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The Oshawa Times, 3 Nov 1959, p. 8

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+- and Mrs. Don Ormiston, Mr. and NUPTIALS AT PORT PERRY Ottawa will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hilton Ireland whose marriage was solemnized recently in Port Perry United Church, Formerly Miss Dawn Slemmon, the bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deloise Slemmon of Ottawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carman Ireland of North On- Quebec. ~Photo by Enge, Port Perry Westmount Kiwanis Club Institutes Annu The Jubilee Pavilion formed a gay setting last Wednesday even al Dance Mr. and Mrs. David Crotin, Mr, -|and Mrs. T. Calder, Mr, and Mrs, Loner, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 3, 1939 In a candle - light ceremony in St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Joan Beverly Fowler exchanged marriage vows with John Gerald Sergeant, recently. The bride is the' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fowler, Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sergeant of Clarendon. The Reverend R. A, Sharp offi- ciated and the soloist was Miss Norma Bowen. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a full-skirt ed gown of white silk organza over taffeta with a V neckline and embroidered lace midriff and sheath sleeves. A crown of pearls held her fingertip veil and she carried a cascade of red roses. The matron of honor, Mrs. Kenneth MacDonnell, was in a headdress and matching accesso- ries and carried white and yel- low chrysanthemums, Dressed similarly, the other attendants ing for the first annual dance|A. L. Powell, Mr, and Mrs. M. O.| sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of | Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wil| Westmount, Oshawa. the guests at the door were Mr Receiving|liams, Mr. and Mrs. I. MacDon- .|ald, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Weeks. and Mrs, J. F. Schmitz, Mr, and| Mr, and Mrs, Jack Ovens, Mr. Mrs. Cyril Powell, and Mr. and and Mrs. Al Reed, Mr. and Mrs, | Mrs. M. C. Barnett, Corsages/Bruce Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. were presented to the ladies on Peter Davies, Mr.' and Mrs. Wil-| arrival by the Misses Marjorie|liam Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Jack! Domagala and Gloria Phillips. Among those seen dancing to] Dr. and Mrs. the music of Benny Louis and his orchestra were: Mr, and Mrs, George West, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Met- calf, Mr. and Mrs. Al Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Powell, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Hatton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmitz, Mr. and Mrs. Duke McFarland, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Beath, Mr, and Mrs. Lance Beath, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Elver. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Adair, Mr. and Mrs Stalnley Cooper, Mr. apd Mrs. Ray Holland, Mr. Glenn. Hughes. Miss Carol Hun- teg, Mr, and Mrs, August Goreck, Mr. and Mrs. James Jamieson. Mr, and Mr. W. McCauley, Mr. Mrs. William Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Merrick, Mr. and| Mrs. R. H. Lee, Mr. and Mrs, L. E. Nancekivell, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hebb, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mec- Neely, Mr. and Mrs. D. Towns- end, Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalzeil, Mr. and Mrs, William Whittick, Mr, and Mrs.-Ira A, Turpin, Mr. and Mrs. George Bates, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dunbar, Mr. and Mrs. Don Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gran- McGill, Cam MacKay, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Naish, Dr, and Mrs, J. E, Watt, Mr, and Mrs D. 0. D. Bell, Mr. John Belko, Miss Theresa Cain. Mr. and Mrs. John Swan, and Mrs. Ralph Laing, Mr. |Mrs. William Miners, Mr, |es, Ray Stephenson, Mr, Mrs. Joan Borrowdale, Mr. Mrs. Douglas Williams. | Mr. and Mrs. William Kurelo, | (Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Riehl, Mr, | and Mrs. Thomas Goch, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Bestwick, Mr. and] Mrs. Robert Schoenau, Mr. and Mrs. Clare McCullough, Mr. and| Mrs. George Robinson, Mr. and! Mrs. John Harris, Dr. and Mrs, D. E. McLaurin Mr, and Mrs. N. W. McAlpine, Mr. and Mrs. Cam Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. William Blight, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Marshall, Mr. Mrs. Cecil Stephenson, Mr. and Mr. and and and and |Mrs. John Horky, Miss Frances Barnum, Mr. David H. Boone. Mr, and Mrs. A. