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The Oshawa Times, 12 Nov 1959, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November, 12, 1959 * Laboratory technician Mrs. Diane Jeans studies a slide holding a tumor, one of many under study at the Canadian Tumor Registry in Ottawa where scientists are uncovering hidden facts about cancer. The registry, established and sup- ported mainly by the National TORONTO (CP) -- The Domi- nion Marine Association has pro- tested to the federal government over slowness of foreign ships loading grain in Canadian sea- way ports, it was announced Wed , John J. Mahoney, general man- ager of the association which [represents most Canadian lake hippi i said repre- sentations have been made to Transport Minister Hees, the Canadian Wheat Board and the National Harbors Board. He said he expected a meet- ing of the parties concerned would be arranged. Mr. Mahoney said slowness of ocean vessels has been a prob- lem all but had b 'Ship Slowness Under Protest ships would not be able to com- pete in the Great Lakes. "They are getting something they never had before," he said. "It is not as though loss of the trade would take something out of their pockets." Restrictions as to equipment for grain ships could be tightened as another measure, he added. A third solution might be a prioritv system under which Canadian ships would take precedence over foreign vessels in grain ports. Special Gun worse in the last week. There was a slow-down at Quebec City and consistent complaints had | [been made about the Lakehead ¢ |situation. TAKE BIG BITE Since the St. Lawrence Seaway opening earlier this year, ships of Commonwealth registry -- big enough for grain operations--had taken a good-sized bite out of the ~ |overseas and coastal grain busi- % ness. Cancer Research Institute of Canada, acts as a clearing house of information on tumors of all types and provides a consultative service to Canadi- an pathologists and hospitals. The laboratory is located in the medical faculty building of the University of Ottawa --CP Photo Science Fights Cancer Killer By BERNARD DUFRESNE Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) -- Medical sci- ence's running fight with cancer has all the earmarks of a detec- Statistics up to Sept. 9 show 70 ocean-going vessels loaded 16,- 620,380 bushels at the Lakehead for overseas ports. Another 25 foreign freighters took out more than 7,000,000 bushels for ports in Canada and the United States. Loading is slow because facili- ties at most grain ports are de- |signed for the long, open-decked |lake ships, Mr. Mahoney said. The shorter, deeper ocean ships have equipmnet - packed decks |and often have to be moved as grain flows into their hatches. LIKE RESTRICTIONS Mr." Mahoney said an ideal |solution from the association's |viewpoint would be a partial | geographical restriction on the On Market As Surplus OTTAWA (CP) -- Police Chief Reg Axcell expressed deep con- cern Wednesday about the ap- pearance on the market of a .22- calibre gun specially designed for use by airmen forced down in wild country and recently de- clared surplus by Crown Assets Disposal Corporation. | | Chief Axcell said the weapons| [are potentially dangerous and| 'should not be placed on public| |sale. | | "This gun," he said, "is com-| pact enough to be carried as a |concealed weapon and is too well suited as a holdup weapon to be sold generally. "It could easily be fitted with a telescope sight and sil for use as an assassination weapon." Chief Axcell said an Ottawa gun collector bought one of the guns from a local store for $25 and brought it to police head- quarters to be registered. Police investigation indicated that 20,- 000 of the guns were released by the federal Crown Assets Dis- RW .. hid a RBERT ROBICHAUD MOST REV. NO 'GREAT PROGRESS' Archbishop For Acadians Printing In Color For mailed to these specialists for their opinions. | SLIDES FOR STUDY | The registry also has built up| Newspapers LONDON (AP)--Roy Thomson, posal Corporation. The weapon uses .22 - calibre By JOE DUPUIS versity of St. Joseph's, 15 miles hornet cartridges which have a| Canadian Press Staff Writer from Yere. He was appointed large 'powder chamber and high] MONCTON, N.B. (CP) A!chancellor fo the bishop here im- Spelling Of City Gets Standardized