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The Oshawa Times, 12 Nov 1959, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Win In HONCR FALLEN COMRADES Placing the wreath are, lft, vice - president Vernon Mac- Carl, and, right, Branch 112 president Harry Inkpen, Stand- ing at the extreme right is Le- gicn Chaplain, Rev, David Marshall, who conducted the service. In the background is | As in communities all across Canada, vetearns of Whitby met at the cenotaph on Wed- nesday to honor the war dead in a Remembrance Day serv- ice. Above, the Legion wreath is placed at the foot of the monument during the service. By CLIFF GORDON Gives Dunnies Lead Kitchener was rested on Tuesday night and|poor showing they put up againsi ibly the rest made him athe Allan cup champs . , . Game The red hot Whitby Dunl ran their undefeated string+ to [five as they won a sparkling 6-2 " |game in Kitchener last night and| little more hung; Eric|time is 8.00 p.m. Pogue continues to dent the mesh adding another pair last night, He SUMMARY issed the third one for a hat ist Period took over sole p ion of first place in the OHA Sr. A league. Tom O'Connor, who sat out Tues- '|day night's game here, played lone of his better games and came up with a two-goal effort. | Eric Pogue also had a two-goal * |night as he ran to five his total lin four games. Pete Babando and ' |Geo. Samolenko each scored once ' |for the fired up Dummies, who led '160 with seven minutes to go in |the final period. '| Cliff Pennington and Bob Ertel i |scored for the losers. On Saturday night the Chatham i Maroons will be the visitors and once again first place will be at ' |stake, as the Maroons and the | |Dutchies play on Friday night ! land the Dutchies are one point | |behind the Dunnies with the trick on at least five occasions|l. Whitby: Babando . . . The Dutchies outshot the (Hassard) Whitby team 33-28 but had their| Penalties: Pogue, Myles, Ted efforts thwarted by the tremen-/O'Connor. dous goal tending of Long John 2nd Period Henderson who in words of ma::.!2. Whitby: Pogue ager Blair has 'never looked bet- (Etcher, Attersley) ; ter" , .. Sinden also played an|3. Whitby: Tom O'Connor .. improved game as ne was check-|3. Whitby: Pogue ing with more determination, (Babando) i Don't forget the really big one[5. Whitby: Tom O'Connor here on Saturday night when the (Kane, Sinden) Chatham Maroons will be the| Penalties: Laufman, visitors . . . The Maroons are O'Connor. still smarting from the whipping handed them by the Dunnies in|6. Whitby: Samolenko 3rd Period |presented to the chairman of thelthe FBYPA of Faith Baptist 32| McNeil, " THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November, 12, 1959 § Whitby Plaque Arrives In Whitby Englan A plaque presented to Com- mander Cassadi, of the Roya' navy frigate HMS Whitby, has arrived in Whitby, England. Ac- cording to the Yorkshire Evening Post, of Leeds, the plaque war Amateurs Meet By Faith Youth evening, Nov. 10, Whitby Urban District. Mrs. N. Lindley, of Whitby,| meeting in the form of an ama- who regularly receives the Eve-|teur night, in which the young ning Post, reports that a recent|people participated. The meeting edition carries a photograph o|started with a singsong and open- the presentation to Councillor K.|ing prayer by the president. of Whitby. Yorkshire.| George Tracy sang a solo en- The plaque was presented to him|titled "In Times Like These", by Lieut. R. W. Kent, of HME Whitby. On Labor Day, the plaque was presented to Commander Cassadi by Mayor Harry Jermyn, when the HMS Whitby visited Whitby for two days. solo by Beverly Manual. Jane Dale sang "God Did a Wonderfu! Thing For Me". The next on the program was a' guitar and meli- cano duet by Paul Dale and Bb Kirkland entitled "I've Got a Chatham the other night and are (Etcher, Attersley) anxious to get a big win right|7. Kitchendr: Pennington here in Whitby and possibly have|8. Kitchener: Ertel hn .. 