. \ 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 5, 1959 "CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 50--Articles For Sale 30-VOLUME encyclopaedia Americana, including case and three annuals, Phone CO 3-2192. 258a ONE Lloyd baby carriage, $15; one 50--Adticles For Sale {FROM UNGAVA TO B.C. NOW OPEN Second-hand store. Men's, ladies and 1 Simeoe Street South. 49--Automobile Repairs 1271 SIMCOE NORTH Specialists in Ford Service 47--Autombiles For Sale 'sé CHEVROLET, , washers, $1395. Easy 258¢ radio, white walls; a beauty. terms ai Wellman's, RA 85-7981. 's1 CHEVROLET, B. ¥. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat- refrigerators, televi- refinished, good con- dition, $195. Terms at Wellman's, RA 5-7981, 258¢ 45--Real Estate For Sale 45---Real Estate For Sale "52 BUICK, radio, dynafiow, excellent Sires, $295, Terms at Weliman's, BA ond parts Wheel alignment, wheel balance with latest type equipment. Newest type L ic tune-up equip baby snowsuit, 4. 258¢ .|165 Verdun Road. teries, Kelvinator sion. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543. HEAVY duty four-burner stove. | USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. 1959 Good Year FEW country residence, features two|HOUSE -- 10 rooms, good PTI ee Te Thar - a a drive, a ar Sa, "| condition, $1 sans] BRAMLEY MOTORS [and Fords. RA sess. LLOYD baby -- Rl ten| 53506 full price of this five-rool® bun. 801 350c [tion MO 8-4427. "|galow, situated on a lot 48' by 135 SALES LTD. 8f|ACCORDIAN, table hockey game, PHONE RA 3-4675 se: White sors eost: 50--Articles For Sale {located close to school and transporta- room Lion. Down payment $900, one mortgage {rad new, size 38. Lafies Boots, size 57 SHEPHERD Ski-Bee 16 foot inboard boat, fully equipped. RA 8-6681, back for balance, with can tails. 257¢ LADY'S brown suit, size .{Call Mike I)ehoruk RA , take over one match. Phone RA 5-6385. Hi For Archaeology 11th summer in the Yukon and|was directed by Dr. Carl Borden Northwest Territories. Thousandsiof the University of British Col of stone weapon heads, skin(umbia. Dr. Borden dug a trench scrapers, choppers and cutting|50 feet long, 10 feet wide and 20 tools now are being sorted and|to 25 feet deep, baring a number studied, of 'particularly encouraging" "But 'Canada 13 a vast country|zoncs with tools and other re. | ; : : i i i : By ARCH MacKENZIE Canadian Pess Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) --'As archaeo- logical work goes in Canada, 1959 "Se 2 2 Fe ganizol by th ven e National Museum delved for I ee ora J ancouver Island and|scratc] arc sur- as far north as the eastern Arc-|face yet," he said in inter-| WORKED AGAINST TIME and Friday|tic and the western Yukon. view. Near Elbow, Sask, r. Wil 15" One sifted through i ; : | {83 fil £2 of {Wacko Real Estate. i ] | |eabinet. Good condi 5-0863. BROADLOOM rug, 10 reversible| tweed mushroom. 200 Monash Avenue. 258¢ eee -------- ee 1000 BD. FT., 2 x 6 oak. YUkon 5-2479, Port Perry 257¢ with 2%57¢ | 75 FORD, in good condition, 9 by over $125. MO 85488, Whitby. Apply 2581 60 PONTIAC, od COAL stoke, large size, complete controls. |'5s1 GREEN Pontiac coach, Ro Tis, |dition, new smow tires, custom Phone RA 8-6829 or CO 3-2159. 257¢ CASH for your car -- immediate cash, lian paid off. Seaway Motors, Whilby. 3% DODGE, six cylinder, and "55 Ford 51 Monarch, '55 cab the site of There was the problem of co-{liam Mayer - Oakes of the Uni- the South Saskatchewan dam,|ordinating programs among the|versity of Tornoto led a erew -( seeking traces of early prairie|various individuals and such in-|with the assistance of the Sas- . the|stitutions as universities, and of katchewan government, Jattig tracks of early migrants stream-|getting enough men and money.|against time to locate remains ing South raf Asia ia the per. sary prairie dwellery before: the ait zone. skatchewan dam eov- Near Tadoussac, Que., at the] He described the present pro-|ered a wide area with water. The mouth of the Saguenay River, (gram as just a preliminary at-joh produced artifacts 9,000 years tempt to solve some of the coun. |g] tools plus an Algonquin tribal|try's archaeological problems site. On Mansel Island off north.