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The Oshawa Times, 12 Nov 1959, p. 26

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26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November, 12, 1959 50--Articles For Sale Snow D . | ONE Lioyd baby carriage, one large size child's crib, good condition, $20 MOhawk 8-3369. 2614 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING twee Bury Montana (Continued from Page 25) B. ¥. GOODRICH Stores -- fires, ®at' HELENA, Mont. (AP)--Mount- * Ihr et Plan. RA 54543, ing drifts of snow buried much " pt sion. Thrifty Budge 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale SPACE heater. RA S071. 2 20 of Montana and paralyzed trans- - -- new te ONE 4 it. bod' and springs, one new USED washing machine, used apart.) yp, a rin es 24 x 23 portation today as an immense] Slespmaker mattress by Marshall, two| ment size washin machine. Both in|,ey chrome chairs to match. Cai borne on 65- galvanized lamdsy tuts, ote : five gal fovd condition. Avply fat Jue = for restaurant, recreation room s. Mile-an-hour winds rushed across on galvanized corner, al jorth ore Five on "IC et. min merosene heater On) quon Rood. 264 parties, etc. RA 8-6525. 264 the plains states. legs, one pair of boy's skates, size 7. HI-FI set, sacrifice. 5 hp| Fifteen inches of snow--a rec- RA 5-3729. 2635 PRESSURE systems, $35; sump pumps, | Johnson outboard motor, excellent con- ord--buried this cit of 18,000 per- . GIBSON Spanish wuitar with case, like| SH: [hee BCS DCL, sets, $90; steel dition, $15. RA 81972 6 to 7 p.m. Bile, oe foot of snow smothered a 2 new; also music stand. RA 86579. 263b| 0 (00 SRLS Vers; plastic, steel, |12 GAUGE pump Berefia ones, Billings and Great Falls. Tem- in DDEN COSTS" ADDED AT AP! "RIGIDAIRE refrigerator, about 9 cu. ¢ e D, .|like new. Case, crating set and shells, | . eo FDA EE EC asi ax SOP x Wipe 41d tings. H. Ching, Bill: |g75. MO' 8:5105. Also ladies golf clubs Peratures plunged to the zero machine. Phone RA 3-3802. 2 ois Table Top ove Fes and bay, Campbell, ivi woods and fous mark. TWINDOW clear 8 ft, by 10 Tn. high. Hem. choay 207 Hipbert Avenue. RA| oe Ani Heavy snow warnings were is- A&P Fancy Quality ! Reg. 2 tins 250--SAVE Se Phone RA 4433. 262 | 3.9730. 262¢| WINE and cider Sorrels, an Sizes (sued for parts of South Dakota . ELECTRIC stove, Moffat, three Wire, prUE nd grey Gendron DUfBy. In|woue, 8 Church RA 3762s. (and Nebraska. Flurries hustled wi : T MAT VICE 4 find 45. gow, cimised, owner leaving towh.| good cond tion. Phone RA 5.6959 after-| oor cre ipl ie vii a swath from eastern Washington ih : z Ta = |Noons untl7 p.m. Bac 1 sod condition, $50.00 Phone 5.394, state into the Great Lakes region. % Ak Monarch Regular & Quarters : Reg. 2-1bs 53c--8AVE ile MINUM _ windows iE Sted¥hs repeating rifle, " J DO al un S00 CALIBRE glevins repeating rifle 24a) Afrline service was halted and bolt action, $40 including three cases helnl - mates with 0o obligation. RA 34989. |" triqges, Apply Bradley Furniture|30 USED wooden storms and screens, [roads were blocked by p 1b pkgs '3 scam -- Sent 263¢| A-1 condition white, various sizes. Rea- cars and drifts whipped into glis- SKATE exchange, best deals, Try us 299 Simcoe South. val Bea \ TE er "Expert skate sharpening GREY Kid skin far jacket, size 16. sonable. Call RA 8-5181 tening waves by the cold winds. ; Campbell's Reg. 2 tins AVE So C lete assortment of hockey equip- 2 , 4 LARGE Mixmaster Kenwood Chef. | ent. Thursday and Friday until mais overeval, gavy. RA 5221p. 203 nearly new, MO 8.4338. wii| One deat Whe Nevoried from » fA - vd | new assaulf ms now 4 . 