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The Oshawa Times, 12 Nov 1959, p. 10

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EDDIE Joe, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November, 12, 1959 Solemnized At © |Martin Alphonse Reaume. daughter of Mr, ! |Ontario, and the late : |Reaume. ing were Masters Albert iman, who sang "Mother Reaume-Driscoll Nuptials At St. Gregory's Roman Catho-|peau de soie sweeping into a cir- © [lic Church on Saturday morning, |cular train. Alencon lace accent- ©: November 7, Margaret Ann Dris-|ed the scoop neckline of the long ~ |coll was united in marriage with|sleeved bodice, appliques of the The bride who is a graduate of|the hooped skirt. A crown of satin class '55 of St. Michael's Hospital|filigree held her finger tip veil School of Nursing, Toronto, is the|and she carried a white prayer| and Mrs. |book crested with a white orchid Thomas Driscoll of Oshawa and and ribbon streamers. ' |the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. | : |Alphonse Reaume of Chatham,|was matron of honor for her sis- | Mr, |ter, and The Very Reverend Dean Paul/ronto and Mrs. La Verne Jones Dwyer performed the ceremony and said the nuptial mass. Serv-| : and | tone. brown peau de soie designed dhiisiiia \oparlie Love. Mr. Jack Driscoll with V necklines and bracelet played the wedding music and|length accompanied Mrs, William Kins-|With mittens. They wore veiled | All matching bow knot headdresses St. Gregory's same lace offset the bodice and Mrs. Frank White of Oshawa the other attendants were Mrs, David Walks of To- |of Pefferlaw. They all wore iden- tical street length gowns of mink sleeves, complemented PERSONALS "land Mrs, Ed. Mulligan, Whithfee Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Jon : Pefferlaw. Mrs. R. A. Wallace, Jones av- enue, was hostess to the Literary Group of the Lyceum Club on Tuesday evening when an inter- esting program was arranged ¢ |centering around a travel tall: % land color slides of Scandinavia, presented by Mrs. E, C. H, Jury. Mrs. 8. V. Barlow, Simcoe Street north, is opening her home f [this evening to members of the i [French Conversation Group of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association. Mrs. John Stovin, Stacey av- enue, was in Port Perry on Tues- day attending the funeral of her sister, the late Mrs. Minnie Hood, who passed away suddenly at her home in Peterborough, Mr. Ernest Gascoyne of Kin- sale was guest of honor at a din- ner party at the home of his son- inlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Ormiston, Kinsale, on Saturday evening, November| 7, on the occasion of his 85th Pictures Of Tour Take Ciub Women Around The World The Women's Progressive Con- servative Association of Oshawa held its first meeting of the fall season in the library at Adelaide House. The president, Mrs. Ruth | Bestwick, welcomed the visitors birthday, The 30 guests included family and friends from Brough- am, Myrtle Station, Oshawa, To- 'onto, Whitby and Weston, You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little items of interest. News of anni- versaries and comings and go- ings are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge. Please write or telphone RA 3-3474, local 18. Mr. Albert Love, godfather of the bride, was master of cere- les at the R wedding reception in St. Greg- ory's Auditorium, on Saturday, November 7. Out of town guests at the Reaume - Driscoll wedding were Mr. Bruce McCrindle, Mr. Paul Quilty, Miss June Ellis, Miss Janet McGuire, Miss Ann Walsh, Miss Beverley Dempsey, Mr. and Mrs. P. Currie, Mr, Tom Meraw, Miss Mickie Meehan, Mr, and Mrs, E. H. Legard, Mrs. Wilham Hickey, Miss Eileen Driscoll, Miss Winnie Kennedy, Mr, and Mrs, Dave Walks, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce McGowan, Mr. and Mrs, Kevin Kirby, Mr, and Mrs. Ger- ald Kirby, Mr. Norman Witheral, Mr, and Mrs. Craig aghan, Mrs. Michael Maffaty, Miss Mary McKeracher, Mr. Hugh Kirby, Mr, Jack Kennally, Mrs, H. Mrs. J. A. Dionne, Mrs. Rol 1 Robson, all of Toronto; Mr. and|Boswell. Mrs, Roger PlancKfed Mrs. J. Carey, and Mrs. L.