13.02 Dave Molyneaux sang 'Praise SOLID STRUCTURES Him?" which was followed by a plano|ent for the presentations. were John R. Frost, John C. M. Kirk, Frank McLean, Louis Rous- seau and Horace Simpson. | Legion Men Receive Pins At Dinner Eleven members of Branch 112 of the Canadian Legion, Whitby, moved into a privileged group on Wednesday night as they re- Church met to hold its weekly ceived their 25-year pins, denot- ing 25 years' continuous mem- bership in tho Legion. The pres- entations were made at branch's Remembrance Day din- ner by former zone commander, William Beaton, of Oshawa. the Five of the group were pres- They Pins will later be presented to Alex. Bremner, William Cooke, ¢. C. Dolmage, Fred Hill, David v Mansions, after which Ted and|e C' Do yee Foot They join a group of 39 others. A type of sonerete Vian weed by The announcements were given Roman builders centuries before a eT ceived and their manager withdraw the $75 (Rope, Cleary) .... fine he tacked on them for their! Penalties: McBeth. Curist, Jane Dale and George Tracy | Maroons two back so one of them ' [could either tie the local team 'lor the other could tie the Dun- nies or with a win go ahead. A | |real tough well knit league this : |Sr. A one. The game on Satur- | |day night starts at 8.00 p.m. | This was another very fast ciean game with the Dunnies| really showing their power and plays to good advantage. Hender- son, in the Whitby cage, played a terrific game and received the first star of the night. Bob At- tersley picked up the second star with Harry Sinden garnering the third star. There were only six penalties during the game with {he Dunnies getting five of them. ICE CHIPS: It was really good 10 see Tom "The Bomb" O'Con- nor come out of his slump and finally hit the score sheet. Tom the color party with veterans behind them on the street. Tak- ing part in Whitby's parade, besides veterans, were the Whitby Brass Band and Boy Scout troops. --Oshawa Times Photo. Glasgow To St AndrewsYW Visit Rebekahs | Hear Constable The November meeting of St. The regular meeting of Whithy|Andrew's Young Women's Group Chapter No. 248 Order of the Was held at the Church Hall Eastern Star was held on Tues-| Monday evening. The president, day evening in the Masonic Hall| Mrs. George Thwaites, was in WHITBY SPORTS SPOTLIGHT By WREN A. BLAIR with the worthy matron, Mrs. |the chair. Using the theme "'Re-| Maude Boyes, presiding, assisted membrance", the devotiona!| py the worthy patron, James period was conducted by Mrs. C. Martin. Partington and Mrs. D. Kerno WITH GERRY BLAIR PINCH-HITTING Tuesday night the Whitby Dunlops won their Following the presentation of the flag by the Marshal, Mrs. Mary Inkpen, the following intro- han. | Mrs. Partington introduced the | speaker for the evening, Mr. C. fourth straight game beating the Kitchener-Waterloo Dutchmen 5-2, here in Whitby. Hockey fans would travel a long, long way to find a better hockey game d i | Hilliard, who spoke on the newly ductions were made: PDDGM organized Safety Council in Whit: a by. He urged all members to sup- member of Whitby Chapler,, [Port the council and attend the Mrs. Winnifred Newton, Whitby Meetings. A question and answer Chapter, past matrons and patron | Period followed. Miss M. Ross of Whitby Chapter, Mrs. Anna|Moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Patterson, Mrs. Pearl Rope, Hilliard on the group's behalf. Mrs. Blanche Moorehouse, Mrs,| During the business session Elsie Goose (acting in office), | Which followed plans were final- Mrs. Julia Thomas (in office),|1z¢d for the annual bazaar to Mrs. Grace Bow, Mrs. Mae Phair | [ake place in the Church hall on i ; | Wednesday, Nov. 18. The meet- i gh ree) James ing was brought to a close with . _|the repeating of the Mizpah bene- Mrs. Margaret Riddell, of Mar diction. Sunbeam was warmly greeted by ; the worthy matron who said how Jere: Mrs. D. Kernohan, Mrs. pleased she was to see her come|C: artington and Miss M. Ross. back to visit the chapt The dial welcome to all officers and| WHITBY everyone for their faithful at-| tendance and their splendid co- PERSONALS operation throughout her year in} Sick and Sunshine reports were . 