Interview With Atheist Cancelled MONTREAL (CP)--La Presse says it has learned from well-in- formed sources that Paul-Emile Cardinal Leger personally inter- vened to delay showing by the CBC of a filmed interview with Sine de Beauvoir, Parisien au- Miss de Beauvoir, self-admit- is author of Les and Le Deuxieme Sexe, aovels which have been placed on the Index of Roman Catholic Church. The In- dex lists books considered unfit reading for Catholics. The newspaper says the inter- view was Yo lave been shows Sunday on the 's French- launguage network. A CBC spokesman confirmed that the ed interview had been cancelled. He said the de- cision was taken bv the CBC without outside intervention be- cause it was felt the interview might shock viewers. He said CBC officials, theolog- fans and philosophers would see and discuss the interview Wed- nesday night. "We are looking for an opinion from this group to see if we were right in cancelling the show," he said. WASHINGTON (AP)--The fed- eral government has finally standardized the spelling of Plat- tshurgh, N.Y. From now on, all official docu- ments and maps will Plattsburgh with an H at the end. Some maps have listed the city as Platts burg. An island now known as Win- tergreen Island in the St. Law- rence River between Wellesley Island and the New York shore will now be called Rylstone Isle. 'School Scheme | Drive Started shocking power. The magazine Roman Czlholic archbishop who|mediately following his ordina- holds eight cartridges. {never sas a parisk priest guides tion in 1930 and after 12 years be- the spiritnal destinies of 70,000|came archbishop. Acadians in this bilingual centre| "It's pecuhar," he said. "I al- Trade Stamps of the Atiantic provinces. ways wanted to be a priest, never | Archbishop Norbert Robichaud cared too much for administra | says the fast pace of moder Spark Debate |ing is creating some pre He was asked whether his abil- for (ities as administrator and leader OTTAWA (CP) -- The presi-|Acadians "but we are making kept him from being assigned to |delinquency and drinking HAMILTON (CP)--A proposal by Niagara peninsula locals of {the Association for Retarded Children for establishment of a {hospital school in the area is {rapidly gathering momentum. SHOP Woolworth's Visit Our. | NEW MODERN STORE: Self-Service and Centrally Heated for Your Comfort and Convenience. Ideal Gift For Her--New York Styled LADIES' PURSES REG. VALUE 3.98 5.00 Another Ideal Gift Beautiful New Fall GLAMOR ENSEMBLE SET Consisting of matching necklace and earrings in fully lined metal box. 1.98 This is an Ideal Gift for Him Finest Quality Men's Initialled POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS 3 « L100 Ideal Gift! five full sets of slides represent-| Canadian newspaper publiser ing the known gamut of tumors Said Wednesday newspapers will affecting the male and female|P2Ve be Primed in olor iy genetical systems, the skin, bones and with ocler television ad- and joints, and salivary glands.|" my oo: it's elusive, remaining hidden un-|Other sets are being prepared. oa me hse, come, Io five til fatal damage is done. Nobody| These sets are available on Loan color in jit papers," ay told 2 uite knows what it is or its/to 12 medical schools in Canada| Briti f Gufle |where undergraduate and post- luncheon of the British Newspa It has a thousand and one Eraduate students can study them|" ye on Wii faces. Some are easily identified; 2! leisure and learn to recognize If we blind ourselves fo the tive story. For one thing, cancer is a. killer. It took 21,795 Candian lives last year. Sometimes it can be arrested and removed. Often, dent of the Canadian Association great progress materially and'a parish A petition, to be sent to the On- of Consumers and the head of a|spiritually." "Well, yes. I suppose so," he tario minister of health and wel supermarket chain tangled Tues-| He .was the youngest arch-isaid, "But of course, you mustifare, now contains *'thousands" day night in a debate on the|bishop in North America when|rememper I had been with the of names, sald Hamilton spokes- value and legality of trading|appointed at the age of 37 to ad- bishop ali those years and then I|man Mrs. Herbert Blake. stamps. An audience of about|minister the 45 parishes in the spent three years studying in| To promote the