9 p.m. S.ortsman Corner, 105 Byron|KELLY TV, your authorized Con SELL puppies or other pets? pe 0" / 10-0z fins ¢ Street South, Whitby sumers Gas appliance dealer, ranges,| People have died within a week in Mon- who want then check "Pets for Sale" | dryers, space heaters, furnaces, etc. We, iinoq every day Dial RA 3.3492/tana storms. 7 McCormick's Reg. pkg 35c--SAVE 2 PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, A r gas hill. all clors, Guaranteed, flat gloss. Osh- Jo mine; down, pay hag Rolly Tv.|to start an ad thal sells pets. | oo . awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church py towers, all welded, rust proof. no|PRUNED Scotch Pine Christmas trees. AL | § E +b pk Street RA 3-7624. rivets, special $49.95. Low overheads feet in height. David Archer, Burke . / 9 € START for Christmas! Sell the extra| means lowest prices. Kelly TV. ton, RR 3, Blackstock 82R13. conomic Jona (Pectin Added) Reg. jar 47c--SAVE 6s items you no longer need to buyers|grpREQ-Hi-fi automatic record play-|NEW stereo equipped portable record waiting with cash. Advertise in The|,.. $99 up, Low overhead means low-|player, five years warranty on changer| ; Oshawa Times Classified section. Diallo' prices. $2 weekly. Kelly TV, 81|mechanism. $39.95 and up. The Dutch of put 24-0zjar [ RA 3.3492, King West. Merchant, 171 Bond Street East. - ower f ; ; g 4 Betty Crocker, New Supreme Reg. pkg 37c--SAVE 1le FRIGIDAIRE, 15 cu, ft. freezers, regu [DROP in and see the famous German | FINEST stero and monoraul tape re-| lar $443.95; sale $299 in cartons. VU -|1960 Stereo Hi-Fi sets. The best deals| corders for the lowest prices. The wi right freezers, 13 cu. ft. only $279.!n town, The Dutch Merchant, 171| Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond Street East. $209 tree five-vear food warranty. Kelly|Bond St East. n er tu Y / 20-0zpkgs Jf TV, 81 King West. GENDRON twin carriage, like new. : di -- - GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup-|MO 93954. i 2610 Be Off Deal . SPECIAL! RIGIDAIRE asher, dryers, lies, new and used, terms 10 per cent | -- - rp Liev jit He re aon wi down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bont Sane sprayer, portable, complete. ers, all reduced. Low overhead m | Street West. RA 5-6511. hei lh big gis _Toolor, spray CHALK RIVER (CP) -- The J X Cl . r rai lowest. prices: Terma. Keny Fv. WE pay highest prices in the city for |King Street West, Bowmanville. 264a United Kingdom is showing in- A A ean e 2 ) 2 3c Off Deal -- S!:ortening Reg. Ib 310--SAVE 3¢ SKATES, few and used, largest beite (need Jorniture, Pretty's 'Used MUrmh|GNE gas rud. $2; 30-nallon water tank (creasing interest in the Canadian : 7 oPly Drayton Cyele, 204 Bond Petree South. : 4 $3; trilite lamp and shade, $2: pair approach to economic atomic BUY QUALITY pI T 9 > . -- - man's skates, 6. $1.50; man's roller y i i Cock-| ° re East ww ea ------------ {Two large Quebec heaters, cheap.