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The Oshawa Times, 3 Nov 1959, p. 14

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National Unity|STAY ALIVE LONGER! wine Sevigny Clune Proteins Are Your Key To Success TORONTO (CP)--Canada' has realized KORDEL 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussday, November 3, 1959 50--Articles For Sale |S0--Articles For Sale MIXED sizes, dresses, formals, skirts, PHILLIPS - Rogers 1960 TV, Stereo and oats, Muliz. Size 10 lower gul dresses. [HII 1ecoed players, taps recorflecs Terrific Man's 44 Mary, etc. Easy terms. Kelly TV. 81 belgs, and brows Hing West : Rs tls, Baas 2% SALE! SALE! SALE! "HURRY! HURRY! Selling out our children's wear below KIDDY CITY basin, $3; bathtub, $15; Ea {burner $25; bunk beds, $20. RA $4573. trie 47--Automobiles for Sale 47--Autombiles For Sale SMART PEOPLE TRY THE REST, THEN BUY "HILLMAN", . IT'S THE BEST! ~-- BETTER THAN 35 MILES PER GALLON -- BETTER THAN 80 MILES PER HOUR UP TO 50,000 MILES ON TIRES GAS AT THE BACK, NOT IN YOUR LAP FULL LEG, HIP AND HEAD ROOM -- ALL WELD SAFETY CONSTRUCTION BALL JOINT PLUS TORSION BAR KING SIZE HYDRAULIC BRAKES STANDARD GEAR SHIFT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION AVAILABLE AT EXTRA COST -- ALL PARTS CARRIED IN STOCK -- HEATER, SIGNALS, OIL FILTER, TWO-TONE -- DELUXE FOUR DOOR SEDAN $1945 COMPLETE - $345 DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY SOLD AND SERVICED BY 'Wellman Motors SINCE 1950 NONQUON ROAD -- RA 5-7981 OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. HEAVY duty four-burner stove. Apply 165 Verdun Road. 2561 USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543. CUSTOM BUILT New Unitus, or and old. The best and lowest prices in town. By no. | expert in this trade. GIMPEL® CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY COMPANY 301 ELGIN ST. W. OSHAWA FOR FREE ESTIMATES Call RA 5-4170 TITLES ACT, 1958 52--Legal Notices THE CERTIFICATION OF NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ROSSLYNN ESTATES LIMITED has made an appli- cation for a Certificate of Title of certain land in the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario and des- cribed as follows: Part of Lot 4 according to a Plan of part of lots 12, 13 and 14 in the 3rd Concession of the Township of East Whitby, now in the said City, regis- tered in the Registry Office of said County of Ontario and known as Gamble's Plan, the boundaries of said parcel be- ing described as follows: PREMISING that the souther- ly limit of Lot 4 has a bear- ing of north 72 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds east and relating all bearings herein ereto; COMMENCING at a point In the southerly limit of sgid Lot 4 said point being the south westerly angle of the 10 foot widening as shown on registered Plan No. 670 being also 647 feet 615 inches measured easterly along said southerly limit from the south westerly angle of said Lot 4. Thence south 72 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds west along said southerly limit 522 feet 612 inches more or less to a square iron bar planted said square iron bar being 125 feet measured easterly along said southerly limit from the south westerly angle of said Lot 4; Thence north westerly along a curve to the right having a- radius of 200 feet an arc distance of 183 feet 2 inches more or less to a square iron bar marking the intersection of said curve with the west- erly limit of said lot at a point 125 feet measured northerly along said westerly limit from the south westerly angle of said lot; Thence north 17 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds west 4 teem Mr. Sevigny addressed a meet-| ing of the Young Progressive) Conservative Association of On- He also said it' was "only a IMUSKRAT jacket, size 13, in RA 5-8375. NOTICE CUSTOM STEEL For all types of welding and repair, wishes to. advise their many customers that winter rates are now in effect and that we have machines avail- able to handle all jobs, whe- ther on location or in our Call RA 8-6751 Ask for Mr. Reid now, for prompt and dependable ser- vice. 1290 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA All Workmanship Guaranteed 25 LLOYD aby riage, dn gvod eoldi 8, Hemmed dacron curtans, ceiling to floor, enough to cover window 5% Als 1. Prviis. 