plan, the penin- 150, about evenly divided on the Moncton diocese embracing the Rome, That would give me cer-|sula locals will conduct a tour of issue, helped liven proceedings. |New Bruaswick counties of West tain qualifications, eh?" |the Orillia Hospital School on The three - hour debate at morland, Albert and Kent. Archbishop Robichaud says ad- Nov. 19, and hops 3 include, ses suburban Nepean Township hall| ministraiion -- "all that paper|eral members of Parliament. was sponsored by the Westboro GREW UP ON FARM ._. work" --is his biggest headache,| Mrs. Blake, chairman of the in- A direct descendent of the fist 3-PIECE DRESSER SET. Genuine Nylon Bristle Copper Plated Mirror (will not cloud) 2.97 : {fact that TV advertising | we others are variations of known/Penign and cancerous growths. Board of Trade. Robichaud to settle in North and education for the Acadian stitutions committee of the Ham- 5 hy he |erful and productive, then we are types sease, A few are new and do not fall into any|8ery are sent to the registry. This| would swamp the small ..-ta a little laboratory, tucked|made up of Dr. Magner, D into a corner of the University of|F- Hill, assistant-registrar, a full- known category. Ottawa's medical faculty build-(t ing, a small team of medical re-|! searchers is busy stripping can-| cer"s many masks, one by one, and cataloguing them for further| medical research and study. Not all tumors removed by sur- ime and a part-time laboratory t echnician and one' secretary. Al- most 1,000 cases are expected to|clude Scottish independent tele- be catalogued this year. v Rather, pathologists keep an|a eye out for types that are un-|Printing and makeup had. re- being very short-sighted indeed. staf prove to be as dangerous as ex- rT. D.lpected. But I am convinced it will be another story in respect "Radio competition did not po TV," Thomson, whose interests in- ision, advised newspapers gainst being too conservative. Isabel Atkinson, consumers as- sociation president, said it has been "impossible" to get action! in Ontario against trading| stamps. Outside Qntario, every prosecution had brought a con- viction, President Bertram Loeb of the IGA grocery store organization contended the stamps are per-| fectly legal, He had introduced| America in the 17th century, the 54 - year - old archbishop talks plainly and slowly. He was one of 14 children born to a hard- working farm couple and grew up in St Charies, a hamlet seven miles from Richibucto, N.B. Becoming a priest was "always on my mind from as far back as 1 can remember." Three of his sister are nuns people us b:ggest problem. DEVOT CHURCHMEN Spiritually Acsdians were more devout then ever. "It's still not unusual ic a large family to have three s ns enter the priesthood." Modern Acviees like television, radio and easy modes of travel are helping Acadians acquire a "real bilingualism." They ¢lso helped spread delin ilton and district local said that Brant, Haldimand, Lincoln, Nor- folk, Welland and Wentworth counties now have about children requiring institutional care, COASTAL ENTRANCE Lion's Gate bridge at Vancou- ver has a channel span of 1,950 First Quality SEAMLESS MESH NYLONS Sizes 8%2 to 11. Reg. 1.00 each 2" 173" 87° f et at the harbor entrance. | usual, poorly documented or|mained fairly static for the last/his own scheme only after the | Life wa: a struggle for him quency and drinking habits TUMOR REGISTRY The laboratory is called the Ca-|circumstances that Jadian Tumor Registry, to which|searchers may find si bospital pathologists in all parts| ---------------------- of the country send specimens of tumors--beth benign and cancer- ous--removed in operations. Here, for the last 10 years, tu- mors have been examined, tested, marked and identified. Paper-thin slices of tumors, en- cased in wax, are attached to mi- croscope slides and filed away for later study here and by patholo- gists and medical students across the country. By the end of the year the registry will have some 4,400 cases on record. In a sense, it is a clearing house of information on tumors| is general, and cancer in particu-! ar, medical which are surrounded by special|few years, and many papers re-|'best legal experts in Ontario re-|lied on features that could be and Quebec" had assured him it znificant. 