|gkates, 9, $5; table saw, 8" blade or Dower stations, Sr Jon 1 k NEW DOMES IC py RUT 5 ¢ TV towers, all welded, rust proof. moj OLiver 5.385) 263 wooden table. $25. RA 55130. a69¢ Croft, prominent British nuclear A«P INSTANT FE : rivets. special $40.95. Low, overhedd| GOAT biack Persian lamb, fit si2es| LARGE selection of re-conditioned scientist, said Wednesday. AP: Quiz and: instant Reg. vig AVE:3e pres -- = mins 18 16, #5. Fair silk lamp shades, TV's at Parkway Television, 918 S'm-| Sir John headed a British dele-| T LAWN Cruiser ower lawn mowers 25. (87.50. RA 57164, 263 coe Street 'North. Jgation of 14 scientists and engi- , 2 [ ~ . w= CUVAKER CA . S large pkg 39: dA A ¢ 6-oz jar &F 9 | i ¢ 18 in deluxe mowers, just arrived for EREC 1 pm { : < isn, deve movers, Ju acu Kt | QUEREC heer, Jacket Werler 4nd NIAGARA cw masase. reasons [neers at a threeday conference 2-01 jar : low low sale price only $59.95 This is| ho, Wor or air, RA 8.8029 263c| . here with Canadian atomic offi- Tenderlcaf Reg. pkg 79c--SAVE do a genuine discount of 36 per cent Don't ; : ar TWO - piece Living room set, in red. nialc on Canada-U.K. co-onera- i Tha -- . be d'sappointed Hurry out to the Hil SMALL s ace heater. Will sell chean. reasonably priced. RA 3-2487 after 6 . 2 oun é AVAILABLE ONLY AT A&! top Snack Bar on Highway 2 between|RA 5-5728. 263f p.m. 262¢/tion in the atomic power field. bi 1 ~kg of 60 ¢ y 1 -- eee Sy ee re i shi - Othawa_and_Wihithy _RA 2609 BET nova n iowal Camloriable Fo- | MIGHEST prises paid for, used furs. Le, Meeting. which conclnd-d SHAPED SColch Pine Christmas trees. |cliner chairs, ideal Christmas gifts for ture, alco sell and exchange, Contact| Wednesday. was the seventh in Any quantity delivered or in forestry. (pop, $48. Arborite student desk, draw- |Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince as many years. . Fowler Forest Farms, 306 King West.|er and shelf, $19; kindergarten sets, Street. Phone RA 8-1131 y VS m RA 5-1685. Co |s7.05; 'sofa bed suites, leather trim, e--------------u---u-| The former member for scien- "Be. [Bs 4 BABY bargains, Full panel Roxatone air foam cushion, $144; wall to wall KIDS outgrown their clothes? If still in tific research on the U.K. Atomic % a Pv cribs, large size, adjustable side, half floor coverings 25 cents per foot. Wil-|good shape, sell 'em for cash through Energy Authority said in an in- : : carbedt rriages, son Furniture, 20 Church Street. 263f|a fast - action, low-cost Oshawa Times ~~" 5 "0 price, $16.48; car-be' baby carriag d Ad. Dial RA 3-3492 for fastte'view "we have always been $28.50; play pens, $8.88; high chairs, pry 1 © Gleroff Super- C t v 3 $75, Wilson" Furniture, 20 Chureh| TUE (O31 JOY Soi "open daily to 10] Vice interested in the Canadian pro- street. 25% | pm. Free parking and felivery. Free AiR compressors "Brunner. § Hp gram." USED TV's, washers, dryers, frigs.,(premiums with purchases. -serve Mod H31. also | HP. Mod H3. sacri i ranges, aerials, Kelly TV, at King meats, fruits. groceries. fice for half price Threading machine. Tue Canadian approach in- : | ONPAINTED Tarniture at fremendous electric. range from % to Zinch. for VO VCS the use of heavy water to MIXED sizes, dresses, formals, skirts, sav'ngs. desks, $14: bookcases. $3.99; 2) treads, with Complete set of dies. control the action of the nuclear a " egreasing tan! arge, wi au ye coats, suits. Size 10 flower girl dresses. |chests of drawers, $17; vanity dressing (o/.vie Re tanks Bortatle ai |POWer reactor and to transfer | Terrific bargains. Man's 44 Mary|iables. $26. Wilson Furniture, 20[ Grol, or ition type two eviin heat from the reactor to raise Maxim sweater, beige and brown: Church Street. - | 4 man's bicycle; wardrobe; liquor cab- ders, gasolive engine 8 HP, like new,|steam for turbines and gerera- - ANNEX stove, white enamel, burns $60 Jointer 8-inch, 2 HP. new. Apply h % fet, Avply: 28 Kater Ceescent: RA|ANNEX stove, white enamel, BUH 30) roan Srioc Soin 'Ommawa: na [101s Natural uranium would be . Fina CE -- (5.30%. 