Upon the path you trod, We bless the years we had with you And leave the re eg 8 Gog Z, T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solicl- tor, etc. 13% Simcoe Street North, Office RA 53741; residence RA 5-5542. You left us But 2 Tett it 8 memory we're proud to eLovingly Pemembered by wife and family, CARD OF THANKS: BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici- tor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 59502. Resi. dence, RA 8-0264. McGIBBON and B W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY ONTARIO MO 8-2563 '-- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. P. O. BOX 329 Solicitors. Clients' funds firm mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street N. 53566, Charles C. McGibbon, GC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. HUMPHREYS ne Boyehvh Barris for MRS. Major Earl and family wish to express their deepest fom pprecia ation many messages Te eeived in their recen reavemen for | LLB, ters, 8 Qc; G. E, Bo iia BA; 1) A. Hillman, Street West. Phones: Office, 'aa 51177; Res. RA 5.4604 or Whitby MO 8-3761. Money to loan, The family of the late Mrs. Gardner (formerly Mrs. May Jay) wish to thank Hels many friends, rela- tives and neighbo: the | East. RA JOHN A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrister and Solicitor, 101 Simeos Street North. Phone RA 8-5811, JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solicl- tor and Ni Public, 18% King Street 32260. NHA and private mortgages arranged. \ SEER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- Stocks nurses an dstaff of Oshawa Gen. eral Hospital and Rev. Peter Trant of St. George's Church. MY family and I would like to thank everyone for their kindly understand. 2 My tvlends from Home and School, A. Tavell School; the staff and pu. pis of the E. A. Lovell School; Parks board employees; the kind friends of the TOPS; Those who loaned cars and neighbors for every help Sxended, We won't forget, ay God bless all of you. ~Mrs, McConnell and family, WE wish to aves, Tih Jamel hanks 0 our friends - | Solicitors, 130 8-6246. tors, etc., Dial RA J. M. Greer, 7% Simcoe Street South. 32278. Residence phones: BA, Sc, RA Cg B ily ence V, Kelly, PA, 'BCL, RA RALPH JONKS, BA, and as H. Greer, Associate Barristers and Street East, RA HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Concrete, cinder, Haydite blocks, CHIMNEY BLOCKS. 1089 Nelson St. Corer Wellington RA 3-4412 RA 5-7041 Custom Built Homes Additions, Alterations Rec-rooms, Kitchen Cupboards, Tile and Hardwood Floors HUGH .CROSBY BUILDER RA 5-3937 King Mortgage loans available. THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soll citor and Notary Public, 26% King Street East. Phone RA 1763. 4--Dentists DR. G. T. SCIUK. Office hours § to 8. shown in the loss of a beloved hus- band, father and grandfather, Jacob Poloz. A special thanks to Father J, & Pereyma, Armstrong Funeral Hom Oshawa Engineering and for all floral tributes, also to those who loaned cars. = The Family. to thank my BE Boy members of fire Ry Doctors Blair and Sturgis, of Oshawa General Hospital for 5 visits and acts of kindnesses during my recent stay In hospital, --leo Smith . Loss Leader Idea Opposed 5--Nursing Services ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licensed) KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple. (Men and Women), Nurses and dieticions in attendance, Troy service, radio, T.V., lounge. ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS 1194 KING ST. EAST Tile and Hardwood Laid Floors Sanded and Refinished Call RA 3-725] Don't hang up, let It ring. ASPHALT SURFACES AND PAVEMENTS W. B. Bennett Paving Ltd. P.O. BOX 305 RA 8-8132 . RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Oman. pry. the examination of eyes, conta . 