|and get a firmer idea of seum's Arctic archaeologist, con- |ern Ungava, early Eskimo flint| America's prehistoric man. tinued 'his work in the Ungava' tools and weapons perhaps 2,500] Next year, he said, it is hoped| aren and found about 3,000 flint years old were discovered on 14|to pay more attention to Quebecois and weapon heads strength. sites. and the Maritimes but he felt that ening his belief that prehistoric the 1959 program constituted a).,.5 iy the North was: ancestral ble |STUDY MYSTERY PITS | comprehensive attempt to use the|so "tho Eskimo rather than being 253] Near Marathon, Ont., on Lake|professional archaeologists avail-| ¢ yin stock three Superior, mystery prehistoric pits| able, stimulate loca! archaeology > were investigated and an Ojibway|and train future staff. Dr. J. Norman Emetson of the *| village was located. In. the Fraser| Dr. MacNeish himself spent|University of Toronto worked - two end Qables, two table lamps and| River canyon, near Yale, B. C..[three months between Cham-|D€ar Marathon, finding in the so- ine rack four plotares. at $145.95|a deep trench bared a series of called puckasaw pits pottery of a zones with artifacts more than 8,- 3 pagne and Kluane Lakes in the A plus a bedroom suite including a large southwestern Yukon, trying to|later type and evidence that they dresser, chest and bed, spring filled|000 years old. p rt out the chronological order|were related to Ojibway Indian ov gi Bindi sort, out the chronologleal order |ceremonials. An Indian. village with brown fur, good 4-5, $7. 237 Athol East. USED oil space heater, good working condition, $20. Phone RA 8-1534, 258¢c HAWA'S BUSIEST | REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS HILLSIDE HEIGHTS $1,200 DOWN buys this five-room brick and stone bungalow. Large kit- chen ond dining area with lots of cupboard space, large bedrooms with lots of closet spoce. One N.H.A. mortgage for the balance with monthly payments of $71.00, interest and principal. For informa- tion, call Irwin Cruikshanks, RA 8-5123. LLOYD REALTY 0S KELLY TV, | washers, dryers, ai . er. Low overhead means lowest prices. Kelly A FRIGIDAIRE washer, dryers, 'frigs, built-ins, ranges, freezers, dish wash- ers, all reduced. Low overhead lowest prices. Terms. Kelly TV. SKATES, new and used, largest sclec- tion in town, most reasonable prices. Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street East. TV towers, all welded, rust proof, no rivets, special $49.95. Low overhead means lowest prices. Kelly TV. LAWN Cruiser power lawn mowers 25; 18 in. deluxe mowers, just arrived for our huge sale, regular price $90.75, our| low low sale price only $59.95. This is a genuine of 36 per cent. Don't be disappointed Hurry out to the Hil top Snack Bar on Highway 2 between Oshawa and Whitby. RA 8.6891 '|ONE pair lady's figure ska 755 VOLKSWAGON, in good condition, | on" wed $850. Phone OL 5-401. 2575 '50 FORD sedan, good motor and tires, | cerca gel the ;/8125. Phone RA 3-2120. Lu Bh items you hu longer, need to uyers .|'é#9 CHRYSLER, good condition, rea-|waiting cash, ertise A Phone RA 85234. 255f| Oshawa Times Classified section. Dial 58 BSA, 650 twin, "Golden Flash", RA 33492. Lid. reasonable. Call RA 8.3450 after § p.m. (CIRCULATING heater, William E. Taylor, the mu- extra A-1 condition, 51360 between 257 -|'53 METEOR, reasonable for quick sale. RA 5-1335 or 168 Pontiac Avenue. x i951 omEV. excellent] ates RA 5-9870. | condition, custom radio, ast. 254f | ACTIVE commer, farm, Bev Crux sien, S50 pe "a x|fect condition, new paint, $150 down er|and ard, best offer, take over payments. RAC, 8-1442. $700 DOWN ON ELGIN ST. W. A good start for the small family. All conveniences, oil heated, poyments of $65.00 monthly. Full price $6,500. Save by calling Bill Millar, RA 8-5123. GOT A HOUSE TO SELL? THEN LLOYD YOU TELL Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER a JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD ED. DISNEY 'sé FORD custom LAND for sale; wood for sale; also Ced. two-door tutone, green and white overdrive, sharp $795. *58 PLYMOUTH V8 automatic an REALTOR -- INSURANCE 82 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 3-2333 OUTSTANDING BUNGALOW Close to St. Helwig { whitewalls. 