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The Oshawa Times, 3 Nov 1959, p. 19

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Loyalty, Comradeship Bind Legion Auxiliary in Fine Service LT: shi vo = 3 g | i ; i BER 1] wards. It was the Auxiliary that pur- chased the first furniture for the new Legion Hall, 125 chairs and fater curtains for the stage. With the outbreak of World War 11, the Ladies' Auxiliary offer- ed its help to the Red Cross So- , with sewing, quilting, knit- and packing boxes for the ys in service. Later they oper- independently purchasing $100 worth of yarn per month the women knitted into socks, scarves, mitts and hel They fostered the whole crew of the minesweeper HMS Gloria out of West Hartlepool and as well as mufflers, long stockings and the usual seaman's equip- ment, they made and sent a eather jacket to every man aboard. In peacetime the Auxiliary de- votes itself to the affairs of the veterans shut-ins in Sunnybrook Hospital, and their » families in distress. The Aux- ro disbursed well of the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary a women must be 18 years of age and the wife, mother, daughter of an active or ex-ser viceman The Canadian Legion is democratic, non-political, non- sectarian and Bon racial It stands for ity to the Reigning Sov- a Canada, and the British and for the mainten- ance of adequate forces for the defence of our country. It calls on its members to serve their country in peace as they did in war, so that the country for which they fought and for which their comrades died, may ever be worthy of the sacrifices they made. Officers and executive for 1959: President, Mrs. phe Bath ie president, Mrs. er Sim- past | first vce-presiident, Mrs. ; second vice- Evers; Lavender; secretary, Mrs. Alyn Elliott: sgt. at arms, Mrs. Rich- ard Burkhart; executive, Mrs. Casey Vermoen; Mrs. Daniel Guiltinan, Mrs. William Gibbs, Mrs, Milton Oster, Mrs. Frank Grant, Mrs. Harry Brown. Victoria Lodge, Loyal True Blues Respected Protest. Organization Victoria LTB No. 5 is a Protestant organization instituted on March 17, 1902, and has a membership of around 90, com- posed of male and female. And it meets the first and third Tues- day nights in the Orange Hall. There also is a Juvenile Lodge, Maple Leaf No. 2 composed of children from ages of 8-16 years, with members of the Senior Lodge as guardians. There are a number of lodges from the East and West coasts and we have an annual conven- tion of the Supreme Grand Lodge which recently met in the city of Kingston for their 84th Annual Session. The chief interests of the Loyal True Blue Association is to care for the needy and helpless and also help to do our share to maintain the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home at Richmond Hill, which cares for/ Protestant children from ages of 3 to 16 years. Where the child has been bereaved of one or both parents and also broken homes. This is a marvelous home with wonderful guidance. They also have their own classrooms and as the children pass from Grade 8, attend the secondary school in Richmond Hill, To help maintain this home we Rave in past years held a tag day once a year with every penny being turned over to the direc- gors. But in recent years we felt eur city has so many d ia way of tag days. We cut it down to every other year. Our association is very grate- ful to our Poiice Commission for granting us this day for a job we feel is well worth done. The officers for 1958 are as fol- 8: District Deputy Grand Mis- Gress, Sis. Alice Short; Immedi- ate Past Dist. Dep. Mistress, Sis. Cowle; Worshipful Mas- ter, Bro. Wellard Spencer; Im- mediate Past. Wor. Master, Bro. |] Fred Thompson; Deput@pMistress, Bis. Mary Thompson; recording secretary, Sis. Ruth Gatchell, financial secretary, Sis. Mary Abbott; treasurer, Sis. Clara Ewen; chaplain, Sis. Elda How- ard; director of ceremonies, Sis. Joan Ewen; conductor, Sis. Susan Spencer; chairlady of - commit- tees, Sis. Lillian Wetherup; 2nd chairlady of committees, Sis. Alice Short; 3rd -chairlady of committees, Sis. Margaret Phil- lips; 4th chairlady of committees, Sis. Gladys Beavis; 5th chairlady of committees, Sis. Elizabeth Morton. . Auditors: Sis. Alice Short, Sis. Susan Spencer, Sis. Lillian Weth- erup. Trustees: Bro. Percy Cleve- land, Bro. Amon Toms and Bro. Fred Thompson. Pianist, Sis. Emmaline Hender- son; degree captain, Sis. Beat- rice Hurst; assistant degree cap- tain, Bro. Fred Thompson; juve- nile mistress, Sis. Doris Law; juvenile treasurer, Sis. Hazel Weddup. Sis. Susan Spencer was also elected ' to office of Supreme Grand Deputy Mistress this year at the annual session and will preside at the sessions next year Mrs. Chas. Robson First President The Cedar Dale Home and ass knitting warm articles of cloth-. i making up overseas par- At the present time the asso- ciation has a number of active committee chairmen for program- ming such as Parent Education, Citizenship, Health, Membership, Visual Aids and Religious Educa- tion, In this for the past number of years the asso- ciation has sponsored a picnic for the annual field day, graduation pins, honor certificates, mas treats, ribbons for field day, and also bought needed sports equipment for use in the school. Present slate of officers for 1959-60: President, Mrs. Alyn El- liott; vice-president, Mrs. Adrian Hill; recording secretary, Mrs. Harry Blanchard; corresponding secretary, Mrs. William Hrehor- uk; treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Mec- * | tive members, and twenty THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Movember 3, 1959 3 Bjax Hospital Women's Aux." Furnishes Nurses' Residence In the fall of 1951 a small group women met to discuss the bility of forming an aux- iliary to the proposed Ajax hos- pital. This was before any work had done toward moving | the building to its new location. From this small group grew the present Women's Auxiliary