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), appointment. RA 3.4191, pay OTTAWA (CP)--The Canadian inion Ba Association of Consumers has ex- pressed opposition to a govern- ment proposal that, the tion says, would give manufac-|o turers arbitrary i Kane power over re lers. The association referred in a letter Monday to Justice Minis- tr Fulton to one of a Professional Engin. eering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit by, MO 835081, Ajax 728. DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario laid Surveyor, Alice Street. RA of proposed amendments, to the Criminal Code and C In- 8-- Building Trades vestigation Act placed before Parliament last session but ithe drawn in the dying days of the session. The amendment would" have provided manufacturers with 8 Swe right to withhold products from retailers persistently using them | as loss leaders--below-cost bar- gains to attract customers into their stores. The letter sald this "would have loosened the existing law, thereby giving a manufacturer arbitrary power over the retailer without the need of establishing Frost Sf But veailars lt of Yom CALL Laurier MeKenna, RA 57804, painting and paper mation and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA 54241. J. Foley. TRADESMAN painter and Japerange requires your work. Interior or , 1960 wallpaper patterns -_ RA 8.0086, FINE C AMELS The best camels in Arabia are(®A bred in the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman in the southeast Arab-|ang ian peninsula. nt EE CARPENTER work, fra B. A. UPTON Interior and Exterior Painting and Decorating Wood Finishing--Roxatoning Phone RA 3-2977 DODD & SOUTER PAINT -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby HOME IMPROVEMENT ADDITIONS REMODELLING ALTERATIONS Residential, Commercial and Industrial. FREE ESTIMATES CORNISH CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 305 St. John St. West Whitby, Ont. MO 8.2860 -|11--Business Opportunities CARTAGE business for sale. For fur. ming, trim ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work aad repairs. work guaranteed. RA 33570. Al ther tnt CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-895] YOUR ONE STOP CENTRE FOR TOP QUALITY HOLLAND BULBS Tulips -- Hyacinths Crocuses -- Narcissus Peat Moss -- Bone Meal Lawn and Garden Fertilizers Lawn Seed Garden Tools 54 CHURCH ST. DIAL RA 3-2229 Free Customer Parking 14--Household Repairs ph divorce, matrimonial, | Confidential LAA LA - 36--Fomale Help Wanted |37. a iESel Snows, Bi Doe Nad Algoma 's Road, ne north of Taunton Road, WITH every problem HA tion, if your mental a depression, frustration, ule | 3 is the solut Institul tario Street, , shaw. phone RA 80171, Open to 10 p.m. $10 MONTHLY for reRadle dally to fo Simeos Hall Nursery. Cordova ares, ence FOUNDATION Sarmenss, fadividu lly designed. Mrs, unt Hendershot, 208 Park rion North, WANTED - Transportation from Avenue to Oshawa 7:30, a.m, RA 3-4366. Corser af ars and King, BE Apply Phone after & 3.00. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. 25---Pets and Livestock DEER hound, guaranteed. RA e308, hound pup, male, ready for hunting. BEAGLE seven months old, CHINCHILLAS for sale (registered stock), Phone 3.2203 after § p.m, 255 3.7, » RA B| 255¢ TWO - year - old black and ten (hound, excellent hunter. 1195 Wecker Drive, 255 ped esa |) A THREE Walker deer Bounds. Sveliable second week deer hunting, 254 | comr TWO registered (full grown) Dachshund Tot | Kennel dogs for sale, RA 8:1875. 254f BEAUTIFUL bi budgies, Jusdy for i ie Mrs, bathing, RA MAKE IT LITTLE BUCKAROO . Fi E prompt Call anytime, RA 8-0616, GRAVEL Also STONE All Sizes LOAM BE SATISFIED Dial RA 5-5279 BEVERWYCK GARDENS ON HIGHWAY 12 3 Miles North of Whitby IMPORTERS, GROWERS, WHOLESALERS JOHN COX, Prop. 600 MAPLE STREET, WHITBY MO 8-4184 IMPORTED DUTCH BULBS NURSERY STOCK, PEAT MOSS, FERTILIZER Open 7 days a week OSHAWA SOD SUPPLY No. 1 cultivated, field and nursery grown sod Fertilized, weed treated. 