1adio, take older car as part payment. RA 3.7001, 256¢ offer. Dial MO 8-4500. ONT nxle, tires, springs and shocks, for trailer, $15. Cab for "47 Studebaker truck, compiete like new; also for '49 Ford. Make . Some parts other apples. Call after 4 pm. 1192 ar Street. SHAPED BCotch Pine Christmas trees. Any quantity delivered or in forestry. Fowler Forest Farms, 306 King West. "55 PONTIAC hardtop, one owner, fwo- tone paint, fender mirrors, radio and One of the sharpest cars of the lot, $1205. Seaway Motors d., Dundas Street West MO 8-3331. PAINT, terior, in , exterior, $2.95 gallon, all clors. Guaranteed, flat gloss. Osh- awa Hai and Electric, 8 Street. RA 3-7624. RA 5-1685. INFANTS' blue snowsuit, baby's car bed, commode chair, electric hot water heater, lady's bicycle, all good condi- -|tion. Baby hampsters, RA 5-6473. 2556 '57 DODGE tone blue, deep HIGHEST prices paid for used furni also sell and Community Furniture Sireet. Phone RA 8-131. USED TV's, washers, dryers, frigs., ranges, serials, Xelly TV, at King West Live rent free in this é-room brick bungalow, beautiful ond well built in every re- spect. The stone and brick- work (barkbrick) is of outstan- may be Will accept older trade. Call financed. RA 86143 after 6 p.m. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For ding workmanship, all the rooms are spacious, the floor space is ovei 1200 feet, and the rear of the house with 2 rooms and the self-contained basement apertment ideal for sub-letting without interfer- personal service at your home ecll RA 5-2802 ss STUDEBAKER sports coupe, low| KITCHEN table and chairs, stool,' din- hairs, three- '|ing room table and el hy ,| quarter bed. RA 8-8029. 257¢ 1948 Pontiac, in good condition. Phone RA 5-7511 CUSTOM built car radios, complete with aerial and installation, transistor models from $49.95. Terms $§ down. Dominion Tire Store, West. RA 5-6511 om, er 253¢ value! 424 Simcoe St. 8. Furn |GUNS, ammunition MIXED sizes, dresses, formals, skirts, coats, suits, Size 10 flower girl dresses. . Man's 44 Mary Maxim sweater, beige and brown; man's bicycle; wardrobe; liquor eab- linet. Apply 238 Kaiser Crescent. RA 5-1212. table, table lamps, mixmaster, elec- trie dresses, size 17; man's RA 37071. 255¢ heater, '|leather jacket. and hunting sup- plies, new LAMP tables, coffee table, desk, night |ple lamps and shades and three pictures at $139.95 plus a chrome arborite table and four matching chairs, starter 20- plece set of dinnerware at $39.95. You get all fifty-three pieces at one low ce, $325. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. if ALUMINUM windows, doors, railings. Average window $19.95 complete. Call couver Island, a series of mounds were explored. ordinated program, it was prob- 253(| ably our best year," says Dr. Richard MacNeish, senior mu- seum archaeologist who spent his At Courtenay, B.C., on Van- "From the standpoint of a co- historic cvltures with their Asian background and new-world evolu- tion. Three excavations--one with 12 zones or levels -- produced site was also discovered. At Tadoussac, Gordon Lowther of McGill University pursued traces of ancient man and also found an Al in Indian tribal about 2,000 artifacts some about 8,000 years old. The Fraser Canyon expedition site dated about the fime of the white man's arrival. RA 5-740. LARGE selection of re-conditioned TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- coe Street North, PRUNED Scotch Pine Christmas trees. § feet in height. David Archer, Burke- ton, RR 3, Blackstock 82RI13 NEW stereo equipped portable record player, five years warranty on changer mechanism. $39.95 and up. The Merchant, 171 Bond Street East. FINEST stero and monoraul tape re- corders for the lowest prices. The Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond Street East. sets, 17" and 21", com: 2 90-day VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. Crime Wave = In Sing By RUSSELL ELMAN SINGAPORE (CP)--One Sun- day in October, two youths were brutally murdered in a coffee shop in a congested Chinese quar- ter of Singapore. The double slaying by teen-age apore |claimed the international spot- light because of the serious crimes involved. Police attribute more than 75 per cent of all se- rious crimes in Singapore to ju- veniles, including 20 murders this year plus cases of extortion, kid- LJ remain as a university entrance requirement. Many educationists believe the teaching of Latin begins too soon, and that it is a subject which might better be left in its entirety to the