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boissoin, Mr. and Mrs. Jules Ethier, Mr. and Mrs, W. Little, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wil-| liams, Mr and Mrs. Donald Storie, Mr. and Mrs, James Skin- ner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray, | Dr. and Mrs. Roy Rowsell, Mr.| and Mrs, Jacobi, Mr. and Mrs. | Larry Heffering, Mr. and Mrs. ik, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Swartz. Bob Patte and others. Josephine Helfe To David Dumais at St. Gregory's St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church was the scene of a wed- ding on Saturday morning, Oc- tober 31, when Frances Josephine Hefferman, a graduate of St. Mi- chael's Hospital School of Nurs- ing, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Hef- ferman of Oshawa, and the late Mr, Hefferman, was united in marriage Dumais, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Dumais of Penetanguishene, Ontario. The Very Reverend Dean Paul Dwyer performed the dou- ble-ring ceremony and said the nuptial mass. Masters Patrick McCaffrey and Albert Love served. The wedding music by Mr. Jack Driscoll Given in marriage by Mr. Gor- don Gibson of Hastings, Ontario, a cousin, the bride wore a gown of carnation white silk organza over silk faille. The slim bodice featured a sabrina neckline and bracelet length es. A peau de sole cummerbund with full length back streamers accented the waistline of the billowing skirt. A crown of seed pearls and iridescent sequins held Her waist- length, silk illusion veil. She car- ried a prayer book bound in moth. er-of-pear] and crested with white orchids and fern and streamers with forget-me-not ties. Miss Patricia Taschereau of Chatham, Ontario, was maid .of honor wearing a semi-formal gown of Madonna blue silk taffeta. A bertha neckline below the sheer yoke fashioned the slim bod- ice which featured bracelet length sleeves complemented with matching gloves. The slim skirt was styled with a bustle effect at the back. She wore a matching bow knot headdress and carried a colonial bouquet of laced. pink carnations with matching stream- ers. - Mr. Wilfred Tessier of Oshawa performed the duties of best man, and ushering were Mr, Alex Me: Neil, Mr. Oswald St. Amant, Mr, Joseph Brunell and Mr. James Marchand. A wedding breakfast for the bri- dal party and relatives followed in St. Gregory's Auditorium where the reception was held in the earlv afternoon. To receive the guests, the bride's mother chose a dress of black nylon chif fon accented with pin tucking, a bat of winter white velour, and a was played rman Is Married corsage of white carnations. As- sisting was the bridegroom's mo- ther who was wearing a sheath dress of mauve nylon jersey, complemented with a short matching jacket, a champagne- beige hat, matching accessories and a corsage of gold carnations. For the honeymoon trip to New York City, the bride donned a wool suit im autumn brown with a pastel mink collar, a matching top coat of brown seal- skin with satin accents, and a hat of natural begie silk velour with feather trimming shading from beige to brown. A cluster of white and pink cymbidium orchids com- prised her corsage. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Dumais will reside in Oshawa. Out of town guests were pres- ent from Penetanguishene, Mid- land, Toronto, Hastings, Cha- tham, Peterborough, Ontario and Syracuse, N.Y. | SOCIAL NOTICES | { waltz - length dress of pale blue taffeta with an overskirt of chif-| fon, She wore a blue feathered] Joan Fowler, John Sergeant Exchange Nuptial Vows were Mrs. Otto Sergeant and Mrs, L. J, Fowler. The junior bridesmaid, Miss Sharon Fowler, wore pale pink organza and car- ried pink and white chrysanthe- mums. ' Mr. Otto Sergeant was his brother's best man and the ush- ers were Mr. John Fowler and r. Kenneth MacDonnell. A reception was held at Wood- view Park. clubhouse, Receiving, the bride's mother wore dusty rose lace over taffeta with beige accessories and a corsage of white chfysanthemums. The bridegrcom's mother was in brown with royal blue accesso ries and her corsage was com- posed of tinted bronze chrysan-| themums. The honeymoon was spent in the United States. For going away, the bride wore a royal blue dress and jacket ensemble with a matching hat and flax-tone accessories. Yellow chrysanthe- mums comprised her corsage, Mr. and Mrs. Sergeant are making their home in Oshawa. | | { | WEDDING PRINCIPALS Married recently in a candle- light ceremony at Albert Street United Church were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Lyon. The bride, the former Miss Marion Irene Darling, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Darling and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyon, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Ireland Northminster WA Country Fair Opens Tomorrow under the auspices of the Wom- an's Association will