12 years experience. Special contract rates Free estimates. RA 8-8639 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tilling Top Soil - Sod - Manure Flagstone - Patio Slabs RA 2 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. GRAVEL--STONE TOP SOIL--SOD RA 3-3528 FALL BULBS TULIPS, DAFFODILS, HYACINTH, CROCUS, ETC. OVER 100 VARIETIES ALL TOP SIZES Let our 20 years' experience help you to make the best choice. A.W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING ST. E. PHONE RA 5-1764 at Modern Upholstering, Street North, estimate, ready for spring planting and seed) Call RA 5-8985, ng: CALL Joe, painting and handym A I BDCY HMM sei---- FURNITURE repaired and re-uphol- stered, See our materials for re-cover- ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street, YOUR local chimney cleaner, Chim- neys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free es timates, RA 3-207, CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, like new Why pay more? r rates are reasonable, Y satisfac guar. anteed, Mattresses Jebuhit, Oshawa Upholstery Co,, 10 nd Street West, Dial RA 5.0311, recovered 2544 CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- |covered like new, Get the best for less 926% Simcoe Call RA 86451 for a free GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled. Made RA Li Pad carpentry, RANCH FOR YOUR NEXT SOCIAL EVENT NOW BOOKING CHRISTMAS PARTIES FULL COURSE Turkey Dinner -- $2.00 Chicken Dinner -- $2.50 Smorgabords -- $2.50 Barbecue Steaks -- $3.00 Includes hall rental, Hi-Fi music for dinner, and don- "RESERVE NOW DIAL RA 5-2737 FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M. Muckie Co. Ltd. RA 5-5954 Cleanout Service-- $7 labor plus, parts 20---Cartage MOVING ~~ evenings and bo a small truck, Phone White. Me MO | Efficient workmanship, modern refriger. BOARDING, trimming, de- |fleaing. 56321, LADIES Home sewers, with electric machines, experienced In dolls cloth 26--Farmer's Column CUSTOM slaughtering "of livestock. RA 8-8208 253f SALESMEN New man Juoramesd $50,00 first day out with our quality leads that are definitely set appointments, BULLETIN We prefer men with no vious soles experience! 1 How ever we will accept those who have sold for twelve months or less! ation, fully by I of Health, Jack Wilson, Butcher, Whit- y. Phone MO 8.3660; evenings MO 83715 2521 GOOD rotten manure for sale, $6 per load delivered, RA 52705 after 4 p ha WANTED ~- horse and cow manure, RA 51721, DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, 27 Fuel Wood FOR SALE -- number one hardwood in stove wood lengths, RA 5-8552. FOR BALE--Wood and coal, soft slabs, pad slabs and body wood. Dial RA 28--Summer Resorts ENJOY fall fishing at beautiful Cole's Point Resort, where the Crowe and Trent rivers meet, eusoitepiog cot Sate, Woskend rates. Phone Campbell 28a-- Trailers MILLER trailer heating and accesso- ries, on service; Coleman Inter. |national, ete.; L. B tanks and lamps; |Alumaseal top dressing, a drums and stand; H.P, water hose, etc. Ajax 657, 28b--Hunting LOCKWOOD Moving and 8 sonable rates, fully insured, GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli ance moving, Reasonable Thisw, ly insured. Call day or night, ROY LOVELESS eat ns insured. age, rea. #-2831, 15--Instruction HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland, Register now. 424 King West, RA 5-6122. reasonable rates, fully 8-8515, ROY LOVELESS apartment mx [Caron ie etn, fly amare. Rk PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 15 years' experience, A onl; v.