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The Oshawa Times, 20 Nov 1959, p. 6

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City Officials Fo At Come Double Club Meeting rm Panel "GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES Mrs. Frank James opened the|decided to try to raise enough meeting with a prayer. Mrs. money to buy a duplicater for Joseph Broadbent took charge ofthe school. CANADIAN LEGION AUX. The Ladies' Auxiliary, Cana- dian Legion Branch 43, met on ly inte! 1 49, t, Th ing Fo diet Drak jin a gent designer and there Tuesday evening. with President Works, Mr. George Wand'ess, of The business session was con.Mrs. Herbert Bathe presiding. the City of Osh planning |d the presidents, Dr. a=1 Mrs. Roy A. Kennie was initiated board and Mr. Robert Richard-|Mrs. Gordon Adair, who wel./and welcomed into the auxiliary. son, city engineer and member|crmed a new couole, Mr. and Some fine goods were displayed of the traffic advisory council Mrs. James Semple. next|for the bazaar which will be held formed the panel for discussion bowling night was announced for next Tuesday, November 24, at of past, present and future road Saturday, Nov. 21. Mr. and Mrs. |8 p.m. A cedar chest and con- and city expansion plans for Osh- Jack Piatti are in charge. tents, also other prizes, will be the devotional period and gave] Members were invited to at- the Christmas card report. Mrs./tend the Ontario Federation of Harry Jeffery gave the treasur- Home and School Associations er's report. A benevolent collec-|Conference, to be held November tion was taken to help families|21, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the need. {Dunbarton School, Dunbarton. Arrangements were made for The theme will be "Our Respon- the final meeting and Christmas| sibility to Youth." party to be held at the home of Mr. Graham Nelson gave a talk Mrs, C. E. Young, D ber 14.|on Citi hip. The room attend- NEWLYWEDS United in marriage recently at St. Gregory's Roman Catho- lic Church were Teresa Man- tello, and Joseph Castellan, of Oshawa. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. awa at the meeting of the North- minster Come-Double Club held at the church recently. Each, in turn, explained the functions of his office after which questions were answered. During the devotional service led by Mr. Earle Huntley and Mr. Wilfred Little, the Reverend H. A. Mellow spoke on "the truth {that behind all creations there is Mr, Fred Pearse, treasurer, re- ported on the sale of the dance tickets for the club's annual fa raffled at the bazaar, Mrs. Edward Bouckley, first vice-president, presented the dance, to be held N using the theme "Kandy Kane Kapers". Plans were made for sponsor- ing a lecture by Mr. Larry Hen- derson to be held on January 22. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ovens and their committee arranged the evening's entertainment. } omen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 83-3474 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 20, 1959 PERSONALS A successful bridge was held at the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, on Monday evening, November 16, under the auspices of the Junior Castle Chapter Alumnae. The guests were re- ceived by Mrs. S. L. Osborne and Miss Doris Batty, president. Joseph Mantello and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Castellan of Yugo- slavia. --Photo by Mary's studio The prize winners names were TV, the host and hostess were assisted in recelving by Miss Helen O'Reilly, pre:ident of the Toronto Branch of the Canadian Women's Press Club, and Mr, Douglas Creighton, president of the Toronto Men's Press Club, Among those on the guest list was Mrs. Jo.. Aldwinckle, Osha. wa, ship at the OCCI recent ly, and Mrs. Norman McEvers, second vice-president, presented the scholarship at the OCVIL These were donated by the aux- iliary. A donation of one hundred dol- lars ($100) will be given to the Poppy Fund, and the usual dona- tion to the Christmas Seals TB Fund, of twenty-five dollars, Members with Christmas Sav- ings Cards were asked to bring them in for December 1, also the names of children eligible to attend the Christmas Tree party must be in by November 21, The election of officers will be held on December 8 and the Aux {liary Christmas party December 15. Members reported' slok were Mrs, Spencer and Miss M, Broek man in Oshawa General Hospital, Mrs, H. Wolfram and Mrs, Mrs. Jack Perry, president of the|ance banner was wo. by Miss WA, gave a talk on questions to| Ell 's room. Next month's be answered on the amalgama- Meeting will be the Children's tion of the Woman's Association|Christmas program. and the Women's Missionary So-! Refreshments were served by cleties of the church. Mrs. E. L. Bradlev