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The Oshawa Times, 12 Nov 1959, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November, 12, 1959 | . ow served in the Anglican parish|cordion numbers. Refreshments Grace and Alan visited Mr. and] Mr. and Mrs. Clare Martin, | on an hall Saturday evening, after| were served. * Mrs. Murray Hollinger, Cherry-(Leskard, visited their daughter, which euchre was played. Prize| For the winter months Sunday wood Sunday. Mrs. Earle Puckrin, Sunday. winners were: Mrs. J. Gibson,|School will be held at 1.15 p.m. | icia Ad St | Patricia ams ages Party Cora Crozier, Percy Van Camp|and church services at 2.30 p.m. > and Fred Hamilton. A Si : whet BB | 3 By MRS. . C. HL bene sai Samvenion | (Fue FU, NN PREFERRED Ip BLACKSTOCK -- Mission PERSONALS Uni : LLL NY | Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell pited Chureh, Skits ne ! by people who enjoy a friendly Is Top Orator Band et Tuensay. a and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Van|PERSONALS f were made for a party Friday Mr, Is. ] oF ¥ : night, to be held in the United Camp attended the Federation of| Rene Mogil, Penny Leeds, Don- Jo THAN ; A : : and relaxing atmosphere By MRS. R. C.M HILL Wright, "The Coyote"; Marlene Chure! nday school room. |Agriculture banquet in Torontoina Kinsman and Phyllis Morgan, ! BLACKSTOCK -- Patricia Ad-|Tomchishin, "Winter Wonder;| The program included an Monday. students of Toronto Teachers' Col- ADULT TODAY and STARLITE ROOM ams was declared winner of the| Lynda Kyte, "Lumber Our Heri-| African Welcome Song, by the Mrs. Percy Van Camp and|lege, attended Audley school this Entertainment FRIDAY Cartwright public speaking con-(tage"; Carol Blythe, '"'Money"; Mission Band. Mrs. Velva Bailey attended the Week under the guidance of Mrs. |p, test held in Blackstock High|Nancy Dorrell, "Mother Goose": | Joyce Graham showed colored Women's Institute convention in Pratt and Miss Esdale, School Thursday. Miss Adams|David Ballingal, "Paul Bunyan"; Slides of scenes in Jamaica and |Toront¢ Thursday and Friday.| Mr. and Mrs. Bert Guthrie and , spoke on "Superstition". Janice|Judy Cochrane, "Birds": Cheryi| Trinidad which she took on her Mrs. Ernest Larmer attended|family visited Mrs. Guthrie' 4 Byers, who spoke on '"Putting|Metcalf, "Queen Elizabeth's trio, this summer. leaders. Mi |Thurstay, Brotehin law and sister, Mr, the Beaver Back to Work" was|Floating Palace"; Mary Brad-|. 58 E%) eer] a s. A. Thompson at Dwight _ declared runner - up, judg es|burn; Alfalfa Seed Grower and Suart Dorrell and Mrs. Frank at the weekend. yg How can an officer In his right mind < Mrs. P. Romeril, H. Sebbens and|Leaf Cutter Bee"; Joe Prosser, > conducted a short service. | Joan Esdale spent the weekend G. Paisley confessing that they|""The Symbol of Faith in the Bad. Tuc children displaved art jyl]C]}@ with her sister and brother-in-law had beeng given a difficult task|lands". {work and also sold candy. | in Ottawa. to decide on a final choice. Grades 7 and 8 under Mr. HIGH SCHOOL DANCE Vic Anthony, Whitevale, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. | Other contestants were: Gay's direction provided music,| Cartwright High School pupils] Pl E h PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST Tom Harris presented the first [20d Jeschers were hosts to Mil ans uc Ie Mac Hedge. Helen Swain, "The Making of [Prize winner with a cheque donat.