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The Oshawa Times, 3 Nov 1959, p. 23

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French Conversation Study Group Healthy Shoot of Lyceum Club Over sixty years ago the Lyceum Club and Women's Art 'Association was formed in Can- seven years later, the local pranch came into being with Mesdames Ewart McLaughlin, Gordon Conant, W. H. King, A, W. Harding, Uriah Jones, A. E. McKibbin, Leonard Richer, Miss May Dillon, and the late Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin, Miss Jessie Dil- Jon and Mrs. Walter Corben as eharter members. The club has at present a membership of seventy-five, and is an ambitious group being ac- tive in painting, music, drama and literature, and, during the past year, has opened .a class for French conversation. At monthly meetings outstand- ing speakers on sculpture, music, poetry, fashion and antiques and various other interesting subjects have been chosen to address the elub. The presidents throughout the ars have been Mrs. Charles M. ogers, Miss May Dillon, Mrs. Ralph Wallace, Mrs. Emerson Chant and Mrs. S. V. Barlow. During the war the club gave productions of drama and music and were able to donate substan- tially to the Red Cross, and an art centre, supervised by Mrs. Ewart McLaughlin, was organ- ized with over a hundred chil- dren in attendance. : Prizes and medals are given each year to collegiate students proficient in Arts, English and Music, and this year the club has extended its gifts to include the new Dr. F. J. Donevan Col- legiate. Many very successful garden parties and teas have been held, Queen Elizabeth H&S Presents Silver Trophies Mrs. Uriah Jones organized the North Oshawa Home and School Association, now called the Queen Elizabeth Home and School As- sociation, in December, 1941. Mrs. A. J. Parkhill was the first presi- dent from 1941-43. Other past presidents were, Mrs. Bruce Glo- ver, Mrs. Frank Lee, Mrs, Oscar Burgoyne, Mrs. Glenford Taylor (deceased), Mrs. George Weltz, Mrs. David Hutcheon, Mrs. Gor- don Tomlinson and Mrs. Aylmer Ward. The following is a report of the activities of the Queen Elizabeth Home and School Association during 1958-59. The pupils of Grade VIII and their parents were entertained in June and each pupil was presented with a elass picture. Also in June, sil- ver cups were presented to the pupils on Field Day. An After- noon Tea was held for the moth- ers of Grade 1 pupils in Septem- ber. On Hallowe'en night, mem- bers were present at the school to count the money collected by the older pupils for UNICEF. In November a bazaar was held. In December a Christmas treat was provided for all the school chil- dren. An Ice Carnival was held at the North Oshawa. Arena for the pupils after lhich refresh- ments were served by many of the members. Open House was held in March, when the children's work was displayed in the var- fous rooms. In the same month a very successful night of cards was held. In May, officers for 1959-60 were elected as follows: President, Mrs. Douglas Bran- ton; vice-president, Mrs. Carson Heard; vice-president, Mrs. Fred Hurren; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Donald White; recording se- cretary, Mrs. Harry Pearce; trea- surer, Mrs. Lawrence McGovern; executive, Mrs. Nelson Wright, Mrs. David Olafson, Mrs. Rob- ert Sutherland, Mrs, Frank Welch, Mrs. Vic Pentland, GREEK CABS ATHENS (AP) -- Authorities streets of Athens. An order from the ministry of communications says taxi permits now will be granted only to vehicles of not more than 13 horsepower and ne longer than 14.8 feet. The regula- tion, aimed at large American cars, is intended to save space in the narrow streets and also save fuel,-* ~ © E Ce and this season the one held at "Greenbriar", the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ewart McLaughlin was no exception. Again this year, paintings by local artists were on display for a month in the Library Auditor- jum and were visited by many interested people. This display by Mrs. C. E: loved charter member, the or- ganization to perpetuate the memory of Mrs, Walter (Agnes) Corben. This Memorial took the form of annual mem- bership in the Oshawa Little The- atre whereby ten collegiate stu- dents, most interested in drama, would be privileged to attend the season's oroduction of plays. Drama was a subject in which Mrs. Corben was very much in- terested, and in which she took an active part. The Literary and Reading Club continues to function under the capable leadership of Mrs. H. Si Wies td Mss. 5 W. Bard, Honor came to the club this year when Mrs. Ewart McLaugh- lin (painting under the name of Alexandra Luke) was made a member of the