with an average of sixty five ac- asso- ciate members. During 1952 and 1953 the wom- en raised sufficient funds to fur- nish a fourteen bed nurses resi- dence, with large lounge, kitchen- ette, and lobby. This included linen, drapes, dishes, etc. to Take it as comfortable as pos- sible. When linen for the hospital was purchased, the women undertook the task of making up the bolts of material into the necessary articles. Bed linen, operating room, nursery and kitchen needs were all taken care of. During the past two years, the auxiliary has purchased all the linen used, and maintain it at minimum re- quirements. A group meets at the residence every week to mend and make, besides large amounts of mending done at members homes. Another project was the pur- chase of a Volkes-Wagen Mid- Quaid. get Bus for the transportation King St. United The Afternoon Auxiliary of King Street United Church which meets on the first Thursday afternoon of each month from September to June has 83 an- nual and 50 life members and is made up of four groups, ~the Anne Crozier, Cheerful Givers, Laurel and Loyal Workers. Each group meets regularly to raise money and enjoy the study of missions. Then all four groups meet together in the Sunday School room at the church with each group taking its turn plan- ning the Worship Service and summarizing a chapter of our study book which, for this year' is '"'Africa Disturbed." On February 10, a Valentine Tea was held in Centennial Hall and on March 20, a "Family Party" was held, attended by the Afternoon Auxiliary, the Alice Jackson Evening Auxiliary, CGIT, Explorers and Mission Band. The CGIT prepared the Worship Service, the Sr. Mission Band presented a short play, the Jr. Mission Band sang a song and the Explorers affiliated with the WMS. Our Easter Thankoffering was held on April 13th, and the la- dies of the other United Churches were invited to hear Miss Vera Boyd, whe showed slides and told of her work in India. Our Autumn Thankoffering will be on Sunday, October 18, and Mrs. Ralph Collins will be the guest speaker. During. the . year members of the WMS visit. the shut-ins and those in the hospital and at Christmas boxes of cookies, can- dies or flowers are sent to the shut-ins. A bale of good used clothing was sent in May and Vacation School Packets donated. Members assisted at the World Day of Prayer at Christ Memo- rial Anglican Church, attended the Presbytery meeting at St. Andrew's Church and were guests of Westmount and North- minster WMS to hear special Missionary speakers. Many also when they meet in St. John, New Brunswick. took advantage of the School for Leaders at Ontario Ladies' Col. 52 VIOLA McDOUGALL 'SHAPED TO FLATTER See our selection of smart millinery for your winter coat or dress. Millinery SIMCOE ST. N. Four Active Groups Comprise Church WMS lege at Whitby in August. An invitation is extended to al! the ladies of the congregation to attend, and become a member of the WMS whose officers for 1959 are as follows: Past presi- dent, Mrs. Percy Langmaid: president, Mrs. Norman Wirsch- ing; 1st vice - president, Mrs. Harold Tiers; 2nd vice - presi- dent, Mrs. Howard Brown; 3rd vice « president, Mrs. Lawrence Allen; recording secretary, Mrs. Duncan MacMillan; assist. secre- tary, Mrs. Douglas Lander; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. Fred Lean; treasurer, Mrs. Lorne Mul- drew; assist. treasurer, Mrs. Wil. liam Muldrew; Christian stew- ardship, Mrs. Clarnce Skuce; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. Bert Howlett; Community Friendship secretary, Mrs. Wil- liam Short; literature secretary, Mrs. Joshua Kinsey; associate helpers, Mrs. Edward Michael; assist. assoc. helpers, Mrs. Noble Metcalf; supply secretary, Mrs, William Medland; citizenship and temperance, Mrs Ernest Brown; press secretary, Mrs. Amos Hartman; Baby Band superinten- dent, Mrs. Douglas Redpath, it and for other use as need, i HE i i LH Te isels oh ial Bi 551 3236 EF ; 1: i 3 iary. a goodwill gesture, each newborn baby is presented with pair of hand made bootees, 3 g resident nurses, garden furniture, badminton and table-tennis sets were purchased, and a piano donated by one of the members. For convenience, too, a washing machine and out door drier was bought. During the past year $3,165.00 was spent on linen, and in ad- dition to these purchases, over 2.100 articles were mended, and 750 garments made. A donation of $1,000.00 was made to the hospital to furnish a ward in the new 12 bed wing, to be known as the "Auxiliary Ward." A Rexograph duplicat- ing machine was also purchased for the hospitals use, and 444 pairs of bootees made and given to babies. This summer a new Midget Bus, to replace the previous one purchased in 1956, was presented to the Hospital by the Auxiliary, which is presenting a Masked Ball on October 30th, at the Com- munity Centre, as a means of raising funds for this project. Now that vacations are over, the Auxiliary is all set for another busy and rewarding season of hard work and good fellowship, and the pleasure of hearing some very interesting speakers at the regular meetings. Submitted by Grace M. Mills, Publicity Convener. Officers elected for the year June 1959 to June 1960: Past president, Mrs. W. W. Tomlinson, Pickering; president, Mrs. W. Griffith, Ajax; vice presi- dent; Mrs. G. Hepditch, Picker- ing; secretary, Mrs. H. Honey, Pickering; treasures, Mrs. W. Cain, Ajax; executive members, Mrs. R. Dibble, Mrs. W. Ellis, Mrs. R. Rowland, Mrs. D. Tem- | ple, Mrs. J. Mills, Ajax, and Mrs. 8. Urquart, Pickering. NOW IS THE Screen-Storm Aluminum screens keep out tiniest insects Box-Beam frames for extra 8 Wont, rust or corrode Trade-in allowance ur old windows 4 yo down TIME TO BUY ee _ Window and Doors No money LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE SIMCOE ST. NORTM ALSCO Products of Canada Limited, Welt io a SE TU in = a S oi

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