be officially opened tomorrow afternoon at 2.15 p.m. bv Jo Ratcliffe, editor of Social Whirl in the Woman's Section of the Toronto Daily Star, A preview of booths revealed the artistically designed displays, all the product of the WA mem- bers' imagination. The party aprons, the knitted wear, the beautiful dolls, the Christmas dis- plays all showed that this fair will be even bigger and better than last year. The stage is a perfect setting for the many aprons, party, prac- tical and children's. This booth will be convened by Mrs. Lloyd Salter and Mrs. A. K. Sargent. Mrs. D. McLaughlin, Mrs. W. R. Latham and Mrs. Ray Yeo are preparing for a busy afternoon in the home baking and fancy cooking booth. Mrs. John Payne and Mrs. Stanley Carkeek and their com- mittee have been busy for weeks knitting and sewing and many fine donations have been re- ceived. A booth of special appeal will ures" and even a day before -- there were numerous items of al to the bazaar-goer AT HOME special appe who h to be searching for something out of the ordinary. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McPher- son, 30 Sunset drive, will be at home to their friends and neigh- bors on Saturday, Nov. 7, from 3to 6 and 7 to 10 p.m. on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, HONEY BUN Piping hot baking powder bis- cuits are always a treat, but even more extra special. To your favorite recipe add the grated rind of one orange and, before you put the biscuits in the oven to bake, place a dap of honey in the centre of each one. here's a tip that will make them t The tea room is well organized {by Mrs. C. M. McLean and Mrs. |Jack Shephard and there visitors can sit and chat with friends and |neighbors about the beautiful [at cles to purchase for gift giv- 8. A clown will have ball for Northminster Country Fair, be the one called "Attie Treas-| tend, the booths will stay open| until p.m. The energetic workers have a catchy little phrase -- '"We hope this invitation you will heed and help us again succeed." Lawn Bowling Club Night Of Cards A very successful and well at- tended night of cards was held on Friday evening, October 30, in the banquet room of the Chil- dren's Skating Club by the mem- bers of the Oshawa Lawn Bowl- ing Club. This is the first of a monthly series of get-togethers, which proved so very enjoyable last season, after the bowling greens were closed. The conveners are Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Brown assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pirie, Mr, and Mrs. Ewart Clemence and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson. The hall was decorated in black and orange suggestive of Hallow- 'en, and fallowing the games re- freshments were served. Included among the prize win- ners were Mesdames Everett Jackson, Edward Bradley, Grant Murray, J. M. McCuthceon, and Arthur Jackson, and Messrs, Wil- (liam Pierson, Jack Hunter, Bill |Joyce, E. Jackson and J. Morri- son, . EXPERT MANIPULATOR SASKATOON (CP -- Dr. May M. Tuplin of Beechy, a 65-year- old grandmother, was named Saskatchewan's first "Chiroprac- tor of the Year" at the annual convention of the Saskatchewan chiropractic association. She has been practising for 36 years. Pictured after their marriage recéntly at Northminster United Church are Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Thomas Brent. Fermerly Miss Shirley Anne Cc 'ter, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and 1 | "ADDING THEIR SIGNATURES Mrs, Gerrard Coulfer of Osh- awa and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Gordon Brent of Raglan, and the late Mr. Brent, --Photo by Ireland Jessie Panton Aux. Hears Address GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES The avtumn Thankolfering |mecting of the Jesde Panton Auxiliary was held in the chapel of St. Andrew's United Church, Mrs. W. F. Manuel, president, presided, Mrs. W. J. Lorimer conducted the worship service, Two solos were sung by Mr. Al- bert Wedgery "Show Me Test" and the "Living God", ae- companied by Mrs. George Flem- ing. In thanking Mr, Wedgery the president, expressed the good wishes on the group in his new position in Torento. Members were reminded of the bazaar being held on November 1 7. - l The speaker, Mrs. Douglas Coates, was introduced by Mrs. Fred Brittore Mrs. Coates is the former Muriel Gifford and a 1948 graduate of Oshawa General Hospital Schoo! of Nursing. She spent some time at the Grenfell | Mission in missionary work and lon her return home again worked in the hospital as night super- {visor, *hen took up her duties as {superintendent of Fairview Lodge, Whitby, and has been very successful in her six year's there. She spoke ou "The Art of grow- ing old graciously". Age creeps up and we should laugh a little and take it willingly with