and her an Jamey Toad a SUEY on 'Renewing venant". | ' st nome ve ove St. John's Ukrainian Red and green candles and i Christnag centre Dieses decorat- Barvinok Branch the tables a ed a festive : ina tho November power) NOVember Meeting supper meeting of the Fellowship| Mrs, Steven Hercia was host Gtoup ol Jog Street Unitedity the members of the St. John's & Glynn Pehrse Jed in the Canadian Ukrainian Women's As- devotional period, Mrs. Glenn Sociation Barvinck Branch Howell read a Christmas story hs on ey met for the November and Mrs, Pearse closed. with a|mceting. Mrs. Walter Kuch, pres. poem and prayer. Mrs, Ivan Mor-| ident, conducted the meeting. rison mccompanied at the piano| Frayer was led by Mrs. for the carols. Dmytra Luchak and the minutes Mrs, Seymour Bigwood presid-| were read by, Mrs. John Gore- ed for the business meeting and |?lad. She also read circulars welcomed two guests, {rom the Central Fxecutive re- Minutes were read by the sec-|garding the Ukrainian Women's / retary, Mrs, P. A. Tresise. Association Journal which will Charles Wilcox at home, Group projects for the balance |be issued in the new year. The At last week's eocial event|or the year were discussed and|members decided to hold a So- Mrs. Edward "Bouckley was 000 | sanveners delegated. It was a'so|cial Bingo evening on November vener for card bingo, with Mrs |lecided to hold a night of cards|25 to raise funds {or the publish- Alyn Elliot assisting early in the new year with date|ing of the Journal, CONANT Nf and § ASSN, fol WangUnEed by. the executive, Mrs, Steven Gonta and Mrs. Mrs, William Baldwin presided iy, christmas dinner meeting of Nicholas Semeniuk submilted a at the monthly meeting of Conant! a) the WA gronns would he he'd|"eport on the t-easury, inclvdi-o Home and School Assdeiation ton Thurs tay. December 10, {a financial statement on the fall Mr, J. D, R, Galbraith, vein: A white Yui enllestion was [dance held recently Ms, K'2"| cipal of Conant schap!, anneuncedifatron and It was decided to vse thanked all the members for| that report cards would be sent!this Cristmas fund this year for|their support in making the to the parents at neon on Deda local need, dance a success. cember 4, He read "a guide to] Mrs, Pearse presented the re-| Mrs. Walter Gregorenko wr sc WEDDING PRINCIPALS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ernest NacNei! were married recent- Jv at St. Gregory's. Roman Catholic Church. The bride, the former Miss Marion Pa'ricia Fisher, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Alfred Fish- er and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frances MacNeil, all of Oshawa. Photo by Hornsby which will be held on Sunday, - RED HAIR There are no red-haired races. drawn by the Dean of the Col- lege as follows: Mrs. Kenneth Holliday, Mrs. H, Myers, Mrs. M. J. Akey, Mrs. J. W. Kaine, homework" which would be help-(port of the nominating commit-laccepted as a new member in December 20. The group is in ful to parents. {les with the Installation of o'fi-|the club. |sharge of the preparation of It was announced the|cers to take place at the Jaau-| Additional executive members gifts and treats which St. John's school collected for ary meeting, chosen for the forthcoming year|parish provides for the children Red hair is an individual trait, A wedding reception, dinner and dance was held recently at the Slovak National Hall, Ritson Beview of Children's Gift Books that $150 Timely Topic at Young Canada Book Week was anticipated last Wednesday by the speaker, Mr. D. W. Quick, of Toronto at the University Wo- men's Club. Mr. Quick chose to review children's books at pres- ent available in book shops for Christmas buying. M Ss were Mrs. J. MacDougall, Mrs. A. E. Johnson, Mrs. B. Ayre, Mrs. B. C. Roper, Mrs. John Carter, Mrs, nadian Federation of University! wall, Mrs. W. E. Dunn, Mrs. Women's Committee for Educa. william Lock, Mrs. R. Burr, tion. Study groups, which have|mys. W. Davidson, Miss Millie been formed, announced aL Miss W. Boys, Miss first meetings. Members of the Greta Lee, Miss Dorothy Cath- club voted to send $50.00 to|erwood. UNICEF for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Allman, Club Meeting advised to keep a pencil and pa per handy and many were noted jotting down ideas for gift books during the course of the talk. Mr. Quick mentioned that it was particularly approoriate that the club should recognize Young Cansda Book Week since this event was originally sponsored by the Canadian Federation of University Women. He felt that(of Oshawa and the late Mrs. Me- Lean took place at Albert Street United Church on Saturday, Oc- tober 31, with the Reverend S. C. H. Atkinson officiating. the reviews would be useful to members since children's