263e | 5-9216. the fuel. .' 201 4 . on new frost eee -- Oe TO viaire.. raigerator. Dean| FOUR lamps, two end lamps in wal-|SELLING furn'ture? We'll uy it Re. | British plants use graphite in- Selly nces put and gold, one table lamp white| grigerators, TV's, washers, pianos [stead of heavy water as the Ke Applian e |and gold, one mahogany, brass bace.|gioves, etc. F' top cash offer, con - eet ee me -- . » ul ves, A or 1] er, © 0 PHILLIPS - Rogers 1960 TV, Stereo and | ble. RA 86713 after 5:30 263b tact 19 Prince Street, Phony RA 81131 moderator or control agent and HI-FI record players, tape recorders,| | == Street. Phony Ta 272 gas for cooling and transferring HF ers cic. Kasy terms. Kelly TV. 81| TILT arbor table saw with jointer(q PC CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $2666 heat SHORT CUT SHANK FLANK King West. nlaner, as good as new, $50. 783 Foor | This neindes full size crib, spring * " : : oN > TSED Television seta 7" and 317, com |Sireet Eeast. RA 8.0591. 63b | mattress and bumper peds Unbe | Sir John said one of the main ROAST, STEWING pletely reconditioned Free 90-day war. SPECIAL dis>ounts 25 per cent off ojlievaile same: Barons' Home Fur subjects discussed at the three- ranty on labor and parts Irvine Ap builders, apa {ment or home owners on ngs. mcoe day meeting was a preliminary b pliances, 50 Bond East built-in electric or gas ovens, and cook-| AWNINGS, plain, coors, Or gay 4 J CHCPS cuTS Sd eee tc. Kelly Appliances, 81 ¢% .design of a new British reactor DERS taken for storm sashes, mea- ing tops, etc. 3 stripes, prompt service. Free esti 3 OA nd estimates free, Terms. King Street West, Oshawa. mates Order now for early deivery using heavy water, and steam RA 3-4989. Cai aud table' rentals. Cleve Fux, 412 for cooling and trapsferring heat. Ib ¢ Ib Saad IT STE Try yr] me rth. | . E ctacular new Buccaneers! : C SEE ie Wiggs a starting models INTRODUCING RELLY 1. thorized desler, Thor i C and chonse yours now Tra washers, dryers, automatics or wring: . a be Tg ig Garage, Gliddon THE ALL NEW er. Low overhead means lowest prices ? at Verdun Road Belly 2v. v- aIrTowin ] > v3 , $3 and up. MARCONI -- New 21" TV only $199. USED fives, most all gies 543. P MARK 1 No money down with trade-in. Low Ful Cet Bb [ 4 B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543. ELECTRIC refrigerators, 80 makes,| SELF-STORING ALUMINUM [overhead means lowest -prices. , Eeiy ] completely re miitine ay re DOOR USED chesterfield, davenport, studio | a £ uja yarranty. warramy suite, scatter rug (new), gossip bench, ton, D.C.,"" said Mr, Daufman, pine lie PT BY '51 Prefect, Pale, Jutta, double steal TE Oo i err HAG SB 4 bed, piano. RA 8-1547, 611 ™ A 3 files marresses $15, bunk beds cool, COLONIAL USED parts and repairs for all makes At POR RH USE or Wi NG S EAKS L] 29 ladder. $8; continental beds complete, LIMITED OFFER of ringer type washers, % HP motors 1n from $2995; Cake foam pillows, $1.79. $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned Wilson Furniare, 20 Church Street. washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Sea Seald Fancy Quality nA... $44.95 Hampton. CO 32201. PRESTON (CP)--_Parents were [LY ADDOCK FILLETS bts 30 H ALIBUT STE AKS +53 Svea stor ames ion haet| COMPLETELY INSTALLED om rere thos ' . i , wi , doors, tile, : s, - tare mere ma or articles PHONE RA 3-4989 CLEARANCE the solemulty of the celSlany ' Mom Whyte, A & was shattere y an alcoholic vacvow come wie, 3 Te LES EVENISS SALE Ritadidh fom the back of oe BAKERY FEATURES?! ed rebuilt machines. Ei . 