universities or schools with specialized courses. The British Pharmacopoeia, which isn't bothered about clas- sical culture, in 1953 dropped the Latin titles of the preparations and substances it lists, A geriera- tion ago, said the publishers, Latin was useful because a pa- tient was unlikely to be able to read a doctor's prescription. But is! 8, and used, terms 10 per cent oo Sone, Sond napping and armed robbery. Most crimes emanate from sec- vet societies, which claim an es- timated membership of more than 10,000 Chi youths, with a growing number in the under-16 age bracket. Although deeply rooted in the Chinese pattern of life going back many centuries, the secret societies in modern Singapore bear little relationship to past cults. They now closely resemble hoodlum gangs in West- ern cities. These societies once were an LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 169 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 FINISHED BASEMENT Priced for quick sale. Owner moving to Toronto, Don't miss this beoutiful north-end location, Decorated through- out, all rooms painted. Extra 3-piece bath downstairs, Only '59 DEW two-tone station wagon, show- room condition, 10,000 miles, fully d, extras, private. Phone Tom, Ulster 2-3405, Uxbridge, after 6 p.m. ence to the owner. Reason- ' oblv priced, substantial down Sentals payment 'wanted. Call Art Weirberger RA 3-2333 or evenings RA 3-7244, 6-ROOM STOREY AND HALF Hortop Vacant now $12,000 FULL PRICE. $1,000 down, newly decorated. Coll Ed Irich RA 3-2333 or evenings RA down. Dominion Tire Street West, RA 1 $200 FOR your old frig. on new frost- aire refrigerator. Dean RA 81081 anytime. gangsters, belonging . secret "|society, raised the c! on a prin Oe et week of vicious crime, perhaps unprecedented in Singapore's 140- year history as a gay, 1 itan port. The following Tuesday, million- aire Chia Yee Soh was kidnapped and a taxi - driver stabbed; Wednesday a schoolteacher was stabbed by three thugs; Thursday five masked robbers staged a holdup; Friday armed youths made a daring $5,000 daylight today doctors are less sure of Latin, and in any event their handwriting is so obscure that pa- Bients can't read it anyway, they said. Television Star Flies SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. Wor top cash offer, con- tact 19 Prince Street. Phony RA 81131. SPECIAL discounts 25 per cent off to builders, apartment or home owners on built-in electric or gas ovens, and cook- ing tops, etc. Kelly Appliances, 81 King Street West, dryers, space heaters, furnaces, etc. No money down, pay on your gas bill. Free service, lowest prices. Kelly TV. TV towers, all welded, rus. proof, no rivets, special $49.95. Low overhead means lowest prices. Kelly TV. STEREO-Hifi automatic record play- ers, $99 up. Low overhead means low- est prices. $3 weekly. Kelly TV, 81 King West. proof Kelly Appliances, PHILLIPS - Rogers 1960 TV, Stereo and Hi-Fi record players, tape recorders, shavers etc. Easy terms. Kelly TV. 81 King West. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 Oshawa. pe Fob SRL MARCONI -- New 21" TV only $19. No money down with trade-in. Low overhead means lowest prices. Kelly TV. Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, Admiral, Westinghouse, The finest in T.V, hifi ond service. PARKWAY T.V, USED parts and repairs for all makes of ringer type washers, % HP motors $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hampton, CO 3-2241. LES EVENISS one block to school and the 3-3301. bus at your door. Phone Mr. Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544, 46--Real Estate Wanted MURIEL AVE. Don't know where it is? Well FARM is sold -- Wil pay up $15,000 for home in good area. Write Box 822 Oshawa Times. to it's @ quiet little street with @ beautiful five-room bunga- low just waiting to be seen. Built by a chop who said: | do not want a large profit, just get me my wages and | will sell. Call Mr. Ratcliffe ot RA 5-6544. KELLY SAYS! If you wont to sell or buy © home or business, give him a call ot Enie Holmes Real Estate, 204 King East, RA MERCEDES BENZ D.K.W. FIAT Authorized Sales & Service 918 Simcoe North RA 3-3043 ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 SEE IT!! TRY IT!! THE NEW 60 FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 @ week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer, No down payment. For appointment no oblige- tion)--phone RA 5-3709. FALL SALE We don't promise any bonus, we promise only number one self-storing aluminum . doors installed, guaranteed, only $44.95. Aluminum double- hung storm windows. Only $18.50 installed. Now try the best in town. Call us for quick service. RA 3-985] Alex Vojda, 481 Drew St. SALES LTD. ALUMINUM AWNINGS CUSTOM FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES 15 PRINCE STREET RA 5.4632 DOORS, WINDOWS, SCREENS jewel grab, and another taxi- driver was slashed to death in front of a crowd. Police, government and social workers in Singapore are seeking an answer to the juvenile crime wave, which threatens to upset the long-established social equilib- rium of more than 1,000,000 Chi- nese residents and could jeopar- dize the future of the recently- UNDER COVER BOAT STORAGE created self - governing state of Singapore. As an initial step the govern- important band in preserving ties among thousands of Chinese, brought to Singapore and Malaya as cheap labor during the 19th century. Founded with religious overtones, they were recognized by both the British authorities and the Chinese people as a means of maintaining order, find- ing employment, remitting money to China. Society members took secret oaths, wore distinctive badges and used hand signs to To Capital WASHINGTON (AP) -- Nines year-old Evelyn Rudie, the imp- |ish Eloise of television, touched off a cross - country scramble Wednesday by disappearing from her Hollywood home and flying to Washington. She got off a four-engined jet passenger plane at Baltimore's Friendship International Airport VOLVO At WILBAK MOTORS SOLD OUT 137 KiNG STW. URGENT STUDEBAKER WE NEED LISTINGS THE 'FULL SIZE FOR 1960 We ore in need of older homes in oll locations. Many LARK TWO-DOOR SEDAN--- x Complete with heater -- de- of our clients have substan- Pugnid : fiol "cosh do payments. froster, direction signals, elee- s 4 tric wipers, antifreeze -- Free appraisal, no obligation, i H 4 of course. license and gosoline. = De- livered in Oshawa. RA 5-8831 "a $2485.00 : W. T. LAMSON "Opin lpi ug REAL ESTATE and eight cylinder models. SALES--SERVICE 47--Automobiles for Sole 58 VAUXHALL Super, mileage 8000. Sabyan Motor Sales Ltd. Apply atfer 4 p.m. 213 Banting Are. OPENING SALE Aluminum doors and windows of the best quality at prices you can't beat. No. 1 self storing aluminum door installed, guaranteed, only 44.50, Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385, 257¢ SALE! SALE! SALE! HURRY! HURRY! Selling out our children's wear below cost. Get your child- ren's needs, while they last. KIDDY CITY 256f GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trode-ins accepted. Finance. Terms. Open evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, PH: OL 5-3641 CUSTOM BUILT New unpholstered furniture, or recover and remodel your old. The best and lowest prices in town. By no. 1 expert in this trade. GIMPELJ CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY COMPANY 301 ELGIN ST. W. OSHAWA FOR FREE ESTIMATES Call RA 5-4170 CLEARANCE SALE with a tale of wanting to visit the White House and ask Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower to give her career a boost. Suspicious of a possible publio- ity gag, reporters barraged her at length with questions about whether her parents or anyone else knew she had left home alone at dawn. With the coolness of the old theatre pro, the brown - eyed blonde stuck to this explanations "When I saw Mrs. Eisenhower in Washington last year, she told me that she and her grandchil- dren and the president enjoyed my acting so much. So I decided to talk with her and see if she couldn't help me get a part in a film or TV series." She said she had broken opes 5-2363. identify each other. Today, most secret societies are run by teen-agers, often as young as 14. Welfare officers ascribe the steady growth of violent crime largely to a battle for supremacy between rival gangs. The conflict has sharpened as the government cracked down on vice, drying up the traditional sources of in- come. Prostitution, gambling and opium smoking are less profit- able and consequently it has be- come more difficult to extort pro- tection money. ment granted a two-week