good grace and faith. She told some On Fairview Lodge bers, lat Adelaide House. LYCEUM CLUB activities and the wel- fare of the club. It was decided to have he monthly meetings commence future at 2.30 p.m. instead of at 3 pm. | luncheon at 1 p.m., courtesy of the executive, was arranged. This will be held in the Library Audi- torium, and, the lunch- eon, Mrs. Alfred Bell of Strat ford will address the group on Shakespearean costumes and sev- eral will be displayed. Lyceum Club awards in musie were recently presented to Mrs. Marie Tavior and Mrs Mary Lou Baker. The hostess, assisted Frank Black and Miss served tea. by Mrs. Flossie PILOT CLUB The program meeting for Oc- tober of the Pilot Club com- menced with dinner being served The president, Miss Lillian Bea- mish extended a welcome to the guests and members. The meeting was then turned over to Miss 'Beth Miller, chair- {incidents of her work both humor- ous and pathetic and the audience learped a great deal ahout the PERSONALS Little Miss Shelley Fisher and|ler, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Otto the East Group. Master David Fisher, Harmony Sergeant, Hamilton; Mr, and Mrs. | road north, entertained 12 of their little friends at a Hallowe'en party early Saturday evening. Best costume prize was won b~ Miss Regina Schleiss and Master Terry Souch, Mrs. Marshall F, Gordon, Cen- tral Park boulevard, attended the annual parents' day celebration at Wheaton College, Illinois, on Saturday, October 81. She was a guest of the Reverend George Ewald who is a junior at the college. Guests from out of town at the Sergeant-Fowler wedding includ- ed Mrs. Arthur Sergeant, the Misses Rose-Mary, Kathleen and Linda Sergeant, Mr. Willis Ser- geant, Mr, Forrest, Mrs, Henry Crane, Mr. James Kirkham, Mr, Roddy Crawford, all of Claren- don, Ont.; Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Hart, Nestleton: Mr. and Mrs, Frank Baker, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Edward White, all of Bowman. ville; Mr. and Mrs. John Fow- | Jeanette Bovair 'Becomes Bride. 'Of James Phalen The marriage of Jeanette Bovair and James W. Phalen was .solemnized recently at Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church with the Reverend Philip Coffey officiating. . The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bovair of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. James Phalen of Oshawa and the late Mr, Phalen. Given in marriage by her fa- ther the bride was gowned in white satin, The chantilly lace bodice was re-embroidered at the square scalloped neckline with tear drop pearls and the floor length skirt was gathered at the! sides with satin roses with front and back panels of chantilly lace, A mother-of-pearl tiara held her fingertip veil and she carried a cascade of red roses and white carnations. Miss Audrey Phalen was maid- of-honor in a strapless waltz- length dress of aqua nylon with a matching bolero. The other at- tendants, Miss Rosemarie Bovair, Miss Judy Phalen and Mrs. Sylvia Grant, were in pale yellow similarly styled to the maid-of- honor, Ali wore headdresses of sequins and feathers to match their dresses and carried cas- cades of yellow and bronze chrys- anthemums, The flower girls, Jennie and Shirley Taylor, wore pale yellow and carried baskets of yellow and bronze chrysanthe. mums. Master Edward Phalen was the ring bearer. The best man was Mr. James Mulligan and ushering were Messrs. Charles S. Bovair, Den- ton Grant and George Mitchell, A reception was held at' the Legion Hall. For the occasion the bride's mother wore a dusky rose lace - trimmed dress with black accessories. The bridegroom's | Forrest Miller, Pecth; Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Miller, Elphin, Ont.; Miss Donna White, Yarker, Ont.; and Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Miller, Ajax, Mrs. J. P, G. Maroosis master of ceremony at breakfast in St. Gregory's audi- torium on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. {Colbarne street Bryce Brown, east, were in funeral of their cousin, the late {Mr. Norman Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Kerman, Thornton road north, celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary with a buffet supper on Saturday neth Forbes and Mr. Forbes, the couple's children, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell, Garrard road; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rognvaldson, Acton, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. James Marsh, Scarbor- ough; Mrs. Ed. Whitehead, Scar- borough, and Mr. Lloyd Kerman, Oshawa, and 14 grandchildren. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Kerman were presented with a rocking chair, Out - of - town guests at the Phalen « Bovair wedding were Mr, and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs, Florence Phalen, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Hand, Mr. and Mrs, S. Stevenson, Messrs. Patrick and David Hand, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. William Mahood and family, Mr. and Mrs, William Tanner, all of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Fleming Robb, Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kennedy, Toledo, Ohio; Mr, and Mrs. Frank Barnhill, Wood- bridge; Miss Dorothy McLean, New York City. Mrs, D. E. Sturgis entertained at a coffee party at her home on Glenwood ¢rescent recently for the Rotary Anns. She was also hostess at a buffet supper in honor of Mrs, David Kennedy of husband who is district governor of district 707 of Rotary Inter- national on his recent official visit to Oshawa. Mrs. 8, J. Nobbin entertained was the Dumais - Hefferman wedding| Prince Philip Chapter, Imperial Guelph who accompanied her |P9 t and the value of! Fairview Lodge. Mrs, T. D. Kerr thanked the! speaker, Refreshments were served by LODGES AND SOCIETIES PRINCE PHILIP CH. The October meeting of the |Order Daughters of the Empire | was held at Adelaide House. The Regent. Mrs. W. F. Mercer, pre- sided. The minutes of the previ- ous meeting were read by the {Lindsay on Friday attending the secretary, Mrs. E. G. Luke. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Wesley Piatti. It was voted to send $10 to the National Shipping fund. | Mrs. J. E. B. Shortt, secretary {of services at home and abroad, {reported that Mrs. J. Reed, Mrs. evening with their family at the/H. Wallace, Mrs. W. F. Mercer, home of their daughter, Mrs. Ken-| Mrs. K. R. Wagg and Mrs, |J. E. B. Shortt had given their Beaufort avenue. Present were Services at Fairview Lodge in |September, also Mrs. F. Taylor, [ Ms. A. Hambly, Mrs. G. B. Attersley, Mrs. W. Butler, Mrs. W. R. Gardner, Mrs. A. S, What- tam in October. Mrs. Shortt ask- ed the members for paper back books to be sent to Germany. She reported that a birthday card had been sent to the adopt- led Korean child, Choo Ok Soon. A wreath will be placed on the cenotaph on November 11. Mrs. C. G. Luke read a paper compiled bv Mrs, Harold Green of Toronto giving a report on the meeting of the National Chapter held at Regina. It was decided that a letter of thanks be sent Green for this report. Mrs. F. N. McCallum, educa- tional secretary, gave her report and asked that Christmas gifts, and candies, be sent to the adopt- ed school also prizes for the O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute and Oshawa Central Col- legiate Institute, rs. W. 8. C. Larmer, mem- bership convener, introduced two new members, Mrs, W. Bone and Mrs. H. Sheridan, who were in- stalled and greeted by the mem- Miss Flossie Coyte, Echoes convener, gave her re- rt. Mrs. K. R. Wagg, world af fairs convener, a paper from Mr. Mcintyre Hood again stressing the importance of the summit meeting to be held some time in December. | their 100 per cent attendance for man of the club action commit- tee. Corsages were presented the Misses Lillian Beamish and Mary MacLean by Mrs. Russell Flutter and Mr. F. J. Goyne from the club in recognition of the vear. The speaker was Miss Ethel Clarke, a member of the Pilot Club of North Toronto. Her topic was the "History and Progress of Pilot International" in honor of Founder's Night. The Code of Ethics was read by Mrs. Grace Clairmont. Members were reminded of the executive meeting on November 4 at the home of Miss Lillian Beamish. ALBERT STREET WA Albert Street Woman's Associ- ation met recently for its Octo- ber meeting, held in the board room, The meeting opened with the theme song, followed by a wor- ship service led by Mrs. Clayton Lee of the Challenger Group. Mrs. Lee chose as her topic, "How Many Understand the Songs We Sing." She opened with a reading, "Oranges or Lemons." The hymn "All People That on Earth do Dwell," was sung fol lowed by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Edward Holland read the scripture taken from the 100th Psalm. The devotional period ballerina gown with a fingertip vell held by a pearl crown and carried a cascade of red and white roses. Mrs. Noyes was in green and carried yellow chrysanthemums. A reception was held at the bride's parents' home on Warren For the November 9 meeting a, closed with the hymn "From roll call were read by the secre- tary, Mrs. E. Holland. Mrs. Harry Longbottom report- ed for the kitchen committee. The visiting committee report was given by Mrs, Ernest Jones. Memorial Church under the spon- sorship of the Afternoon Guild. Miss Mary MacLean, president, introduced Mrs. H. D, Cleverdon who opened the exhibition. * Mrs. B. de F. Bayly and Mrs. L, H, Westwood and their com- mittee had the hall very attrac- 10 tively arranged with handwoven