3, ental, Vacuum Cleaner serv. SALES LTD. FANTASTIC Ties tw come: the should BAKED IN A&P's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS Bi --- ee, RA S100] 2RStING iin ALUMINUM REDUCTIONS three times a beer bottle waved PUMPKIN PIE ons 49 : ains in Na re' BOATS in the air, and after each out- [ {7 ONE FREE AWNINGS pr burst, the owner of the bottle STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE! e's Bese ttled back again to watch the DOORS, WINDOWS, SCREENS | TRAILERS a a Jane Parker Reg. 25c--S8AVE de Florida, No. 1 ; , y-eyed senti- » No. 1 Grade SELF-STORING CUSTOM FIRETIACE WEYMOUTH CRUISERS |ment. For 'Rev, Allan Vair of GOLDEN LOAF each 21e + Marsh Seedless, Size 941 INDOW!| 15 PO REET MARINE SUPPLIES Knox Presbyterian Church, it| Jane Parker Reg. 33c--SAVE 6o DO PAINTS was the most "harrowing" mar CHOCOLATE ICED GOLD LOAF each 27¢ STORM W ih RA 5-4632 CHAIN SAWS riage ceremony of bis. expert Jane Parker SHEL TO EVERY GUNS jens, CARAMEL PECAN ROLLS pkg 39% CA. Victor, Wednesday in magistrates iii Rh And AMMUNITION fog Kenneth Knox, an itinerant Jane Parker Reg. 33c--SAVE 4e Who buys a self-stor- finest in T.V. hi-fi and etc. |somstrunrion worker, yas sn CINNAMON LOAF each 29¢ : hi A tenced to three months in jail. He ng. Storm door . this haiti TV AJAX MARINE said he was so drunk he couldn't ' . V. {remember a thing and promised Spec . We make this offer to illus- 918 Simcoe North No. 2 Highway at Ajax |to- get out of town and join Alco- Frozen Food ials! for trcre our confidence 'in our RA 3-3043 AJAX 1266 { holics Anonymous. -- C wonderful products, | "It was my first offence and Asp REG 43 --- SAVE y 3 |52--Legal Notices [I have no previous record," he V SAVE OVER $20.00 OPEN HOUSE 9 said. ORANGE JUICE i broch, Aron Y CALLING Tenders addressed to Prop- | Cuown Attorney Harold Dauf- : . ly No. 1 gy c Drop in or make an appoint- erty & Maintenance Com- |Man disagreed. He handed Knox Nil 8] ' Grade, Crisp, Large' COLONIAL ment for after hours to see-- pinise, Wermen ¢ Welfare Ay ord of Dreyions convictions , i tc | ss. v HOME IMPROVEMENTS THE NEW 1960 GERMAN South, Oshawa, Ne re- | "This shows you have been 12°02 fins Q. {4 (4) RA 8.8571] STEREO HI-FI SETS ceived up to noon, Novem- [jailed in every town from the 2 7 als 134 SIMCOE $1 S. St d 3 ance. th ber, 23, 1959. Yor sbblying |state of Washington to Washing- Fancy Quality Rep, 2 plas 37, VE So [4 it down and enjoy the su- uel oil, for JSimcoe | eg. 2 pkgs §70--8A FALL SALE poh IR ihn pieces of Settlement House, ea | In Full Bloom, Large crafstmanship ond style -- Ist, 1960, to December 31st, | A&P PEAS 4 on 69: Size, Assorted Colo " We don't promise any bonus, refreshments will be served. 