'BA SID, FILTER Queen vacuum cleaner, Gen- eral Electric floor polisher, one double 18 CU FT. Upright Kelvinator freezer, will accept plano as part payment. Phone RA 35-6160. . 2516 DROP in and see the famous German 1960 Stereo Hi-Fi sets. The best deals in Merchant, 171 see a soaring national economy, a ratio of employment un- paralleled in peace time and the fame of Canada spreading throughout the world," The political across the, country was tc the Conserva- tives. Premier Frost said the Young PCs must furnish the strength, ideas and leadership of the party in the years to come, of Mr. Frost told the delegates to become acquainted' with the|"And me trying to exist on vege- "thinking of people on the grass|tables!" &¢(T00ts level. On the streets and| 'Vegetables," I said, "fill a |concession lines are where you|definite need in your diet as get the desires of the people." [sources of vitamins, minerals and He said party policy is evolved regulatory substances which you from these desires. must have, It's simply foolhardy The young PCs approved alto try to exist on vegetables a- resolution calling for a relaxa-|lone. You must have protein to tion of liquor Jaws in Ontario, live--and to make life. Protein Among other things, the resolu-|is your key to success both in tion" said hotels should be able|living and in loving. It's the es- to sell Jiguor to guests in their|sential ingredient that makes you -- -- -- LELORD KORDEL better the quality of its repairs. Severe cases of protein hunger result in edema, or water-logging of the tissues. Proteins build le tissue. They also make) up the materials used by the en- docrine glands in the manufac- ture of hormones. Hormones are secreted by these glands. These hormones are chemical messen- gers which control your internal activities--and even your person- alities, . The hemoglobin of the blood, the red coloring matter of the red corpuscles, is largely protein, Sufficient proteins have to be |present in the blood for it to clot re. Protein is tial for the] "Well," said Dave, "I didn't growth of antibodies In the blood|kDOW anything about protein. --our def inst bacteria| Now it looks as though I was and "toxins. [pretty confused about vitamins, "The National Research Coun.|00- cil says that children must get 100 grams of protein a day," I told Dave, "and adults 70 grams, if they're not to suffer from some kind of deficiency disease. But in your case, since you've been deprived of complete on your vegetable diet, I recom- mend at least 100 grams a day." 'How -can I know," asked Dave 'the amount of protein I'm get- ting in the food I eat, that it adds LARGE 5%-gallon aquarium, $4.98, Complete line of pet supplies. Budgies, canaries, hamsters and turtles. Whit- by and Oshawa's largest assortment of tropical fish. Thursday and Friday untii 9 pm. Sportsman Corner, 105 Byron Street South, Whitby. ORDERS taken for storm sashes, mea- surements and estimates free, Terms. RA 3-4989. SEE the spectacular new Buccaneers! 3 to 35 hp with two starting models Come in and cl yours now. Trade and terms. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon at Verdun Road WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furni- ture Store, RA 33271, 444 Simcoe th, g clinics the vitamin story is so well known that people under medical no longer sicken and die because of a lack of them, But how well does the average man know the vitamin story? Not nearly well enough. "Vitamins," I told Dave, 'are accessory food substances. They 're Bagessany for the metabol-. ism of food and for the perform ance of important body functions. But they aren't of value unless S2--Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF the Change of Name Act, R.S.0. 1950, Chapter 47, and amendments thereto; -AND IN THE MATTER OF the change of name of JOHN MOROZ; APPOINTMENT | HEREBY APPOINT Fri- day, the 27th day of Novem- ber, 1959, at my Chambers in the Courthouse at the Town of Whitby, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon to hear the Appli- cation of JOHN MOROZ, re- siding at 263 Nassau Street, in the City of Oshawa, to change his nome to JOHN METROPOLYT pursuant to the provisions of the Change of Name Act, R.S.0. 