1! given by Mrs. Elsie Goose, PM, (Freer 18 IP the Oshawa General and Mrs. Jessie Johnston. The M d Mrs. J b Rat | secretary, Delphine Conibear, and| "an rs. cosepn ale are Moase, each in turn read their|c0untry, deer hunting. yearly reports. Auditors' report Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gagnon was read by Mrs. Julia Thomp- and children, Carmen and Leo, son, PM. spent a few days in Rouyn, Que- Mrs. Kathleen Coates, worthy on's mother, Mrs. Odina Gagnon. grand matron, authorizing the™ -- chapter to dispense with the sec- hy Mrs. Winnifred Newton, ond meeting in December which, PDDGM. Following the close of was received from Blue Ray under the supervision of Mrs. Chapter, Port Perry, to attend Mae Phair, PM. A tasty lunch their installation night on Nov. was served, provided by the wor- thy matron and the worthy BROC Phone MO 8-3618 N Pl : EVENING SHOWS 6:30 & 9 P.M. ow dying MATINEE SATURDAY at 1:30 Pe ¥ otf a » forst Chapter, Glasgow, Scot-| nye" ociaeses for the evening 3 worthy matron extended a cor- office. Mr. John Linton, of Anderson the treasurer, Mrs. Bernice|SPending two weeks in the north A letter was received from bec, where thev visited Mr. Gag' falls on Dec. 24. An invitation|the meeting, bingo was enjoyed The farewell was given patron. 4 ) Acclaimed Ll by the press... @! cheered by millions... see why everyone says it's GREAT! », Feature At 6:30 And 9:20 M-G-M PRESENTS IN MGM CAMERA 65 MONTGOMERY CLIFT ELIZABETH TAYLOR REVA MARIE SAINT. RAINTREE COUNTY In the great tradition of Civil War Romance «we NIGEL PATRICK - LEE MARVIN FOR THIS ATTRACTION FEATURE STARTS 6:30 than was witnessed here by the largest crowd of the season, Tuesday's crowd was extremely appreciative of the fine performance put on by the locals as they swarmed in on "Boat" Hurley, time after time, pepper- ing 47 shots at him. John Henderson in the Whitby net came up with one of his best games since donning a Whitby uniform, making almost impossible saves on three or four occasions. Fred Etcher and George Samolenko came up with their best efforts of the sea- son. Etcher scored two goals and assisted on two oth- ers for an outstanding performance, while "Sammy" had two counters. Bobby Attersley, assisted on four goals, and was skating exceptionally hard all evening. Erie Pogue continues to catch the imagination ef the local fans, with his vigorous checking and all-round colorful antics. He made a real fine play on one of Fred Etcher's goals, taking the puck behind the Kit- chener net, deking around momentarily and planting it right on Fred's stick, with the latter promptly slap- ping it home. Last night we travelled to Kitchener with the Dunlops and saw them win their fifth straight game and move into undisputed possession of first place, whipping the Dutchmen, 6-2, Whitby had built up a 6-0 lead before Kitchener finally clicked near the end of the third period. It was simply a case of too much Dunlops. Eric Pogue continues to pot goals, scoring two again last night, while Tommy O'Connor also had a pair. Tommy was given the night off at home against Kitchener, hoping to help sharpen his scoring eye, and apparently it paid off. Whitby's league lead may be short lived, as Kitchener and Chatham tangle on Friday night, and the winner of that affair will move back into first position. Should Kitchener win they will be one point up on Whitby, but if Chatham win they will be tied with the "Dunnies" and Satur- day night's contest here in Whitby between Chatham and the Dunlops will be a dandy, as the locals fight to maintain that familiar spot of being on top. GAME TIME IS 8:00 P.M. The "Dunnies" are playing tre- mendous