'done more effectively on TV. was legal. INTERPRETING THE NEWS De Gaulle Delays Summit Conference By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer Mainly because of manoeuvr- ing bv President Charles de Gaulle of France, President Eis- and the U.S. as the world's two main nuclear powers. At an East - West conferenc table would be Russia, the U.S., Britain - and France. All but ... The registry was established enhower will be. negotiating from|France have exploded nuclear and is supported mainly by the diminished political strength weapons. France will attempt to National Cancer Research Insti-| when East and West meet at the explode a nuclear device in the tute of Canada. | | YHREE PURPOSES Its clfief, Dr. Desmond Magner, | professor of pathology at the uni- Eisenhower retires and a second|" Both Russia and the U.S. have versity, said in an interview the regisiry's three purposes are to: summit next year, In fact, it now appears there may have to be at least two summit conferences--one before meeting to include the views of his successor. Risenh 1. Provide a Itative serv- ice to pathologists in Canadian hospitals who desire medical opinion of the athologists| when they encounter new or un-| usual types of cancer. 2. Build up a "library" of tu- mor specimens of all kinds. 3. Learn more about tumors, both benign and cancerous, and develop documentation on types that are not too well known. Consultation is not done here only, The registry has the serv- ices of some 45 pathologists in every part of Canada who are experts on various kinds of can- cer. When necessary, slides and known facts about a case are Expert Dreams Up Old Story TORONTO (CP) -- Harold Wright, government safety ex- pert, dusted off an old story to brighten his monthly report. He didn't expect to be taken seri. ously. | The tale is about a farmer who used a rope and pulley to hoist| a barrel" into a tree, filled it with| apples, untied the rope and hung | on. The heavy barrel pulled him up, hitting his shoulder; broke, open on the ground, losing its ap-| ples, and hit him as it went up and he came down; finally hit him on the head when he dropped the rope' and it fell. 's term has just one year to run. And_the closer he gets to the end Of his time in office, the less likely he will be to commit the U.S. to any deli- cate long - term decisions over which he could have little direc- tion or control. SUMMIT SPEED It is perhaps with this in mind that Eisenhower has been urging an East - West summit confer- ence this year. De Gaulle re- fused, favoring instead a summit next spring without putting a specific date on his proposal. Now de Gaulle has announced that Soviet Premier Khrushchev will visit France for two weeks beginning March 15. He also stated that in addition to the Western summit meeting planned for Paris Dec. 19 there should be another meeting of the Western powers before the full East-West summit is held. All this would seem to indicate further delays in the East-West negotiations, to the point where Eisenhower may even have to take a back seat in the final talks simply because he would be edg- ing close to a fadeout from the White House. A constitutional amendment would prevent him from secking a third term even if he wished to try for re-election. That may be to de Gaulle's advantage, for despite his avowed friendship for Eisenhower he has voiced suspicion of both Russia COMPANY NOT BLAMED NEW YORK (AP) -- A state Sahara early next vear, reject- ing appeals that she abandon |such a test. WAR DANGERS {expressed fears that if more countries join the nuclear club, the more possibility there is of a nuclear war. In this instance, the countering argument of de Gaulle may be highly by the 1 powers, He has raised the pos- sibility that Russia and the U.S. might try to divide the world between them or that they might even unite through some politi- cal and social upheaval. "In truth," he says, 'France, in equipping herself with a nu- clear weapon, will render a serv- ice to world equilibrium." To Washington observers it ap- pears equally true that de Gaulle {is seeking by every means to en- {hance the bargaining position of Ike To Extend Ban On A-Tests WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi dent Eisenhower seems certain to extend the U.S. ban on nu- clear weapons testing beyond