|21--Personal Service ' Call RA 5-1054, LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Educa: tor, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre. school acrobatic, character. Friday, Saturday, Masonic Temple, RA 3.7253, CARL'S toggery Rich. %.129--Summer Properties DEER hunters - established camp, Haliburton, excellent meals, accommo- dation, guides, dogs, November 7 on Geo, Bartley, RO 2-8086, Toronto 253{ $100 MONTHLY Reliable girl for domestic position, live in, private room. Write-- BOX 734 OSHAWA TIMES COLLECTION CLERK If you have a good knowledge and some experience of col- lecting accounts, you may be the person we're looking for, Good salary, fringe benefits, WRITE BOX 739 Oshawa Times 256¢ Once employed you will enter the Elna Sales School of Cane ada for complete technical ond soles training. Provided you pass our strict you will i salary and commission with a bonus for performance and a bonus for sales quota set monthly, Car is necessary, For Oshawa District only, Call Collect; Mr. Fenton, Toronto, WA 4.7751 ELNA SEWING MACHINES OF CANADA LTD. 256¢ 41--Room and Board So 37--Male Help Wanted ROOM with or without EXPERIENCED tinsmith, must be first class layout man, all round sheet maa a Steady employment. For Sale or Wanted SUMMER store or snack bar with gas pumps, all year living quarters, on new paved throug Fake 8. Small down Leo Pew, Hl 3.8770, aterford, Ontario. Phone rooms 'with Tning water, Church Street, ot BOON and board ROOK na by for one gentiomuy MUSICIAN required Immediaaly, ane base fiddle player, or Satie guitar player, for Western § Band, Neat appearance, energetic. 37077 or RA 5-1668. 2520 TOLONIAL Samim Industries Ltd, ree ence not lig full i 'Sup vehicle. 8-4891 for | 4 plied. Must have interview. 10 mond East, makes money for you by selling your 30--Lost and Found PRINTER . ~ Heldelberg pressman wi or clothes, if in good repair and cleaned, LEARN TO DRIVE~ ot the Oshawa Driving School Day and evening lessons Automatic and Standard DUAL CONTROLLED CARS Test arranged RA 8-0091 DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! DO IT NOW! Learn to play the guital Special 10-week course, $ per lesson. Classes of two or four--Bring your friends. Professional tuition, Any style, For appointment call ALTO MUSIC -- RA 5-1501 IMPORTANT, be up fo date now. Bring your bookkeeping and income tax problems to Carl's, 10 Richmond East. RA 81717, __3s6t works, 3.7009, LONDON Tailors -- suits made to measure for ladies and gentlemen, al- terations from double - breasted single. RA 8.5531, DRESSMAKING, ladies' and 4 Harmony Heights. Call RA 2564 256f (male), last Saturday; South-West dis. 5126. 256 | LOST -- Lady's glasses, black-rimmed, FOUND «= black and white pup (fe. trict, Phone RA 8. FOUND -- Black and white pup (fe- East area, three-month-old Beagle, fe- male, black and white, If seen or r|found, phone RA 81410. Little aa misses her Puppy. | APPLE pickers Sr 900. young man ting exparionte. Wy Simcoe South, §-2008. an_hour, Ontario Orchards, on Highway No. 2, between Port Hope and Cobourg. 255b SALESMAN, for Oshawa's busiest real) estate firm, Experience YUkon fic 8 7 Port rt Perry LOST tan re hound, App) Wastay Coates, . Reward, 256¢ in black and pink case, Reward. Phone A 80707, 2564 wear, gowns a specialty, RA 8-5508. DRESSMAKING of All kinds, Special Laine in children's clothing. Reasonable. 585 King Street West. RA 5.6192, SEWING machine repair and service to all makes. Elna. RA 5.2501. REVERSIBLE Jhints, expertly shorten. ed, Phone RA 5-1777. LOST -- Black wallet, Sloss 30.1 to Ritson on Athol East. Reward, RA . 