books were not, as a rule, reviewed in the newspapers, Mr. Quick had brought a large display of bpoks and he gave some idea of the story and style of each book, showing the illustrations. Several books he did not recommend gince he felt they were tno lih- eral, or too limited and did not in any way expand the vision of the world about a child. He men- tioned de la Mare's quotation, "only the best for children" and stated that present day publish- ers reserve some of their finest work in printing and illustrating for children's books. Mr. Quick was introduced hy| Mrs. B. Lewis and was thanked by Miss Enid Wallace, head li- brarian in the children's section SNCTAT, NOTICFS |Gliddon avenue, were honored [by friends and neighbors on |Tuesday, November 17, at a sur- MARRIAGE |prise party on the occasion of The marriage of Dorothy Aitch-|their twenty-fifth wedding anni- ison Barclay, daughter of Mr. versary. Mrs, Allman was pres- and Mrs. George Aitchison of] of yellow Oshawa, and Mr. enied with 3 corsage Lean, son of Mr. W. H. McLean pr Allman with a carnation Clifford Me-| pom pom chrysanthemums and boutonniere. Mr. Cassel Larmer, brother of the bride, addressed the honored pair, recalling their courtship days and wedding day. He expressed the wishes of the guests for long and prosperous years ahead. Mrs. Howard mith (one of their twin daugh- ters) presented them with a VON STATISTICS road south, in honor of Guards- man Milford Gerald Stire, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milford Stire of Oshawa, and his bride, the for- Mr. and Mrs. Max Makler of Essen Gc¢oz:2ny. The couple were married recently in Essen and are now making their home in Oshawa. They received many lovely gifts from friends and re'- reception from Oakville, - ford, Toronto, Brooklin, Whitby and Hampton. You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little items of interest. News of anni- versaries and comings and go- ings are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge. Please write or telephone RA 3-3474, local 18. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Plumb of guests of Mr. Plumb's sister, Windsor, Ontario, were weekend Mrs. Floyd Gavas and Mr. Gav- UNICEF. It was decided to give an al- tendance banner at each meeting to the class with the most points, mer Ursula Makler, daughter of(One point will be awarded for nfothers present, two for fathers and one for guests, Miss Joan Hobbs' class won the banner for November. It was announced that a night of cards will be the project for atives who were present at the the year. | ANN CROZIER GROUP The Ann Crozier group of the WMS of King Street United Church met on Tuesday after- noon, November 17, with Mrs. Oscar Morrison presiding. were: Sunday S-hool committee, Mrs. Paul Plishka; ways and means S.A. HOME LEAGUE The regular meeting of the Sal- vation Army Home League was : 4 h held on Tuesday afternoon, No- committee, Mrs, Sieven Hercia, vember 17. Mrs. Walter Gregorenko; pro- Mrs. Charles Cathmoir led in|gram convener, Mrs. Alec Stec; the singing of a few choruses. The|Shower convener, Mrs, Robert {Rainbow Group under the leader-|Sholdra. ship of Mrs. Thomas Myers led| Plans were discussed for the in the devotional period. annual group Christmas party. Mrs. Clayton Hurlbert led in|The date was 'set for December the singing of a hymn. Mrs.9 jn the Flying Dutchman Res- Myers read a poem "Home", |tayrant, Gifts will be exchanged. Mrs. Charles Brydges sang a| Algo discussed was the chil- of the Sunday scnool classes every year. Guetss at the meeting were: Mrs. Boris Rechitski, Mrs. Olga Topping, Mrs. Peter 'Dobroshin- sky and Mre. Sadoway. Refreshments were served by the hostess. HOUSEHOLD HINT Hang trousers or slacks by the legs after washing, so. that the wet weight of the garment will solo, "Oh the Peace My Sa- ' ' viour Gives", Mrs. Myers gave a dren's St, Nieholes' program take out wrinkles, BACKACHE May be Warning kidney action. When kidneys order, excess acids and reading, "Dad and Me", Mrs. Wil- "Peace", Mrs. Myers gave a talk on "Peace", the five letter word Mrs. W. M. Med!and called the roll. Mrs. W. S. Short reported that 14 cards had been sent dur- ing the year. The offering was dedicated by Mrs. W. S. Pogson. Mrs. George Scott presented the worship service. Arrange- ing were made. ments for the December 3 meet- The nominating committee ap- {that means so much, Mrs, Brvd- |ges sang "Near to the Heart of |God" and Mrs. Major Rankin closed in prayer. | Tea was served by the Cheerio |{Group. Next week the meeting will be led by Mrs. Brigadier Gen- nery, wife of Divisional Comman- der of Belleville. Special features have been arranged. pointed were Mrs. John Booth, Mrs. W. S. Pogson and Mrs, Ed- as, Laurentian avenue. WEST