articles made and loaned by the members. There were rugs, drapes, sport jackets, skirts small tables throughout the hall with place settings. One excep- tionally handsome spread in red and white was about 75 years old and loaned by Mrs. M. F. Kirkland. In addition a great var- iety of articles were on sale in- cluding ties, bags, stoles, chil- dren's skirts, etc. A very pretty tea table was set up at one end of the hall from which tea and cookies were serv- po? i the guests by the afternoon L'S CORNERS HS The regular meeting of Mitchell's Corners Home and School Association was held re- cently with Mrs. William Nemis presiding, Mrs. Arthur Peeling read the minutes and Mrs. Harry Oyler gave the treasurer's report. Mr. C. Dudley was present at the Meeting to explain and answer questions concerning in- surance for school children. Moving pictures of the country side and farmlands taken during his trip to his home in were shown by Mr. Albert A It was decided a would be held Saturday evening, November 7 with Mr. Thompson and Mr. Oscar Pingle as co-chairmen. Mrs. Gilbank's class won the banner for the largest attend- ance in October. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Michael Nemisz and her committee, the members of the Laurel group! of the WA of St. Andrew's Unit-| ed Church at an evening party] Williams-McLeod recently at her home on Warren avenue. Mrs. Charles Bennett will speak on the Mission School at 1la Bella, British Columbia, at the regular meeting of the Louie Hogarth Auxiliary of the WA of Albert Street United Church, You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little items of interest. News of teas, surprise parties, showers, anni- versaries and comings and goings are always very acceptable and for which there is mo charge. Please write or telephone RA 3-3474, local 18. Nuptials Held Donalda Christie McLeod, and James Edward Williams were united in marriage recently at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Donald McLeod of Oshawa, and the late Mr. McLeod, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Williams, all of Oshawa. The Reverend R. B, Milroy offi- ciated. The wedding music was played by Mr. Frank Walter, The bride who was attended by Mrs. George Noyes, wore a white mother was in royal blue with navy blue accessories. Both wore corsages of roses. Later the couple left for a wed- ding trip to New York. For travel- ling the bride wore a deep brown wool suit with a mink hat, brown accessories and a corsage of yel- low roses. The newly wedded pair will live in Oshawa. | HOUSEHOLD HINT Never use varnish, shellac or lacquer on linoleum. Use wax. For floors that see heavy use, use a water-base self-polishing wax which washes off easily. sale and the fish pond will open after two p.m. The attractive candy booth 'in the centre will feature popcorn balls, apples as well ge. At the Christmas booth there will be many dolls and dolls' clothes on alas. The big event wi the hot snorgasborg supper, commenc at 5.30 until Wie served. interest tothe teachers, business women and families able to at- taffy as homemade of GRAND OPENING R 7s ' "MODERN HAIRSTYLING" 13 PRINCE ST. Across Look What To The '60 Compare them all, big, s They've Done Oars mall, convertibles, station wagons. Read the impartial analysis in this week's Star Weekly. i From The Bus Termine! For Appointment PHONE RA 8-1132 - ern beauty shop. Rita Anhut invites all her old customers and friends to visit her at her new, mod- Fully qualified interior decOretor tv help you of any time, WARD'S SIMCOE AT ATHOL "Decorating Oshawa Windows Since 1919" for the finest in drop- eries, curtains, window shedes and venetian blinds. Wondering About FIBERGLAS | DRAPERIES? Why Not Consult Experts Woaurd's drapery staff have . been trained by Fiberglas Canuda Ltd, in the proper Cul: of this marvelously new fubrie" for draperies. Don't Be Misled like other mane has «certain properties to make r live Ing easier. Toke a Names our training to get t best out of Fiberglas drap- ory. DIAL RA 5-1181 Wp -- 5 SEE IT TONIGHT . . BUILT BY KASSINGER « A MODEL HOME Completely Furnished by Ghsrnsy's oslo --- Doone vane ogee VA val for' model ho fumished . . | Dleeiy tehen . . . lou room . to the last detail. is home, Ii 1, 1 ry had nd A, and Ritson Roads lies en estate in @ LLEY" Be sure to see . . , go through we think you will agree it's o wonderful way to live, It Is come the bedrooms . | I's an idagl lotstion IE living room . . family room are complete ke many to follow, has been oo y tion rding item eon be oii Ive from Che ng. Why not drop mey's who will be in attendance et every in? OPEN DAILY FOR INSPECTION 2 PM. TILL 9 P.M. (SUNDAY INCLUDED) d by Cheney's. Informas readily obtai from & reps

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