| P00 3 a Orony. ides at a Mr. and Mrs. Earl Puckrin at- Cheese"; Elizabeth Thompson,|ed by the Lions Club. | hee 00 Sane he d in the recre-| By MRS. FRED PUCKRIN |tended a shower in Ushawa Satur- "Guiding in Canada"; Lorna| Mrs. John Venning presented 5°01 Juf"® Chea night, with! AUDLEY -- Over 50 attended gay Jor e and Mrs. LaVerne the second prize winner with 2| P! |the club meeting at the home of ig wi Were married re- Music was provided by records : cheque donated by Dr. and Mrs. {Fred Puckrin Saturda; A y |from Port Perry teen-town. [Bill Guthrie was in hg: Mr. and- Mrs. Stanley Powell, . J. A. McArthur. | Will Canvass Earl Dorrell presented each of _ Chicken ple supper Was|yhen a euchre party was planned ; ot... the other 12 contestants with two | {for Nov. 21 in the school. Jerry's gotta find islaid" ship! For CNIB Fund |silver dollars, donated by the family, Maple Grove, and Mrs.| james Davidson showed color-| : - a ! school board. H. Lee, Nestleton, visited Mr./ed slides taken on a trip to the / win : - T NICK ADAMS - MARCEL DALIO- JULIA MEADE Adult Entertain nent By MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN [pap en 1voacn and Mrs. Wayne, Weston, Sun-|British Isles and Bill Brown, Jr.. NT- ER NIGHT .|day. sang two solos, acco i : a BRILLEN =; Mrs * There was an attendance of Al Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mre Glen 2 Susompaiied = m Esstian COLOR SEINEWASCOPE Tuesday wing a ood tojhowt 60 at the Parent Teacher's) Abbott and Carol motored to piano. Linda Izatt, Lynda Puck- ¢ TAY X' canvass the community for the ign 2 Blackstock High School | Penetang Sunday. Irin and Nancy Puckrin played ac- 7:30 P.M. NOW PLAYING . Mrs. O. C. Ashton con- : | AAA Dalton Dorrell welcomed the - - Sucted the Se visitors and Rev. P. Romeril | CROSSWORD PUZZLE CBLT Toronto Jan spoke briefly. CATR Channel 6 A report on WA Presbyterial |, e parents discussed prob-| ACROSS 4. Brake. 23. Freedom [C[H[T [LTT BRAICIL EIS] was given bv Mrs. F. Toms. ems with the teachers. 1. Ordinal men from AISIT] The Most Scorching Drama 0f Young People To Ignite The Screen In Years) IE] Mrs. W. H. Brown, Maple Lunch was served in the Home| nimber and Harrow SB A b, ob, oking Grove, spoke briefly on the work Economics room by Mrs. B. Gung, fic conductors mine, [RRGMAVCREE IN fo the destroyer | HAL WALLIS scr ol the Women's Instime. fe? nq fhe girls. personnel 6. West 24. Fuss . and i he "misplaced p= (5 Ld HALLOWE'EN PARTY 11. Harden German 26. Tree- ; e r Saturday evening a Hallowe'en (var.) state i a J , . . i mosiurday evening o Hallowess) _BURKETON | 12 Vietwm 6.50 fue, Hoe, Gi \,} ADULT church b t ed by] seaport of India 27. By way [NJAITIVIERUILITIR[A] é; ENTERTAINMENT | 13. Book 7.U.8. of LEEISMRIESIT ; / P y the Mission Band and Explorer By A. R. HUBBARD 3 groups. Judges were Mrs. M. J. BURKETON -- Plans have of maps President 29. Twilled Hobbs, Mrs, F. Toms and Mrs.|been made to hold a social eve-| 314. Before 8. Celebes ox fabric Yesterday's Answer G. McLean. Prizewinners were ling at the home of Mr. and (dial) 9. A moated 32. Com- 41, Border Ruth Pethick, Muriel Griffin,|Mrs. J. A. Turnbull, Friday éve-| 15. Clean, castle pass 42, Never Malcolm Simpson, Sandra and|ning, Nov. 13 at 8.30 p.m. Pro- as silver 10. Exclama. point (poet.) Sharon Werry; Betty Jane Werry|ceeds will be used for church| 17. Make lace (abbr.) 43. Euro. and Donna Yello®lees; Leowna work, edging 36. Not pean and Evelyn Ferguson; Mrs. .W| The CGIT will meet Wednes-| . Close to i war shrews 4 4 Griffin and Dale Griffin; Bob day Nov. 18, at 7.30 p.m. 20. Sun god : 38, Soon 44. Little i 3 pe] Thompson, Clare Ashton, Mari-| Mr. and Mrs. Harold MacDon-| 22. Bang 21. Questions 39. Affected child ! ; | "ANTHONY lyn Yellowlees, Susan Wearn,|ald and family, Bowmanville, . Masses 22. Exchange manners 45. Letter : " Shing a ve John Tilley, Martha Boyd, Lynda visited Mrs. Greta Bailey, Thurs-| of bread PRIME MINISTER FORREST TUCKER . MARA CORDAY FRANCIOSA Joyce Logan and Beverley Lo-day. 28. Long- THE RT. HONOURABLE || SK Say s Sam... i + REGALSCOPE picture + A Regal Films, Inc. Production 2. iriey Avery, Lorna and] Mr, and Mrs. George Allison " pani JOHN DIEFENBAKER rr res fgeie aT 130 . 