| Mrs. Roy Turpin, Mrs, George Pendergast, Colborne; Mr, and|Barager, Mrs, John Graham, Mrs, B, Smith, Mr, Dick Smith, Mrs. George Stacey, Mrs. John College Hill H&S Annual Fall Bazaag: Mrs. T. D. Thomas opened this annual fall bazaar of College he Home and School - Associatioffl She was introduced by the presiss' dent, Mrs. Earl Adams, She told- of the wave of vandalism that: was going on in the city, partici, - larly the ceaseless breaking of school windows and street lights, 5» She pleaded with all parents and', Driscoll] guardi of 13-15-year-olds fo take an interest in their chile~ dren's activities, especially if it" takes them out at night. With Mrs. Harold Cameron a8 convener the six booths 'were looked after by the followings" sewing and knitting, Mrs, Stee phen Wozniak and Mrs. Williang Dearborn; home baking, Mrs, & Arthur Cory and Mrs. Joh Haas; tea room, Mrs, Ivan Locke and Mrs. Edward Thompson} | children's room, Mrs. Fred Rose... and Mrs, Paul Gulenchyn; pars: cel post, Mrs. Douglas Langleygus white elephant, Mrs. M. Shield : Much credit for the success gf's the bazaar goes to the follow! hard working room members Mrs. 8. R. Gray, Mrs. Fraser, Mrs, Kenneth Mo: 1, . : North Bay; Mr. Tom Lally,[Saxby, Mrs, Edward Crockef, Belleville; Mrs. M. W, Romany, Mrs, R.. W. Ellis, Mrs. Normas.s Mr. and Mrs, William Reaume, Lang, Mrs. Roy McKenzie, a Mr, Gerald Reaume, and Kevin/Cyril Usher, Mrs. 8. W. Knanp, , Reaume, Mr. Brady Reaume, Mrs. E. J. Logeman, Mrs, P. D. Mrs. R. W. Nicol, Mrs. George Clark, Mrs. John Cameron, Mrs. Toward, Mrs, James Milner, Miss/Arthur Cory, Mrs. Andrefy; Helen Milner, all of Chatham; |Zybala. fd Mr, and Mrs. J. Rutherford, Peterborough; Mr. Fym Reaume, Galt; Mrs, E. C. Urqu- hart, Mrs, Stanley Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. George Good, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edgar, all of Wind- This is an important day for Edward James Gujda who is celebrating his first birthday. Eddie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gujda, Lowell | from Ajax, also Mrs. Michael {Starr and the Oshawa members. he minutes of the last meeting | were read, It was decided to hold la penny sale at the November | meeting, | The Progressive Conservative daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred [Men's Association of Oshawa ex- Yuskow, and the bridegroom is [tended an invitation to attend its the son of Mr. and Mrs. How- |dinner on November 19. ard Rombough, all of Oshawa. | The president introduced Mrs. Jack P. Allan of Ajax, who show- Photo by Ireland. led colored piciuers and gave a . resume of a 5 00)-mile world An 21 all tour that she had taken earlier|sor; . Mrs. atthew HEY MISS MEN this year. Brookman, Elmira, N.Y.; x LONDON (CP) -- An old-age| puring her tour she visited)and Mrs. Joseph Ggldhawk, pensioners' club in the Dagenham San Francisco, Hawaii, the Fiji|Ridgetown; Mr, and Mrs. J. : haw istrict is i - Is , New Ze Brookman, Philadelphia; Mr, ruce Terwillegar, of Oshawa, |district is looking for male mem Islands, Auckland, New Zealand, , Mr. Bree of the bride, opened the The secretary says the Svduey, NW South Wales, M8) 30d ys. Boben tiocker. Mow door to the guests 3 he bg i are nearly all womeu,| Ceylon, Naples, Rome, Gibral-|Sue Pollard, Clinton, N.Y.; Miss noon, and Mrs. A y "the/?d they miss the company of|tar, Marseilles, France, London, Margaret Driscoll, Buffalo; Mr. Oshawa, angler sister, 18, $160n, England. and Mrs, Pat Wiley, Ajax; Mr. evening. .80 HOLDS YOUR CHOICE in Z| the bride wore a a TO LIVE IN TORONTO _ Married recently at