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The Oshawa Times, 3 Nov 1959, p. 46

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$0 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, November 3, 1999 The Name Soroptimist Formed r, Optima-Best | by of local and by University From Soro-Siste The Oshawa Club is one of a world wide Federation of Clubs which have been organized for service, The name 'Soroptimist' is coin- ed from the latin Soro-Sister and Optima-best; the best for women. It is the aim of the Soroptimists to foster and encourage: -- the Spirit of Service, ethic standards in business and sion; to the national Association, The Oshawa Soroptimist Club was formed in February 1955, and has since that time, found many opportunities for service in the district. Last year the club members visited at Fairview Lodge and provided Christmas gifts for the ladies of Wing D. wrapped gifts for the T.B Association; provided re freshments for the Retarded Children's School Christmas and end of term parties; and supplied glasses for a needy child. Chsh contributions were made to the Local Women's Committee of the Cancer Soclety; the building fund of the Retarded Children's School; and to the Community Chest. The Margaret Hancock Memorial fund was once more used to further the education of a ward of the Children's Aid Society. These projects were financed by money donated and raised by club memebers through the sales of magazines, Christ- mas and Greeting cards, jewelry, cookies, and the proc & cooking school and fashion ow. In the Americas clubs and Reg- fons sponsored health program- mes Youth Centres, bookmobiles, have financed fellowships and scholarships etec., and are now turning more of their attention and support to the problems of from | Parker; conditions, ants. Officers for 1959-1960 are as fol- lows: President, Miss Mary Lee; immediate past president, Miss Madeline Kelly; vice-president. Mrs. Don (Pat) Black; corre- sponding secretary, Miss Grace Winnell; recording secretary, Miss Sally Parker; treasurer, Mrs, W. H. (Lillian) Jackson; directors: one year, Mrs. Olive Petley, Miss Viola McDougall; two years, Mrs. E. A. (Madeline) Cutljns, Mrs. W. H. (Ruth) Best- ck. Committee and means, chairmen: ways co-conveners: Miss Viola sMcDougall, Mrs. E, A. (Madeline) Collins; service ob- jectives, Mrs. Olive Petley; membership and classification and education in Soroptimism, Mrs. W. H. (Ruth) Bestwick; rogram, Mrs. M. (Stella) Gould- urn; publicity, Miss Sally Bulletin, Miss Grace Winnell; public afairs, Mrs. C. M. (Kay) Elliott; international goodwill and understanding, Mrs. D. (Pat) Black; finance, Mrs, W. H. (Lillian) Jackson; civil de- fence, Miss Mary Lee; social and hospitality, Miss Ida Arnott; hos- pitality and flower : committee, Mrs. W. W. (Florence) Park. Harmony WA Presents First Life Membership The Harmony United Church WA has had a busy and success- ful year under the leadership of dedicaied young woman, Mrs. E. Jonah, The WA is interest- a We hold our meetings on the first Wednesday of every month in the church hall. We have a membership of nearly fifty wom- en. The meetin, a G. ed For the past several years we have presented Bibles to the boys and girls of our Sunday School graduating from the primary department to the junior depart- ment. Also a cup is presented each year on behalf of the WA to the best girl athlete at Har- mony Public School. At Christ- mastide we purchase candy for the Sunday School and a small gift fo rall our elderly members. We have a busy visiting com- mittee. Our aims is always to help the building committee of our church and money is made through catering to weddings, banquets and teas. We have a fashion show each spring and our main project is the annual turkey dinner which is held each Fall. This year we are purchasing new gowns for our choir. Our WA is made up of two groups; The Willing Workers: Pres. Mrs. A. Rundle, Sec. Mrs. F. Michael, Treas. Mrs. D. Mc Lauren: Onward Group: Pres. Mrs. N. Gemmell, Sec. Mrs. A. Fulton, Treas. Mrs. J. Maiel, and our parent WA to which all group members belong; Pres. Mrs. G. Jonah, Sec. Mrs. J. Fallaise, Treas, Mrs, C. Nichols, Corres- ponding See. Mrs. S. Mackie. Court Charlene, 1750, COF Largest Court in Ontario - The Canadian Order of For- esters will be celebrating its 80th anniversary in November of this year. Prior to 1952 this organiza- tion was an all-male society. Since that time and up until the end of 1958, 121 Ladies' Courts have been formed across Canada with a membership of 6000 adult and juveniles. Court Charlene was instituted in December of 1952 with 65 bene- ficlary and five social members, the largest Court to be instituted in Canada and held that record until 1958 when a Court in Brit- ish Columbia started with a membership of 100, The member- | ship of this Court is now 178 'in- cluding adults and juveniles. The Court was organized by Brother Charles Ferguson who is now District Manager of the Order. Sister Helen Twining was the first president of the Court, hold- | ing the office for two years. Sis- ter Twining is now District Dep- uty High Chief Ranger of this District. She was succeeded by President Sisters, Evelyn Clarke, Marie Manning, Josephine West- lake, Mabel Mandryk and the present president is Sister Elsie McCabe. But for the conscienti- ous work of these presidents, our Sours wouldn't be what it is to- ay. The most important aim of our Order is helping others less for- tunate than ourselves. One of the things uppermost in the minds and hearts of all of us is the fight against that dread disease, cancer. In past years, our Court has always sent a cheque for $200 to the Cancer Research Fund but this year it was used to assist one of its own mem- bers. The three Forester Lodges in this city helped to canvass for this fund last April where they oslised several thousands of dol- ars. At the High Court meeting this year in London, the birth place of Forestry, a cheque for $51,233 was presented to the Cancer Fund. This amount was raised by the Caadian Foresters across five : FH i ; i E | : : J ih 4 Fe BE J i" i z 3} | HH iE, oy this year, Nov. 4, at the Temple. Last year we realized $500 which was presented to the articles at the meetings, etc., raise funds for the Court during the year. At Christmas, the children of all members up to the age of 12, are all presented with a gift and candy, At our December meet. ing we hold a combination Christ. mas and birthday party and the members exchange gifts. The present officers of the Court are: Past president, Mabel Mandryk; president, Elsie Mec- Cabe; vice « president, Winnie Killen; recording secretary, Mar- garet Smith; financial secretary, Effa Ferguson; treasurer, Jose- phine Westlake; chaplain, Flor ence Tippett; conductor, Sheila Kerr; warden, Emma Balson; inner guard, Janet Stark; outer guard, Zelda MacMillan, YUGOSLAV COPPER BELGRADE (AP) -- Huge de- posits of copper ore have been discovered in the eastern part of the country, said the official Yu slav news agency Tanjug. It de- scribes them as inexhaustible. - a A Ladies... FOR A LOT OF FUN AND EXCITEMENT -- WHY NOT ARRANGE TO HAVE A NIGHT OUT -- BOWLING! r P.S. Reduced prices during weekday afternoons. é Yes girls... . if your club has not already formed a bowling league, you will find it good news to know that Oshawa now has one of the most modern bowling lanes in Canada. The Eastway 10-Pin Bowl is equipped with the most up-to-date conveniences found in modern bowling alleys. Now a lot of women feel that 10-pin bowling is only for the men, when actually it is as much a woman's game as it is a man's. On Saturday mornings we are offering free bowling instruc- tions to anyone who wishes to attend. Why not phone Frank Horn- ing at the Eastway 10-Pin Bowl and ask him to arrange an afternoon of bowling for your club. EASTWAY 10-PIN BOWL KINGST. E. AT TOWNLINE RA 3-3485

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