1520. The lowest or any | . Ld urs, 6 - i I t t : - Nose ol "doors | THE DUTCH MERCHANT | cepted. realy = | Police Look FWD Foamlet Reg. pair 80c--SAVE 206 installed, guaranteed, only 171 Bond St. East ghioined from H. W. Mc- [ STRETCHY SLIPPERS pair 69¢ n $44.95. Aluminum daibie. RA 8-6051 Rein, 3 7 Simcoe S& South, | F S TW Twisty Cotton Reg. pair 85c--SAVE 160 each 69 ug som winks. Only GATOR TRAILERS 26: & OF nazzy STRETCH SOX pair 49¢ the best in town, Coll ue tor | or RBOROUGH BOATS NOTICE TO | RARGA quick service. RA 3- Alex Vojda, 481 Drew St. EVINRUDE MOTORS CREDITORS Vagabond MARGARINE 1-Ib pkg 33¢ USED BOATS & MOTORS i HOLLAND Trdde-ins accepted. Finance. THE vate oF ROSE GRAND BEND (CP) -- Po- SULTANA Terms. Open evenings ond NO » lote of the City lice here are searching for a BULBS weekends. of Oshawa, in the County of high-living vagabond who has NEW OXYDOL MARINE STORAGE Ontario, Married Woman, | raided several cottages and W Deceased. cabin cruisers and thoroughly S ) APPLI CES Sheve-named deceased, Rose last seven weeks. EE HOME APPLIAN Nadobney, late of the City of Fifteen constables were or- p> VAN BELLE OSHAWA. LTD. Oshawa, in the County of | dered into this area Wednesday CRYSTAL / ) ; |] GARDENS 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR | Onterio who died on or about | with inztructions to find him. { 8 the 9th day of November, : § b R ' A i the h f f 3 MILES EAS| OF OSHAWA SALES AND, SERVICE 1958 ot the Town of Ren: | uit Toke Huron resort town Pssst? BLEACH 16-02 jar 4 " NO. 2 HWY. about 35 miles northwest of Domestic and Commercial frew are required to file ' : } London was ransacked. When mr -- MA 3-5757 RA 5-5332 procs Sf Wie doin win Ye its stock of liquor ran ouf. no- | i dg Sy lice said, the thief moved into \ TO-DAY'S 15-02 fins C LJ Buy top size. Growers of & SUPPLY LTD ALL x 3 x 2 d 5 persons having claims | depleted their stock of food : noslin, bulbs ong rn BROOKLIN, PH: OL 5-3641 against the Estate of the | and refreshments during the with GREEN BUTTER PICK CLARK'S, THE LABEL WITH THE SAILOR BOY frew, in the County of Ren- the more luxurious accommo- CUSTOM BUILT | WHY RUN AROUND | 195. dation. of another vessel \ ALL PURPOSE GLEANER New unpholstered furniture, HOLODY SALES nA BRYN: he berthed nearby. Most Advanced i Recently the police thought or recover and remodel your r the Estate will be distributed 5 1 oll Ton SELLS THEM ALL having. regard only to the | they had their man when they < Detergent THE GHEAT ARLANTIC & PACINIC TEA COMPANY (TB. ALUMINUM DOOR, WIN- claims of which the under- | fushed to a cottage at nearby Béach of Pines. He had just ' prices in town. By no. 1 ' expert in this trade. PO NG, PORCH signed shall then have had S. notice. left when they arrived. > GIMPEL)J INSULATED SIDING. DATED at Renfrew this 13th . Police said the man had been SPECIAL 20: OFF PACK SPECIAL 6c OFF PACK ALUMINUM AND STONE day of October, A.D. 1959, | in bed, using a heating pad to 32-0x. bil < CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Nothing D: Eosy T keep warm, listening to a ra- COMPANY pou A th a JAMES A. MALONEY, Q.C., | dio" stolen from another cot. | Giant Size ¢ reg size [] All Prices In This Ad Guaranted Through 3 Barrister, etc., tage, and drinking a mixture of Saturday, November 14th, 1950. 301 ELGIN ST. W. OSHAWA Two Streets East of P.O. Box 333 gin and orange juice. FOR: FREE ESTIMATES Shopping Centre Renfrew, Ontario He left behind a book: Get- Call RA 5-4170 RA 5-243] Solicitor for the Executors. ting the Most Out of Life. Reg. tin 31c -- SAVE 7o

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