330 and family, Osh. , visi ] | The CGIT staged a successful pear] ay, Shawn islet Mr; ing tea i the Dasement of the Con | r. and Mrs. George Alliosn| 31. Makes 3 in the television series Jun iy all when they serv |and family visited Mrs. Ethel! amends for "The Nation's Business" ¥ jean Baker, Lofiy Sault Mra.{ Vhion, Oshawa, Sanday, 2. Xub Top "PARIS REUNION" ' i' , A Mrs. C. . Coates, . A ratio e Progressive Conservative Pa x eG Asbion, Maple Grove, visit Uxbridge, were guests of Mrs.| 35. Gourdlike ae Np CHNICOLO® Clara Page, Mr. and Mrs. Ed|A: Carter Sunday. fruit I I he fh e- ltH eA a Coombs, and family, Toronto, , Mr: and Mrs. R, Lott and fam. | 87. Chinese - visited Mrs. E. Page. |{ily have moved into the section| pagoda Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt visited|Pouse. | 40. Quiet Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin, Bow-| Mr. and Mrs, James Trick and| 44. Soldier's a manville. Lois Monrey, Oshawa, ' were coat Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, guests of Mrs. Esther Carnochan,| 46. Snake x Oshawa, Mrs. C. Avery and fam-|Sunday. 47. Worship % fly, Burketon, visited A. Oke. Lloyd Beech, Fred Tubb, Ray| 48. Confined, ' Mr. and Mrs. G. Irwin and Rod-|DeGeer, and Doug Ferguson asa lion : : ney visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman motored to Arnstein Wednesday.| 49. Thick Scott, Newtonville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and| 0. Oglers ok. ad st Lowy pone, family were guests of Mr, and DOWN shawa, Mr. and Mrs. n =IMrs. Cyrus Ashton, S 3 1. ---- tide y ston, Picton, visited Frank Dor-| Mr, Tri Noon, i 2. Preposition SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED -- YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT land Uxbridge, were guests of Mrs. args Eg al E Eol | ee Ed oe ES wen me 21 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA eo HARWOOD AVENUE, AJAX j ; AJAX MAIN STORE OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. ville, visited E. Wright. 43 Simcoe St. S. OSHAWA STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Mr. and Mrs. W.Ferguson in N Sumpaty with Mr. and re. : 'erguson visited Mr. and Mrs. S | M 9] . Berwin Adams, Oshawa. - Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry 5 Oo \ 5 S E A R S RA 5-4781 / Jent the weekend with Ms, and SUBURBAN LADIES' 100% ORLON BOYS' BOYS'--7 TO 16 YEARS LINED FOR WINTER . ton V , Listowel. iH Mls of Bort "Perry WER ! ogo i ir PILE LINING celebrated his 82nd birthday on J X 4 I COATS Cc AR COATS POLOJAMAS © WEAR Sundav at the home of Mr. and ' Mrs. L. Stainton. Those attend: - . He will be able to wear this i 1} p t ing were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil] g ; coat all through the cold For radiant warmth all win- © Slee Se Pg, boys le ress an S Mills and family, Maple grove, || Eg ¢ 4 weather. All wool construc ter long. Fine cotton cord 3 em. Rlasely 4 nt site, . ¥ jis. R. Hope and fam. n y tion including quilted wool with 100% orlando orion LB ves Mins y, Port Perry, Keith Cryderman, || SS. ad ining with satin