St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church were Mr. and Mrs. James Charles Rombough. For- merly Miss Constance Marie Yuskow, the bride is the | ROYAL JELLY ¢ ' Royal Jelly--A safe, natural food produced the Honey Bee and fed to the Queen Bee, increasing.4 her life span 20 times. Will send. you COD. for $1.00, 24 Royal' Jelly Capsules as a trial offer, regular price $4.95. If you don't feel like a different person when you finish 24 capsules, return the empty bottle and we will refund your $1.00. Pioneers in Roysi Jelly ROYAL JELLY ' ENTERPRISES , OWEN SOUND, ONT, > FS in the evening Mrs. Ray Pascoe, Solina, Mrs. Glen Glaspell, Mrs. Arthur Beevor, Jr .and Mis Elizabeth Dyer, of Oshawa. Mrs bers, Bex 202, McPherson are Northmin- Many gifts of silver, crystal, china, lamps, etc., and showers of greeting cards were arranged in the gift rooms, which were presided over by Mrs. J. W. Dyer in the afternoon and Mrs. Bruce Terwillegar in the eve- ning. Other gifts received in- cluded a lazy boy chair, an electric fire place and table lamps. A special guest was Mr. Roy Morrison who was best man at the wedding 25 years ago, which took place in Toronto with the Reverend C. E, Cragg officiating. Mrs. McPherson is the former Miss Ruth Peever, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H, Peever and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McPherson, all of Oshawa. The couple have two children, a daughter, Mrs. James Sproul ard a son, Mr. Keith Mec- Pherson, all of Oshawa, and two grandchildren, Debra and Timmie. Out of town guests were pres- ent from Toronto, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Napanee, Tyrone, Solina, Ontario and Brandon, Man. STEEL or sp ---- or Le Hiidiidl ih i avenue, and grandson of Mr. po. Wien pan jens" and ried d § | eautiful"', Panis Angelicus", carri cascades of yellow and Mrs. Louis Jaros, Quareg- {uy noo Thee, Precious Jesus' |and bronze chrysanthemums and non, Belgium, and Mr. Joseph {and "Ave Maria". |roses. Gujda, Poland. J Given marriage by her| Mr. Gerald Reaume of Photo by Venus Home Portraits rather, full| Chatham, was best man, and the length gown of carnation white/ushers were Mr. Dick Smith, gh 8 North Bay, Mr. Thomas Lally, Bellevill - Gertrude Colpus H&S ASSN. {cum as ven sted to sing o Believe; ond 0c Fim em the December meeting of the Ro- 3 ha n . |tary Club at the Hotel Genosha. |, he Feeeption was held at Su H T lk Ch 1d St d I'he choir is led 'by Mr. Jack|preaory s audijorium, where the ear S a on 1 u Y Hutchinson. bride's mother received wearing The parents' attendance prize Dior oe Fm! brocade, with a Mrs. George Pearce was the about the lack of the safety pa-|was won by Mrs. Thelma Black Matching feathered hat. Assist. guest speaker at the November trol this year. Because of there|and Mrs. Thelma Van Camp's|in8 Was the bridegroom's mother, meeting of the Gertrude Colpus being no sidewalks on Wilson road Kindergarten classes. (Who chose pure silk charcoal Home and School Associationand Shakespeare avenue in this| The opening of the mew wing|Prown brocaded in pink, with a held in the school auditorium. |area and with the safety patrol|yhich was reported to be opened |feather trimmed pink melusine Mrs. G. A. Wandless introduced not being organized as yet it is|recentlv has been postponed. (hat, and pink accessories. Both the speaker, a past-president of extremely dangerous for the chil-| Refreshments were. ser ve d|Wore corsages of pink sweetheart Xing Street Home and Selon} aren coming and going to school. |after the meeting by the mothers|Toses. : nation aud 8 gradisic of Zhe The Gertrude Colpus Schoollof the kindergarten classes. BT he go Fi » y ore a versity of Toronto. Her topic was sheath dress of scarlet red 'Preparing Your Child For | French wool, with a small match- Schou] ® Peare «that. coal ing hat, china