hockey at the moment, with the defence playing exceptionally well and John Henderson in the nets seldom better. The club have allowed only seven goals in the last five games. TOWN AND COUNTRY .. . Clinton Comets, de- fending champions in the U.S. Eastern Hockey League, drew their largest crowd of the season last Saturday night against New Haven, with the Coments winning 4-1. Clinton are currently tied for first position with five wins in seven starts. . . , Chatham were trounced at home for the second straight time, by Windsor Bull- dogs last night 9-1. Whitby harded them their other whipping last Friday, 8-1, and manager-coach John Horeck levied $75 fines for their performance. Wonder how much the Maroon mentor will come up with this time. . . . Whithy Hillcrests remain undefeated in exhi- bition play after three starts, pulling out a tie with the Peterborough Junior "Bees" here on Monday night, 3-3. . . . Whithy Dunlops are scheduled to appear in classy new uniforms here on Saturday night against the Chatham Maroons. , . . Phil Watson, fiery coach of the New York Rangers appears to be on his way out at N.Y. Although he is reported ill, and will be away for a month, its common knowledge that he's been on the block since the blueshirts blew things last spring. The Rangers pitiful performance thus far this season hasn't helped any ... . Rudy Pilous at Chicago is ano- ther coach who is in trouble. . . . Billy Carter, flashy centreman with the Hull-Ottawa Canadiens Pro team is setting a scorching pace, and has ngw scored 20 goals after a months play. . . . Belleville McFarlands lost a heartbreaker at home Tuesday night, when the Chatham Maroons scored in the final minute of play to eke out a 3-2 win . . . Barrie Flyers are off to a good start tied for top spot with St. Mikes in Junior "A" play. Jerry Brown's Hamilton Cubs have skidded to the cellar again. . . . Winse Bradley, publicity man for the Oshawa Major Hockey League, messages that they need another team to round out the league which plays every Sunday evening in Bowmanville, . . . Can't help but mention again that John Henderson has seldom played better goal for the "Dunnies" than he has lately. He has allowed seven goals in the last five games, which is less than two per game. Alf Treen is Outlined To Le Departing from the usual Re- were to liquidate her sub fleet, membrance Day theme, a former |:his would be a real gesture of senior Canadian naval officer on|Zood faith on their part to indi Wednesday night recalled some|cate that they really want dis- of the history of Canada's navy armament. which will next year celebrate its| During the dinner, branch pres- 50th birthday. Speaker at the|ident Harry Inkpen acted as annual dinner for Branch 112 o |loastmaster. Chaplain Rev. David the Legion at Whitby was Com- Marshall conducted a tribute to modore Robert I. Hendy, now a|the fallen, civilian barrister in Toronto. Comrade Frank Rosettani sang Following an introduction by|the Lord's Prayer, accompanied Legion vice - president Ingram at the piano by Robin Nicholson. Marsh, Commodore Hendy told| Comrade Robert Adams proposed his audience of veterans that|ihe toast to the town of Whitby Canada's Sea History sang "Springs of Living Water". Then an accordion solo, "Thank You Lord" was played by David Cross. Pastor Corbett sang a solo fol- lowed by a guitar and melicano duet by Paul Dale and Bob Kirk- land. By means of a metre and the claoping of hands, Jane Dale and George Tracy were chosen as winners with their selection "Springs of Living Water", The speaker for the evening was Pastor Corbett. The meet- ing was closed in prayer. Next LJ and Reeve Everett Quantrill re- sponded on behalf of the town. The toast to the Canadian Le- gion was proposed by Terence V. Kelly, of Oshawa, who represent- LADIES' AUXILIARY CANADIAN LEGION ANNUAL BAZAAR Fri., Nov. 27 3 P.M. LEGION HALL week Paul Fawcett will be visit ing with a group