covering. linings. Colors, beige, blue, 3 a Solina: Mr. and Mrs, E. Begley, | ir Boneh Fy ng. firings, % rs, beige, blu Reg. 1.99 latest sheeno materials, Leslie Middleton. ey va | REG. 16.95 Reg. 19.95 1 59 Reg. 5.95 J Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Brock, Mr. | and Mrs. Reg Brock and girls, | Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haass and | 0 00 ] 2 09 2 00 . i 8 | } Ye uf : or 2 pairs for $3.00 . Ronnie, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Piper and girls, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van- meer, Randy and Patty Provi- dence, Jim Kinsman, Courtice, | Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill and Reva stented a birthday party | 2 anid LADIES at Mr. a rs. McGill's | gi" " i" : ' : rs, EEE 3-YEAR-OLD DOLL 1 Mr. a rs. Tom Wi y - = family, 'Bowmanville, visited Mr. || 7 : 01 FULL SLIPS SNOW SUITS and Mrs. P, Ellis. [) . . . . A PAIR Made rom isot. rayoms Ideal play pal, make Patti your own sister! She's as Made from sturdy nylon ge- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms were big and as real as a 3 year old! In addition to her bardine. Quilted rayon over guest of Mr. Jud Mrs. W. For- f "STORM lace covered bodice. Sizes fi er, Blackstock. . 34 to 42. own pretty outfit, Patti can wear the clothes of a wool lining. Sizes 3 to 6x. Mrs. ¥red Davidson, Oshawa, ' ALLSTATE MASTER" . three year old child. Her rooted saran hair can be Nigam 3 h Reg. 1.98 shampooed and curled. Ages 3 to 12 will adore her. Reg. 8.95 6:70-15, Regular 13.95 9.44 'die Reg. 29.98 16.99 6.49 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Looped - top-solid shades in spent the weekend with Mr, and | 1 X i Mrs. E. W. Begley. | 7, 5 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston, / : Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. Allan 4 Wray, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. | a Stewart Lamb visited Mr. and 4 Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Frou Billet and | fi £ boys called on Roy McGill. 7 * Tube-Type Blackwall No Trade-In Required ; Ww A LK | NG DO LLS | : BOYS' SPLIT HOOD 4 Installation Easily Arranged LADIES' FLANNEL Similar savings on 7.10-15, both sizes in stock 2-PIECE Beautiful 9" Walking sittin d | for immediate deliver ese low, low sa . ' g and sieep- sdiate delivery a these low, low. sale PYJAMAS ing doll. Fully dressed with blonde curly Duffle Coat prices. Better get your winter tires now! hair. Warm fleeced over checked Made from cosy soft san- materials. Quilted royon |2-MONTH GUARANTEE | forised flannelet. Sizes 12 over woo lining. Sixes 8 to . Ta or Tone Yee olighuiy Vat wont Reg. 2.98 Reg. 2.29 79: Reg. 11.88 LL NRE, tev 15s 1.99 2 for 1.50 8.99 Professional Instructions | | go ¥ ro 14.33 MATT DEFLORIO * 6.70-15 Tube-Type sis ie Norse =" MC CLEARANCE TE BARE 50 Christmas TED GURNICK [SR | REQUIRED | ghey JEANS SHIRTS CARDS - Professional Player ond 2 ® New tread design == Teacher, both = button-type p v deep biting lugs dig in. DRESSES Worm flannel lining. Sizes ' and' Pigs Accordion. ; fy 6: Savings on wide range. of 8 to 14, ond attractive bold checks Assorted box slim Christmas Children ond Adults Ala : . be g tube-type plus tubeless Sizes 14 to 40, and plaid patterns &hirts. cords. \ . Blackwall tires. Reg to Reg. 3.49 Sizes 3 to 6x. , ALTO al £4 © 20.MONTH 8.95 2 69 Reg. 98¢ Reg. 1.29 LJ] Music Supplies "Winter \ NEESER cuAranTE: 3.99 69c¢ 59¢ " 447 Simeoe St. 5. RA 35-1501 Traction Prot 1 i . tego victors on 2 for 95

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