254c 31--Articles For Rent OSHAWA'S most complete rental ser- vice, Give us a call, We rent and sharpen (almost) everything, Stan's Sharpening and Rental Service. Corner King and Burke Sts, RA 3.3224. CHILD care, $2 per day, personal pi up and delivery, large yard away fon Wn streets, constant supervision. RA 13 16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, § Save up to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For Pogaosiat | service at your home, call 22--Radio & TV Repairs TELEVISION, radio lo {ube Do-it-Your. self free tester. Fred rive-In, King Street West, Vigor Oil Station, Town Line East, Supplied by Dean Kelly TV, 81 King West, Open daily, 13 midnight i7--Money to Loan CLIENT'S 'money to loan on first mort. gage, Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased, NHA mortgages arranged. Cralghton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- och, CLIENTS' monies for first and Sundays. DAY OR NGHT -- Prompt TV serv. ice. Phone RA 85286, Oshawa Elec: tronics Re SPECIALIZED radio and television service, All makes, Fred Thompson, 157g Elliott Street. Call RA 3.9792. and second mortgages, Mortgages and agreements of sale purchased. Apply M. BE. Swartz, Barrister and Notary Public, 26% King East, Oshawa. RA 3.4697. 8 ™ Fear "ul woliad, Al lle) aerials , all wol © Fron 820.951 easy terms. Kelly TV, R ain FIRST and second mortgage sale agreements purchased and sold, Hen. nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East, RA 3.7232, FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES ..\«d AGREEMENTS OF SALE $1,800.00 to $100,000.00 Home owners, residential property, summer cottages, suburban homes, factories, and acreage, Quotations by phone or mail, Prompt, ser vice. Oshawa Acceptance Corp. Ltd, 112 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Days: RA 5.3568. Nights: RA 5-1386 or RA 3.9484, 18a--Mortgages WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on first and second mortgages and pur. chase of agreements of sale, 8. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh. awa. 3-443. 19--Personal HOLLAND BULBS i TULIPS HYACINTH DAFFODILS NARCISSUS CROCUS DUTCH IRIS SCILLA SNOWDROPS GARDEN SUPPLIES COOPER SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST. call MO 38-3173 Whitby, sul RA 3-2312 | vidually Bishi interested in Selecting $400 ANTENNAS INSTALLED REPAIRED MOVED TOWERS LEN & LOU'S T.V. RA 5-7844 For quality factory ap- proved appliances, television and aerial service, call any firm listed below: TV's--HI-FI--AERIALS Associated Services A 3-3427 Dean Kelly Enterprises 5-5121 Fowle: T.V, RA 5-1685 Parkway TV. RA 3-3043 Pollard Rudic RA 3.9512 Premier T.V. RA 5-1179 lots. Please call MArket 3.2383, 253¢ SPENCER foundation garments--indi- designed, Regisicred Corsetier. Irene Hendershot, ark Road Mrs. North, HWAND-MADE hair pin lace Sustieas, Mary Maxims sweaters. bath Hg nade of May Maxim wr Made ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair. Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa Nev, 10th, 11th, Phone Genosha Hotel on T.V. Enterprises RA 5-2905 APPLIANCE SERVICE Chiistie Appliance Service A 5-1179 ok | ELNA rentals. / RA 5.2501, stitch and xig-zag. Straight USED SEWING MACHINES Portable -- Consoles Guaranteed by = SINGER SEWING CENTER RA 5.544316 Ontario St.St, 32--Articles Wanted SPECIALIZED Slo and television All Fred mpson, FH Elliott § Mivy "Can R RA 3.9792, PIANOS -- Upright or apartment Size. 00 |Will pay cash. State make and price. Write Box 648 only Times. NEW HONEY, Pails returned is money earned, Save up to 7¢. per pound. Roy P. Anderson, 268 Ritson Road North SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday oll : day. Phone. RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E.' WANTED SCRAP IRON. POULTRY ND FEATHER TICKS Y. TURNER RA 3-3374 RA 3-2043 (collect) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD. IRON---METALS PAPERS--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 Phone Mr. view at Lloyd YOUNG MAN 18-20 years of age. Grade 11 education or Mol required JUNIOR CLERK Office duties with local firm, APPLY BOX NO. 736 OSHAWA TIMES CONSUMER'S GAS CO. has a vacancy for ar experienced SALES PROMOTION MAN or Printers, 133/50 255¢ A ase| home for Iadies gentlemen, nd. Huron Street, Oshaw ROOM _ and board in privi |five-day week. Phone RA i Fbluelnatle {BOOM and board for ladies or [hospital and bus stop, Apply 20 Avenue, £ slf HEH for gentleman, South cooked meals, privileges, elena scoommodation. Aas STey ROOM and board One one to Khon RA ES Five minutes 8. ROOM and board for ost to downtown and GM. RA Fark Hoad North. 