am- nesty, during which all gangsters who gave themselves up and furnished "full and sincere' state- ments of their past lives would not be prosecuted. When the dead- line ended police were empow- ered to implement new laws of detaining and supervising persons associated with secret society ac- tivities, HOODLUM GANGS Singapore's juvenile de linquency, not yet on the same WANT TO BUILD? For a good vacant lot on the outskirts of town with easy terms, phone Mr. Rotclifffe ot RA 5-6544, THIS HOME IS FOR YOU New, beautiful ranch home with attached garage, 6 large rooms, over 1,200 sq. #. of living area, ultra-mod- ern kitchen, beautiful. bath- room with vanity. Area off Wilson Road North in new subdivision. If you are look- ing for something special, ond priced most reasonably, don't delay, call today for Mr. Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. Open Evenings Members of Oshawg & District Real Estate Board. Guaranteed Service on all Makes of Outboard Motors PHONE OL 5-3641 MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT. HOLLAND BULBS Buy top size. Growers of quality bulbs and nursery stock for three generations. VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 MILES EAST OF OSHAWA NO. 2 HWY. MA '3-5757 ONE FREE SELF-STORING STORM WINDOW TO EVERYONE Who buvs a self-stor- ing storm door this month. 253f WHY RUN AROUND HOLODY SALES SELLS THEM ALL ALUMINUM DOOR, WIN- DOWS AWNINGS, PORCH RAILINGS. INSULATED SIDING. ALUMINUM AND STONE Nothing Down. Easy Terms 30 GRENFELL STREET Two Streets East of Shopping Centre RA 5-2431 OPEN HOUSE Drop in or make an appoint- ment for after hours to see-- THE NEW 1960 GERMAN STEREO HI-FI SETS Sit down and enjoy the su- perb sound of those pieces of . crafstmonship and style -- refreshments will be served. THE DUTCH MERCHANT 171 Bond St. East RA 8-6051 52--Legal Notices TREASURER'S ADJOYRNED SALE OFF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, COUNTY OF ONTARIO To wit: Notice is hereby in accordance 334 Ritson Rd. South, Oshawa Telephone RA 3-346] STUDEBAKER THE FULL SIZE FOR 1960 Lark, Two-door Sedan ~-- Complete with heater, defros- ter, direction signals, electric wipers, antifreeze, license and gasoline. Delivered in Oshawa $2485. And a complete line of six and eight cylinder models, SALES SERVICE Sabyan Motor Sales Limited 334 Ritson Rd. S., Oshowe Telephone RA 3-3461 48--Automobiles Wanted LARRSHORE Aue, Bini want ei lor wrecking, est prices pall. RA 51161 or RA 5.1182, pug 50 GOOD CARS WANTED IMMEDIATELY TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. E., OSHAWA By ALVIN J. STEINKOPF LONDON (AP)--It used to be smart in British undergraduate circles to writé a poem of love in Latin, The young lady it was sent to puzzled over it, decided it was cute and married the guy, who gree after talked prose in Eng- sh. There is less Latin love now. | British schoolboys used to. get large doses of Latin, and on top of it a smattering of Greek. But today many scholars note with regret that Latin is losing ground jn Britain. Others think it is just as well, and incline to the opinion that the culture of the an- cient R isn't all that neces- sary. TWO STRONGHOLDS The extent to which Latin has slipped was highlighted 'recently by its loss of popularity at two strongholds of culture, Oxford and Cambridge universities. First, both decided to drop an 52--Legal Notices 1063 MAYFLOWER, good tires, new battery, good condition throughout. Can be seen at Orpwood's Texaco, 461 Park Road South. RA $6011. 2580 47 --Automobiles for Sale SMART PEOPLE TRY THE REST, THEN BUY "'HILLMAN", IT'S THE BEST! -- BETTER THAN 35 MILES PER GALLON -- BETTER THAN 80 MILES PER HOUR -- UP TO 50,000 MILES ON TIRES GAS AT THE BACK, NOT IN YOUR LAP FULL LEG, HIP AND HEAD ROOM ALL WELD SAFETY CONSTRUCTION BALL JOINT PLUS TORSION BAR -- KING SIZE HYDRAULIC BRAKES -- STANDARD GEAR SHIFT -- AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION AVAILABLE AT EXTRA COST -- ALL PARTS CARRIED IN STOCK -- HEATER, SIGNALS, OIL FILTER, TWO-TONE We make this offer to illus- trate our confidence in our wonderful products, SAVE OVER $20.00 BY CALLING COLONIAL HOME [IMPROVEMENTS 134 SIMCOE ST S. RA 8-8571 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Do and C i RA 5-5332 scale as in London or Tokyo, has Latin Loses Ground . . niversit