of young people. ed Wren Blair at the dinner. Thanks to the ladies' auxiliary, who served the dinner, was ex- tended by branch vice - president Vernon MacCarl. Mrs. George Brown, president, replied for her helpers. The evening concluded with entertainment, Catholic Women's League RUMMAGE SALE with the opening of the St. Law- rence Seaway, it now seemed that Canadians should know more] RUSSIANS UNFRIENDLY about their naval forces. The] ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP)-- role of the navy, he said, is not A reporter who attempted to land Satirely ppretiate by Cana. at a Russian scientific base on a Ei a |an ice iskand north of Berin Strait The seaway opening, he said,|52Y5 the Soviets gave unquestion- had made it possible for Queen|able proof that they want no Elizabeth to sail into the hear |Visitors. Michael Cope of the Lon- of Canada and later this same ing Dally xpress £2 that when a i int fi {his chartered plane flew over the i gi 2 Juernationsl|f;. fing Russian base prepara- : [tory to landing, the Soviets rolled FIRST CASUALTY {oil drums onto the landing strip In World War I, he said, Can- And drove vehicles up and down ada had two cruisers at the out-|it, making a landing impossible. Walmsley & McGill headquarters for McGRAW-HILL TECHNICAL Saturday, Nov. 14th ® 10 AM. TO 3 P.M. ¢ COUNCIL CHAMBERS break of war. As an indication of the navy's credo that it is always | the front line of battle, the first| Canadian casualty in World War| Il was a sailor. At the beginning of World War| II, he said, Canada had six de- stroyers at the ready. He noted the job they had done on convoy duty and observed that althougi their military passengers had not always had first class accommo- dation for the trip across, none had ever complained about the security. "We should remember the work those men did," he said. "Their only tombstones are the restless waves." WON FIRST VC One of the first Canadians to win the Victoria Cross, he said, was a sailor on a Royal Navy shiv in the Indian mutiny. The last Canadian to win the VC, he said, was also a sailor, who was decorated for an aerial attack on a Japanese destroyer on Aug. 9, 1945, just before the war ended. While on the note of naval de- Willard Dodd wishes to announce that he is offer- 115 BROCK NORTH, WHITBY Just North of the Four Corners ing himself os candidate for MAYOR of WHITBY in the coming Municipal Election MILD CURED MEALED fii 39 FRESH 1959 SPRING LAMB Fronis Qir. , 23° FRESH 1959 SPRING LAMB Leg Roast , 58° Mr. Dodd has served the corporation os councillor consecutively for the lost five years ond hos served on many committees, lotely as chair man of Fire, Street Lighting, Traffic, Street Names and Signs. He is cur- rently president of the Canadien Cancer Society, Whitby branch, end served os Compaign Manager in the Society's blitz last spring. He is also Third Vice-President of the Canadian Cancer Society, Ont. ario County Bronch, He is married, has three children, end hos been o resident of Whitby for 10 vears. Since coming here, he has taken an active part in community affairs, Breakfast PORTERHOUSE OR T-BONE STEAK or 79. ROAST bv. bh, SMOKED SLICED PRIME RIB » 99° ®. 49 FRESH LOCAL ». 39° Capons » 79° FRESH SLICED Side Pork SLICED, COOKED Reg. fences, he said that if Russia MODEL 400 LUKE & BROWN MO 8-2081 another "Dunnie" playing splendid hockey at the mo- ment. (55) BONUS VALUE oD MODEL 451 and GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC DRYERS GENERAL ELECTRIC FILTER-FLO COME... SEE... WRINGER-WASHER YOU WILL BUY nm $318 All Deals Customed fo the Customer's Requirements MANY OTHER MODELS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE, AS LOW AS $159 Independent. Sales & Service WHITBY, ONTARIO WHITBY § -- SERVICE TO ANY MAKE T.V. AERIALS, REPAIRED, MOVED AND INSTALLED 309 BROCK ST. SOUTH HOPPING PLAZA Dla ts Link ota AEE

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