44--For Rent I TE ror a Sink, use r} washing machine. Phone RA 3-4153. ECOND floor, four-room unfurnished Apariment, Child Child welcome. Phone RA Fo 2560 room house and bath, Apply 308 308 Mitchel filiongd TWO furnished bedrooms for rent, a] and $8 per week, breakfast if desired, RA 8.0848. 288 STORAGE Paes, 30 a . suitable for repair shop. room, Toh Simos South, RA 8-1901, 23/4 SMALL house, mo furnace. Available now, RA 3-3123, 2548 FURNISHED Tou with kitchen, will C lal Customers and promote fur- ther sales of Natural Gas in this field. contact vate HA 2538 3-9225, ED iw broom, i) A » stove, refrigerator, was! 5. ase 96 Centre Presentable, late model car. Good salary and all employee benefits. Written applications only will be considered. Particulars to CONSUMER'S GAS CO. 48 SIMCOE ST. §. SEABOARD FINANCE CO. OF CANADA has immediate openings, for experienced FINANCE MAN Rapid expansion makes these ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avall- able in private home. 82 Park Road arth 5 - 7 pm RA » bedroom bungalow. Phone 37408 after § pm. RA 37244. LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S FIRST RENTAL AGENCY Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, 01 Simcoe St. North RA 8.5123 career openings. Good start- ing salary, profit sharing, pension plan. All employes: benefits. For confidential in- terviews, PHONE RA 8-6283 256¢ SCHOFIELD Insurance Assoc. Ltd. RENTAL SERVICE Why worry, we will rent your property, to reliable tenants, We have a waiting list, Call today-- DAYTIME----RA 3.2265 100 ANNIS STREET Ladwick Electric (Tozer) RA 5 369 5.7743 Warner Williams Service Centre RA 5-3531 Members of Service Opera- tors Associotion in co.opera- tion with the Oshawa Cham- be of Commerce. 23--Women's Column Sta" Renair Centre these dates for PP INVESTIGATOR: SPECIAL! Heat . TRONING -- Free plek wp "and -deliv- 35-3967. 281 35--Employment Wanted 38--Male or Female Help Wanted \ 38--Male or Female Help Wented CLEANING woman desires moderate part-time housework. RA 58735. 2%6a MAN requires work. Wells witched and dug or id cther odd dos. RA 3.9984 after § 26a oA oi couple, desire work on a farm; eight year's experience, Phone RA 8-1802. 256¢ ery. RA LADY desires work | ay the day. Phone 50820 after 4 $6.50 cold wave, $6.00. Shee Hairdressing, 396 Pine Avenue. RA 5.5363, 36--Female Help Womed All types of investigations. Confidential Investigation Bureau RA 8.0891 24--Market Basket. LADY, 235 or over, for full or time work. For appointment for ior APPLES -- Pick your own, tainers, spys $1 per bushel, Baldwins S0c. Cider ia 2c. Apply Wiliam Sack, Thornton Road South, first drive. way of sub-station. 3511 | Street con. | mation, phone RA 3.445! SALESLADIES «-- must . fully exper enced and ealifed, in treme and coal person, coo Sreet south" © 256 POSITIONS. AVAILABLE Our client, a young Oshawa Industrial Firm with growth potential, has the (a) Accountant -- Office accounting necessary, irable irable. 135 SIMCOE ST. Manager, knowledge of costing experince des- (b) Clerk-typist, knowledge of book-keeping des- MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL & CO., CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS N., OSHAWA 284e

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