1950, Chapter 47. J. deN. Kennedy, Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario,' all makes, 90-day free Irvine Appl ELECTRIC refrigerators, completely reconditioned. warranty, from $69.50. ances, 50 Bond East. ONE, five piese kitchen set, green arborite table, modern yellow plastic chairs, chrome legs, very reasonable. RA 59510. 253¢ ED WILSON sez: Complete three rooms of furniture for only $325. This ensemble includes a daveno and chair, two end tables, two table lamps and shades, two mats, one smoker, one magazine rack, four pictures, at $149.95 plus a bedroom suite including a large , chest and bed, spring filled mattress, ribbon spring, two boudoir lamps and shades and three pictures at $139.95 plus a chrome arborite table and four matching chairs, starter 20- piece set of dinnerware at $39.95. You get all fifty-three pieces at one low price, $325. ilson's Furniture, Church Street. UNPAINTED furniture at tremendous savings: Desks, $14; bookcases, $3.99; chests of drawers, $17. Wilson Furni- ture, 20 Church Street. 25! WA of odds and .|ends: Davenport sets, $99; wall to wall floor coverings, 25c per foot; rocker chairs, $16; bedroom sets (bed, dresser and chest) $88; spring filled mattress SKATES, new and used, largest selec-les $18. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church tion in town, most reasonable prices. Street. 252¢ Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street Jy yarn windows, doors, railings. ast. Average window $19.95 complete. Call RA 5-7405. LARGE selection of re-conditioned TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- ;[coe Street North. PRUNED Scotch Pine Christmas trees. 5 feet in height. David Archer, Burke- ton, RR 3, Blackstock 82R13, .|NEW stereo equipped portable record player, five years warranty on changer mechanism. $39.95 and up. Du Merchant, 171 Bond Street East. FINEST stero and monoraul tape re- corders for the lowest prices. Th Tor Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond Street East. rifles 313 Olive| USED television sets, 17" and 21", com- 251f | pletely reconditioned. Free 90-day war on labor and parts. Irvine Ap pliances, 50 Bond East. 256c 48--Automobiles Wanted CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W. 49--Automobile Repairs 1271 SIMCOE NORTH Specialists in Ford Service and parts Wheel alignment, wheel balance with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment. BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. PHONE RA 3-4675 50--Articles For Sale AWNINGS, plain, colors, or gay stripes, prompt service. Free esti. mates Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. SKATE exchange, best deals, Tay us and see. Expert skate sharpening Complete assortment of hockey equip- ment. Thursday and Friday until 50--Articles For Sale CHRISTMAS trees, beautiful Scotch Pine, pruned from 5 to 9 ft. about 6000 in all. Phone Whitby, MO 8-369. Nov. 3 ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS . "A lot of people are," I sald. "And much of that confusion is \caused by failure to understand the basic nature of vitamins as essential 'Juirieuts, X vitamins not produce energy or body tissues. However, you can't manufacture either energy or tissue in your body without them. They are the catalysts which ch the foods you eat into the materials to sustain your body." "And right now," commented Dave, "my body could sure use some sustaining." . "You should take a reliable iain jy ilieral oo said. "If we could get our foods fresh daily from a farm where they were grown in good, miner- al-rich soil, we could rely om them for all our vitamin require- ments. But most food suffers losses of important dietary es- sentialy Jwovgh premature har vesting, long storage, processing, kitchen preparation and EE ng." ay 1 should eat lots of pro- ," said ave, "es) meat. And take a iy Mt ig of te, lo EPEC, ve ka tor" 12.45, 2.55, 5.10, 7.25, 9.45 "That's lke asking" T said WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard- ware, 8 Church. RA 3.7624. FRIGIDAIRE, 15 cu, ft. freezers, regu- lar $443.95; sale $299 in sarin. Up- right freezers, 13 cu. ft, y $279. $200 free five-year food warranty. Kelly TV, 