COURTICE H-S ASSN. IRAAARARARARAAADVAAARAAAVRARRAARAAN At the regular meeting of the| board of directors of the Oshawa| Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses Miss Isabelle Sorley, nurse-in-charge, reported that during the month of October 381 visfts had been made and 20 new the period and fees totalled $436.75. The increase in visits was. 495 to date over last year. patients admitted. Hours worked Cassel Larmer. by the nurses totalled 425 during| collected| chest of stainless steel on be- half of all those present. The couple cut the anniversary cake during refreshments served by Mrs. Donald Allman, Mrs. How- ard Smith, Mrs. Roy Larmer, Mrs. Frederick Wight and Mrs. Mrs. Gordon Pierson and Mrs. Douglas Clark are assisting Miss Vera Slocombe, chairman of the enter t ittee of the Oshawa Ski Club, in planning a social evening for members and prospective members. A variety program has been arranged in- cluding films of Sun Valley, skits Mrs. Arnold Schell held a com- mittee meeting recently at her home on Rosmere street to make and refreshments tomorrow in |plans for a night of cards to be|King Street Centennial Hall ward Goodman. Red Door. Following the meeting a pot luck supper was enjoyed. SUNSHINE GROUP The Sunshine group of King urer's report. Street United Church WA Was| held on Monday evening, Nov- who helped with the turkey sup- ember 16 in the form of a pot per held at his home last week luck supper. The WMS de- cided to have a shower for the The November meeting of West Courtice Home and School Asso- ciation was held recently ' with the president, Mr. Eric Dunham, presiding. Mrs. Wilson Neil, sec- retary, read the minutes and Mrs. Donald Thompson gave the treas- Mr. Dunham thanked all those |in aid of the school fund. It was held in January under the au- A] spices of the Adelaide McLaugh- All Winter Coals Reduced 17-88 10 34.88 Buy while the selection is at its best. Save on new season styles. Imported Sealskin types, tweeds and pure wools. Chamois in- terlined. Sizes 10 to 18. CANADA'S MOST PROGRESSIVE SHOPPING CENTRE 68686888688 BEBEBHBABABHBEBIBABHBEBBABBOBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEABEBEH ls from BIRKS for Christma NORTHERN TULIPS lin Home and School Association. VIRGINIATOWN, Ont. (CP)--| : At the reception Wednesda Girl Guides In this Northern On-atternoon given by the rd tario community 24 miles east of ant-Governor and Mrs. J. Keil- Kirkland ake planted 200 golden|ler Mackay in his suite at tulip bulbs as a token of thanks|Queen's Park for members of Ithe press, magazines, radio and B of the McLaughlin Public Li- brary. : In the business meeting which preceded the talk, Mrs. H. F. Millen, president, announced that Mrs. George Drynan will repre- sent the Oshawa club on the Ca- for the community's support. J . NORMAN BEAL MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MEN'S OUTDOOR WEAR OSHAWA'S HEADQUAR- TERS FOR MENS QUALITY SPORTSWEAR INCLUDING FAMOUS THERMO - WEAR MADE FOR THE MAN WHO WORKS OUTDOORS. IT'S FROM BIRKS CER TET - capacity unlimited Designed for the busy woman--no matter what her business-- who will benefit daily from its ample storage powers. Other note- worthy features of this noteworthy bag: smartly casual styling, easy-to-care-for plastic finish, moderate price. "THERMO COAT" an 14-97 10 39-50 MEN'S SPORTCOATS ®! 686888888 888888888888838388888848888888888888aB8B88038888438B888848488398989888638388884343838388888303888888 COZY and COMORTABLE . .. THANKS to CARPETING Carpeting adds warmth to a room, a sense of luxury and good taste. Especially when it's carpeting from ROSS E. MILLS. We stock only the finest . . .-at prices that are easy on your bud- get. We can supply carpeting to fit any need, any budget. Come in and look at our displays this week. Or call RA 8-6218 for an at-home estimo*= and details on our Budget Term Plan. NOTHING DOWN . .. UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY SPECTACULAR CENTRE Available in black, WIDE bone, tan or ginger plastic. Pre CHRISTMAS SAVINGS lvent NOW IN EFFECT An ideal Christmas Gift. BIRKS They're all wool and the FEATURE VALUE patterns are please. Sizes 36 to 46. 14-95 sure to Reg. 29.50 Remember ! Mf There is no problem exchanging gifts at Norman Beal's 3 AFTER CHRISTMAS "SAVINGS GALORE " AT EVERY STORE" Mail and phone orders Jilled promptly; please wie BIRKS d JEWELLERS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 8B868880388888888888B8B8B8B8B8B0B8B8BABEBIBEBEBBABEBERYBABEBEBH FRAIL st ; Ly [LOOKS % (1888886008888 B0B8B6BAB 308888388888 88B8B8 BE BEEBE BEBAB8BEBHBHBA80B8BEBEB0BEB8 883038 BSBB808088 BE BEBE BEBE © SEREEELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEEEEEEENEY

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