mink jacket, and Mrs. rce sai a e ack accessories. On their re- power of 8 sald Should Dever be turn the couple will live in To- a e ronto, study of children was perhaps {---- ------ one of the most important in the : : world. She said that the children's Sunset Drive Pair level of thinking as a pre-school M . d 25 Y phild should be understood and Instead of continually saving arrie . ears "don't" to them explain the rea- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McPher- son for forbidding them to do son, Sunset Drive, were at home things. Mrs. Pearce said that it to their friends and relatives on was very important to give chil- Saturday afternoon, and evening, dren a sense of responsibility November 7, on the occasion of garly in We, a Ir Stielves 2d ep Bib wedding anniversary. ooks shou plac at aj t bouquets graced the livin, height that young children could| room vy ee HB reach them. They could be taught their guests. Mrs. McPherson very early to put things away was wearing a dress'of turquoise destly and hang up their own blue silk bombazine with a cor- . sage of ses. Praise is very important to A pe cake, made children and this greatly encour- by the silver anniversary bride' ages their efforts, she said. pes » mother, Mrs. E. H. Peever, pore. Leon Davey thanked Mrs. graced the candlelighted tea earce. table where Mrs. Bruce Straw- Wi Ross Edmandy Presided ip Mrs. William Baldwin, e meeting. One minute of si- a rs. Bruce Wallace poured lence was observed for the late? tea in the afternoon, Me Mrs. Gertrude Colpus. She will Jack Warrington and Mrs. be greailv missed by the Asso- Maurice Bickle presided in the ciation. She was always willing |evening to help in the meetings and in- { Serving in the afternoon were jallations of igh Sincere Misses Joan and Kathleen Beath| ped be Irate to oa of and Miss Lois Terwillegar, and Mrs. Robert Beharrel read the)' | din. secretary's report and Mrs. R. J. Sheffield read the treasurer's re- / # / } port and stated that the children a a rom the school had done very wll in te TICE drive on Ha AT THE RECEPTION Mrs. Davey and Mrs. Stanley | Pictured after their wedding ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Part- | Russell, who were delegates to| recently at Tyrone United | ner of Tyrone, and the bride- the Regional Area Home and| Church are Mr. and Mrs. Ga- | groom is the son of Mrs. Ga- School Conference at Cobourg,| briel Stephen Kovacs. The | briel Kovacs of Tyrone and the gave reports. | bride, the former Miss Helen | late Mr. Kovacs. There was much discussion! Louise Partner, is the daugh- ! Photo by Robert Aldsworth. to warm any Shop at Kaye's. . man's heart You may do your From Scotland come the years' most wonderful selection of men's sweaters ever to appear in Canada . . . and Johnston's have them for your special Christmas gift. Christmas shop- ping now . .. and pay after Christ- mas. PETER SCOTT SLEEVELESS CARDI- GANS AND LONG SLEEVE PULL- OVERS. Pure lambs wool ........ 10.95 WANA A KILSPINDIES WORLD FAMOUS LAMB'S WOOL WAISTCOAT in neat designs and perfect fashions We Invite You To Open a Credit Account for your Christmas Shopping, easy payments can be ar- ranged to suit your budget. AAAAAAAAAAN KILSPINDIES BULKY KNIT SKI SWEATERS. Featuring raglan sleeves moo 1.952250 long body AAAAAAAAANANN WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR KAYE'S LADIES WEAR ® SPORTSWEAR 68 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE RA 5-5451 OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. WARREN KNIT CARDIGANS. A standard for over 12 95 . dr 30 years ....... All to be seen at . . . Johnato (OSHAWA) LTD. AT 8 SIMCOE STREET N. CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. RA 3-7022 ; B . SR Gi 32 KING ST. WEST Open Friday Evening Till 9 p.m. SRI SS

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