81 King West. KELLY TV, authorized dealer, Thor dryers, or wring- er, Low overhead means lowest prices. Kelly TV. FRIGIDAIRE washer, built-ins, Other officers include: Vice-presidents--Helen Kessel- ring, Kitchener; Mac Sprowl, Ac- ton; Del Glazier, Port Arthur; and Mary Gauthier, Sudbury; treasurer--Bob Riley, Welland. Farmers Hit Loss Leaders TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Federation of Agriculture de- cided Monday to ask the provin- cial government for legislation barring the use by retailers of agricultural products as loss leaders, Loss leader products are sold by retailers at less than cost to attract customers to buy other passes and lines, do away with three smoky railyards, and clear the way for other features of the program, The plan, which is costing Canadian taxpayers upwards of $300,000,000, was formally started in 1926 and was to be completed by 1976. ° THEATRE GUIDE Brock (Whitby) -- "High School Confidential" 7 and 10 p.m. "She Played With Fire" 8.20 p.m. Last complete show 8.20 p.m. dryers, TV towers, all welded, rust proof, no rivets, special $49.95. Low means lowest prices. Kelly TV. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TAKE NOTICE that the On- tario Municipal Board has ap- proved the closing of the roads intersecting the Con- trolled Access Highway num- ber 401 in the Township of Whitby, in the City of Whitby and in the City of Oshawa on the application of the Mine ister of Highways at a Public Hearing on April 13, 1959 ot Oshawa. for sale; wood for sale; also . Call after 4 pm. 1192 Cedar iid vin advertising of de a doer, a creator and @ man!" era| inl) ges THE ROLE OF PROTEIN The Ontario Progressive Con.| The word "protein" was coined servative Association was to[In 1828 from the Greek. it meet here today in the wake of 3 sume first. is Sibsiane the Young PCs convention. and the x ni # : the - y's ¢ that we must our bodies protein first, last and Trimble Elected [or bx On - YP Unlike fat, protein cannot be By taro CA Stored dn the body. All the pro- TORONTO (CP)--John Trimble|te! t your body can get is| of Hamilton was re-elected presi-|used for its work twenty-four dent of the Young Progressive hours a day. The body needs pro- Conservative Association of On-|tein Foustauly as a Jissue bola. two « er. more protein you give jae lor & 'second Wo » Yeap your body to work with, the Rail Changes OTTAWA (CP) -- The national capital plan for beautification of Ottawa comes into full bloom with announcement Monday of details of a $25,000,000 program for railway relocation. During the next five years the city is to be virtually cleared of unsightly train tracks. Union Station, which for de- cades has looked across traffic- jammed Confederation Square at Parliament Hill, is to come down. The old stone building is to be replaced by a modern structure two miles to the south. 3083 AND 30.08 customized sale. Modern Sheet Metal, Pine Christmas trees. ty delivered or in p Ay p.m. Last complete show at 9 p.m. Sportsman Corner, 105 Byron Street South, Whitby. FRONT axle, tires, springs and shocks, for trailer, $15. Cab for "47 Studebaker truck, complete like new; also other parts. Some parts for '49 Ford. Make offer. Dial MO 8-4500. 255¢ Fowler INFANTS' bed, commode chair, electric hot water heater, lady's bicycle, all quanti ¥ gg Farms, 306 King West. CHRISTMAS trees, choice Scotch pine. 5-1 lots at de- or livered. Order early fer selection. RA 5-4010. RA blue snowsuit, baby's car USED parts and repairs for all makes of ringer type washers, % HP motors condi- good RA 56473. 255f CHEAP! For best results at lowest cost, order your Oshawa Times Classi- fled Ad on the 6-day plan. CRIB and mattress, spread, baby blan- BLACK fur jacket, also kets, tidy seat, car seat, safety gate, ha lined, size 16-18. Both in ex cellent condition. Cheap. RA 3-3979. diaper pail, new silverware, cups and saucers. RA 5-3338. 2556 tion. Baby $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hampton. CO 3-2241. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. USED TV's, washers, dryers, ranges, serials, Kelly TV. West , frigs., King PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, all clors. Guaranteed, flat gloss. Osh- awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street, RA 3-7624. HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131, AIR compressors "Brunner," § HP, Mod. H31, also 1 HP, Mod H3, sacri fice for half price. T hi 0 ice. RA 8-1081 anytime. KELLY TV, your authorized Con- sumers Gas appliance dealer, ranges, dryers, space heaters, furnaces, ete, No money down, pay on your gas bill. Free service, lowest prices. Kelly TV. TV towers, all welded, rust proof, nol rivets, special $49.95. Low overhead means lowest prices. Kelly TV. SPECIAL discounts 25 per cent off to builders, apartment or home owners on FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 o week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer. No down payment. For appointment (no obliga- tion)- ---phone RA 5.3709. electric, range from % to 2-inch, for all threads, with complete, set of dies, $175. Degreasing tank, large, with au- tomatic heaters, $125. Portable air compressors, piston type. two cylin ders, gasoline engine 8 HP, like new, $60. Jointer 8-inch, 2 HP, new. Apply 597 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. RA 59216. 4 PC CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $26.66. This includes full size crib, spring, mattress and bumper pads. Unbe Hevable value: Barons' Home Furn- ishings, 424 Simcoe St. 8. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- TV's, pianos, built-in electric or gas ovens, and cook- ing s, etc. Kelly Appliances, 81 King Street West, Oshawa. STEREO-Hi-fi automatic record play- ers, $99 up. Low overhead means low- est prices. $2 weekly. Kelly TV, 81 King West. LES EVENISS SALES LTD. ALUMINUM AWNINGS FALL SALE We don't promise any bonus, we promise only number one self-storing aluminum doors installed, guaranteed, * only $44.95. Aluminum double- hung storm windows. Only $18.50 installed. Now try the best in town, Call us for quick service. RA 3-9851 Alex Vojda, 481 Drew St. stoves, etc. For top cash' offer, con- tact 19 Prince Street. Phono RA 8-1131. DOORS, WINDOWS, SCREENS HOLLAND CLEARANCE SALE FANTASTIC REDUCTIONS BOATS MOTORS TRAILERS WEYMOUTH CRUISERS MARINE SUPPLIES PAINTS CHAIN SAWS GUNS And AMMUNITION etc. Hurry! Don't miss this sale. Tw. wecks only. starting Oc tober 23, AJAX MARINE No. 2 Highway at Ajax AJAX. 1266 GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms, Open evenings and weekends, MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, PH: OL 5-3641 1960 T.V.'s ARE NOW IN STOCK SEE THEM SOON AT PARKWAY TELEVISION CUSTOM FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES 15 PRINCE STREET RA 5-4632 BOAT STORAGE UNDER COVER Guaranteed Service on all Makes of Outboard Motors PHONE OL 5-3641 MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT. BULBS Buy top size. Growers of quclity bulbs and nursery stock for three generations. VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 MILES EAST OF OSHAWA NO. 2 HWY. MA 3-5757 ONE FREE SELF-STORING STORM WINDOW TO EVERYONE Who buys a self-stor- ing storm door this month. 253f WHY RUN AROUND HOLODY SALES SELLS THEM ALL ALUMINUM DOOR, WIN- DOWS AWNINGS, - PORCH RAILINGS. INSULATED SIDING. ALUMINUM AND STONE Nothing Down Easy Terms 30 GRENFELL STREET Two Streets East of Shopping Centre RA 5-243] OPEN HOUSE Drop in or make an appoint- ment for after hours to see-- THE NEW 1960 GERMAN STEREO HI-FI SETS Sit down and enjoy the su- perb sound of those pieces of crafstmanship and style -- refreshments will be served. THE DUTCH MERCHANT 171 Bond St. East We make this offer to illus- trate our confidence in our wonderful products, SAVE OVER $20.00 BY CALLING COLONIAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS 134 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 8.8571 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and C 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-5332 RA 8-605] along the westerly limit - of said lot 176 feet 62 inches to a square iron bar; Thence north 73 degrees 4 minutes east 291 feet 1% inches to square iron bar; Thence north 17 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds west 315 feet 212 inches to a square iron bar; Thence south 73 degrees 0 minutes 30 seconds west 291 feet 212 inches more or less to a square iron