a e four piggy banks, extracted $160, and bought an airline ticket last Monday whe she and her elementary knowledge of Latin as| mother, . Emery Bernauer, an entrance requirement next|Separated during a shopping trip. year. Then there was an outery| She telephoned for a taxicab from the British Headmasters'|before 6 a.m. Wednesday, went to Association. The headmasters are|Los Angeles International Airport solidly pro-Latin. and boarded a plane. Under the headmasters' pres- sure, Oxford reconsidered its po- equ sts sition, and Latin . back Suan - Actor R e ing the front gates. A w ac- ulty pie wh be Wife To Return secretly considering what attitude] yp ONDON (CP)--Canadian-born the university should e inlactor Paul Carpenter is asking years to come. Britain's divorce court fo order Cambridge, where scientific ed- pe pr. Nite Kim Parker to ucation is given great emphasis, : has not changed its position. No pu... 8 Jerition for restition = ue wil Reed Latin-io get 4n ext latest list of forthcoming suits. \ Carpenter, 39, formerly of STILL TEACH IT Montreal, married Miss Parker, There is no thought in Britain|26, in 1955. She later filed suit foe of discontinuing the teachi of | divorce, naming as co-respondent Latin. It remains an important|the British actress Sabrina. Care and even a favorite subject in col-|penter's lawyer said Miss leges of Oxford, Cambridge, Lon > ake s suit now has been dis. don and other universities. The h only question is whether it should Miss Parker is in Las Vegas, 52--Legal Notices -- DELUXE FOUR DOOR SEDAN MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars. FANTASTIC REDUCTIONS NOTICE CUSTOM STEEL given, that with the public announce- ment made by me at the original tax oon held on the 4th day of November, 1959, General Tenders for the Contraceptives Seen Permissible NEW YORK (AP)--The Arch. $1945 COMPLETE - $345 DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY SOLD AND SERVICED BY "Wellman Motors SINCE 1950 NONQUON ROAD -- RA 5-7981 OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. BOATS MOTORS TRAILERS WEYMOUTH CRUISERS MARINE SUPPLIES PAINTS CHAIN SAWS GUNS And AMMUNITION etc. Hurry! Don't miss this sale. Two weeks only, starting Oc- tober 23. AJAX MARINE Ne. 2 Highwoy et Ajax AJAX 1266 For all types of welding ond repair, wishes to advise their many customers that winter rates are now in effect and that we have machines avail- able to handle all jobs, whe- ther on location or in our Call RA 8-6751 Ask for Mr. Reid now, for prompt and dependable ser- vice. 1290 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA All Work > G adjourning same, a sale by public auction of the three parcels of land remaining un- sold will be held in the Coun- cil Chamber of the City Hall in the City of Oshawa at the hour of ten o'clock in the morning on Thursday, the 12th day of November, 1959. AND TAKE FURTHER -NO- TICE, that at such adjourned sale, if no price is offered, the Corporation reserves the right to purchase the same for the amount due. Dated ot Oshawa, Ontario, this 4th day of November, 1959. H. E. TRIPP, City Treasurer. Pay off liens. Sell on consign- ment. Trade Up or down. NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W. bishop of York said Wednesday that after long thought on the question of the use of contracep~ tives he has concluded "it is right to use them as part of the Chris- tian fulfilment of marriage. But he added: "I don't counsel indiscriminate use. Parenthood is definitely a part of marriage and it is wrong for people to marry and avoid thood."" paren 5 Rev. Arthur Michael Ramsey, second ranking prelate of the Church of England, gave his views just before sailing for Brit. ain on the liner Queen Elizabeth after a three-week visit to the United States and Canada. Construction of Whitby District High School General tenders only will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., Friday, November 20th, 1959, for the construction of a two-storey, reinforced concrete, si school, Plans, specifications, tender forms and information may be had on ion to the und d. \A marked cheque for $25.00 is required to procure plans and specifications. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (Signed) S. B. COON & SON, Architects, 745 Mount Pleasant Rd., Toronto, Ontarie, i 236 256¢