Canadian Society of Water Colors. It seems strange that each year for several years past, be- reavement enters the club with the passing of two beloved mem- bers. This year they were Mrs. A. Theberge and Miss M. E. Nash. The Lyceum Club meets the second Monday in each month at 3 p.m. in the Library Auditor- jum, and, following the meeting the hostesses serve tea and a pleasant half hour is spent. The Lyceum Club officers for 1959 are: honorary president, Mrs. De Bruno Austin (Toronto); honorary vice-president, Miss May Dillon; past president, Mrs. Emerson Chant; president, Mrs. S. V. Barlow; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Ralph Wallace; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. Lucas Peacock; secretary, Mrs. Avern Taylor; treasurer, Mrs, Frank Brown; archivist, Mrs. Leonard Richer. Conveners: program, Mrs. S. C. Larmer; social, Mrs. Uriah Jones; membership, Miss Flossie Coyte; arts and crafts, Mrs. Ewart McLaughlin; music, Miss May Dillon and Mrs. R. English; literary, Mrs. H. G. Willes and Mrs. A. W. Harding; French, Mrs. Emerson Chant. Members representatives: Mrs. Leo Gray, Mrs. Glenn Henry, Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson, Mrs. W. H. King, Miss Evelyn Everson, Mrs. Fred Roberts, Mrs. Cleve Fox, Mrs. W. J. Salter, Mrs. W. P. Whittington, Mrs. J. N. Will- son. 'Tannery Aux. 205 Treats Old Folk The Ladies' Auxiliary of the AMCBWA Local 205 was organ- ized at the home of Sister Gled- hill in July, 1947, Since then they have had great success. Their of- ficers for this year are: Presi- dent, 'Sister Luella Homes; vice- president, Sister Josie Hood; treasurer, Sister Myrtle Magee; secretary, Sister Sarah Massey; sick convener, Sister Viola Ma- gee; auditors, Sisters Mina Wil- son and Pearl Badour. A month- ly bingo is run for charitable purposes such as wheel chairs and bus trips for Fairview Lodge and donations to other worthy organizations. A Christmas party is held every year for the children of the Tan- nery workers. An annual picnic is also held. The meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month at the home of Sister Flor- ence Kitchen. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 3, 1959 J Third Nurse Joins Staff - As Work of VON Increases The Oshawa Branch of the Vic- torian Order of Nurses continues to aid in the welfare of our citi- zens. The number of calls has increased to the point where it was necessary to add another nurse to the staff. Miss Isobel Sorley, Miss Audrey Seifried and Miss Rose Lunny, from Belfast, Ireland, make up the staff. The VON shares in the Com- munity Chest and also receives a grant from the city of Oshawa. A fee of three dollars is charged where ihere is the ability to pay. In other cases the fee is ar- ranged to suit the budget of the individual patient and yet again, the visit is free to those unable to pay. Thus the service extends to all citizens. ' , Archdeacon Harold D. Clever- don is President of the local Board of Directors. Mr. A. H. Colling is first vice - president; Mrs. Ewart McLaughlin, second vice - president; Miss Helen Boddy acts as secretary. The treasurer is Mr. F. A, Mcllveme and the city representative is Mrs. Christine Thomas. Finance Committee: Mr. F. A, Mcllvene and Mr. Darcy Bell. Medical Advisory Committee: Dr. C. C. Stewart, Dr. Roy Row- sell, Dr. D. Rogers, and Dr. Bryce Brown. : A monthly meeting is held and Miss Sorley repfrts to the Board on the number of patients visit- ed. During 1958 3681 visits were made in the city. The VON works closely with other social and wel- fare agencies thus insuring bets ter health for our people. ARE YOU PLANNING A BANQUET, WEDDING RECEPTION, MEETING, OFFICE PARTY? If it is for 10 people or 500 our facilities are unexcelled. Drop in and talk it over . . . let us show you our .completely re-modelled CORVAIR a nd FLEETWOOD Rooms. PHONE RA 3-4641 For Information GENOSHA HOTEL FUEL OiL aes SERVICE . PAYMENT . EQUIPMENT TINSMITHING . . LIFE INSURANCE . - The Best Quality Obtainable--Full or Heat--Clean COMPLETE CAREFREE HEATING Burning Automatic Delivery. Efficient--Prompt--Day or Night by Factory Trained Courteous Workmen, y 9 Y fh Oil Furnaces in various price ranges--sized to your needs Tailor made "in our factory" warm and cold air ducts to your requirements, on time payment equipment purchases. up to five years on oil burners or furnaces. Convenient monthly payments on oil. YOU CAN BE SURE IF IT'S... w= DIXOIN'$ == ® BOWMANVILLE © OSHAWA NO TOLL CHARGE FROM BOWMANVILLE AND AJAX- --SEE ZENITH NUMBERS SERVING THE PUBLIC FOR MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS eo AJAX ® WHITBY . Ry . --.,

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