bar planted in the westerly limit of said lot a distance of 616 feet 54 inches measured norther- ly along said westerly limit from the south westerly angle thereof; Thence north 17 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds west 1421 feet 11%2 inches to a square iron bar planted at the intersection of said west- erly limit with a fence run- ning north easterly; Thence north 20 degrees 35 minutes 30 seconds east along said fence to a square iron bar planted at an angle in said fence a distance of 136 feet 9142 inches; Thence north 74 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds east along said fence 277 feet 3 and 3 inches to a squared iron bar planted at an angle «in said fence; Thence north 74 degrees 53 minutes east along said fence A49 feet 3% inches to a square iron bar planted at an angle in said fence; Thence north 14 degrees 58 minutes west along said fence 285 feet 11 inches more or less to a round iron bar mark- ing the north westerly angle of registered Plon No. 688; Thence south 17 degrees 35 minutes east along the west- erly limit of registered Plan No. 688 and registered Plan No, 670 a distance of 2278 feet more or less to the point of commencement. The herein described parcel contains by admeasurement an area of 30.630 acres. of which the applicant claims to be the owner in fee simple. Any person having or claim- ing to have any title to or in- terest in the said land or any part thereof is required on or before the 13th day of Nov- ember 1959, to file a state- ment of his claim in the Office of the Director of Titles, at 90 Albert Street in the City of Toronto, and to serve a copy thereof on the applicant. The address of the applicant for service is Messrs. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan, & Murdoch, 5 Simcoe Street North. Oshawa Ontario. Dated at Toronto this 30th day of October 1959. (signed) S. SMITH, DY. Director of Titles. 256e s [feet wide can be shipped on a The rights to compensation, if any, of those whose lands may be injuriously affected and whose claims were filed within the time specified in the Notice sent before the Hearing, are reserved. Copy of Board Order with Plan attached was registered in the Registry Office for the County. of Ontario at Whitby on October 20th, 1959 as federation approach all other or- ganizations interested in a uni- form daylight time to organize a joint appeal to the provincial government fo lead the way in maintaining uniform time in that section of the province in the |eastern time zone. daylight time terminated at mid- night on the Saturday prior to Labor Day was defeated. Delegates also agreed that the An amendment seeking to have At a cost of $20,000,000, 12 miles of tracks -- including 11 level crossings--will be removed. Maj. - Gen, Howard Kennedy, chairman of the National Capital Commission, told a press confer- ence the railway relocation is the key to the national capital plan. It will eliminate ugly over- 9.00 p.m. complete Plaza -- "Room At The Top" (Restricted) 1.40, 3.40, 5.35, 7.25, 9.20 p.m. Last complete show at 9.10 p.m. Regent -- "Look Back in Anger" 1.30, 3.35, 5.25, 7.40, 9.50. Last show at 9.20 p.m. "if John L. Lewis has eyebrows! You'll find a rénewal of strength and vigor. And you'll never again be content to lead a sub- normal, dejected, defeated life behind a hiddenhunger curtain!" All Rights Reserved. Adapted from the book, "Live to Enjoy the Money You Make." by Lelord Kordel. Published by Tomorrow: Trade Neglect for number 349 (Highways). THE HONOURABLE FRED M. CASS, Q.C. MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS 2560 SCIENTISTS BAFFLED PETERBOROUGH (CP)--~ Atomic scientists at the Canadian General Electric Company plant here have solved many problems in building a huge deump tank for the nuclear power reactor un- der construction® near Chalk River, but are stumped by one: How a load 16 feet high and 16 t route where clearance is only 15 feet in some places. City engine- ers and the Ontrio department of highways have been asked for a solution. Ontario farmers won a five-day crowned prince and princess of the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture at the annual meeting Monday. of Danfield, runner-up for the title