the end of this year. The big reason is that negotiations with Russia for 'a permanent, inspected agreement are making some pro- | gress. U.S. officials sald Wednesday (that if progress continues in the {Geneva negotiations, even though they move slowly, it is impossi- ble to believe Eisenhower will or- der a resumption of testing un- derground. That is the main type of further testing that has been | seriously considered, because he The story was published in a investigation Tuesday cleared|is free of fallout. Toronto newspaper, and distrib-| uted across the country by The Canadian Press. Said Mr. Wright Wednesday: "1 Just used it as a joke." If anyone cares, there's a Mari- Consolidated Edison Company of| blame for last summer's wide- off electric service to 500,000 peo- ple. The public service commis- sion blamed the blackout on a | Advisers said Eisenhower has| not yet made a decision. He may {spread power failure here. It cut|want to talk about the problem | when he meets other Western | |lezders in Paris next month, The U.S. and Britain suspended time versicn of the same story series of cable failures that were text explosions a year ago Oct. --about a fisherman who hoisted concentrated by chance in a lim-|31 up a barrel of cod. | ited area. Russia followed suit in early {Church {from the t He was a frail ¢ twice his career at Anne's, inter- broke youngster a the Acadian College of St. Point,- N.S., was rupted when his heaith down. A group of priests financed his education. "My father was sick and my family had no money," he re- called. "1 had to rely on charity for my college education." He worked on the family farm during the holidays and '"'never quite Zn=w hether I would be able to return the next term." France at the East-West confer- BROAD EDUCATION ence table. And it appears by his shrewd Heart planning, he mav win his way. versity of Montreal and the Uni-'completed next year. After college he attended Holy Seminary, Halifax, Uni- among the younger set. But the archbishop is not against moder- ate drinking. "You kunw most Acadians are fishermen jovial, hard-working, --and when they return from the| sea with 2 hig catch and a bigger | pay-day trey hke to live it up" he said. *'1f they drink, somehow you really can't blame them. Out of 'this World d ate Smasth Scho. Restonic, Sever Hi al mat- Jey, Marthe inprice from § WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH STREET RECORD SPECIAL Top Recordings by your Favorite Artists, includ- "But an improvement in the drinking habits of our young peo- ple certainly is needed." i The erchbishop's palace is a| sturdy, brown stone mansion on {upper Main Street, recently sold | to the feueral government for! demolition to make way for an| office building. He will move, when a new $200,000 residence | ED WILSON SEZ: F inted furniture, don't mits 'these, Desks, $14; Book- cases, $3.99; Chests of Drawers, $17. WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH STREET ing all the tops 45 RPM. 77° REG. 98¢ We carry a complete selection of POCKET NOVELS Westerns, Love stories, Mysteries, Fiction all low- row i WE XA Ga ey HIGHEST Quality Meats 29 29 49 39: LEAN MEATY BLADE STANDING LEAN BONELESS BRISKET FRESH PORK SHOULDER FO "n Bread 2 Extra Features Christies Brookside 24.07. LOAVES and 33: g's C M H SNOWFLAKE RUP LB. PKG. Shoriening 23: LAMB order end have d anywhere Oshawe RED EMPEROR GRAPES BANANAS 2 Ibs. 2 "rE. Jeli OD MARKE 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Freshest Fruits Vegetables 10: RIPE Delivery Service Shop for vour $20 and over FREE $10 to $20 -- 25¢ $5 to $10 -- 35¢ Under $5. -- 45¢ it Fresh Home Grown Spring Lamb -- Just Arrived Holf or Whole LEGS 49 ¢ J CHOPS | RIB 49: | sHOULDER CHOPS ¢ 39 Ih Palies LAMB 19 est Prices in Town. NEW LUNCHEONETTE DELICATESSEN AND BAKERY COUNTER Serving you with wonderful food made from Woolworth's world-wide famous recipes. BAKERY ITEMS Special Delicious BOSTON CREAM PIE Made with Pure Whipped Cream REG. 60c gg SPECIAL MAPLE ICED FRUIT BUNS REG. 50c PER DOZEN 1AL DOZEN a STORE HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNES- DAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. FRIDAY 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. | | | November. | )

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