last year. The prince is Francis Doris of Peterborough, province - wide competition in which young farm people were asked to provide answers to questions about the federation, its policies and operations. Jamaica Trip WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton A CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo Know-How -- and lengthen your life instead of shortening it. Con- clusion of this series. Oshawa Times readers who wish fo obtain a free copy of Lelord Kordel's Better-Eating Plan are reminded that it is not available at the Oshawa Times office. Appli- For Farmers TORONTO (CP) -- Two young rip to Jamaica when they were The princess is Doreen Garrett The awards were made after a CROSSWORD PUZZLE 3 ACROSS 8. Baseball Breet 4. Driving (poss.) ice 8. Dross and rain 9. External 8. Resort seed 3 of yp, using Dna (8.A.) Strike 12. Aside 34. Crayor 16. Fish 17. Mulberry 18. Bore 22. Oolong 24. In cir. (var.) 8 Opera's 11 oyster 20. June bug $3. Arab's 25. Employ 27. Ordinal 7. Whiteant 28, Holein Mary ----= 30. Reject 32. Salad $3. Chances 44. Even (poet) 136. Measures of 45. Guido's 87. Retinue JAILIAIS ER SIAIL MIO) RIAIPITEE INI garment [AIT] RIEICIR[EISIS IE] TIA number FEES RARIEY suffix [RIATRIOIETA] AIRIR]I VIE] BASEL ny CIRIAL [RIAIT(E [SINELE] Yesterdays Answer 40. Worry 42, Pack away medicine highest note TI 4 TUESDAY EVE'ING 116--Front Page Chal 11-6-2--Startime 116--Press Conference 11,7,6,5,4,2--News; 7--Window on the World 5,2--Today 5:00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre Safari 5--Playhouse 4--Fun To Learn 3-Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. 4~Feature Film 5:30 P.M. 7--Rin Tin Tin 6-Sky King a 11-6--News 9---Early Show 3-Willie W 6:15 P.M. '6--Lawrence Welk 6:30 P.M, 11-~Family Theatre 8-4-2---News: Weather: 6:45 P.M. 8--Huntley-Brinkley Report 6-4-2--News 7:00 P.M. 6---Tabloid 5--The 8:15 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 A.M. 7---Devotions 5--Burns and Allen 4--Life of Riley 2--Helen Neville 10.00 A.M. 11--Jane Gray Show 5,2--Price Is Right 4-1 Love Lucy 11:30 AM. 4--Annie Oakley 2--Sergeant Bilko 7--News: Weather 7:30 P.M. §-2--Laramie 4--Whirlybirds WM. 7-Wyatt Earp 5-2--Fibber McGee 4--Dobie Gillis 9:00 P.M, lenge 7--Rifleman 4--Tightrope 52--Arthur Murray 9:30 P.M. 7--Philip Marlowe $--Ford Show 4--Red Skelton 10:00 P.M. 7--Alcoa Presents 7---Man Without a Gun S--Black Sadle 2---Bold Venture 11:00 P.M. Weather. Sports 11:15 P.M. 7--Playhouse 6-Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. '| 5-2--Doctor Malone ing Goes 8,2--Concentration 4--December Bride 5,2-Tie Tac Dough 4--News and Weather 12:15 P.M. 6--Matinee 4--Speaker of the Hop se 12:30 P.M. 11--News 7--Love That Bob 5,2--1t Could Be You 4--Search for 'Tomorrow 12:45 P.M. 11--Movie Matinee Guiding 7--Music Bingo §5--Feature Movie 4--Meet the Millers 1:30 P.M. 7--For the Ladies &~The World Turns 2:00 P.M. 7-Day in Court 6--Chez Helene $--Education 4--Better or Worse 2-Queen For A Day 2:15 P.M. 11-6--~Nursery School 2: M. 11-6--Open House 7--Gale Storm 5--Home Cooking 4--House "arty 2--Thin - Man 3:00 P.M. 11-6---PM Party 7--Beat The Clock 4--Millionaire 3:30 P.M. 11---Music For You 7--Who Do You Trust 6--People's Choice 5,2--From These 4~News Roundup 4:00 P.M. U--Popeye cations should be sent in addressed to Lelord Kordel, co The Oshawa Times with a 6--Our Miss Brooks 5-2--House on High Street, 4 Serials 4:30 P.M. 6--Friendly Giant 5-2--Split » Personality Edge of wWignt 5:00 P.M. l1--Family Theatre in Action 4-Fun To Learn 2--Gene Autry 5:15 P.M. 4--Feature Film 5:30 P.M. 7--My Friend Flicka 6--Huckleberry Hound 6:00 P.M, 7--Early Show 11-6-R.C.M.P. 7--Keep Talking 8:30 P.M. 116-Live A Borrowed Life 7--Ossie and Harriet 5-2--Price Is Right 4--Men Into Space 9:00 P.M. 11-6-5-2--Fred Astaire 4--Millionaire 7--The Hawaiian Eye 9: WM. . 4--1 Got a Secret 10:00 P.M. 5-2--This is Your Life 4--Steel Hour 1 10:30 P.M. 11-6--Exploration 5-2--Wichita Town 10:45 P.M. 7--Time kor Sports Verdict is Yours So please give our careworn switch- girl a rest! NEW DIETARY SUPPLEMENT WAMPOLE LETHINAL SOYA LECITHIN | | ooz. $295 14 0z. $595 'AVAILABLE AT ALL DRUG STORES

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